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Prefab Notes by Vetri Vinayaga

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Final years



Need for prefabrication – Principles – Materials – Modular coordination –

Standardization – Systems – Production – Transportation – Erection.

1. What are the production techniques?
The term production techniques describe a series of operation directly concerned in the
process of making or more apply of molding
of making or more apply of molding precast units.
These techniques grouped into three basic methods of production.
The stand system
The conveyor belt or production line system
The aggregate system
2. List out the limitations of prefabrication.
Extra reinforcement is required to take care of handling and erection
stresses. Temporary properties may be required in some cases before the
un-site concrete joints achieve strength.
The cracks may develop at the joints between the precast in site concrete due to
shrinkage and temperature stresses. To overcome them extra steel is required
across joint.
3. List the advantages and disadvantages of prefabricated system.
Self supporting readymade components are used, so the need for formwork,
shuttering and scaffolding is greatly reduced.
On-site construction and condition is minimized.
Less waste may occur.
Careful handling of prefabricated components such as concrete panels (or) steel
and glass
panels is reduced.
Similarly leaks can form at joints is prefabricated component.
4. List the system for prefabrication.
Large panel systems
Frame systems
Slab-column systems with walls
Mixed systems
5. What are the methods for Manufacture of precast concrete elements (or) types of
Factory prefabrication
Site prefabrication
6. What are the classifications of prefabrication?
Small prefabrication
Medium prefabrication
Large prefabrication
Cast in – site prefabrication
Off-site (or) factory prefabrication
Open system of prefabrication
Closed system of prefabrication
Partial prefabrication
Total prefabrication
7 What is the need for pre fabricates structures?
Prefabricates structures are used for sites, which are not suitable for normal
construction method.
PFS facilities can also be created at near a site as is done to make concrete
blocks used in plane of conventional brick.
Structures which are used repeatedly and can be standardized.
8. What is the Production process?
The production of concrete blocks consists of four basic process. They are,
9. Explain the conveyor belt or production line system in production technique?
The conveyor belt system of production splits the whole production process
into a series of operation carried out at separate successive and permanent points,
points to the next may be by means of conveyor belt, trolleys and cranes etc.
10. Explain the Erection procedure of PFS building?
Before commencing erection, the setting out at the level concerned must be
carefully checked with surveying instruments.
At the same time, the working of cranes and the correct layout of the cranes
track must be checked.
Prefabricates buildings are erected in convenient section which correctly
fixed, should be sufficiently rigid in all directions.
11. What are the aims of prefabrication?
Prefabrication is used to affect economy in cost.
This results in improvement in quality because components can be
manufactured under controlled conditions.
The spread of construction is increased since no curing period is necessary.
12. What are the characteristics of Materials used for construction of PFS?
Easy availability.
Light weight for easy handling and transport.
Thermal insulation property.
Easy workability.
Durability in all weather conditions.
Economy in cost.
Sound insulation.
13. What are the Advantages of standardization?
Easier design
Easier manufacture
Easier erection and completion
14. What are the Factors influencing the standardization?
The most rational type of member for each element is selected from the point
of production from the assembly serviceability and economy.
The number of types of elements will be limited and they should be used in
large quantities. To extent possible the largest size to be used which results in
less number of joints.
The size and the number of prefabricates is limited by the weight in overall
dimension that can be handled by the transportation.
15. Define prefabrication.
Prefabrication is the practice of assembling components of a structure in a factory
or other manufacturing site and transporting complete assembles to the construction site
where the structure is to be located.
16. Define the term Off-site fabrication.
Off-site fabrication is the process that incorporates prefabrication and
preassembles the process involves the design and manufacture of units usually remote
from the work site and the installation at the site to form the permanent work at the site.
17. List out the limitations of pre-fabrication?
Extra reinforcement is required to take care of handling and erection
stresses. Temporary properties may be required in some cases, before the
un-site concrete joints achieve strength.
The cracks may develop at the joints between the precast in –site concrete due
to shrinkage and temperature stresses. To overcome them extra steel is
required across joint.
18. What are all the Prefabrication materials?
Structural insulated panels (SIPs).
Insulating concrete forms (ICFS).
Prefab foundation system.
Steel framing.
Concrete framing.
Large - modular system
19. Write Insulating concrete forms?
Insulating concrete forms (ICE) are a prefab construction material consisting of
hollow EPS foam blocks that are stacked and glued together on-site, creating the form
that is filled with reinforcing bars and concrete.
20. Write short note on Principles of MC Concept?
The basic module is small in terms of add size in order to provide design
flexibility, yet large enough to promote simplification in the component
variation in sizes.
Industry friendly features that not only for manufacturing but also the
transportation and assembly requirements.
Internationally accepted to support international market.
21. What are the types of prefabricated construction systems?
Open prefabricated system
Partial prefabricated open system
Full prefabricated open system
Large panel prefabricated system
22. What are the design principles of prefabricated systems?
Principle of structural design
23.Distinguish between site prefabrication and plant
prefabrication. Site prefabrication:
No transportation.
The size limitation is depending on the elevation capacity only.
Lower quality because directly affected by weather.
Proper large free space required.
Plant prefabrication:
Transportation and elevation capacity limits the size.
Higher, industrialized quality – less affected by weather.
No space requirement on the site for fabrication.
Unlimited opportunities of architectural appearance.
Option of standardized components.


1. Explain Modular Coordination in detail.
2. Explain with neat sketches of Different systems of Prefabrication and their merits &
3. Briefly in details of Transporting and hoisting of Prefabrication.
4. Explain in details of Erection process of prefabricated components.
5. Explain in details of Different methods of Prefabrication.
6. Enumerate the process of product of Prefabrication.
7. What is the procedure in making a Prefabrication Components?
8. What are the needs of Prefabrication?
9. Write short notes on.
i. Prefabrication. ii. Standardization.
ii. Advantages and Disadvantages. iv Erection process.
10. What is meant by prefabricated components? Explain.


Behavior of structural components – Large panel constructions – Construction of

roof and floor Slabs – Wall panels – Columns – Shear walls.
1. What is Shear wall?
These are simple type and these shear walls under forces and horizontal shear
along its length are subjected to bending and shear. To resist these forces, the uniform
distribution of steel along its length is used in simple shear walls.
6. What are the types of prefabricated structural components?
i) Based on the area (or) size of prefabricates.
ii) Based on weight of prefabricates.
iii) Based on the function.
iv) Based on the shape.
v) Based on the material.
3. What is the classification of precast large panel?
 Cross wall system
 Longitudinal wall system
 Two-way system
4. What are types of Cross wall system?
 Longitudinal wall system
 Homogeneous walls
 Non-Homogeneous walls
5. What are the prefabricated structural units?
 Walls and columns
 Lintels
 Doors and window frames
 Roofing and flooring elements
 Stairs
6. What is meant by box type construction?
In this system room size units are prefabricated and site. Toilet and kitchen
blocks could also be similarly prefabricated and erected at site.
This system derives its stability and stiffness from the box units which are formed by
four adjacent walls. Walls are jointed to make rigid connections among themselves. The box
units rest on plinth foundation which be of conventional type or precast.
7. Write briefly about Types of Wall Panels?
The single way of classification of precast wall panel is based on their size or the
materials of which they are made. They can be classified. According to size, as small and large,
or as narrow vertical stirrups or as broad horizontal bands.
The material that are used for precast wall panel are bricks, hollow clay blocks, normal
density concrete, light – weight metal, gypsum, plastic, and timber.
8. What is the classification of precast concrete walls?
 Based on size
 Based on materials used
 Based on function
 Based on location
 Based on cross section
 Based on stressing
9. What are the types of precast floors?
 Depending up on the composition of units, precast flooring units could be
homogeneous or non-homogeneous.
 Homogeneous floors could be solid slabs, ribbed or waffle slabs.
 Non homogeneous floors could be multi layered ones with combinations of light
weight concrete or reinforced / prestressed concrete with filler blocks.
10. Write about Prefabricated Roofing and flooring elements.
 Prefabricated reinforced concrete battens and plain concrete tiles can be used for
roofing and flooring for flat, instead of wooden section and brick tiles.
 For sloping roof, precast reinforced and prestressed concrete triangulation trusses
can be used. Plain concrete or lightly reinforced concrete can be used in the form
of precast shells for roofing.
11. Define Long Wall System?
The main beam (or) load bearing wall are placed to the long axis of building.
It is applied to the building with large prefabricated and similar to traditional
brickwork. The longitudinal wall crosses the floor load must possess not only
12. How are roofing members in prefabricates classified?
 Small roofing members.
 Large roofing members.
 Reinforced planks (or) ties.
 Light weight concrete roofing members.
 Small reinforced concrete roofing members.
 Purlins.
13. What is the space bordering?
These members are used to give spaces like walls both load carrying and
partition walls. This may (or) may not contain doors and windows the provision for the
same is as per the requirement. Another example for the space bordering member is
floor slab.
14. What is the meant by surface forming members?
In the case of surface forming members, the load carrying and surface
bordering are united and a uniform load carrying surface is found loaded by complex
forces and economic shapes. Example: Shell structures folded plates structures etc.
15. Differentiate between synclastic and Anticlastic?
In the case the synclastic the curve of the shell in the same side (e.g.:
hemispherical shell) whereas in the case of anticlastic the curvature of the shell is in
opposite direction (e.g.: hyperbolic shell (saddle shell)).
16. Write a short on dome structure?
A dome is a space structure covering a more (or) less square (or) irregular
area. The best known example is the dome of revolution, and it is one of the
earliest of the shell structure. Excellent examples are still is existence that were
built in Roman times.
1 Different classification of shear walls.
2 Plain rectangular shear wall
3 Bar bell type
4 Framed shear wall
5 Coupled shear wall
6 Care type
2 What is ring system?
Load bearing walls and beams are placed in both ways longitudinally and
transversely. In the building with ring system of support floors are normally
supported on all four edges and span is two direction. In skeleton construction these
floors are placed directly on columns.
1. Give the classification of floor slabs.
1 Precast RC Panels
2 Prefabricated brick panels
2. Precast RB curved panel
3. Precast RC channel roofing
4. Precast hollow slabs
5. L panel roofing
6. Trapezon panel roofing
7. Un reinforced pyramidal brick roof
8. Precast concrete panel
20. Explain the term lift – slab construction.
 In the lift-slab system, the load bearing structure consists of precast reinforced
concrete column and slab.
 Reinforced concrete slab are poured on the ground in forms one on top of the
 Precast concrete floor slab are lifted from the ground up to the final height by
lifting cranes.
 The slab panel are lifted to the top of the column and then moved downwards to
the final
21. What is necessity of dimensional tolerances?
 It is almost impossible (and sometimes uneconomical) to maintain the strict
degree of accuracy as listed on a plan.
 To accommodate this, it is normal to display measurements with a plus or minus
(+/-) tolerance which allows for some margin of error.
 Care needs to be taken however when determining such (+/-) tolerance,
particularly where there are mating parts.
22. What are the lateral loads in a building?
 Live load
 Wind load
 Earthquake load
23. What are the lateral load resisting elements in a building?
Vertical Elements
 Moment
 Resisting Frames
 Walls
 Bearing walls / Shear Walls / Structural Walls
 Gravity Frame + Walls
 “Dual” System (Frame + Wall)
 Vertical Truss
 Tube System
 Bundled
 Tube System


1. Explain the behavior of large panel construction with neat sketches.

2. Explain the behavior of roof and floor construction with neat sketches.
3. Explain about roofing members in details.
4. Write a detail notes on Shear walls.
5. Write a brief notes on shell structures.
6. Discuss about the Domes in details.
7. Explain about the warped surface in details.
8. Write detailed notes on different Wall systems.
9. Write a brief notes on Column structures.


Disuniting of structures-Design of cross section based on efficiency of material used-
problems in design because of joint flexibility-Allowance for joint deformation
1. Explain briefly the disuniting of structures?
 In prefabrication many elements of prefabricated, are assembled or united or jointed to
form a single structures.
 The problem in prefabrication is the transportation .To avoid this problem of
transportation, the structure is disunited or separated into smaller or elements, so that the
transportation becomes very easy.
2. Write the advantages of disuniting structures?
 The number of joint is reduced.
 Failure at joint is Minimum.
 This disuniting method is suitable for site prefabrication.
 Transportation cost for many elements to the site is reduced.
3. Write the disadvantages of disuniting structures?
 The lifting or hoisting of the entire frame is more difficult.
 Transportation of the frame from the plant is difficult.
 Transport cost is high for the transport of entire frame.
 The stress distribution during lifting is a problem.
4. How can you classify the prefabrication principles?
Prefabrication are classified as homogeneous and composite based on the number of different
material used in fabrication.
5. Mention the design of cross section in prefabrication?
The cross section of precast reinforced concrete structure is normally having the following
 Tee section
 I section
 U or V section
6. Write the classification of homogeneous prefabrication?
The homogeneous unit may be classified into 3 types.
 Hollow
 Solid& Ribbed
7. Write the classification of composite prefabrication?
 Cored
 Solid & Ribbed

8. Explain the joint deformation?

Various structural elements are made in the plant or prefabricated when these elements in their
site there may be joint deformation to take it workout deformation.
9. Mention some important requirements of the joint flexibility?
 The construction of joint should be easy.
 The joint should require little material.
 Joint should not consume more labour
 Less labour is to be required.
 The cost should be Minimum.
10. Distinguish between rigid joint and hinged joint with reference to prefabricated
 The rigid joints are adequate strength, in addition to bearing of tensile, compressive and
shear force resisting bending moment.
 The hinge joint is those which can transmit force passing through the hinge itself allow
sudden motion and rotation.
11. Write the system consisting of linear member disunited at joint?
Disunity at joint gives the linear member, this means a great advantages and facility from the
view point of both manufacture and assembly. Using this system, auxiliary scaffolding is not
necessary and the hoisting process is as a rule very simple.
12. Explain joint flexibility.
A joint that holds two parts together so that one can swing relative to the other is called joint
13. List the advantages of precast construction.
 Very heavy members
 Camber in beams and slabs
 Very small margin for error
 Connections may be difficult
 Somewhat limited building design flexibility
14. How does the material used in construction affects the design of the element?
 In the production of prefabricated structures we can have strict quality control, so we can
utilize the entire strength of materials with minimum factor of safety.
 It will lead to economical design and dimension of structures. But while design allowance
should be given for the stresses developed during handling the members.


1. Design principle of Disuniting of structures and Explain in details.
2. What is joint flexibility and allowance for joint deformation?
Explain in problem design.
3. Write out the design procedure for concrete walls.
4. Explain about design of cross section based on efficiency.
5. Discuss about design procedure for corbels & its assumptions.
6. Write a detailed note on types of walls.


Joints for different structural connections – dimensions and detailing – design of expansion
1. What are the importance of joints in precast structures when compared to cast in-situ
In cast in-situ structures the joints are provided to relieve the stresses due to temperature and
shrinkage and also to accommodate the construction sequence for placement of concrete. But in
case of precast structures apart from the above reason we require joints to connect various
elements of structures.
2. What is the need for expansion joint in precast structures?
 Expansion joints are necessary in precast structures in order to allow for the expansion
and cooling of various members due to changing in temperature.
 In precast structures the shrinkage takes place before the assembling of members,
therefore the spacing of expansion joints may be 1.5 to 2 times greater than in monolithic
 Expansion joints are usually formed at the joint of roofing members and main girders.

3. What are connections?

 In precast members to overcome operational difficulties the member are disunited into
smaller elements.
 Connections are used to get required structures by joining the separate smaller elements.
4. What are the different types of connections?
There are two types of connections.
 Wet connections (with mortar or in-situ concrete)
 Dry connections (with welding and bolting)
5. What are the points to be considered while designing the connections?
 Loading under working condition
 Stability of structures
 Load conditions during construction
 Effect of shrinkage, creep and temperature
 Unequal settlements.
6. What are the different connections made in prefabricated structures?
 Column to column connections
 Beam to beam connections
 Main beam to secondary beam connections.
7. What are the different types of joints?
 Expansion joints
 Contraction joints
 Crack control joints
 Construction joints
8. What are the materials used for concrete joints?
 Flexible board
 Dowels
 Sealants
9. Based on location within a building how connections can be classified?
Based on location within a building connections are classified into two types
 Vertical joints
 Horizontal joints
Vertical joints:
Vertical joints connect the vertical faces of adjoining wall panels and primarily resist
vertical seismic shear forces.
Horizontal joints:
Horizontal joints connect the horizontal faces of the adjoining wall and floor panels and
resist both gravity and seismic loads.
10. What are the functions or importance of joints?
 Joints between internal and external wall panels shall be designed to resist the forces
acting on them without excessive deformation and cracking.
 They shall be able to accommodate the deviations in the dimensions of the wall panels
during production and erections.
11. Define joint.
 It is desirable for the structure should be load bearing as soon as possible, preferably,
immediately after assembly.
 In additional demand is that, the joint should require only a little material and should not
be labour observing cost should be Minimum.
12. What are the requirements of joints?
 The forming and construction of joints requires greatly increased control.
 The design and construction of joints should normalize with the materials to be used.
 Joints must be designed and executed to ensure dimensional tolerance.
 A relative displacement of the joint member should be impossible.
13. Write the types / classification of joints:
a) As per dimensional tolerance:
 Butt joint
 Splayed joint
 Pin joint
b) As per functions:
 Rigid joint
 Hinge like joint
 Shod joint
c) As depending on necessary on in-situ concreting:
 Dry joint
 Wet joint
14. What is the significance of connections in precast constructions?
 Loading under working condition
 Stability of structures
 Load conditions during construction
 Effect of shrinkage, creep and temperature
 Unequal settlements
15. What is meant by expansion joints?
Expansion joint allow expansion and contraction of a member without generating potentially
damaging forces within the member itself or the surrounding structures.
16. State post tensioned connections.
Post tensioned connections can generally be joined for simpler than the usual reinforced concrete
structures. In post tensioned structures the forming of joints does not cause difficulties. In all this
joints are course rigid and moment bearing.


1. What are the requirements of ideal structural joints? Explain different joint of structures.
2. Explain the joint Techniques and materials used in details.
3. Explain in details of Expansion joints.
4. What are the recommendations for the design of an expansion joint?
5. Explain about column to column connection & beam to beam connection.
6. Explain about lengthening of column & joining of beams.
7. Discuss about different types of joints.
8. Write a detailed note on post tensioned structures.
9. Write a brief note on monolithic construction.
10. Write detailed notes on Dimensioning and Detailing.
Progressive collapse-code provisions-Equivalent design loads for considering abnormal
effects such as earthquakes, cyclones, etc.,-importance of avoidance of progressive collapse.
1. Define progressive collapse.
Progressive collapse occurs when the sudden loss of a critical load bearing element initiates a
chain reaction of structural element failures, eventually resulting in partial or full collapse of
the structure.
2. What are the approaches to avoid progressive collapse?
 Redundancy or alternate load path
 Local resistance
 Interconnection or continuity
3. What are the reinforced concrete design requirements?
 Material properties for reinforced concrete.
 Strength reduction factor for reinforced concrete tie forces.
 Proportioning of ties
 Continuity and anchorage of ties
 Internal ties
 Peripheral ties
 Horizontal ties to external columns and walls
 Vertical ties
 Elements with deficient vertical design tie strengths
4. Define degree of progressivity.
It is defined as the ratio of total collapse area or volume to the area or volume damaged
directly by the triggering event.
5. List the code and standards for progressive collapse.
 ASCE7-02
 ACI318-02
 GSA PBS facilities and standards 2000
 GSA PBS facilities and standards 2003
 GSA PBS facilities progressive collapse guidelines 2003
6. How to achieve structural integrity in a structure?
 Connections between structural components should be ductile.
 Good plan layout
 Providing an integrated system of ties among the principal elements of the structural
 By changing the directions of span of floor slab.
7. Write the assumptions for the dynamic analysis procedure.
 The structure is modeled as two – dimensional.
 Effects of large deflections are neglected
 Elastic-perfectly-plastic moment rotation relationship are used
 Equivalent structural damping of 5% is assumed throughout the analysis.
 All beam to column connections are moment resisting and are stronger than the beams.
So plastic hinges will form in the body and not in the column or in the joint (strong
column –weak beam principle)
 All beams are adequately confined by shear reinforcement so that beams are not shear
 Columns have adequate strength to resist additional load redistribution due to loss of the
primary columns.
8. What are the special requirements for building in high seismic zones?
 Large panel building in high seismic zones are recommended to be constructed with
closed symmetrical layout.
 The height of the building shall generally restricted 10 storey’s in zone IV and 7 storey’s
in zone V.
 The vertical and horizontal joints for wall panels shall be designed as keyed joints.
9. Define the term abnormal loads.
Loads other than conventional design loads (dead, live, wind, seismic .etc)
For structures such as air blast pressure generated by an explosion or impact by vehicles, etc
10. What are the causes of abnormal loads?
 Accidental impact
 Faulty construction
 Foundation failure
 Violent changes in air pressure
11. What is meant by allowable extent of collapse?
The extent of damage resulting from the loss in support of an exterior primary vertical load
bearing member that extends one floor above grade (one story) shall be limited.
12. Define the term connection redundancy and connection resilience.
A. Connection Redundancy:
A beam to column connection that provides direct, multiple load paths through the connections.
B.Connection Resilience:
 A beam to column connection exhibiting the ability to withstand rigorous and destructive
loading conditions that accompany a column removal, without rupture.
 This ability is facilitated by the connection’s torsional and weak-axis flexural strength, its
robustness, and its primary use of proven properties of a given construction material.
13. Mention the term high potential for progressive collapse.
The facility is considered to have a high potential for progressive collapse if analysis results
indicate that the structural member(S) and or connections are not in compliance with the
appropriate progressive collapse analysis acceptance criteria.
14. Mention the term low potential for progressive collapse.
The facility is considered to have a low potential for progressive collapse if analysis results
indicate that the structural members (S) and /or connections are in compliance with the
appropriate progressive collapse analysis acceptance criteria. Such facilities may be exempt
from any further consideration of progressive collapse.
15. Define the term equivalent design loads.
 In the arrangement the bearing is subjected to generally acting forces in various
magnitudes, at various rotational speeds and with different acting period.
 From the point of view of calculation methodology the acting forces should be re-
calculated into the constant load, by which the bearing will have the same life as it
reaches in the conditions of the actual load. Such as re-calculated constant radial or axial
load is called the equivalent load.
16. What is strong column and weak beam concept?
 In a building a column is more important than a beam, because it supports the load till the
foundation. If a beam breaks it will result in a partial collapse but if a column breaks it
will result in catastrophic failure.
 That is the reason why we have to always design our columns stronger than beams.
17. What are the requirements to increase the resistance to progressive collapse?
 All the multi storey vertical load carrying elements must be capable of supporting the
vertical load after the loss of lateral support at any floor level
(A laterally unsupported length equal to two stories must be used in the design or
 The loads from the “removed” storey need not be applied to the wall or column.
 All floors and roofs must be able to withstand a prescribed net upward load applied to
each bay .the uplift loads are not applied concurrently to all bays. For medium and high
level of protection.
 All perimeter columns must have sufficient shear capacity to develop the full plastic
flexural moment.
18. What are the provisions made in prefabricated RC floors in a cyclone prone zone?
 Prefabricated RC elements of various designs placed side by side where as RC slabs are
rigid in their own planes, the other types will require their integration through diagonal
bracing or topping RC screed (structural deck concrete).
 Structural dock concrete of grade not leaner than M20 should be provided over precast
components to act monolithic with them.
19. What are the advantages of design of progressive collapse in structures?
Provided enhanced accurate analysis because:
 Plastic hinges are not assumed; rather they are automatically calculated and generated
without any user intervention.
 Collapse areas are not assumed; rather, when a plastic hinge fails the solver automatically
separates the section that fails allowing it to behave naturally within the collapse
Quick & easy modeling:
 Automatic mesh adjustments.
 Automatic spring generation.
 Data exchange available with several FEM and BIM software applications.
20. What are the features of progressive collapse?
 Structural components can be removed either simultaneously or at custom intervals.
 Analysis is performed automatically within the solver. Gravity analysis is provided by
default with non-linear dynamic analysis to simulate the accumulated effects effects of
progressive collapse collapse without any user intervention.
 Through the true modeling of structural components “catenary action”and other structural
response are taken into account.
21. What is meant by progressive collapse analysis?
 Extreme loading for structure (ELS) software allows structural engineers to accurately
analysis and visualize progressive collapse resulting from extreme loading conditions
including: earthquake loads, sever wind loads, blast loads, dynamic loads and impact
 Engineers can also determine a structures vulnerability to progressive collapse by
creating multiple event scenarios which will simulate the failure of different components
so as to determine whether the resulting collapse will be partial or complete.
22. What are the types of collapse in progressive structural elements?
His is a form of “domino effect” failure that can occur in a reinforced concrete structure where
by a failure starting in a particular component rapidly propagates to other components
precipitating a major or even a total collapse.
Three most common occurrences of this type of collapse are as follows:
 High rise concrete flat-plate structures
 Formwork for concrete structures.
 High rise structures constructed with precast concrete elements.
23. Define equivalent static analysis.
This approach defines a serious of forces acting on a building to respect the effect of earthquake
ground motion, typically defined by a seismic design response spectrum. It assumes that the
building responds in its fundamental mode.
24. Define Response spectrum analysis.
 This approach permits the multiple modes of response of a building to be taken into
account .this is required in many building codes for all except for very simple or very
complex structures .the response of a structure can be defined as a combination of many
special shapes(modes) that in a vibrating string correspond to the “ harmonics”.
 Computer analysis can be used to determine these modes for a structure. For a mode, a
response is read from the design spectrum, based on the modal frequency and the modal
mass, and they are then combined to provide an estimate of the total response of the
 Absolute peak values are added together
 Square root of the sum of the squares(SRSS)
 Complete quadratic combination (CQC)-a method that is an improvement on SRSS for
closely spaced modes.
25. Define linear dynamic analysis.
 Static procedures are appropriate when higher mode effects are not significant .this is
generally true for short regular buildings. Therefore for tall buildings, buildings with
torsional irregularities or non-orthogonal systems, a dynamic procedure is required.
 In the linear dynamic procedure the building is modeled as a multi-degree-of freedom
(MODF) system with a linear elastic stiffness matrix and an equivalent viscous damping
26. Define Non- linear dynamic analysis.
Non linear static procedures use equivalent SDOF structural models and represent seismic
ground motion with response spectra. Story drifts and component actions are related
subsequently to the global demand parameter by the pushover or capacity curves that are the
basis of the non-linear procedures.
27. Explain the importance factor and response reduction factor used in static analysis for
calculation of design seismic forces.
 The importance factor originated with the seismic base shear equation in the 1976
uniform building code (UBC).
 The concept at that time was that the importance factor increased the design seismic
forces in order to provide additional seismic resistance to prevent catastrophic collapse.
 The American society of civil engineers minimum design loads for buildings and other
structures (ASCE&-98), the importance factor appears in the velocity pressure equation
for wind design and in the flat roofs snow load equation for snow load design.There are
three different importance factors wind, snow, seismic


1. Explain the equivalent design loads for considering abnormal effects.
2. Explain the codal provisions for progressive collapse and detail.
3. Enumerate the details of the Importance Avoidance of progressive collapse.
4. What is meant by progressive collapse? Explain the causes.
5. What do you mean by abnormal loads? Explain the effects.
6. Discuss about floor system & roof system.
7. Compare between exterior frames & interior frames.
8. Write a detailed note on preventing connection device for building structures.
9. Explain about Evaluation methods.
10. Compare between `IS code and Europe code provisions for abnormal effects.

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