Making It Happen G3 Pavement and Specification
Making It Happen G3 Pavement and Specification
Making It Happen G3 Pavement and Specification
This part of making it happen includes advice, guidance and information about the highway
pavement and specification requirements for residential developments.
The thickness of foundation and pavement construction for industrial and commercial roads is
not covered by this section. For these roads the design must be determined in accordance with
the latest version of the Design Manual for Road and Bridges, for the estimated volume of
traffic, as agreed with us.
The information in this section must be read in conjunction with the advice given in the main
document and other sections of making it happen.
For work in environmentally sensitive areas, early joint discussions with the local District
Planning Authority are essential to achieve good design solutions.
All materials and workmanship must be in accordance with all appropriate Standards and
Specifications (e.g. European Standards, British Standard Specifications, Volume 1 of the
Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works [SHW], etc), current at the time of
completion of the appropriate Agreement, as amended by the Kent Standard Contract. Where
available all materials must have a CE mark.
Amendments and additions to the Specification are included here, but it will be necessary for
you to prepare certain appendices relating to the site, for approval by us, and for incorporation
into the relevant agreement.
Where documents are superseded or amended our Model Agreement may be adjusted with our
Material Types
Roads are typically built with a foundation of granular sub-base and capping materials, with the
upper layers constructed in bitumen bound materials. The top layer provides the impermeable
and skid resistant surface to the road and is normally bitumen bound.
Footways are generally constructed in bitumen bound, block paving or small element paving
materials. Paving slabs larger than 400 x 400 mm sq and other surfacing materials may be
used, in appropriate locations, with our approval.
Materials and techniques specified in this section are those that are commonly used. However,
alternative materials and techniques for road construction, that are not included within this
section, may become widely available and will require our approval prior to use.
Where you propose to use materials that fall outside the scope of this document, you will be
required to make a detailed proposal to the Asset Manager using our Technical Approval
Process for Highway Assets in good time to permit their evaluation and approval prior to the
relevant work proceeding. Your proposal will need to demonstrate that the materials offer a long
lifecycle, lower lifecycle costs, and ease of maintainability. A commuted sum may be applied
where the use of such materials will result in increased future maintenance costs.
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
In the selection of materials for your proposal, we recommend that you consult with our
supplementary Standard Palette of Materials which exemplifies materials that have been
successfully used on previous development sites.
You must make arrangements with a UKAS accredited testing laboratory for such site tests and
investigations as may be required. Testing should be conducted in advance of the design, prior
to construction of the works and at various stages throughout the construction.
All site testing during the construction phase must comply with the latest version of our ‘Material
Testing Requirements’, a copy of which may be obtained from the Proper Officer.
You must:
• ensure that your selected testing laboratory, including any other testing laboratory used
by your contractors and sub-contractors, has UKAS accreditation that is specific to each
of the tests that they are required to carry out; the test must appear in the laboratory’s
UKAS Schedule of Accreditation.
• ensure that the test results, materials’ source approval and any necessary
manufacturers’ certificates are submitted to the Proper Officer in a timely manner for
• make available during the construction of the works, such samples of materials as may
be required for testing, and where necessary permit our inspection staff access to carry
out in situ tests of road materials and checks on finished construction to verify
compliance with the Specification; and
Our inspection staff may require you to open up the works to take cores or dig trial holes, and
carry out tests at your own expense to determine the quality of the works to our satisfaction
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
Road Preliminaries
All areas of the new road to be adopted must be designed and constructed in accordance with
the approved plans, the agreement and the requirements of this document.
Wherever possible road designs must include alternative construction thicknesses, which make
the maximum use of the material available on the site for capping layer and sub-base.
The use of construction materials from sources that maximise the amount of recycled materials
is strongly recommended.
We may request detailed method statements and techniques to assess that the proposed
construction materials are satisfactory, particularly where you choose to use recycled and site
resourced materials. The road construction must satisfy 4 structural functions. These are:
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
Site Investigations
Before any proposals are submitted for approval, a geotechnical investigation must be carried
out in order to assess a number of design issues, including the following:
Disposal of surface water run-off:
• Depth to water table/perched water table;
• Chemical contamination risk assessment;
• Suitability of strata for soakaway discharges in accordance with the latest edition of our
Soakaway Design Guide;
• Suitability of strata for features designed to delay discharge to watercourses e.g swales and
• Consultation with the Environment Agency; and
• Impact on adjacent developments landslips, slopes etc.
Sub-soil drainage:
• Depth to water table/perched water table;
• Possibility of chemical attack on concrete pipes;
• Control of piping of fine grained soils;
• Treatment of solution features below drainage runs; and
• Impact on adjacent developments landslips, slopes etc.
• Cutting/embankment fill side slopes;
• Frequency and treatment of solution features in cutting slopes;
• Limits for earthworks acceptability/recycling on-site materials;
• Chemical contamination risk assessment;
• Need for ground improvement of foundation soils;
• Impact on adjacent developments; and
• Geotechnical certification for strengthened embankments/reinforced structures.
Road thickness:
• Subgrade strength established through soil classification, plasticity index and appropriate
CBR testing
• Frequency of treatment of soft spots, features, underground caves etc;
• Differential settlement risks/ need for ground improvement;
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
• Suitability of subgrade soils for in-situ lime/cement stabilisation (if required); and
• Shrinkage swelling potential over consolidated clays (particularly where trees are
The geotechnical site investigation must be carried out in accordance with the requirements set
out in ‘Guidelines for Good Practice in Site Investigation’. The scale of the investigation will
depend upon the scale of the project, but should typically comprise a desk study followed by a
ground investigation.
The desk study is beneficial, even for small developments, with valuable data available from
Well Records, published records, geological maps and memoirs, aerial photographs, local
libraries, local District Planning Authority landfill databases, Speleological Society records and
aquifer protection maps.
This literature search will help you optimise and accelerate the planning of the ground
investigation and the subsequent design and construction process.
A separate chemical contamination risk examination must be undertaken for the whole
development where necessary.
An environmental assessment study must be carried out to identify flora and fauna affected by
the development and the steps to be taken to protect and conserve the species at risk. You
should discuss any specific requirements with the Proper Officer.
The road design is based on the strength of the sub-grade to satisfy structural functions, both in
the construction phase (the short term) and the post construction phase (the long term). The
long term strength of the subgrade must be estimated by determining the plasticity index and, if
found to be non cohesive, the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) established using appropriate
testing methods.
Prior to laying the capping layer and/or sub-base materials, the existing ground must be
checked to ensure the construction material thicknesses are correct and that the sub-grade can
carry the required loads.
Sub-soil drainage
Where there is a possibility of the water table rising to within 600mm of the formation level, you
must design a suitable drainage system to prevent this happening.
All turf and topsoil must be removed from the formation of the new road. It must be stored
carefully on site up to a maximum of 2m in height to prevent deterioration and contamination
with sub-soil etc and wherever possible be reused within the site.
Less material needs to be removed where in-situ stabilisation methods are used on the existing
soil. This prevents large amounts of granular capping layer being imported.
All other organic materials within the site must be identified, removed and disposed of with our
approval. Wherever possible these materials must be reused within the site, in the construction
of appropriate mounds or landscaping features.
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
All highway areas must be excavated or filled to ascertain the agreed formation level. Where
local areas are uncovered, which are softer than the general sub-grade, they must be excavated
out to a depth appropriate for the soft area and backfilled with a suitable earthworks material.
Where soft areas exceed 25% of the total area of the highway, the whole area must be reduced
in level and backfilled with suitable material.
All unsuitable materials, other than organic materials, must be considered where treatment
permits, for use in the carriageways, footways, verges or other parts of the site. You can only
remove surplus materials from the site with our permission.
Service ducts and pipework
Service ducts and pipework must, wherever possible, be located outside the road. Where this is
not possible, service crossings must be installed prior to construction and protected from
You must ensure that all services are installed in accordance with the requirements of the New
Roads and Streetworks Act 1991.
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
You will be expected to carry out the testing and agree the construction thicknesses with
us prior to the relevant works commencing. Works commencing in advance of this will
be entirely at your risk.
Based on the results of your testing, you may determine on economic practicality or
sustainability grounds whether to use the sub-base only option (Table B) or the combined
capping/sub-base layer option (Table C).
Table A provides further information on the road types that are referred to in Tables B and C.
Please note that Table B does not permit a sub-base only option for road types LD, or MAR/CL
& MIR/HZ where the CBR is less than 2%.
For the purposes of this document the traffic figures shown in Table A have been assumed and
are based upon a 40-year design life.
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
The surface of the sub-base must not be used for access purposes by construction traffic when
the buildings are being constructed. All construction traffic must use the surface of the binder
A minimum thickness of 450mm road construction is required to provide frost protection for the
Where the CBR is less than 3%, a non-woven geotextile separation layer is required between
the sub-grade and the capping layer/sub-base. Records of the CBR at the time of construction,
thickness and compliance data of laid materials and the compaction plant used, must be made
available to us.
Notes on table A:
1. Road types are described in more detail in the main part of the document.
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
Sub base thickness 250mm of subbase laid over a Capping Layer thickness as below
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
Materials must be compacted using appropriate compaction plant/equipment before drying out
or segregation, so that they achieve 95% of the density required when compacted in
accordance with BS 1377 Part 9. The density must be measured in-situ using a calibrated
nuclear density meter at a rate of 1 test per 20 lin m of road.
Materials must achieve an in-situ Stiffness Modulus measured by a Portable Dynamic Plate, of
100MPa, measured at a rate of 1 test per 20 lin m of road. Other equivalent testing methods
may be considered subject to our approval.
There must be no deflection/movement in the compacted finished layer.
The surface of the sub base material, prior to laying the bituminous material, must achieve
within a +10/-30mm tolerance of the finished layer level and must not have any ruts exceeding
10mm in depth, measured using a 3m straight edge.
On site sampling of the subbase material will be required to check grading analysis and
moisture content against the material specification.
Additional testing will be required for recycled subbase materials, in advance of construction,
due to the variability in such materials.
The Environment Agency must be consulted over the use of any material that may contain
contaminants, which could generate an unacceptable leachate.
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
Road Pavement
Road construction using flexible pavements consists of surface course, binder course, and base
For Industrial and Commercial Roads the thickness of road construction must be determined in
accordance with the latest version of the Design Manual for Road and Bridges for the estimated
volumes of traffic as agreed with us. It is based upon a Class 2 Foundation (100MPa) measured
by the Portable Dynamic Plate.
The thickness of road pavement construction layers and construction materials must be
determined from Table D.
All materials must have demonstrated, by site installation trials independently monitored, that
the requirements of the Specification have been met in the last 12 months prior to use.
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
Notes on table D:
1. The surface course shall have a minimum Polished Stone Value (PSV) of 60.
The surface of each road course must achieve within the following tolerances, at a frequency
required by the proper officer:
• Base course: +15/-15mm of finished layer level.
• Binder course: +0/-15mm of finished layer level.
• Surface course: +6/-0mm of finished layer level.
If kerbs are not laid prior to laying the base and binder courses, the datums for level control
must remain in place to permit checks.
Surface regularity for LDR and MAR roads must accord with Clause 702.7 and 8 (SHW) and
Table 7/2 for Category B.
The minimum delivery temperature and temperature immediately prior to rolling, must be in
accordance with the relevant British Standard.
All materials must comply with Clause 901 (SHW) and the information included in this section.
Bituminous materials must be supplied and laid in accordance with the relevant British
Standards and other relevant HAPAS Guidelines and method statements.
There may be a requirement for manhole chambers to be plated at subbase level if there are
concerns about delamination, temperatures, and compaction due to excessive ramping. Plates
should be dug out and ironworks set to position prior to rolling and compaction.
The satisfactory performance of asphalt surfacing depends upon a good bond between the
layers. Binder courses should wherever possible be laid in conjunction with the base material,
however sufficient time must be allowed between layers for cooling to mitigate the risks of
premature trafficking (i.e. rutting). A maximum of one course shall be laid in any one day to
provide this assurance. Any damage to the surface of any layer must be made good to our
Before a subsequent layer is laid all loose material or other material adhering to the surface of
the base or binder course, must be removed by mechanical sweeper and where necessary
water jetting. An appropriate tack coat/bond coat, in accordance with the manufacturer’s
requirements, must then be applied at the rate described in BS 594987 or the HAPAS
Materials for base and binder courses must be checked on site for achieved compaction density
and samples (every 200 tonnes) must be sent to the laboratory for grading analysis and binder
content.. The density/air voids must be checked using a calibrated nuclear density meter, at a
rate of 1 test per 20 linear meters of road.
Any high friction surfacing (HFS) must be limited to locations where its skid-resistant properties
are needed for road safety, and its colour is appropriate to its use (generally black/grey, but buff
on approaches to uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, and red only where essential to address a
critical safety issue).
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
At interfaces between new and existing roads the longitudinal joints in the wearing
course must be located outside of the wheel track zone. Ordinarily the surface course
will extend to the centre-line or across the full width of the road.
Notes on table E:
1. Blocks and pavers should be rectangular in shape.
Use of block paving should be minimised. Any block and/or small aspect paving should be
limited to highlighting traffic calming/safety features, shared spaces, and service strips.
The colour of the blocks and the shape and finish must be approved by us in consultation with
the local District Planning Authority, where appropriate. A sample of 0.5m2 of blocks is required
to determine the colour, which must be consistent throughout the scheme.
For LDR, MAR/CL and MIR/HZ, block paving must be laid in a 45 degree herringbone pattern.
Special consideration should be given to use of smaller block types in high stress situations.
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
For all block paving two stretcher courses adjacent to kerbs and a single stretcher course
around ironwork are required.
Block, and slab paving shall have a minimum Polished Paver Value of 55.
Where a flexible construction road meets an existing rigid concrete road, a flush 255mm deep
kerb bedded on at least 150mm of ST2 concrete and jointed fully with strong cement mortar,
must be laid across the full width of the interface between the kerb and the concrete road.
Precast concrete kerbs and edgings must comply with the requirements of BS EN 1340 and
Clause 1101 (SHW). Plastic kerbs are not permitted.
The maximum kerb length to be used is 915mm.
Suitably sized pre-formed radius kerbs must be used to provide curvature, where required.
Straight kerbs will only be permitted, on a case by case basis, where it is not possible to use
radius kerbs.
Kerb type will generally be 125mm x 255mm half battered HB2 bedded and backed with 150mm
of ST2 concrete.
Other kerb types may be used subject to our approval.
For footways, footpaths and cycleways edging types will generally be 50mm x 150mm type EF
bedded and haunched with 150mm of ST2 concrete.
A suitable grade of polythene membrane must be used between the ST2 concrete and soft
verges where the ground is susceptible to clay shrinkage.
Pre-cast concrete kerbs, and edgings must be laid in accordance with BS 7533-6.
Kerb face
Kerbs will normally show a 125mm face above the finished road surface. Exceptions will be
through certain traffic calming measures, where required, at vehicular and pedestrian crossings,
and bus borders.
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
At vehicular crossings or places adjacent to the road where vehicles are likely or permitted to
over-run, the kerbing must be lowered for the full length of the crossing or bend to show a
25mm face above the finished road surface.
When using pre-cast concrete kerbs, tapered kerbs are normally required at either end. Four
dropped kerbs should be used between tapers for a single driveway, and six kerbs for a double
A minimum of 2.7m between crossings is desirable. Where the length is less than 1.8m, the
crossing must be laid as one continuous crossing.
Construction details for vehicular crossings must be in accordance with Tables F & G.
Pedestrian Crossings
Tactile Paving
At all pedestrian crossing points situated along local distributor roads and other places where
pedestrian flows are likely to be high, such as main routes to shops, pedestrian crossing ramps
must be provided with tactile surfacing in accordance with the latest ‘Guidance on the Use of
Tactile Paving Surfaces’ produced by the DETR.
Where a cycleway runs alongside a footway or footpath, consideration must be given to
providing tactile markings in accordance with Traffic Advisory Leaflet 4/90 ‘Tactile markings for
segregated/shared use by cyclists and pedestrians’ published by the Department of Transport.
Tactile Blister paving should be concrete with a thickness of 65mm. Where tactile paving is to
be installed at junctions and in other locations subject to vehicle overrun, small aspect tactile
pavers are used and/or an asphalt base course included in the pavement design.
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
Making it Happen: G3 Pavement and Specification 2023
Wherever possible we will require you to use blocks that are locally sourced.
If requested by the Proper Officer, a sample of 0.5m2 of blocks must be provided to determine
the colour, which must be consistent throughout the scheme.
Blocks must be laid in accordance with the relevant part of BS 7533.