667dab4058a20fbd5eb3aab5 - AoFQ - Beginner's Guide v0.42 - BETA - Print-Friendly
667dab4058a20fbd5eb3aab5 - AoFQ - Beginner's Guide v0.42 - BETA - Print-Friendly
667dab4058a20fbd5eb3aab5 - AoFQ - Beginner's Guide v0.42 - BETA - Print-Friendly
On a wounded world, new realms struggle to survive over the ashes of old empires.
The Human Empire fell when the world beneath it cracked. In an instant, its ancient capital and last
emperor were swallowed into the earth and lost forever. A massive wound now cuts through the
continent, winding and splitting the land itself.
It is an age of war in the lands of Tyria, where the peace and order of the last era have collapsed and new
powers have begun to emerge. A vast land of many peoples and kingdoms, no corner of Tyria has been left
completely untouched by the opening of the Great Rift.
Daemonic howls haunt the land, from the frigid north to the once peaceful Elven shores. In the Western
steppe lands, Dwarven berserkers bring the fire and fury of their new gods to bear against the thick
armour of their Orcish foes. While beneath the sea, ancient powers, once driven into hiding, now plot
their return to a now weakened and fractured surface. In the Southern deserts, even death offers no
escape for the cursed souls of the people there.
As all this unfolds, others have begun to pour into Tyria from different planes of existence. Civilizations
once lost have returned under new gods, while others have come unbidden to hunt the Daemons plaguing
Tyria. Strange and fantastic creatures have arrived as well, intent on carrying out their own goals, only
vaguely understood by the people of Tyria.
It is a time of otherworldly monsters, legendary heroes and unlikely alliances. An era of wonders and
ambition, as well as calamity and horror.
How will you forge your path in this age of fantasy?
Introduction Contents
Age of Fantasy: Quest is a solo/co-op miniature skirmish Welcome to Age of Fantasy ................................................ 2
adventure game set in a dark magical world, which is played
Introduction & Contents .................................................... 3
using 32mm miniatures.
Basic Rules ....................................................................... 4
The game mechanics are designed to be easy to learn but hard
to master, bringing engaging fantasy adventures for new and General Principles ..................................................4
experienced players alike.
Preparation & Game Structure .................................6
This rulebook is divided into 2 sections:
Actions & Movement ..............................................7
• Basic Rules - Everything you need to play the game, Shooting ................................................................8
with plenty of diagrams and examples.
• Campaign Builder - Rules to generate random Melee ....................................................................9
campaigns and one-off missions to play. Resolving Wounds & Morale ................................. 10
The game is primarily built around campaign play, so make Terrain ................................................................ 11
sure to check out the official narrative campaigns to get the
full experience of the game. Special Rules........................................................ 13
Created By: Gaetano Ferrara
The Most Important Rule Dice
When playing a complex game there are going to be occasions To play the game you are going to need some six-sided dice,
where a situation is not covered by the rules, or a rule does not which we will refer to as D6. Depending on how many models
seem quite right. When that is the case use common sense and you are playing with, we recommend having at least 10 to 20
personal preference to resolve the situation. dice to keep things fast.
If you and other players cannot agree on how to solve a Additionally, we recommend having dice of multiple colors so
situation, use the following method in the interest of time. that you can combine them for faster rolling. Whenever a unit
is using multiple weapons, you can use different colors for
Roll one die. On a result of 1-3 player A decides, and on a result
each weapon, and then roll them all at once.
of 4-6 player B decides. This decision then applies for the rest
of the game, and once the game is over you can continue to Sometimes the rules will refer to different types of dice, for
discuss the finer details of the rules. example D3, 2D6 and D6+1. There are many types of dice, but
the notation remains the same, so just apply the following
Scale Conventions explanations to all types of weird dice you come across.
This game was written to be played with 32mm scale models in • D3: To use these dice, simply roll a D6 and halve
mind, which are mounted on round bases. These bases come the result, rounding up.
in various sizes, and we recommend that you always mount • 2D6: To use these dice, simply roll two D6 and sum
miniatures on the bases they come with. the results of both dice.
• D6+1: To use these dice, simply roll a D6 and add 1
Here are some rough guidelines for model and base sizes:
to the result.
• Infantry: 32mm tall on 20mm/32mm round bases
• Large Infantry: 50mm tall on 40mm/50mm round bases Re-Rolls
• Cavalry: 40mm tall on 60mm oval bases
Whenever a rule tells you to re-roll a dice result, simply pick
Note that the base size that you use doesn’t matter, as long as up the number of dice you have to re-roll, and roll them again.
you keep base sizes consistent across all models. The result of the second roll is the final result, even if it’s
worse than the first. A die roll may only be re-rolled once,
Models & Units regardless of how many rules apply to it.
In the rules, individual miniatures are referred to as models,
whilst groups of one or more models are referred to as units.
Whenever a rule tells you to roll-off, all players involved in the
This means that when a rule applies to a unit it applies to all
roll-off must roll one die, and then compare their results. The
miniatures within that unit, whilst if a rule applies to a model
player with the highest result wins the roll-off, and in the
it only applies to one individual miniature.
event of a tie the players must re-roll until there is a winner.
Unit Stats
STAT Tests
Units come with a variety of statistics that define who they are
During the game you will be required to take Stat tests in order
and what they can do.
to see if a unit succeeds at doing various things such as hitting
• Name [Size]: The name and number of models. its targets or passing morale tests.
• Quality: The score needed for attacks and morale.
Whenever a rule states that a unit must take a Stat test, roll one
• Defense: The score needed for defense.
die. If you score the unit’s Stat value or higher, then it counts
• Equipment: Any weapons and gear the unit has.
as a success, else it counts as a fail.
• Special Rules: Any special rules the unit has.
• Cost: How many points it costs to take this unit. Example: A model with Str 4+ must take three Str tests. The player
rolls three dice and scores a 3, a 4 and a 5. This means that the
Additionally, heroes come with some additional stats.
model gets two successes (the 4 and 5), and one fail (the 3).
• Endurance: How much stress the hero can take.
• Strength: The score needed for Str tests, used for
things like Pushing, or overcoming Affliction.
• Dexterity: The score needed for Dex tests, used for
things like Jumping, or overcoming Crippling.
• Willpower: The score needed for Wil test, used for
things like Discovering, or overcoming Disease.
Modifiers Measuring Movement
Throughout the game there are going to be rules that apply When measuring how far a model moves always measure so
modifiers to your die rolls. These will usually raise or lower that no part of its base moves further than the total distance.
the value of a unit’s roll results by either +1 or -1, but the exact
number may vary.
Example: A model with Str 4+ must take three Str tests with a -1
modifier. The player rolls three dice and scores a 3, 4 and 5, but
because of the modifier the final result is a 2, a 3 and a 4.
All weapons in the game are separated into two categories:
ranged weapons and melee weapons. Ranged weapons have a
range value and can be used for shooting, whilst melee
weapons don’t have a range value and can be used in melee.
Distances are usually measured from a model’s base, however To determine line of sight, simply get down to the eye level of
if a model has no base, then all distances are measured from the miniature, and check if it can see the target. If the target is
its hull or torso, depending on the model. visible, then the model has line of sight.
When measuring the distance between two models you always Models can always see in all directions, regardless of where
measure from/to the closest point of their bases. the miniature is actually facing, always have line of sight to
themselves, and may always target themselves (unless stated
When measuring the distance between two units you always
otherwise). Models can’t see through solid obstacles, including
measure from/to the closest model in each unit.
the perimeter of other units (friendly or enemy), but they can
always see through friendly models from their own unit.
THE PARTY Game Structure
The game is played solo or cooperatively, with 2-4 player The game is structured into game rounds, player turns and
controlled heroes, which face off against AI enemies. unit activations. Here is the breakdown of what these mean:
To put your heroes together, simply select a hero from your • Rounds: Each round is made up of multiple turns.
army’s list, give it a class, and select any upgrades you want. • Turns: Each turn is made up of a single activation.
• Activations: Each activation is made of an action.
The total point cost of all heroes will be used to determine how
many enemies they will face, so the game will always be
Playing the Game
balanced regardless of the cost of individual heroes.
After heroes and enemies have been deployed, the game starts
THE ENEMIES with the first round and the players take the first turn.
Before the game begins, you are going to need to prepare a During their turn, the players pick a hero that has not been
collection of enemy models for the AI to control. activated yet, and activate it by performing an action. There is
no specific order in which heroes are activated, and players
To put your collection together, simply select units and
may freely change the hero activation order each round.
upgrades from any army’s list, and there are no limitations as
to how many units a collection can have. Heroes may take any one action plus one Skill action, in any
order. Heroes may also choose to suffer 3 stress to take any
We recommend putting together a large collection worth at
one additional action.
least 4 times as many points as the party’s total point value, to
make sure that you will face off against a variety of enemies, Once the actions have been taken, the hero’s turn ends and
and won’t run out of models whilst you play. another hero’s turn starts. This continues until all heroes have
activated, at which point it’s the AI’s turn to activate.
Preparing the Battlefield
The AI follows the same sequence as the heroes, activating one
You are going to need a flat 4’x4’ area to play on, which is unit at a time, until all units have been activated. AI units are
usually referred to as “the battlefield” or “the table”. Note that activated in order from the unit closest to a hero to the furthest
the game can be also played on a smaller 2’x2’ area, by halving from a hero. Once all units have activated, the round ends, and
all distances used in the game. a new game round begins.
Whilst we recommend playing on a table, you can of course The game continues like this, until a game end state has been
play on the floor, on a bed, or wherever else you have space. reached, as described by the mission.
Once you have found a space to play, you are going to have to
Activating Units
place at least 20 pieces of terrain on it, though we recommend
using 25 or more to keep things interesting. Whilst it’s always Here are all available actions and what they allow a unit to do:
nice to play with great looking pieces of terrain, you can
• Rest - Doesn’t move or act, restores stress.
simply use household items such as books or cups as terrain.
• Hold - Doesn’t move, can shoot.
There are no specific rules on how you should place terrain, • Advance - Moves 6” and can shoot after moving.
but we have provided some general guidelines in the terrain • Rush - Moves 12” but can’t shoot.
section of this book to help you get started. • Charge - Moves 12” into melee.
• Skill - Doesn’t move, uses skill action.
The game is primarily built around campaign play, so the
mission you play will either be generated using the campaign When AI units activate, follow these steps:
builder, or will be described in the narrative campaign.
1. Are any enemies in line of sight?
Follow the mission instructions from the campaign that you’re • Yes - Go to step 2
playing to set up models, objectives, etc. • No - Go to step 3
Note that you don’t have to always play a full campaign, but 2. If you move, will any enemy be in range to shoot
can play any mission as a one-off. or charge?
• Yes - Advance only as much as needed
and shoot closest, else Charge closest
• No - Rush to closest
3. Are you within 3” of an AI Goal?
• Yes - Skip activation
• No - Rush to nearest AI Goal
RESTING AI Unit Coherency
When taking a Rest action, the hero restore 6 stress, but must All models in AI units must always stay within 1” of at least one
stay idle, and can’t take any other actions for that round, other model, and must stay within 3” of all other models (or as
before or after resting. close as possible), forming an uninterrupted chain of models
in 1” coherency with each other.
If a hero ever suffers stress which brings it over its Endurance
value, then it takes that many wounds instead. If a model is not in coherency with its unit at the beginning of
its activation, then you must take an action so that the model
Example: A hero with Endurance 3 already had 3 stress, and suffers
gets back into coherency.
an additional 2 stress. Since that would take it over its Endurance
value, it takes 2 wounds instead.
When taking a Hold action, the models in the unit may not
move or turn in any direction.
When taking an Advance action, all models in the unit may
move by up to 6”. Models may move and turn in any direction
regardless of their facing, as long as no part of their bases
move further than the total movement distance.
When taking a Rush action, all models in the unit may move by
up to 12”. The same rules about turning, facing and keeping 1” When taking a Skill action, the hero may not move or turn in
distance apply to Rush actions. any direction (note that only heroes can take Skill actions).
Picking Targets The Shooting Sequence
When taking a Shooting action, a unit must pick one valid Shooting is done in a simple sequence which has to be
target and all models in the unit may shoot at it. followed separately for each weapon group:
If at least one model in the unit has line of sight to an enemy 1. Determine Attacks
model, and has a weapon that is within range of that model, 2. Roll to Hit
then that enemy is a valid target. 3. Roll to Block
4. Resolve Wounds
Who Can Shoot
1. Determine Attacks
All models in a unit with line of sight to the target, and that
have a weapon that is within range of it, may fire at it. Note Sum the Attack value from the weapons of all models that can
that models may always ignore friendly models from their own shoot at the target to determine how many attacks the unit has
unit when determining line of sight. in total for this shooting.
2. Roll to Hit
After having determined how many attacks the unit has in
total, take as many Quality tests as attacks. Each successful roll
counts as a hit, and all failed rolls are discarded with no effect.
3. Roll to Block
For every hit that the unit has taken, the defending player
must roll one die, trying to score the target’s Defense value.
Each success counts as a blocked hit, and for each failed roll
Example: Only the Marksman in the middle can shoot at the
place one wound marker on the model.
Skeletons. The model at the top is in range but has no line of sight,
whilst the model at the bottom has line of sight but is out of range. Example: The Skeleton (Defense 5+) has taken 1 hit. He rolls one die
and gets a 4. This means that the Skeleton has taken 1 wound and
must check to see its effects.
See resolving wounds page on how to deal with wounds.
Picking Targets The Melee Sequence
When taking a Charge action, a unit must pick one valid target Melee is done in a simple sequence which has to be followed
and all models in the unit must charge it. separately for the charging unit and the target unit:
If at least one model in the unit is within charge distance of 1. Determine Attacks
one model from the target unit, and has a clear path to reach 2. Roll to Hit
it, then that enemy is a valid target (no line of sight is needed). 3. Roll to Block
4. Resolve Wounds
Charge Moves
1. Determine Attacks
Charging models must move by up to 12” to get into base
contact with an enemy model from the target unit, or as close Sum the Attack value from the weapons of all models that can
as possible, whilst still maintaining unit coherency (charge strike at the target to determine how many attacks the unit has
moves don’t have to be in a straight line). in total for this melee.
Once all charging models have moved, all models from the Example: An Infantryman is charging a Skeleton. He is armed with
target unit that are not in base contact with a charging model a Hand Weapon (Attack 1) and is in range of the Skeleton, which
must move by up to 3” to get into base contact with a charging means that he has a total of 1 attack for this melee.
model, or as close as possible, maintaining unit coherency.
2. Roll to Hit
After having determined how many attacks the unit has in
total, take as many Quality tests as attacks. Each successful roll
counts as a hit, and all failed rolls are discarded with no effect.
3. Roll to Block
For every hit that the unit has taken, the defending player
must roll one die, trying to score the target’s Defense value.
Each success counts as a blocked hit, and for each failed roll
place one wound marker on the model.
Example: The Skeleton (Defense 5+) has taken 1 hit. He rolls one die
and gets a 4. This means that the Skeleton has taken 1 wound and
Who Can Strike must check to see its effects.
Models may strike with all of their melee weapons, and may
Return Strikes
only strike at models from the target unit.
Once all charging models have attacked, the defending unit
must strike back (following the melee sequence again).
Note that striking back does not count as its activation, and
activated units may strike back.
At the end of an activation in which they charged, or after
striking back, models hit on unmodified rolls of 6 in melee
until the end of the round.
Consolidation Moves
If neither of the units was destroyed, then the charging unit
must move back by 1” (if possible), to keep the separation
between units clear, and show they are not locked in melee.
Resolving wounds Morale & When to Test
Once a model has taken as many wounds as its Tough value, it As units take wounds, they will be pinned by enemy attacks or
is removed as a casualty. flee from the battlefield entirely.
The players may remove models from the target in any order, At the end of an activation in which a unit takes wounds that
keeping unit coherency in mind. leave it with half or less of its starting size or tough value (for
units with a single model), then it must take a morale test.
Note that starting size is counted when the unit is deployed.
If a hero takes enough wounds to be removed as a casualty, it
Example: A unit of Skeletons shoots at a Hero with Tough(9), and
counts as being unconscious instead.
manages to deal 5 wounds. Since the Hero has taken over half as
Unconscious heroes must remain idle until they are revived, many wounds as its Tough value, the Hero must take a morale test.
and they are ignored by AI enemies. At the end of each round
until they are revived, they take 1 bleeding marker, and if they Taking Morale Tests
have 3 bleeding markers, then they are removed as casualties.
To take a morale test, the affected unit must simply take one
Heroes within 3” of an unconscious hero may use a skill action regular Quality test, and see what happens:
and suffer 3 stress to revive it, and it restores 3 wounds
• If the roll is successful, nothing happens.
• If the roll is unsuccessful, the unit is Shaken.
Shaken Units
Shaken units always count as fatigued, automatically fail
morale tests, and can’t contest or seize objectives.
Terrain Rules Cover Terrain
When setting up terrain, players must agree on what terrain Examples: Forests, Ruins, Fences, etc.
type rules each piece of terrain follows. This will make sure
Terrain features that models can hide in or behind, or that
that you do not have any arguments during your game, and
could stop projectiles, count as cover terrain.
that things can proceed smoothly.
If the majority of models in a unit are in or behind a piece of
Each piece of terrain may count as having multiple terrain
cover terrain, they get +1 to Defense rolls when blocking hits
types, and you may also add other conditions to further
from shooting attacks.
customize your terrain rules.
Example: A piece of Forest terrain could count both as Cover as well Difficult Terrain
as Difficult Terrain. Additionally, you could allow units to shoot
Examples: Woods, Mud, Rivers, etc.
into and out of it freely, but not through it.
Terrain features that hinder a model’s movement, or force
Open Terrain them to slow down, count as difficult terrain.
Examples: Grass Fields, Dirt Roads, Streets, etc. If any model in a unit moves in or through difficult terrain at
any point of its move, then all models in the unit may not
Any surface that is not specifically defined as a type of terrain
move more than 6” for that movement.
(like forests, buildings, rivers, etc.) counts as open terrain.
Open terrain does not have any special rules, and any rules Dangerous Terrain
that affect terrain do not apply to open terrain.
Examples: Quicksand, Lava Pools, Deadly Vegetation, etc.
Impassable Terrain Terrain features that could harm models, or outright kill them,
count as dangerous terrain.
Mountains, Canyons, Deep Water, etc.
If a model moves in or through dangerous terrain, or is
Any surface that would stop models from moving through it
activated in it, then it must take a dangerous terrain test.
counts as impassable terrain.
To take a dangerous terrain test, roll one die (or as many dice
Units may not move through impassable terrain, unless they
as the model’s Tough value), and if the result is 1, then the unit
have any rules that allow them to ignore it.
takes one automatic wound.
Blocking Terrain Elevated Terrain
Examples: Walls, Buildings, Rocks, etc.
Hills, Rooftops, Cliffs, etc.
Any piece of terrain that models can’t see or shoot through
Terrain that is over 3” tall, and any gaps that are over 1” wide,
counts as blocking terrain.
count as elevated terrain, and are impassable.
Units may not draw line of sight through blocking terrain,
Any terrain piece that is up to 3” tall can be climbed as part of
unless they have any rules that allow them to ignore it.
a unit’s regular movement, and units may move across gaps up
to 1” wide as if they were solid ground.
Terrain Setup Guidelines Terrain Placement
Whilst there are no specific rules as to how terrain should be When setting up terrain, you should use at least 20-25 pieces of
placed, here are some guidelines on how to handle terrain to terrain, although using more can be more interesting.
have a balanced game.
A simple way to make sure that you’re using enough terrain is
Here are all the things you should consider: to take as many pieces of terrain as you need to fully cover at
least 50% of the table, and then spread them out.
• Size of your terrain
• Rules for each terrain It’s also good to keep a balance of different terrain types, so
• Number of pieces that units with different weapons and special rules can use
• How to place it them effectively in various situations.
Rules Priority & Stacking Effects Caster(X) [AI Units]
Most units have one or more special rules that affect the way Follows same rules as heroes, but gets X tokens at the
they behave, and that sometimes go against the standard rules. beginning of each round, picking one random spell to cast,
and spending all tokens to cast it when activated. If the chosen
Whenever you come across one of these situations, the special spell can’t be cast for any reason, then the model doesn’t cast.
rule always takes precedence over the standard rules.
Note that effects from multiple instances of the same special
rule or spell don’t stack, unless it is a rule with (X) in its name, Strikes first with this weapon when charged, and the charging
or unless it is specified otherwise. unit gets -1 total Impact rolls per model with Counter.
Example: A weapon with 2 Attacks and Blast(3) scores two hits Flying
against a unit with 2 models. Each hit is multiplied by 2, so the
May move through obstacles, ignores terrain effects when
target takes a total of 4 hits.
moving, and automatically passes jumping rolls.
Example: A weapon with 1 Attack and Blast(6) scores a hit against
a unit with 3 models that is within 3” of two other enemy units Furious
with 1 model each. The hit is multiplied by 5, and the players pick When charging, unmodified rolls of 6 to hit in melee deal one
which two units take 2 hits, and which unit takes 1 hit. extra hit (only the original hit counts as a 6 for special rules).
Caster(X) Example: A Furious model with a weapon with 1 Attack and
Rending scores one hit on a roll of 6, so it deals two hits, of which
Gets X tokens at the start of the game, and 1 spell token at the
only the first counts as having AP(4) because of Rending.
start of each round, but can’t hold more than 6 tokens at once.
At any point before attacking, spend as many tokens as the Immobile
spell’s value to try casting one or more spells (only one try per
spell). Roll one die, on 4+ resolve the effect on a target in line Models with this special rule may only use Hold actions.
of sight. Heroes may spend any number of spell tokens before
rolling to get +1 to the roll per token, or to give an enemy
caster within 18” and in line of sight -1 to their roll per token. Roll X dice when attacking after charging (may not be
fatigued), for each 2+ the target takes one hit.
Note that Casters get spell tokens each round even if they are
not on the table (waiting to Ambush for example), and that the Indirect
Caster’s spells must be picked from their own faction.
May target enemies that are not in line of sight, and ignores
cover from sight obstructions, but gets -1 to hit rolls when
shooting after moving.
Lance Command Groups
Weapons with this special rule get AP(+2) when charging. When preparing your army, each army may only have one
Limited model with one of the following upgrades.
Note that a die roll may only be re-rolled once, so if another 6 Status conditions
is rolled after re-rolling Defense, then the hit is blocked. When activated, heroes may suffer D3+1 wounds to remove all
status conditions.
Afflicted: When activated, must pass a Str test to remove. If
When taking a wound, roll one die. On a 5+ it is ignored.
failed, the model takes 1 wound.
Relentless Crippled: When activated, must pass a Dex test to remove.
When using Hold actions and shooting, unmodified rolls of 6 Crippled models halve their movement distance.
to hit deal one extra hit (only the original hit counts as a 6 for Diseased: When activated, must pass a Wil test to remove.
special rules). Diseased models take as many wounds as stress they suffer.
Note: Check out the examples from the Furious special rule. Impaired: When activated, may suffer D3 stress to remove.
Reliable Impaired models get -1 to all stat rolls.
CAMPAIGNS & progression
BUILDING CAMPAIGNS Progression system
This campaign builder will help you generate a random When playing, heroes suffer injuries and become stronger as
campaign, or you can use it to generate random one-off they go on missions. Note that progression is the same across
missions to play. campaigns, so you can carry over heroes between campaigns.
Note that only heroes with the Caster rule can select to
upgrade Caster at level 5, level 9, and level 13.
MISSION set-up 6 primary objectives
Primary 3 - Retrieval
Place one objective marker within 6“ of a random table corner,
Campaign missions are set up with the following structure:
which counts as the AI Goal (if the heroes are deployed in the
1. Objectives & Rewards same corner, move the marker to the centre of the table).
2. Search Tokens Heroes within 1“ of the marker may pick it up by using a skill
3. Enemy Deployment action and passing a Dex test, and drop it within 1“ if they are
4. Hero Deployment shaken. The objective is completed when the hero carrying the
5. Challenge Hazards (optional) marker ends its activation within 6“ of the hero corner.
Each step must be followed in this order and once all steps Primary 4 - Investigation
have been completed you start from the first again.
Place two objective markers randomly at the centre of two
1. objectives 6 rewards different table quarters or the centre of the table, and the
marker closest to the hero nearest to an enemy counts as its AI
Primary Objective: To set up the table, roll for a random Goal. Heroes may use a skill action whilst within 1“ of a
primary objective. Once the heroes have completed the marker, and if they pass a Dex test, the marker is removed.
primary objective, they must all be within 3“ of the same table The objective is completed once both markers are removed.
corner at the end of any round in order to end the mission and
collect rewards. Primary 5 - Area Search
Secondary Objective: After the primary objective is Place three objective markers randomly at the centre of three
completed, at the end of the next round, set up a random different table quarters or the centre of the table, and the
secondary objective, and increase alertness by 3*X (where X is marker closest to the hero nearest to an enemy counts as its AI
the chosen difficulty level). Note that the secondary objective Goal. Heroes may use a skill action whilst within 1“ of a
doesn’t need to be completed to end the mission. marker, and if they pass a Wil test, remove the marker and roll
one die. On a 5+, or if it was the last marker, the objective is
Rewards: Each hero always gets hazard pay, and then earns completed.
XP based on which objectives have been completed:
Primary 6 - Delivery
• Hazard Pay – Get 5g times the chosen difficulty level.
Place two delivery markers within 6“ of two different random
• Primary Objective – Earn double as much XP as the
chosen difficulty level. table corners (if the heroes are deployed in the same corner as
a marker, move it to the centre of the table). When the heroes
• Secondary Objective – Earn as much XP as the chosen
deploy, place one objective marker in their deployment zone,
difficulty level.
which counts as the AI Goal. Heroes within 1“ of the marker
Primary objectives may pick it up by using a skill action and passing a Wil test,
and drop it within 1“ if they are shaken. When the hero
Roll Primary Objective carrying the objective ends its activation within 3“ of a delivery
1 Clean Sweep marker, remove that marker. The objective is completed once
2 Target Defense both markers are removed.
3 Retrieval
4 Investigation
5 Area Search
6 Delivery
The centre of the table counts as the AI Goal. When the last
model from the first wave of reinforcements is killed, it drops
an objective marker within 1“. Heroes may use a skill action
whilst within 1“ of the marker, and if they pass a Str test, the
marker is removed and the objective is completed.
Secondary objectives 6 search tokens
Secondary objectives 2. search tokens
Roll Secondary Objective When setting up the table, you must place D3+2 search tokens.
1 Interrogate Roll one die for each token, and on a 1-3 it will be placed in a
2 Safeguard table quarter, whilst on a 4-6 it will be placed in a table corner.
3 Capture Then number each table quarter/corner from 1-4, and roll one
4 Sabotage die. On a 1-4 place the token at the centre of that table quarter
5 Scavenge or within 6“ of that table corner. On a roll of 5-6, you may
6 Escort
freely pick in which quarter or corner to place it instead.
Secondary 1 - Interrogate Hidden Treasure: When a search token is revealed, roll one
die to see what it contains. If it’s an item or gold, replace the
The centre of the table counts as the AI Goal. When the last
token with a treasure marker, which heroes within 1“ can pick
model from the next wave of reinforcements is killed, it drops
up by using a skill action.
an objective marker within 1“. Heroes may use a skill action
whilst within 1“ of the marker, and if they pass a Wil test, the Roll Treasure
marker is removed and the objective is completed 1 Empty – Remove token.
2 Creature Nest – Remove token, and if the hero is
Secondary 2 - Target Defense
within 1”, it gets one random condition:
Place one objective marker at the centre of the table, which • 1-3 = Afflicted
counts as the AI Goal. Heroes may use a skill action whilst • 4-6 = Diseased
within 1“ of the marker and take a Dex test. If passed, at the 3 Booby Trap – Remove token, and if the hero is
within 1”, it gets one random condition:
end of each round, if a hero is within 3“ of the marker while
• 1-3 = Crippled
enemies aren’t, then it’s seized, and it gets one token. The
• 4-6 = Impaired
objective is completed once the marker has 3 tokens.
4 Hidden Trove – Replace with treasure marker,
Secondary 3 - Capture which contains one random item:
• 1-3 = Heroic Elixir
Place one objective marker at the centre of the table, which • 4-5 = Blinding Bomb
counts as the AI Goal. Heroes within 1“ of the marker may pick • 6 = Health Potion
it up by using a skill action and passing a Str test, and drop it 5 Alchemist’s Box – Replace with treasure
within 1“ if they are shaken. The objective is completed when marker, which contains one random item:
the hero carrying the marker ends its activation within 6“ of • 1-3 = Curing Potion
any corner. • 4-5 = Stoneskin Elixir
• 6 = Fire Bomb
Secondary 4 - Sabotage 6 Gold Stash – Replace with treasure marker,
which contains a random amount of gold:
Place one objective marker within 6“ of the table corner
• 1-3 = 5g
furthest from one random hero, which counts as the AI Goal.
• 4-5 = 10g
Heroes may use a skill action whilst within 1“ of the marker, • 6 = 15g
and if they pass a Wil test, the marker is removed and the
objective is completed.
Secondary 5 - Scavenge
Secondary 6 - Escort
Deployment 6 challenge hazards
3. enemy deployment 5. CHALLENGE HAZARDS (OPTIONAL)
During each mission, enemies will be deployed in two ways: For an additional challenge, players may choose any of the
following hazards, which are completely optional. Note that
• Sentries – Before the mission starts, deploy a wave of
these hazards can dramatically increase difficulty, and are not
enemy units which act as sentries.
recommended for beginners.
• Reinforcements – Every so many rounds, a new wave of
enemies is deployed, based on their alertness. Location Events: Pick in which location the mission takes
place, or roll for it:
Wave Size: The total point value of all enemy units in a wave is
based on a % of the total point value of the heroes: Roll Event
1 Steep Mountain - One random hero is Crippled.
• Difficulty 1 = 25% 2 Mysterious Valley - One random hero is
• Difficulty 2 = 50% Afflicted.
• Difficulty 3 = 100% 3 Raging River - One random hero is Impaired.
• Difficulty 4 = 200% 4 Dark Forest - One random hero is Diseased.
5 Bustling City - One random hero gets 5g.
Example: If heroes’ total point value is 300pts, then a Difficulty 2 6 Quiet Trail - Nothing happens.
wave is 150pts.
Increased Alertness: Pick how alert the enemies are, or roll
Alertness: At the end of each round, roll one die, on a 6
D6+X for it, where X is the chosen difficulty level:
increase alertness by 2, else by 1. Once you reach 6*X alertness
(where X is the chosen difficulty level), deploy a new wave of Roll Alertness
reinforcements, and remove all alertness. 1-6 Vigilant – No effect
7-8 Alarmed – Get +1 when rolling for alertness
Deployment: Enemies are deployed differently based on if increase
they are sentries or if they are reinforcements: 9+ Full Assault – Get +2 when rolling for alertness
• Sentries – The starting sentries are deployed at the centre
of a random table quarter. Number each table quarter Random Time of Day: Pick at what time the mission takes
from 1-4, then roll one die for each unit, and on a 1-4 place place, or roll for it:
that unit at the centre of that table quarter. On a roll of 5-
6, you may pick in which table quarter that unit is placed. Roll Time of Day
• Reinforcements – The reinforcing waves are deployed 1 Dusk – For D3+3 rounds it’s Day, and then it’s
within 6” of a random table corner. Number each table
2 Night – All heroes get -1 to hit rolls for D3+3
corner from 1-4, then roll one die for each unit, and on a
rounds, and then it’s Dawn
1-4 place that unit within 6“ of that table corner. On a roll 3 Dawn - For D3+3 rounds it’s Night, and then it’s
of 5-6, you may pick in which table corner that unit is Day
placed instead. 4-6 Day – No effect until the end
4. hero deployment Random Weather: Pick in what weather the mission takes
place, or roll for it:
Deployment: After sentries have been deployed, number each
table corner from 1-4, then roll one die, and on a 1-4 place the Roll Weather
heroes within 6“ of that table corner. On a roll of 5-6, you may 1 Worsening – For D3+3 rounds it’s Good, and
pick in which table corner heroes are deployed. then it’s Bad
2 Bad – All heroes halve their movement for D3+3
Play Mission: After heroes have been deployed, mission rounds, and then it’s Improving
preparation is finished, and the game begins. 3 Improving - For D3+3 rounds it’s Bad, and then
it’s Good
4-6 Good – No effect until the end
Random events
31 - Heavy Rain 51 - Mystic Fog
Random events
All models get -1” when Advancing, and One random hero inside terrain gets +1
Random Events (Optional): At the
-2” when Rushing/Charging until the Qua until the end of the game.
beginning of each round roll one die,
next event.
and on a 6 a random event happens. 52 - Spotter Bird
Then roll two separate dice one at a 32 - Creature Nest
One random hero gets +6” range when
time, where the first one represents the
One random hero inside terrain is shooting until the next event.
first number, whilst the second one
represents the second number, and 53 - Haste Berries
resolve that event. 33 - Sleeping Spores
All heroes may move by up to 6”.
Example: A player rolls two dice, with the All models get -1 Qua until the next
54 - Hidden Spirit
first result being a 2 and the second result event.
being a 1. This would mean that random One random hero inside terrain gets +1
34 - Eldritch Shriek
event 21 is chosen. Def until the end of the game.
One random hero suffers D3 stress.
11 - Lightning Strike 55 - Enchanted Winds
35 - Melting Curse
One random hero outside of terrain Pick one random table quarter. All
immediately takes 1 wound. All models get -1 Def until the next heroes get +1 Str until the end of the
event. game whilst inside.
12 - Rat Swarms
36 - Thick Clouds 56 - Sinkhole
The hero closest to the centre of a
random table quarter is Shaken. All models get -6” range when shooting Remove one random piece of terrain in
until the next event. a random table quarter.
13 - Razor Vines
41 - Godly Sunrays 61 - Supporting Spirits
One random hero inside terrain
immediately takes 1 wound. All heroes get +1 Wil until the next The hero closest to a random table
event. corner may take an action.
14 - Falling Scenery
42 - Animal Guide 62 - Healing Grubs
One random hero within 3” of terrain
immediately takes 1 wound. One random hero inside terrain gets +1 One random hero may remove all
Dex until the end of the game. stress.
15 - Sworn Guard
43 - Sticky Foliage 63 - Guardian Beast
The enemy unit closest to the table
centre may take an action. All heroes get -1 Dex until the next The enemy unit closest to the centre of a
event. random table quarter is Shaken.
16 - Hunting Rush
44 - Debilitating Curse 64 - Ghostly Warriors
The enemy unit closest to a random
table corner may take an action. All heroes get -1 Str until the next event. The enemy unit closest to the table
centre is immediately Shaken.
21 - Stuck in the Mud 45 - Shifting Illusion
65 - Magical Pool
One random hero is Impaired. Move one random piece of terrain in a
random table quarter by D6” in any One random hero within 6” of the table
22 - Gang Ambush
direction. centre gets +1 End until the end of the
One random hero inside terrain game.
46 - Terrifying Quakes
immediately takes D3 hits.
66 - War-God’s Blessing
Pick one random table quarter. All
23 - Venomous Moss
heroes get -1 Wil until the end of the One random hero may move by up to 6”.
One random hero is Diseased. game whilst inside.
24 - Hexed Gale
25 - Magic Trap
26 - Crumbling Earth
More Age of Fantasy: QUEST Supporting on Patreon
There is much more to Age of Fantasy: Quest than just the If you want to help us in making more awesome content, you
content of this beginner’s guide, and what you’ve seen here so can support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/onepagerules
far is only the tip of a very large iceberg!
By supporting you will get access to a ton of extra content,
exclusive updates, early access, rulebooks, point calculators,
miniatures and much more.
The game is primarily built around campaign play, and you
This project was made by gamers for gamers, and it can only
can buy official narrative campaigns, which feature exciting
exist thanks to the support of our awesome community.
stories, lots of new missions, and epic villains to defeat.
New campaigns are being released every year, and you can Welcome to the Hobby
string them together to watch your heroes grow over the
We hope that you enjoyed this beginner’s guide, and that you
course of multiple campaigns.
are as excited as we are to be part of this amazing hobby.
We are also working on lots more ways for you to play the
Happy Wargaming!
games, so keep your eyes peeled for more news!
- The OPR Team
Exploring the Universe
There is a whole universe to explore with Age of Fantasy,
featuring dozens of factions, heroes, conflicts, and more.
Make sure to check out our website to find free lore for all of
the factions and the universe, as well as short stories, comics,
and more background stories.