Amiri, 2022 Revisao
Amiri, 2022 Revisao
Amiri, 2022 Revisao
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Review article
Keywords: Objectives: Menopause is accompanied by many metabolic changes, increasing the risk of cardiometabolic dis
Dietary intervention eases. The impact of diet, as a modifiable lifestyle factor, on cardiovascular health in general populations has
Post-menopause been well established. The purpose of this systematic review is to summarize the evidence on the effects of whole
diet on lipid profile, glycemic indices, and blood pressure in postmenopausal women.
Cardiovascular risk factors
Cardiometabolic health
Methods: Embase, Medline, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Google Scholar were searched
Blood lipids from inception to February 2021. We included controlled clinical trials in postmenopausal women that assessed
Glycemic indices the effect of a whole-diet intervention on lipid profile, glycemic indices, and/or blood pressure. The risk of bias in
Blood pressure individual studies was assessed using RoB 2 and ROBINS-I tools.
Summary of evidence: Among 2,134 references, 21 trials met all eligibility criteria. Overall, results were heter
ogenuous and inconsistent. Compared to control diets, some studies showed that participants experienced im
provements in total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), systolic blood pressure (SBP),
fasting blood sugar (FBS), and apolipoprotein A (Apo-A) after following fat-modified diets, but some adverse
effects on triglycerides (TG), very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL), lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)), and high-
density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) concentrations were also observed. A limited number of trials found
some effects of the Paleolithic, weight-loss, plant-based, or energy-restricted diets, or of following American
Heart Association recommendations on TG, TC, HDL, insulin, FBS, or insulin resistance.
Conclusion: Current evidence suggests that diet may affect levels of some lipid profile markers, glycemic indices,
and blood pressure among postmenopausal women. However, due to the large heterogeneity in intervention
diets, comparison groups, intervention durations, and population characteristics, findings are inconclusive.
Further well-designed clinical trials are needed on dietary interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk in post
menopausal women.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Voortman).
These authors contributed equally in this systematic review.
Received 10 June 2021; Received in revised form 21 September 2021; Accepted 1 October 2021
Available online 9 October 2021
0378-5122/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M. Amiri et al. Maturitas 155 (2022) 40–53
suggested that the dietary intakes are also associated with menopausal irrespective of health or disease status (in both intervention and control
symptoms severity, although the findings are inconsistent and incon groups); 4) reported at least one of the following outcomes: total
clusive [13]. cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
So far, the majority of studies have investigated the effects of sup (HDL), non-HDL, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), very low-
plements, nutrients, or isolated single foods on menopausal health issues density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL), lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)), apoli
in postmenopausal women [14–18] and fewer studies have paid atten poprotein A and B (Apo A and Apo B), FBS, Insulin, Hemoglobin A1C
tion to the impact of a whole diet on cardiovascular risk factors in this (HbA1C), insulin sensitivity and resistance indices (Homeostatic Model
population. In this regard, several controlled clinical trials with various Assessment for Insulin Resistance (HOMA), quantitative insulin sensi
intervention diets and different findings on cardiovascular risk factors tivity check index (QUICKI)), systolic blood pressure (SBP), or diastolic
were published. For example, findings of Women’s Health Initiative blood pressure (DBP); 5) published in English.
Dietary Modification Trial (WHI-DM), designed to assess the effects of a We excluded all studies that 1) were uncontrolled clinical trials,
low-fat dietary pattern during 6 years in comparison with dietary observational, editorials, reviews, or conference abstracts; 2) were
guidelines for Americans, showed no considerable differences between designed to assess the impacts of only specific food components, nutri
intervention and control groups on cardiovascular risk factors [19, 20]. ents, supplements, or combined interventions (e.g. combination of diet
A parallel comparison between a healthy diet and habitual dietary in and physical activity/exercise, stress management, smoking cessation);
takes showed decreases in fasting blood sugar (FBS), total cholesterol 3) were conducted in men or women other than post-menopausal
(TC), and triglyceride (TG) levels in intervention group without any women.
considerable differences compared to the control group [21]. On the
other hand, a diet providing less than 30 % of energy from fats could 2.4. Study Selection and Data Extraction
considerably improve FBS, insulin, and insulin sensitivity in comparison
with habitual dietary intakes [22]. Also, a meta-analysis of clinical trials, Studies were selected in duplicate by independent researchers (MA,
published in 2014, observed no considerable effects following a low-fat IK, AVW, AV, ML) in two steps. In the first step, the titles/abstracts of the
diet intake on lipid markers in postmenopausal women [23]. identified articles were screened according to the eligibility criteria.
There is a lack of consensus regarding an optimal diet for improving Afterward, the full-texts of the included articles from the previous step
cardiometabolic health in postmenopausal women. Although previous were screened to identify the final number of eligible studies. Five re
reviews focused on of the role of supplements or single food compo searchers (MA, IK, AVW, AV, SB) extracted the following data from each
nents, the impacts of a whole diet on cardiovascular risk factors in this study: 1) general information (first author, publication year, country); 2)
population have been scarcely investigated. Thus, the purpose of this trial characteristics (design, sample size, intervention duration, inter
systematic review is to summarize current evidence from controlled vention/control details, feeding/nonfeeding, isocaloric or not); 3) par
clinical trials on the effects of dietary interventions on lipid profile, ticipants’ characteristics (health status and age); 4) summary of results
glycemic indices, and blood pressure in postmenopausal women. This regarding the mentioned lipid profile markers, glycemic indices, and
knowledge could assist further research in dietary intervention studies blood pressure, and any adjustments. On condition that multiple articles
and inform the development of dietary guidelines specifically for post reporting on the same outcomes from the same study, the information of
menopausal women. the article reporting the most complete groups of outcomes was
extracted. In the case of several intervention durations, findings of the
2. Methods longest period were extracted. Any lack of consensus about study se
lection or data extraction was adjudicated by a discussion with the
2.1. Review Design principal investigator (TV).
The current systematic review was conducted and reported based on 2.5. Quality Assessment
the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [24, 25]. The protocol of this review The quality of the included trials was assessed using Cochrane tool
was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42021242980). for assessing risk of bias in randomized trials (RoB 2 tool) [26] and Risk
Of Bias In Non-randomized Studies of Intervention (ROBINS-I) [27]. RoB
2.2. Data Sources and Search Strategy 2 tool estimates the risk of bias based on five domains, including 1)
randomization process; 2) deviations from intended interventions; 3)
A systematic search in Embase, Medline, Cochrane Central Register missing outcome data; 4) measurement of the outcome; 5) selection of
of Controlled Trials, and Google Scholar was performed to identify the reported result. ROBINS-I assesses the quality of the studies in spe
controlled clinical trials examining the effects of the whole diet cific domains in three levels, pre-intervention (bias due to confounding
compared to other diets, habitual diets, or general recommendations on and selection of participants), at intervention (bias in classification of
lipid profile, glycemic indices, and blood pressure in postmenopausal interventions), and post-intervention (bias due to deviations from
women irrespective of health status, from inception to February 2021. intended interventions, missing data, measurement of outcomes, selec
Related key terms to post-menopause, diet, lipid profile, glycemic tion of the reported result). Two investigators (SB and MA) performed
indices, blood pressure, and clinical trials were used to build the search the quality assessments and disagreements were resolved by discussion.
strategy. More information on PICO details and search strategy is pro
vided in the Supplementary Tables 1 and 2. A librarian expert (WMB) 3. Results
was involved in developing the search strategy. Additionally, the
reference lists of the eligible studies were screened to identify relevant 3.1. Search Outcome
Our search strategy yielded 2,134 references. Ninety-one articles
2.3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria were included after titles/abstracts screening. Full-texts screening
resulted in exclusion of 63 articles, of which ten studies were conference
Studies were included if they met the following criteria: 1) were abstracts [28–37], eight were conducted in populations other than
randomized or non-randomized controlled clinical trials; 2) designed to post-menopausal women [38–45], twenty-three did not meet our
assess the effects of a whole diet (e.g. low-fat, plant-based, low/high- intervention criteria [46–68], and twenty-two were excluded since they
carbohydrates diets); 3) conducted only in post-menopausal women were derived from the same projects and/or did not report relevant
M. Amiri et al. Maturitas 155 (2022) 40–53
outcomes [69–90]. Also, one full-text, published in 1987, could not be diet [22], and energy-restricted diet [114]. Four trials provided isoca
retrieved [91]. Eventually, 27 articles, reporting on 21 unique trials, loric diets [97, 101, 108, 112], and the diets of five trials were ad libitum
were included in the current systematic review [19–22, 92–114]. or self-selected, or were not isocaloric [93, 94, 103, 107, 109]. The rest
Figure 1 represents the study selection procedure. of included studies did not provide information on whether diets were
isocaloric. In six trials, prepared meals or raw food ingredients were
provided to the participants [92, 99–101, 108, 112] and in one study
3.2. Study Characteristics only the pre-prepared meals were obtained for the control group [98].
The remaining trials included nutrition counseling, individual goals, and
The included studies were published between 1990 and 2018. meals/cooking classes as the intervention methods. The intervention
Studies were conducted in Poland [92], Mexico [99], Sweden [109], the duration ranged between 3 weeks to 12 months for most studies, one
United States [19, 22, 93–95, 97, 98, 101, 102, 108, 112], Iran [21], study lasted for 2 years and one for 6 years [19, 109]. Fourteen trials
Canada [113], Australia [100], Ireland [96], Italy [103], Denmark were designed as parallel [19, 21, 22, 92–94, 99, 100, 102, 103, 107,
[114], and one study was conducted in several centers (Miami, Atlanta, 109, 113, 114] and seven were designed as cross-over [95–98, 101, 108,
Birmingham, and Seattle) [107]. Nine trials included an apparently 112]. Characteristics of the included studies are presented in Table 1.
healthy or general population of postmenopausal women [19, 21,
96–98, 103, 107, 108, 112]. Twelve studies included women with a 3.3. Quality and Risk of Bias
specific risk factor or history or disease only: six studies included obese
or overweight participants only [22, 93, 101, 109, 113, 114], one The details of risk of bias of 19 trials based on RoB 2 domains are
included only postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome [92], summarized in Table 2. Among the included studies, 2 trials did not
one with hypertension [100], one only moderate hypercholesterolemia provide any information on randomization, thus we assumed them as
[95], and three studies were conducted on women with a history of non-randomized trials. The quality of these studies are presented in
breast cancer [94, 99, 102]. Regarding dietary interventions, most of the Table 3 using ROBINS-I tool. For randomized controlled trials, overall
trials intervened low/modified fat/fatty acids diets [19, 93–95, 97–99, risk identified “High risk” for two studies [21, 114] and the rest of
102, 107, 108, 112] and other interventions included Mediterranean studies were identified as “Some concerns”. Concerning the
diet [92], Paleolithic diet [109], healthy diet [21], diet based on non-randomized trials, one scored as “Critical” [95] and the other one as
American Heart Association recommendations [113], low-sodium “Serious” [98].
DASH-type diet [100], very low-carbohydrates diet [101],
high-sodium, high- protein diet [96], plant-based diet [103], weight-loss
M. Amiri et al.
Table 1
Characteristics of the included studies.
Source Country/ Study Design/ No. of Age2 (years) Health status Intervention Control Duration Dietary Results
name1 Randomization Participants/ intake
Intervention assessment
population of
Young3, 2013 [1] United states C/ R 17/ 17 57±6 Healthy 1- Low-fat diet: 20 E% fats, 65 High-fat diet: 40 E% fat, 45 8w Daily Insulin, FBS,
E% CHO, 15 E% Pr 2- Low-fat, E% CHO, 15 E% Pr compliance HOMA
high n-3 diet:23 E fats, 62 E% records
CHO, 15 E% Pr
McColley3, 2011 United states C/ R 16/ 16 56.3±1.5 Healthy 1- Low-fat diet: 20 E% fats, 65 High-fat diet: 40 E% fat, 45 8w Daily TG↓C
[2] E% CHO, 15 E% Pr. 2- Low- E% CHO, 15 E% Pr compliance
fat, high n-3 diet: 23 E fats, 62 records
E% CHO, 15 E% Pr
Jeppesen, 1997 [3] United states C/ R 10/5 66±5 Healthy, non-diabetic Low-fat, high- CHO diet: 25 E High-fat, low-CHO diet: 45 E 3w NM TG↑*, TC,
% fats, 60 E% CHO, 5 E% Pr % fats, 40 E% CHO, 15 E% VLDL↑*, LDL,
Kasim-Karakas£, United states C/ NR 54/ 54 61±11 Healthy Low-fat diet: 15E% fats 1- 35%-fat diet 2- 25%-fat 8m 7-day food Insulin, FBS↓*,
2000 [4] diet records HbA1C
Shikany4, 2011 [5] United states/ P/ R 2,263/ 892 I:61.5±6.9 General population, Low-fat diet: reducing total Dietary Guidelines for 6y FFQ Insulin, FBS,
WHI DM C:61.6±6.8 without T1DM and fat intake to 20% of energy, Americans and other health- HOMA, QUICKI
Ginsberg, 1998 Multicenter##/ C/ R 18/ 18 57.5 Healthy 1- NCEP: 30 E% fats (9 E% Average American diet: 37 E 8w NM TC↓*, LDL↓*,
[10] DELTA SFA, 14 E% MUFA, and 7 E% % fats (16 E% SFA, 14 E% HDL↓*, TG, Apo
PUFA), 55 E% CHO, 15 E% Pr. MUFA, and 7 E% PUFA), 48 A-1↓*^, Apo B, Lp
2- Low-Sat diet: 26 E% fats (5 E% CHO, 15 E% Pr (a) ↑*^, TC:HDL
E% SFA, 14 E% MUFA, and 7
E% PUFA), 59 E% CHO, 15 E
% Pr
Harrington, 2004 Ireland C/ R 26/26 57.1±5.1 Healthy High-sodium, high- protein Low- sodium, usual-protein 4w 4-day food SBP, DBP
[11] diet: 180 mmol/d day of Na intake records
and 90 g/day of Pr
Abedi, 2012 [12] Iran P/ R 64/ 35 I:51.4 ±4.9 Healthy Healthy diet: fruits and Habitual intakes 6m 24-hour TC↓IC, TG↓I, LDL,
C:51.6±5.7 vegetables ≥5 servings, whole recall HDL, FBS↓I, SBP,
grain foods, high fiber foods, DBP
fish (two times per week),
<10 E% SFA, cholesterol
<300 mg/day, salt <5 g/day
Muti6, 2003 [13] Italy/ DIANA P/ R 99/ 50 50-65 Healthy Plant based diet: A leaflet based on Europe 18 w 24-h diaries TC↓*
Mediterranean vegetarian against Cancer program:
and macrobiotic recipes were advised to increase the
fruit and vegetables
Berrino6, 2001 Italy/ DIANA P/ R 99/ 50 50-65 Healthy Plant based diet: A leaflet based on Europe 18 w 24-h diaries Insulin, FBS
Mason, 2011 [19] United states/ P/ R 185/ 105 I:58.1±5.9 Overweight/obese 1200–2000 kcal/day, <30 E% Habitual intakes 12 m FFQ Insulin↓*, FBS↓*,
NEW C:57.4±4.4 fats, and 10% weight loss HOMA↓*
Se´ne´chal, 2012 Canada P/ R 19/ 9 62.6±4.1 Obese AHA recommendations: 30 E Habitual intakes 12 w Food diary TC↓I, TG↓I,
[20] % fats, 55 E% CHO, 15 E% Pr HDL↓I*, LDL↓I,
TC:HDL, Insulin,
Bajerska, 2018 Poland P/ R 144/ 72 60.5 Metabolic Syndrome Mediterranean diet: 37 E% Central European diet: 16 w 3-day food TC↓IC, LDL↓I,
[21] fats (20 E% MUFA, 9 E% Based on NCEP and AHA diary HDL↓C, TG↓IC,
PUFA, 8 E% SFA), 45 E% recommendations (27 E% Insulin↓IC,
CHO, 18 E% Pr fats [10 E% MUFA, 9 E% FBS↓IC,
PUFA, 8 E% SFA], 55 E% HOMA↓IC,
CHO, 18 E% Pr. Emphasis on SBP↓IC, DBP↓IC
dietary fiber)
Otten7, 2016 [22] Sweden P/ R 41/ 25 I:61±6 Obese Paleolithic diet: 40 E% fats, Nordic Nutrition 24 m 4-day food HOMA
C:62±6 30 E% CHO, 30 E% Pr. Recommendations (4th records
Recommended to intake edition): 25–30 E% fats,
higher MUFA and PUFA 55–60 E% CHO, 15 E% Pr.
Emphasis on low-fat dairy
products and high-fiber
Mellberg7, 2014 Sweden P/ R 49/ 27 I:59.5±5.5 Obese Paleolithic diet: 40 E% fats, Nordic Nutrition 24 m 4-day food TC, HDL, LDL,
[23] C:60.3±5.9 30 E% CHO, 30 E% Pr. Recommendations (4th records TG↓I*, Insulin,
Recommended to intake edition): 25–30 E% fats, FBS, SBP, DBP,
higher MUFA and PUFA 55–60 E% CHO, 15 E% Pr.
Emphasis on low-fat dairy
products and high-fiber
Nowson, 2009 Australia P/ R 95/46 I:60±0.7 Hypertensive Low-sodium DASH-type diet: Higher acid load healthy 14 w 3-day food SBP↓IC, DBP↓IC,
[24] C:58.4±0.7 with a low dietary acid load diet: based on general record
containing 6 servings of 100g dietary guidelines to reduce
lean red meat/week. Rich in fat intake and increase
fruit and vegetables and had a intake of breads and cereals
higher potassium and
magnesium content.
women with
breast cancer
Buzzard, 1990 United states P/ R 28/ 17 I:60±2 Breast cancer Low-fat diet: Reducing total No counseling regarding fat 3m 4-day food TC↓I
[25] C:61±3 fat intake, using combination intake records
of education, goal setting,
evaluation, feedback, and
participant self-monitoring.
If available, the name of the studies are reported. 2 Age is presented as either mean ± SD or min-max as years. R: Randomized; NR: Non-Randomized; P: Parallel; C: Cross-over; m: Months; w: Weeks; NM: Not mentioned; y:
Both articles were conducted on a same project. 4 These papers were published from findings of the Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial (WHI DM). 5 These papers were derived
Three clinical centers (Miami, Atlanta, Birmingham) and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. ## Columbia University, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Pennsylvania State University, and
Although this study reported some other outcomes of interest, we decided to only use glycemic indices results. In this study, dietary intervention accrued in two phases: 15% fat diet (as the intervention) and low-fat diets
Years; E%: Percent of energy intake; CHO: Carbohydrates; Pr: Proteins; PUFA: Polyunsaturated fatty acids; MUFA: Monounsaturated fatty acids; BP: Blood pressure; FFQ: Food frequency questionnaire; AHA: American
in which fat intake was reduced in a stepwise manner from 35% to 15% (as the control). The last diet in the control duration (15%) was similar to the intervention diet, so we decided to extract only findings that compare
density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL: High-density lipoprotein cholesterol; Apo: Apo lipoprotein; TC:HDL: TC to HDL ratio; Lp(a): Lipoprotein(a); FBS: Fasting blood sugar; HOMA: Homeostatic Model Assessment for
Heart Association; NCEP: National Cholesterol Education Program; DASH: dietary approaches to stop hypertension; TG: Triglyceride; TC: Total cholesterol; LDL: Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; VLDL: Very low-
Due to the nature of the data, limited number of studies, and large
heterogeneity among studies, including various designs, population
from Women’s Health Trial: Feasibility Study in Minority Populations (WHT:FSMP). 6 These papers were derived from Diet and Androgens Study (DIANA). 7 These papers are derived from the same project.
DBP, marize current evidence and to not perform a quantitative meta-
analysis. In the following paragraphs, the findings of the included
studies are explicated. If available, within and/or between mean
postmenopausal women. Among these trials, low-fat diets were the most
diet as the intervention and dietary recommendations were used as the
Significant changes within intervention group. C Significant changes within control group. *Significant changes in the intervention group compared to the control group.
Association: 30 E% fats, 50 E
most comparisons.
A cross-over trial assessed the effects of two low-fat diets (low-fat
diet and low-fat, high n-3 diet) compared to a high-fat diet in 17 healthy
American Dietetic
% CHO, 20 E% Pr
Insulin Resistance; QUICKI: Quantitative insulin sensitivity check index; HbA1c: Hemoglobin A1c; SBP: Systolic blood pressure; DBP: Diastolic blood pressure;
groups (p > 0.05) [105]. Also, a sub-study by Howard et al. among 2,730
participants, did not find any significant within or between-arms
changes in the levels of either TC, LDL, HDL, TG, non-HDL, TC:HDL,
^ Only one of the interventions (low-Sat diet) compared to the control.
and Lp(a) (p > 0.05), when comparing the intervention and control
groups [19]. And Tinker et al. showed the insignificant effect of the
100/ 50
No. of
tion, while no significant effect on DBP was reported [107]. And neither
a high-sodium, high- protein diet nor a low-sodium, usual-protein diet
M. Amiri et al. Maturitas 155 (2022) 40–53
Table 2
Risk of bias in randomized trials (RoB 2 tool).
First author, year Randomization deviations from intended missing outcome measurement of the selection of the Overall
process interventions data outcome reported result assessment
McColley et al., 2011 Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns
Jeppesen et al., 1997 Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns
Howard et al., 2006 [3] Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Low risk of bias Low risk of bias Some concerns
Dallas Hall et al., 2003 Some concerns Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Low risk of bias Some concerns
Ginsberg et al., 1998 Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns
Harrington et al., 2004 Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns
Abedi et al., 2010 [7] Some concerns Some concerns High risk of bias Some concerns Low risk of bias High risk of bias
Berrino et al., 2001 [8] Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Low risk of bias Low risk of bias Some concerns
Barnard et al., 2005 [9] Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns
C J Segal-Isaacson 2004 Some concerns Some concerns Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns
Svendsen et al., 1993 High risk of bias Some concerns Low risk of bias Low risk of bias Low risk of bias High risk of bias
Mason et al, 2011 [12] Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Low risk of bias Low risk of bias Some concerns
Se´ne´chal et al. 2011 Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns
Bajerska et al., 2018 Low risk of bias Some concerns Low risk of bias Low risk of bias Low risk of bias Some concerns
Mellberg et al., 2014 Low risk of bias Some concerns Low risk of bias Low risk of bias Low risk of bias Some concerns
Nowson et al., 2009 Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns
Buzzard et al., 1990 Some concerns Some concerns Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns
Thomson et al., 2010 Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns
Murillo-Ortiz et al., Some concerns Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns Low risk of bias Some concerns
2017 [19]
Table 3
Risk of bias in non-randomized trials (ROBINS-I).
First author, Risk of Risk of Risk of Misclassification Risk of deviation from Risk of Risk of Risk of Overall
year confounding selection of interventions intended interventions missing data misclassification of reporting risk of bias
bias outcomes bias
Denke, 1994 Critical Low Low Low Low Low Low Critical
Kasim- Serious Low Low Low Moderate Low Low Serious
2000 [21]
based on national Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) and the other who followed a plant-based diet compared to the control group (-14% vs
one, a low-saturated-fat diet) with the average American dietary intakes. -4%, p = 0.005). In this study, the control women were not given any
TC, LDL, and HDL concentrations were significantly decreased in both specific dietary instruction, they were advised to increase the con
intervention groups in comparison with the control group (p < 0.05) sumption of fruit and vegetables [104]. Also, another report from
while no considerable differences were observed in TG, Apo B, and TC: DIANA study performed by Berrino et al. revealed insignificant effects of
HDL levels (p > 0.05). This study also indicated that the low-saturated- this plant-based diet compared to the control group on insulin (-10,6%
fat diet significantly reduced Apo A-1 and increased Lp(a) levels vs 5.2%, p = 0.72) and FBS (-5.7% vs -1.2%, p = 0.05) levels [103].
compared to the control group (p < 0.05) [108].
A 6-month intervention on 64 healthy postmenopausal women 3.4.2. Postmenopausal women with cardiovascular risk factors
compared the effects of a healthy diet with habitual dietary intakes. Among included studies, 9 trails investigated the effects of diet on
After comparing pre and post-intervention values of this parallel study, the outcomes of interest in postmenopausal women with CVD risk fac
significant decreases in serum levels of TC were found in both inter tors, including obesity/overweight, metabolic syndrome, hypertension,
vention (-12 mg/dl) and control (-12 mg/dl) groups (p < 0.05) and and hypercholesterolemia. A variety of diets were intervened in this
significant decrease in TG levels was only found in the healthy diet arm population, such as fat-modified, energy-restricted, Mediterranean,
(-18.9 mg/dl, p < 0.05). No considerable effect was shown on HDL and DASH, and Paleolithic diets.
LDL concentration (0.40 vs -0.1 mg/dl, -6 vs -7 mg/dl, respectively, p > A parallel trial assessed the effects of a low-fat, plant-based diet
0.05) as well as FBS level. However, FBS was significantly decreased compared to the NCEP recommendation in 59 overweight post
within the healthy diet group (-4.5 mg/dl, p < 0.05) [21]. menopausal women. After 14 weeks of intervention, FBS and insulin
Findings of the Diet and Androgens Randomized Trial (DIANA), an levels were significantly decreased and insulin sensitivity was increased
18-week intervention on 99 healthy postmenopausal women done by in the low-fat, plant-based group without any considerable differences
Muti et al., showed a considerable reduction of TC level in participants with the control group [93].
M. Amiri et al. Maturitas 155 (2022) 40–53
Results of a 3-month cross-over trial on 39 postmenopausal women improvements of TC (-5.2 mg/dl, p = 0.02), LDL (-7.8 mg/dl, p = 0.007),
with moderate hypercholesterolemia showed significant decreases in TC HDL (0.4 mg/dl, p = 0.002) and SBP (− 8.6 mmHg, p = 0.03) levels in
(-5%) and LDL (-6%) levels (p < 0.005) within the fat-modified step 1 the low-fat diet group. A considerable within-group decreases in TG
diet and in comparison with the high-fat, high-saturated diet. Between (-31.1 mg/dl, p = 0.01), insulin (-2.6 µU/ml, p = 0.002), and HbA1c
and within-group changes for VLDL, HDL and TG were not statically (-0.1, p = 0.006) was noted in low-carbohydrate arm. The reductions of
considerable (p > 0.05) [95]. HOMA in both diets (-1.2, -0.7, p = 0.03) and QUICKI in low-fat diet (p
Segal-Isaacson et al. showed that both a very low-carbohydrate diet = 0.005) were observed. TC:HDL, FBS, and DBP were not affected
and a low-fat diet resulted in significant decreases of TC, LDL, HDL, and considerably by intervention or control arms. No changes were observed
FBS levels (p ≤ 0.05) during 6 weeks follow up in 4 overweight or obese between the two groups during a follow up of 24 weeks [102].
postmenopausal women. The concentration of TG was significantly Also, another parallel clinical trial in which 28 postmenopausal
reduced only in the very low-carbohydrate diet group. Neither of the women with breast cancer received either counseling to lower their fat
diets affected the insulin level significantly. No statistically considerable intake or not. After 3 months, TC concentration significantly decreased
differences between intervention and control groups were observed for with 0.48 mmol/L (p < 0.01) in intervention arm and no considerable
any of the outcomes (p > 0.05) [101]. between groups changes were reported [94].
Svendsen et al. noted that an energy-restriction diet in post Murillo-Ortiz et al. performed a clinical trial investigating the effects
menopausal women with overweight improved TG, TC, LDL, HDL:LDL, of a reduced-fat diet compared to a ADA recommendation on 100
VLDL, and SBP levels in comparison with a usual diet (p < 0.001). No postmenopausal women with breast cancer. After 6 months, a significant
differences were observed for HDL and DBP in 72 women during the 12 decrease in FBS was observed in the intervention group compared to its
weeks follow up period [114]. baseline level (-7.5 mg/dl, p < 0.0001) [99].
Findings from Mason et al. in 185 overweight or obese post
menopausal women which investigated the effect of a weight loss diet 4. Discussion
(providing 1200–2000 kcal/day, and less than 30% of energy intake
from fats) compared to the habitual intakes for 12 months indicated the This systematic review summarizes the available evidence on the
reducing effects of the intervention group compared to the control group effect of whole diets on cardiovascular risk factors in postmenopausal
for FBS, insulin and HOMA levels [22]. women. We observed that various types of diet have been used in
Se´ne´chal et al. compared the effects of AHA recommendations to intervention studies in this population, which the majority focused on
habitual dietary intakes on 19 obese postmenopausal women. Twelve modified-fat diets. To summarize, some studies showed that fat-
weeks of intervention caused significant improvements in TC, TG, LDL, modified diets led to improvements of some risk factors such as LDL,
SBP, and DBP levels in the intervention group, while no differences were TC, SBP, FBS, or Apo A; however, harmful effects on TG, VLDL, Lp(a)
observed between groups (p > 0.05). Additionally, AHA recommenda and HDL were also observed. Furthermore, some interventions other
tions led to a significant reduction of HDL levels in comparison with the than fat-modified diets, including the Paleolithic diet, AHA recom
control group (p ≤ 0.05) and no significant changes were observed with mendations, a plant-based diet, and energy-restricted or weight-loss
respect to TC:HDL. Also, intervention diet resulted in no significant diets, found benificial effects on some cardiovascular risk factors such
within or between differences in the levels of insulin, FBS, HOMA, and as TG, TC, HDL, insulin, FBS, HOMA compared to the control diets.
QUICKI (p > 0.05) [113]. However, these findings should be interpreted with caution due to the
Findings of a study done by Bajerska et al. in 144 women with large heterogeneity between intervention diets, comparison groups,
metabolic syndrome showed decreases in TG (-33.9 vs -38.8 mg/dl), TC intervention durations, and population characteristics. Additionally,
(-15.5 vs -11.2 mg/dl), FBS (-6.4 and -5.4 mg/dl), insulin (-3.5 and -3.1 some of these findings are based on single studies only.
µU/ml), HOMA (-0.46 and -0.42), DBP (-6.7 and -8.1 mmHg), and SBP Chronic diseases are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality
(-10.02 and -10.04 mmHg) for either of the Mediterranean diet and worldwide and aging is one of its greatest risk factors. Additionally, in
Central European diet without any considerable differences between women, physiological manifestations resulting from menopause could
them. Within groups decrease in LDL concentration was noted for lead to long-term chronic diseases such as CVD [115]. Diet has been
women consuming Mediterranean diet (-9.4 mg/dl, p < 0.05) while the studied as an modifiable lifestyle factor for cardiometabolic health.
women consuming Central European diet showed a decrease in HDL Findings of the Brisighella Heart Study, a prospective population-based
level (-2 mg/dl, p < 0.05) after 16 weeks intervention [92]. cohort, are suggestive of protective effects of nutritional education
A 24-month parallel comparison between the Paleolithic diet and 4th against SBP elevation, hypercholesterolemia, and prevalence of meta
edition Nordic nutrition recommendations done by Mellberg et al. bolic syndrome related to menopause [116]. However, healthy dietary
illustrated the insignificant effects of the Paleolithic diet on TC, LDL, patterns assessed with various diet quality scores (such as DASH, MED,
HDL, insulin, FBS, HOMA, and blood pressure levels in 49 obese post aMED, HEI-2010, MDS, MexD), were not associated with risk of meta
menopausal women in comparison with the control. A significant bolic syndrome in the recent Women’s Health Initiative observational
reduction of TG levels was observed in the intervention group (-0.23 vs prospective cohort study [117]. Nonetheless, a higher healthy eating
-0.01 mmol/L, p = 0.004) compared to the control group [109, 110]. index (HEI-2010) score was significantly associated with lower levels of
Nowson and colleagues compared a vitality diet and a higher acid TG and FBS and higher level of HDL. Moreover, better adherence to the
load healthy diet in 95 women with hypertension followed for 14 weeks. DASH diet was associated with lower glucose levels and higher HDL
Decreases in SBP (-5.6 mmHg, p < 0.001 and -2.7 mmHg, p < 0.01) and levels [117]. The association of HEI with metabolic risk factors in
DBP (-4.1 mmHg, p < 0.001, and -2.9 mmHg, p < 0.001) were observed postmenopausal women were studied by two cross-sectional studies,
in both groups without any significant differences between groups concluding that inappropriate dietary habits may negatively affect car
[100]. diometabolic indicators/ risk factors [118, 119]. The impacts of diets on
cardiovascular health could be defined by different mechanisms. For
3.4.3. Breast cancer survivors instance, increasing the consumption of some food groups like whole
The findings of 3 trials in post-menopausal women with breast can grains and legumes might improve TC, blood glucose, and insulin due to
cer are presented below. In all 3 trials the effects of a low-fat diet were the high content of soluble fiber [120, 121]. Several nutrients such as
investigated. Habitual intake, low-carbohydrate diet and American Di vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, flavonoids, and caroten
etetic Association (ADA) were recommended as the comparisons. oids have been suggested to improve endothelial function or to cause
Findings of a parallel comparison between a low-fat diet and a low- vasodilation, which may play a role in the blood pressure lowering ef
carbohydrate diet in 38 breast cancer survivors demonstrated fects of fruits and vegetables [122, 123]. Higher intake of n-3 fatty acids
M. Amiri et al. Maturitas 155 (2022) 40–53
may result in a reduction of cardiovascular risk factors [124, 125] and a interventions specifically with the mentioned diets using well-designed
lower intake of saturated fats may cause a reduction in cardiovascular controlled clinical trials in different regions exclusively in this
events [126]. In this regard, according to a presidential advisory from population.
the American Heart Association, randomized controlled trials that
replaced dietary saturated fats intake with polyunsaturated vegetable Conclusion
oils reduced the risk of CVD by about 30%; however, no association was
observed when these fats were replaced by refined carbohydrates and To the best of our knowledge, this is the first review that systemat
sugar. Additionally, in both population-based studies and trials, ically summarizes the effects of whole diet interventions on lipid profile,
replacement of saturated fats with unsaturated fats lowered the con glycemic indices, and blood pressure exclusively in postmenopausal
centration of LDL, as a cause of atherosclerosis [127]. women. This study confirmed that this area has a limited level of evi
On a higher level, dietary interventions may be part of larger overall dence. Even though some diets showed considerable effects on various
lifestyle interventions. Some studies suggested that lifestyle modifica cardiometabolic risk factors, the number of trials for each diet are too
tion may reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes and coronary heart limited to draw firm conclusions.
diseases and improve cardiovascular risk factors in different populations This systematic review highlights the need to conduct well-designed
[128–132]. A 6-month clinical trial on postmenopausal women controlled clinical trials with a larger population and stronger statistical
concluded that lifestyle intervention may be also an effective tool for approaches in this underrepresented population, helping to develop
improving cardiovascular risk factors in this population. In this study, better targeted dietary recommendations for postmenopausal women.
exercise, nutrition education, eating behavior self-monitoring, attitudes,
and relationships were modified as lifestyle factors [133]. Also, a com Contributors
bination of a Mediterranean low-saturated fat diet, stress management,
exercise, group support, and smoking cessation improved HbA1c and Mojgan Amiri contributed to the conception and design of the study,
body composition in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes screened titles/abstracts and full texts, determined the eligibility of the
[134]. articles, extracted the data, assessed the quality of the included studies,
Although the beneficial effects of different diets on cardiometabolic participated in drafting the manuscript, and revised and finalized the
health have been established [135–137], this study shows inconsistent manuscript.
findings and lack of high-quality information on the effects of whole Irma Karabegović screened titles/abstracts and full texts, extracted
diets on cardiovascular risk factors specifically in postmenopausal the data, and participated in drafting the manuscript.
women. Some of the included trials have shown benefits of diet on some Anniek C. van Westing screened titles/abstracts and full texts,
lipid profile makers, glycemic indices, and blood pressure in post determined the eligibility of the articles, extracted the data, and
menopausal women [21, 22, 92, 93, 99, 101, 102, 104, 106, 108, 109, participated in drafting the manuscript.
113]; however, others have not [19, 20, 96, 103, 105, 107, 109, 110, Auke J.C.F Verkaar screened titles/abstracts and full texts, and
112] and the majority of them did not find any considerable differences extracted the data.
between the intervention diets and the controls. Underrepresentation of Sara Beigrezaei extracted the data and assessed the quality of the
the elderly population and women in cardiovascular clinical trials has included studies.
been discussed for several years [138–140] while due to the hormonal Macarena Lara screened titles/abstracts and full texts.
changes and lipid abnormalities, like increased concentrations of LDL Wichor M. Bramer developed and applied the search strategy.
and TC [141], the development of CVD is higher after menopause Trudy Voortman contributed to the conception and design of the
[142–144] and CVD is a major health issue at older ages in women study, and revised and finalized the manuscript.
[145]. Also, despite sharing lipid abnormalities, for example in in All authors read and approved the final version of manuscript.
dividuals with diabetes, women suffer from a more aggressive form of
coronary artery disease and are more susceptible to death from CVD in Funding
comparison to men [146, 147]. These consequences and complications
associated with menopause show the importance of exclusive attention No funding from an external source was received for the preparation
to women and optimized treatment of comorbidities not only to alleviate of this review.
risk factors but also to decrease the cardiovascular mortality in this
population [145], which diet is a promising way to reduce risks of
Provenance and peer review
various of these risk factors and consequences.
In order to achieve more conclusive results regarding the impact of
This article was commissioned and was externally peer reviewed.
diet on cardiovascular risk factors and consequently to find the most
relevant diet for postmenopausal women, the limitations of the current
Declaration of competing interests
evidence should be noted to improve future research. The assessments of
risks of bias demonstrated the low quality of the included studies in
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
design or conducting. The majority of the studies did not report infor
mation on the randomization and concealment methods, increasing the
risk of selection bias. For those studies that were not randomized, po Supplementary materials
tential confounding could be present. Additionally, participants were
not blinded to the diets in most studies; however, for whole diet in Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
terventions that is hardly possible. We also observed that most of the the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2021.10.001.
studies were conducted in the United States. Concerning the lifestyle and
genetic background differences and their effects on the findings of the References
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inflammatory status in men at risk of cardiovascular disease–FLAVURS: a 2 McColley SP, Georgopoulos A, Young LR, Kurzer MS, Redmon JB, Raatz SK. A high-fat
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yoghurt: effects on circulating eicosanoids and cardiovascular risk factors, high-carbohydrate diets on risk factors for ischemic heart disease in postmenopausal
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