Scan Jul 16, 2023
Scan Jul 16, 2023
Scan Jul 16, 2023
Mathematical Physics
lT Vù 0, then the liquid is incompressible. For
Field conservative electric field
I gradientof a continuously differentiableas scalar V-=0
For solenoidal field
The may be mathematically defined
r grad V.ù=0
#=î+£ôg " Curl of a Vector Field
oy ôz
is defined
I Ais any vector, then curl of a vector field
grad On
curl 4 = VxÅ
gradient.ofa scalar at any point in a scalar field is a
The magnitude offwhich is equal to the maximum rate
the scalar functionfat that point. Its direction is
fincrease off
tothe level surface at that point. |Ox ôy oz
2 Line Integrals |4, A, A
Physical Significance :
Mline integralf.dr represents the limit of sumof When curl ù (where ù velocity vector)
is non-zero, the
products of f and dr (all path segments) taken vector field must have region, there will be nocirculation
tescalar B and dr >0 When curl j =0in some
aer thepath running from A or rotation at all in that region.
the region.
Surface Integral The vector field v is then called irrotational in
infinitesimal element
LetSbe any surface, divided into 1.5 Important Vector Identity
integral may be
gOresented as a vector dS . Surface V(py) = Vy+y
aROuntered as
div (Å+ B) = div Å+ div B
Transposed Conjugate of a
5The transpose of the Matrix
l conjugate
sAnsposed of4conjugate of a
and is denoted matrix A is
called Skew Hermitian
Mathematical Physics
by A. called Skew -A matrix such that a,=-a, 1s
Example: Hermitian
Example : Matrix.
1+2i 2-3i 3+4:1
A=|4-5i 5+ 6i 6-7i -2-i1
|2-i 0
7+8j Every
either zerodiagonal element of a Skew Hermitian matrix is
or purely
2.8 Adjoint of a imaginary number.
1+2i 4- 5i
Let A=[a, Square
then A =2-3i 5+ 6i 7+8; Matrix
3+4i 6-7i the matrix be any n x n matrix. The B of
7 transpose
1-2i 4+Si 8 B= 4 ijnxn
the (i, j)h element of Ais the negative of the (j, iyh element of |A|#0 or |4|=0
die., 2.10 Unitary and Orthogonal Matrices
a, =-a, A square matrix is said to be unitary if itsinverse is equal
to its conjugate transpose i.e.
A'= 4 or (A) =4!
Thus for amatrixA to be unitary
l-g -f 0
Each diagonal elements of a Skew Symmetric matrix IS Areal unitary matrix is said to be orthogonal
zero. For real A, above condition become
2.7 Hermitian and Skew Hermitian Matrices AA'= AA=I
nermitian Matrix :-A square matrix A= [a] is said to be 2.11 Trace of Matrix
ofAis equal tothe conjugate algebraic sum of its elements
Hermitian ifthe (i,j)th element In any square matrix the
called its trace.
Complex of the (i, i)h element of Ai.e., along principal diagonal is
Example :
a, =a, If A=
b-ic matrix must be at..... ta,mn
Hermitian The trace of A= 4,,+
Teal Every diagonal
element of a
IIT JAM Paysics 64
Nilpotent Matrix-Asquare matrix "A" is said
nilpotent, if"4= 0" where **" is called the i to
matrix and it it the positive integer. index ofthbee
The trace ofa product of two matrices is independent of Characteristic Equation of A
the order of multiplication 2.16
TAB) = TrBA) |4-l=0
Also trA + B) = rA) + ir(B) 2.17 The Cayley-Hamilton
satisties its characteristic
2.12 Idempotent and Involutory Matrices Every square matrix
ASquare matr1x .A is called idempotent provided it satisfies ie iffor a square matrix Aof order n equation
the relation.
J4a1 =(-1)'|2* +a2 ta,"*.ta)
Asquare matrix Ais called involutory provided it satisfies then the matrix equation
the relation. X + a,d+ a,h + ah t ... + al =
A'=1 is satisfied by X=A
or (/+ d)(I A) = 0 i.e., A" + a4= + a,4"* +.... +al= 0
where I is the identity matrix. 2.18 Characteristic Roots or
(a) For a given square matrix A, A-2I matrixKis called
2.13 Rank of a Matrix
A number r is said to be the rank of amatrix Aif it possesses the characteristic matrix, where 1 is scalar am.
is the unit matrix.
the following two properties:
(b) Characteristic Polynomial - The
(i) There is at least one square sub-matrix of A of order r
whose determinant is not equal to zero
|4-1| when expanded | will give a polynomial.
(ü) Ifthe matrix Acontains any square sub-matrix of order which we call as characteristic polynomial of matriy
r+1, then the determinant of everysquare sub-matrix A
ofA of order r + 1should be zero or we have, that the [4-1 4 2
rank of a matrix is the order of any highest order non 6-2 2
vanishing minor of the matrix.
2 4 4-2
" The rank ofevery non-singular matrix of order n is
11. - (4-2) (24 -101+1'-8)
The rank of the transpose ofa matrix is the same -4 (8-22- 4) + (8- 12-24)
as that of the original matrix. =-+142 -681+ 40
" If4and B be two equivalent matrices,
(c) Characteristic Equation - The equation
then rank A=rank B
4-Al=0 is called the characteristic equation of
2.14 Linear Equations
Suppose we have m equations in n unknowns. the matrix A e.g.
Coeficient matrixA willbe of the type m x n. -7 +14-681+ 40 =0
Let r = rank of the matriX or A+144-681 +40=0
(i) Ifr =n, then equation will have n-n, i.e., no linearly (d) Characteristic Roots -The roots of characteristic
independent solutions. equation |4-2|=0 are called characteristic roots
(ii) Ifr<n, we have n-r linearly independent solutions. of matrixAand also known as eigen values.
(ii) Suppose m <n, i.e., number of equation is less than the
number of unknowns. 2.19 Properties of Eigenvalues
The number of solution of the equation willbe infinite. (1) Any square matrix Aand its transpose 'A' have the
same eigen values.
2.15 Periodic Matrix
The sum of the elements on the principal diagonal
A square matrix 'A' is said to be periodic, if 4l = A, of a matrix is called the trace of the matrix.
vhere k is a positive integer. If k is the least positive integer (2) The sum of the eigen values of amatrix is equal l
or which Al=A, then A is said to be of period k. the trace of the matrix.
(e")=e F(D+ a)
in a period of one
Two Particular Cases
Case L. If f(r) is an even function ofx,
i.e.. f-)=f(r). then
discotini s,
3.3 Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations
Adifferentialequation of the form
d'y dt..ta,.j+a,y= 0
d" dx
Q is either a constant or a function of x is called
homogeneous linear differential equation. Snx dr
To solve such equation, we introduce anew independent
variables z such that and b, = 0
X=e or log x=z and Fourier series
d 1d f(r) =4, +a, cos nx
Case II. If f(x) is an odd function ofx
d f(-r)=f);
dx then Fourier series
Put x=D,, dD(D-1)and so on. f()=b, sin nx
3.4 Complimentary Function (CE)
(1) m,, m, ...n, are the roots of the auxiliary equation with b,=f)sinnxd
y=ce" t c,e" +....t c,e' and = 0; a, =0
[roots are distinct] Change of interval from (- I, N)to (-1. D
Fourier series will be
Or V=Gr" +C,r+.....+cx
(ii) rroots are alike, equal to m and rest all are different f()=4, +a, cos"+,sin "
CF =+c, log x+...+c, (logx) |" n=l n=l
tc,t..c,r" with
(ii) roots are imaginary
CF =cr cos(ßlog.xtC,) Similarly
The Fourier series for a periodicand piece wise continuous
function is 4.2 Fourier Series in the Interval (0, )
f(r)=a, +)a, cos nr+>b,sin nx Half Range Series
n=l nTX
then f(r)=a, tXa, cos
a,-jfivosnd -dx
Sine Series - If f(r) is odd function of x;
then fr)=>6, sin
4.1 Dirichlet Conditions
The function must have finite number of maxima and where
Mathematleal Physit
ntinuie WamogencousFFunetions
which every termIS of he sae dcyree
functions, Thus Then calculate r
IIrs' 0 nd r is ncuative. f(x. v) s maximuin at
functio ofx andy of degree n, This can V b,, Ifrt-'>0and ris positive, f(x, v) is miimum
alxa,,y b,. Ifr-< 0, f(x, y) is neither maximum nor
minimUm atx
Ifr-s' 0, the case is doubttul and further investigation
ora7(W),wherefv)is some fuction of (v/x). will be required to decide it. We shall leave this case.
whether a 6.2 Working Rule for Findíng theMaxima and Minima
tcst given lunction (x,v) is
not we put tx forx and ty for yin it. Suppose/(x,y,z) is a given function ofthree independent
|f'we get/(, ) variables X,yand z.Find Of / Ox,0f lôy and 0f / 0z and solve
f(r, y), the tunction f(, v) is the simultaneous cquations af l Ox 0, f /oy = 0 and
degree n; otherwise f(, 0/ /0z 0. All triads (a, b, c) of the values of x, y
) is not a and z
oblained on solving these cquations will give thestationary
is homogencous function of xand yof degree values off(x, y, z) the function
i.c., willl give the points at which
Nate2.Il and
u/er Qu lOy are also homogeneous functions y, z) may be a maximum or a minimum.
andy cach being of degree n To discuss the maximum or minimum off(x, y, z) at any
Euler' Theoremn on Homogeneous Functions point(a, b, c) obtaincd onsolving thecquations 0f lôx = 0,
values at this point of
Wuis a
homogencoUs function ofx and y of
degree n, Of 1oy =(0 and f /Oz =0, we find the
the six partial derivatives of second order off(x, y, z)
symbolically denoted as follows:
B= C=
Note. Euler's theorem can be extended to a homogencous
n of any number of variables. Thusf (r, X,
finction. ,,) if
homogeneous function of. X Xz .., , of F= of G= of and H
be a degree n, Oy 0z 0z Ox Ox Ôy
If the expressions
= nf A H G
B F|
6 Working Rule for Maxima and Minima be allpositive, we shallhave a minimum off(x, y, z) at
Supposef(x. y) is agiven function ofx and y. Find @f /ox (a, b, c) and if these expressions be alternately negative and
and Ùf lôy and solve the simultaneous equations f l ôx =0 positive, we shallhave a maximum off(x, y, z) at (a,general
b, c),
Conditions are not satisfied, we shall in
and f ly =0. In order to solve these cquations. In the lalter WnilSt 11 these
case cach factor of the first equation must be solved in (a. have neither a maximum nor a minimum of f(x, y, z) at
b. c).
conjunction with cach factor of the second equation. SuppOse
solving these equations we get the pairs of values of xand y 7. JACOBIANS
as (a, b,). (a, b,) etc. Then all these pairs of roots will give 7.1 Definition
stationary values off(r, y).
To discuss the maximum or minimum atx = 4,, y= b,, If u,, , .., , are functions of n independent variables
we should find X Xy ., X then the determinant
IT JAM Physics
functions of y, , and
Ou, Theorem. If u,, u, are
: : functions of x,, X, then
O(x,,x) O )
of the above Formula,
7.3 Generalization
functions of y
ôu, ou, If u,, u, ..., , y,
X, then
y,, J,y.., ), are functions of x, X , * ,a
is called the Jacobian of u,, u,, .., u with respect to x,,
O(y,} y.)
X,, ..., x, and is denoted either by O(u,,u,,.,4,) or by Functions.
O(x,,*,,.A) 74 Jacobian of Implicit
instead OT being Div
u, 1nstead
Theorem. Suppose u,, U,s .....,, U, A
Ju,, u,, ..., u). The second notation is used when there is
no doubt asregards the independent variables. explicitly in terms of x,, X .., X are connected with
Ifu, vand ware functions of three independent variables equations such as
x, y and z, we have F(u,, u, ., x, , x) =0
au ôu ôu
x) = 0
Gx ôy
ô(u, v, w)_ ov = Ju, v, w) Then, we have
o(x,y, z) ax y
O(F,F .,. )
| ôx &y ôz
7.2 Case of Function of Function.
We shall establish the formula for twovariables and the d(4,,u,,4,)
variable and the result can be easily extended to any number
of variables.