09 Issue Defiant. Full Magazine
09 Issue Defiant. Full Magazine
09 Issue Defiant. Full Magazine
Stand assembly:
Final position
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CREW: 40
The U.S.S. Defiant was built for battle and was armed with pulse
phaser cannons, quantum torpedoes, and a cloaking device.
The U.S.S. Defiant was the first Starfleet ship to be
equipped with ablative armor plating. This was
a type of protective skin that covered the hull
plating. It was designed to disperse the energy
from weapons fire, thus protecting the ship even if
its shields were not up. Ablative armor was added
to the Defiant after its deployment to Deep Space 9
and the technology was so secret hardly anybody
in Starfleet knew it had been installed.
fficially classed as an escort ship, the At just 170.68 m long and with a standard
U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 was a prototype operational crew of 40 people, the Defiant may
vessel designed to be Starfleet’s first have been small but it packed a considerable
dedicated warship. Developed in response to the punch. Armed with advanced quantum torpedoes,
threat of a Borg invasion, the Defiant was a heavily as well as Mark-VIII and Mark-IX photon torpedoes,
armed, highly manoeuvrable, stripped-down vessel plus four twin-pulse cannon phasers, the Defiant
designed for combat rather than exploration. was the most destructively powerful ship Starfleet
ever produced for its size.
In addition to its formidable weaponry, the
Defiant was covered in ablative armor, a protective
skin on the hull of the ship that dissipated the
energy of weapons fire. This was an extra layer of
defense that meant even if the conventional shields
failed, the ship still had some protection.
After Starfleet lost The Defiant marked a radical change in policy Despite the Defiant’s enormous potential, after
control of Deep Space 9 by Starfleet in that it had previously only designed several years of development its design flaws
to Dominion forces in
ships for exploration, peace-keeping or scientific had still not been overcome and the project was
late 2373, the Defiant
was reassigned to the purposes. The Defiant was a response to the threat mothballed, especially as the perceived threat from
Second Fleet, which posed by the Borg after their invasion of the Alpha the Borg was considered less urgent.
operated out of Starbase Quadrant and the massacre at the Battle of Wolf It was not until the Defiant was assigned to Deep
375. This facility acted
as a base of operations
359 in which Starfleet lost 39 ships and 11,000 lives. Space Nine in 2271 at the now Commander Sisko’s
for the Defiant for several request that its design faults were ironed out and it
months until a combined TOO POWERFUL became a vital component in the station’s defenses
Federation force retook
Development of the Defiant began in 2367 with the against the Dominion and its allies.
Deep Space 9 and the
Defiant was once again then Lieutenant Commander Sisko assisting in the Once assigned to Deep Space Nine, the Defiant
assigned the task of design work and flight tests. Launched in 2370 from was granted special dispensation to be equipped
protecting the station. the Antares Shipyards, the Defiant proved to be with a Romulan cloaking device. The Romulans
over-gunned and overpowered for its size and the agreed to supply the cloaking technology in return
structural integrity field struggled to prevent the ship for all intelligence gathered on the Dominion.
from tearing itself apart in battle drills. The Defiant was equipped with a class-7 warp
The Borg’s second of the vessel where it was afforded more protection threat posed by the Dominion. Their genetically
major incursion into than it would have been if it was exposed on the engineered army, the Jem’Hadar, had recently
Federation space
top of the ship. destroyed a Galaxy-class ship, the U.S.S. Odyssey
culminated in the Battle
of Sector 001 when the NCC-71832 and Sisko felt that the station needed
Defiant and about 30 LAST RESORT WEAPONRY an extra line of defense.
other Starfleet ships In addition to all the Defiant’s state-of-the-art It was not long before Chief Miles O’Brien
engaged a Borg Cube.
The fleet was successful
weaponry, as a last resort the entire front ‘nose’ managed to iron out most of the Defiant’s flaws
in destroying the cube, section, which contained several torpedo and the ship proved vital both in the defense of
and although the Defiant warheads, could detach and be used as a missile. Deep Space Nine and in the later Dominion War.
took heavy damage it
If this function was deployed, the main body of the
was ultimately
salvageable and soon ship could then no longer travel at high speeds, but BATTLING THE BORG
back in service at Deep it was equipped with landing gear so it could set In 2373, the Defiant was forced into action for the
Space 9. down on a planetary surface in an emergency. purpose for which it was originally designed when
The U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205’s active service the Borg returned. While many Starfleet ships were
began in early 2371 when it was assigned to Deep destroyed early in the engagement, the Defiant
Space 9 to help protect it from the escalating managed to keep fighting for some time, inflicting
The U.S.S. Sao Paulo NCC-75633 was almost identical
to the Defiant. It was, however, upgraded with
redesigned deflector shield generators to counteract
the Breen energy dampening weapon, which was
responsible for the destruction of the first Defiant.
The bridge was also modified as some of the
consoles were redesigned and the aft operations
table was replaced with a free-standing console.
Unfortunately, in 2375 a new alliance between
the Dominion and the Breen swung the war back
in their favour and the Defiant was among 311
Federation Alliance ships destroyed in the Second
Battle of Chin’toka.
A new Defiant-class vessel, the U.S.S. Sao Paulo
NCC-75633 was assigned to Deep Space 9 and
Captain Sisko received special dispensation
from Starfleet Chief of Operations to rename the
ship after its illustrious predecessor. This second-
generation Defiant was upgraded with new
The Breen entered the heavy damage on the Borg Cube. Unfortunately, deflector shield generators that counteracted
war on the side of the the Defiant took serious fire, leading to a loss of the Breen energy dampening weapon that had
Dominion at the Second
main power and it was left adrift in space, but not decimated the allied fleet at Chin’toka.
Battle of Chin’toka. The
Breen’s energy before the crew were beamed to safety aboard This Defiant participated in the final battle of the
dampening weapon the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E. Dominion War in late 2375 when the Federation
proved decisive in the
Alliance launched an invasion of Cardassia where
battle as it completely
disabled all of the Allied THE DOMINION WAR the Dominion had centered its operations in the
ship’s primary systems, The Defiant was soon repaired and later the same Alpha Quadrant.
leaving them sitting year was used to mine the Bajoran Wormhole to The Defiant found itself in the thick of the action
ducks. The Allied force
stop the Dominion’s military build-up in Cardassian and, despite taking heavy fire, managed to help
was wiped out, and even
the DEFIANT was space. Although this prevented more Dominion the Alliance forces to punch a hole through the
destroyed, although the forces from entering the Alpha Quadrant, it could Dominion’s defensive perimeter. The Alliance lost
crew managed to eject in not prevent the Dominion from taking control of more than a third of its fleet in the battle, but the
escape pods.
Deep Space 9 and all-out war soon followed. Defiant survived and the Dominion was defeated
For the next several months, the Defiant fought as they declared an unconditional surrender of all
as part of the Second Fleet, operating out of their forces in the Alpha Quadrant.
Shuttlebay Hatch
Impulse Vents
Plasma Vent
The Defiant was the most heavily armed vessel in Starfleet and it
played a vital role in numerous battles during the Dominion War.
Warp Nacelle
Primary Deflector
Torpedo Launcher
According to one of
writers and producers
Ronald D. Moore,
the Defiant class had
entered full-scale
production by 2373.
Although only the
Defiant, its replacement,
Pulse Phaser Cannons the Sao Paulo, and the
Targeting Sensors Valiant were named,
several more Defiant-
class vessels were seen
in the episode, ‘A Call
To Arms’.
As the Defiant was permanently
assigned to Deep Space 9, it had no
specific or dedicated crew. The vessel The Defiant was
Sensor Pallet
equipped with landing
was manned by station personnel and
gear in the form of four
its crew complement varied by mission.
retractable struts built
Forward Targeting Array At various times Sisko, Dax and Worf all
into the underside of the
commanded the Defiant. hull. This meant it was
capable of landing on a
planetary surface in an
Worf found it difficult
Detachable Warhead
Escape Pod Hatches to adjust to life aboard
Deep Space 9 after he
accepted a post there
as strategic operations
officer. To help him
adjust, Sisko granted
him permission to live
aboard the Defiant
while it was docked
at the station.
Impulse Vents Running Light Targeting Sensors
One of Jim Martin’s earlier concepts for the
Defiant envisioned it as a halfway point between
a fully-fledged starship and a Runabout.
The design of the U.S.S. Defiant started off as a ‘beefed-up’ runabout,
but evolved into a new shape that looked both fast and aggressive.
hen Ira Steven Behr took over As Behr explained, “We had all these designer Herman Zimmerman.
as executive producer and plans for the Dominion… and what The brief they were given instructed
show runner at the beginning were we going to go after them with? that the ship could not look like any
of season three of STAR TREK: DEEP Shuttlecrafts?! It just seemed ridiculous.” other class of Starfleet ship seen before.
SPACE NINE, he decided to pick up the A new, more powerful starship that They were also told that it should be
action level of the show and include could realistically meet the threat small, but so powerful and scary that no
more hard-hitting, exciting battle posed by Dominion was needed and one would mess with it, so Martin began
sequences. The Dominion had been it would give the writers an opportunity by working on designs that looked like
introduced as the show’s villains, but the to have more direct conflict. The task of ‘beefed-up’ runabouts.
protagonists on DEEP SPACE NINE really envisioning this new Starfleet vessel fell These early designs were rejected by
did not have anything appropriate with to illustrator Jim Martin, who was working the producers so Martin came up with
which to fight them. under the supervision of production a new design direction that was more
14 DEFIANT NX-74205
Among the names
inscribed on the
Defiant’s dedication
plaque is a Starfleet
officer by the name of
Ira Steven Behr – the
same name as the
executive producer of
the show. He wrote or
co-wrote 53 episodes
- more than any other
Production illustrator Jim Martin first professional job after
leaving university was on DEEP SPACE NINE. He went on
to work on the pilot of STAR TREK: VOYAGER, STAR TREK
designing the Defiant, his other STAR TREK creations include
the Bajoran Solar Sailor and the Jem’hadar fighter.
After leaving STAR TREK in 1995, Martin became a
freelance production illustrator and has worked on
many blockbuster movies, including Alien: Resurrection
(1997), Spider-Man (2002), The Matrix Reloaded (2003),
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) and
Oblivion (2013).
p The studio model of the DEFIANT was
built at Brazil-Fabrication & Design by Tony
Meininger, who also contributed to the design.
he studio model of the U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 The finished miniature of the Defiant ended up
was built by Tony Meininger and his team measuring 37” x 27” and was convincingly realistic.
at his modelling shop, Brazil-Fabrication & It was then taken to the visual effects company,
Design in Los Angeles. Meininger’s first involvement Image G, where it was filmed using a motion
with STAR TREK had come several years earlier control camera.
when he had designed and built the Delta Rana The studio model was soon joined by a CG
warship seen in THE NEXT GENERATION episode, version of the Defiant, which was built by visual
‘The Survivors’. This was one of the first starships effects company Vision Art Design & Animation in
seen on STAR TREK that had not been designed by 1994. This CG version of the Defiant was co-built by
a member of the THE NEXT GENERATION art staff visual effects artists Daniel Kramer and Carl Hooper
and Meininger did such a good job that he went .It was first used for a shot of the ship going to warp
on to became the main supplier of studio models in the episode called, ‘Defiant’. and from the
for STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE. beginning of the fourth season onwards it featured
In addition to the Defiant, Meininger also built in the title sequence of DEEP SPACE NINE.
studio models of the Danube-class runabouts, the An upgraded CG version of the Defiant was later
miniatures for STAR TREK: VOYAGER’s debut built by effects house Digital Muse after it entered
episode, ‘Caretaker’, and most notably, Deep into a joint venture with Vision Art, as the series
Space 9 itself. moved away from practical models. This version
Meininger and his team built the model of the allowed the VFX team to create much more
Defiant based on the concept drawings created elaborate and complicated shots, which would
by Jim Martin, but visual effects coordinator Gary have been impractical using traditional model
Hutzel encouraged him to add his own ideas to and motion control photography.
the design. In particular, Meininger was told that The new CG version allowed for some stunning
the Defiant had to look fast, so he pinned up sequences, such as the Defiant flying alongside a
some posters of fast cars for inspiration. By adding fleet of other starships or doing an aerobatic loop-
additional elements, Meininger was able to impart the-loop in the final episode, ‘What You Leave
a feeling of speed into the design of the Defiant Behind’ – shots that just a few years previously
that it had previously lacked. would have been impossible.
p The original version of the Defiant was a practical model that was introduced in DEEP SPACE NINE’s third season. A variety of CG models
were then created and upgraded over the show’s remaining years, and there are subtle but noticeable differences between them.
The decision to destroy the Defiant in the
episode ‘The Changing Face Of Evil’ was
not taken lightly. As executive producer
Ira Steven Behr explained, “The ship had
become a character that had caught on
in people’s hearts and minds.” It was felt,
however, that the Breen had to make a
formidable impact and this could best be
done by destroying the Defiant. As Behr
said, “We wanted to kill the Defiant as
a statement on how tough the Breen were.
We thought that would rock the characters
and the audience.”
‘The Search, Part I’ ‘The Changing Face Of Evil’
The U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 is assigned The Federation and its allies, who had
to Deep Space 9 to help protect it from appeared to be gaining the upper
the escalating threat posed by the hand in the war, find themselves on
Dominion. Its first mission is to head into the back foot once again after the
the Gamma Quadrant and find the Dominion’s new allies, the Breen, launch Early drafts of the STAR TREK: FIRST
Founders in order to convince them that a devastating attack on Earth. The CONTACT script featured the destruction of
the Federation is not a threat. Initially, Defiant is ordered into battle when it the Defiant at the hands of the Borg. Ira
the Defiant’s cloaking device appears looks like the Federation is going to Steven Behr objected to his show’s ship
to work well, but it is still detected lose the Chin’toka system, which it had being destroyed, arguing it would cause
and drawn into a fire-fight with only recently won from the Dominion. problems for the writers. The Defiant was
thus allowed to survive the battle and a line
several Jem’Hadar ships. The Defiant In the ensuing battle, the Alliance fleet,
was added to the script revealing that it was
is eventually overwhelmed and the including the Defiant, is first neutralised by
“adrift, but salvageable.”
crew are captured, leading to their first the Breen’s energy-dampening weapon
encounter with the mysterious Founders. and then destroyed.
18 DEFIANT NX-74205