A60 0843 000 005 PrimusApexPilatusPC 12NG Bro
A60 0843 000 005 PrimusApexPilatusPC 12NG Bro
A60 0843 000 005 PrimusApexPilatusPC 12NG Bro
Honeywell’s Global Data Center (GDC) is your Want to get right to the bottom line? Here are
partner for comprehensive flight support services. the top features pilots say are so great about
In addition to proven VHF and satellite datalink the PC-12 NG’s integrated avionics system:
communications, the GDC also provides a wide
1. The combination of track-centered
variety of essential flight support services designed
synthetic vision and performance-based
to help you fly more efficiently and avoid hazardous
HUD symbology (acceleration chevron,
weather and ATC delays.
dynamic speed bug, and Flight Path
Symbol) makes it intuitively easier to fly
precise approaches and departures.
2. The Cursor Control Device (CCD) provides
avionics interface redundancy and serves
as a stable platform in turbulence for the
pilot to fly the aircraft with one hand and
Flight Path App myCMC App
control avionics with the other.
- Aircraft Moving Map, - FHDB/ACMF Data Retrieval
information directly from
3. Software-controlled menu navigation is
Apex FMS simple and intuitive, with most actions
just one level deep. Redundant hardware
controllers allow direct input of important
functions in an organized manner, which
reduces cognitive workload.
4. The 4-display, dual MFD layout allows
all critical flight information to be visible
myGDC Flight Planning App INDS Data Manager App at all times. Moving map, Flight Plan,
- On ground Flight Plan - Faster Data Loading Checklist, Approach Chart, Radar, TCAS,
creation and Loading of Charts, Maps and Terrain XM weather, Vertical Situation Display, and
TAWS can all be displayed simultaneously
without having to swap back and forth
Primus® Apex Wireless Gateway between screens.
• Simplicity, no cables to plug in 5. The PC-12 features one of the smoothest
• Faster, easier data uploads and downloads flying autopilots in the air, based on airline
• Time savings, efficiency transport technology. It incorporates a
true Flight Management System (FMS)
that acts like an “electronic copilot,”
integrating the functions of flight planning,
navigation, guidance, and performance to
automatically fly an optimized and efficient
3-dimensional flight path.
Primus® Apex
Integrated Flight Deck
Worldwide Customer Support
Honeywell’s avionics are based on proven
technology providing exceptionally high reliability
and simplified maintenance. When service is
needed, our customer engineers and service
Honeywell Aerospace
centers are located around the world to provide
The next generation flight deck for the
1944 E. Sky Harbor Circle efficient, responsive support.
Phoenix, AZ 85034
October 2015
© 2015 Honeywell International Inc.
features and capabilities only found in the industry’s most needs of current Pilatus PC-12 owners
and operators:
advanced aircraft. • SmartView™ Synthetic Vision system for
increased situational awareness
• Wireless connectivity package using Aspen
CG100P and experience faster loading times
• ADS-B out feature that continually broadcasts
aircraft position and other data to any aircraft or
ground station equipped to receive ADS-B
• Video input
• Electronic charts and maps
• XM® Weather
• LPV approaches
• Electronic checklist
See more clearly and fly safer with SmartView™ SVS • Terrain and flight plan vertical profile
Honeywell’s SmartView™ Synthetic Vision System is the industry’s first certified • Co-pilot primary flight display
and proven synthetic vision system. It presents a natural and intuitive 3D terrain • 2nd FMS
display on the primary flight display that complements lateral and vertical • Coupled VNAV/VGP
Primus® Apex is the clear alternative to other cockpits. The Honeywell User Experience provides a human-and technology-centered situational views by synthesizing key flight information for the crew • Steep Approach
innovation that focuses on pilot performance and experience, and on design and usability. The Primus Apex cockpit has been and delivering it in an easy to understand way. • TCAS I / TAWS B Combo
proven by years of testing and real-world flying experience. • TCAS I
Image courtesy of Pilatus Group
SmartView is a revolutionary product, which will increase safety and situational • TAWS A – Terrain Awareness Warning System
awareness. Interactive Navigation (INAV™) enables operators to update and
More than just a pretty picture This unique Apex architecture ensures PC-12 NG modify flight plans, waypoint lists, and navigation with its patented graphical The new Pilatus PC-12 NG is equipped with
Derived from technology developed for the Primus® owners that it is easily modified to adapt to the flight planning capabilities. Enabled by intuitive pilot interfaces, INAV merges Honeywell’s next generation Primus® Apex
Epic system, Primus Apex delivers growth for constantly changing airspace environment. navigation, weather, terrain and traffic data onto a single display and layers Flight Deck component / function options above,
new functions through software upgrades versus • Two primary flight displays and two multifunction key information for unmatched situational awareness without the clutter. plus new ones. Of course, current PC-12
downtime of adding or replacing hardware. displays with crystal-clear data and wide viewing operators can take advantage of these as
Unsurpassed graphical displays in the ergonomic angles for exceptional cross-cockpit scanning retrofit options to optimize performance and
and stylish cockpit provide the ultimate flight • Unsurpassed integration of aircraft systems — enhance safety. Next Generation Apex includes:
experience and capabilities for pilots. including safety sensors, navigation and terrain
• FMS Altitude Temperature Comp
database information for increased safety and
• New Route Waypoint List Window
System functions include: SmartView™ Synthetic situational awareness
• ETE in x-Waypoint List Window
Vision System, Enhanced Cursor Control Device, • Incorporates the latest Communication Navigation
• Task Menu “Vertical Direct To”
wireless apps, Interactive Navigation (INAV) including Surveillance/Air Traffic Management operational
• Flight Summary post-landing
on-screen graphical flight planning, dual FMS, requirements such as enhanced surveillance
• Pilot-entered Waypoints on INAV
coupled VNAV, Satellite-Based Augmentation • Central maintenance system provides
• UTC Clock on HSI
System (SBAS)/Wide Area Augmentation System simplified diagnostics
• Excess Vertical Deviation Indication
(WAAS) LPV approach capability, Enhanced Video
• Auto Nav Identification
System and Steep Approach.
• Additional Pilot Settings through Power Cycle
• Crew Alerting Messages
• FMS Orbital Hold function
• MyGDC Flight Planning (subscription required)
features and capabilities only found in the industry’s most needs of current Pilatus PC-12 owners
and operators:
advanced aircraft. • SmartView™ Synthetic Vision system for
increased situational awareness
• Wireless connectivity package using Aspen
CG100P and experience faster loading times
• ADS-B out feature that continually broadcasts
aircraft position and other data to any aircraft or
ground station equipped to receive ADS-B
• Video input
• Electronic charts and maps
• XM® Weather
• LPV approaches
• Electronic checklist
See more clearly and fly safer with SmartView™ SVS • Terrain and flight plan vertical profile
Honeywell’s SmartView™ Synthetic Vision System is the industry’s first certified • Co-pilot primary flight display
and proven synthetic vision system. It presents a natural and intuitive 3D terrain • 2nd FMS
display on the primary flight display that complements lateral and vertical • Coupled VNAV/VGP
Primus® Apex is the clear alternative to other cockpits. The Honeywell User Experience provides a human-and technology-centered situational views by synthesizing key flight information for the crew • Steep Approach
innovation that focuses on pilot performance and experience, and on design and usability. The Primus Apex cockpit has been and delivering it in an easy to understand way. • TCAS I / TAWS B Combo
proven by years of testing and real-world flying experience. • TCAS I
Image courtesy of Pilatus Group
SmartView is a revolutionary product, which will increase safety and situational • TAWS A – Terrain Awareness Warning System
awareness. Interactive Navigation (INAV™) enables operators to update and
More than just a pretty picture This unique Apex architecture ensures PC-12 NG modify flight plans, waypoint lists, and navigation with its patented graphical The new Pilatus PC-12 NG is equipped with
Derived from technology developed for the Primus® owners that it is easily modified to adapt to the flight planning capabilities. Enabled by intuitive pilot interfaces, INAV merges Honeywell’s next generation Primus® Apex
Epic system, Primus Apex delivers growth for constantly changing airspace environment. navigation, weather, terrain and traffic data onto a single display and layers Flight Deck component / function options above,
new functions through software upgrades versus • Two primary flight displays and two multifunction key information for unmatched situational awareness without the clutter. plus new ones. Of course, current PC-12
downtime of adding or replacing hardware. displays with crystal-clear data and wide viewing operators can take advantage of these as
Unsurpassed graphical displays in the ergonomic angles for exceptional cross-cockpit scanning retrofit options to optimize performance and
and stylish cockpit provide the ultimate flight • Unsurpassed integration of aircraft systems — enhance safety. Next Generation Apex includes:
experience and capabilities for pilots. including safety sensors, navigation and terrain
• FMS Altitude Temperature Comp
database information for increased safety and
• New Route Waypoint List Window
System functions include: SmartView™ Synthetic situational awareness
• ETE in x-Waypoint List Window
Vision System, Enhanced Cursor Control Device, • Incorporates the latest Communication Navigation
• Task Menu “Vertical Direct To”
wireless apps, Interactive Navigation (INAV) including Surveillance/Air Traffic Management operational
• Flight Summary post-landing
on-screen graphical flight planning, dual FMS, requirements such as enhanced surveillance
• Pilot-entered Waypoints on INAV
coupled VNAV, Satellite-Based Augmentation • Central maintenance system provides
• UTC Clock on HSI
System (SBAS)/Wide Area Augmentation System simplified diagnostics
• Excess Vertical Deviation Indication
(WAAS) LPV approach capability, Enhanced Video
• Auto Nav Identification
System and Steep Approach.
• Additional Pilot Settings through Power Cycle
• Crew Alerting Messages
• FMS Orbital Hold function
• MyGDC Flight Planning (subscription required)
Primus® Apex
Integrated Flight Deck
Worldwide Customer Support
Honeywell’s avionics are based on proven
technology providing exceptionally high reliability
and simplified maintenance. When service is
needed, our customer engineers and service
Honeywell Aerospace
centers are located around the world to provide
The next generation flight deck for the
1944 E. Sky Harbor Circle efficient, responsive support.
Phoenix, AZ 85034
October 2015
© 2015 Honeywell International Inc.