Chapter 03 - Data Set
Chapter 03 - Data Set
Chapter 03 - Data Set
3D Geological Modeling Hatem Elshabi
The sea depth in the area is 130 - 220 meters (426.509 - 721.784 foot). The field
has been developed with three integrated processing, drilling and
accommodation facilities with concrete bases and steel topsides, Gullfaks A, B
and C. Gullfaks B has a simplified processing plant with only first-stage separation.
Gullfaks A and C receive and process oil and gas from Gullfaks Sør and Gimle.
The facilities are also involved in production and transport from Tordis, Vigdis and
Visund. The Tordis production is processed in a separate facility on Gullfaks C.
3D Geological Modeling Hatem Elshabi
The Gullfaks reservoirs consist of Middle Jurassic sandstones of the Brent Group,
and Lower Jurassic and Upper Triassic sandstones of the Cook, Statfjord and
Lunde formations. The reservoirs are 1700 - 2000 meters (5577.427- 6561.679
foot) below the sea level.
The Gullfaks reservoirs are located in rotated fault blocks in the west and a
structural horst in the east, with an intermediate highly faulted area.
Fig3.3: Structural setting of the Gulfacks main field showing 3 main areas
3D Geological Modeling Hatem Elshabi
Recovery strategy
The drive mechanisms are water injection, gas injection or water/alternating gas
injection (WAG). The drive mechanism varies between the drainage areas in the
field, but water injection constitutes the main strategy.
3D Geological Modeling Hatem Elshabi
Oil is exported from Gullfaks A and Gullfaks C via loading buoys to shuttle tankers.
The part of the rich gas that is not reinjected is sent through the export pipeline
to Stat pipe for further processing at Kårstø and export to the Continent as dry
gas .
3D Geological Modeling Hatem Elshabi
Production from Gullfaks is in the decline phase. Efforts are being made to
increase recovery, partly by locating and draining pockets of remaining oil in
water flooded areas, and partly through continued massive water circulation .
Implementation of a chemical flooding pilot will be considered in 2010. A new
project has also been initiated to evaluate necessary facility upgrades for lifetime
extension of the field towards 2030 .
Operations: In Norway.
Operator: Statoil Hydro ASA
Location: 34/10 in the northern part of the North Sea
Discovery year: 1978
Production start: Gullfaks A December 1986
3D Geological Modeling Hatem Elshabi