Gender and Society Lesson2
Gender and Society Lesson2
Gender and Society Lesson2
Lesson 2
By: Prof. Arcely L. Hariramani
What are gender roles and stereotypes?
Gender roles in society means how we’re expected to act, speak, dress, groom, and
conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sex. For example, girls and women are
generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite,
accommodating, and nurturing. Men are generally expected to be strong,
aggressive, and bold.
Every society, ethnic group, and culture has gender role expectations, but they can
be very different from group to group. They can also change in the same society over
time. For example, pink used to be considered a masculine color in the U.S. while
blue was considered feminine.
How do gender stereotypes affect people?
You probably see gender stereotypes all around you. You might also have seen or experienced sexism, or
discrimination based on gender. There are ways to challenge these stereotypes to help everyone — no
matter their gender or gender identity — feel equal and valued as people.
• Point it out — Magazines, TV, film, and the Internet are full of negative gender stereotypes. Sometimes
these stereotypes are hard for people to see unless they’re pointed out. Be that person! Talk with friends
and family members about the stereotypes you see and help others understand how sexism and gender
stereotypes can be hurtful.
• Be a living example — Be a role model for your friends and family. Respect people regardless of their
gender identity. Create a safe space for people to express themselves and their true qualities regardless of
what society’s gender stereotypes and expectations are.
• Speak up — If someone is making sexist jokes and comments, whether online or in person, challenge
• Give it a try — If you want to do something that’s not normally associated with your gender, think about
whether you’ll be safe doing it. If you think you will, give it a try. People will learn from your example.
If you’ve been struggling with gender or
gender identity and expectations,
you’re not alone. It may help you to talk
to a trusted parent, friend, family
member, teacher, or counselor.