Press Release For The Revised Result Declaration of The NEET (UG) - 2024 Revised As On 26 July 2024

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(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)

(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

26 July 2024 / 04 श्रावण 1946
Sub: - NTA Declares the Re-revised Result / NTA Scores / Rank of the National Eligibility cum
Entrance Test NEET (UG) – 2024 – Reg.
The National Testing Agency has been conducting the NEET (UG) since 2019 with the approval of
the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of Education, in pursuance of the direction
of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
As per Section 14 of the National Medical Commission Act, 2019, the NEET (UG) has to be conducted
as a common and uniform National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test [(NEET (UG)] for admission to
undergraduate medical education in all medical institutions. Similarly, as per Section 14 of the
National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Act, 2020, there shall be a uniform NEET (UG)
for admission to undergraduate courses in each of the disciplines i.e. BAMS, BUMS, and BSMS
courses of the Indian System of Medicine in all Medical Institutions governed under this Act.
NEET (UG) shall also be applicable to admission to the BHMS course under the National
Commission for Homeopathy.
The National Testing Agency conducted the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (UG) for more
than 24 lakh candidates at 4750 different Centres located in 571 Cities throughout the country
including 14 Cities outside India on 05 May 2024 (Sunday) from 02:00 P.M. to 05:20 P.M.(IST).
The re-examination of the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Undergraduate) [NEET (UG)]
– 2024 was conducted on 23 June 2024 for 1563 candidates who had experienced time loss during
the originally scheduled examination on 05 May 2024.
The Examination was conducted in 13 languages (Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi,
Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu).
The examination was also conducted in 14 cities outside the country Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Bangkok,
Colombo, Doha, Kathmandu, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait City, Lagos, Manama, Muscat, Riyadh,
Sharjah, and Singapore.
The Result of NEET (UG) - 2024 may be utilized by other Entities of Central and State Governments,
in accordance with their respective eligibility criteria / other norms /applicable regulations/guidelines/
rules. The result data will also be utilized for B.Sc. (H) Nursing courses in accordance with their
respective eligibility criteria / other norms /applicable regulations/guidelines/ rules. The NEET (UG)
– 2024 data will also be used for admissions to BVSc & AH courses under the 15% quota of VCI in
recognized Veterinary Colleges.
As per the direction of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in W.P (Civil) No. 335/2024 order dated 23 July 2024, re-revised Score
Card is being issued today on account of the revision of the Key of NEET(UG) – 2024.

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

The AACCC (All-India Ayush Central Counselling Committee) shall be the counselling authority for
AIQ with respect to BAMS, BUMS, and BSMS courses under NCISM. The AACCC shall also be
the Counselling Authority for AIQ with respect to BHMS under NCH.
The responsibility of NTA is to conduct the examination and declare the result based on the eligibility
criteria provided by NMC. The candidates submitted their category as per the National Category List
and based on the same the result has been declared. The NTA has provided All India Rank to the
candidates and the admitting Authorities will draw a merit list based on All India Rank for the
seats of MBBS/BDS falling under their jurisdiction. When candidates apply to their State, they will
mention their category as per the State Category List. State Counselling Authorities will accordingly
make their Merit List. The same is the case with the domicile. The NTA has no role in it.

1. Highlights of NEET (UG) - 2024

CANDIDATES 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number of Candidates 1519375 1597435 1614777 1872343 2087462 2406079
Number of Candidates 1410755 1366945 1544273 1764571 2038596 2333297
Number of Candidates 108620 230490 70504 107772 48866 72782
Indian Nationals 1516066 1593907 1612276 1870015 2036316 2402774
NRIs 1884 1869 1054 910 852 1304
OCIs 675 732 564 647 642 805
PIO 63 49 --- - -- -
Foreigners 687 878 883 771 786 1196
Male 680414 716586 710988 807538 902936 1029198
Female 838955 880843 903774 1064794 1184513 1376863
Third Gender 6 6 15 11 13 18
Un-Reserved 534072 475534 46-853 565964 592110 647260
SC 211303 221253 235667 268750 294995 356727
ST 96456 100519 100900 113830 126121 157115
OBC 677544 706214 693652 791135 873173 1054277
EWS --- 93915 123705 132664 152197 190700
Number of Cities 154 155 202 (including 497 (including 14 499 (including 571 (including
Kuwait and cities outside 14 cities 14 cities
Dubai) India) outside India) outside India)
Number of Languages 11 11 13 13 13 13
Number of Centres 2546 3862 3858 3570 4097 4750
Number of Centre / 5970 9680 9740 3570/7877 4097/7826 4750/6520
Deputy Centre
Number of invigilators 128000 266240 269140 156504 173954 2,10,105
Number of Observers 3600 5818 5880 3911 5804 7500

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

CANDIDATES 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Number of City 163 195 202 494 528 587

NEET (UG) – 2023 NEET (UG) – 2024 %age change

Total Candidates
2059006 2406079 16.85
Gender wise (Number of Candidates)
Male 889428 1029154 15.71
Female 1168411 1376831 17.84
Third gender 13 18 38.46
Category wise (Number of Candidates)
General 598376 647236 8.17
SC 297955 356721 19.72
ST 130425 157106 20.46
OBC-NCL 877692 1054246 20.12
Gen-EWS 153363 190694 24.34
2. Language-wise number of Candidates Registered :
Number of Candidates Registered
Language 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
English 1204968 1263273 1265520 1476024 1672914 1836745
Hindi 179857 204399 228641 258827 276180 345738
Assamese 1796 5328 4596 4063 3324 3560
Bengali 4750 36593 35110 42663 43890 46620
Gujarati 59395 59055 49942 49638 53027 57765
Kannada 2305 1005 963 1193 704 1012
Marathi 31239 6258 2913 2368 1833 1616
Malayalam NA NA 3031 1510 1003 854
Odia 31490 822 1016 822 988 1221
Punjabi NA NA 104 96 73 198
Tamil 1017 17101 19868 31965 30536 34846
Telugu 700 1624 1251 1264 1295 1480
Urdu 1858 1977 1822 1910 1695 1507

3. Gender-wise number of Candidates Registered, Appeared, and Qualified in 2023 and 2024
NEET (UG) - 2023 NEET (UG) - 2024
Gender Registered Appeared Qualified Registered Appeared Qualified
Male 902936 881967 490374 1376863 1334940 769277
Female 1184513 1156618 655599 1029198 998205 546566
Third gender 13 11 3 18 17 10
Total 2087462 2038596 1145976 2406079 2333162 1315853

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

4. Category-wise number of Candidates Registered, Appeared, and Qualified in 2023 and 2024

NEET (UG) - 2023 NEET (UG) - 2024

Category Registered Appeared Qualified Registered Appeared Qualified
OBC 890150 873173 525194 1054277 1026388 618525
SC 303318 294995 153674 356727 344327 178741
ST 132490 126121 56381 157115 150181 68501
General 607131 592110 312405 647260 625477 333929
EWS 154373 152197 98322 190700 186924 116157
Total 2087462 2038596 1145976 2406079 2333297 1315853
5. The Number of Candidates Registered, Appeared, and Qualified in PwBD Category in 2023 and 2024
NEET(UG) - 2023 NEET (UG) - 2024
Category Registered Appeared Qualified Registered Appeared Qualified
PwD 8037 7819 3508 9901 9514 4120

6. The Nationality-wise number of Candidates Registered, Appeared, and Qualified in 2023 and 2024
NEET (UG) - 2023 NEET (UG) - 2024
Nationality Registered Appeared Qualified Registered Appeared Qualified
Indian 2085096 2036316 1144399 2402774 2330225 1313740
Foreign Nationals 815 786 521 1196 1122 696
NRI 877 852 533 1304 1214 801
OCI 674 642 523 805 736 616
Total 2087462 2038596 1145976 2406079 2333297 1315853
7. The Category-wise number of Candidates Qualified, based on qualifying criteria of NEET (UG)-
2023 and 2024:

Category Qualifying NEET(UG) – 2023 NEET (UG) – 2024

Criteria Marks Total
Marks Range Total Candidates
Range Candidates
UR/EWS 50th Percentile 720-137 1014372 720 - 162 1165334
OBC 40th Percentile 136-107 88592 161 - 127 100876
SC 40th Percentile 136-107 29918 161 - 127 34420
ST 40th Percentile 136-107 12437 161 - 127 14414
UR / EWS & PH 45th Percentile 136-121 405 161 - 144 473
OBC & PH 40th Percentile 120-107 179 143 - 127 269
SC & PH 40th Percentile 120-107 50 143 - 127 54
ST & PH 40th Percentile 120-108 23 142 - 127 13
Total→ 1145976 1315853

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

8. Applicant State-wise number of Candidates Registered, Appeared, and Qualified in 2023 and 2024

State Name NEET (UG) - 2023 NEET (UG) – 2024

Registered Appeared Qualified Registered Appeared Qualified
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 1046 1025 537 1177 1122 615
Andhra Pradesh 69690 68578 42836 66522 64931 43788
Arunachal Pradesh 4811 4624 2296 5228 4998 2566
Assam 39206 38153 19133 46068 44193 21082
Bihar 121647 118533 64916 154461 149542 74716
Chandigarh 3160 3098 2219 3579 3485 2546
Chhattisgarh 42130 41196 19610 45213 43873 22313
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1062 1028 588 1143 1122 693
Daman & Diu 491 460 257 619 612 323
Delhi 55890 54701 39764 68139 66133 46811
Goa 4370 4277 2204 5229 5003 2589
Gujarat 79040 73180 49915 88022 86424 57232
Haryana 45197 44217 29794 54162 52744 34274
Himachal Pradesh 18830 18448 10962 20447 19837 12096
Jammu and Kashmir 37276 36431 20564 48545 47228 24545
Jharkhand 29793 29135 17894 37478 36244 20556
Karnataka 134381 131318 75248 155148 150171 88887
Kerala 137396 133450 75362 144811 136974 86713
Lakshadweep 361 349 167 331 307 181
Madhya Pradesh 104265 102161 49324 136098 131525 60065
Maharashtra 277903 273819 131008 282051 275457 142829
Manipur 8777 7736 4556 10332 9963 5854
Meghalaya 3428 3271 1603 4009 3815 1849
Mizoram 2024 1951 913 2595 2469 1186
Nagaland 3020 2945 1648 3668 3479 1943
Odisha 57092 55866 28330 66369 64333 32557
Puducherry 5797 5715 3140 6461 6318 3433
Punjab 18846 18430 12043 27061 26268 15717
Rajasthan 148364 145824 100316 178756 174893 121166
Sikkim 1324 1292 632 1722 1655 803
Tamil Nadu 147583 144516 78693 158449 152920 89198
Telangana 73883 72842 42654 79813 77849 47356
Tripura 4839 4701 2334 5308 5071 2407

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

State Name NEET (UG) - 2023 NEET (UG) – 2024

Registered Appeared Qualified Registered Appeared Qualified
Uttar Pradesh 273572 267383 139961 344599 335004 165015
Uttarakhand 19250 18788 10843 22973 22244 12437
West Bengal 104923 102557 59053 120070 116110 63251
Ladakh 774 740 422 1146 1083 618
Others (including Outside 6021 5858 4237 8277 7898
Total 2087462 2038596 1145976 2406079 2333297 1315853
9. (a) The list of top 100 candidates in NEET (UG) – 2024:
Roll Number Candidate Name Gender Category Total Percentile State
No. Rank
1 2001920176 Mridul Manya Anand Male 720 99.9992714 1 Delhi
Per Central List
2 4408010813 Ayush Naugraiya Male Gen-EWS 720 99.9992714 1 Uttar Pradesh
3 1518070396 Mazin Mansoor Male 720 99.9992714 1 Bihar
Per Central List
4 3918040017 Prachita Female General 720 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
5 3923490143 Saurav Male General 720 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
6 3905130233 Divyansh Male General 720 99.9992714 1 Delhi
7 3805040153 Gunmay Garg Male General 720 99.9992714 1 Punjab
8 4608060714 Arghyadeep Dutta Male 720 99.9992714 1 West Bengal
Per Central List
9 3111200278 Shubhan Sengupta Male General 720 99.9992714 1 Maharashtra
10 4408010212 Aryan Yadav Male 720 99.9992714 1 Uttar Pradesh
Per Central List
11 3114070516 Palansha Agarwal Female General 720 99.9992714 1 Maharashtra
12 4131040542 Rajaneesh P Male SC 720 99.9992714 1 Tamilnadu
13 2807080262 Sreenand Sharmil Male General 720 99.9992714 1 Kerala
14 3112500239 Mane Neha Kuldeep Female 720 99.9992714 1 Maharashtra
Per Central List
15 3814060175 Taijas Singh Male General 720 99.9992714 1 Chandigarh
16 3923460114 Devesh Joshi Male Gen-EWS 720 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
17 3903020440 Iram Quazi Female General 720 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan

18 4408050294 Pranav Srivastava Male General 716 99.9990143 18 Uttar Pradesh

Gurshaan Singh OBC-(NCL) As

19 3902020525 Male 716 99.9990143 19 Rajasthan
Anger Per Central List
20 1526030008 Ayush Kumar Male 716 99.9990143 20 Bihar
Per Central List
21 2712330043 Padmanabh Menon Male General 716 99.9990143 21 Karnataka
22 4410060494 Rishika Aggarwal Female General 716 99.9990143 22 Delhi
23 3104150086 Ritesh Sunil Thombal Male General 716 99.9990143 23 Maharashtra

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

Roll Number Candidate Name Gender Category Total Percentile State
No. Rank
24 2001450540 Krish Agrawal Male 715 99.9946856 24 Delhi
Per Central List
Ved Sunilkumar
25 3111020418 Male General 715 99.9946856 25 Maharashtra
Syed Aarifin Yusuf
26 4101140577 Male General 715 99.9946856 26 Tamilnadu
27 3803020221 Karanveer Singh Male General 715 99.9946856 27 Punjab
28 4610020223 Arindam Chowdhury Male General 715 99.9946856 28 West Bengal
29 2301150185 Anusha Srivastava Female General 715 99.9946856 29 Delhi
30 4615020151 Rupayan Mandal Male General 715 99.9946856 30 West Bengal
31 4502010089 Akshat Pangaria Male General 715 99.9946856 31 Uttarakhand
32 3814040184 Shaurya Goyal Male General 715 99.9946856 32 Punjab
33 2208020515 Bhumika Shekhawat Female Gen-EWS 715 99.9946856 33 Gujarat
34 1504020063 Tathagat Awatar Male 715 99.9946856 34 Bihar
Per Central List
35 4301010696 Chand Mallik Male SC 715 99.9946856 35 Tripura
36 2302040503 Prachi Female Gen-EWS 715 99.9946856 36 Haryana
37 3903600031 Tanishak Yadav Male 715 99.9946856 37 Rajasthan
Per Central List
38 4101170046 Shailaja S Female General 715 99.9946856 38 Tamilnadu
Om Mahadev
39 3115350173 Male General 715 99.9946856 39 Maharashtra
40 3925020112 Aadarsh Singh Moyal Male General 715 99.9946856 40 Rajasthan
41 4101140043 Aditya Kumar Panda Male General 715 99.9946856 41 Tamilnadu
42 4101070368 Sriram P Male 715 99.9946856 42 Tamilnadu
Per Central List
43 3906010801 Isha Kothari Female General 715 99.9946856 43 Rajasthan
Kasturi Sandeep
44 1203040193 Male Gen-EWS 715 99.9946856 44 Andhra Pradesh
45 3903250400 Shashank Sharma Male General 715 99.9946856 45 Rajasthan
46 4609020112 Saksham Agrawal Male General 715 99.9946856 46 West Bengal
47 3903190309 Aryan Sharma Male General 715 99.9946856 47 Himachal Pradesh
48 3905270041 Kahkasha Parween Female 715 99.9946856 48 Jharkhand
Per Central List
49 2802020280 Devadarshan R Nair Male General 715 99.9946856 49 Kerala
50 1205010353 Gattu Bhanuteja Sai Male 715 99.9946856 50 Andhra Pradesh
Per Central List
51 4113030080 Syed Ahamed Male 715 99.9946856 51 Tamilnadu
Per Central List
52 3110070584 Umayma Malbari Female General 715 99.9946856 52 Maharashtra
53 2712160121 Kalyan V Male General 715 99.9946856 53 Karnataka
54 3803020857 Aaryan Suri Male General 715 99.9946856 54 Punjab
55 4410120368 Sujoy Dutta Male General 715 99.9946856 55 Delhi
56 3923440101 Shyam Jhanwar Male General 715 99.9946856 56 Rajasthan

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

Roll Number Candidate Name Gender Category Total Percentile State
No. Rank
57 2603130439 Manav Priyadarshi Male 715 99.9946856 57 Jharkhand
Per Central List
58 3903270703 Dhruv Garg Male General 715 99.9946856 58 Rajasthan
59 4410120262 Dev Jain Male General 715 99.9946856 59 Haryana
Krishnamurti Pankaj
60 3102140346 Male General 715 99.9946856 60 Maharashtra
Mohammad Maaz
61 4409030095 Male General 715 99.9946856 61 Uttar Pradesh
Rishabh Raj Singh
62 4456010104 Male General 715 99.9946856 62 Uttar Pradesh
63 2201060522 Ved Patel Male General 715 99.9946856 63 Gujarat
64 2712150234 Sam Shreyas Joseph Male General 715 99.9946856 64 Karnataka
65 2301140268 Amit Sahu Male 715 99.9946856 65 Haryana
Per Central List
66 4108080365 Jayathi Poorvaja M Female General 715 99.9946856 66 Tamilnadu
67 1502450494 Hritik Raj Male 715 99.9946856 67 Bihar
Per Central List
68 2208040843 Kriti Sharma Female General 715 99.9946856 68 Gujarat
Amin Urvil
69 2206020350 Male SC 715 99.9946856 69 Gujarat
70 4407100503 Kartikeya Kasaudhan Male Gen-EWS 715 99.9946856 70 Uttar Pradesh
71 2707150055 Arjun Kishore Male General 715 99.9946856 71 Karnataka
72 4108010447 Rohith R Male 715 99.9946856 72 Tamilnadu
Per Central List
73 2806021049 Abhishek V J Male General 715 99.9946856 73 Kerala
74 4108060092 Sabareesan S Male General 715 99.9946856 74 Tamilnadu
75 2001630402 Saumya Gupta Female General 715 99.9946856 75 Delhi
76 2207011647 Darsh Paghdar Male General 715 99.9946856 76 Gujarat
77 3802040224 Shikhin Goyal Male General 715 99.9946856 77 Punjab
Ambaliya Palak OBC-(NCL) As
78 2219010422 Female 715 99.9946856 78 Gujarat
Vejanandbhai Per Central List
79 3110110328 Amina Arif Kadiwala Female General 715 99.9946856 79 Maharashtra
80 2201060423 Rishabh Shah Male General 715 99.9946856 80 Gujarat
Poreddy Pavan
81 1205040181 Male Gen-EWS 715 99.9946856 81 Andhra Pradesh
Kumar Reddy
82 2808260093 Abhinav Sunil Prasad Male General 715 99.9946856 82 Kerala
83 3903010023 Samit Kumar Saini Male 715 99.9946856 83 Rajasthan
Per Central List
84 2708090324 Bhargava Bhat Male General 715 99.9946856 84 Karnataka
Vadlapudi Mukhesh
85 1205030857 Male General 715 99.9946856 85 Andhra Pradesh
86 1531050005 Abhinav Kisna Male 715 99.9946856 86 Bihar
Per Central List
87 3904040576 Deepak Choudhary Male 715 99.9946856 87 Rajasthan
Per Central List

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

Roll Number Candidate Name Gender Category Total Percentile State
No. Rank
Aryan Ashok
88 2209050027 Male General 715 99.9946856 88 Gujarat
89 3923490086 Ajay Sharma Male Gen-EWS 715 99.9946856 89 Rajasthan
90 2712350017 Nandan P Male General 715 99.9946856 90 Karnataka
Soham Shamkant OBC-(NCL) As
91 3115370103 Male 715 99.9946856 91 Maharashtra
Gaykar Per Central List
92 3905520026 Abha Gupta Female Gen-EWS 715 99.9946856 92 Rajasthan
93 3602070284 Goutam Sial Male SC 715 99.9946856 93 Odisha
94 3903610595 Ujjwal Kumar Male General 715 99.9946856 94 Rajasthan
95 2315090030 Ojal Rao Female 715 99.9946856 95 Delhi
Per Central List
96 3003210316 Vinay Tiwari Male Gen-EWS 715 99.9946856 96 Madhya Pradesh
97 4608210185 Zenia Bhattacharya Female General 715 99.9946856 97 West Bengal
98 3923150470 Sweety Female 715 99.9946856 98 Rajasthan
Per Central List
99 3903840432 Aniket Gocher Male 715 99.9946856 99 Rajasthan
Per Central List
100 4101270012 Roshni Subramaniyan Female 715 99.9946856 100 Tamilnadu
Per Central List

(b) The list of 20 Female toppers in the NEET (UG) - 2024:

S. Percentile Neet
Roll Number Candidate’s Name Gender Category State
No. Score Rank
1 3918040017 Prachita Female General 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
2 3114070516 Palansha Agarwal Female General 99.9992714 1 Maharashtra
3 3112500239 Mane Neha Kuldeep Female 99.9992714 1 Maharashtra
Per Central List
4 3903020440 Iram Quazi Female General 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
5 4410060494 Rishika Aggarwal Female General 99.9990143 22 Delhi
6 2301150185 Anusha Srivastava Female General 99.9946856 29 Delhi
7 2208020515 Bhumika Shekhawat Female Gen-EWS 99.9946856 33 Gujarat
8 2302040503 Prachi Female Gen-EWS 99.9946856 36 Haryana
9 4101170046 Shailaja S Female General 99.9946856 38 Tamilnadu
10 3906010801 Isha Kothari Female General 99.9946856 43 Rajasthan
11 3905270041 Kahkasha Parween Female 99.9946856 48 Jharkhand
Per Central List
12 3110070584 Umayma Malbari Female General 99.9946856 52 Maharashtra
13 4108080365 Jayathi Poorvaja M Female General 99.9946856 66 Tamilnadu
14 2208040843 Kriti Sharma Female General 99.9946856 68 Gujarat
15 2001630402 Saumya Gupta Female General 99.9946856 75 Delhi
Ambaliya Palak OBC-(NCL) As
16 2219010422 Female 99.9946856 78 Gujarat
Vejanandbhai Per Central List
Amina Arif
17 3110110328 Female General 99.9946856 79 Maharashtra

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

S. Percentile Neet
Roll Number Candidate’s Name Gender Category State
No. Score Rank
18 3905520026 Abha Gupta Female Gen-EWS 99.9946856 92 Rajasthan
19 2315090030 Ojal Rao Female 99.9946856 95 Delhi
Per Central List
20 4608210185 Zenia Bhattacharya Female General 99.9946856 97 West Bengal

(c) The list of 20 Male toppers in the NEET (UG) - 2024:

Percentile Neet
S. No. Roll No Candidate’s Name Gender Category State
Score AI Rank
1 2001920176 Mridul Manya Anand Male 99.9992714 1 Delhi
Per Central List
2 4408010813 Ayush Naugraiya Male Gen-EWS 99.9992714 1 Uttar Pradesh
3 1518070396 Mazin Mansoor Male 99.9992714 1 Bihar
Per Central List
4 3923490143 Saurav Male General 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
5 3905130233 Divyansh Male General 99.9992714 1 Delhi
6 3805040153 Gunmay Garg Male General 99.9992714 1 Punjab
7 4608060714 Arghyadeep Dutta Male 99.9992714 1 West Bengal
Per Central List
8 3111200278 Shubhan Sengupta Male General 99.9992714 1 Maharashtra
9 4408010212 Aryan Yadav Male 99.9992714 1 Uttar Pradesh
Per Central List
10 4131040542 Rajaneesh P Male SC 99.9992714 1 Tamilnadu
11 2807080262 Sreenand Sharmil Male General 99.9992714 1 Kerala
12 3814060175 Taijas Singh Male General 99.9992714 1 Chandigarh
13 3923460114 Devesh Joshi Male Gen-EWS 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
14 4408050294 Pranav Srivastava Male General 99.9990143 18 Uttar Pradesh
Gurshaan Singh OBC-(NCL) As
15 3902020525 Male 99.9990143 19 Rajasthan
Anger Per Central List
16 1526030008 Ayush Kumar Male 99.9990143 20 Bihar
Per Central List
17 2712330043 Padmanabh Menon Male General 99.9990143 21 Karnataka
18 3104150086 Ritesh Sunil Thombal Male General 99.9990143 23 Maharashtra
19 2001450540 Krish Agrawal Male 99.9946856 24 Delhi
Per Central List
Ved Sunilkumar
20 3111020418 Male General 99.9946856 25 Maharashtra

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

(d) The list of Unreserved Category (UR) toppers in 2024:

S. Neet
Roll No Candidate’s Name Gender Category Percentile State
No. Rank
1 4408010813 Ayush Naugraiya Male Gen-EWS 99.9992714 1 Uttar Pradesh
2 3918040017 Prachita Female General 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
3 3923490143 Saurav Male General 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
4 3905130233 Divyansh Male General 99.9992714 1 Delhi
5 3805040153 Gunmay Garg Male General 99.9992714 1 Punjab
6 3111200278 Shubhan Sengupta Male General 99.9992714 1 Maharashtra
7 3114070516 Palansha Agarwal Female General 99.9992714 1 Maharashtra
8 2807080262 Sreenand Sharmil Male General 99.9992714 1 Kerala
9 3814060175 Taijas Singh Male General 99.9992714 1 Chandigarh
10 3923460114 Devesh Joshi Male Gen-EWS 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
11 3903020440 Iram Quazi Female General 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan

(e) The list of OBC-NCL Category toppers in the NEET (UG) - 2024:
Category Neet
S. No. Roll Cname Gender Percentile State
1 2001920176 Mridul Manya Anand Male OBC-(NCL) 99.9992714 1 Delhi
2 1518070396 Mazin Mansoor Male OBC-(NCL) 99.9992714 1 Bihar
3 4608060714 Arghyadeep Dutta Male OBC-(NCL) 99.9992714 1 West Bengal
4 4408010212 Aryan Yadav Male OBC-(NCL) 99.9992714 1 Uttar Pradesh
5 3112500239 Mane Neha Kuldeep Female OBC-(NCL) 99.9992714 1 Maharashtra
6 3902020525 Gurshaan Singh Anger Male OBC-(NCL) 99.9990143 19 Rajasthan
7 1526030008 Ayush Kumar Male OBC-(NCL) 99.9990143 20 Bihar
8 2001450540 Krish Agrawal Male OBC-(NCL) 99.9946856 24 Delhi
9 1504020063 Tathagat Awatar Male OBC-(NCL) 99.9946856 34 Bihar
10 3903600031 Tanishak Yadav Male OBC-(NCL) 99.9946856 37 Rajasthan

(f) The list of 10 EWS Category toppers in the NEET (UG) - 2024:

S. Candidate’s Neet
Roll No Gender Category Percentile State
No. Name Rank
1 4408010813 Ayush Naugraiya Male Gen-EWS 99.9992714 1 Uttar Pradesh
2 3923460114 Devesh Joshi Male Gen-EWS 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
2208020515 Shekhawat Female Gen-EWS 99.9946856 33 Gujarat
4 2302040503 Prachi Female Gen-EWS 99.9946856 36 Haryana
Kasturi Sandeep
1203040193 Chowdary Male Gen-EWS 99.9946856 44 Andhra Pradesh
4407100503 Kasaudhan Male Gen-EWS 99.9946856 70 Uttar Pradesh
Poreddy Pavan
1205040181 Kumar Reddy Male Gen-EWS 99.9946856 81 Andhra Pradesh
8 3923490086 Ajay Sharma Male Gen-EWS 99.9946856 89 Rajasthan

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

S. Candidate’s Neet
Roll No Gender Category Percentile State
No. Name Rank
9 3905520026 Abha Gupta Female Gen-EWS 99.9946856 92 Rajasthan
10 3003210316 Vinay Tiwari Male Gen-EWS 99.9946856 96 Madhya Pradesh
(g) The list of 10 SC Category toppers in 2024:
S. No. Roll No Candidate’s Name Gender Category Percentile State
1 4131040542 Rajaneesh P Male SC 99.9992714 1 Tamilnadu
2 4301010696 Chand Mallik Male SC 99.9946856 35 Tripura
Amin Urvil
3 2206020350 Male SC 99.9946856 69 Gujarat
4 3602070284 Goutam Sial Male SC 99.9946856 93 Odisha
5 2712120186 Rushil K Male SC 99.9833283 147 Karnataka
6 2001770302 Ishan Gautam Male SC 99.9833283 163 Delhi
7 3923300479 Milan Male SC 99.9833283 174 Rajasthan
8 3812010248 Nikhil Kumar Male SC 99.9833283 177 Punjab
9 4407100313 Divya Singh Female SC 99.9833283 202 Uttar Pradesh
10 3924040220 Kavya Chitara Male SC 99.9833283 209 Rajasthan

(h) The list of 10 ST Category toppers in the NEET (UG) - 2024:

S. Roll
Candidate Name Gender Category Percentile Neet Rank State
No. Number
Guguloth Venkata
1 4201020831 Male ST 99.9833283 219 Telangana
2 3906170167 Akshat Katara Male ST 99.9833283 295 Rajasthan
Jammu &
3 2501080243 Vanshika Sharma Female ST 99.9828569 396
4 4201280763 Lavudya Sri Ram Naik Male ST 99.9632709 553 Telangana
5 3923310441 Puneet Bhanwarayat Male ST 99.9632709 694 Rajasthan
6 3115160217 Sanjay Singh Kushram Male ST 99.9297132 1118 Maharashtra
7 3914010125 Arpit Kumar Male ST 99.9297132 1137 Rajasthan
8 3903160685 Aryan Ghunawat Male ST 99.9297132 1150 Rajasthan
9 2708110253 Samrudh R Male ST 99.9297132 1166 Karnataka
10 3903120467 Aditya Meena Male ST 99.9297132 1400 Rajasthan

(i) The list of State toppers in the NEET (UG) - 2024:

S. Roll NEET
Candidate Name Gender Category Percentile State
No. Number Rank
OBC-(NCL) As Per Andaman &
1 3923040810 Yogta Kumari Yadav Female 99.8632836 2977
Central List Nicobar Islands
Kasturi Sandeep
2 1203040193 Male Gen-EWS 99.9946856 44 Andhra Pradesh
OBC-(NCL) As Per
3 1205010353 Gattu Bhanuteja Sai Male 99.9946856 50 Andhra Pradesh
Central List

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

S. Roll NEET
Candidate Name Gender Category Percentile State
No. Number Rank
Poreddy Pavan Kumar
4 1205040181 Male Gen-EWS 99.9946856 81 Andhra Pradesh
Vadlapudi Mukhesh
5 1205030857 Male General 99.9946856 85 Andhra Pradesh
OBC-(NCL) As Per
6 1301010397 Aditya Kumar Male 99.9297132 1108 Arunachal Pradesh
Central List
7 1402090489 Adhiraj Kar Male General 99.9833283 184 Assam
8 1402210373 Anuj Agarwal Male General 99.9833283 224 Assam
9 1402180451 Rahul Raj Talukdar Male General 99.9833283 236 Assam
OBC-(NCL) As Per
10 1518070396 Mazin Mansoor Male 99.9992714 1 Bihar
Central List
11 3814060175 Taijas Singh Male General 99.9992714 1 Chandigarh
12 1702060222 Shristi Gupta Female General 99.9833283 364 Chhattisgarh
Dadra And Nagar
13 1801030292 Aastha Pandit Female General 99.7938968 4602
14 1901010054 Aditya Shrikant Salvi Male General 98.7010655 29936 Daman And Diu
OBC-(NCL) As Per
15 2001920176 Mridul Manya Anand Male 99.9992714 1 Delhi
Central List
16 3905130233 Divyansh Male General 99.9992714 1 Delhi
OBC-(NCL) As Per
17 2101020256 Tarun Kumar Male 99.9255988 1681 Goa
Central List
18 2208020515 Bhumika Shekhawat Female Gen-EWS 99.9946856 33 Gujarat
19 2201060522 Ved Patel Male General 99.9946856 63 Gujarat
20 2208040843 Kriti Sharma Female General 99.9946856 68 Gujarat
21 2206020350 Amin Urvil Nareshkumar Male SC 99.9946856 69 Gujarat
22 2207011647 Darsh Paghdar Male General 99.9946856 76 Gujarat
Ambaliya Palak OBC-(NCL) As Per
23 2219010422 Female 99.9946856 78 Gujarat
Vejanandbhai Central List
24 2201060423 Rishabh Shah Male General 99.9946856 80 Gujarat
25 2209050027 Aryan Ashok Kushwaha Male General 99.9946856 88 Gujarat
26 2302040503 Prachi Female Gen-EWS 99.9946856 36 Haryana
27 4410120262 Dev Jain Male General 99.9946856 59 Haryana
OBC-(NCL) As Per
28 2301140268 Amit Sahu Male 99.9946856 65 Haryana
Central List
29 3903190309 Aryan Sharma Male General 99.9946856 47 Himachal Pradesh
30 2501220178 Deedwer Male General 99.9833283 228 Jammu & Kashmir
OBC-(NCL) As Per
31 3905270041 Kahkasha Parween Female 99.9946856 48 Jharkhand
Central List
OBC-(NCL) As Per
32 2603130439 Manav Priyadarshi Male 99.9946856 57 Jharkhand
Central List
33 2712330043 Padmanabh Menon Male General 99.9990143 21 Karnataka
34 2807080262 Sreenand Sharmil Male General 99.9992714 1 Kerala
Beevi Fathimathu Suhra T
35 2803250209 Female ST 99.0506995 21338 Lakshadweep

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

S. Roll NEET
Candidate Name Gender Category Percentile State
No. Number Rank
36 3003210316 Vinay Tiwari Male Gen-EWS 99.9946856 96 Madhya Pradesh
37 3004010259 Pranjal Khatri Male General 99.9946856 111 Madhya Pradesh
38 3111200278 Shubhan Sengupta Male General 99.9992714 1 Maharashtra
39 3114070516 Palansha Agarwal Female General 99.9992714 1 Maharashtra
OBC-(NCL) As Per
40 3112500239 Mane Neha Kuldeep Female 99.9992714 1 Maharashtra
Central List
Nongmeikapam Rina OBC-(NCL) As Per
41 3201200234 Female 99.3853333 14267 Manipur
Devi Central List
42 3301010607 Kashish Samee Female General 99.8133542 4189 Meghalaya
Jonathan C
43 3401010020 Male ST 93.9166338 141258 Mizoram
44 1502420216 Navin Kumar Male Gen-EWS 99.5577931 9550 Nagaland
45 3602070284 Goutam Sial Male SC 99.9946856 93 Odisha
46 3604060440 Om Amrit Mohanty Male General 99.9946856 101 Odisha
47 3604050040 Mohammad Zaid Khan Male General 99.9946856 102 Odisha
OBC-(NCL) As Per
48 4128010306 S Bharathi Female 99.8853982 2146 Puducherry
Central List
OBC-(NCL) As Per
49 4103020685 Imayavarman G Male 99.8853982 2461 Puducherry
Central List
50 3805040153 Gunmay Garg Male General 99.9992714 1 Punjab
51 3918040017 Prachita Female General 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
52 3923490143 Saurav Male General 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
53 3923460114 Devesh Joshi Male Gen-EWS 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
54 3903020440 Iram Quazi Female General 99.9992714 1 Rajasthan
55 4001030208 Diwash Sharma Male General 98.8799540 26030 Sikkim
56 4131040542 Rajaneesh P Male SC 99.9992714 1 Tamilnadu
57 4301010696 Chand Mallik Male SC 99.9946856 35 Tripura
58 4408010813 Ayush Naugraiya Male Gen-EWS 99.9992714 1 Uttar Pradesh
OBC-(NCL) As Per
59 4408010212 Aryan Yadav Male 99.9992714 1 Uttar Pradesh
Central List
60 4502010089 Akshat Pangaria Male General 99.9946856 31 Uttarakhand
OBC-(NCL) As Per
61 4608060714 Arghyadeep Dutta Male 99.9992714 1 West Bengal
Central List
62 4608030417 Anuran Ghosh Male General 99.9939570 137 Telangana
63 2501060158 Muntazir Mehdi Ahmad Male ST 99.8133542 4268 Ladakh
64 4609020813 Peehu Agrawal Female General 99.9833283 289 Other

Information regarding 15% All India Quota Seats:

The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Government of India will conduct the Counselling for
15% of All India Quota Seats, Deemed Universities, Central Universities, Seats of ESIC and AFMC, BHU, and
AMU. Candidates may visit the website for further information. Candidates will apply for 15%

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

All India Quota seats as per the directions of DGHS and Counselling will be stopped once the seats are

The details and schedule of counselling would be available on the websites of the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare and Medical Education Directorates of States.

Information regarding State Quota Seats:

For State quota and other seats falling under the ambit of States, candidates may apply to their domicile
States, and a merit list as per State rules, based on All India Rank, will be prepared by concerned Counselling
Authorities. The counselling for Private Medical Colleges will also be conducted by the concerned State
Counselling Authority.

Candidates are advised to be in touch with the respective Counselling Authorities and Institutions concerned
for further details.

Inter-se-Merit of Candidates for Tie-Breaking:

In case two or more candidates obtain equal marks/percentile scores in the NEET (UG) - 2024, the
inter-se-merit shall be determined as follows:

a. Candidate obtaining higher marks/percentile score in Biology (Botany & Zoology) in the Test, followed
b. Candidate obtaining higher marks/percentile score in Chemistry in the Test, followed by,
c. Candidate obtaining higher marks/percentile score in Physics in the Test, followed by,
d. Candidate with less proportion of the number of attempted incorrect answers and correct answers in
all the subjects in the Test,
e. Candidate with less proportion of a number of attempted incorrect answers and correct answers in
Biology (Botany & Zoology) in the Test, followed by
f. Candidate with less proportion of a number of attempted incorrect answers and correct answers in
Chemistry in the Test, followed by
g. Candidate with less proportion of a number of attempted incorrect answers and correct answers in
Physics in the Test,
h. Application Number in ascending order.

The qualified candidates may please note that they have to further complete the formalities with the
respective Counselling Authorities viz DGHS, Medical Education Directorates of States, etc. for
admission to MBBS/BDS Courses.

The details and schedule of counselling would be available on the websites of the Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare, and Medical Education Directorates of States as applicable. The details of the

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,
(उच्चतर शिक्षा शिभाग, शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

Medical Education Directorate of States are given in Appendix IV of the Information Bulletin
available on the NEET website. The counselling would be conducted by the respective Counselling
Authorities subject to prevailing rules and norms for admission in Medical Colleges/Dental
Colleges under their ambit. Candidates are advised to be in touch with the respective Counselling
Authorities and Institutions concerned for further details.

Senior Director, NTA

सम्पर्क सूत्र / Helpline Number: +91-11-40759000, अण-ु डाक / e-mail: [email protected]

वेबसाइट / Website,

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