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RC2019 - 20 ETC Scheme Syllabus

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Scheme of Scheme of Examination
Course Nomenclature of the Hrs/Week
Code Course Duration Marks
(Hrs) Th IA TW** P Total
ET310 Mathematics- III 150
3 1 -- 3 100 25 25 --
Circuit Analysis and
ET320 Synthesis 3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- -- 125

Electronic Devices and

ET330 Circuits 3 1 -- 3 100 25 25 -- 150

ET340 Digital System Design 150

3 1 -- 3 100 25 25 --
Electromagnetic Field & 150
ET350 Wave Theory 3 1 -- 3 100 25 25 --

Electronic Devices and

ET360 Circuits Lab -- -- 2 -- -- -- 25 25 50

Digital System Design 50

ET370 Lab -- -- 2 -- -- -- 25 25

Technical 75
HM001 Communication 2 -- -- -- -- 75 --

Mathematics-I and
AC390 II(Bridge Course*) -- -- -- --

TOTAL 17 4 4 -- 500 125 225 50 900

L-Lecture T-Tutorial P-Practical Th-Theory TW-Term Work IA-Internal Assessment

*Applicable to direct second year /lateral entry students

**Term Work marks are to be awarded through continuous evaluation


Scheme of Scheme of Examination
Course Nomenclature of the Hrs/Week
Code Course Duration Marks
(Hrs) Th IA TW* P Total
ET410 Signals and Systems 3 1 -- 3 100 25 25 -- 150

Microprocessors and 125

ET420 Interfacing 4 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --

Linear Integrated
ET430 Circuits 4 -- -- 3 100 25 -- -- 125

Transmission Lines
ET440 and Antennas 3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- -- 125

ET450 Communication Theory 3 1 -- 3 100 25 25 -- 150

Microprocessors and
ET460 Interfacing Lab -- -- 2 -- -- -- 25 50 75

Linear Integrated
ET470 Circuits Lab -- -- 2 -- -- -- 25 50 75

Engineering Economics
HM008 and Management 3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- -- 125

TOTAL 20 2 4 -- 600 150 100 100 950

L-Lecture T-Tutorial P-Practical Th-Theory TW-Term Work IA-Internal Assessment

*Term Work marks are to be awarded through continuous evaluation



Scheme of Scheme of Examination
Course Nomenclature of the Hrs/Week
Code Course
Duration Marks
(Hrs) Th IA TW* O Total
Analog and Digital
ET510 Communication 3 1 -- 3 100 25 25 -- 150

ET520 Digital Signal Processing 150

3 1 -- 3 100 25 25 --
ET531 Embedded Systems

ET532 Power Electronics

ET533 Soft Computing 125

Numerical Methods and 3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --

ET534 Approximations

Solid State Devices and

ET535 Technology

ET541 Microwave Engineering

ET542 Compatibility Engineering

ET543 Digital Image Processing 125

3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --
Electronic Instrumentation
ET544 and Automation

Information Theory and

ET545 Coding

Communication Engineering
ET550 Lab -- -- 2 -- -- -- 25 25 50

ET560 Electronic Measurement Lab -- -- 2 -- -- -- 25 25

** Open Elective 125
3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --
HM009 Ethics and Entrepreneurship 3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --
TOTAL 18 2 4 -- 600 150 100 50 900

L-Lecture T-Tutorial P-Practical O-Oral Th-Theory TW-Term Work IA-Internal Assessment

*Term Work marks are to be awarded through continuous evaluation

** Student will have to enter the course code that he/she takes as part of the open elective

Scheme of Scheme of Examination
Course Nomenclature of the Hrs/Week
Code Course
Duration Marks
(Hrs) Th IA TW* O Total
ET610 Control System Engineering 150
3 1 -- 3 100 25 25 --
ET620 VLSI Technology and Design 150
3 1 -- 3 100 25 25 --
ET631 Real Time Operating Systems

ET632 Radar System Engineering

ET633 Artificial Neural Networks 125

3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --
ET634 Nanoelectronics

ET635 Wireless Sensor Networks

Motor Control and

ET641 Applications

ET642 Adaptive Signal Processing

Bio-medical Electronics and 125

3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --
ET643 Instrumentation

ET644 Mobile Communication

ET645 Error Control Coding

ET650 VLSI Lab 50

-- -- 2 -- -- -- 25 25
Electronic System Design
ET660 Laboratory -- -- 2 -- -- -- 25 25 50

** Open Elective 125

3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --
HM006 Cyber Law and IPR 125
3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --
TOTAL 18 2 4 -- 600 150 100 50 900

L-Lecture T-Tutorial P-Practical O-Oral Th-Theory TW-Term Work IA-Internal Assessment

*Term Work marks are to be awarded through continuous evaluation

** Student will have to enter the course code that he/she takes as part of the open elective


Scheme of Scheme of Examination
Course Nomenclature of the Hrs/Week
Code Course Duration Marks
(Hrs) Th IA TW* O Total
ET710 Data Communication 3 1 -- 3 100 25 25 --
ET721 Robotics

ET722 Machine Learning

Wavelets and Multirate

ET723 Signal Processing 125
3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --
ET724 Consumer Electronics

Hardware Description
ET725 Language

Data Communication
ET730 Lab -- -- 2 -- -- -- 25 25 50

** Open Elective 125

3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --
ET740 Internship 100
-- -- 6 3 -- -- 50 50
ET750 Project Work - Phase I 125
-- -- 6 3 -- -- 50 75
TOTAL 9 1 14 -- 300 75 150 150 675

L-Lecture T-Tutorial P-Practical O-Oral Th-Theory TW-Term Work IA-Internal Assessment

*Term Work marks are to be awarded through continuous evaluation



Scheme of Scheme of Examination
Course Nomenclature of the Hrs/Week
Code Course Duration Marks
(Hrs) Th IA TW O Total
Advanced 125
Communication 3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --
ET810 Engineering

Process Control
ET821 Instrumentation

ET822 RF Design 125

High Performance
ET823 Computer Architecture 3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- --

ET824 Secure Communication

System Verification and

ET825 Validation

Elective - NPTEL / MOOC 100

ET830 / SWAYAM 3 -- -- -- -- -- 50 50

ET840 Project Work - Phase II 20 400

-- -- 18 -- -- -- 200
TOTAL 9 0 18 -- 200 50 25 250 750

L-Lecture T-Tutorial P-Practical O-Oral Th-Theory TW-Term Work IA-Internal Assessment

*Term Work marks are to be awarded through continuous evaluation



Course Code ET310 Credits 4
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 3 1 0 39hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 150 marks 25 25 100 0 0

Course Objectives:

The objective of the course is to make students understand fundamentals of

Mathematics necessary to formulate, solve and analyze engineering problems

Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to:
CO1 Solve problems in engineering domain related to Linear Algebra using

CO2 Analyze and solve engineering problems using Laplace Series

CO3 Analyze and solve engineering problems using Fourier Series.

CO4 Solve engineering problems using Complex Integration.

Matrices: Types of matrices, Determinant, adjoint, inverse of matrix,
elementary transformation, 9hrs
Elementary matrices, Rank of matrix, Reduction to normal form, canonical
form. Rank using elementary transformation, Linear independence end
dependence. System of the form AX=0 and AX=B, their solutions.
Eigen values, Eigen vectors with properties. Cayley Hamilton theorem with
Applications. Minimal polynomial, Diagonalisation.
Laplace Transforms: Definition. Existence conditions, Properties, Laplace
transform of periodic functions, Laplace transform of Dirac-Delta function, 10hrs
Inverse Laplace Transform, Convolution theorem, Application of Laplace
transforms in solving linear differential equations with initial conditions and

system of linear simultaneous differential equations.

Fourier Series: Fourier Series, Fourier series of Periodic functions,
Trigonometric Series, Euler‘s formulas, Dirichlets condition, Even and Odd 10hrs
functions, Half range series, Parseval‘s Identity.

Wave equation derivation and solution using separation of variable

method. Derivation and solution of one dimensional heat equation using
separation of variable method.
Complex Integration, Cauchy‘s Integral theorem and its application. Integral 10 hrs
formula for simply and multiply connected domains and its applications.
Taylors and Laurents’ series and their application. Singular points.
Liouvilles theorem with applications. Residue theorem and applications.
Contour Integration. Boundary value problems.

1 B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 36th Edition,
2 Frank Ayres; Theory and Problems of Matrices; Schaum Outline Series. 2011
3 H.S. Kasana; Complex Variables (Theory and Applications); - PHI. 2005

4 Srimanta Pal, Subodh C. Bhunia; Engineering Mathematics; Oxford University


1 J. Brown and R. Churchill; Complex Variables and Its applications; McGraw-Hill
Education. 2013

2 K.P. Gupta; Special Functions; Krishna Prakashan Media. 1991

3 Erwin kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011


Course Code ET320 Credits 3
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 3 0 0 39hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 125 marks 25 0 100 0 0

Course Objectives:

The subject aims to provide the student with:

1. Ability to analyze linear electrical networks and perform Time domain

analysis of electrical circuits.
2. An understanding of graph theory and its application for circuit
3. Ability to synthesize an electrical circuit and model a circuit into any
equivalent Two port network.
4. An understanding of the Construction and working of various types of
attenuators, motors and bridges.

Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to:

CO1 Explain the concepts related to Electrical Networks, Graph theory & Motors.
CO2 Apply Network Theorems & Laplace Transforms.
CO3 Analyze Electrical Networks using Time and frequency domain techniquess,
CO4 Design & Synthesize Electrical Networks.

Network Classification: Distributed and lumped, passive and active, time
variable and time invariant, symmetrical and asymmetrical networks. 10 hrs

Network Analysis: Mesh and nodal analysis, super-node and super-mesh

Network Theorems (AC and DC analysis): Thevenin’s, Maximum power
transfer, Norton’s, Superposition, Compensation, Reciprocity and
Tellegen’s theorem.
Graph Theory: Basic definitions, Duality, Matrices associated with network
graphs: Incidence, Tieset, Cutset matrices. Applications to mesh and nodal 10hrs
Time- domain analysis: Network equations in time- domain, first and second order circuits, Initial
condition. Analysis of transient and steady state response to step, ramp, impulse, exponential,
sinusoidal input; Application of Laplace transform to analysis of networks for different inputs
(sinusoidal, step, ramp, impulse, sinusoidal).

Two Port Networks: Characterization in terms of Z,Y,H and ABCD
parameters, Equivalent circuits; interrelationship between the two port 10hrs
parameters; input, output ,characteristic impedance and image impedances of
two ports. Introduction to s parameters.
Elements of Network Synthesis: Positive real functions, Reactance
functions, R, L and RC functions (Foster method and Caver method).
Attenuators – Classification, Analysis and design of T, pi, Lattice and Bridged-
T attenuator.

Construction and working of DC motors, stepper motors, servo motors, 9hrs
synchro motors, single phase Induction motors
Review of DC Bridges: Wheatstone bridge, Wein Bridge, errors and
precautions in using bridges.
AC Bridges: Measurement of inductance-Maxwell’s bridge, Anderson Bridge.
Measurement of capacitance- Schearing Bridge. Kelvin Bridge, Q-meter

1 A. Sudhakar & P. Shyamohan; Circuits & Networks- Analysis and Synthesis; Tata
2 M.E. Van Valkenburg; Network Analysis; 3e Pearson Education. 2015
3 D. Roy Choudhary; Networks & systems; New Age International Publishers.2005.
4 A.K. Sawhaney; A Course in Electrical and Electronic measurements &
Instrumentation; Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 2015

1 F. F. Chuo; Network Analysis and Synthesis; 2ed Wiley Eastern 2006
2 A. Chakrabarti; Circuit theory Analysis and Synthesis); Dhanpat Rai Publishing
Company. 2018
3 K. L. Kishore; Electronic Measurements & Instrumentations; Pearson Education


Course Code ET330 Credits 4

Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 3 1 0 39hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 150 marks 25 25 100 0 0

Course Objectives:

The subject aims to provide the student with:

1. An understanding of energy band theory for semiconductor device


2. Ability to perform transistor modeling and analysis of circuits.

3. An understanding of multi stage and large signal amplifier, feedback

mechanism and its application in amplifier and oscillator circuits.

4. Ability to design RC differentiator, integrator , Multivibrator circuits and

to perform analysis of JFET and MOSFET biasing circuits.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course student will be able to :

CO1 Explain the concept of conduction & qualitative theory in semiconductors,

the theory of p-n junction diodes and filters.

CO2 Analyze BJT hybrid and re models ,JFET and MOSFET biasing for various

CO3 Analyze filter circuits, multi stage and large signals BJT amplifiers, different
configurations of negative feedback in amplifier circuits

CO4 Design RC Differentiator and Integrator circuits and different types of

oscillator circuits.

Energy Band Theory of Crystals - Insulators, Semiconductors and Metal.
9 hrs
Conduction in semiconductors: electrons and holes, conductivity of
semiconductors, carrier concentration in intrinsic semiconductors, donor and
acceptor impurities, charge densities in semiconductors, Fermi level in
semiconductors, diffusion, carrier lifetime, continuity equation, hall effect.

Semiconductor Diode Characteristics- Qualitative theory of the PN junction,

PN junction as a diode, band structure of an open circuited p-n junction,
Quantitative theory of the p-n diode currents, The Volt-Ampere characteristic,
The Temperature dependence of p-n characteristics.

BJT transistor modelling, Amplification in the ac domain, input and output
impedance, current and voltage gain, hybrid and re equivalent model, BJT
small signal analysis for CE voltage divider biasing configuration,
approximate and complete hybrid equivalent model for CE voltage divider
biasing configuration. Miller’s theorem

Multistage Amplifiers-direct, RC-coupled and transformer coupled,

Darlington pair, Difference between voltage and power amplifiers,
classification of power amplifiers, Class A Power Amplifiers (Direct coupled
with resistive load, transformer coupled with resistive load), Class B Power

Class B Push-pull amplifier, crossover distortion, Class AB Push-pull

amplifier, complementary Symmetry Class B Push-pull amplifier
Principle of negative feedback in amplifiers, voltage series, voltage shunt,
current series, current shunt types of feedback. Typical transistor circuit
effect of negative feedback on input and output impedance, voltage and
current gains, bandwidth, noise and distortion.

Principle of positive feedback, concept of feedback and stability in electronic

circuits, the Nyquist Criterion, Gain and Phase Margin, Sinusoidal Oscillators,
Barkhausen criterion, various types of oscillators – RC, Clapps, Wein Bridge,
Colpitt, Hartley, Tuned LC , crystal oscillator.

Filters: L, C, LC and CLC analysis. 10hrs

Steady state response of RC differentiator & integrating circuits to square

wave, BJT as a switch, Improving switching times. Analysis & Design of Basic
BJT Bistable , Astable and Monostable Multivibrator.

FET BIASING: (JFETs and Depletion –type MOSFET) -Fixed-Bias, Self-Bias and
Voltage-Divider Bias Configurations(both n- and pchannel);

Enhancement-Type MOSFETs-Feedback Biasing arrangement, Voltage –

Divider Biasing arrangement.

1 J. Millman, C. Halkias & Satyabrata Jit; Electronic Devices and Circuits; 4e McGraw
Hill. 2015

2 R. Boylestad & L. Nashelsky; Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory; 10e Pearson
Education Limited 2009.

3 David Bell; Solid State Pulse Circuits;4e Oxford University Press. 2007

4 J. B Gupta; Electronic Devices and Circuits; S. K. Kataria & Sons. 2013

1 B.G. Streetman; Solid State Electronic Devices, 6e PHI 2010
2 S. M. Sze; Physics of Semiconductor Devices 3e Wiley Publication.2008

3 Garud & Jain; Electronic Devices & Linear circuits; Tata McGraw Hill. 1983


Course Code ET340 Credits 4
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 3 1 0 39hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 150 marks 25 25 100 0 0

Course Objectives:

The subject aims to provide the student with:

1. An understanding of various Number Systems & Codes along with
Boolean algebra.
2. An ability to solve Boolean algebra problems.
3. An ability to design combinational and sequential circuits.
4. An understanding of various digital Logic families.
Course Outcomes:
The student after undergoing this course will be able to:

CO1 Explain different combinational logic circuits, flip-flops, sequential circuits,

registers and digital logic families.

CO2 Solve Boolean expressions using Boolean algebra and implement different
logic circuits

CO3 Analyze combinational and sequential circuits

CO4 Design combinational and sequential circuits


Number Systems & Codes: Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal, Octal systems;

Interconversions, Signed & Unsigned Binary numbers, Complements, Binary 9 hrs
Arithmetic: Addition & Subtraction using 1’s & 2’s complements.

Binary Codes-Decimal codes (BCD, Excess-3, 8421, 2421), Error Detection

codes (Parity generation & Detection), Reflected code, Alphanumeric codes
Study of Binary logic with logic gates.

Boolean Algebra: Postulates & Theorems, Boolean functions and their

Algebraic manipulation, Canonical & Standard forms, Minterms & Maxterms.
Simplification of Boolean functions: K-maps, POS & SOP simplification and
their inter conversions, NAND & NOR implementation, Plotting & Reading of
K-map using VEM.
Combinational Logic: Design Procedure for Combinational logic circuits,
Design & Analysis of Half Adder, Full Adder, Subtractor, Code Conversion, 10hrs
binary Parallel Adder, Look-ahead Carry generator, Decimal Adder (BCD
Adder), Magnitude Comparator, Decoders, Combinational logic
implementation, Demultiplexers, Encoders, Multiplexers, Boolean function
implementation with multiplexers. Design of Seven-segment display, Parity
generator, checker.
Flip-flops: Basic flip-flop circuit, Clocked RS flip-flop, D flip-flop, JK flip-flop, T
flip-flop, Triggering of flip-flops, Master Slave flip-flop, Edge triggered flip-
flops: their schematic symbols, truth table & Excitation table, conversion
between different types of flip flops.
Sequential Circuits: Design procedure for sequential circuits using state
diagrams, state table, state equations, state reduction and assignment, Circuit 10 hrs
implementation, Moore & Mealy Machine. Finite state machine.
Design and analysis of counters, Modulo Counters, Synchronous, Ripple and
ring counters (Switch tail, Johnson), Application of counters, Timing
Sequences, Word time generation, timing signals.
Registers: SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO, Register with parallel load, Shift registers,
Universal shift register.
Design of Arithmetic circuits – Adders: Carry Save, Carry Look Ahead, Carry 10 hrs
Select Adder delta delay. Multipliers: Wallace Tree, Braun Multiplier,
Restoring and Non Restoring Dividers.
Digital Logic Families: Characteristics of Digital ICs, TTL-Operation of TTL
NAND gate, Active pull-up, Open Collector output, Wired AND, three state (or
tri-state) output, Schottky TTL, ECL. Characteristics of MOSFET’s, CMOS
Inverter, NAND and NOR, CMOS to TTL and TTL to CMOS interfacing.

1 M. Morris Mano; Digital Logic and Computer Design; PHI. 2016
2 Anand Kumar; Fundamentals of Digital Circuits; 4e PHI. 2016
3 Vincent P. Heuring, Harry F. Jordan, T.G. Venkatesh;Computer Systems Design
and Architecture, 2e PHI 2012
4 Thomas Floyd; Digital Fundamentals - A Systems Approach; 11e Pearson
Education. 2015

1 D. Leach, A. P. Malvino, G. Saha; Digital Principles & Applications; 8e Tata
2 William Fletcher; An Engineering Approach to Digital Design; PHI. 2009

4 Neil H. E. Weste; Principles of CMOS VLSI Design; Addison-Wesley Publishing

Company.. 1993


Course Code ET350 Credits 4
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 3 1 0 45 hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 150 marks 25 25 100 0 0

Course Objectives:

The subject aims to provide the student with:

1. An understanding of different coordinate systems.

2. Ability to perform analysis for Electrostatics and Magnetostatic fields.

3. An understanding of the Electromagnetic wave equation and its

solution for application in real world problems.

4. An ability to handle design issues in Guided waves.

Course Outcomes:
The student after undergoing this course will be able to:

CO1 Understand basic concepts of static electric fields, static magnetic fields, and time-
varying electromagnetic fields.

CO2 Apply vector calculus to quantify the behavior of electric, magnetic, and
electromagnetic fields in standard configurations.

CO3 Analyze electromagnetic wave propagation in free-space and waveguides.

CO4 Evaluate field quantities and characteristic parameters of electromagnetic waves

through different material media.

System of Coordinates: Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate
12 hrs
system, transformation from cartesian to cylindrical and spherical coordinate
system, Divergence of a vector field, Curl of a vector, Stoke’s theorem.
Conservative and non-conservative fields, Helmholtz’s theorem.

Electrostatics: Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field Intensity due to point charges

and distributed charges.

Electric Flux density, Electric flux, Postulates of the electrostatic field, Gauss’s
law and its applications, Electric Potential: Electrical potential due to point
charges and distributed charges.

Energy in electrostatic field, Energy due to point and distributed charges.

Boundary Value Problems: Poisson’s equations for the electrostatic field,

Laplace’s equation for the electrostatic field, Solution methods, Solution by
direct integration.

Interface Conditions: Interface conditions between two dielectrics, Interface
conditions between dielectrics and conductors.

Capacitance: Parallel plate capacitor, Capacitance of infinite structures.

Conduction and Convection Current Density: Convection current and

convection current density, Conduction current and Conduction current
density, Power dissipation and Joule’s law, The continuity equation.

The Static Magnetic Field: Magnetic Field, Magnetic Field Intensity,

Magnetic Flux Density and Magnetic Flux, Postulates of static Magnetic field,
Magnetic Vector potential, Magnetic Scalar potential, Magnetic Dipole, Biot
Savart Law, Ampere’s circuital Law. Behaviour of Magnetic Materials,
Diamagnetic and Ferromagnetic materials.

Magnetic Circuits: Magnetomotive force, Magnetic reluctance, Forces in the

magnetic field. Energy stored in the magnetic field.

Magnetostatic energy in terms of fields. Time varying Electric and
Magnetic fields: Faraday’s Law, Lenz’s Law, Electromotive force, Eddy
currents. Maxwell’s Equations: Continuity equation for time varying fields,
Displacement current density, Generalized Ampere’s Law, Maxwell’s
equations in differential, integral and time harmonic representation.

Interface Conditions for Electromagnetic Field: Interface condition for the

electric field, interface condition for the magnetic field.

Electromagnetic Wave Equation and its Solution: Electromagnetic waves,

Time dependent wave equation, Time Harmonic Wave Equation, Solution of
the wave equation for uniform plane waves in free space, perfect dielectrics.

Poynting’s Theorem: Poynting vector, Complex Poynting vector,

Electromagnetic power density.

Propagation of Plane waves in Materials.

Propagation of plane waves in lossy dielectrics, low loss dielectrics and 12hrs
conductors, Concept of Phase and Group velocity. Polarization of Plane
Waves: Concept of Polarization, Linear, Elliptical and Circular Polarization.

Reflection and Transmission of Plane Waves: Reflection and Transmission

at a General Dielectric Interface with Normal Incidence, Standing Waves,

Guided Waves: Waves between parallel planes; Transverse electric (TE)

waves, Transverse magnetic (TM) waves; Characteristics of TE and TM
waves; Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves; Velocities of propagation

1 M. Sadiku; Elements of Electromagnetics, 4th edition; Oxford University


2 E. C. Jordan, K. G. Balmain; Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems;


3 J. D. Kraus; Electromagnetics 5th Edition; McGraw Hill.2010

4 D. K. Cheng; Field and Wave Electromagnetics, Second Edition; Pearson

Education. 2014

1 N. Ida; Engineering Electromagnetics, 2nd Edition; Springer International

2 J. Edminister, Mahmood Nahvi; Theory and Problems in Electromagnetics; Schaum

Series, 4e McGraw Hill. 2014

3 W. H. Hayt, J. A. Buck; Engineering Electromagnetics, Seventh Edition; Tata McGraw

Hill Edition. 2012


Course Code ET360 Credits 1
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 0 0 2 26 hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 50 marks 0 25 0 25 0
Course Objective
To understand the concepts,working and characteristics of Diodes, BJT and FET
Transistors, amplifiers and biasing techniques of transistors.
Course Outcomes:
The student after undergoing this course will be able to:

CO1 Verify the working of different diodes, transistors, CRO probes and
measuring instruments. Identifying the procedure of doing the experiment.
CO2 Design the circuits with basic semiconductor devices (active & passive
elements), measuring instruments & power supplies that serves many
practical purposes.
CO3 Construct, analyze and troubleshoot the designed circuits.
CO4 Measure and record the experimental data, analyze the results, and prepare
a formal laboratory report.
List of Experiments:
(At least 10 experiments should be conducted from the following list of

SN Experiment
1 Filters
2 Transistor DC biasing
3 RC-coupled
4 Transformer coupled,
5 Darlington pair
6 Class A
7 Class B, complementary symmetry
8 Push-pull amplifiers
9 Class C Amplifier
10 Voltage series, voltage shunt, current series, current shunt types of feedback

11 RC & LC Oscillator

12 Clapps Oscillator
13 Wein Bridge Oscillator

14 Colpitt Oscillator
15 Hartley Oscillator

16 Steady state response of RC differentiator & integrating circuits

17 Design of Basic BJT Monostable Multivibrator

18 Design of Basic BJT Astable Multivibrator

19 Design of Basic BJT Bistable Multivibrator

20 Design of BJT Schmitt trigger

21 Fixed- Bias, Self-Bias and Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration for FET


Course Code ET370 Credits 1
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 0 0 2 26 hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 50 marks 0 25 0 25 0

Course Objectives

 To know the concepts of Combinational circuits.

 To understand the concepts of flipflops, registers and counters

Course Outcomes

The student will be able to:

CO1 Verify the working of basic digital gates

CO2 Construct basic combinational circuits and verify their functionalities
CO3 Apply the design procedures to design basic sequential circuits
CO4 Learn about counters, Shift Registers and verify their operation
List of Experiments:
(At least 10 experiments should be conducted from the following list of

SN Experiment
1 Truth Table and Logic Gates
2 Half Adder, Full Adder
3 Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor
4 BCD Adder
5 Multiplexer& Demultip[lexer
6 Encoder &Decoder
7 Magnitude Comparator
8 SR & JK Flip-Flop
9 Ring & Twisted Ring Counter
10 Binary Asynchronous Counter
11 Synchronous UP/DOWN Counter Design
12 SISO, SIPO Shift register
13 Universal Shift Register

Course Code HM380 Credits 2
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 2 0 2 26hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 75 marks 0 75 0 0 0

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to:

CO1 Demonstrate precise language skills with suitable vocabulary and apt style.

CO2 Develop life skills/interpersonal skills to progress professionally.

CO3 Apply traits of suitable candidature for a job/higher education.

CO4 Deliver formal presentations and effectively implementing the verbal and non-
verbal skills.

UNIT -1 7 Hrs


Oral Communication

Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing (LSRW), Conversational Dialogues, Role

Play, Barriers to Oral Communication, Effective Oral Communication,
Principles of Communication, Dos and Don’ts of Group Discussion

Global Communication

Social Media, People Analytics, Models of Culture, Cross-Cultural

Communication, Compare Cultures of the World, Impact of Cultural
Differences on Managerial Communication, Effective Communicator in a
Cross-Cultural setting

UNIT -2 7 Hrs

Personality Development

Social Etiquette, Email Etiquette, Table Etiquette, Telephone Etiquette, SWOC

Analysis, Life Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Time
Management, Motivation, Goal Setting, Team Work and Collaboration, Critical
Thinking and Problem Solving, Professional Attitude, Persuasion, Anxiety and
Stress Management, Social Responsibility

UNIT -3 6Hrs

Career Development

Resume Building, Interviewing Skills, Job Search, Personal Networking and
Branding, Personal Finance, Build Professional Portfolio

UNIT -4 6Hrs

Public Speaking

Methods to overcome anxiety, Build Confidence, Use of Media Aids, Craft an

Impactful Speech, Design Impactful Presentations, Effective Presentation


1 Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma; Technical Communication: Principles and

Practice, 3rded; Oxford University Press

2 Meenakshi Raman, Prakash Singh; Business Communication; 2nd ed.; Oxford University

3 Dr. K. Alex; Soft Skills: Know Yourself and Know The World; 3rded; S. Chand Publishing


1 Nicky Stanton; Mastering Communication; 5th ed.; Palgrave Master Series; Red Globe

2 Ghosh, B. N.; Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development; Tata McGraw Hill;

3 Wallace and Masters; Personal Development for Life and Work;10thedition; Thomson

4 Lehman, Dufrene, Sinha; BCOM : A South-Asian Perspective with CourseMate;

2ndedition; Cengage Learning

5 Ashraf Rizvi; Effective Technical Communication; Tata McGraw-Hill; 2005

6 MolefiKete Asante, William B. Gudykunst, Bella Mody; Handbook of International and

Intercultural Communication; 2nd ed.; Sage Publications

Course Code AC390 Credits 0
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 2 0 0 28 hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 0 marks 0 0 0 0 0
Course Outline:
This is an audit course.
This course is compulsory to direct second year/lateral entry students. It is
introduced to reduce the knowledge gap in the students.
The syllabus is selected topics from FE110 Mathematics I and FE120
Mathematics II.
The Text books and References are same as shown in FE110 Mathematics I and
FE120 Mathematics II.

Course Code ET410 Credits 4
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 3 1 0 39hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 150 marks 25 25 100 0 0
Course Objective:

The course aims to provide the student with:

1. Understanding of time-domain representation and analysis of signals

and systems.

2. An ability to perform frequency-domain representation and analysis

using Fourier tools.

3. An ability to perform frequency-domain representation and analysis

using Laplace transform and Z transforms.

4. An understanding of sampling, aliasing and Signal reconstruction

Course Outcomes:
The student after undergoing this course will be able to:

CO1 Explain the concepts related to Fourier Series representation, Sampling and
Fourier Domain Analysis

CO2 Apply Linear Time-Invariant, Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, Laplace

Transform and Z - Transform properties

CO3 Analyze CT and DT signals and systems in Frequency domain using tools like

CO4 Develop frequency domain representation of a time domain signal.

Introduction: Definitions and concept of different types of signals;
continuous time and discrete time signals; transformation of independent 9hrs
variable; exponential and sinusoidal signal; unit impulse and unit step

Systems: continuous time and discrete time system and basic system
properties.Linear time invariant (LTI) systems: Introduction, Discrete time
LTI system, the convolution sum, continuous time LTI systems, the
convolution integral, Impulse and step response.

Fourier Series: introduction; response of LTI system to complex exponential;
Fourier series representation of continuous-time periodic signals; 10hrs
convergence of the Fourier series; Parseval’s relation.

Fourier series representation of discrete time periodic signals; properties of

Fourier Series: Properties: linearity, time shifting, time reversal, time
scaling, conjugation and conjugate symmetry, frequency shifting, convolution,
Continuous-Time Fourier Transform: Representation of aperiodic signals:
Fourier transform of aperiodic signals and their properties; linearity, time 10hrs
shifting, differentiation, integration, conjugation and conjugate symmetry,
time ,frequency scaling, duality, Parseval’s relation, convolution.

Discrete-Time Fourier Transform: Representation of aperiodic signals;

Fourier transform of aperiodic signals.

Sampling: Introduction; representation of continuous time signals by its

samples; sampling theorem; reconstruction of a signal from its samples using
interpolation; the effects of undersampling; aliasing; Discrete-time processing
of continuous-time signals; sampling of discrete- time signals.

The Laplace transform: introduction; Laplace transforms; the region of 10hrs
inverse Laplace transform; Analysis and characterization of LTI system using
the Laplace transform. Unilateral Laplace transforms.

The Z-transform: introduction; Z-transform; the region of convergence; the

inverse Z-transform; properties of Z-transform: linearity, time shifting,
scaling ,time reversal, conjugation, convolution analysis and characterization
of LTI system using Z-transforms.

1 A. V. Oppenheim, A.V.Willsky, S. Hamid; Signals and systems; 2nd Edition PHI.

2 S. Haykins , B. V. Veen; Signals and Systems; 2ed Wiley India. 2007

3 D. G. Rao, S. Tunga; Signals and systems; Pearson Education. 2010

4 R. E. Ziemer, W.H Tranter, D.R.Fannin; Signal and Systems; 4ed Pearson

Education, Asia. 2013

1 I. J. Nagrath, S.N.Sharan, R. Ranjan, S. Kumar; Signal and Systems; Tata McGraw
Hill. 2013

2 A. Anand Kumar ;Signal and Systems , 3ed ,PHI, 2013

3 B.P. Lathi ;Linear Systems and Signals , 2ed, Oxford University Press, 2010


Course Code ET420 Credits 4
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 4 0 0 52hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 125marks 25 0 100 0 0

Course Objectives:

The course aims to provide the student with:

1. An in-depth understanding of the Intel 8085 architecture and
programming model.
2. An ability to write Assembly language programs for a given task.
3. An understanding of different types of memories, peripheral IC’s like
8255, 8259 and 8251and their interfacing with the processor.
4. An ability to interface various I/O devices with the processor.

Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to:

CO1 Explain the concepts related to Microcomputer System and Semiconductor


CO2 Understand the Architecture and Working of 8085 µP and Interfacing ICs such
as 8255, 8259 and 8251.

CO3 Analyze the instruction set and the timing sequence of various
CO4 Create Assembly language programs for a given task & Design Interfacing of
Memory and I/O devices

Introduction of Microcomputer System: CPU, I/O devices, clock, memory,
bus architecture, tri-state logic, address bus, data bus and control bus. 10 hrs

Semiconductor Memories: Development of semiconductor memory,

internal structure and decoding, memory read and write timing diagrams,

Architecture of 8-bit Microprocessor: Intel 8085A microprocessor, Pin

description and internal architecture.

Operation and Control of Microprocessor: Timing and control unit, op-

code fetch machine cycle, memory read/write machine cycles, I/O read/write
machine Cycles, interrupt acknowledge machine cycle.

Instruction Set: Addressing modes; Data transfer, arithmetic, logical, branch,
stack and machine control groups of instruction set, Subroutines, parameter 14hrs
passing to subroutines.

Writing, Assembling & Executing A Program, Debugging The Programs,

Decision Making, Looping, Stack & Subroutines, Developing Counters And
Time Delay Routines, Code Conversion, BCD Arithmetic And 16-Bit Data

Interfacing: Interfacing of memory chips, address allocation technique and
decoding; Interfacing of I/O devices, LEDs, and toggle-switches as examples, 14hrs
memory mapped and isolated I/O structure.

Programmable Peripheral Interface: Intel 8255, pin configuration and

block diagram, modes of operation, programming; ADC and DAC chips,
stepper motor their interfacing and programming.

Interrupts: Interrupt structure of 8085A microprocessor, processing of 14hrs
vectored and non-vectored interrupts, Handling multiple interrupts, and

Programmable Interrupt Controller: Intel 8259, Block diagram, Interrupt

operation, programming.

Serial I/O Concepts, SID and SOD, Intel 8251A programmable communication
Interface, pin configuration, internal block diagram, programming.

1 Gaonkar R. S.; “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications”;
5th Ed.; Penram International; 2007.

2 Hall D. V.; “Microprocessor and Interfacing-Programming and Hardware”; 2nd

Ed.; Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited; 2008.

3 Stewart J; “Microprocessor Systems- Hardware, Software and Programming”;

Prentice Hall International Edition; 1990.

4 Short K. L.; “Microprocessors and Programmed Logic”; 2nd Ed.; Pearson

Education; 2008.

1 Manual on 8-bit Processors 808; Intel.

2 Manual on Peripheral Devices; Intel.


Course Code ET430 Credits 4
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 4 0 0 52hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 125marks 25 0 100 0 0

Course Objectives:
This course introduces the theoretical & circuit aspects of Op-amp, which
is the backbone for the basics of Linear integrated circuits.

Course Outcomes:
The student after undergoing this course will be able to:
Infer the DC and AC characteristics of operational amplifiers and its effect on
output and their compensation techniques.
Explain and design the linear and non-linear applications of an opamp and
special application ICs.
CO3 Explain and compare the working of multivibrators using special
application IC 555 and general purpose opamp
CO4 Illustrate the function of application specific ICs such as Data Converters,
Voltage Regulators, OLL and its application in communication

Basics of Op-Amp: Differential amplifiers, ac and dc analysis, FET differential
amplifier, constant current bias, current mirror circuit, op-amp parameters, 14 hrs
definitions, measurements.

Functional block diagram and working specification of IC741, equivalent

circuit of Op-amp and voltage transfer curve, open loop inverting, non-
inverting, differential amplifier. Disadvantages of open loop op-amp

Basics of Op-Amp: Frequency response and methods of frequency

compensation, offset compensation, closed loop inverting and non-inverting
amplifiers, voltage follower.

Applications of op-amp: Differentiator, integrator, summing scaling and

averaging amplifier.

Applications of Op-Amp:
Instrumentation amplifier, V-I & I-V converter, precision rectifier, log and
antilog amplifier. Op-Amps as comparators, zero crossing detectors, Schmitt
trigger, comparator characteristics, limitations of comparator, sample and
hold circuit.

Advantages of active filter, Butterworth low pass, high pass, band pass, band
reject filter, design problems.

Square wave generator, triangular wave generator, Wien bridge oscillator,
Phase shift oscillators, design problems.

Voltage Regulators:
Specifications,&functional block diagrams of IC 723, Design of IC 723 as high
and low voltage regulators.

Specifications& working of three terminal regulators-IC78XX, 79XX, LM309,

LM317 voltage regulator , principle and working of switching mode
regulators, tracking regulator

Introduction to resolution and accuracy in convertors, quantization error.

ADC and DAC: Principle of successive approximation, successive

approximation ADC. Binary weighted resistors and R-2R resistor ladder
design problems,

specifications, functional block diagrams of 0809 & 0808.

Voltage controlled oscillator IC566: block diagram of IC566. 13hrs

PLL: Basic principles of phase-locked loop and block diagram, transfer

characteristics of PLL, lock range and capture range (no derivations).

Applications of PLL as frequency multiplier, AM demodulation, FM

demodulation, Study of PLLIC565 and design problems.

IC 555: Functional block diagram and specification, modes of IC555,

applications of IC555 as monostable and astable multivibrator, design
problems, modification for 50% duty cycle. Applications of IC 555 as VCO,
missing pulse detector, frequency divider, PWM,

IC 8038 and its applications in waveforms generation.

1 Ramakant A. Gayakwad; Op-Amps and linear integrated circuits; Pearson 2015

2 K. R. Botkar; Integrated Circuits; Khanna Publishers.2004

3 S. Franco; Design with operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits; 3ed
McGraw Hill. 2001

4 Tony Chan Carusone, David Johns, Kenneth Matins; Analog Integrated Circuit
Design; 2e, John Wiley & Sons, 2013

1 J. Millman, C. Halkias, C. Parikh; Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital
Circuits and Systems; 2ed, McGraw Hill. 2017

2 Gray Paul R., Meyer, Hurst, Lewis; Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated
Circuits; 5ed, Wiley India Pvt Ltd

3 K. Michael Jacob; Applications and Design with Analog Integrated Circuits; 2ed,


Course Code ET440 Credits 3
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 3 0 0 39hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 125marks 25 0 100 0 0

Course Objectives:
The subject aims to provide the student with:
1. An understanding of Transmission Lines under different Terminal
2. An understanding of Transmission Lines at Radio Frequency and
Matching of Transmission Lines under different loads.
3. An understanding of the Antenna Concepts and Parameters.
4. An understanding of Antenna Arrays and Analysis of Field Patterns.

Course Outcomes:
The student after undergoing this course will be able to:

CO1 Explain the concepts of Transmission line theory, infinite line, line parameters,
lossless lines, Antenna parameters and antenna arrays.
CO2 Apply the concepts of Transmission lines and Antennas to obtain parameters
for distortion less lines, lines at radio frequencies, smith charts, antenna
dipoles and antenna arrays.
CO3 Analyze the working of Transmission Lines under different Terminal
Conditions and working of different types of antennas.
CO4 Solve problems on Transmission lines, power and impedance and antenna

Transmission-Line Theory: Equation for Voltage & Current for line of
cascaded T-sections, line constants: Z, Y, characteristic impedance Z o, 10hrs
propagation constant

Expressions for Attenuation constant, Phase constant, velocity of propagation,

Condition for minimum attenuation, Causes of distortion, condition for
minimum distortion, infinite line, transfer impedance.

The distortion less line, Reflection on a line not terminated in Z o (Voltage and
current-phasors), Reflection coefficient, Open- and short-circuited lines.

The Line At Radio Frequencies: Introduction, Constants for the line of zero
dissipation (Lossless Lines), Voltages and currents on the dissipation less line. 10hrs

Standing waves, nodes, standing wave ratio (SWR), Directional Coupler.

Input-impedance of the dissipation less line: Input impedance of open-

and short circuited lines, Power and Impedance measurement on lines,
Reflection losses on the unmatched line.

The quarter-wave line, half-wave line, eighth-wave line.

The Smith circle diagram, Applications of the Smith chart; matching with the
Smith chart.

Basic Antenna Concepts: Antenna Parameters, Antenna Aperture and
Aperture Efficiency, Effective Height, Maximum Effective Aperture of a Short 10hrs
Dipole and a Linear Half-Wave Antenna, Friss transmission formula.

Point Sources, Power patterns, Power theorem, radiation intensity, different

power patterns (Unidirectional and bi-directional cosine, sine, sine-squared,
cosine squared and (cosine) n).

The short electric dipole: Retarded vector potential, fields and radiation
resistance, Radiation resistance of a half wave dipole and half wave antennas.

Various forms of Antenna arrays, Arrays of point sources: Isotropic point 9hrs
sources of: (i) same amplitude and phase (ii) same amplitude but opposite
phase (iii) same amplitude and in phase quadrature (iv) equal amplitude and
any phase (v) unequal amplitude and any phase.

Patterns multiplication: Radiation pattern of four and eight isotropic

elements fed in phase.

Linear array: Linear array with n isotropic point sources with equal
amplitude and spacing; Broadside case; End-fire case, End fire array with
increased directivity,

Loop antenna: Field of a small loop

Helical Antenna: Geometry, Transmission and radiation modes.

Construction and Characteristics of: Horn antennas (Rectangular and

Conical), Reflector antennas: Corner, paraboloidal, Cassegrain feed, Lens
antennas, Yagi-Uda array, V- and Rhombic-antenna.


1 J.D. Ryder; Networks, Lines and Fields; 2ed, Pearson, 2015

2 J.D. Kraus;Antennas and Wave Propagation; McGraw Hill Education. 2010

3 K. D. Prasad; Antenna & Wave Propagation;Satya Prakashan 2009

4 E.C. Jordan, K. G. Balmain; Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems;



1 Simon Ramo , John R. Whinnery, T.V. Duzer; Fields and Waves in Communication
Electronics; 3ed, John Wiley & Sons.

2 George Kennedy; Electronic Communication Systems, 3rd Edition; Tata McGraw



Course Code ET450 Credits 4

Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 3 1 0 39hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 150 marks 25 25 100 0 0

Course Objective
Understand the mathematical foundations that lead to the design of optimal
receivers in AWGN channels.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to

CO1 Understand representation of random signals

CO2 Investigate characteristics of random processes
CO3 Make use of theorems related to random signals
CO4 Understand propagation of random signals in linear systems

Review of Probability Theory: Probability Space, Marginal, Conditional, and Joint
Probability, Statistical Independence, Bayes’ Theroem, Bernoulli Trials. 10hrs

Random Variables: Concept of a Random Variable, Distribution and Density

Functions - Cumulative Distribution Function, Probability Density Function and
its relation to Probability, Joint Cumulative Distribution and Probability Density,
Development of an Optimal Receiver. Expectation, Variance, Correlation, and
Covariance of Random Variables. Useful Distributions and Properties: Gaussian
Probability Density, Cumulative Gaussian Probability – The Error Function,
Rayleigh Probability Density, Rician Distribution, Binomial Distribution,
Exponential Distribution – Example of Life Length of an Appliance, Poisson

Limit theorems – Strong and Weak laws of Large Numbers, The Central Limit
Theorem, Tchebyheff’s Inequality, Schwarz Inequality. Development of Optimal 10hrs
Receiver for Discrete Messages for Noise Described by a Distribution Function.

Random Processes: Ensemble Averages, Classification – Strict-sense Stationary,

Wide-sense Stationary, Non-stationary. Ergodic Processes. Power Spectral
Density (PSD) of Random Processes – Definition and its dependence on
Autocorrelation. PSD of Digital Data, Transmission of a Random Process Through
Linear Systems, Effect of First Order R-C, R-L, Filters on Digital Data

Mathematical Representation of Noise: Sources of Noise, Frequency-domain
Representation of Noise - Effect of Filtering on Probability Density of Gaussian 10hrs
Noise, Spectral Components of Noise, White Gaussian Noise (WGN), Response
of Narrowband Filter to Noise, Effect of Filter on PSD of Noise, Superposition of
Noises – Mixing Noise with Sinusoid, Mixing Noise with Noise.

Linear Filtering of Noise – The RC Low pass Filter, The Ideal Low Pass Filter,
The Rectangular Bandpass Filter, The Differentiating Filter, The Integrator. Noise
Bandwidth. .

Statistical Decision Theory: Hypothesis Testing - Neyman-Pearson Theorem, 9hrs
Possible Hypothesis Testing Errors and their Probabilities – Probability of
Detection and Missed Detection, Probability of False Alarm, Decision Regions
and Probabilities, NP test application in Signal Detection and DC level in WGN,
Minimum Probability of Error with example of Minimum Error Criterion for DC
level in WGN, Bayes’ Risk, Multiple Hypothesis Testing with example of
Multiple DC Levels in WGN.


1 Athanasios Papoulis and S. Unnikrishna Pillai,;robability, Random Variables, and

Stochastic Processes Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill Education.

2 Herbert Taub, Donald Schilling, and Goutam Saha;Principles of Communication

Systems Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.

3 Steven Kay; Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Vol. II – Detection

Theory , 2010, Pearson Education.

1 David Middleton,An Introduction to Statistical Communication Theory ,Wiley-
IEEE Press, 1996.

2 H. Stark and J. Woods;Probability and Random Processes with Applications to

Signal Processing, Third Edition, Pearson Education.

3 Simon Haykin; Communication Systems, 5e, John Wiley & Sons, 2009

4 JohnProakis and Masoud Salehi;Fundamentals of Communication Systems;

2007, Pearson Education


Course Code ET460 Credits 1
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 0 0 2 26 hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 75marks 0 25 0 50 0

Course Objective
To introduce the basic concepts of microprocessor and to develop in students the
assembly language programming skills and real time applications of
Microprocessor and Interfaces.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to

CO1 Understand and apply the fundamentals of assembly level programming of

CO2 Work with standard microprocessor real time interfaces
CO3 Troubleshoot interactions between software and hardware
CO4 Analyze abstract problems and apply a combination of hardware and software
to address the problem

List of Experiments:
(At least 10 experiments should be conducted from the following list of

SN Experiment
1 Writing programs using Data Transfer and arithmetic

2 Writing programs using logical and branch instructions

3 Writing Subroutines and passing parameters to subroutines

4 Developing Counters and Time Delay Routines
5 Developing programs for Code Conversion
6 Developing programs for BCD Arithmetic

7 Developing programs for 16-Bit Data Operations

8 Interfacing of memory chips

9 Interfacing of I/O devices: LEDs and toggle-switches

10 Interfacing Intel 8255

11 Interfacing ADC and DAC chips

12 Interfacing Stepper motor

13 Interrupt Programming

14 Interfacing Intel 8259

15 Interfacing Intel 8251


Course Code ET470 Credits 1
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 0 0 2 26 hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 75marks 0 25 0 50 0
Course objective
 To apply operational amplifiers in linear and nonlinear applications.

 To acquire the basic knowledge of special function ICs

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to

CO1 Understand the working of op-amp and its applications

CO2 Design and analyze various linear and non-linear application circuits of op-amp
CO3 Construct and trouble shoot op amp circuits in the laboratory with proper use
of test equipment.
CO4 Develop IC based project kits in above areas according to specifications

List of Experiments:
(At least 10 experiments should be conducted from the following list of

SN Experiment
1 Current mirror circuit
2 Op-amp open loop inverting and non-inverting circuit

3 Op-amp Inverting and Non-Inverting amplifier

4 Op-amp: Differentiator, Integrator

5 Op-amp: Summing, Scaling and Averaging amplifier

6 Op-amp: Instrumentation amplifier

7 Op-amp Schmitt Trigger and Monostable Multivibrator

8 Binary Weighted &R-2R Laddertype D- A Converterusing op-amp.

9 Op-amp: Square wave generator, triangular wave generator

10 Active HP, LP and BP filter using op-amp

11 RC Phase Shift and Wein Bridge oscillator using op-amp

12 Astable and Monostable Multivibrator using IC 555

13 PLL Characteristics


Course Code ET480 Credits 3
Scheme of Instruction L T P TOTAL
Hours/ Week 3 0 0 39hrs/sem
Scheme of Examination IA TW TM P O
TOTAL = 125marks 25 0 100 0 0

Course Objectives:

1. To expose students to basic Economic concepts and apply economic reasoning

to problems of business.
2. To enhance students understanding of macroeconomic issues and problems.
3. To familiarize the students with the basic principles of management.
4. To acquaint the students with standard concepts that they are likely to find
useful in their profession when employed.

Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Calculate current demand, supply and forecast future demand
CO2 Calculate National Income, Inflation and Price Index
CO3 Evaluate different management theories
CO4 Apply managerial concepts to solve complex problems related to global

Central concepts of Economics- Definitions of Economics , Scarcity 9Hrs
and Efficiency, Nature of Economics: Positive and normative
economics, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Basic Elements of Supply and Demand- The Demand Schedule, The
Demand Curve, Market Demand , Forces behind the Demand Curve,
Shifts in Demand. The Supply Schedule The Supply Curve, Forces
behind the Supply Curve , Shifts in Supply. Equilibrium of Supply and
Demand , Effect of a Shift in Supply or Demand. Supply and Demand:
Elasticity and Applications to major economic issues
Estimation/Forecasting of Demand: Meaning, importance, methods –
trend, exponential smoothing, regression analysis

Macroeconomics: Key Concepts of Macroeconomics. Objectives and 10 Hrs
Instruments of Macroeconomics. Aggregate Supply and Demand.
National Income Terms: -Gross Domestic Product: The Yardstick of an
Economy’s Performance. Real vs. Nominal GDP. Net Domestic Product,
GNP, National Income, Per capita income, Disposable Income, Price
Index, Inflation.
Consumption and Investment- Consumption, Income, and Saving,
Investment. Determinants of Investment.

General Principles of Management: Introduction to Management, 10 Hrs
Functions of a manager , Different schools of management –
Scientific ,modern operational and behavioral.

Planning :importance of planning, types of plans. Controlling-Basic

control process, Critical control points and standards, Types of
controls . Requirements for effective controls. Human Resource

Management and Selection

Appraising and Rewarding Performance: Money as a means of

Rewarding Employees, performance appraisal, Economic Incentives
Systems, the Reward Pyramid

MBO Process, How to set objectives, benefits and weaknesses, Span of

management , Factors determining an effective span, Organisation,
Structure of organisation, Formal and informal organisation,
Departmentation, Matrix Organisation, Strategic Business Unit
Decentralisation and Delegation, OD process.

Communication :Nature and Importance of Communication, The Two- 10 Hrs
Way Communication Process, Communication Barriers , Downward and
Upward Communication/ Formal Informal Communication, Forms of

Motivation :Model of Motivation, Motivational Drives, Human Needs,

Types of Needs, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Hezberg’s Two-Factor
Theory, Behavior Modification, Goal Setting ,Motivational Applications,
The Expectancy Model

Leadership: Ingredients of leadership,Trait theory, Behavioural theory,

Contingency theory

Managing Change: Nature of Work Change ,three Stage in Change,

reaching a New Equilibrium, the Organizational Learning Curve for

Interpersonal Behavior: Nature and Levels of Conflict, Sources of

Conflict, Effects of Conflict, Model of Conflict: Participant Intentions,

Resolution Strategies. Transactional Analysis: Ego States, Types of
Transactions, Benefits.

Safety responsibility and Rights: Responsibility of Engineers, Risk-

Benefit Analysis, Ethical issues in Cost-benefit Analysis, Ethics and Risk
Management, Reducing Risk.

1 P.A. Samuelson & W.D. Nordhaus, Economics, 19th Edition McGraw Hill, New
York, 1995
2 John W. Newstrom, Keith Davis; Organizational Behavior (Human Behavior at
Work); Tenth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
3 R. L. Varshney, K L Maheswari; Managerial Economics; Nineteenth, Revised and
Enlarged Edition; Sultan Chand and Sons Publications.

1 P.C. Tripathi and P.N, Reddy, Principles of management, 2nd edition Tata
McGraw Hill,1991

2 A. Alavudeen, R. Kalil Rahman and M. Jayakumaran; Professional Ethics and

Human Values; Laxmi Publications.


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