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Ie 1 Speaking

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Let’s talk about where you live

Where do you live?
Do you like the area where you live?
How has this area changed in the last few years?
What type of jobs do people do where you live?
Let’s move on to talk about maps
Do you ever use maps?
When do people usually need to use a map?
Do you prefer paper maps or using an electronic
Do you usually ask people for help when you are
lost? Why/why not?
Let’s talk about tourist attractions
What type of places do visitors in your country like to
Does your country attract many foreign tourists?
Is your hometown a good place for foreign tourists?
In the future, do you think your country will have
more tourists?

Speaking Part 2: Task Card

Describe a famous building you have seen or
know about to your partner.
You should say:
What it looks like
What it is used for
Why it is famous
And say whether you would like to live in or
near this building.

 Do most people in your country spend their whole life in their hometown?
 What are some reasons why people leave their hometowns?
 Do some places in your country face problems due to an aging population?
 Would you recommend your country to foreign tourists?
 Is it cheap or expensive to travel around your country?
 Would you consider working in another country in the future?
 What are some things people miss when they leave their country?
 What overseas cities are popular places for students to go and study in?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?
 Should young people who study abroad return home after graduating?
Let’s start by talking about birthdays
Do you enjoy celebrating your birthday?
What did you do for your last birthday?
Do you prefer giving or receiving birthday gifts?
What birthdays are important in your culture?
Let’s move on to talk about festivals
Which festivals are popular in your country?
What is your favourite festival?
Do you prefer to celebrate festivals with your
friends or family?
Do you think festivals are more important when you
are a child? Why/why not?

Let’s talk about weddings

Have you been to many weddings?
What was the last wedding you went to?
What do people usually do when they get married in your country?
What special food do people eat at weddings in your country?

Now let’s move on to speak about leavingschool

How do people in your country celebrate leaving school?
Do people wear any special clothes on the last day of school?
Do school children stay in touch with their teachers after leaving school?
Are school reunions popular in your country?

Speaking Part 2: Task Card

Describe a festival in your country
that you enjoy.
You should say:
What happens during the festival
Where it takes place
What time of year it is celebrated
And say whether other people you
know also enjoy this festival.

 What sort of occasions do people like to celebrate
your culture?
 How important are celebrations in people's lives?
 Which are the biggest cultural festivals in your
 When, how and why do you celebrate them?
 Why do people enjoy participating in national
 What role do gifts play when celebrating festivals?
 What role does music play in festivals in your
 Do you know of any festivals that started for
commercial reasons?

Let’s talk about electronic items
What electronic items do most people own?
What electronic appliances do you use most?
Do you enjoy shopping for new electronic items?
How often do you buy a new phone?
Now let’s move on to talk about online shopping
How often do you buy things online?
What types of things do people usually buy online?
What are the disadvantages of buying things online?
Do you often order take away food using apps?
Speaking Skills: The Internet
and Technology

Speaking Part 2: Task Card

Describe an electronic item you own that is

important to you.
You should say:

• What it looks like

• What it can do
• How it helps you in your life

And say what you would do if you did not

have this item.

Technology Discussion Questions

 Should parents monitor their child’s internet
 How has the Internet changed the world?
 What will the Internet be like in ten years?
 Should governments monitor citizens use of the
 How can the Internet influence people’s beliefs
about the world?
 Do older people in your country usually access
the Internet?
Let’s start by talking about weather
What’s the weather like today?
What is your favourite type of weather?
Do most people in your country prefer hot or cool weather?
How does the weather affect your mood?
Now let’s move on to talk about seasons
How many seasons does your country have?
What is your favourite season?
What do people usually do during this season?
Do young and old people like the same seasons?

Let’s talk about holidays

Do you enjoy going on holiday?
Do you prefer spending time at the beach or mountains?
What type of weather do you like when you go on holiday?
Do foreign visitors like the weather in your country?
Now let’s move on to talk about cold climates
Are there any parts of your country which have cold weather?
How do people dress when it is cold?
Do you eat different food when the weather is cold?
Do you prefer to spend time indoors or outside when the weather is cold?

Speaking Part 2: Task Card

Talk about something you do when the
weather is good. You should say:
Where you do it
How you get there
Why you choose to do this in good weather
And say whether it is possible to do this when
the weather is bad.

Discuss the following questions on weather and climate

 What do you think of when you hear the term extreme weather?
 In your opinion, is your country affected by extreme weather?
 What should people do when bad weather is coming to their area?
 Do you think the weather in your country is becoming worse or better?
 What type of climate do people from your country like?
 What problems occur from living in a climate that is too hot?
 Should schools and colleges be closed when it is too hot?
 Do you think office workers should be allowed to dress down in hot climates?
 What parts of your country are colder than others?
 Why do you think people enjoy talking about the weather?

Let’s start by talking about swimming
Do you enjoy swimming?
Do most people in your country learn to swim when they are a
Is it better to swim in a swimming pool or the sea?
What benefits can you get from swimming?
Now let’s move on to talk about competitions
Have you ever won a competition?
Did you take part in competitions when you were a child?
What type of prizes do people usually win?
Are you a competitive person?
Let’s talk about sports
What is your favourite sport?
What type of sports are popular in your country?
Do men and women in your country like to play similar sports?
Do sports people in your country do well in international events?
Now let’s move talk about watching sporting events
Do you often watch sporting events on television?
What type of sports do people like to watch?
Are there any sports which people don’t enjoy watching?
Is it better to watch sporting events alone or in a group of people?

Describe a sports event that you

watched or took part in.
You should say:
when this event was held
where it was held
who participated in the event
And explain why you remember this event so well.

Describe your favourite sport

You should say:
What it is
How often you play/watch it
How to play it
and explain why it's your favourite sport


Let’s start by talking about management

Would you like to be a manager?
Is it easier to manage a small or large team of people?
What type of jobs require good management skills?
Do you find it easy to manage your time?
Now let’s move on to talk about small businesses
Would you like to own your own small business?
What type of business would you like to start?
Is it better to own your own business or work for a company?
What type of small businesses are popular in your country?

Let’s talk about teamwork

Do you prefer to work alone or part of a team?
When did you last work as part of a team?
What can you learn from working with others?
Are there any disadvantages to working in a team?
Now let’s talk about uniforms
Have you ever worn a uniform?
What type of jobs require a uniform?
What are the advantages of wearing a uniform?
Are there any disadvantages to wearing a uniform?
Talk about a small business you would like to do in the
You should say:
What type of business it is
Why you are interested in it
Where you would set it up
And say whether you think it would be successful.


 Are you interested in the world of business?

 Do you think anyone can start their own business?
 What are the dangers of having your own business?
 Do men or women make more successful business
 What advice would you give to people starting in
 What kind of people are good at business?
 Is it easy to start a business in your country?
 Is it important to study business to be a success in this
 What skills can people learn from studying about
 What are the benefits of working for a family business?

Let’s begin by talking about friends

Who is your best friend?
How long have you known each other?
What type of things do you like to do with your friends?
Do you have friends of different ages? /
Now let’s move on to talk about famous people
Who is your favourite celebrity? I
Why do you like this person? \
Would you like to be a celebrity? \.
Have you ever met a famous person in real life?

Let’s talk about neighbours

How well do you know your neighbours?
How often do you see them?
Where you you meet them?
How can neighbours help each other?

Speaking Part 2: Task Card

Talk about someone who looked after you
when you were young.
You should say:
What the person was like
When they looked after you
What things they used to do with you
And say whether you are still in touch now

Discuss the following questions on people.

 What are some things you should not ask people in your country?
 Is it acceptable to ask a person's age in your country?
 In your opinion, where are some good places to meet people?
 In your culture, do you shake hands when you meet a person?
 What is the favorite topic for new acquaintances in your country?
 Is it OK to touch another person in your culture?
 What is a favorite topic for new people of your age in your country?
 How do people usually know if you can trust a person they just met?
 Do businesspeople exchange business cards in your culture?
 How far apart do people stand from when they talk in your culture?

Let’s begin by talking about space travel
Would you like to travel into space?
What do you imagine it would be like?
Will people go to different planets in the
Why do people like exploring new places?
Now let’s talk about the environment
Is it important to protect the planet?
What do you to help the environment?
What environmental problems are in your
Do you like spending time in nature?

Let’s start by talking about wildlife

What type of wild animals can you find in
your country?
What do people do to protect wild animals?
Are people in your country fond of animals?
What types of animals make good pets
for children?
Now let’s move on to talk about oceans
Do you like spending time by the sea?
When was the last time you visited a place next to
the sea?
What do people like doing in your country
when they are at the seaside?
What benefits do you get from spending time
by the sea?

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