]'- r 'i,
' Flrst Action 1926 i
Bt, Determinqligq: :, .,,,..
Final Action
",[ei8fr,r1g,ne?rest 9,9i,8, 5-25 g pre,pared test portion,
Softert sample, if necessary, by gentle heat, taking care not to melt it. centaining <109:.@g, tlror,,into tiqation vesqel, dissolve in
When soft enough, mix thoroughly with effective mechanical-mixer anbyr,flpuu, CHCl3--methyl .alcohol. Titrate. w,ith.undiluted or
Weigti S t O.Z g prepared test portion into Al moisture dish ca 5 cm ililuted (1, + l),Karl'lFischer reagent to electrornetric end point:
diameter and 2 cm
deep with tight-fit slip-over cover. Dry to Car,ry'outlb.lank te$t Using Same amouots of reagent, diluenl and
solvents. Subtiact blank' titer.
constant weight in vacuum oven at uniform temperature 20"*25oC
abovebp of HrO atworkingpiessure, which shouldbe <100 mmHg
(13.3 kPa)..Cool in efficient desiccator 30 min and weigh. Constant mL reagent xC
weight is attained when successive I g test portion xI0
h drying periods show
additional loss of <0.05%. Report % loss in weight as moisture and
volatile matter. (Nofe: Pyridine-free Karl Fischer reagents are available from
laboratory reagent suppliers.)
Rbferences: Ind. Eng. Chem. 18, 1347 (1926).
Chapter4l, p.3
If test sample and HrO are weighed in same pycnometer, at same firmly and move alidade backward or forward until field of vision is
temperarure (7), divided into light and dark portion. Line dividing these portions is
"border line," and, as a rule, will not be sharp line but band of color.
Specific gravity, = W1,,1" Colors are eliminated by rotating screw head of compensator until
sharp, colorless line is obtained. Adjust border line so that it falls on
Repeatability.-Difference between results of 2 determinations
point of intersection of cross hairs. Read n of substance directly on
done simultaneously or in quick succession by same analyst should
scale of sectoq estimating 4th decimal place. Take )3 readings,
not exceed 2 units of 4th decimal place.
approaching intersection alternately from orle field to other, and
References: Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats, and
Deriyatives (1979) 6th Ed., Pergamon Press, New
York, NY, USA.
Taylor, J.K. (1967) Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Table 921.08. Butyrorefractometer readings and indexes of
I.M. Kolthoff & P.J. Elving (Eds), Interscience
Publishers, New York, NV, USa, Part I, Sec..D-4, lndex of lndex of
Vol. 7, Ch. 8l, "Measurement of Density and refraction
Specific Gravity,': pp 4561-4610. 40.0 1.4524 60.0 '1.4659
where R: reading reduced to standard temperature, R' reading : 49.0 1.4586 69.0 1.4717
obtained at temperature I', I:
standard temperature, and, K: 49.5 1.4590 69.5 1.4720
0.55 for fats and 0.58 for oils. 50.0 1.4593 70.0 1.4723
Readings of instruments that give n directly can be reduced to 50.5 1.4596 70.5 1.4726
standard temperature by substituting factor 0.000365 for 0.55 and 51 .0 1.4600 71.0 1.4729
0.000385 for 0.58 in formula. As temperature rises, n falls. 5'1.5 '1.4603 71.5 1.4732
Instrument used may be standardized with H2O at20"C, theoretical
52.0 1.4607 72.0 1.4735
n of H2O at that temperature being 1.3330. Any correction found
52.5 .4610 72.5 1.4738
should be made on all readings. .Indei of refraction varies with
, '?,,' ,,i:,
AOAC Offiqiat Method 965.33
Peroxide Value of Oils and Fats
Titration Method
First Action 196e ' ::
jli i' Fiiiil.AGtio#*069;' ;.,
\ Chapter 41, P.12
B. Determination
5 00 i 0 05 c itto 250 mL
(a) Fats and olls.-Weigh tT l"^1:l
glass-stoppered Erleruneyer' Add 30 mL CHTCOOH-CHC1:'
0.5 mL saftirated KI solution' (b)' from
olrrO s*lri io dissolve. Add
add 30 ml
frlot, plp",, 1et stand with occasional shaking 1 min' and
shaking until
HrOr Sl"*fy titrate with 0.1M Na2S2O3 with vigorous
solution' and
yato* is aimost gone. Add ca O'S rnl- 1% starch
to release all from CHC13
Lontinue titration, ,fruki,g vigorously
is used'
iuy.., untit blue just disappears' If <0'5 mL 0'1M Na2S203
repeat determination with 0'01M Na2S2O3'
(must be <0'1 mL 0'1M
Clonduct blank determination daily
Na2S2O3). Subtract from test portion tihation'
!. :- r-
' AOAC Officiat Method g4l.2g
. -Fatty Acids (Free)
in Crude and Reiined Oits
Titration Method !,.i
alcohol and tihate with