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Assam Power Distribution Company Limited

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Assam Power Distribution Company Limited


CIN: U40109AS2003$GC007242

Website: www.apdcl.org CenlraHzed Customer Care Number;: 1912

Consumer Name: MEHUL AGARWAlLA Consumer Number: 006000003482 Bill Amount: 68816.000
Address: , 1st Floor PRITHVJ Pvt Ltd ULUBARI GHY Old Consumer Number: 61000004690 Due Date: 23-Apr-2024
DTR Number: M063H043 Bill Number.900140840
Pole Number :000 Bill Period: 01-Mar-2024 To 31-Mar-2024
Connected load in KW: 30.0 Bill Date : 08-Apr-2024
Contact Number; 9043504009
Contracted Demand in KVA: 35.29 Number of Days: 31
Email; [email protected]

Load Securlly:51250.000 Meter Status: RUNNING
Tariff Category; LT IV COMMERCIAL
Meter Number: APC02521
Supply Voltage level: Supply Vollage Level 11 KV

Meter Reading Details
Reading Type Meter Number MF Previous Reading Previous Export in Current Reading Current Export in­
in KWh KWh in, KWh KWh
KWH(Nonnal) APC02521 15.0 9996.757 0.000 10062.300

Units Cons1imed PF Penalty/Rebate lT Metering Penalty DTR Penalty HT Rebate Voltage Rebate

Norma! I 983.14 874.990 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Recorded Demand (in KVA) 0.64 Maximum Demand (In KVA} 9.6 Bi!ling Demand (in KVA) 36.29
Power on Hours 744 Freeze Amount 0.0 0 gen Plant Rebate 0.00

Billing Details
Current Demand Outstandin Amount Ad'ustment Amount Solar Rebate Net Bill Amount
Rs. 23303.990 Rs. 45512.040 Rs. 0.000 0.000 Rs. 68816.000
In Words: Rupees Si
Eight Hundred Sixte
Energy Charge(Normal)
d.iioo 0.000
Tolal Energy Charge
Energy Charge Re­
Rooftop Solar Adjustment 0:000
Demand/Fixed Charge 35.29 150.0 4586.34.
FPAACharge 1.29 2396.99
Electricity Duty
Energy Consumption (Last Month's Bill) Govt. Subsidy 0.0
Overdrawal Penalty
Meter Rent 0.0
Charges for dishonoured
Arrear Principal
ArrBar Surcharge
Current Surcharge
Adjustmeht Amount
Rebate if paid before due date
.Pa able amount before due date
l\!.onHt1 Mi:tn1ht Month3 Month-4 Month!i Monlh6
Payable amount after due date·

Checked by E&OE: Prepared by: 40000419

Generar Information ;
@ For det-alls of Tariff, refer to the Booklet of APDCL and latest Assam Electrlclty Rf!gulatory
Comm'/sslon's Tariff Order-
@ The Unit Price is subject to fuel cum purchase adjt'istment surcharges
\I Th-ere ls penalty for over drawal and low power factor and incentive tor maintaining PF above 85%
411 There is incentive for drawal o! power at higher voltage than prescribed for a specific load.
Regarding this Bill:
o This bill rnust'be pztd-ln fu!!, even 1f'it ls disputed by you, Adjustment, if any will be made subsequently.
@ !f tl1e-·due date falls on Sunday and public Hol\d~y_ the n-axt \vorking day will be treated as due date.
i®!1 You are requested \O pay this bill prt-;ferabiy through d(gi10l mode Le. either by NEFT / RTGS or throygt1
cnHr'te portal \{vVJ\V,apdcl.cYg
® Payfnent of bills should be made tJy en.sh/local cheque/bank draft only to be drawn in favour of
APDCL No payment w\!I be accepted on previous f·:,il!s. ,.,
@J APDCL ·.accepts no re..sponsibibty i"Df loss of blli ln translt, in case a- bill for a month/period is not
rate1Vt1d th$ conce·rnect AEElSDO!AMS, !RG/\'s ottlce may be approached.
G Payment Hours : ,9 tmi' ta (3 Pm on v,toff.,inq; days_
@l C0mplairr!s, lf any, rnay bJ lodged quotinQ the Bill No, and Meter No. to th& ASSt. Manager/Deputy
Manager/ManagertAGM!Dy. Gen!erai Manr,ig~?r (DOMra ornce bBfore the due date.

Mechanism for Redressal of Conaum&rgrlt.vances,

Nature of Complain ill Whom to Approach
A complaint need to be lodged quoting the name of
\8) Jr:!0rrupilot1 in pov1er supply
consumer, consumer No. Bill no and meter No at
ib) Volraqo Related complaints
(c) LoadwShedding!Schedliie outage k_l:;'l!:':b..l Concerned p;'IIJng olliceiAM/DMI Manager.
(d) Meter related complaints Time Limit for redressal: 7 dayit
(e) Compfaln.t.s related to billing. '
r,.ol!ectki'n .etc, I
No response/Not satisfied with the dedsion.
(~ Disconnection .and re~co:nnectlon of
power supply LEVE.L.2. Concerned AGM i DGM,
(g) DB!oy in new ·ser-1ice Connoc!ion or Time Umit for redressal: 7-10 days.
e;itenskffl of load
(f1) Other 6Dmp1affit-s

® Deta11:s of lh_e complaints resoruhon

l No response/Not satisfied. vlith-the ct:dsiOft

LEV];h_.:l., consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF).

pt'QCeDudure is provided in the Assam Time Lirnit f,:x rsdressal: 3.0 days.
El0ctricity Re_gu!ato·ry Commission's
Gutde!ines tor Redressal: elf Oonsumer
II- The consumers can cia.im cornpen.sation
t No resporisci/Not ·.saiisfied. wlt_h the decision.

~J;;VEL 4. Electricrty Ombvdsman.

'froin APDCL\ for deficiettey in :Ser_vice Time· Um!! for redressa1:.- 3 •Months.
as pet t_he AERC {Oistributbn Licensees' Address: 0/o The Assam Electricity Re,gulatory Commis_sion,
standard of Performan·ce) Begu!ations, ASEB Campus, Dwarandha, Six Mile,.
2000. For details visit www,aerc,go.v.in Guwahati-78,1022

Note: 1 The Complaints will be handled in the sequence given above,

2 The cOrifact addriasses and telephone Nos of aH ·concern~d Grievance Redressa! officer
and CGRFs are exhibited at ali Complaint Boolhs and collection centre

VJS!T U-S AT : www.apdctgovin

Disconnection notice under section 56 (i) ol IE Act 2003

Take nOtlce t_hat.Jf the blll "ren:12!11 unpaid_ ·even after expiry of 15 days from tile due date, power slipp!Y to
your pr&rniser,i wi!! b.e d!se<mnected in ac:cordancx;> with th~:1 proY1sion of section 55(i) of fE Act 2003 and
·as pGr provision of' clau&":; 4,3, t t of electricity code 2004.

SBa1 & SiQ'ncllure Of Area Manager

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