GJFJ (M-1)
GJFJ (M-1)
GJFJ (M-1)
The word lesbian is a descriptive term used to
★ Gender is socially constructed terminology. describe women whose enduring physical,
Meaning, we are influenced by the messages we sexual, and/or affectional attraction is to other
receive from our social surroundings about what women.
is acceptable and permissible for us to do, be and ★ Gay is an adjective used to describe people
perform based on the gender with which we whose enduring physical, sexual, romantic
identify. Man, woman, masculine, feminine, or and/or affectional attractions are to people of the
some mixing or absence of these things. same sex and gender.
★ what do we mean by the acronym LGBTQIA. ★ Bisexual is an adjective used to describe people
You may see many variations of this acronym whose enduring physical, sexual, romantic,
used in your communities, online, and in and/or affectional attraction is to both men and
readings and other educational materials. You women.
may see variations such as LGBTQ, or GLBT ★ Bisexual identity does not require a history or
used. current activity that includes sexual experiences
★ These acronyms are derivatives of the more with men & women
inclusive term we have chosen. Which stands for ★ Recently, those who do not experience sexual
lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or transgender, attraction have become more visible, and have
queer, intersex and asexual. Some of these terms embraced the identity of asexual.
represent different sexual orientation identities,
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and asexual.
TRANSGENDER:The term trans or transgender refers What is it that makes these terms unified or
to people who experience their gender differently than grouped together? These terms are often grouped
their sex assigned at birth.
together because people who identify as LGBTQIA
share common histories of experiencing
It is an umbrella term that may include transgender
people, transsexuals, crossdressers, drag queens, kings,
oppression based on their identities. And have
and other people who transgress the socially shared interests regarding the expansion of gender,
constructed confines of gender. sex, and sexual orientation categories and norms in
society. So that we can all live freely and without
the oppression currently caused by the regulation
of our lives.
It is beyond the scope of this course to describe the specifics of how each
society responds to and/or sanctions people who are LGBTQIA. But suffice to
say that what unites all LGBTQIA people is our common history of resisting
norms and conventions related to who we are, who we love, and how we
express ourselves in terms of our gender and sex identities. Understanding the
terminology and language associated with LGBTQIA identities is the first step
to understanding how social history, law, and activism have come together to
create change.
★ When gender is defined as one of two options, man or woman, this is known as the gender
binary or people will say that gender exist on a binary.
★ Several countries now recognize a third category, expanding the binary to include a new
category, what is commonly called a third gender.
★ As examples, Nepal, New Zealand and India all have legal categories for genders beyond the
male, female binary.
★ The legal recognition of a third gender represents some willingness to see gender as much more
complex than was once thought.
★ There's really very little consistency in public usage of the terms gender and sex, which can
create some confusion.
★ In critical theories of sex and gender, sex and gender are defined differently.
★ Cultural norms determine which physical characteristics are fundamental to
legal sex category assignment.
★ As an example, most people are not required to have their chromosomes
tested to determine their legal sex. Rather, a doctor or another healthcare
provider declare their legal sex, in most cases, on the day they were born.
★ The very fact that there is a set of criteria to define sex tells us that sex is not
always immediately known or easily assigned.
What we mean by gender varies significantly from culture to culture, sometimes people use the term sex and gender
interchangeably and this adds to the confusion. To clarify, sex refers to the biology of bodies, whereas gender, otherwise
known as gender identity or gender expression, refers to individual and cultural understandings of behaviors, roles,
feelings and activities. Gender can also refer to specific roles, as an example gender enforces the idea that women
should raise children and stay at home, well men should provide for the family and go to work, or to an internal sense of
Because gender is a central component of how we see and experience the world, most people have an internal sense of
their own gender. They feel like men or women, or in some cases, they do not feel like men or women. And this
experience of not feeling like your assigned sex category is precisely what makes us realize that gender is not in fact
innate or biological.
Instead gender is a social construct that has become a central component of most of our lives. Across cultures, it's
common to define all kinds of social phenomena via terms like masculine and feminine. Sex category, typically labelled
male or female, and the biological criteria used to define sex category, are relatively consistent across cultures. On the
other hand, gender varies widely from culture to culture and throughout history. Consider as an example the fashion of
stylish men in 18th century England, tights, wigs and elaborately designed vests were very common. In the present, we
might see these outfits as feminine.
★ However, the current sex gender system links sex to gender through the
naturalization and enforcement of gender conventions and norms.
★ The conflation of sex and gender identifies masculinity and femininity as the natural
and normal gender expressions for people assigned male and female respectively.
★ Certainly, this is an accurate way to explain how some people experience gender, but
it is not accurately reflect all of our experiences. In theory, and in practice, all bodies
have the capacity to be masculine, feminine, or androgynous, a term that typically
refers to people who have a blend of masculine and feminine traits. There's nothing
about the body that makes someone like masculine or feminine things, and there's
nothing about the body that produces masculine and feminine gestures, interests,
tastes, or behaviors.
People are taught to behave in very specific ways, and much of this early socialization
focuses on growing up into men and women. People at every age are ridiculed and punished
for doing gender incorrectly. Children are punished at home and in school, adults are
threatened sometimes with violence, and workers can be treated unfairly if they fail to be
masculine men or feminine women.
In many parts of the world, men are expected to be confident, strong, and in charge, while
women are believed to be naturally nurturing and submissive.
Dinner norms are so common that the impact much of our lives. When we break from
normative behavior or roles, others notice this conduct.
Much like sexual orientation, we do not actually know what causes gender identity.
We do know that just about every culture has a name for people who fall outside of the
simple binary. The binary assumes that all people easily fit into one or two categories, male
or female.
Susan Stryker, a prominent US scholar on trans issues, define transgender as such,refer to people who
move away from the gender they were assigned at birth, people who cross over trans the boundaries
constructed by their culture to define and contain that gender. Stryker explains further, quote some
people move away from their birth-assigned gender because they feel strongly that they properly belong
to another gender in which it would be better for them to live. Others want to strike out towards some
new location, some space not yet clearly defined or concretely occupied. Still others simply feel the need
to get away from the conventional expectations bound up with a gender that was initially put upon them.
Benign variation refers to the fact that we are different. We do not all experience gender the same way,
and we should try to approach these differences with neutrality.In practice, this means that there is no
right or wrong way of doing gender, or right or wrong way of being man, or woman, or humans.How we
choose to express our gender and how we understand our gender should be treated neutrally.
It should not be a hierarchy of gender expression, simply because this hierarchy ultimately enforces
particular ways of being. And it imposes huge obstacles for those who do no fit dominant or popular
views of gender.
★ Gender does not refer to sex category, and gender is not the natural result
of sex. Recognizing sex and gender as discrete categories allows us to
affirm all gender expressions irrespective of assigned sex.
★ Trans people, like cisgender people, should be given the right to privacy.
Inquiries about anyone's genitals outside of intimate or medical spaces,
are serious invasions of privacy and might count as harassment.
★ We should also note that some intersex people do wish to have surgical options and many
transgender people do too. Intersex activism isn't against surgery. Instead, it opposes
surgery on young people before they can reasonably consent to this life choice and it
opposes language that pathologizes benign differences via the authority of medical truths
or medical definitions of so called normal and abnormal bodies. The promise of biology is
misleading. The idea that your sex characteristics, the size and shape of your genitals,
your role in reproduction, or your hormone levels, tell you anything about yourself, other
than the very basic facts, is crude and misinforming.