The "I" Can Not Comprehend Nor Eliminate The "I"

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The “I” Cannot Comprehend Nor Eliminate The “I” Samael Aun Weor


The facts demonstrate that the psychological order in the work of the elimination of the
defects, is establish by our own Profound Inner Being.

We must clarify the fact that there exists a radical difference between the Ego and the
Being. The "I" could never establish an order in the psychological aspects, because the
"I" itself is the result of the disorder.

Only the Being has the power to establish the order in our psyche. The Being is the
Being, and the reason of its existence, it is the Being itself.

Any person can make the mistake of kill himself, as any coward and stupid suicidal does,
but the famous psychological "I" could never kill himself.

The people of the entire pseudo esoteric and pseudo occultists schools have magnificent
ideals and even sublime intensions, but all of that exists in the subjective and miserable
thought, because all of that belong to the "I."

The "I" not always is perverse, sometimes adorns itself with beautiful virtues and even
wear the tunic of sanctity. When the "I" does not want to exists, does not do it in
disinterested and pure form, wants to continue existing in a different form, wants the
reward and the happiness.

In these mechanical times of life, there exists the mass production: series of cars, of
plains, machines of different kind, etc., etc., etc. Everything has become mass production
and even the very "I" expresses itself in series. We need to know the different series of
the "I." The "I" process itself in serie s of thoughts, sentiments, hatreds, desires, customs,

Do the divisionists of the "I" keep dividing their Ego between "superior" and "inferior"?
Let us leave them with their famous theories and their so boasted Superior Ultra Divine
"I," controlled by the unhappy Inferior "I."

We well know that the division between Superior "I" and Inferior "I" is false in one
hundred per cent; "superior" and "inferior" are two sections of one thing, two sections of
the pluralized "I."

Can a part of the "I" reduce to dust, annihilate another part of the "I"? Can a part of the
myself to exile another part of the myself?

What we can do is to hide astutely what is more convenient for us, to hide our
perversities and to smile with saint's faces. Is it rare that one part of the myself could hide
another part of the myself? Does not the cat hide his nails? All of us carry inside the
famous pharisee: outside we are very handsome, but inside we are full of rottenness!

The “I” Cannot Comprehend Nor Eliminate The “I” Samael Aun Weor

We have known pharisee that produce horror. We knew one that wore the immaculate
tunic of Master, his hair was long and never the scissor cut his chin. This person
"frightened" with his sanctity; he was vegetarian in one hundred percent, he did not drink
anything that could have alcohol, people used to kneel down in front of him.

We do not mention the name of this "saint of chocolate," but he had left his wife and his
children, with the excuse of following the path of sanctity.

He preached beauties and spoke horrors against adultery and fornication, but in secret he
had many mistresses and used to propose to his followers unnatural sexual connections.
Yes, he was a saint, but a saint of chocolate.

In that form are the pharisee! "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye
make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion
and excess." The pharisee hide the transgression before the others eyes and, also hide
them from himself.

We know pharisee that do tremendous fasts and frightful penances, who are very sure of
been juste and wise, but their victims cry tremendously. Almost all the time are their
women and children the innocent victims of their wickedness, but they continue with
their sacred exercises, convinced of been juste and saints.

The so called Superior "I" says: "I will defeat the anger, the greed, the lust, etc.," but the
Inferior "I" laughs with the thundering laugh of Aristophanes and the demons of passion,
terrified run to hide themselves among the secret caverns of the different terrains of the

Every intellectual effort in order to dissolve the "I" is useless, because any movement of
the mind belongs to the "I."

Any part of the myself can have good intensions, and what? The way that lead to abyss is
stone-paved with good intensions.

It is curious the game of one part of the myself that wants to control another part of the
myself that does not want to be controlled.

Are pathetic the penances of those "saints of chocolate" that make suffer their wives and
children; are witty all of those meekness of those "saints of chocolate;" it is admirable the
erudition of those know- it-all, and what? The "I" cannot destroy the "I," and this "I"
continues millions and millions of years, perpetuating itself in our descendant.

We need to disenchant ourselves from the useless efforts; when the "I" wants to destroy
the "I," the effort is useless.

The “I” Cannot Comprehend Nor Eliminate The “I” Samael Aun Weor

Only understanding profoundly and in truth what the useless battles of the thought are,
only comprehending the actions and subconscious reactions, the internal and external
reactions, the secret answers, the occult springs, the hidden impulses, etc., we can attain
the quietude and imposing silence of the mind.

Over the pure waters of the universal mind we can contemplate, in state of ecstasy, all the
devilries of the pluralized "I."

When the Ego cannot hide itself, is already condemned to the capital punishment. The "I"
likes to hide itself, but when cannot do it, the unfortunate is lost! Only in the serenity of
the thought we see the "I" as it is and not as apparently is.

To see the "I" and to comprehend it, is fundamental. The "I" is failed when we have
comprehended him, because afterwards we can reduce it to dust with the help of

The quietude of the Mind's Sea it is not a result but a natural state. The stormy waves of
the thought are just an accident provoked by the monster of "I."

The fatuous mind, the stupid mind, the mind that says: "With the time I will attain the
serenity," or "one day I will attain it," is condemned to the failure, because the Mind's
Serenity does not belong to time. Everything that belongs to time comes from the "I,"
from the myself; the myself is time.

Those that want to attain the serenity of thought like when somebody is assembling a
machine, putting together each one of its parts, as a fact fail, because the serenity of the
mind is not composed by different parts that can assembled or dismounted, organized or
disorganized, to put together or separated.

The pluralized Ego is mind. We have already talked clearly, we have said that the
intellectual animal mistakenly called man, does not have mind but minds.

Undoubtedly, the different psychic aggregates that compose the Ego, are just different
mental forms, a pluralization of the understanding, etc.

** Are you saying dear Master, that all the distinguish exponents of the magical power of
mind, that exalt the great importance of having a positive mind, are mistaken?

*** Friends, in these times of Kali Yuga, in the Iron Age, people study the mentalism,
and one finds everywhere, in the book stores thousands of books that talk wonders about
the donkey of the mind.

It is interesting to see that Jesus, the Great Kabir, mounted on the donkey (the mind) in
order to enter in the Celestial Jerusalem in Palm Sunday. In this manner this is explained
in the gospel, but the people crucify Jesus the Christ and adore the monkey. In this form
is humanity my dear brothers, in this form is this epoch of darkness in which we live.

The “I” Cannot Comprehend Nor Eliminate The “I” Samael Aun Weor

What the mentalists want to develop, the force of the donkey? Be tter would be that those
that comprehend, could mount in that animal and tame it with the will's whip; in this form
everything would change and we could become good Christians, is not it?

What the mentalist want to develop, the force of the Mental Ego? Be tter would be to
disintegrate it, to reduce it to cosmic dust; in this form the Holy Spirit would shine in
each one of them.

Unfortunately, the people of these times want nothing with the spirit; now, kneel down,
kiss the feet of the donkey and instead of purifying themselves, degrade themselves in
miserable form.

If the people would know that they do not have a Mental body, and that the only thing
that they have it is a sum of psychic aggregates, of disgusting mental crystallization, and
if instead of strengthening those bestial "I's," they would disintegrate them, then they
would be working for their own good and happiness.

However, by means of developing the force of the beast, the sinister power of the mental
Ego, what they attain is to become each day more gloomy, abysmal, leftists.

I say to my friends, I say to the brothers of the Gnostic Movement: reduce to dust your
mental Ego, fight tremendously to liberate the mind, only in this form you will reach the


Samael Aun Weor

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