9D49102 Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

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Code: 9D49102

M.Tech - I Semester Supplementary Examinations, December 2013

(Common to EPE, EPS, PS, PE&ED, PE, PED and PID)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 (a) Compare 8 bit processors and 16 bit processors from the architectural view.
(b) List out the assembler directives of 8086? Explain them.

2 What is the function of ready pin in 8086? Draw the circuit diagram for wait state generation
between 0 and 7 wait states and draw the corresponding timing diagram.

for 1 sec delay (assume the microprocessors uses 5 MHz clock).

(a) Write a program to generate different delays 15 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec by calling the procedure

(b) How do you set or clear the interrupt flag 1F? What is its importance in the interrupt structure

of 8086?
(c) Explain briefly about stack structure of 8086.

(a) Draw the memory map of the 80386. When operated in the:
(i) Protected mode. (ii) Real mode.

(b) Explain the differences between CISC vs RISC.

(a) Draw a typical key board interface with 8255 and write the program to detect the key closer.

(b) Interface 16 bit 8255 ports with 8086. The address of port A is FOH.

6 (a) Write a sequence of instructions to communicate to a modem using 8251 at address 080H.

(b) How many initialization command words are required for a single 8259 in an 8086 based
system? Explain their format.

7 (a) Enlist salient features of 8051 family of micro controllers.

(b) Write a program of 8051 to copy the value 55 H into RAM memory location 40 H to 45 H using:
(i) Direct addressing mode.
(ii) Register indirect addressing mode without a loop.
(iii) With a loop.

8 (a) How many ports are available in 8051? Out of them which port pins are individually
(b) Explain the port pin circuits for all the ports with neat diagrams.


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