Paraphimosis 1
Paraphimosis 1
Paraphimosis 1
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All content following this page was uploaded by Samuel ADEOLA Babalola on 27 July 2016.
Astract: This clinical case report described the management of an acquired acute penile paraphimosis in a 4
month old Germanshepherd breed of dog presented to Divine Veterinary Clinic, Ikot Ekpene in Akwa Ibom State
of Nigeria. This condition was noticed following sexual excitement and an attempt to mount an adult bitch on
heat housed together with it. Physical examination revealed oedematous, hyperaemic and non-retractile
protruding penis with “napkin ring” on gentle palpation. Following sedation of the dog, the penis was
massaged gently using hypertonic sugar solution aiming at reducing the oedema. Despite the reduction in size
of the penis and the application of topical penicillin with gentle manipulation of the protruded penis, retracting
the penis back into the prepuce was unsuccessful as a result of narrow prepucial orifice compounded by the
“napkin-ring”. The condition was then surgically treated by a tension-release incision on ventral border of the
prepucial sheath. The dog recovery was uneventful with no reoccurrence observed in 8 weeks follow up period.
Key words: Paraphimosis Sexual Excitement “Napkin Ring” Dog Tension Releasing Incision
Corresponding Author: Babalola Babalola Samuel Adeola, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Theriogenology,
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.
Global Veterinaria, 16 (1): 49-51, 2016
Global Veterinaria, 16 (1): 49-51, 2016
The occurance of paraphimosis in this patient agrees 1. Michael, M.P., 2005. Management of Canine
with Michael [1] and Boothe [2] that paraphimosis is most Paraphimosis. Director of Surgical Services Angell
commonly seen in dogs younger than 1 year of age and Animal Medical Centre Boston, Massachusetts.
diagnosis is primarily determined by physical examination 2. Boothe, H.W., 2003. Penis, prepuce and scrotum,
of the prepuce and penis at the time of presentation. in D. Slatter (ed): Textbook of Small Animal Surgery.
The entrapment is associated with restriction around Philadelphia, WB Saunders, pp: 1532-1541.
the penis from a small preputial orifice relative to the 3. Fossum, T.W., 2002. Small Animal Surgery,
diameter of the penile shaft, which results in dramatic 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Mosby. pp: 666-674.
swelling of the exposed penis this also agrees with the 4. Hassan, A.Z. and F.B. Hassan, 2003. An introduction
reports of Michael [1] and Boothe [2]. to veterinary practice. Ahmadu Bello University
The immediate attempts to correct this condition and press ltd Zaria, Nigeria, pp: 47-48, 75, 77, 222-230 and
the surgical technique are indicated by Michael [1], 238.
Boothe [2] and Fossum [3] further delay may results to 5. Fossum, T.W. and M.D. Willard, 2007. Surgical
prolonged entrapment and strangulation which causes infections and antibiotic selection. In: T.W. Fossum,
venous and lymphatic compromise that leads to penile ed. Small Animal Surgery, 3rd ed. St. Louis, Missouri:
necrosis. Mosby, pp: 79-89.
The choice of medications was as indicated by
Hassan and Hassan [4] and Fossum and Willard [5].