ECP281 Learning Objectives

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Course Outline
(i) Computer hardware:- Iden fica on of parts and func on of the
components of the Computer ,Input Peripherals:- The keyboard, the
Mouse, the Touch Pad, the Joy-s ck and other poin ng devices, The
Central Processing Unit (CPU):- The Arithme c Logic Unit (ALU) the
Primary and Secondary Memory (RAM, ROM, etc.), the frame buffer and
other storage devices, The Output Peripherals:-The Monitor, the Printer,
Plo ers and other hardcopy devices, The general opera ons (House-
keeping) :- Retrieval Manipula on and storage of data, etc.
(ii) Computer so ware’s so ware: the principles and opera ons of the
various kinds of So ware: System So ware: - Windows environment,
Disk Opera ng System environment (DOS), UNIX System, LINUX System,
etc., Applica on So ware: Word-Processors, Spreadsheet, Databases
management, Work Managers, Presenta on packages, Graphics
Packages, drough ng packages, etc. The Internet: The principle and
applica ons of Networks, WWW surfing the NET, e-mails, h p and
protocols. Prac cal and hands-on exercises with mini-projects to test for
proficiency will be emphasized.

Alternative Title: Computer Programming for Engineers
Units: 2
Hours/Week: 2

Learning Outcomes

1. Identification and Function of Computer Components

o Demonstrate knowledge of the various parts of a computer system,
including the motherboard, CPU, RAM, ROM, hard drives, and other
cri cal components.
o Explain the func ons and interrela onships of these components.
2. Understanding Input Peripherals
o Iden fy and describe the func on of different input peripherals such
as keyboards, mice, touch pads, joys cks, and other poin ng devices.
o Evaluate the efficiency and applica on of various input devices in
different compu ng environments.

1. Central Processing Unit (CPU) Operations

o Explain the structure and func on of the CPU, including its core
components: the Arithme c Logic Unit (ALU), control unit, and
o Analyze how the CPU interacts with primary memory (RAM, ROM)
and secondary storage.
2. Memory and Storage Devices
o Differen ate between primary and secondary memory, including
RAM, ROM, and various types of storage devices (HDD, SSD, USB
o Describe the role of the frame buffer and its importance in computer
opera ons.
3. Output Peripherals
o Iden fy and describe the func ons of different output peripherals
such as monitors, printers, plo ers, and other hardcopy devices.
o Assess the performance characteris cs and suitable applica ons of
various output devices.
4. General Operations (House-keeping)
o Demonstrate the ability to perform basic computer opera ons,
including data retrieval, manipula on, and storage.

o Illustrate the use of file management systems and u li es for
effec ve data organiza on and backup.
5. System Software Principles
o Explain the principles and opera ons of various system so ware,
including Windows, Disk Opera ng System (DOS), UNIX, and LINUX.
o Compare and contrast different opera ng systems in terms of
func onality, user interface, and applica on suitability.
6. Application Software Functionality
o use applica on so ware such as word processors, spreadsheets,
database management systems, work managers, presenta on
packages, and graphics/dra ing packages.
o Evaluate the applica ons of different so ware tools in various
professional and academic contexts.
7. Internet and Networking Principles
o Explain the principles of computer networks, including the structure
and func on of the Internet, and protocols such as HTTP, FTP, and
o Explain the processes involved in WWW surfing, e-mail
communica on, and data exchange over networks.
8. Practical Application and Problem-Solving
o Apply theore cal knowledge through prac cal exercises and hands-
on ac vi es, including the assembly and troubleshoo ng of
computer systems.
o Develop mini-projects to test and demonstrate proficiency in both
hardware and so ware components.
9. Software Installation and Maintenance
o install, configure, and maintain various system and applica on
so ware.
o Troubleshoot common so ware issues and perform necessary
updates and patches.
10. Security and Ethical Considerations
o explain the basic principles of computer security, including the
importance of data protec on, an virus so ware, and ethical
prac ces in compu ng.
o Evaluate the impact of so ware piracy, data breaches, and other
security threats on individuals and organiza ons.

Lecture Plan
Week 0: Makeup Lecture

 Definition of a computer
 Units of a computer
 Types of a computer
 Computer programs
 Computer programming
 Computer program Design (Algorithms and Flow Charts)

Week 1: Introduction to Computer Hardware

 Lecture: Overview of Computer Systems and Component Iden fica on

o Course introduc on and objec ves
o Components of a computer system: motherboard, CPU, RAM, ROM,
hard drives
o Func ons and interrela onships of components
o Hands-on ac vity: Iden fying and assembling computer parts
o Reading: Chapter 1 of "Computer Organiza on and Design"

Week 2: Input Peripherals

 Lecture: Keyboards, Poin ng Devices, and Advanced Input Devices

o Types and func ons of keyboards, mice, touch pads, joys cks, and
other input devices
o Applica on and efficiency of various input devices
o Prac cal session: Configuring and using different input devices
o Reading: Relevant sec ons from "Principles of Computer Hardware"

Week 3: Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 Lecture: CPU Structure, Func on, and Memory Hierarchy

o Components: ALU, control unit, registers
o CPU cycles and processing
o RAM, ROM, and secondary storage
o Role of the frame buffer in graphics processing
o Hands-on ac vity: Installing RAM and storage devices

Week 4: Output Peripherals

 Lecture: Display Devices, Printers, and Plo ers

o Types of monitors, resolu on, and refresh rates
o Types of printers (laser, inkjet) and plo ers
o Selec ng, configuring, and troubleshoo ng output devices
o Prac cal session: Se ng up and troubleshoo ng printers

Week 5: General Operations (House-keeping)

 Lecture: Data Management and System Maintenance

o File systems, data retrieval, and storage
o Using file management tools and u li es
o Regular maintenance tasks (defragmenta on, cleanup)
o Backup strategies and tools
o Reading: "Opera ng System Concepts" Chapter on file systems

Week 6: System Software Principles

 Lecture: Introduc on to Opera ng Systems

o Overview of Windows, DOS, UNIX, and LINUX
o Compara ve analysis of different opera ng systems
o Hands-on session: Installing and naviga ng different OS environments
o Reading: "Modern Opera ng Systems" selected chapters

Week 7: Application Software

 Lecture: Office and Produc vity So ware

o Word processors, spreadsheets, database management systems
o Presenta on packages, graphics packages, dra ing tools
o Prac cal session: Crea ng documents, spreadsheets, databases,
presenta ons, and simple graphics projects

Week 8: The Internet and Networking Principles

 Lecture: Network Basics and Prac cal Networking

o Principles of computer networks, protocols (HTTP, FTP, SMTP)
o Structure and func on of the Internet
o Se ng up a home network, configuring routers and switches
o Hands-on session: Basic networking tasks

Week 9: Practical Application and Problem-Solving

 Lecture: Hardware and So ware Troubleshoo ng

o Common hardware issues and diagnos c techniques
o Resolving so ware conflicts and errors
o Prac cal session: Troubleshoo ng a non-func onal computer and
so ware diagnos cs

Week 10: Software Installation and Maintenance

 Lecture: Installing and Maintaining So ware

o Procedures for installing system and applica on so ware
o Updates, patches, and system upgrades
o Prac cal session: Installing, configuring, upda ng, and maintaining
so ware

Week 11: Security and Ethical Considerations

 Lecture: Introduc on to Computer Security and Ethical Issues

o Data protec on, an virus so ware, and best prac ces
o So ware piracy, data breaches, and ethical compu ng
o Case studies and group discussion
o Reading: Selected chapters on computer security

Week 12: Mini-Projects and Review

 Lecture: Project Work, Presenta ons, and Course Review

o Students present their mini-projects
o Peer review and feedback
o Recap of key concepts and learning outcomes
o Final Q&A session and course feedback

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