491 Visa Sangita
491 Visa Sangita
491 Visa Sangita
We have granted you a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491) visa on 03
January 2024.
Application status
Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass Granted
You may want to consider withdrawing any other undecided visa applications you have
lodged with us. If you are granted another substantive visa your Skilled Work Regional
(Provisional) (subclass 491) visa will cease and if applicable, may affect your eligibility
for government benefits such as Centrelink or Medicare. To withdraw any other visa
applications, you must advise us in writing. More information is available on our website
Visa conditions
8578 - Must notify of certain changes
8579 - Must live/work/study in a designated regional area
8580 - Must provide evidence of addresses
8581 - Must attend interview
An explanation of each condition of this Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491)
visa is included in this letter.
You can check these conditions at any time by using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online
(VEVO) service. The four-digit number presented next to each condition above is used in
VEVO to identify each condition that applies to this Skilled Work Regional (Provisional)
(subclass 491) visa.
Visa summary
Name Sangita GURUNG
Date of birth 11 August 1992
Visa Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491)
As this list may change from time to time, you should keep a copy of this information at the
time relevant to your visa.
If you have questions about your pay and conditions while in Australia, you can contact the
Fair Work Ombudsman for free information, resources and advice.
Visit www.fairwork.gov.au for information for visa holders and international students. This
includes information in 41 languages.
You can also contact the Fair Work Ombudsman by phone within Australia on 13 13 94
(Translating and Interpreting Service 13 14 50).
Your minimum pay rate can come from an award, enterprise agreement or other registered
agreement, or the national minimum wage. Employees have to be paid the right pay rate for
all hours they work including training, team meetings, opening and closing the business and
doing a trial shift.
For more information or to apply for a TFN online, go to the Australian Taxation Office
website www.ato.gov.au
Character requirements
Entering or remaining in Australia is a privilege. You must obey the law and not engage in
criminal activity.
Your visa may be cancelled for a number of reasons, including if you have a substantial
criminal record or behave in a way that is a risk to somebody in the Australian community.
Update us
To comply with visa condition 8578 you are required to tell us about changes to certain
details within 14 days. To tell us about these changes you should log back into your
application in your ImmiAccount, click 'Update details' and complete the relevant form.
● You should use the Regional contact details form to tell us about changes to your
residential address, email address, phone numbers, employment details or education
● If you get a new passport you should complete the Change of passport details form.
If your application was lodged by a registered migration agent, legal practitioner or your
employer you will need to create your own ImmiAccount and import your application to
access these forms.
If your application does not appear in the 'List of applications' you will need to click on 'Import
application' and add the application details found in the Visa summary section of this letter.
If your application was combined with another family member's application, the main
applicant will need to complete the relevant form on your behalf.
You are required to tell us about any other changes to your details as soon as possible such
as changes to your name or your family composition.
If you do not notify us of your new details, this can have serious consequences for you.
Useful links
● Check your visa details in VEVO: www.homeaffairs.gov.au/vevo
● Update your details in ImmiAccount: www.homeaffairs.gov.au/immiaccount
● Understand your workplace rights: www.homeaffairs.gov.au/workplace-rights
● Learn about family safety: www.dss.gov.au/family-safety-pack
● Update your details (including passport or if you have a baby):
● More information: www.homeaffairs.gov.au
Yours sincerely
Position Number: 60017829
Department of Home Affairs