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These Virtual Library Search results are provided for your personal study.
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The Joel Goldsmith Bookstore has
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The subject of Supply is inherent in the teaching of The
Infinite Way and permeates all of Joel’s writings. For our
third Selected Study Guide on Supply, we have compiled
this list of specific chapters on the subject with passages
from each. Excerpts can in no way present the complete
message of Supply that Joel illuminated in so many ways. We
encourage you to visit each chapter to more fully appreciate
their message. Taken as a whole these will give a glimpse of
the depth and breadth of Joel’s work on Supply.

Selected chapters (in the order they appear in this guide)

on Supply from the writing of Joel Goldsmith are listed
below. To fully appreciate the following readings, we invite
you to read the complete chapters with your two week free
preview of our virtual library.

• The Foundation of Mysticism, Chapter 17 – “Spiritual

Supply and Healing: Awakening to the Mystical
Experience of Oneness”
• The Early Years, Chapter 23 – “Supply”
• The Collected Essays, Chapter 1 – “Supply”
• The Heart of Mysticism, Volume IV, Chapter 7 – “Supply”
• The Contemplative Life, Chapter 11 – “Supply and
• I Stand on Holy Ground, Chapter 8 – “Spiritual Supply”
• Invisible Supply, Chapter 1 – “The Principle of Supply”
• The Journey Back to the Father’s House, Chapter 6 –
“What Have You in the House?”
• The World is New, Chapter 8 – “Tithing”
• The Infinite Way, Chapter 9 – “Supply”
• Consciousness is What I Am, Chapter 8 – “Invisible Life
Fulfills Itself Tangibly and Visibly”
• Consciousness Transformed, April 26, 1964, Between Two
Worlds, Honolulu, Hawaii – “Access to Infinity”

These Virtual Library Search results are provided for your personal study.
They are derived from books and recordings by Joel S. Goldsmith that are
copyright protected by US and international laws. 3
readings from key chapters

From: The Foundation of Mysticism,

Chapter 17 – “Spiritual Supply and Healing:
Awakening to the Mystical Experience of Oneness”
…The principles that are embodied in these writings are not
mine. I did not make them up; I did not dream them up.
They came to me in consciousness, and therefore they are not
mine. They should be made available to anyone, anywhere, at
any time, who can accept them, receive them, and respond to
them. And that’s the way it is.
The Foundation of Mysticism

From: The Early Years,

Chapter 23 – “Supply”
…We would not for a moment consider trying to build a
house unless we understood the laws of designing, excavat-
ing, building, etc., as well as the local laws of zoning and
sanitation. We would not attempt to try a case in court un-
less we knew the law governing it; nor would we attempt to
sail a boat without a knowledge of the laws of navigation.
We do, however, attempt to work out our problem of indi-
vidual supply; we do attempt to demonstrate the availability
and abundance of supply without due recognition of the laws
which govern it. Many are ignorant of the existence of these
laws and believe that a blind faith in some God or power is
sufficient to bring about the operation of good in individual
In the absolute there is no need for the working out of the
problem of supply. Here there is no demand, because sub-
stance is omnipresent and there is no place or time where
supply is not. Until we come into this consciousness, the

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Christ-consciousness, we need to work out our destiny in
accord with Scriptural law as found in the scripture of all
Our first step is the recognition of our true being—our
relationship to God. Understanding God to be the one di-
vine universal consciousness, and man to be the individual
expression of this consciousness, we find that all that the Fa-
ther hath is mine, that is, all that is embodied in the universal
consciousness is embodied in individual consciousness, for
they are one. Then, whatsoever things or thoughts we have
need of are already a part of our consciousness and will un-
fold to human apprehension when we are familiar with and
apply the law. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free” from the illusion that that which you are
seeking is separate and apart from you.
The Early Years
From: The Collected Essays,
Chapter 1 – “Supply”
… What is the law which is our supply? The universal or
divine Consciousness, your individual consciousness, is this
law. This law actually is your consciousness. Thus your con-
sciousness becomes the law of supply unto you, producing
its own image and likeness in the form of those things nec-
essary to your well-being. As there is no limitation to your
consciousness, there is no limit to your conscious awareness
of the action of the law and therefore no limit to your supply
in all its forms.
Divine or universal Consciousness, your individual Con-
sciousness, is spiritual. The activity of this law within you is
likewise spiritual and therefore your supply in all its forms is
spiritual, infinite and ever present. What we behold as mon-
ey, food and clothing, automobiles and homes, represents our
concepts of these ideas. Our concepts are as infinite as our
The Collected Essays
These Virtual Library Search results are provided for your personal study.
They are derived from books and recordings by Joel S. Goldsmith that are
copyright protected by US and international laws. 5
From: The Heart of Mysticism, Volume IV,
Chapter 7 – “Supply”
…There is one aspect of the subject of spiritual living and
spiritual healing, which puzzles every beginner in the work.
Not only does it confuse the beginner, but it perplexes many
people who have made some strides upon the spiritual path;
and yet it is a subject which never enters the thought of those
who are well advanced in spiritual awareness. That subject
is supply. It puzzles everyone in the beginning, because not
only is it a difficult subject to understand, but it is also dif-
ficult to see how it is related to the spiritual life. Supply is
something the beginner is often overly eager to demonstrate,
or, through lack of understanding, refuses to think about be-
cause to him it is not spiritual, and, therefore, unworthy of
consideration by a serious student on the spiritual path.
Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. As a
matter of fact, there is no higher subject in the whole king-
dom of heaven, nor one more closely related to the entire
spiritual life than that of supply. Sometimes, as the student
progresses in his study and work, he tends to push the subject
of supply away from him because now it would appear that
his mind ought to be on something higher, something more
noble, something more spiritual. For the student who is far
along on the spiritual path, supply is no longer a matter of
concern, because with an understanding of the subject comes
a knowledge of what it is. It has become so much a part of
consciousness that it requires no conscious thought.

…Supply can never be found in the external world. All our

young students who are trying to demonstrate supply in the
external world fail because it cannot be found there. Supply
is within you; it is within me; it is within our consciousness.
The very sense of peace and joy or the feeling of God’s pres-
ence that we may experience at any given minute is our sup-
ply. Tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, it may

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appear outwardly as a new home, a new position, or a new
investment; but that will only be the externalization of the
supply which has been realized in a moment of peace.

…The moment you begin to realize that the invisible Spirit

is the health of your countenance, the moment you begin
to realize that this invisible Spirit is not only the source of
your supply, but is your supply itself, the moment you realize
that this invisible Spirit, God, the Father, is your high tower,
your fortress, your hiding place, your abiding place, your ev-
ery need will be met.

…You carry your supply with you when you understand:

God is my deliverer; God is the essence of my being; God is. If I
know nothing else, but that God is, that is enough, since my whole
hope and faith are in the Invisible.
Those who have this vision become a light unto all the rest
of the world, and of them the world may well ask: “Why is
it that you are so favored? Why is it that you are so blessed
with all the good things of life?” And their answer will be:
“It is the free gift of God, but it is a gift that comes only to
those who recognize God as the source, the essence, and the
law—only to those who have turned from the visible realm
to the Invisible.”

…Right here and now, is the source of all the supply there is in
the universe. Right here and now, is the substance, the activity,
and the law of all the supply there is. Right here and now, the
place whereon I stand is holy ground—whole, complete, and per-
fect. My individual consciousness is the source of all supply; it is
the law of all supply; it is the activity of all supply.

…That Spirit which so abundantly fills the earth with its

fruitage, the sea with fish, the air with birds, the hills with
cattle, the ground with every sort of vegetable, fruit, and
These Virtual Library Search results are provided for your personal study.
They are derived from books and recordings by Joel S. Goldsmith that are
copyright protected by US and international laws. 7
flower, in such abundance that it cannot be counted, provides
all good for us. Abundance is the divine plan for us, but we
have missed it in looking at the outer forms and trying to lay
them up “where moth and rust doth corrupt,” feeling that, if
we do not hold them securely in our grasp, there will never
be any more, instead of enjoying that which is set before us,
in the realization that the Infinite Invisible which we call Fa-
ther, Spirit, or God, has provided for us an infinity of supply
when we look to It.

…So it is with our great musicians and authors. They sit

listening, listening, listening—for what? For that invisible
something, that inaudible something, hidden deep within
them. Then, in a flash, the inspiration may come, and they
quickly seize a brush, a pen, or a piano; and the visible evi-
dence of the supply that was in them appears as a painting, a
book, or a symphony.
The same thing is true about your business, your home,
your relationships, your investments, your safety, or your se-
curity. These, you will find, first, by adopting this listening
ear as if there were something deep, deep down inside that
had to come through. It is that inner supply that reaches you
on the inner plane which later becomes visible as your daily
supply, your daily occupation, vocation or avocation.
The Heart of Mysticism Volume IV

From: The Contemplative Life,

Chapter 11 – “Supply and Secrecy”
…The promise, “Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I
have is thine,” implies that it is natural and normal to expe-
rience abundance, but unless the principle underlying that
promise is understood, supply becomes more or less acciden-
tal rather than the manifestation of a definite spiritual prin-
ciple. Because of an ingrained belief that supply is something

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that comes to us, many people have devoted a great deal of
time to praying for it, time which has been largely wasted
because supply does not come to us: Supply finds its way out
from within us; supply is something that we express.
The Contemplative Life

From: I Stand on Holy Ground,

Chapter 8 – “Spiritual Supply”
…The entire Subject of Supply must be approached from the
standpoint, not of your supply or mine, but of what is the
principle of supply?

… this is what separates most people from supply. They be-

lieve it can come to them from either a human source or a
divine source. They believe that supply can come to them
through business, through investments, through relatives,
through friends, and in this modern day, many persons have
accepted the belief that they can get it from their govern-
ment, as if their government had any money that did not first
come from them.
Supply cannot come to you from anywhere, not even from
God for God is not withholding it, and if God is not with-
holding it, God cannot start it on its way to you. The secret
of it is: “Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is
thine.” The sooner you stop looking to God or to persons for
money or supply and begin to accept the scriptural revela-
tion, “Son all that I have is thine,” the sooner you will live as a
son of God, heir of God, joint-heir to all the heavenly riches.
This is the true now. The life of God is your life; the mind of
God is your mind; the wisdom of God is your wisdom; the
soul of God is your soul.
I Stand on Holy Ground

These Virtual Library Search results are provided for your personal study.
They are derived from books and recordings by Joel S. Goldsmith that are
copyright protected by US and international laws. 9
From: Invisible Supply,
Chapter 1 – “The Principle of Supply”
…The Infinite Way principle of supply is that in our oneness
with God, we already have all that the Father has because “I
and the Father are one and all that the Father has is mine.”
If we individually are experiencing a lack, it is not because of
any actual lack. It is because of our inability to make contact
with our supply.

…The principle of supply is the realization that we already

have, even though appearances may not testify to that.
Invisible Supply

From: The Early Years,

Chapter 23 – “Supply”
…Some time ago a man came to me in great need of money,
being without employment or income. He stated that one of
his friends owed him a sum of money which would tide him
over the period of lack, and asked: “How would you work
on this debt collection?” I told him to forgive the man the
debt. Not to write him canceling the debt, as the debt was
the other fellow’s problem, but to forgive it mentally, and
should it never be paid, to think of it no more, not even think
unkindly of the so-called debtor. “Drop it from your thought
as though it never existed, and let divine principle open its
channels of supply.” He saw the point and turned away from
this only visible possible channel of supply to the infinite
unseen. The very next week, he earned enough money to sup-
port himself for two weeks, and at the end of the second
week, he was recalled to his own work from which he had
been separated for several years.
The Early Years

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From: The Foundation of Mysticism,
Chapter 17 – “Spiritual Supply and Healing:
Awakening to the Mystical Experience of Oneness”
…Question: What should the proper attitude of The In-
finite Way student be when faced with economic hardships
or pressing bills?
Answer: You understand, of course, there cannot be just
one answer to that question. It depends on the state or stage
of consciousness students find themselves in, how long they
have been students of The Infinite Way, to what degree they
understand the principles, how far along they are in abso-
lutely depending on spiritual principles alone, and what their
own attitude is by now on this subject.
Actually, those who have read enough of The Infinite Way
message to grasp its principles would know that economic
lack and economic abundance are merely opposite ends of
the same stick, and that both of these have to be overcome.
They would know that economic abundance is no more sta-
ble or guaranteed or permanent than is economic lack; and
as a student of The Infinite Way, whether or not they are
momentarily experiencing lack or momentarily experiencing
abundance, both require the same demonstration: a transi-
tion from the material sense of supply to the spiritual sense
of supply.

…I had quite a few human feelings toward those who owed

me money but hadn’t paid it and about circumstances where
income was due to me. And now, all of a sudden I realized,
“I—I who am one with God am looking to somebody for
money, for supply, for income, when I should be the one who
is able to feed five thousand and have twelve baskets full
left over. I am the one through whom this infinity should
be flowing, and I am acting as if I were a beggar, waiting for
someone to bring me supply. And if not someone, at least
God.” So the position was reversed, and I realized, “Never
These Virtual Library Search results are provided for your personal study.
They are derived from books and recordings by Joel S. Goldsmith that are
copyright protected by US and international laws. 11
again can I be interested in the subject of supply except to
be sure that I’m letting it flow through me and out from me.
Never again dare I permit myself to think of supply as com-
ing to me.”

…Here is a note I made many months ago, but it certainly

fits in right here: “In The Infinite Way we make the transi-
tion from the man of earth, acted upon by forces, powers,
and influences beyond ourselves, to the man whose being is
in Christ, where the infinite invisible within, without, and
all around us is the only power, the only influence, the only
force demonstrating as our experience. This transition must
be consciously made by declaring, then realizing, that we are
no longer under the law but live by grace; that we no longer
love, hate, or fear the visible universe, but yield ourselves to
the influence of the Infinite Invisible which formed us and
gives us dominion through grace. As humans we are under
the law: legal laws, economic laws, health laws, food laws,
climate laws. Bit by bit, demonstration by demonstration,
principle by principle, realization by realization, we ultimate-
ly rise to come out from under the law into living by grace,
which Paul described as: ‘I live, yet not I; Christ liveth my
The Foundation of Mysticism

From: The Journey Back to the Father’s House,

Chapter 6 – “What Have You in the House?”
…The kingdom of God is within us, but to experience the
good of that kingdom, we must open out a way for the splen-
dor and glory already established within us to escape. The
truth is that everything concerning our life is already within

…The way to release this spiritual presence and spiritu-

al power is through meditation. So, as Infinite Way stu-
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dents, our day always begins with meditation. From the
time we awaken in the morning, even before getting
out of bed, we meditate. We meditate at breakfast time;
we meditate on leaving home; we meditate at noon, at
night, and when we awaken in the middle of the night.
Scripture reminds us:

I am the bread of life.

John 6:35

I am the way, the truth, and the life.

John 14:6

I am the resurrection, and the life.

John 11:25

I have meat to eat that ye know not of.

John 4:32

Whosoever drinketh of the water that

I shall give him shall never thirst.
John 4:14

…If the kingdom of God is within us, we must find a way to

let it flow out from us.

…Meditation releases that presence, and here is the way. The

Master said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free.” The whole secret lies in knowing the truth.
The Journey Back to the Father’s House

These Virtual Library Search results are provided for your personal study.
They are derived from books and recordings by Joel S. Goldsmith that are
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From: The World is New,
Chapter 8 – “Tithing”
…Sooner or later, we all have to learn the meaning and im-
portance of tithing because this practice carries us to our
highest sense of gratitude, and gratitude is one facet of the
vast subject of love. Tithing is usually understood to mean
that if ten per cent of our income is given to some charitable
or spiritual purpose, we will in some mysterious way have
pleased God and so will be rewarded. Personally, I think that
this teaching is entirely incorrect.
There is no virtue in giving when there is any sense of a
future tense connected with it. If our giving, whether in con-
tributions to a charity, a church, or to a teacher, carries with
it any thought that we will receive some benefit from it, it is
best not to give.
Giving should always be from the standpoint of grat-
itude for that which already is—health, wealth, happiness,
and peace. We cannot get health and we cannot get wealth,
we cannot get happiness, we cannot get peace. Those things
were established from the beginning. They are a part of the
divine Consciousness, and they will unfold as our individual
consciousness in proportion to our turning within for that
unfoldment, and in proportion to our devotion to the spiri-
tual sense of life.

…If we can feel a sense of gratitude for a spiritual message or

for the avenue through which that message has been brought
to us, and if out of the fullness of our hearts, that gratitude
impels us to give our mite or our last penny, we shall find
that there is no greater blessing than the experience of tith-
ing. When it is the outpouring of sincere gratitude for the
revelation of God as our individual experience, tithing is an
expression of gratitude, and gratitude is one of the facets of

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But there is an even stronger law than that which goes
with tithing. humanly, we believe that our present income is
the extent of our supply, and humanly, we do not know how
to increase it. When we begin tithing, however, we know that
our tithe is not coming from our income, but from God. It
is God’s support of the activity of truth in human affairs,
expressed in human ways.
The World is New

From: The Infinite Way,

Chapter 9 – “Supply”
…Within you and within me, there is also a law in opera-
tion—a law of life—and our awareness of the presence of
this law is our supply. Money and the things necessary for
daily living are the effects of the consciousness of the activ-
ity of the law within. This understanding enables us to take
thought off the things of the outer world and abide in the
consciousness of the law.
What is the law which is our supply? The universal or
divine Consciousness, your individual consciousness, is the
law. The law, actually is your consciousness. Thus your con-
sciousness becomes the law of supply unto you, producing
its own image and likeness in the form of those things nec-
essary to your well-being. As there is no limitation to your
consciousness, there is no limit to your conscious awareness
of the action of the law and therefore no limit to your supply
in all its forms.
The Infinite Way

From: Consciousness is What I Am,

Chapter 8 – “Invisible Life Fulfills Itself Tangibly
and Visibly”
… Everyone has the potentiality of attaining spiritual en-
lightenment. From the moment we open our first book of

These Virtual Library Search results are provided for your personal study.
They are derived from books and recordings by Joel S. Goldsmith that are
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truth or have our first contact with an enlightened person,
our own enlightenment has begun, and spiritual illumination
will come to us in proportion to our seeking it.
When the light dawns in our consciousness, we behold
God as infinite and realize that there cannot be God and
anything else. Otherwise God would be that much less than
infinite. God must exist as the substance of all that is. God
constitutes all that is, so we no longer look to God for our
health because there is not God and health. Scripture says
that God is “the health of my countenance.” We cannot get
health, but we can get God, and when we have God, we have

… How can we think of Spirit or God as the substance of all

that is and then go to God to get some material thing? God
is infinite, so what is there to get? There is nothing outside
the limits of Spirit. How can we go to Spirit to get some-
thing that does not exist? Is not the very idea of going to
God for something the barrier to its attainment?

… We have to change our concept of God until we attain the

realization of a God that is, and a God that is ising, a God
that is eternally being God, without any urging, asking, or
begging from us or without any affirming or denying, a God
that is infinite in being, omnipresent in being, omnipotent in
being, omniscient in being.
We must come to a whole new concept of God and make
a transition from whatever former concepts we have held.
God is not going to be any different a century from now than
God was a century ago. God was not any different on the
shores of Galilee two thousand years ago than God is today.
If we are not manifesting the same degree of God in our ex-
perience that we could have manifested two thou- sand years
ago had we been sitting with the Master, it is not because of
an absence of God, but because of our erroneous concept of

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what God is, where God is, and when God is. It all has to
do with us!

… All there is to do is to be and to awaken in the morning

in the realization:
I am living here and now, and the Spirit of God that dwells in
me goes before me to perfect this day. He performs all that is given
me to do; He perfects that which concerns me. My only function is
to be and to bear witness.
… As we stand still and bear witness, our good will unfold
from an invisible Source through an invisible Power operat-
ing on the visible universe. It is God that brings up the sun;
it is God that awakens the buds and brings them into full
bloom; it is God that is invisibly working to put fruit on the
tree. That same God is invisibly working in us to bring forth
God’s fruitage as our individual life.

… As soon as even a small measure of spiritual illumination

is attained and that Consciousness which is God becomes
realized as our individual consciousness, It becomes the sub-
stance of all form and the harmony of life. Consciousness
appears outwardly as form.

… God is infinite consciousness, and therefore, our con-

sciousness appears as form infinitely: our business is infinite;
our profession is infinite; and if we are in the healing work,
our practice is infinite. If we are spiritual teachers, our stu-
dent body is infinite. There is no limitation whatsoever unless
we ourselves accept limitation.

… Our consciousness contains all that we need tomorrow,

next week, next year, and unto eternity. To bring this into
activity, we must develop the practice of meditation in which
we can be beholders and watch as these things appear in

These Virtual Library Search results are provided for your personal study.
They are derived from books and recordings by Joel S. Goldsmith that are
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our life. It makes no difference what we wish to draw from
within ourselves, it is already there. But we must develop that
inner beholding which creates a vacuum. Then, whatever we
need flows into expression, whether it is business, employees,
more capital in our business, or a new idea for advertising.
It does not exist in time and space. It exists within our con-
sciousness, and we must develop a mode of prayer which be-
comes a listening attitude so God’s grace can flow out from
us. It will, if we live and move and have our being in the
realization that God is our consciousness, and consciousness
is the substance of all form and activity necessary for our life.
Consciousness is What I Am

From: Consciousness Transformed,

April 26, 1964, Between Two Worlds,
Honolulu, Hawaii – “Access to Infinity”
… The consciousness of individual man is absolutely infinite,
and individually you can sit down, enter your consciousness,
and bring forth infinity. You can then look around you and
see what you have not acquired, or what you did acquire and
then lost, and laugh at it as if it were but a grain of dust in
comparison to the infinity to which you have access. And, it
is not necessary that you go anywhere, or meet miracle peo-
ple, or have your fortunes told; all you need do is turn within.

… The whole secret of the spiritual life is to know that you

have access to infinity through your own consciousness and
then go within sufficiently often to let the flow appear, to “let
the imprisoned splendor escape”—and then be careful never
to personalize it and think you have become good or that
you have become spiritual. Remember you have become an
instrument or a transparency for an infinite, universal grace.
You choke it and shut it off immediately if you personalize
it, but you can increase the flow by realizing it as an infinite
grace flowing universally. Like the tree that is showing forth
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God’s grace, this does not glorify us. It lets us stand still and
show forth God’s glory. Anything else is catering to the ego,
and the ego must die as completely as the tree that cannot
say “I” and thinks it is something of itself. And so it is that
this reconciles us to God, and thereby fulfills us.
Consciousness Transformed

These Virtual Library Search results are provided for your personal study.
They are derived from books and recordings by Joel S. Goldsmith that are
copyright protected by US and international laws. 19

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