Lotf Socratic Seminar Preparation Schoology
Lotf Socratic Seminar Preparation Schoology
Lotf Socratic Seminar Preparation Schoology
Directions: Respond with personal experiences, and textual evidence from
Lucidchart the novel Lord of the Flies. Find supporting passages from the novel, you
should paraphrase, and be prepared to provide commentary that links the
evidence to the point you’re making. You should have two
Zoom references/examples for each answer with at least ONE of them being from
the book and commentary for both. Please prepare your answers on a
Information separate sheet of paper. Staple that sheet to the back of this sheet. I will
Grading periods
collect them as a formative assignment grade at the end of your seminar. You
2023-2024YR, 2023-2024Q1, may NOT use your computer or phone at all on this assignment. You may use
2023-2024Q2, 2023-2024Q3,
your LOTF literary device tracker notes sheet. We will start with you picking 5
responses to work on, and may add more depending on time.
Tips for a successful seminar:
● Prepare clear, specific responses to the following questions
● Speak early and often, so that you can earn the most possible points in
the seminar
● Agree or disagree with your classmates, but you need to make sure
you have evidence to support your assertions
● You may use this sheet any and all novel or research related prep that
may be relevant to a question
● Organize your supplemental information so that you are NOT searching
for responses and wasting time during the seminar
1. Did any of the boys show courage and if so, how and what kind? Are
people courageous by nature or is courage developed through experience?
2. What is it that creates civility from savagery? Are we (as humans) naturally
more civilized or more savage, and who defines what is civil or savage?
5. Discuss the purpose and effect of any of the symbols in the novel? Why are
they important to the text? What would happen without these symbols?
(see power point for symbols)
6. In conflict, is there necessarily a good and a bad/ a right and a wrong? Can
conflicts ever truly be resolved?
7. Is it ever “okay” to use chaos or force to rule over a group? Why? What
advantages and disadvantages? How do we maintain “order?”
8. What happens literally to the boys, and what is the author saying
metaphorically about the structures of civilization and society?
9. How does fear affect actions and words? What happens when it is
confronted compared to when it is ignored?
10. Why do you think Golding chose to use young boys in this novel to prove
his point about society? Explain how things may have changed if an adult
were present on the island.
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