Living World MCQs

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Which group shows the most extensive metabolic 9. Choose the correct set of bacterial disease :
diversity ? (1) Mumps, cholera, dengue
(1) Plantae (2) Animalia (2) Chicken pox, typhoid, mumps
(3) Monera (4) Fungi (3) Mumps, tetanus, chicken pox
Archaebacteria differ from other bacteria in hav-. (4) Cholera, typhoid, tetanus
ing : Choose the incorrect statement regarding
(1) Both do not have true nucleus Mycoplasma :
(2) Composition of cell wall (1)They lack cell wall
(3) Composition of cytoplasm (2) They are smallest living cells
(4) Composition of genetic material (3) They can survive without oxygen
3 Which group of organisms is responsible for the (4) They have mesosome for respiration
production of biogas from the dung of cows and
11. According to five kingdom system all single-celled
buffaloes ? eukaroytes are placed under :
(1) Methanomonas (2) Methanogens (1) Plantae (2) Monera
(3) Cyanobacteria (4) Mycoplasma
(3) Protista (4) Mycota
Choose the correct statement from followings: According to five kingdom, kingdom protista in
(1) Most of bacteria are autotrophs cludes :
(2) All bacteria are heterotrophs (1) Dinoflagellates, Diatoms, Euglenoids, Slime
(3) Some bacteria are heterotrophs mould, Porifira
(4) Most of bacteria are heterotrophs (2) Eunglenoids, Fungi, Slime mould, Dinoflagellates,
Which of the following character is similar in Protozoa
cyanobacteria and green plants ? (3) Slime mould, Protozoa, Dionflagellates, Diatoms,
(1) Cell wal(composition) (2) Chlorophyll 'a' Euglenoids
(3) Nif gene (4) 80s ribosome (4) Protozoa, Porifera, Moss, Euglenoids, Slime
"6. Which phenomenon is not performed by mould, Diatoms
cyanobacteria ? 13. Cell wall of diatoms are embedded with :
(1) Nitrogen fixation (2) Water bloom (1) Calcium (2) Silica
(3) Gaudikov's effect (4) Bolting effect (3) Iron (4) Calcium carbonate
Nostoc can fix atmospheric nitrogen in specialised 14,Which are chief producers of oceans ?
cell they are called - (1) Diatoms (2) Dinoflagellates
(1) Harmocyst (2) Harmogonia
(3) Euglenoid (4) Green algae
(3) Heterocyst (4) Akinetes
Which organism is responsible for making the sea
Which process is not performed by bacterial ac appear red by rapid multiplication ?
tivity ?
(1) Production of antibiotics (1) Euglena
(2) Noctiluca
(2) Fixing nitrogen in legumes
(3) Making curd from milk (3) Gonyaulax
(4) Production of pseudomycelium (4) Trypanosoma

i. Euglenoids have a protein rich layer instead of a 3, Mycelium of members of phycomycetes are:
Scell wall, This layer is called as : (1) Septate and coenocytic
(1) Cellulose (2) Chitin (2) Aseptate and coenocytic
(3) Pellicle (4) Pectin (3) Septate and multicellular
Choose the incorrect statement from following: (4) Septate and unicellular
(1) Dinoflagellates have stiff cellulose plates on the Choose the incorrect statement about
outer surface phycomycetes :
(1) Members are found in aquatic habitats
(2) Euglenoids have two flagella, one lies longitu
(2) Spores are endogenousy produced in sporangium
dinally and the other transversely
(3) Azygospores is fomed by reduction division
(3) Slime mould's spores are dispersed by air
(4) They show all type of syngamy
(4) In diatoms the cell walls form two overlapping
Which is not a member of Phycomycetes ?
(1) Albugo (2) A_pergilus
(3) Rhizopus (4) Mucor
The cell walls of fungi are composed of : Which fungus is used extensiveBy in biochemical and
(1) Chitin and cllulose genetic work ?

(2) Cellulose and polysaccharides (1) Agaricus (2) Aspergillus

(3) Chitin and polysaccharides (3) Claviceps (4) Neurospora
(4) Chitin, polysaccharid and glycogen 27. Choose the incorrect statement about
ascomycetes :
R, Which group of organisms is used to make bread (1) Mycelium is branched and septate
and beer ?
(2) Sexual spores are produced endogenously
(1) Rhizopus (2) Yeast (3) They have sac like structure in which karyogamy
(3) Albugo (4) Neurospora takes place
Fungus prefers to grow in : (4) Reduction division occurs in fruiting bodies and
form conidia
)Warm and humid places
28. Which group of. organism is related with
(2) Cold and humid places basidomycetes ?
(3) Warm and cold both (1) Mushroom, Ustilago, A_pergillus
(4) Warm, cold and humid places (2) Puffballs, Agaricus, Aspergillus
N In fungi when the hyphae are continuous and (3) Mushroom, Ustilgo, Agaricus
branched tubes field with multinucleated cytoplasr (4) Ustilago, A_pergilus, Agaricus
Which set of diseases is caused by members of
these are called :
29; basidiomycetes ?
(1) Unicellular hyphae
(1) Rust and smut
(2) Coenocytic hyphae (2) Ergot and smut
(3) Acellular hyphae (3) Downy mildew and rust
(4) Multicellular hyphae (4) Powdery mildew and rust
22. In fungi sexual reproduction is by : Fungi imperfacti is caled to
(1) members of phycomycetes
(1) Fragmentation, Ascospores and Basidiosphres
(2) members of ascomycetes
(2) Budding, Conidia, and Basidiospores
(3) Oospores, Ascospores and Basidiospores (3) members of basidiomycetes
(4) members of deuteromycetes
(4) Fission, Zoospores, Oospores
31. Which is not found in members of deuteromycetes ? 38. Endomycorrhizal fungus is :
(1) Asexual reproduction (1) Amanita (2) Boletus
(2) Mode of nutrition (3) Glomus (4) Pisolithus
(3) Structure of mycelium
39. Generally plant viruses are :
(4) Sexual reproduction
32. Which disease is not caused by a fungus ? (1) Double stranded DNA viruses

(1) Orange rots (2) Wheat rust (2) Single stranded RNA viruses
(3) Red rust (4) Ergot (3) Single stranded DNA viruses
33. Which of the following are noncellular organisrms that (4) Double stranded RNA viuses
are characterized by having an inert crystalline
40. Which of the following are not included in the five
structure outside the living cell: kingdom system of classification ?
(1) Bacteria
(a) Viruses (b) Viroid (c) Lichen
(2) Mycoplasma
(1) a and b
(3) Virus
(4) Lichen (2) b and c
34. Select false statement : (3) a and c
(1) Lichens are symbiotic associations between algae (4) a, b and c
& fungi
41. Select true statement about lichens :
(2) Viruses are smaller than bacteria
(3) Virus name was given by Pasteur (1) These are very good pollution indicators
(4) Virus are facultative parasite (2) The algal component of lichen is known as
35. Which one of the following statement is true about phycobiont
bacteriophages ? (3) The fungal component of lichen is known as
(1) They are generally single stranded RNA viruses.
(4) All the above
(2) They are generally double stranded DNA vi
ruses 42. Select incorrect statement :

(3) They are generally single stranded DNA viruses. (1) W.M. Stanly showed that viruses could be crys
(4) They are generally double stranded RNA viruses
36. (2) In addition to protein coat vinuses also contain
Select incorrect statement about viroid:
genetic material that could be either RNA or DNA
(1) Free infectious RNA
(3) The small sub units of capsid called capsomeres
(2) It was discovered by T.0. Diener
(4) The small subunits of capsid are called peplomers
(3) It causes potato spindle tuber disease
(4) It contains high molecular weight RNA
43. The number of species that are known and described
ranges between :
Which is incorrect statement ? (1) 1-2 million (2) 1.7-1.8 billion
(1) The Mycoplasma are organisns that completely (3) 1.7- 1.8 million (4) 7 milion
lack a cell wall
Grouping of any thing into convenient categories
(2) Mycoplasma can survive without oxygen based on some easily observable characters called:
(3) Mycoplasma are the smallest living cells. (1) Nomenclature (2) ldentification
(4) Mycoplasma are sensitive to penicillin (3) Classification (4) Taxonomy


T45. Branch of biology, which deals with study of53. Plant Ocimum sanctum belongs to kingdom plantae.
kingdom and
relationship among different kind of organisms, is: As per taxonomic terminology term
(1) Taxonomy (2) Systematics plantae are respectively :
(3) Ecology (4) Taximatrics (1) taxon and category
46. In taxonomic hierarchy families are characterised .(2) category and taxon
by (3) taxon and division
(1) Vegetative features (4) taxonomy and systematics
(2) Generative features Sa. Which among the following was not the criteria for
(3) Both vegetative and floral features classification of organisrns into 5 kingdoms proposed
(4) Neither vegetative nor floral features by Whittaker ?
47. In botanical gardensvarious plarnt species are grown (1) Reproduction
for which propose? (2) Phylogenetic relationship
(1) Identification (2) Nomenclature (3) Mode of nutrition
(3) Classification (4) All the above (4) Metabolisn
Key, ataxonomical aid, used for ldentification of 55. Find out the wrong statement about kingdom fungi
plants and animals based on similarities and proposed by Whittaker :
dissimilarities it's each statement is called:
(2) Lead (1) Eukaryotic organism
(1) Couplet
(3) Choice (4) Indented (2) Cellwall without cellulose
19. The actual account of habitat and distribution of (3) Multicellular with well distint tissue system
plants of given area is known as : (4) Heterotrophic (saprophytic or parastic) mode of
(1) Flora (2) Fauna nutrition

(3) Manual (4) Monograph In five kingdom classification of Whittaker, kingdom

50. The taxonomic aid, which is useful in providing monera is the group of microorganisms. Among the
information for identification of names of species following statements findout incorrect statement for
found in an area, called : Bacteria:
(1) Flora (2) Museum (1) Bacteria are gouped under four categories based
(3) Manual (4) Monograph on their shape
51. Monographs are concerned with: (2) They are simple in structure, but complex in
(1) Information of any species only behaviour
(2) Information of any genus only (3) They show most extensive metabolic diversity
(3) Information of any family only (4) The vast majority of bacteria are autotrophs
(4) Information of any one taxon From outermost body covering point of view, which
52. Match the following: group of monera do not show resemblance with others
(a) ICNB (0) Virus (1) Eubacteria
(b) ICTV ii) Bacteria (2) Archaebacteria
(c) ICNCP (i) Cultivated plants (3) Mycoplasma
(d) ICZN (iv) Animals (4) Cyanobacteria
(1) a-i, b-i, c-iii, d-iv 58. According to five kingdom theory single celled
eukaryotes are placed under protista, members of
(2) a-ii, bi, c-i, d-iv protista are primarily
(3) a-ii, b-i, c-i, d-iv (1) Terrestnal (2) Aquatic
(4) a-ii, b-i, c-i, d-iv (3) Saprophytic (4) Epiphytic
., Which kingdom out of five kingdoms proposed by 6., On the basis of intervening dikaryotic stage which
Whittaker, forms a link with others dealing with of the following fungal group is odd :
plants, animals and fungi ?
(1) Monera (1) Oomycetes
(2) Protista
(3) Plantae (4) Fungi (2) Basidiomycetes
0.,Group Chrysophytes involves: (3) Ascomycetes
1) diatoms (2) dinoflagellates
(4) Club fungi
(3) desmids (4) both land 3
61. Released toxins of which group of protista is the cause Classification of kingdom fungl into various classes
of death of other marine animals such as fishes is based on some parameters except :
(1) Chrysophytes (2) Dianoflagellates (1) Morphology of mycelium
(3) Desmids (4) Euglenoids (2) Mode of spore formation
In deprived of sunlight which group of protista behave (3) Dikaryophase
like heterotrophs by predating on other smaller (4) Fruiting body
68. The group of neglected plants, showing great
(1) Slime moulds (2) Protozoans diversity in morphology and habitat, having various
(3) Euglenoids (4) Dinoflagellates classes. Which of the following is not applicable
68. All single celled eukaryotes placed under protista on phycomycetes :
and they link with fungi, plants and animals. Slime (1) Obligate parasites on plants
moulds are saprophytic protists. What is incorrect (2) Found in moist and damp places
about it :
(3) Septate, Coenocytic mycelium
(1) Body moves along decaying twigs and leaves (4) Endogenously produced spores
engulfing organic matter In which class of fungi generally sex organs are
(2) Under suitable conditions they from plasmodium absent but plasmogamy is brought about by fusion
which may grow and spread over several feet of two vegetative of sormatic cells :
(3) Under favourable conditions plasmodium (1) Phycomycetes
differentiate and form fruiting body (2) Ascomycetes
(4) Their spores possess cell wall (3) Basidiomycetes

64. Which among the following group of organisms show (4) Deuteromycetes
a great diversity in morphology and habitat Y0. Ones perfect (Sexual) stages of members of
(1) Chrysophyts deuteromycetes were discovered they were often
moved to
(2) Dinoflagellates
(1) Phycomycetes
(3) Protozoan protists
(2) Ascomycetes
(4) Fungi
(3) Basidiomycetes
65., Fungi constitute a unique kingdom of heterotrophic (4) Both 2 &3
organisms. About their reproduction which
combination is not true : 1. Majority of members of deuteromycetes are
(1) Fragmentation, Fissicon, Budding (1) Saprophytes
(2) Conidia, Sporangiospores, Zoospores (2) Parasites
(3) Oospore, Ascospore, Basidiospores (3) Decomposers
(4) Teleutospore. Chlamydospores, Oidia (4) Symbiotic


72. In kingdom plantae alternation of generation is not 4, About pathogenecity of viruses which among the
associated with following is not correct ?
(1) Sporophytic and gametophytic phase (1) Plant infecting viruses having ssRNA
(2) Length of haploid &diploid phases (2) Animal infecting viruses having single or double
stranded RNA or double stranded DNA
(3) Number of haploid and diploid phases (3) Bacteriophages usually have double stranded
(4) Freeliving or dependent nature of haploid &diploid RNA
phases (4) Bacterophages usually have double stranded
73. Match the following DNA

(a) D.J.vanowsky 0) Discovery of viroids NI5. Virus is a connecting link between living and non
living organisms, when it attack on plant. Which
(b) Beijerinek (i) Crystallisation of vinus among the following donot appear
(c) W.M. Stanley (1) Gall formation
(ui)' Contagium vivum fluidum
(2) Mosaic formation
(d) T.O. Diener (iv) Discovery of TMV (3) Leaf rolling and curling
(1) a(iv), blii), clii), d(i) (4) Yellowing and vein clearing
(2) aliv), bi), c(), dí) N6, Which among the following is the characteristic of
(3) a(ii), bliv), c(i), d(i) (1) It is larger than viruses
(4) a(i), b(ii), civ), d) (2) It is free DNA
(3) It causes potato spindle tuber disease
(4) RNA of viroids is of high molecular weight

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