Asupan Makanan
Asupan Makanan
Asupan Makanan
Science Midwifery
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Corresponding Author:
Selvyra Eka Masturina,
Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang,
Jl. Besar Ijen No.77C, Oro-oro Dowo, Kec. Klojen, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65119
Email: [email protected]
Toddlers or children under five years old is an important periods where nutritional adequacy will
affect and support growth and development. The high or low nutritional status of toddlers is
expressed in weight or according to age (BB / U), besides that nutritional status can also be described
based on an assessment of height according to age (height for age) (Kemenkes, 2018). Malnutrition
or undernutrition is a condition of someone who has nutrients below the average number. Lack of
nutrition is caused because a person lacks the intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins
that are needed by the body (Nur Imanah & Sukmawati, 2021). Pathophysiologically, malnutrition
or malnutrition in toddlers is experiencing a lack of protein-energy, iron nutrition anemia, disorders
due to lack of iodine, and lack of vitamin A. Lack of intake of these four sources in toddlers causes
stunted growth and development, decreased endurance, low intelligence levels, decreased physical
abilities, impaired physical and mental growth, stunting and the worst is death in toddlers (Diyah,
H. S., Sari, D. L., & Nikmah, 2020; Sukmawati, 2019).
Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) data Kemenkes in 2018 showed that 17.7% of toddlers in
Indonesia experienced nutritional problems. The figure consists of toddlers who are malnourished
3.9% and those who suffer from malnutrition 13.8%. Target Rencana Pembangunan Jangka
Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2019 which is 17% based on the main results of Riskesdas 2013-2018
in East Java Province, the highest proportion of malnutrition status in 2018 was in the Bangkalan
district/city at 26.39%, while Kediri city became the lowest malnutrition status of around 10%
(Kementrian Kesehatan RI, 2018).
Undernutrition in toddlers is caused by several factors which are divided into two, namely
direct factors and indirect factors (Sukmawati E et al., 2018). Direct factors are caused by infectious
diseases and nutritional intake while indirect factors are caused by economic status, parenting, and
knowledge of the mother. Mother's parenting and knowledge in taking care of children has an
important role in terms of feeding children as well as knowledge about the types of food to be given
according to their age and needs, health practices, and giving affection (Puspa & Rahmawati, 2020).
Based on research conducted by Mitra the results showed that as many as 52.7% of toddlers consume
4 to 5 types of food and 18.0% of toddlers only consume less than 3 types of food. This shows that
the types of food consumed by toddlers are not too diverse and sufficient nutrients needed by the
body (Mitra, 2019; Sukmawati et al., 2023).
Nutritional problems that are not handled properly, can have a negative impact, including
physically experiencing delays or being a short toddler that can inhibit physical abilities, besides that
stunting can cause problems in cognitive aspects and intellectually substandard children's abilities,
unlike other children whose growth is in the normal category. The long term will affect the quality
of a human beings in the productive period so that in the future it will contribute to an increase in
the incidence of chronic degenerative diseases (Dasman, 2021).
The problem of undernutrition can be overcome using feeding and health practices for
toddlers that aim to restore and improve nutrition and form toddler eating habits in adulthood .
Providing a good food menu for toddlers will help mothers in conducting nutrition education by
utilizing the imagination of toddlers to increase their appetite. The shape of the food served can
affect appetite in toddlers such as giving color variations to food, avoiding foods that make it difficult
for them such as many bones, choosing foods that are soft, easy to process, and highly nutritious
(Akbar et al., 2020).
Various policies and regulations have been issued by the government to overcome stunting.
The policies/regulations includeRencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional (RPJPN) 2005–
2025, Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (RPJM) 2015-2019), Rencana Aksi Nasional Pangan
dan Gizi 2011-2015, Undang-Undang (UU) No. 36/2009 about Health, Peraturan Pemerintah (PP)
No.33/2012 about Exclusive Breast Milk, Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) No. 42/2013 about the
National Movement for the Acceleration of Nutrition Improvement, Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan
(Kepmenkes) No. 450/Menkes/SK/ IV/2004 tentang Exclusive Breastfeeding of Infants in
Indonesia, Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan (Permenkes) No.15/2013 about Procedures for Providing
Special Facilities for Breastfeeding and/or Milking. Permenkes No.3/2014 about Sanitasi Total
Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM), Permenkes No.23/2014 on Efforts to Improve Nutrition, Policy
Framework of the National Movement for the Acceleration of Nutrition in the Framework of
Gerakan Seribu Hari Pertama Kehidupan (Gerakan 1.000 HPK).
Obstacles in carrying out feeding that are often found in the community, especially in
toddlers, are the mistreatment of food intake that is continuously applied daily by families. Starting
from not providing nutritional coverage such as not providing exclusive breastfeeding, providing
supporting food (MP-ASI) too early, the habit of giving snacks that are not nutritious, and so on, and
parental awareness in providing food that suits needs. Even though efforts that can be made in
overcoming malnutrition include increasing the availability of food or food both in quantity and
quality, good and correct parenting (Amrillah, 2020).
In responding to obstacles in carrying out feeding patterns in toddlers, it is important to
carry out prevention efforts, especially by increasing the knowledge of caregivers, this is a solution
to preventing cases of malnutrition in toddlers or children (Sulistyorini, L. N. S. K., & Dewi, 2016).
Another effort that can be carried out is by external roles or encouragement, namely parties related
to the improvement of health services, this is a solution that is also educational while providing
treatment for toddlers who have deficiencies or poor nutrition (Mubarok, 2019).
According to data from the Ministry of Health in 2021 as of July, there were 27.67% of
children suffering from nutritional problems. This ratio indicates that one in four children in
Indonesia has poor nutrition. This of course is also a problem in various regions in Indonesia. The
percentage of cases is also still below the standard set by WHO, which is as much as 20%. From these
data, it shows that cases of malnutrition with evidence of cases of undernutrition that are still high
compared to the standards set by the world make the reason for the community to continue to
improve and care, in terms of fulfilling child nutrition. The fulfillment of children's nutritional status
with good criteria will also encourage the acceleration of human development index development.
From this background, this study was conducted to determine the relationship between feeding
patterns and the nutritional status of toddlers.
The method used uses a literature review from the results of research in 2016-2022 which have been
published in national and international electronic media. Search national articles using google
scholar. International article search using Pubmed, Science Direct, and Pro-Quest using keywords:
Toddler, nutritional status, feeding pattern. Data analysis technique selects literature based on title,
year, and indexed articles, then reviews articles that match the subject matter. the articles from those
journals are compared to find the differences and similarities on toddler nutritional status
measurement, toddler feeding pattern, population, sample, variable, research design, research
Selvyra Eka Masturina, The relationship between feeding patterns and nutritional status of toddlers
156 ISSN 2086-7689 (Print) | 2721-9453 (Online)
Research Place: Posyandu
working area of
Puskesmas Gapura
3 Subarkah Feeding patterns to Journal Injec Research Design: The results showed a strong
(2017) improve nutritional Cross-sectional. relationship between feeding
status in children Population: 154 toddlers patterns and nutritional
after 1-3 years Sample: 154 toddlers status (r = 0.640). The results
Sampling Technique: showed that the feeding
Consecutive sampling pattern was not right with a
Instruments: very thin nutritional status
Questionnaire (44%), and the right feeding
Analysis: Spearman Rho pattern with normal
Free Variable: nutritional status 89.7%).
Feeding Patterns Discussion and Conclusion:
Dependent variable: Efforts to improve the
Children's Nutritional nutritional status of children
Status aged 1-3 years related to
Research Time: feeding patterns should be
2016 increased to achieve normal
Research Venue: nutritional status. Further
Surabaya City research can pay attention to
feeding patterns based on
children's nutritional
adequacy figures.
4 Aryani The Relationship of Journal of Research Design: The results of the study were
dan Feeding Patterns with Priority Cross-sectional based on statistical analysis
Syapitri the Nutritional Status Nursing Population: 67 toddlers using the chi-square test with
(2021) of Toddlers in Bagan Sample: 25 toddlers a significance level of < 0.05,
Percut Sampling Technique: obtained the result ρ= 0.037.
Simple Random A ρ-value smaller than 0.05
Sampling indicates that H1 is accepted
Instruments: and H0 is rejected, meaning
Questionnaire and Z- that there is a relationship
Score table between diet and the
Analysis: Chi-Square nutritional status of toddlers
Test in Percut Sei Tuan District,
Free Variable: Deli Serdang Regency. The
Feeding patterns correlation coefficient (r) =
Dependent Variable: 0.069 which means indicates
Nutritional Status of a strong relationship. The r
Toddlers value is positive, which
Research Time: 2019 means that the more
appropriate the feeding
pattern, the better the
nutritional status of toddlers.
5 Sukmiati The relationship Journal of Research Design: The results showed that there
dan between feeding Aeromedical Cross-sectional was a significant positive
Nafisah patterns and the Health Population: 1 RW relationship that was quite
(2021) nutritional status of Posyandu Kemuning related between feeding
toddlers at Posyandu Sample: 36 toddlers patterns and the nutritional
Kemuning Sampling Technique: status of toddlers
Simple Random characterized by values (ρ=
Sampling 0.044; r = 0.337). Expected the
Instrument: Z-Score officer
Analysis: health at Posyandu to
Spearmen's Rho test improve monitoring activities
Independent Variable: and assessment of nutritional
Feeding Pattern status regularly and also
Dependent variable: provide counseling to
Nutritional Status of mothers of toddlers about
Toddlers good feeding patterns.
Research Time: 2020
Selvyra Eka Masturina, The relationship between feeding patterns and nutritional status of toddlers
158 ISSN 2086-7689 (Print) | 2721-9453 (Online)
Selvyra Eka Masturina, The relationship between feeding patterns and nutritional status of toddlers
160 ISSN 2086-7689 (Print) | 2721-9453 (Online)
Feeding patterns
Feeding patterns are the basis for encouraging the adequacy and fulfillment of toddler food, this is
the most important factor for parents in providing care to toddlers (Sihombing & Sapnita, 2020).
Some things that need to be considered in feeding patterns, namely the age of the child, the frequency
or number of times the mother gives food in a day, the number of feedings or portions for one meal,
food texture, food variety, giving food actively / responsively to children and always maintaining
cleanliness (Wardhani, Kurnia; Utami, Ferisca Maya; Dwiyanti, 2021). The feeding pattern should
take into account the various contents needed at a particular age of the child. One of the important
things is the fulfillment of the main needs, namely animal needs and vegetable needs (Nugroho et
al., 2022).
Feeding patterns are also influenced by the culture of a community or based on eating habits
(food habits) that grow and develop in the family environment through the socialization process
(Ballantyne, Glenda; Podkalicka, 2020 & Grant et al., 2022). This cultural factor then backgrounds the
aspect of nutritional adequacy in toddlers, on the negative side even healthy food if it conflicts with
culture it will be rejected (Pratiwi, Tiara Dwi; Masrul & Yerizel, 2016). In line with research
(Sulistyorini, L. N. S. K., & Dewi, 2016) that in the aspect of biodiversity in each region that results
in staple foods in each region is different. The difference in staple foods is influenced by regional
natural products, as happened in the Madura area where most of the natural products are corn, the
staple food is corn.
Obstacles that occur in aspects of consistent feeding patterns are mostly influenced by the
economic background of parents. This is in line with research conducted by Hapsari dan Ichsan
(2021) and research Mariana et al (2018) that a person's choice of the type and quality of food is also
influenced by the economic level. Low income will limit a person to consume nutritious foods.
Although the provision of food to children is also hindered by various other factors behind it.
Researchers argue that the importance of feeding patterns is mandatory and important that is
absolutely for parents, this is not just an aspect of feeding, but will also have an impact on meeting
nutritional needs in toddlers. Improper feeding patterns are caused by several factors including
economic background factors, and also many mothers who are less painstaking to feed their
Selvyra Eka Masturina, The relationship between feeding patterns and nutritional status of toddlers
162 ISSN 2086-7689 (Print) | 2721-9453 (Online)
problematic, while for toddlers whose feeding patterns are less almost entirely 97.1% of their
nutritional status is problematic. This is in line with the research conducted Subarkah (2017) that
feeding patterns are related to the nutritional status of children aged 1–3 years. Proper feeding
patterns mostly have normal nutritional status and for improper feeding patterns, most have very
thin and thin nutritional status.
Research conducted Aryani dan Syapitri (2021) shows a significant relationship between
feeding patterns and nutritional status in children under five. Fulfillment of optimal nutrition will
make children healthy and grow according to the phase of development. The impact of feeding on
the nutritional status of children who develop according to their phases, in general, can be measured
from anthropometric standards of children, children's weight and height (Roisye et al., 2021).
Fulfillment of poor nutrition will hurt children's growth, especially stunting. This stunting will be
one of the factors that greatly disrupt children's growth and development. Child development will
not be able to run optimally, because several aspects of nutritional needs are not met (Chudal, 2018).
Different opinions were expressed based on the results of research by Khayati and
Munawaroh (2018) which showed no relationship between feeding patterns. Researchers assume
that the abnormal nutritional status that occurs in children under five in Kunden Village is not
caused by feeding patterns. Genetic factors or factors brought by children from parents are factors
that cause children to have the abnormal nutritional status.
Nutritional problems are essentially public health problems, and their causes are influenced
by various factors related to one another. In addition to the needs in the physical aspect, children
also need guidance and love from parents so that children have the right to get the best care because
one of the factors that play an important role in fulfilling the nutritional status of children is
parenting (Noorhasanah, Evy & Tauhidah, 2021).
Based on the results of a review that has been carried out on 10 journal articles from the Google
scholar, PubMed, Pro-Quest databases, there are several conclusions, including (1) The feeding
pattern given by the majority of parents is good by paying attention to the frequency, variety, and
feeding schedule in children; (2) The majority of journal articles state that nutritional status in
toddlers is normal and good if you pay attention to diet and the type of food consumed every day;
(3) All journal articles say that children's feeding patterns can influence or have a relationship with
nutritional status in toddlers. Proper feeding patterns have a positive impact on the nutritional status
of toddlers and there is a relationship between feeding patterns and the nutritional status of toddlers,
so it is important for parents to provide the best food so that nutritional needs in children can be
met. With the fulfillment of nutrition in children, it can also encourage child growth and
development as it should. It is expected for parents or caregivers to better understand and apply
nutritious food for toddlers to grow and develop optimally. The limitation of this research is that it
only examines the published research literature, researchers can then examine factors that affect the
nutritional status of toddlers.
Abantika Bagchi, Jadab Chandra Sardar, & Prasanta Roy Karmakar. (2021). Feeding Practice and Nutritional
Status of Under Five Children: A Cross Sectional Descriptive Study in a Slum Community of West Bengal.
International Journal of Research and Review, 8(2).
Abi Khalil, H., Hawi, M., & Hoteit, M. (2022). Feeding Patterns, Mother-Child Dietary Diversity and Prevalence
of Malnutrition Among Under-Five Children in Lebanon: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on Retrospective
Recall. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9.
Amrillah, N. W. (2020). Hubungan Pola Makan Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita 24-59 Bulan Di Rw 07
Desa Cipacing Wilayah Kerja Uptd Puskesmas Jatinangor. Keprewatan.
Aryani, N., & Syapitri, H. (2021). Hubungan pola pemberian makan dengan status gizi balita di Bagan Percut.
Selvyra Eka Masturina, The relationship between feeding patterns and nutritional status of toddlers
164 ISSN 2086-7689 (Print) | 2721-9453 (Online)