The Word and The Impressions
The Word and The Impressions
The Word and The Impressions
The Consciousness sleeps in our larynx, we are unconscious of the words. We need to
become totally conscious of the word.
There are times when to speak is a transgression, there are times when to keep silent also
is a transgression.
It is said that "the silent is gold". We say that there are criminal silences. It is as bad to
speak when one has to be silent as to be silent when is necessary to speak.
Like a flower full of colours but without aroma, are the beautiful but sterile words of the
one that does not behave according with what he says.
There exists responsibility in the words and to judge with the verb is a sacrilege. No one
has the right to judge somebody else, it is absurd to calumniate the neighbour, it is stupid
to murmur about the other's life.
The injurious words fall sooner or later over us like a ray of revenge. The calumnious
words always return over the one that has pronounced them transformed in stones that
The external events never will be as important as the way of how one reacts before them.
Do you remain serene before the insulter? Do you receive with pleasure the unpleasant
manifestations of your fellow men? How did you react before the infidelity of the
beloved one? Did you allow yourself to be carried away by the venom of the jealousy?
Did you kill? Are you in jail?
The hospitals, the cemeteries and the jails are full of sincere mistaken ones that reacted in
absurd form before the external events. The best weapon that a man can use in life, is the
correct psychological state. One can disarmer beasts and unmask traitors through the
appropriated internal states. The internal mistaken states, convert ourselves in defenceless
victims of the human perversity.
Learn to confront the most unpleasant events of the practical life with an appropriated
internal attitude. Do not become identified with any event, remember that everything
pass. Learn to see the life like a movie and you will receive the benefits. Do not forget
that events without any value could lead you to the misfortune if you do not eliminate
from your psyche the mistaken internal states. Each external event needs undoubtedly,
the appropriated bill, that is to say, the precise psychological state.
The Word And The Impressions Samael Aun Weor
The word has to come from the heart, not from the different psychological aggregates
that we have. With profound pain I realize that whe n somebody speaks, the words
unfortunately come not from the depths of the Being, but from any inhuman
psychological aggregate.
The worth that come exclusively from the Essence, would not have nothing to be
objected for: it would be pure and perfect, however, people have different psychological
aggregates very developed. Therefore, when somebody speak from the "tribune de la
eloquence" almost all the time he does so with the intension to use the irony against
somebody, to humiliate somebody, to insult, etc. That is to say, the word does not born
from the pure Essence, does not come from the Being but from the depths of any "I" and
for this is reason is not spontaneous, is not pure, does not produce a creative effect.
Normally the words among the people has for origin the entrails any psychological
aggregate, like the envy, the anger, self-esteem, pride, presumption, ambition, etc. With
pain I see that they do not come from the entrails of the Being and that is unfortunate!
When the word comes from the depths of the Being, the word is full of plenitude and
inner beauty. However, when the word comes from the entrails of any psychological
aggregate, is conditioned by that "I", does not have elasticity, ductility, does not enjoy the
plenitude, it is not integral and produces discord and any kind of problems.
The devout ones go to their meetings in order to receive a balsam, a consolation for their
painful heart. However, what consolation they could get? How an institution could
progress if we continue with that behaviour? The tendency to react that people have, is
horrible and absurd; people do not own their psychological processes, if they are
contradicted, they react, always react against everything.
Do not forget that we live in the physical world and that there exist three class of
nourishments. You already know the first nourishment: it is the food, besides, it seems a
lie but is the less important. As a proof of this is the fact that one can live without eating
many times until one month, Mahatma Ghandi used to last three months without
aliments. This nourishment enter through the mouth and goes to the stomach.
The second class of nourishment is the air, it is the breathing that is related with the fosas
nazales and lungs. We hardly would live even three or four minutes without breathing.
People normally can stay a minute without breathing but after that comes the stroke. With
training we could reach two, three or four minutes, but are very rare the cases of those
that can live after being without breathing during certain time. This indicates that the
second nourishment is even more important than the first one.
Finally, comes the third nourishment that is even more important. I want to point
emphatically the impressions. If the food could not impress the human organism, the
intestinal lobule would not work, nor the stomach and we would die. If the air could not
impress the lungs and the blood, the air would be useless. Yes, my dear brothers, the third
The Word And The Impressions Samael Aun Weor
nourishment is the most important because no one could exists, not even a single second,
without the nourishment of the impressions.
Every nourishment need to pass through a transformation. The nourishment related with
the stomach, needs to pass through a transformation, this is possible thanks to the
digestive system. The nourishment related with the breathing, has as vehicle of
transformation, the lungs; however, there are not lungs that could transform the third
nourishment: It is necessary to create that organ!
Everything that reach the mind comes as impressions. You are listening and see a man
that is speaking through the microphone, and all of this is a conjunct of impressions that
reach the mind. All the emotions and passions, everything around, come to us in form of
The air is transformed through the lungs, the food is transformed through the stomach, air
and food are transformed in principles that are vital for the organism.; however,
unfortunately the impressions are not transformed and reach the mind not been digested.
The not digested impressions are transformed in new psychological aggregates, that is to
say, in new "I's" and that is really serious.
In the assemblies, I have seen how the people hurt one to, each others. One say a word
and the one that feels alluded reacts violently, saying something worst. Sometimes, what
they say is not something vulgar but subtle, decent and accompanied with a smile,
however, at the bottom carries the frightful venom of the violent reaction.
There is not love among the people, they have forgotten their own Being and only live in
the world of the Ego, in the world of the reaction. When one forgets his own Being,
reacts violently. If one forget his own Being before a bottle of wine ends up drunk; if one
forgets his own Being before a person of the opposite sex, ends up fornicating; in one
forgets his own Inner Profound being before an insulter, one ends up insulting. The most
serious thing in life is to forget oneself.
Therefore, it is necessary to transform the impressions and this only could be possible
interpose the Being between the different vibrations of the externa l world and the mind.
When one interpose the Consciousness between the impressions and the mind, it is
obvious that the impressions are transformed into forces and powers of superior order.
Normally the impressions are formed by a very heavy hydrogen: the hydrogen 48. When
one interpose the Consciousness between the impressions and the mind, the Hydrogen 48
is transformed in Hydrogen 24, that helps as nourishment for the Astral body.
The Word And The Impressions Samael Aun Weor
In the same form, the left over of the Hydrogen 24 is transformed in Hydrogen 12 that
helps as nourishment for the Mental body. Finally, the left over of the Hydrogen 12 is
transformed in Hydrogen 6 that helps as nourishment for the Causal body. However, if
one does not transform the impressions, these ones are transformed in new psychological
aggregates, new "I's."
We have to transform the impressions using the Consciousness and it is very easy to
interpose the Consciousness between the impressions and the mind. In order to receive
the impressions with the Consciousness and not with the mind, only is necessary not to
forget ourselves in a determined moment. If somebody in any moment says something
that hurt the self-esteem, the pride, vanity, etc., in those moments only the Being has to
be in us.
We have to concentrated in the Being, so only the Being, the Superlative Consciousness
of the Being, will be the one that receives the impressions and digest them correctly. In
this form are avoided the horrible reactions that everybody have before the impacts that
comes from the external world; in this form the impressions are completely transformed,
and once transformed, they develop ourselves marvellously.
My friends, I repeat: do not repeat the mistake of reacting violently against the
neighbour; desist once and for ever from the horrible tendency to react. If somebody says
something, so be it; however, why his neighbour has to react? Everybody is free to say
what they want. About myself, I affirm what I have to say, and if somebody refute me,
and says the opposite of what I have said in a lecture about a problem that we could have,
I just keep silent. I already said, and that is all.
To impose the opinion by the force it is the result of the reactions, is the very reaction of
the Ego, of the mind. That behaviour is abominable, and has created problems in all the
institutions of the world.
Everywhere, the tribune is used for insulting, hurt, attack others with the words and this is
producing confusion in many organiza tions.