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What are the causes of over speed and how alternators are protected from it? Sudden loss of all or major part of the load causes over-speeding in alternators. Modern alternators are provided with mechanical centrifugal devices mounted on their driving shafts to trip the main valve of the prime mover when a dangerous over-speed occurs. 2. What are the main types of stator winding faults? Fault between phase and ground; fault between phases and inter-turn fault involving turns of the same phase winding. 3. Give the limitations of Merz Price protection. Since neutral earthing resistances are often used to protect circuit from earth-fault currents, it becomes impossible to protect the whole of a star-connected alternator. If an earth-fault occurs near the neutral point, the voltage may be insufficient to operate the relay. Also it is extremely difficult to find two identical CTs. In addition to this, there always an inherent phase difference between the primary and the secondary quantities and a possibility of current through the relay even when there is no fault. 4. What are the uses of Buchholzs relay? Bucholz relay is used to give an alarm in case of incipient( slow-developing) faults in the transformer and to connect the transformer from the supply in the event of severe internal faults. It is usually used in oil immersion transformers with a rating over 750KVA. 5. What are the types of graded used in line of radial relay feeder? Definite time relay and inverse-definite time relay. 6. What are the various faults that would affect an alternator? (a) Stator faults 1, Phase to phase faults 2, Phase to earth faults 3, Inter turn faults (b) 1, Earth faults 2, Fault between turns 3, Loss of excitation due to fuel failure (c) 1, Over speed 2, Loss of drive 3, Vacuum failure resulting in condenser pressure rise, resulting in shattering of the turbine low pressure casing (d) 1, Fault on lines 2, Fault on busbars

7. Why neutral resistor is added between neutral and earth of an alternator? In order to limit the flow of current through neutral and earth a resistor is introduced between them. 8. What is the backup protection available for an alternator? Overcurrent and earth fault protection is the backup protections. 9. What are faults associated with an alternator? (a) External fault or through fault (b) Internal fault 1, Short circuit in transformer winding and connection 2, Incipient or slow developing faults 10. What are the main safety devices available with transformer? Oil level guage, sudden pressure delay, oil temperature indicator, winding temperature indicator . 11. What are the limitations of Buchholz relay? (a) Only fault below the oil level are detected. (b) Mercury switch setting should be very accurate, otherwise even for vibration, there can be a false operation. (c) The relay is of slow operating type, which is unsatisfactory. 12. What are the problems arising in differential protection in power transformer and how are they overcome? Difference in lengths of pilot wires on either sides of the relay. This is overcome by connecting adjustable resistors to pilot wires to get equipotential points on the pilot wires. Difference in CT ratio error difference at high values of short circuit currents that makes the relay to operate even for external or through faults. This is overcome by introducing bias coil. Tap changing alters the ratio of voltage and currents between HV and LV sides and the relay will sense this and act. Bias coil will solve this. Magnetizing inrush current appears wherever a transformer is energized on its primary side producing harmonics. No current will be seen by the secondary. CTs as there is no load in the circuit. This difference in current will actuate the differential relay. A harmonic restraining unit is added to the relay which will block it when the transformer is energized. 13. What is REF relay? It is restricted earth fault relay. When the fault occurs very near to the neutral point of the transformer, the voltage available to drive the earth circuit is very small,which may not be sufficient to activate the relay, unless the relay is set for a very low current. Hence the zone of protection in the winding of the transformer is restricted to cover only around 85%. Hence the relay is called REF relay.

14. What is over fluxing protection in transformer? If the turns ratio of the transformer is more than 1:1, there will be higher core loss and the capability of the transformer to withstand this is limited to a few minutes only.This phenomenon is called over fluxing. 15. Why busbar protection is needed? (a) Fault level at busbar is high (b) The stability of the system is affected by the faults in the bus zone. (c) A fault in the bus bar causes interruption of supply to a large portion of the system network. 16. What are the merits of carrier current protection? Fast operation, auto re-closing possible, easy discrimination of simultaneous faults . 17. What are the errors in CT? (a) Ratio error Percentage ratio error = [(Nominal ratio Actual ratio)/Actual ratio] x 100 The value of transformation ratio is not equal to the turns ratio. (b) Phase angle error 18. What is field suppression? When a fault occurs in an alternator winding even though the generator circuit breaker is tripped, the fault continues to fed because EMF is induced in the generator itself. Hence the field circuit breaker is opened and stored energy in the field winding is discharged through another resistor. This method is known as field suppression. 19. What are the causes of bus zone faults? _ Failure of support insulator resulting in earth fault _ Flashover across support insulator during over voltage _ Heavily polluted insulator causing flashover _ Earthquake, mechanical damage etc. 20. What are the problems in bus zone differential protection? _ Large number of circuits, different current levels for different circuits for external faults. _ Saturation of CT cores due to dc component and ac component in short circuit currents. The saturation introduces ratio error. _ Sectionalizing of the bus makes circuit complicated. _ Setting of relays need a change with large load changes. 21. What are the types of feeders in power system. 22. What is meant by radial feeder? 23. What is the disadvantage of radial feeder? 24. What are the relays used for time graded protection in radial feeders.

16 M QUESTIONS 1. Enumerate the relaying schemes which are employed for the protection of a modern alternator. (16) 2. (i) What is transverse or split phase protection of an alternator? (4) (ii) What type of fault is this scheme of protection employed? (4) (iii) With a neat sketch discuss the working principle of this scheme. (8) 3. What type of a protective device is used for the protection of an alternator against overheating of its (a) stator (b) rotor? Discuss them in brief. (8+8) 4. What type of a protective scheme is employed for the protection of the field winding of the alternator against ground faults? (16) 5. Discuss the protection employed against loss of excitation of an alternator. (16) 6. (i) What do you understand by field suppression of an alternator? (8) (ii) How is it achieved? (8) 7. Briefly discuss the protection of an alternator against. (i) Vibration of distortion of motor (4) (ii) Bearing overheating (4) (iii) Auxiliary failure (4) (iv) Voltage regulator failure (4) 8. What type of pilot protection is used for EHV and UHV transmission lines. (16) 9. (i) What is carrier protection? (4) (ii) For what voltage range is it used for the protection of transmission line? (4) (iii) What are its merits and demerits? (8) 10. (i) What is carrier aided distance protection. (4) (ii) What are its different types? (4) (iii) Discuss the permissive under-reach transfer tripping scheme of protection(8) 11. (a) Draw and explain the merz-price protection of alternator stator winding. (10) (b) A generator is protected by restricted earth fault protection. The generator ratings are 13.2kv, 10MVA. The percentage of winding protected against phase to ground fault is 85%. The relay setting is such that it trips for 20% out of balance calculate the resistance to be added in the neutral to ground connection.(6)


1. Draw the schematic diagram for the biased differential protection of alternator. 2. For the Merzs price circulating current system for the protection of a 1000KVA, 11KV/400V delta-star 3 phase transformer, find the turns ratios of the current transformers for a nominal 5A secondary current. 3. List the various schemes of protection for feeders. 4. Differentiate between a current transformer and a power transformer. 5. What is the use of line traps in carrier current relaying? 6. Mention the differences between the current transformers used for protection and measurement. 7. A three phase transformer having line voltage ratio of 440 V/ 11 kV is connected in star/delta. The protection transformers on the LV side have a current ratio of 500/5. What must be the ratio of protection transformer connected on HV side? 8. Draw a protection scheme to detect a turn-turn fault in a winding of an alternator. 9. What are the main types of stator winding faults? 10. Give the limitations of Merz Price protection. 11. What is REF relay?

1. Explain (i) Merzs price protection of alternator (ii) Stator inter turn protection of alternator (iii) High speed impedance protection of transmission lines (16). 2. Write short notes on Buchholzs relay and translay relay (16) 3. Discuss the merits and demerits of various pilot wire relaying schemes for the protection of transmission lines (8). 4. Explain the differential protection of Delta/Star power transformer (6). 5. Explain clearly how ring main feeders are protected by graded time lag directional relays (8). 6. Describe the carrier current phase comparison relaying (8). 7. A 3 phase, 10 MVA,6.6kV alternator supplies a load of 8MVA at 0.8 pf and is being protected through Merzs price circulating current system and its relays are so set that they do not operate until the out of balance current occurs at 20% of full load current. Calculate the value of earth resistance to be protected in order to ensure

that only 10% of alternator winding remains unprotected. Assume alternator reactance of 10%. Neglect resistance of the alternator (10). 8. Identify and explain the different protection schemes necessary for the protection of a power transformer (16). 9. Explain earth fault protection and restricted earth fault protection (12). 10. Explain carrier system of protection with a suitable block diagram (8). 11. Explain the principle of operation of circulating current differential protection and balanced voltage differential protection and compare them (16). 12. An alternator stator winding protected by a percentage differential relay is shown in the Fig. The relay has 15% slope of characteristics (I1 - I 2) against (I1 + I 2 )/2. The high resistance ground fault has occurred near the grounded neutral end of the generator winding while the generator is carrying load. The currents flowing at each end of the generator winding are also shown. Assuming C.T. ratio to be 500/5 A, will the relay operate to trip the circuit breaker? (16)

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