Sfe Unit 3 Question Bank
Sfe Unit 3 Question Bank
Sfe Unit 3 Question Bank
Eighth Semester
AI 8020- Special Farm Equipment
Regulations 2017
Question Bank
Q.No Questions Marks CO BL
1 Recall about self-propelled windrower. 2 CO3 R
Self-propelled windrowers consist of two types of headers.
The augur cross feed is the most common type on hay machines
but is too aggressive for grain.
The draper type is employed on windrowers intended for both
grain and hay.
2 What is reaper binder used for? 2 CO3 R
Reaper binder machine is mainly used to harvest & bind low stem
crops like wheat, rice, oats, barley, and straw, etc.
The machine has different structure & working rows to meet
different needs of farmer.
3 Classify root harvesting equipment. 2 CO3 R
According to the source of power
Manual operated
Animal-drawn equipment
Tractor operated equipment
According to the mode of hitching
Trailed type
Mounted type
Semi-mounted type
Self-propelled type
According to the unit operations performed
Simple digger
4 Write the general considerations for efficient utilization of the root 2 CO3 R
harvesting equipment.
Proper field layout
Proper planting method
Proper moisture content at the harvest time
Pre-harvest treatment such as haulm-cutting, vine-killing etc.
Proper adjustment of the depth of the digging
5 List the basic components of sugarcane combine harvest system. 2 CO3 R
Gathering mechanism
Topping mechanism
Base cuter
Feed conveyor
Cleaning by air blast
6 Write the design criteria for selecting a sugarcane harvester. 2 CO3 R
The sugarcane harvester to be developed should preferably be
operated by 70 to 80 hp tractor.
The capacity of machine should be 1.5 to 2.0 ha/day or even more.
The cost of the machine should be within Rs. 25-30 lakhs.
The machine should be light in weight with low turning radius.
Trash content should not be more than 5%.
7 List the basic components of mechanical cotton picker. 2 CO3 R
An arrangement for guiding the plants into the picking zone and
providing necessary support while the seed cotton is being
removed. Devices to remove the cotton from open bolls.
A conveying system for picked cotton
A storage basket or a container in which picked when is stored
8 Furnish the classification of corn harvesters. 2 CO3 R
Grain combines equipped with corn heads
9 Illustrate the different units of maize harvesters. 2 CO3 U
Gathering units
Snapping units
Trash removal
Husking units
10 Write a short note on grape harvesting. 2 CO3 R
Attempts have been made to harvest grapes with vertical stroke
harvesters, which have one impacter per row.
This is a selfpropelled machine, which may have a stroke of 12 cm
or more, with frequency of 250 to 500 rpm.
In this machine, shaking is carried out by slopping the vines from
the sides.
2 (i) Explain the design consideration, adjustment and working of potato 8 CO3 U
diggers with neat sketch.
The combination digger shaker comprises of single piece curved blade with
extension rods welded at the rear, two disc coulters and an endless chain
type pick-up elevator-cum-shaker conveyor (rattler) having spiked rakes
bolted to the chains.
Power transmission of the digger consists of a gear box, a cross drive shaft,
V-belt & pulleys and driving sprockets mounted on a shaft supported over
members of the frame.
Front portion of the shaker conveyor can be adjusted up or down with the
help of a hand lower chain. The width of cut is 1.22 m.
Principle of operation: The blade digs the crop from a 1.2 meter wide
strip. The vines are picked up and lifted by the shaker conveyor that
follows blade. The soil adhering to the roots and pods is shaken off at the
conveyor and the vines are dropped at the back in the form of a fluffy
Tractor PTO operated groundnut digger shaker is quite popular in
northern India far harvesting groundnut. The machine consists of a blade,
elevator-cum-pick up reel, power transmission system, windrower
attachment and fenders, gauge wheels and coulters
The basic components combined in a frame and provided with a power unit
and vehicle, constitute a cane combine (Fig. 3). It is generally powered
with an engine of about 150 hp.
Design criteria Following points cover the expectations of the
Sugarcane harvester should be able to cut the whole cane from base,
detrash it, detop it and may put the cut cane in the container
attached behind or may windrow the cut crop.
Row to row spacing is adjustable to cut cane grown at a spacing of
60 to 150 cm.
The sugarcane harvester to be developed should preferably be
operated by 70 to 80 hp tractor.
The capacity of machine should be 1.5 to 2.0 ha/day or even more.
The cost of the machine should be within Rs. 25-30 lakhs with total
The machine should be light in weight with low turning radius.
Trash content should not be more than 5%.
Whole stalk sugarcane harvesters: These harvesters are quite suitable for
those areas where sugarcane crushing is not possible within short period of
harvesting. Delay during transport, loading, unloading, waiting at one or
the other stage is unavoidable.