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Sfe Unit 3 Question Bank

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Eighth Semester
AI 8020- Special Farm Equipment
Regulations 2017
Question Bank
Q.No Questions Marks CO BL
1 Recall about self-propelled windrower. 2 CO3 R
 Self-propelled windrowers consist of two types of headers.
 The augur cross feed is the most common type on hay machines
but is too aggressive for grain.
 The draper type is employed on windrowers intended for both
grain and hay.
2 What is reaper binder used for? 2 CO3 R
 Reaper binder machine is mainly used to harvest & bind low stem
crops like wheat, rice, oats, barley, and straw, etc.
 The machine has different structure & working rows to meet
different needs of farmer.
3 Classify root harvesting equipment. 2 CO3 R
According to the source of power
 Manual operated
 Animal-drawn equipment
 Tractor operated equipment
According to the mode of hitching
 Trailed type
 Mounted type
 Semi-mounted type
 Self-propelled type
According to the unit operations performed
 Simple digger
 Digger-shaker
 Digger-elevator-windrower
4 Write the general considerations for efficient utilization of the root 2 CO3 R
harvesting equipment.
 Proper field layout
 Proper planting method
 Proper moisture content at the harvest time
 Pre-harvest treatment such as haulm-cutting, vine-killing etc.
 Proper adjustment of the depth of the digging
5 List the basic components of sugarcane combine harvest system. 2 CO3 R
 Gathering mechanism
 Topping mechanism
 Base cuter
 Feed conveyor
 Chopper
 Elevator
 Cleaning by air blast
6 Write the design criteria for selecting a sugarcane harvester. 2 CO3 R
 The sugarcane harvester to be developed should preferably be
operated by 70 to 80 hp tractor.
 The capacity of machine should be 1.5 to 2.0 ha/day or even more.
The cost of the machine should be within Rs. 25-30 lakhs.
 The machine should be light in weight with low turning radius.
 Trash content should not be more than 5%.
7 List the basic components of mechanical cotton picker. 2 CO3 R
 An arrangement for guiding the plants into the picking zone and
providing necessary support while the seed cotton is being
removed. Devices to remove the cotton from open bolls.
 A conveying system for picked cotton
 A storage basket or a container in which picked when is stored
8 Furnish the classification of corn harvesters. 2 CO3 R
 Snappers
 Picker-huskers
 Picker-shellers
 Grain combines equipped with corn heads
9 Illustrate the different units of maize harvesters. 2 CO3 U
 Gathering units
 Snapping units
 Trash removal
 Husking units
10 Write a short note on grape harvesting. 2 CO3 R
 Attempts have been made to harvest grapes with vertical stroke
harvesters, which have one impacter per row.
 This is a selfpropelled machine, which may have a stroke of 12 cm
or more, with frequency of 250 to 500 rpm.
 In this machine, shaking is carried out by slopping the vines from
the sides.


Q.No Questions Marks CO BL

1 Briefly discuss about construction, adjustment and alignment of reaper 16 CO3 U
with neat sketch.

 Harvesting of cereal crops especially wheat and rice is a serious

problem. There is a tremendous crop loss when untimely rain is
experienced. Delayed harvesting causes grain shattering due to over
 The standing crop in the field can be harvested with the use of
 A reaper may be classified as animal-drawn reaper, animal-drawn
engine operated reaper, tractor rear mounted PTO operated reaper,
power tiller operated or tractor front mounted vertical conveyer type
reapers and tractor mounted reaper binder.
Animal-drawn reaper: It consists of a cutter bar of 1.05 m length (Fig. 2).
The power to drive the knife bar is given from the ground wheel by means
of gear box, crank and connecting rod mechanism. As the machine is pull
forward by a pair of bullocks, a reciprocating motion is imparted to the
knife bar with a peak cutting velocity of about 100 m/min. The crop is cut
due to shearing action. The effective field capacity of machine varies
between 0.2-0.3 ha/h.

Animal-drawn engine operated reaper: It has a cutter bar of 1.35 m

length. A 2 hp 4-stroke petrol engine operates the cutter bar. The drive to
the cutter bar from engine is given through V belt and gearbox. It can cover
0.2-0.4 ha/h with field efficiency of about 80%.
Power tiller/Tractor front mounted vertical conveyer reaper
 A machine called vertical conveyor reaper–cum-windrower can cut
the crop and lay it in the form of windrow for easy picking. It
consists of a conventional cutter bar assembly, crop row dividers
with star wheels, covers, pressure springs and vertical conveyor
 Cutter bar is given reciprocating motion by crank wheel. Crop row
dividers with star wheels enter the standing crop, help in lifting,
gathering and guiding the crop towards the cutter bar.
 After the crop is cut, held in a vertical position during its passage by
means of pressure springs and star wheels.
 Vertically held crop is then delivered towards right side of the
machine in a windrow perpendicular to the direction of movement
of machine with the help of lugged conveyor belt.
 The gearbox and windrower is coupled to the drive shaft of the
prime mower.
 Pressure springs are fitted below the star wheels between the
conveying platforms to keep the cut crop in upright position while it
is being conveyed out of the machine.
 The power in case of power tiller units is transmitted through an
intermediate shaft to the gearbox on windrower either by belt or by
shaft drive.
 In tractor mounted models, the power to the gearbox is transmitted
from PTO shaft through gearbox by a long shaft running beneath
the tractor body to the front and with the help of universal joint and
telescopic shaft which is connected to the gearbox.
 Lowering and raising of reaper is carried out with the help of
hydraulic system of a tractor. In case of power tiller the machine
pivots on the power tiller wheels. By pushing the handle, the cutter
bar can be raised.
 A front mounted vertical conveyor reaper is the most common
reaper, to harvest wheat and paddy crops. It can also be used for
harvesting of soybean and other similar crops.
 Engine operated reaper can be operated with a 5-6 hp engine;
whereas, tractor operated reapers can be operated with 25-35 hp
 Width of cut is about 1.6 m in power tiller reaper, and about 2.05 m
in tractor operated reapers. Stroke per min of cutter bar is 1225 and
1550 in case of power tiller and tractor operated reapers,
 Power tiller and tractor-front mounted vertical conveyer reaper
windrower can cover about 0.2 ha/h and 0.4 ha/h, respectively.

2 (i) Explain the design consideration, adjustment and working of potato 8 CO3 U
diggers with neat sketch.

 Potato cultivation, especially on large size farms, has got

mechanized because; it was not possible to handle the labour
intensive operations like sowing and harvesting.
 Manually harvesting of potatoes requires about 800 man-h/ha,
which is quite a labour intensive job. However, potato-digging
operation has been mechanized with the introduction of potato
 The machine may be manually operated or power operated such as
animal-drawn potato digger (Fig. 1), tractor-drawn potato digger
(Fig. 2), potato digger shaker and potato digger elevator (Fig. 3).
 The potato digger elevator consists of a shovel, rod chain conveyor,
gearbox and two gauge wheels.
 The machine digs one or two ridges of potatoes at a time and picks
up the soil-potato mass over the rod chain conveyor.
 Agitating sprocket, of this conveyor oscillates the rod chain and
separates the soil. The tubers with no or very little soil drop out on
the ground in a row behind the machine, which are later collected
 These machines are commercially available and are used widely in
the northern states of India. Most of these machines are 2 row
machines, but 1-row and 2-row both types of diggers are also
 The machine can cover 1.5-3.0 ha/day at forward speed of 2.0-3.0
km/h. Potatoes are easily bruised or skinned but are less susceptible
when fully mature than when immature.
2 (ii) Write the design consideration, adjustment and working of groundnut 8 CO3 R
diggers with neat sketch.

The combination digger shaker comprises of single piece curved blade with
extension rods welded at the rear, two disc coulters and an endless chain
type pick-up elevator-cum-shaker conveyor (rattler) having spiked rakes
bolted to the chains.
Power transmission of the digger consists of a gear box, a cross drive shaft,
V-belt & pulleys and driving sprockets mounted on a shaft supported over
members of the frame.
Front portion of the shaker conveyor can be adjusted up or down with the
help of a hand lower chain. The width of cut is 1.22 m.

Principle of operation: The blade digs the crop from a 1.2 meter wide
strip. The vines are picked up and lifted by the shaker conveyor that
follows blade. The soil adhering to the roots and pods is shaken off at the
conveyor and the vines are dropped at the back in the form of a fluffy
Tractor PTO operated groundnut digger shaker is quite popular in
northern India far harvesting groundnut. The machine consists of a blade,
elevator-cum-pick up reel, power transmission system, windrower
attachment and fenders, gauge wheels and coulters

 The front end of pick up-cum-elevator reel is adjustable in

accordance with depth of working of blade. It digs out the plant
along with groundnut.
 The material is moved over the conveyor; the soil is loosened and
removed. It has been designed to suit a tractor of 30 hp or more and
is being operated by PTO shaft of the tractor.
 The digging shovel may be either of pointed type or conveying
cutting edge type. The width of digging shovel ranges from 50-60
 This machine has an average output of 0.27 ha/h. The forward
speed of digger is kept between 2.4-3.0 km/h.
 In order to pick and gather the tubers dropped in a windrow behind
the digger, nearly 10-12 workers are required for continuous
working of the digger.
 Groundnut digger blades with corrugated roller at rear (Fig. 5) are
also used in medium and heavy soils where the corrugated roller
helps in crushing the clods.
 This helps in easy picking of groundnut tubers. Another simple
groundnut digger blade (Fig. 6) is also used in light soil where clod
formation is not much.
 Loose soil falls through the extension rods behind the blade and
groundnut tubers are left over the soil for easy picking and
3 Briefly explain the design consideration, adjustment and working of 16 CO3 U
sugarcane harvester with neat sketch.

Sugarcane harvesting involves base cutting of the crop, detopping,

detrashing, bundling, loading and transportation. Detopping and detrashing
of crop itself takes about two-third of manpower required for harvesting.

The basic components of a sugarcane combine are:

(i) Gathering mechanism (ii) Topping mechanism (iii) Base cuter (iv)
Feed conveyor (v) Chopper (vi) Elevator (vii) Cleaning by air blast
Gathering mechanism: Its function is to separate sprawled cane and align
the row to be harvested. They are made of revolving scrolls fitted on
gathering walls. It consists of two triangular walls, approximately 140 cm
apart at the tips and converging to the throat width of the machine just
forward of the base cutters. The tips of each wall are fitted with ground
engaging points to get under and lift stalks that are lying on the ground.
Topping mechanism: Its job is to gather, cut and discard nonproductive
tops. The gathering operation is performed by gathering chains while
cutting is done by a horizontally rotating disc fitted with mower blades
which cut against a fixed anvil.
Base cutter: Its function is to cut the stalk at or just below ground level. At
least one manufacture uses twin contra-rotating discs fitted with a number
of replaceable knife blades. Some use single diameter blades for base
cutting the cane..
Feed conveyor: Its function is to convey the whole stalks of cane from the
bass cutter to the choppers. In some machines it is made of endless chain
slat conveyor. In others a series of rollers are used. In some machines
augers are used for feeding cane to the chopper.
Choppers: Their function is to receive the whole stalks from the feed
conveyor and chop them into short uniform billets. The design used by
Massey Ferguson is a pair of parallel shafts each with paddle shaped
blades, which as they rotated came together in the plane containing the
shafts, and so gave a flying or travelling cut.
Elevator: Its function is to receive the billets from the choppers and
convey them into a receptacle for transporting to the mill. An inclined
chain and slat conveyor is used. The elevator can be rotated 180 degrees in
most machines. This facilitates in opening of the field and harvesting in
either direction.
Air-blast cleaning: One of the biggest problems with mechanically
harvested cane is the foreign matter in cane delivered to the mill. Foreign
matter consists of leaves, tops, dirt, stones and many other materials picked
from the field. In some machines one while in others two fans are being
used for extracting leaves and dirt from the cane. M.F. 205 has two
extractors one at each end of the Elevator.

The basic components combined in a frame and provided with a power unit
and vehicle, constitute a cane combine (Fig. 3). It is generally powered
with an engine of about 150 hp.
Design criteria Following points cover the expectations of the
 Sugarcane harvester should be able to cut the whole cane from base,
detrash it, detop it and may put the cut cane in the container
attached behind or may windrow the cut crop.
 Row to row spacing is adjustable to cut cane grown at a spacing of
60 to 150 cm.
 The sugarcane harvester to be developed should preferably be
operated by 70 to 80 hp tractor.
 The capacity of machine should be 1.5 to 2.0 ha/day or even more.
 The cost of the machine should be within Rs. 25-30 lakhs with total
 The machine should be light in weight with low turning radius.
 Trash content should not be more than 5%.

Sugarcane combine harvester: In this system, sugarcane is cut first from

the top and then from the base and it is cut into billets and is loaded in
transport cart. It does not required separate loader for loading purpose. The
machine consists of gathering mechanism, detopping mechanism, base
cutter, feed conveyor, chopper, and elevator and cleaning unit.
The machine is generally powered by the engine of 150 hp. Pre-harvest
burning is being practiced where harvester is to be used. Mostly it can
harvest cane grown at a row-to-row distance of 90 cm.
The average capacity of the machine is about 0.4 ha/h. It is most
sophisticated machine among all types of sugarcane harvesters.
Engine operated sugarcane leaf stripper:
This is a portable engine operated machine used for the detrashing and leaf
stripping from whole cane. The sugarcane without leaf require less space
for storage as well as transportation.

Whole stalk sugarcane harvesters: These harvesters are quite suitable for
those areas where sugarcane crushing is not possible within short period of
harvesting. Delay during transport, loading, unloading, waiting at one or
the other stage is unavoidable.

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