Aqa Planner 2024

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A Level Chemistry AQA:

Revision Planner 2024

• Monthly planner
• Weekly and daily pages
• Weekly breakdown of revision and activities

How to use this planner:

The monthly planner pages can be used as an overview of the month ahead –
you can add in important dates or things to remember as well as your
priorities for each month.
At the beginning of each week, use the weekly planner page to decide how
much time you’ll spend on chemistry and on which days – you can also
include your other A Level subjects.
Then use the daily planner page to make a note of specific, achievable tasks
for revision in each subject. There are two different pages so you can choose
the style that works for you, or use a different planner if you prefer.
The weekly breakdown pages have suggested activities for each week to help
focus your revision on different topics and different types of activity. At the
start of your revision you should focus more on mind maps, notes and basic
retrieval practice using flashcards or quizzes. The closer you get to the
exam, the more your revision should focus on practising full past papers
under exam conditions – and remember to include time to go through the
mark schemes or walkthroughs.
If you haven’t already done so, sign up to my mailing list so you get updated
revision resources, weekly quizzes, new videos and study tips sent to your

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31


2024 This month, focus on revising Year 12 content:

Mole calculations
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Atomic structure and bonding
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Redox and periodic trends
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Organic: alkanes, alkenes, alcohols and haloalkanes
26 27 28 29 29 30
Enthalpy changes



Easter Holidays
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Easter Holidays
8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30


2024 This month, focus on revising the following:

Equilibria (Kc and Kp) and acid-base equilibria

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Organic: carbonyls, arenes, amines and synthesis
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Analysis (organic and inorganic)
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 31
Enthalpy, entropy and lattice enthalpy

MARCH 2024 MAY 2024


1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Half term
27 28 29 30 31


2024 This month, focus on the following:

Electrochemical cells and transition metals

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2
Spectroscopy and organic synthesis
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Practical techniques
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Multiple choice questions
29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Extended response questions

APRIL 2024 JUNE 2024

Time to start timed past paper/predicted paper practice!


1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Paper 1

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Chem Chem
Paper 2 Paper 3

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30


2024 Total focus on exam technique this month!

Identify weak topic areas

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Practice multiple choice questions
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Practice extended response questions
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Practice past exam papers, practice papers and
27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31
predicted papers

MAY 2024 JULY 2024

You’re almost there!


Weekly topic breakdown and revision activities: AQA Chemistry A Level

Week Topics/areas to focus on Ideas for activities Useful links

beginning this week
4th March • Atomic structure and  Mind map atomic structure Atomic structure Quizlet set:
ionisation energy  Sketch the graph for first ionisation energy and explain the
• Moles and increases and decreases across a period/down a group Atomic structure revision resources:
calculations  Practice relative atomic mass calculations
 Practice TOF mass spec calculations chemistry-inorganic-chemistry/
 Definitions – Quizlet set or flashcards Calculations revision resources:
 Practice mole calculation questions – start easy then work up
Calculations YouTube playlist:
11th March • Bonding and  Mind map types of bonding and structure Bonding Quizlet set:
structure  Explain differences in bonding, structure and properties for
• Shapes of molecules, diamond and graphite Bonding and structure revision materials:
intermolecular  Write down all the molecular shapes and bond angles and give
forces an example compound for each chemistry-inorganic-chemistry/
 Write a summary of the three types of intermolecular force – Shapes of molecules resource:
how they form and example molecules
 Practice longer answer questions on bonding and structure cule-shapes

18th March • Organic: alkanes and  Mind map the reactions of alkanes and alkenes (including Organic chemistry revision resources:
alkenes reagents, conditions and types of reaction)
 Write out the mechanism showing all the steps in the free chemistry-organic-chemistry/
radical substitution reaction between ethane and chlorine, Organic YouTube playlist:
explaining the steps
Alkanes Quizlet set:
• Enthalpy changes:  Write out the mechanism for the electrophilic addition reaction Organic chemistry basics Quizlet set:
Hess cycles, bond between hydrogen chloride and propene, explaining which is
enthalpy the major product Alkenes Quizlet set:
 Mind map the different types of isomerism, including E/Z
 Practice definitions for enthalpy changes Enthalpy changes Quizlet set:
 Practice Hess cycle and bond enthalpy calculations
 Mind map the practical techniques for measuring enthalpy
25th March • Organic: haloalkanes  Mind map the reactions of haloalkanes and alcohols (including Organic chemistry revision resources:
and alcohols reagents, conditions and types of reaction)
 Write out the mechanism for nucleophilic substitution in chemistry-organic-chemistry/
haloalkanes, using three different nucleophiles – hydroxide Organic YouTube playlist:
ions, cyanide ions and ammonia
 Write out the mechanism for the elimination reaction between xeGNhZyiMavSs-XQCZA-Rh5q12I
2-bromobutane and ethanolic potassium hydroxide to form an Alcohols Quizlet set:
alkene and show how different isomeric products can be made
 Describe how you could do an experiment to compare the rate
of hydrolysis of different haloalkanes
• Redox, group 2 and 7  Mind map oxidation states, giving examples of different Redox Quizlet set:
oxidation states for different compounds
 Mind map all the reactions of group 2 elements and Inorganic and periodic trends Quizlet set:
compounds, and the trends as you go down the group
 Explain the trend in reactivity as you go down group 2 Redox revision resources:
 Describe the displacement reactions of group 7 – trend in
reactivity, observations you would make, ionic equations and chemistry-inorganic-chemistry/
half equations and what is happening in terms of redox
 Mind map the tests for halide ions and the reactions between
solid halide salts and concentrated sulfuric acid
 Practice balancing redox half equations using hydrogen ions,
water and electrons
1st April • Organic: carbonyls  Mind map the reactions of aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids Organic chemistry revision resources:
(Easter) and esters
 Make a summary of the different tests that can distinguish chemistry-organic-chemistry/
between aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids Organic YouTube playlist:
 Describe the oxidation reactions of alcohols, including the
reagents and conditions and the different products from xeGNhZyiMavSs-XQCZA-Rh5q12I
primary and secondary alcohols Optical isomers Quizlet set:
 Summarise optical isomerism – where do you find it, effect on
plane polarised light and an example drawing Carbonyls Quizlet set:
 Write out the mechanism for nucleophilic addition to an
aldehyde or ketone and explain how it can lead to a mixture of Carboxylic acids Quizlet set:
optical isomers
 Describe the different ways of making esters (using carboxylic Organic mechanisms animations:
acids and acyl chlorides) including example reactions and
• Equilibria and Kc and  Mind map the effects of temperature, concentration and Equilibrium constant practice questions
Kp calculations pressure on the position of equilibria, using example reactions Mixed calculations
 Mind map the general method for carrying out Kc and Kp Challenging equilibrium problems with
calculations (using methods to find equilibrium moles from walkthroughs:
initial moles and changes)
 Practice questions on Kc calculations kc-and-kp-problems/
 Practice questions on Kp calculations
8th April • Organic: benzene  Mind map the reactions of benzene and arenes Benzene reactions:
(Easter)  Compare the reactions of benzene with phenol and explain the
differences nu.html#top
 Write out the electrophilic substitution mechanism between
benzene and bromine, including generation of the electrophile
using a catalyst
 Summarise the use of aluminium chloride as a catalyst – how is
it used to substitute halogens, alkyl groups and acyl groups?
 Describe the structure of benzene and explain our evidence for
this structure compared to the kekule structure
• Kinetics: rate  Mind map the factors that affect reaction rate, explaining them Rates of reaction basics – Quizlet set:
equation and using collision theory
Arrhenius equation  Mind map the different practical techniques for monitoring Arrhenius video:
reaction rate using example reactions
 Practice questions drawing Arrhenius graphs and finding arrhenius-equation-and-graphs/
activation energy Clock reactions video:
 Mind map rate equation and orders of reaction, showing the
different graphs for different orders and how to find orders qkoI2
from rates experiments Kinetics full notes:
 Practice questions on the rate equation
 Explain how orders of reaction relate to the mechanism of the 2816kin.pdf
reaction and the rate determining step Kinetics notes and explanations:
15th April • Acid base equilibria  Write a list of common acids and bases and write balanced Formulae and equations playlist:
equations for the reactions between them
 Practice pH calculations: strong acids, weak acids, strong alkalis xeGNhaaj4t8iw81Z9VYcQ5135lE
and buffers Acid base equilibria notes and explanations:
 Draw out the pH curves for different titrations involving weak
or strong acids/alkalis, explaining the shapes and giving the u.html#top
indicators you would use for each Buffer solutions and calculations video:
 Mind map buffer solutions – what they contain, explain how
they work and example calculations m89kNG
 Practice more challenging buffer calculations Testing for anions video:
• Analysis: testing for  Revise tests for inorganic ions
ions and organic  Mind map tests for organic functional groups gn9kwG
functional groups Tests for ions and organic Quizlet set:
22nd April • Organic: amines,  Mind map the reactions of amines and amides, including Organic chemistry revision resources:
amides and polymers reagents, conditions and types of reaction
• Organic synthesis 1  Summarise condensation and hydrolysis reactions – include the chemistry-organic-chemistry/
products of hydrolysis of amides and esters in acidic and
alkaline conditions
 Start to bring together all your organic knowledge – link Organic YouTube playlist:
different functional groups together
 Make a summary table of organic functional groups – the types xeGNhZyiMavSs-XQCZA-Rh5q12I
of reactions, mechanisms and tests as well as how to make
them from other functional groups
• Enthalpy changes 2:  Draw out a labelled Born Haber cycle for sodium chloride and Born Haber cycle Quizlet set:
Entropy, ΔG and magnesium oxide
lattice energy  Revise definitions for enthalpy changes
 Summarise the difference between ΔH, ΔG and ΔS, how to Entropy and free energy notes:
calculate them and how they relate to feasibility of a reaction
 Practice questions for ΔG calculations, Born Haber cycles and u.html#top
lattice enthalpy

29th April • Electrochemical cells  Draw diagrams of the standard hydrogen electrode and how to Transition metals Quizlet set:
• Transition metals set up half cells, including conditions and examples of using cell
notation and calculating Ecell Notes on transition metals and complex ions:
 Show how the electrode potential relates to the tendency to
lose or gain electrons, and how to use electrode potentials to
• Practice multiple predict feasibility of reactions Mixed multiple choice with video
choice questions  Practice questions on electrochemical cells walkthroughs:
 Practice questions on redox titrations
 Mind map the different colour changes and reactions of content/uploads/2023/06/50-A-Level-Multiple-
transition metal compounds Choice-Questions.pdf
 Draw diagrams to show the shapes of different transition metal Other multiple choice revision questions:
complexes, including examples of where isomerism can occur
 Practice mixed multiple choice questions

6th May • Spectroscopy  Make a summary of the most important parts to look for in a Organic chemistry revision resources:
• Organic synthesis 2 mass spec and infra red spectrum
 Sketch out the 1H NMR spectrum for some simple organic chemistry-organic-chemistry/
compounds: propan-1-ol, propanone, 2-methyl propanoic acid
 Summarise organic practical techniques – reflux, distillation,
purification of organic liquids, recrystallisation
 Summarise the different types of organic reaction Organic YouTube playlist:
 Practice questions on spectroscopy
 Practice questions on organic synthesis xeGNhZyiMavSs-XQCZA-Rh5q12I
• Identify weak topics  Use multiple choice and other questions to identify topic areas
you still need to go over Retrieval practice quizzes:
Mixed multiple choice with video
Other multiple choice revision questions:
13th May • Practical techniques  Mind map different titration practicals Practical chemistry YouTube playlist:
 Mind map the different practical techniques for determining
enthalpy changes xeGNhaIOg5FUitZAWWQW8IFMHuX
 Make a summary of the other core practicals that occur in your Mixed multiple choice with video
course walkthroughs:
• Practice multiple  Practice mixed multiple choice questions
choice questions  Practice extended response (6-marker questions) content/uploads/2023/06/50-A-Level-Multiple-
• Practice extended  Go back over weaker topic areas identified in the previous Choice-Questions.pdf
response questions week – use practice questions, end of chapter questions, Extended response practice questions:
• Work on weak topics flashcards and mind maps
Other multiple choice revision questions:
20th May • Full past paper  Practice full papers 1 and 2 under exam conditions Past papers and practice questions:
practice  Go through the mark schemes and make a note of common
• Identify weak topics errors or places to improve category/practice-papers/
 Identify any topics you need to go back over
27th May • Full past paper  More paper 1 and 2 practice, start to include paper 3
(half term) practice  Practice mixed multiple choice questions chemistry/
• Work on weak topics  Go back over weaker topic areas identified in the previous
week – use practice questions, end of chapter questions, Past paper walkthrough videos:
flashcards and mind maps
3rd June • Full past paper  Practice all past papers under exam conditions
onwards practice  Use mark schemes to make a note of common errors
• Regular flashcards  Use examiner’s reports to get more information about common
Paper 1: issues students had
10th June  Continue using flashcards to top up:
Paper 2: o Common colour changes and chemical tests
18th June o Organic functional groups and reaction conditions
Paper 3: o Mechanisms
21st June o Practical procedures
o Definitions

More useful resources and help with chemistry

Free downloads:
Retrieval practice quizzes – short quizzes of 10 questions each to help remind
you of the most essential chemistry knowledge.
101 revision activities for AS and A Level (so 202 activities!) – downloadable
pdf with loads of ways to help revise random chemistry topics to keep your
knowledge topped up as you get near to exams. Use AS and A Level in
combination to get questions covering the whole course.
A Level Multiple Choice Questions – 50 practice multiple choice questions for A
Level, each comes with a video walkthrough as well as the answers!

Practice papers and predicted papers:

Practice papers available now for AQA and OCR A. Predicted papers will be
available from mid-April.

Holiday revision courses:

These are small group, very interactive revision courses tailored to your needs
– class sizes are a maximum of 6. Available for AQA, OCR A and Edexcel and
running in Easter and half term. Early bird discount if you book before 11th
March for Easter courses.

Exam masterclasses:
You can get access to recordings of all the exam masterclasses I have/will run
this year – over 20 hours of focused content specialising in exam technique
and challenging questions, as well as practice questions, answers and online
support. These classes are ideal for students aiming for A/A* grade and will
really help you structure your revision.

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