International Criminal Court 5 - 7
International Criminal Court 5 - 7
International Criminal Court 5 - 7
Valeria Arias 11°C
Laura Rivera 8°B
6. Recommendations—---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
7. Portfolio —--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
8. Bibliography —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
1. Welcoming Letter
Dear delegates,
Welcome to the model United Nations of the Gimnasio Hontanar, HMUN 2023. This year
Valeria Arias and Laura Rivera, eleven and eighth grade students, will be accompanying you as
the directive table of the ICC commission (International Criminal Court), for us, it is a great
pleasure to guide you in the construction of your debates in this institutional activity of great
The main objective of our commission is to develop strategies and actions against the
Crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur, Sudan that will allow you to acquire
knowledge about topics that are of international concern and achieve a global perspective. The
United Nations model is the opportunity to improve or develop your oratory skills and critical
thinking; additionally, you can reinforce your fluency and confidence in the speech of our second
Your directive table, Valeria Arias and Laura Rivera, will guide and help you if you have
any questions, doubts, or suggestions; we remind you of our total support in whatever you
require. We hope that our help will be useful for the development of your role as delegates, and
Finally, as the directive table we expect your good behavior, participation, respect and
attitude for the development of the debate; remember we will resolve any doubts, and we hope
that this model will be a learning experience; we wish you all delegates good luck.
Yours faithfully,
[email protected] [email protected]
2. Theoretical framework
The International Criminal Court was established in 1998 and is governed in 2002 by a
founding treaty called Rome Statute. It is a judicial, independent and permanent institution with
the purpose of dealing with the gravest crimes occurring in the international community. These
are: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of aggression. Its main objective
is to end impunity, as is said in ICC official page, “the Court aims to hold those responsible
accountable for their crimes and to help prevent these crimes from happening again.”
● The International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over the four crimes previously
● The ICC has jurisdiction over every crime (of the mentioned) that occurred after 2002.
ICC is not an organism of the UN, however it has a cooperation agreement with it. When
the Court has no jurisdiction in a situation, the United Nations Security Council may refer the
3. Problem Review
The internal conflict in Darfur, Sudan started around 2003. The crisis started due to the
rebellious operations caused by different rebel groups, for instance “SLA” and “JEM”. They
asked Jartum authorities to do something about underdevelopment in the region. To stop the
rebellion, the government created an art of warfare with diverse groups of fighters called
“Janjaweed”. They had attacked different villages (with the help of armed forces) that were
Unfortunately, they are making a huge variety of acts against human rights. They had
committed crimes such as genocide, crimes of war, and crimes against humanity. They had
attempted against the civilians and therefore a vast internal migration started. According to
ACNUR, 1 million people have been internally displaced in the region from Darfur, in addition to
another 22,500 who are in Chad. Approximately there are 110,000 refugees.
As a consequence, ICC was involved in the conflict. The UN gave jurisdiction to the
Court in 2005 to participate in the situation (the territory affected was not one of the State Parties
of Rome Statute). Since that time, the statistics rose and the people affected were more. The two
of the principal crimes are war crimes and crimes against humanity.
War crimes involved are: murder; attacks against the civilian population; destruction of
property; rape; spoliation; and outrage to personal dignity; violence to life and person;
intentionally direct attacks against personnel, facilities, material, units or vehicles involved in a
peacekeeping mission, etc. And against humanity are: murder; persecution; forced population
violations of international humanitarian law and human rights standards in Darfur by all parties,
also determine whether acts of genocide have occurred and identify the perpetrators of such
violations with a view to ensuring that those responsible are held accountable accounts”. The
investigation continues and until now there are various suspects of the committed crimes that are
4. Guiding Questions
● What is your country's position about the topic? Is it in favor or against these
armed groups?
● If your nation is not very implicated in the principal problem, what does your
● What actions has your delegation taken in response to the crimes committed in
● What learnings have been obtained from this crime? How can these learnings
5. Support material
6. Recommendations
● You must express the opinion of your delegation and not your own opinion.
● Make use of the APA format and reference the information, it's very important.
7. Portfolio
Your portfolio is divided into 6 different documents. Remember that from 5 grade to 7
1. Front page (include, delegation, commission, flag of both in the two upper corners).
4. General Information.
5. Commission Guide.
8. Bibliography
ACNUR. (22 of september, 2023). Five things to know about the crisis of Sudan. ACNUR.
Consejo Económico y Social. (4 of march, 2005). Informe del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones
United Nations.
International Criminal Court. (n.d.). [International Criminal Court main aspects]. International
International Criminal Court. (n.d.). About the Court. International Criminal Court.
International Criminal Court. (n.d.). How the Court works. International Criminal Court.
International Criminal Court. (n.d.). Situation in Darfur, Sudan, Summary of the case,
Prosecutor’s Application for Warrant of Arrest under Article 58 Against Omar Hassan