Why Do We Love British English Student

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1 Warm up

With your partner, talk about the questions below.

1. What pops into your head when you see the word, love?
2. Do you think that you are a romantic person?
3. How can you tell that you love somebody?
4. Do you believe that everybody has a soulmate, or do you think that is nonsense?
5. Do you think that some animals can have romantic thoughts?

2 Focus on vocabulary A

Part A: Add the following extracts to the gaps in the definitions.

difficult or unpleasant produce children strong wish unusual your appearance

1. emotional wringer (idiom) - an experience that is

2. disguise (n) - something that you can use to change

3. desire (n) - a to do or have something

4. procreate (v) - to , animals

5. intriguing (adj.) - very interesting because it is

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Part B: Now complete the sentences with appropriate words from Part A.

1. I attended a talk that was because it looked at theories relating to the existence
of aliens.

2. My friends had a to travel to every continent before they turned 40.

3. When David thought about being a teenager, he just remembered years of going through the

4. I think that my outward personality is a from who I really am inside.

5. The book I am reading these days is talking about a future where humans are unable to

Part C: Personalise the vocabulary: share your opinions with your classmates using the questions

1. What is the most intriguing book you have ever read?

2. Can you remember an emotional time when you felt like you had been put through the wringer?
3. Do you have the desire to travel to other parts of the world?
4. Do you feel like you wear a disguise when you are at work?
5. How do you think we can encourage endangered animals to procreate?

3 Understanding the main idea

Listen to the introduction of the TED talk by Skye C. Cleary called "Why do we love? A philosophical
inquiry" (00:00-00:46), then decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). If the statements
are false, then change them to true.

1. Love is described as "beautiful and incomprehensible".

2. The speaker asks if love gives our life meaning.

3. The world of science has clear reasoning for why we feel love.

4. There have been interesting concepts suggested by philosophers.

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4 Listening comprehension

Listen to the rest of the video (00:54-05:13) and select the correct answer for the following questions.

1. What was the main point of Aristophanes’ story?

a. everybody should love themselves

b. all people are incomplete

c. only some people have soulmates

d. humans should be loveless

2. What does nature trick us into doing?

a. loving everybody

b. having children

c. finding a soulmate

d. building a home

3. Why do humans have to "build hard shells"?

a. we are scared of love

b. we are scared of being alone

c. we are scared of the cold, cruel world

d. we are scared of having children

4. What did Buddha say about our "passionate cravings"?

a. they are defects

b. they are natural

c. they are positives

d. they are talents practised under stressful conditions and have a post-performance routine

5. What happens when Jia Rui looks at the front of the mirror?

a. his body is sucked into it

b. his mind is taken away

c. his soul goes into the mirror

d. his soulmate comes out of the mirror

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6. What was Simone de Beauvoir most interested in?

a. love at first sight

b. how we can love better

c. how love can decay

d. how love can lead to sadness

7. Beauvoir described love as being "like a..."?

a. great meal

b. great experience

c. great adventure

d. great friendship

5 Writing an interesting conclusion

The video was stopped before the end, with your partner think about the video as a whole and write
four or five sentences to form a conclusion. Afterwards compare your conclusion to the video, what
were the similarities and differences?






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6 Focus on vocabulary B

Part A: The following words are all taken from the video you watched. Match them to the correct

1. longing (n) a. experiencing intense pain

2. voluptuous (adj.) b. seriously, greatly

3. sorely (adv.) c. very, plentifully, extremely

4. tormented (adj.) d. making a fire stop burning

5. perpetuating (v) e. giving you physical pleasure

6. quench (v) f. strong desire for something

7. ecstasy (n) g. a state of pain and difficulty

8. abundantly (adv.) h. making a bad situation or belief continue for a long time

9. affliction (n) i. have a strong feeling of wanting something

10. cravings (n) j. a state of extreme happiness

11. extinguishing (v) k. relieve something usually related to something we drink

Part B: Fill in the statements with words from above, decide if you agree or disagree and then share
your view with your partner

1. It is not possible to miss a partner even when they go away

2. It is possible to have feelings of with emotional love.

3. for another person are more common when you are younger.

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7 Speaking- a debate about love

Look at the two statements below, your teacher will tell you which side of the argument you fall on
and give you some time to prepare. Using the vocabulary from today’s lesson, prepare arguments for
your debate. Once you are fully prepared you will be put with another partner to debate the topic.

A: Love is a trick created by nature

B: Nobody has a soulmate, and we should all stop looking

8 Talking Point (Extension task)

In pairs discuss the following questions on the themes brought up in today’s lesson:

1. What was the most surprising thing that you heard in today’s video?
2. What do you think about Schopenhauer’s idea that nature is tricking us into loving each other?
3. Bertrand Russell said that love "helps us overcome our fear of the world"? To what extent do you
agree with that?
4. Beauvoir mentions the idea of love being like a "great friendship", how would you define a great
5. After watching the video do you believe that love has a purpose?

9 Synonyms (optional)

Look at the final five paragraphs of the transcript of the video and find synonyms for the following

1. stupidity (n)

2. fills (v)

3. fascinating (adj.)

4. inspiring (v)

5. thrilling (adj.)

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