Learjet 45 AMM22-10-00-201
Learjet 45 AMM22-10-00-201
Learjet 45 AMM22-10-00-201
1. Adjustment/Test
NOTE: To engage the autopilot (AP), push the AP engage switch on the flight guidance autopilot
controller (FGAC). The PFD engagement window shows a steady green AP annunciation
when the AP is engaged. In all engagement conditions, an arrow is shown next to the AP
annunciation (above the attitude direction indicator on each PFD), which points to the side
of the aircraft that supplies the AP command data. When the AP is not engaged, the AP
couple arrow shows which flight director the AP will couple to. When AP is engaged, the
AP couple arrow shows which flight director is coupled to the AP. The AP engage side can
be transferred to the left or right flight director when you push the XFR switch on the
FGAC. The AP will stay engaged during the transfer, but active modes will be dropped to
pitch and roll hold modes.
NOTE: If an AP disengages, the AP disengage tone will be heard. Pilot initiated disengagements
result in an amber flashing AP annunciation on the PFDs and a disengagement tone both
of which cancel after 3 seconds. If the disengagement was initiated by the system
(monitored disconnect), the AP annuncation in the PFD engagement window will turn red
and the tone will continue to sound until acknowledged by the crew. Acknowledgment is
done when you push the control wheel master switch (MSW) or when you re-engage the
NOTE: When you engage the AP, automatically it engages the yaw damper (YD), or the YD can
be engaged independently when you push the YD engage switch on the FGAC. YD
engagement is shown in the PFD AP engagement window as a green YD. Pilot initiated
AP disengagements (except by the MSW) leave the YD engaged. The YD is disengaged
when you push the YD engage switch on the FGAC or when you operate the MSW.
System initiated disconnects (monitored disconnects) are annunciated by an amber YD on
the PFD and will stay annunciated until the MSW is pushed for a minimum of 2 seconds.
Pilot initiated YD disconnects are annunciated on the PFD by an amber flashing YD which
cancels after 3 seconds.
NOTE: Reference to onside and offside is made throughout this functional test and represents the
pilot or copilot side which corresponds to the AP couple arrow. Onside represents the side
indicated by the AP couple arrow.
NOTE: If the control wheel trim switch (CWTS) is operated without the arming switch pushed, it is
called the AP pitch/roll command switch.
NOTE: The flight director mode annunciations on the PFDs will always have a box around them
for approximately 8 seconds for change in the mode. After the box annunciation goes off,
the mode will annunciate steady green.
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Air Data Test Set, Barfield 101-01190 Barfield Inc. Simulate air data inputs
(Substitute for DPS500)
Pitot/Static Tester DPS500 Barfield Instruments Co., Simulate air data inputs
Atlanta, GA
NOTE: The on-ground power up will move the elevator, aileron, and rudder servo drives and
shows the PFD AP TEST message while the test runs.
(a) Pull the L SQUAT circuit breaker in the GEAR/HYDRAULICS section of the pilot circuit
breaker panel.
(b) Pull the IC/SG 2 circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the copilot
circuit breaker panel.
(c) Pull the L PROBES HT PITOT and L PROBES HT AOA circuit breakers in the ANTI-ICE
section of the pilot circuit breaker panel.
(d) Pull the R PROBES HT PITOT and R PROBES HT AOA circuit breakers in the ANTI-ICE
section of the copilot circuit breaker panel.
(e) Push the IC/SG 2 circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the copilot
circuit breaker panel.
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(f) Make sure that the AP does not do an on-ground power up procedure.
(g) Push the L SQUAT circuit breaker in the GEAR/HYDRAULICS section of the pilot circuit
breaker panel.
(6) Do the AP/YD engage/disengage functional test as follows:
(a) Make sure that minimum of 70 seconds have passed since electrical power was applied to the
aircraft systems.
(b) Make sure that the pilot and copilot AHRS HEADING switches are in SLAVE mode.
(c) After 2 minutes, make sure that the ATT/HDG flags are not shown and electronic flight
instrument system (EFIS) shows aircraft heading, pitch, and roll attitude.
(d) With no vertical modes selected, set the stabilizer to the takeoff position and engage the AP.
(e) Do the AP switch operational check as follows:
1) Make sure that the AP engagement is annunciated with an arrow on the two PFDs which
shows the same direction for onside AP control.
2) Make sure that the green PIT and ROL annunciators are shown in the mode annunciation
windows on the two PFDs.
3) Make sure that the two PFD green AP and YD engage annunciators are on, and the
FGAC green AP and YD switch annunciators are on.
4) Push the AP switch on the FGAC to disengage the AP. Make sure that the FGAC AP
switch annunciator goes off.
5) Make sure that the PFD green AP annunciator changes to amber, flashes for 3 seconds,
then goes off.
6) Make sure that the FGAC YD switch annunciator is on and that the two PFD YD
annunciators are still on.
(f) Do the YD switch operational check as follows:
1) Engage the AP, coupled left.
2) Disengage the YD. Make sure that the two PFD AP and YD annunciators change to
amber, flash for approximately 3 seconds, then go off. Make sure that the FGAC AP and
YD switch annunciators are off, and make sure that the AP disconnect aural warning is
3) Engage the YD.
4) Disengage the YD. Make sure that the two PFD green YD annunciators change to a
flashing amber YD and then go off. Make sure that no aural warning tone is heard. Make
sure that the FGAC YD switch annunciator is off.
(g) Do the control wheel master switch (MSW) operational check as follows:
1) Engage the AP, coupled left.
2) Push the pilot MSW. Make sure that the YD and AP disengage.
3) Engage the AP, coupled left.
4) Push the copilot MSW. Make sure that the YD and AP disengage.
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(h) Do the attitude and heading reference system (AHRS) reversion switch operational check as
NOTE: If one of the AHRS fails, the system can be reconfigured to use the good sensor
(for control and display) on the two sides of the cockpit. Use the AHRS reversion
switch to set the good sensor to the two sides. Set the AHRS reversion switch to 1
to show the AHRS 1 data on the two sides. This condition is annunciated by an
amber CAS message on the two PFDs.
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(k) Do the control wheel trim/trim arming switch operational check as follows:
1) Make sure that the YD stays engaged for these checks.
2) Engage the AP, coupled left.
3) Engage the HDG/VS mode. Make sure that up and down movement of the offside CWTS
has no effect. Make sure that up and down movement of the onside CWTS cancels the
selected vertical mode and transitions to the AP basic pitch (PIT) without an effect on the
lateral mode.
4) Engage the HDG/VS mode. Make sure that left and right movement of the offside CWTS
has no effect. Make sure that left and right movement of the onside CWTS cancels the
selected lateral mode and transitions to the AP basic roll (ROL) without an effect on the
vertical mode.
5) Engage the AP, coupled right.
6) Engage the HDG/VS mode. Make sure that up and down movement of the offside CWTS
has no effect. Make sure that up and down movement of the onside CWTS cancels the
selected vertical mode and transitions to the AP basic pitch (PIT) without an effect on the
lateral mode.
7) Engage the HDG/VS mode. Make sure that left and right movement of the offside CWTS
has no effect. Make sure that left and right movement of the onside CWTS cancels the
selected lateral mode and transitions to the AP basic roll (ROL) without an effect on the
vertical mode.
(l) Do the CWTS operational check as follows:
NOTE: The control wheel trim switches are on the top outboard side of each control
wheel. Manual primary pitch trim or roll trim commands starts when you push and
hold the arming switch and operate the CWTS. The AP will disengage
immediately if you push and hold the arming switch with CWTS input. The YD and
flight director modes are not affected by manual pitch or roll trim commands.
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NOTE: The PITCH TRIM select switch is on the pedestal and is used to select which trim
system will be in use (PRI/OFF/SEC). The PRI position will enable the
configuration trim, mach trim, and AP trim functions on the CWTS. The SEC
position will enable the secondary trim switches. When the PITCH TRIM select
switch is set to OFF, the power and ground for the amplifiers in the stabilizer
actuator are disconnected.
NOTE: The secondary trim select switch is a dual-segmented switch that requires the two
segments to be operated at the same time for the trim actuation. The switch is on
the pedestal and is used to input the manual pitch trim commands when the
secondary trim select switch is set to SEC.
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10) Push the MSW for a minimum of 2 seconds to clear the failure.
11) Engage the AP, coupled right.
12) Apply a right wing down force to the control wheel. Make sure that as force begins to
backdrive the servo, the AP disconnects and the red AP is annunciated on the PFDs.
13) Push the MSW for a minimum of 2 seconds to clear the failure.
(t) Do the primary rudder servo monitor - backdrive of servo check as follows:
NOTE: The rudder boost will come on if more than 30 pounds [133.4 N] of force is
applied. This will be indicated by a green RB annunciation which replaces the
green YD annunciation on the PFDs.
1) With the AP disengaged and the rudder boost on, engage the YD.
2) Push the pilot rudder pedals full nose left.
3) Make sure that the YD stays engaged.
4) Push the RUDDER BOOST switch. Make sure that the RUDDER BOOST switch OFF
annunciator comes on.
5) Make sure that the YD stays engaged.
6) Push the pilot rudder pedals full nose left.
7) Make sure that the YD stays engaged.
8) Push the RUDDER BOOST switch. Make sure that the RUDDER BOOST switch OFF
annunciator goes off.
9) Make sure that the YD stays engaged.
10) Push the pilot rudder pedals full nose right.
11) Make sure that the YD stays engaged.
12) Push the RUDDER BOOST switch. Make sure that the RUDDER BOOST switch OFF
annunciator comes on.
13) Make sure that the YD stays engaged.
14) Push the pilot rudder pedals full nose right.
15) Make sure that the YD stays engaged.
(u) Do the warning light circuit breaker checks as follows:
1) Engage the AP, coupled left.
2) Engage the HDG/ALT mode.
3) Pull the CKPT INSTRS L ESS PWR circuit breaker in the LIGHTS section of the pilot
circuit breaker panel.
4) Make sure that the FGAC annunciators go off and the HDG/ALT modes operate normally
and are correctly shown on the PFDs.
5) Push the YD switch on the FGAC to disengage the AP and YD. Make sure that the PFDs
annunciate a pilot selected disconnect and AP disconnect tone is heard.
6) Push the CKPT INSTRS L ESS PWR circuit breaker in the LIGHTS section of the pilot
circuit breaker panel.
7) Engage the AP, coupled right.
8) Engage the HDG/ALT mode.
9) Pull the CKPT INSTRS L ESS PWR circuit breaker in the LIGHTS section of the pilot
circuit breaker panel.
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10) Make sure that the FGAC annunciators go off and the HDG/ALT modes operate normally
and are correctly shown on the PFDs.
11) Push the YD switch on the FGAC to disengage the AP and YD. Make sure that the PFDs
annunciate a pilot selected disconnect and AP disconnect tone is heard.
12) Push the CKPT INSTRS L ESS PWR circuit breaker in the LIGHTS section of the pilot
circuit breaker panel.
(v) Do the IC-600 check as follows:
1) Engage the AP, coupled left.
2) Engage the HDG/ALT mode.
3) Pull the IC/SG 1 circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the pilot
circuit breaker panel.
4) Make sure that the AP disengages and the disengagement is annunciated correctly on the
a) Make sure that the HDG/ALT modes drop and are not annunciated on the FGAC or
the offside PFD.
b) Make sure that the AP cannot be engaged on either side.
c) Make sure that the flight director modes can still be set on the offside and flight
director responds to command inputs, such as HDG/SPD/ALT selections on the
5) Push the IC/SG 1 circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the pilot
circuit breaker panel.
6) Engage the AP, coupled left.
7) Engage the HDG/ALT mode.
8) Pull the IC/SG 2 circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the
copilot circuit breaker panel.
9) Make sure that the AP and YD disengage and the disengagement is annunciated correctly
on the FGAC and PFD.
a) Make sure that the AP/YD annunciators are off.
b) Make sure that the AP disengage horn is heard and the AP and YD cannot be
engaged on either side.
c) Make sure that the HDG/ALT modes that existed before the circuit breaker was pulled
are disconnected and the annunciators are off on the FGAC and the offside PFD.
d) Make sure that the flight director modes can still be set on the offside and flight
director responds to command inputs, such as HDG/SPD/ALT on the FGAC.
10) Push the IC/SG 2 circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the
copilot circuit breaker panel.
(w) Do the MSW circuit breaker check as follows:
1) Engage the AP, coupled left.
2) Pull the L WHL MSTR circuit breaker in the FLIGHT section of the pilot circuit breaker
panel. Make sure that the AP and YD disengage and cannot be engaged.
3) Push the L WHL MSTR circuit breaker in the FLIGHT section of the pilot circuit breaker
4) Engage the AP, coupled left.
5) Pull the R WHL MSTR circuit breaker in the FLIGHT section of the copilot circuit breaker
panel. Make sure that the AP and YD disengage and cannot be engaged.
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6) Push the R WHL MSTR circuit breaker in the FLIGHT section of the copilot circuit breaker
7) Engage the AP, coupled right.
8) Pull the L WHL MSTR circuit breaker in the FLIGHT section of the pilot circuit breaker
panel. Make sure that the AP and YD disengage and cannot be engaged.
9) Push the L WHL MSTR circuit breaker in the FLIGHT section of the pilot circuit breaker
10) Engage the AP, coupled right.
11) Pull the R WHL MSTR circuit breaker in the FLIGHT section of the copilot circuit breaker
panel. Make sure that the AP and YD disengage and cannot be engaged.
12) Push the R WHL MSTR circuit breaker in the FLIGHT section of the copilot circuit breaker
(x) Do the automatic flight control system (AFCS) servo circuit breaker check as follows:
1) Engage the AP, coupled left.
2) Engage the HDG/ALT mode.
3) Pull the AFCS SERVOS circuit breaker in the FLIGHT section of the pilot circuit breaker
panel. Make sure that the AP and YD disengage and the flight director stays active on the
two sides in the HDG/ALT mode.
4) Push the AFCS SERVOS circuit breaker in the FLIGHT section of the pilot circuit breaker
(y) Do the attitude heading reference system (AHRS) circuit breaker check as follows:
1) Make sure that the YD stays engaged for this check unless it is noted.
2) Engage the AP, coupled left.
3) Engage the HDG/ALT mode.
4) Pull the AHRS PWR #1 PRI circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section
of the pilot circuit breaker panel and the AHRS PWR #1 SEC circuit breaker in the
INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the copilot circuit breaker panel. Make sure that
the AP and YD disengage and the flight director modes do not stay active in the HDG/ALT
5) Push the AHRS PWR #1 PRI circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section
of the pilot circuit breaker panel and the AHRS PWR #1 SEC circuit breaker in the
INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the copilot circuit breaker panel.
6) Wait approximately 70 seconds for the AHRS No. 1 alignment to complete.
7) Engage the AP, coupled left.
8) Engage the HDG/ALT mode.
9) Pull the AHRS PWR #2 PRI circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section
of the copilot circuit breaker panel and the AHRS PWR #2 SEC circuit breaker in the
INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the pilot circuit breaker panel. Make sure that
the AP and YD disengage and flight director modes stay active in the HDG/ALT mode.
10) Push the AHRS PWR #2 PRI circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section
of the copilot circuit breaker panel and the AHRS PWR #2 SEC circuit breaker in the
INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the pilot circuit breaker panel.
11) Wait approximately 70 seconds for the AHRS No. 2 alignment to complete.
12) Engage the AP, coupled right.
13) Engage the HDG/ALT mode.
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14) Pull the AHRS PWR #1 PRI circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section
of the pilot circuit breaker panel and the AHRS PWR #1 SEC circuit breaker in the
INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the copilot circuit breaker panel. Make sure that
the AP and YD disengage and the flight director modes stay active in the HDG/ALT mode.
15) Push the AHRS PWR #1 PRI circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section
of the pilot circuit breaker panel and the AHRS PWR #1 SEC circuit breaker in the
INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the copilot circuit breaker panel.
16) Wait approximately 70 seconds for the AHRS No. 1 alignment to complete.
17) Engage the AP, coupled right.
18) Engage the HDG/ALT mode.
19) Pull the AHRS PWR #2 PRI circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section
of the copilot circuit breaker panel and the AHRS PWR #2 SEC circuit breaker in the
INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the pilot circuit breaker panel. Make sure that
the AP and YD disengage and the flight director modes do not stay active in the HDG/ALT
mode (modes drop).
20) Push the AHRS PWR #2 PRI circuit breaker in the INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section
of the copilot circuit breaker panel and the AHRS PWR #2 SEC circuit breaker in the
INSTRUMENTS/INDICATIONS section of the pilot circuit breaker panel.
21) Wait approximately 70 seconds for the AHRS No. 2 alignment to complete.
(7) Do the roll hold operational check as follows:
(a) Set the pitot-static tester to an airspeed of between 50 to 100 knots.
(b) Pull the L SQUAT circuit breaker in the GEAR/HYDRAULICS section of the pilot circuit
breaker panel and the R SQUAT circuit breaker in the GEAR/HYD section of the copilot circuit
breaker panel.
(c) Adjust the control column to center in the roll axis.
(d) Engage the AP, coupled left with no flight director modes selected.
(e) Push and hold the pilot CWTS to the left (do not push the arming switch). Make sure that the
control wheel turns left.
(f) Release the CWTS and make sure that the command bars return to zero and control wheel
returns to approximately center.
(g) Push and hold the pilot CWTS to the right (do not push the arming switch). Make sure that the
control wheel turns right.
(h) Release the CWTS and make sure that the command bars return to zero and control wheel
returns to approximately center.
(i) Adjust the control column to center in the roll axis.
(8) Do the touch control steering (TCS) operational check as follows:
(a) Engage the AP, coupled left.
(b) Engage the PIT and ROL hold modes.
(c) Push and hold the pilot TCS switch (top inboard switch on each control wheel.)
1) Make sure that the AP is not engaged when you push or pull and turn the control wheel.
2) Make sure that the servos are not backdriving.
3) Make sure that the white TCS is annunciated on the two PFDs.
4) Make sure that the green PIT and ROL annunciations are off.
(d) Release the TCS switch. Make sure that the two PFD green PIT and ROL annunciators come
on and the AP is engaged as shown on the two PFDs and the FGAC.
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Switch Locator
Figure 201 (Sheet 1 of 4)
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Switch Locator
Figure 201 (Sheet 2 of 4)
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Switch Locator
Figure 201 (Sheet 3 of 4)
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Switch Locator
Figure 201 (Sheet 4 of 4)
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2. Inspection/Check
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