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Assignment 03 Sem 1 FOR1502 FIN

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The primary objective of this assignment is to familiarise you with the content of this
module. The questions included in this assignment cover each of the learning units,
encouraging you to thoroughly engage with the entire study guide.

As stated in TL 101/03/2024, there are fundamental principles you must adhere to,
when completing assignments. One such principle is paraphrasing. With the exception
of key concepts and terms such as “nepotism” or “racism”, it is essential that all your
work – including answers in assignments and examinations – are expressed in your
OWN words.

Copying directly from the study guide or other sources will result in penalties. By
paraphrasing your work, you demonstrate your understanding of the material to the
lecturer. Additionally, it is crucial to properly reference your answers. Examples of
correct referencing can be found on the module site under Additional Resources:
Example of intext referencing and the reference list. Tutorial Letter SCHJALL
301/4/2024 is the only document you should use to guide you when doing the in-text
referencing and compiling a list of references.

In this assignment, you will encounter a crossword puzzle. Crossword puzzles offer
several educational benefits. They foster creativity, develop critical thinking skills,
reinforce subject-specific content, aid in pattern recognition, and improve memory
(Mshayisa, 2020; Torres, Williams, Kassahun-Yimer & Gordy, 2022). These are vital
skills for investigators to develop.

Word games and puzzles have a longstanding tradition in African cultures. They serve
as sources of entertainment, platforms for sharing traditional knowledge and wisdom,
and as mental exercises (Akayuure & Ali, 2016). Therefore, the concept of a “mental-
challenge game” like a crossword puzzle should be familiar to all.


Furthermore, the use of a crossword puzzle in assessment is motivated by sound

crime investigation principles. Crime investigation can be likened to solving a puzzle.
As an investigator, you consider various options when initiating an investigation.
Throughout the process, some options are eliminated as they fail to meet the criteria.
Ultimately, upon completing the puzzle (or investigation), only one correct answer per
clue should remain – the one you deem to be correct. Here is an example of a
completed crossword puzzle.

Across Down
2. Taking something that is not yours 1. Lying under oath
and intending to keep it
3. Discriminating against someone
based on their race, ethnicity or skin

When completing a crossword puzzle, you could follow any of these methods:

You may complete the answers on the PDF document using the “add text” option.
If you have a printer, you may print the PDF and complete the puzzle by hand. This
document must then be scanned and added to your finalised assessment as ONE
document (i.e., NOT a set of documents).
You may write the answers as follows:


1. Insert your answer here
3. Insert your answer here
4. Insert your answer here (etc.)
2. Insert your answer here
8. Insert your answer here
9. Insert your answer here (etc.)

The questions for Assignment 03 appear below. Read every question carefully
and answer each question as completely as possible. You must answer ALL SIX
(6) questions. Please number your answers correctly.

Your assignment must consist of the following:

• Cover page
This must contain your initials and surname, student number, the module
code and name of the module, the assignment number and the unique
• Table of content
• Answers
• Reference list


Question 1

Define the concepts below, in your own words. Insert an in-text reference for each
concept, as per the example below.


Absenteeism is when one does not report for work as expected (Benson,

1.1 Common law perjury (2)

1.2 Audi alteram partem (2)
1.3 Theft (2)
1.4 Substantive fairness (2)
1.5 Procedural fairness (2)
1.6 Standard of proof (2)
1.7 Cronyism (2)

Question 2

Question 2.1

What is the standard of proof for the each of the scenarios below?

Scenario 1:

Millicent is accused of being absent from work without leave. The line manager alleges
that she did not report for work on Monday, 22 April 2024. (1)

Scenario 2:

Jackson is a police officer. He arrests John Botha for theft. John is charged with theft
and appears in court to face the charge. (1)

Scenario 3:

Gladys accidentally damaged the garage door of her neighbour’s rental property. Her
neighbour decided to institute a civil case against Gladys, to recover the money for the
damage. (1)


Question 2.2

In which of the above scenarios would the victim also be called the plaintiff? (1)


Question 3

Identify the type of misconduct/criminal conduct (if any) in each of the following
statements, and motivate your answer:

Question 3.1

Jack works at the SABC. He appoints the daughter of his best friend to a position
without going through the necessary recruitment processes. (2)

Question 3.2

Shirley is an Indian lady. She tells her boss she thinks that his culture of engaging in
lobola is archaic and patriarchal. (2)

Question 3.3

Henry uses the Wi-Fi at work to download pirated movies. He inadvertently downloads
a Trojan horse which causes the company’s server to crash. (2)

Question 3.4

Lilian takes stationery from her office (five highlighters) to give to her daughter to use
at university. (2)

Question 3.5

Silvia is the victim of a “smash-and-grab” incident. She tells the police official that she
saw the criminal’s face, when in fact she did not. She gives an affidavit that the criminal
she saw was her ex-boyfriend. (2)

Question 3.6

Julius is accused of theft. He threatens to harm the daughter of the witness if she
testifies against him in court. (2)


Question 3.7

Bontle seduces her boss, Vusi, to gain a promotion. After she is promoted, Vusi wants
to continue with the affair, but Bontle refuses. He threatens to expose their affair if she
does not sleep with him. (2)

Question 3.8

Lillian and Peter used to date, until Peter started to ghost (ignore) Lillian. One day
Lillian walked past his car and scratched the front door with her key. (2)


Question 4

Raymond and Kyle work for A&J Motors. They steal some spare parts and are caught.
The owner does not lay a criminal charge, but fires them both for stealing. One night
they sneak into the workshop and break open the safe. They steal all of the cash.
Before leaving the workshop, they set it on fire.

Question 4.1

Based on the case study above, what are the crimes that Raymond and Kyle
committed? Motivate your answer. (4)

Question 4.2

From the list below, identify any two (2) reasons why Raymond and Kyle committed
these crimes, and provide a motivation for your answers:

• Profit
• Concealing another crime
• Jealousy, revenge or spite
• Vandalism (2)



Question 5

Case study

Ms Patricia Ndoro is the HR Manager at Blue Picture Movies. On Wednesday, 24 April

2024, she asks her office clerk, Mr JJ Pillay, to work late. At 20:30 that evening, while
they are alone in her office, Ms Ndoro drapes her arm around JJ’s shoulders and
begins to unbutton her shirt. She whispers in his ear that she can make life easy for
him, if he plays along and gives her what she wants. JJ gets such a big fright he runs
out of the office and leaves the building. He calls his partner to come and fetch him at
the coffee shop around the corner from the office.

The next day, Thursday 25 April 2024, JJ registers a formal complaint with the
Forensic Division of the company. Later that day, at 10:45, your line manager, Mrs
Claire Thomas (CFE) sends you an email in which she tasks you to investigate the
complaint. The complaint is registered as Employee Incident Report 4/04/2024. The
allegation is Contravention of Section 7_sub-section 4.1 of the Disciplinary Code: POL

Question 5.1

Based on the case study and the content of your study guide, do you think that Ms
Ndoro committed a criminal offence or a disciplinary transgression? Motivate your
answer. (2)

Question 5.2

You are tasked with investigating the allegation in the case study. Once you have
completed your investigation, draft a report that covers the elements numbered 5.2.1
to 5.2.9 (see below). Make sure that you answer the questions for each of these
elements. You must use a proforma document entitled: Investigative Report.

Thus, the report is your version of what you did in the period after you were mandated
to investigate the allegation. Your line manager will use the report from which a
decision about any action (or not, depending on what you found, with supporting
evidence) to be taken against the employee. It is NOT your job to charge the person,
or to suspend or fire the person. You must only investigate the incident, and present


your evidence as comprehensively as possible, to enable management to make a fair

and informed decision.

The format and layout of investigative reports may differ from company to company,
but there are basic principles regarding what a comprehensive investigative report
should contain. The literature offers a great number of principles for effective report
writing, but in our experience there are four (4) specific principles that are applicable
across contexts. For this feedback, we will focus on accuracy, objectivity,
completeness and conciseness.

• Accuracy – the report must be accurate, based on verifiable facts. You must
be able to present supporting evidence for what you are reporting on.
• Objectivity – the investigator must ensure that his/her own feelings and biases
do not colour how s/he views the victim or offending employee. If you have been
tasked to do an investigation and there is a conflict of interest (you are friends
with either person, or you used to have a relationship with either person or are
related to either person), you must advise your line manager of this in writing
and ask that the investigation be reassigned, in the interest of transparency.
Another reason is to avoid any bias or conflict of interest.
• Completeness – the report must address all the relevant issues under
investigation: ensure that the who, what, where, when, why and how are
answered to the best of your ability – with supporting evidence, where relevant.
Let the description of the misconduct guide you. In the case study, the
misconduct was related to dishonesty, not to absenteeism. You have to ensure
that you address the issue of dishonesty, by providing evidence to the contrary
of what the employee alleges. Sometimes the evidence is not as clear as “a
smoking gun”, but the reader can draw a reasonable inference from it.
• Concise – by focusing on those aspects pertinent only to the incident under
investigation, and nothing else, the report will be concise.

As far as possible, anchor (situate) what you did (the activities) in terms of the day,
date, time and, where relevant, the physical place. A time will not be required in all
instances, but where relevant in terms of interviews or accessing data, situate the
activity accurately.


5.2.1 Name and designation of the investigator. (1)

5.2.2 Allegation being investigated. (1)

5.2.3 Details of the person being investigated. (1)

5.2.4 Background to the investigation:

• From whom did the mandate come to investigate this incident?
• What caused this complaint?
• What actions (if any) have already been taken?
• Provide brief information on the person who is being investigated (e.g.,
employment history/disciplinary record).
• Has this person been suspended (yes/no) or redeployed? Give reasons
for any actions taken. (4)
5.2.5 Demarcation of the investigation.

• What allegations are being investigated?

• Under which policy is this investigation being conducted?
• What policy (if any) has been transgressed? (2)
5.2.6 Investigative process.

• Explain the progress made in the investigation.

• Give a brief overview of the investigative methods/resources/tools used
and the reason for their use.
• Stipulate the timeline of the investigation and explain any gaps/lapses (if
• Briefly explain who has been interviewed and the reasons why they have
been interviewed. Two of the interviews must be with the following persons:
o the alleged perpetrator
o the victim (5)
5.2.7 Summary of the findings. (4)

5.2.8 Conclusion and recommendations.

Provide a concise conclusion and make at least one recommendation about a suitable
way forward in this matter. (2)


5.2.9 Annexures

Provide a chronological list of at least three (3) annexures/appendices that are

relevant to this investigation. (3)


Question 6

This question is in the form of a crossword puzzle. Use the clues provided under the
headings ACROSS and DOWN to populate the spaces in the empty puzzle. The clues
have been taken from across the entire study guide.

Across Down
3. The surname of your lecturer for 1. A form of very serious misconduct
this module 2. To make someone fearful
4. Also known as lying under oath 6. The term “discipline” is derived
5. One of the elements of the rule of from this word
law 7. This type of trial is very expensive
9. In South Africa, this crime occurs 8. A form of discrimination
most frequently 14. Awarding contracts to people who
10. Not the same as poor performance support you
11. A possible motive for damage to
12. The standard of proof in this court
is beyond reasonable doubt
13. Leads the evidence in a
disciplinary trial
15. A serious form of misconduct


TOTAL: [80]


Reference list

Akayuure, P. & Ali, C.A. 2016. Incorporating indigenous Bukre game into mathematics
lessons: A teaching experiment. Journal of Mathematics, 3(1):1-15.

Mshayisa, V.V. 2020. Students’ perception of plickers and crossword puzzles in

undergraduate studies. Journal of Food Science Education, 1:1–10.

Torres, E.R., Williams, P.R., Kassahun-Yimer, W. & Gordy, X.Z. 2022. Crossword
puzzles and knowledge retention. Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher
Education, 5(1):18–29. doi.org/10.36021/jethe.v5i1.244


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