The Role of Telemedicine, In-Home Testing and Artificial Intelligence To Alleviate An Increasingly Burdened Healthcare System: Diabetic Retinopathy
The Role of Telemedicine, In-Home Testing and Artificial Intelligence To Alleviate An Increasingly Burdened Healthcare System: Diabetic Retinopathy
The Role of Telemedicine, In-Home Testing and Artificial Intelligence To Alleviate An Increasingly Burdened Healthcare System: Diabetic Retinopathy
Received: April 12, 2021 / Accepted: May 15, 2021 / Published online: June 22, 2021
Ó The Author(s) 2021
Keywords: Artificial intelligence in diabetic patients who present with early stages of dia-
retinopathy screening; Automated diabetic betic retinopathy. Therefore, a natural solution
retinopathy screening; Diabetic retinopathy to the problem of diabetic eye diseases seems to
screening; Smartphone diabetic retinopathy be diabetic retinopathy screening. The rules of
testing; Telemedicine in diabetic retinopathy screening in medicine were established in 1968
screening by Wilson and Jungner and were accepted by
the World Health Organization (WHO) [3, 4].
The basic principles for disease screening
Key Summary Points
include the following: the condition sought
should be an important health problem; there
The future role of the ophthalmologist in
should be an accepted treatment for patients
diabetic retinopathy (DR) care will be
with recognized disease; facilities for diagnosis
focused on consultations of difficult and
and treatment should be available; there should
complicated cases and their treatment.
be a recognizable latent or early symptomatic
Telemedicine augmented by artificial stage; there should be a suitable test or exami-
intelligence (AI) will make the DR nation; the test should be acceptable to the
screening system more effective and population; the natural history of the condi-
cheaper, with better coverage of the tion, including development from latent to
diabetic population. declared disease, should be adequately under-
stood; there should be an agreed policy on
The screening of DR will be done by eye whom to treat as patients; the cost of case
technicians, general practitioners or by finding (including diagnosis and treatment of
patients themselves supported by AI. patients diagnosed) should be economically
balanced in relation to possible expenditure on
medical care as a whole; and case finding should
be a continuing process and not a ‘‘once and for
all’’ project. Despite huge improvement in dia-
DIGITAL FEATURES betic retinopathy detection due to screening,
there is still a problem with efficiency. A useful
This article is published with digital features, tool for diabetic retinopathy screening is artifi-
including a summary slide, to facilitate under- cial intelligence (AI) used together with tele-
standing of the article. To view digital features medicine techniques.
for this article go to The term ‘‘telemedicine’’ was defined in the
m9.figshare.14589417 1970s by Strehle and Shabde and meant ‘‘heal-
ing at a distance’’ [5]. WHO introduced a stan-
dardized definition of telemedicine as ‘‘the
INTRODUCTION delivery of healthcare services, where distance is
a critical factor, by all healthcare professionals
Diabetes is a prevalent global disease. According using information and communication tech-
to estimates, the number of diabetic people nologies for the exchange of valid information
worldwide was a staggering 415 million in 2015, for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dis-
and this is still expected to rise and very likely to ease and injuries, research and evaluation, and
reach 642 million by 2040 [1]. Diabetic for the continuing education of healthcare
retinopathy (DR) is one of the leading causes of providers, all in the interests of advancing the
vision loss in working-age patients [2]. The dis- health of individuals and their communities’’
ease usually remains asymptomatic until visual [6]. Telemedicine relies on information and
acuity decreases, but in most cases, it can be communication technology (ICT), defined as a
detected with retinal imaging techniques even ‘‘diverse set of technological tools and resources
in its early stages. It is known that the best used to transmit, store, create, share or
treatment options and prognosis are for exchange information. These technological
Ophthalmol Ther (2021) 10:445–464 447
tools and resources include computers, the and was initially based on single-field Polaroid
Internet (websites, blogs, and emails), live fundus photographs, and later on digital single-
broadcasting technologies (radio, television, field retinal images [11].
and webcasting), recorded broadcasting tech- The aim of this paper is to evaluate currently
nologies (podcasting, audio and video players available imaging teleophthalmology schemes
and storage devices), and telephony (fixed or for the detection of diabetic retinopathy and to
mobile, satellite, visio/video-conferencing, discuss the existing screening possibilities as
etc.)’’ [7]. An innovative combination of well as the role of artificial intelligence as a
screening by means of fundus cameras, OCT diagnostic tool. The paper also aims to define
and other devices with telemedicine ushered in the advantages and disadvantages of this
the era of teleophthalmology, which could be examination method.
applied both in ophthalmology offices and in
non-eye care settings, including primary care
offices. This comes with the possibility of METHODS
remote grading and appropriate follow-up eye
care. Growing global enthusiasm for the use of We searched the PubMed database for papers
telemedicine in screening of diabetic retinopa- published over the last 5 years (2015–2020)
thy has led to the appearance of many publi- using the following key words: telemedicine in
cations over the last few years. diabetic retinopathy screening, diabetic
Of all diabetic patients worldwide, 75% live retinopathy screening, automated diabetic
in low- or middle-income countries [1]. For retinopathy screening, artificial intelligence in
patients living in rural environments, eye tele- diabetic retinopathy screening, smartphone
screening may sometimes be the only way to diabetic retinopathy testing.
gain access to professional examination and We selected 118 original English-language
treatment. Several studies found that this articles on the use of imaging methods in DR
method produced the same clinical results as screening which met the above criteria for
direct ophthalmological examination [8]. In inclusion in this paper.
public healthcare systems, the waiting time for This article is based on previously conducted
a professional ophthalmologist appointment studies and does not contain any new studies
can be very long, owing to shortage of special- with human participants or animals performed
ists and partially due to lack of cooperation by any of the authors.
between a patient and a doctor. Of all diabetic
patients, only 34.8% have ever received a dila-
ted fundus examination by an ophthalmologist
[9]. In England, diabetic retinal screening with
two-field digital mydriatic photographic exam-
ination for all diabetic patients successfully
reduced the prevalence of blindness in working- Stable, Classic Non-mydriatic Fundus
age patients [10]. An additional advantage of Cameras
telemedicine is its safety of use during the SARS- Digital fundus cameras, usually non-mydriatic
CoV-2 pandemic, for both patients and medical ones, have become the classic screening diag-
professionals. We have previously reviewed nostic systems. These systems of non-mydriatic
current methods and programs used in diabetic fundus cameras can be stably mounted in one
retinopathy screening adopted in different parts location and were also the most popular in our
of the world [11]. One of the most efficient review. This is probably because they are rela-
national screening programs is in the United tively simple to operate, can be maintained by
Kingdom, where color fundus two- or one-field trained technicians, and so can be successfully
images are graded in specially dedicated grading used in the primary care setting. Non-mydriatic,
centers. The first diabetic retinopathy screening non-stereo cameras were also among the first to
program ever was started in Singapore in 1991 be used in diabetic retinopathy screening, and
448 Ophthalmol Ther (2021) 10:445–464
their use is well established in the field [12–60]. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)-Based
More accurate but at the same time more com- Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
plicated methods have involved the use of Some authors recommend the use of OCT
seven-field ETDRS standard stereoscopic pho- devices for more accurate and reliable detection
tographs of the eye fundus. Those images had to of macular edema [23, 44, 58, 72–76].
be taken with a wide pupil, by very experienced
photographers; grading was also technically Portable Fundus Cameras
more difficult [61–63]. Six pairs of stereo images The use of a portable fundus camera allows
of each eye were taken by Park et al. [64], three patients from rural parts of the country to be
pairs of stereo images were taken by Silva et al. tested for the presence of diabetic retinopathy
[65], and two pairs of two-field stereo images [77]. This method involves the use of a portable,
were taken by Bursell et al. [66] and by Mans- non-mydriatic, handheld, lightweight digital
berger et al. [67]. fundus camera with a 45° field of view. It is
supported by a trained nurse or technician
Mobile Classic Non-mydriatic Fundus using an educational pamphlet translated into
Cameras (moved from location to location) local languages, highlighting the importance of
A more effective solution, generating lower regular eye screening. These images can be used
costs and allowing for wider coverage (up to in initial screening for the presence of disease,
70% of the diabetic population), is the classic and can help determine whether patients
non-mydriatic fundus camera which can be require a dilated exam by an ophthalmologist
moved from one location to another place of [32, 78–81]. Web-based portable fundus cameras
examination. This usually follows a previously were presented by Keshvardoost et al. [82].
planned scheme [68]. Zhang et al. [83] concluded in their study that
handheld fundus cameras were sufficiently
Mobile, On-Vehicle Hard-Mounted Diagnostic efficient in DR screening.
In order to optimize the use of current diag- Smartphone-Based Retinal Imaging
nostic resources, diagnostic sets can be hard- Smartphones are nowadays the most common
mounted on vehicles. Ultra-wide-field imaging portable devices used worldwide. In ophthal-
is more accurate than classic non-mydriatic mology they can be used for ophthalmological
cameras and, when hard-mounted on a vehicle, examination. There are several types of smart-
is an even more perfect screening set [69]. phone adapters, making it possible to see and
Mobile screening sets have even been specially take a picture of the eye fundus, with or without
named ‘‘virtual clinics’’ and are based on ultra- pupil dilation; these include Peek Retina [84]
wide-field and classic non-mydriatic cameras and D-Eye adapter, adapters for smartphones
[50, 70]. Mobile DR screening vans have also such as the iExaminer, or all-in-one devices
been used in China to take care of diabetic such as the Horus Scope and Smartscope PRO
patients [27]. [85], a wide-field smartphone fundus video
camera, and CellScope Retina, a retinal imaging
Ultra-Wide-Field (UWF) Diagnostic Sets system [87, 88]. Smartphones are also used for
A more effective and more accurate method of monocular indirect ophthalmoscopy with
diabetic retinopathy screening is assessment by application of the 20D Volk lens, and a plastic
means of ultra-wide-field fundus cameras, in adapter to hold the lens in one piece with the
some cases combined with macular OCT, to phone (EyeArt) [89]. Various healthcare workers
improve the detection of macular edema can potentially operate a smartphone-based
[41–44, 41–44, 36–39, 67, 69, 71, 72]. UWF as a retinal imaging device [84, 89, 90], as their use
stereo pair was reported by Silva et al. [65]. is not restricted to qualified staff [84, 86–88, 90].
The effectiveness, defined as the number of
changes in the posterior segment identified by
Ophthalmol Ther (2021) 10:445–464 449
23, 24, 26–29, 32, 33, 35, 42–45, 47–52, 54, future. AI can be divided into three types:
56, 64, 67–75, 79, 81–83], certified technicians supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised
and nurses; in more complicated cases, the data [100]. The taxonomy is based on the possibility
are reevaluated by retinal specialists [12, 15, 20, of adjustment of some parameters during the
31, 41, 44, 59, 63, 66, 78, 102]. training phase, which are collected in response
To reduce problems with under- or over- to a specific performance, until acceptable com-
evaluation, two or more readers can participate pliance is achieved. AI can use multiple retinal
in examinations [53, 80]. There can also be two detectors to find special features on the retina
or more masked reviewers, who check the same which were pathognomonic for diabetic
data, and a third reviewer or more for incon- retinopathy, for example hemorrhages, exu-
sistent decisions [18, 52, 80]. Prior to com- dates, microaneurysms, and nonlinear remod-
mencement of work, some readers have eling of the outer retinal layers. The detected
completed a special training program or changes are then classified by the system as
obtained a certificate for retinal evaluation normal or abnormal and the final output is
[17, 18, 48, 52]. generated. This type of AI is categorized as
lesion-based, because it is used for detecting
Artificial Intelligence relevant abnormal lesions. Artificial intelligence
AI is a technology created to mimic the per- can also integrate one or more multilayer neural
ception and information processing of the networks which are trained to associate diag-
human brain by a machine to make objective nostic outputs on disease level, for instance for
decisions [73]. It can improve the quality and a retinal image. Each image is analyzed and
efficacy of ophthalmic examinations as well as compared to a large corresponding output in a
reduce the costs. Over the past 5 years, artificial training set. Based on this pixel data of changes
intelligence systems have undergone dynamic characteristic of diabetic retinopathy, the sys-
changes and are expected to be evaluated in the tem learns how to grade images. In most
Ophthalmol Ther (2021) 10:445–464 451
studies, AI is based on color fundus examina- The EyeArt system, a CE-marked IIa medical
tion imaging [73]. Optical coherence tomogra- device developed by Eyenuk, Inc., Los Angeles,
phy (OCT) and OCT angiography (OCTA) have CA, USA, is cloud-based with telemedicine
also been integrated into AI systems, but it was software. The algorithm automatically excludes
very challenging to create a database for a large, pictures of inadequate quality and offers the
multicenter system [73]. possibility for macroaneurysm turnover assess-
In order to classify images using artificial ment. Its screening sensitivity is 91.7% (95% CI
intelligence, various quantitative parameters 91.3–92.1%) and specificity is 91.5% (95% CI
are needed. In one study, OCTA vessel maps 91.2–91.7%) [5]. Eyenuk, Inc. also offers
and skeletal maps were extracted from OCT another algorithm, EyeMark, for macroa-
scans and vascular features were measured, neurysm turnover assessment. This software can
including blood vessel tortuosity (BVT), blood also work on smartphone app-based images
vascular caliber (BVC), vessel perimeter index (tested on a Remidio Fundus on Phone device),
(VPI), blood vessel density (BVD), foveal with 95.8% sensitivity for any DR and speci-
avascular zone (FAZ) area (FAZ-A) and FAZ ficity of 80.2% [6].
contour irregularity (FAZ-CI) [73]. All these Google Inc. developed a convolutional neu-
parameters were recalculated and compared ral network-based algorithm for automatic DR
between healthy patients and patients diag- detection [7]. This system can be tweaked for
nosed with diabetic retinopathy and sickle cell higher specificity (93.9%) and sensitivity
retinopathy [82]. The optimal feature combi- (96.1%) for referable DR prediction.
nation directly correlated with the most sig- Singapore SERI-NUS, presented by Ting et al.
nificant morphological changes in the retina. [109], is a deep learning-based algorithm for DR
It also had limitations, however, including detection, with sensitivity of 90.5% and speci-
severe artifacts, segmentation errors and ficity of 91.6% for referable DR. This software
errors in reconstruction, which had to be was also used for the detection of suspected
identified and eliminated. glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration
The IDX-DR was developed from the Iowa (AMD).
Detection Program (IDP) and is based on con- The Bosch DR algorithm is a convolutional
volutional neural networks [103–105]. Through neural network-based AI system used on the
the addition of new deep learning features to Bosch Mobile Eye Care fundus cameras with the
IDP, specificity improved from 54.9% for IDP to following output: disease/no disease and picture
87% for IDX-DR, while the high sensitivity of quality assessment. This system showed sensi-
IDP and IDX-DR remained unchanged [103]. tivity of 91% and specificity of 96% [61].
This AI algorithm also achieved Food and Drug RetinaLyze, a CE-marked Class I device soft-
Administration (FDA) approval as the first FDA- ware system with end-to-end encryption, is an
approved fully autonomous AI diagnostic sys- algorithm for automatic eye fundus image
tem [106]. This algorithm is designed to work analysis for DR, glaucoma and AMD detection
with the Topcon non-mydriatic NW400 fundus with website-based assessment. Its sensitivity
camera to take macula- and disc-centered pic- for DR detection is 93.1% and specificity is
tures of each eye. 71.6% [110–112].
Retmarker DR is a Portuguese machine Gargeya and Leng presented their DR detec-
learning algorithm for DR detection as ‘‘disease’’ tion deep learning-based algorithm [113]. They
or ‘‘no disease,’’ and requires subsequent human used this system both on desktop hardware and
verification [107]. This system is able to com- on an iPhone 5 and achieved sensitivity of 93%
pare current retina pictures with previously and specificity of 87% for disease and no disease
taken pictures and to assess worsening or diagnosis.
improvement of DR state [108]. Its sensitivity Li et al. tested their deep learning-based
for referable DR is 85%. This algorithm is a CE- algorithm for DR detection. They presented
marked Class IIa medical device. external validation tests for referable DR with
92.5% sensitivity and 98.5% specificity [114].
452 Ophthalmol Ther (2021) 10:445–464
Alam et al. [73] proposed a supervised for image evaluation, with shorter time for bad
machine learning-based approach in which a image quality and longer time for good quality.
support vector machine (SVM) classifier was The current results can be accessed at http://
trained to evaluate diabetic retinopathy with
multi-task AI classification, using quantitative Walton et al. [60] tested the efficacy of an
OCTA features. There were three steps to automated algorithm based on a neural network
achieve validation of the OCTA image. The first (Intelligent Retinal Imaging System, IRIS) for
was image data acquisition. The second step was DR detection, reported as ‘‘referral’’ or ‘‘obser-
the hierarchical backward elimination tech- vation.’’ The authors concluded that their soft-
nique supported by SVM, which was used to ware had high sensitivity (66% compared to
identify an optimal feature combination for the human grading), with specificity of 72.8% and a
best diagnostic accuracy and the most efficient very low rate of false negatives (2%), so the
classification. As the third step, multilayer diagnosis could be an effective alternative to
hierarchical tasks were performed to create human grading.
classification of normal retina and disease,
inner disease classification for diabetic Remote Grading
retinopathy and sickle cell retinopathy, and The obtained retinal image data were assessed
grading of each disease. remotely. It was possible to transfer the data via
Stevenson et al. [115] created a convolu- web and receive immediate online diagnosis
tional neural network-based algorithm for color [25, 29]. There was also a special teleretinal
fundus photo-based detection of DR, glaucoma screening software platform used [16, 22, 26, 27,
and AMD. The average sensitivity for each dis- 29, 30, 35, 37, 44, 47, 51, 54,
ease was 75% and average specificity was 89%. 56, 59, 65–67, 69, 70, 72, 75, 81, 97] or, alter-
Kanagasingam et al. [22] checked the use- natively, access to all information could be
fulness of AI in diabetic eye fundus photograph obtained through a special account on a medi-
grading in Australia. They created their own AI cal platform.
system for (1) the detection of DR versus no DR, The length of time the patients had to wait
(2) the detection of hard exudates and microa- for the result of the examination was also
neurysms, and (3) assessment of the severity of important. It could be obtained almost in real
DR, based on the International Clinical Diabetic time [77], or it could be minutes [25, 29], hours
Retinopathy Disease Severity Scale criteria. They or days [38]. If direct contact was not possible
achieved 92% specificity and a positive predic- through a teleretinal platform, the patients had
tive value of 12%. to wait for their examination results, and they
Saha et al. [24] proposed their own AI (deep were informed whether an additional appoint-
convolution neural network) system to ment in an ophthalmology center was needed.
instantly check the quality of eye retina pictures This could be done by phone, letter or email
meant for telescreening of DR, which saved sent to the patient and to their primary care
time waiting for the final diagnosis by elimi- physicians [38] or just to their primary care
nating the need for repeated examinations. The doctor; the results were then shown to the
results were obtained as ‘‘accept’’ or ‘‘reject’’ an patient during the next follow-up appointment.
image. The ‘‘reject’’ result meant a retake of the
fundus picture. The authors achieved 97% Limitations and Positive Aspects
agreement between the AI algorithm and con- of Telescreening of DR
trol human grading (accuracy of 100%).
Pedrosa et al. [57] presented a multidisci-
There were many limitations related to tele-
plinary collaborative platform based on
medicine highlighted by numerous researchers.
machine learning to create an algorithm to help
The authors of several publications reported
diagnose DR by evaluating image quality, dis-
some problems in obtaining retinal images of
carding healthy eyes and DR grading. The
good quality. Reasons for that included a small
results were presented as average time needed
Ophthalmol Ther (2021) 10:445–464 453
pupil of the examined eye and the need to take problems, distrust of the recommended hospi-
images after mydriasis [25, 82]. This was why tal, making the referral appointment, fear of
some authors suggested screening with a wide examination and treatment, no response to
pupil [14, 41]. Another cause of low-quality previous treatment and no sensation of being ill
photographs was poor transparency of optic [28, 29, 56, 116–118]. In an attempt to reduce
media caused by cataract and other opacities the negative effects of poor education, tele-
[13, 14, 21, 23, 25, 80, 82, 97–100]. screening was combined with diabetes educa-
There were also significant problems regard- tion, which improved diabetes control
ing telemedicine programs associated with a [24, 26, 39].
growing demand for trained/certified eye fun- There were also problems with telescreening
dus photographers [81] and image readers for DR, such as the need for expensive and
[18, 63]. As a solution to that problem, training complex systems to detect all stages of DR [44]
in picture-taking could be offered to nurses and or a long waiting time for the final diagnosis
technicians [12, 15, 18, 22, 23, 27, 31–34, after image acquisition [38, 99]. Here, AI algo-
38, 42–45, 47, 48, 50, 52–57, 60, 63, 64, 68, rithms could offer a solution as an effective
70–72, 74, 79–81, 98–100]. One promising alternative to human grading [14, 43, 60, 73].
solution was in-home testing, where patients Automated systems are cost-effective [40] and
themselves took pictures of their retinas [97]. can check the image quality instantaneously,
Grading could then be performed by certified thereby saving money and time otherwise nee-
technicians and nurses [71, 101, 102] or by AI, ded for follow-up appointments [14, 24, 61].
replacing retina specialists [14, 43, 60, 73, 100]. Those systems reduced waiting time for DR
The need for advanced and expensive screening, provided more regular screening
screening devices, such as fundus cameras and [14, 29, 30, 43, 78] and were highly effective
special software, was quite a serious problem (100,000 patients in 45 h) [14, 43]. Some
[14, 17, 46, 65, 73, 78, 82, 99]. Portable fundus authors noted the high quality of handheld
cameras [32, 48, 82] and complete mobile sets fundus cameras [32, 48, 83]. Virtual (driven)
could lower the total cost of telescreening by clinics (mobile set) offered the standard of eye
optimizing currently available resources care of a clinical setting and allowed optimiza-
[28, 52, 69, 70, 72]. However, some studies tion of currently used resources, and so reduced
noted limited sensitivity and specificity of the total cost of telescreening
smartphone examinations and lack of applica- [28, 52, 69, 70, 72]. Finally, some researchers
tions dedicated to screening. AI helped in the noted the lack of an integrated virtual platform
use of low-quality portable screening devices for which could bring all the necessary data toge-
high-quality assessments [117]. Smartphones ther [75].
needed a wide pupil for good-quality images Some authors found no positive influence of
[38, 63, 73] teleretinal diabetic retinopathy screening on
Some authors suggested that classic 45° sin- patients’ access to eye examination [15], and
gle-, two- or three-field images were insufficient others noted limited coverage of telemedicine
to detect all diabetic retinopathies [13, 14, 16, and the need for co-payment for some exami-
20, 27, 28, 35, 38, 45, 47, 49, 51–54, 62, nations [16]. Many studies reached quite oppo-
66, 70, 73–75, 80–82, 99, 100], and ultra-wide- site conclusions and mentioned high accuracy
field imaging (200° angle of view) was needed in diabetic retinopathy diagnostics, especially
for effective detection [41, 44, 46, 65, 66, 69, in treatable patients [21, 54, 79, 82]. Many
71, 72, 74]. authors pointed to the significant role of
A serious problem related to telescreening screening in the prevention of unnecessary
was a low percentage of follow-up of vision- referrals (reduction by 75%) [14, 19, 30, 73, 82].
threatening diabetic retinopathy (VTDR) due to Diabetic retinopathy screening covered close to
social and educational factors such as low edu- 70% of diabetic patients in rural regions
cation level, limited elderly mobility, transport [13, 14, 68, 72] and improved the quality of
difficulties, loneliness, depression, financial medical care, especially in remote areas
454 Ophthalmol Ther (2021) 10:445–464
[25, 33, 72, 78, 99]. Studies found that a higher DISCUSSION
percentage of diabetic patients received eye care
with telemedicine compared to traditional The predicted 50% rise in diabetes prevalence
surveillance [13, 14, 17, 59, 67, 79, 118, 119], by 2040 [1], particularly in developing coun-
along with a high satisfaction rate among tries, will lead to an increased demand for
screened patients [26, 47, 62] and among pro- ophthalmological testing in diabetic patients.
fessionals conducting the examinations This in turn will put a greater burden on the
[26, 47]. system of ophthalmic care that relies mainly on
Recommendations for further examinations direct examination, and will significantly chal-
(follow-up) were assessed [16, 24, 32, 35, 39, lenge its efficiency. Screening of diabetic
47, 54, 55, 71]. Better-educated patients pre- retinopathy is commonly known to be the best
ferred comprehensive eye examination to fun- method for preventing serious complications of
dus camera screening test only [28], and some diabetes. If screening is to cover the whole
authors concluded that telemedicine should be population, an efficient screening system is
targeted toward patients with poor access to needed, together with a well-functioning spe-
medical care [23, 120]. Non-ocular diseases and cialist care structure to treat more advanced
ocular diseases found incidentally by means of diabetes-related ophthalmic complications. Teo
DR telescreening and AI included AMD, glau- et al. found the prevalence of VTDR to be
coma, hypertensive retinopathy and disc pallor 7.26%, ranging from 14.3% in Africa to almost
[21, 28, 34, 38, 45, 49, 50, 55, 64, 75, 81]. 2.97% in Southeast Asia. The authors also cal-
In 2017, Xiao et al. presented a comprehen- culated an average of 7.16 ophthalmologists per
sive teleretinal eye treatment plan with SMS 1000 patients with VTDR globally, with signifi-
[short messaging service] patient information cant differences depending on the region. In
on the date of eye examination. To improve the rich Europe, the average number of ophthal-
quality of telescreening, internal self-checking mologists was 18.03, while in poor regions of
of image system quality was assessed [99], and a Africa the figure was as low as 0.91 ophthal-
development scheme was used to design a DR mologists for every 1000 VTDR patients [121].
telemedicine screening program [37]. To Screening may be performed by humans
improve access to DR screening, local women’s only (e.g. an English model [126]), it may rely
self-help groups were tasked with its imple- on remote image analysis using AI
mentation [74]. [103–105, 108], or it may be based on a mixed
According to some authors, the diagnosis of model, using both humans and AI [107].
diabetic macular edema (DME) should not be Screening tests may be conducted directly by an
made only on the basis of color fundus pho- ophthalmologist (a method characterized by
tographs, but should also include OCT scans high accuracy, but requiring considerable time
[76]. Screening performed with OCT provided and specialists, which now and in the future
diagnostic characteristics of OCT such as offers no possibility for screening the whole
epiretinal membrane (ERM), glaucoma, AMD diabetic population). A solution to this problem
and vitelliform degeneration [34]. On the other is an examination conducted with color fundus
hand, maintenance of fundus camera/OCTA images or OCT, further assessed by ophthal-
was time-consuming [73, 82], AI software was mologists, i.e. using telemedicine (the method
not integrated with OCT devices [34, 73], and AI recognized by WHO), which in this case is
for OCTA/retinal images needed a huge data- teleophthalmology. This is when a limited
base of 100,000–1,000,000 scans [14, 73]. number of specialists provide care for a much
The positive and negative aspects are pre- larger patient population. In developed coun-
sented in Tables 2 and 3. tries, screening programs receive substantial
funding, and consequently their efficiency is
higher; they mostly use stationary diagnostic
centers, offering care to a larger part of the
Table 2 Limitations of diabetic retinopathy screening
Limitation Reason Solution References
Poor quality of images Small pupil Mydriasis [9, 20, 36, 77]
Poor transparency of optic media Cataract extraction [8, 9, 16, 18, 20, 75, 77, 79–82]
Screening program organizational Need for trained photographers, graders and Training of technicians, nurses and [7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 22, 26–29, 33,
problems retina specialists general practitioners 37–40, 42, 43, 45, 47–52, 55, 58,
Ophthalmol Ther (2021) 10:445–464
In-home testing with self-preliminary 59, 63, 65–68, 74–76, 76, 80–82]
images reading
AI grading
High cost of screening Expensive screening devices and software, Mobile screening sets [9, 12, 23, 27, 33, 41, 43, 47, 58, 60,
crew costs Cheap portable cameras 64, 65, 67, 68, 73, 77, 81, 86]
Smartphone screening
AI-assisted screening
Poor sensitivity of DR detection 1-, 2- or 3-field images- with too small Ultra-wide fundus cameras use [8, 9, 11, 15, 22, 23, 30, 33, 36, 39–42, 44, 46,
coverage of retina 47, 49, 51, 57, 60, 61, 64–70, 75–77, 81, 82]
Low percentage of follow-up Social and educational factors Basic diabetic education [19, 21, 23, 24, 34, 51, 86, 87, 89]
No positive results of telescreening Small widespread in population Diabetic education [10, 11]
Need for co-pay Better social insurance
The more advanced the diagnosis, the Expensive and complex screening schemes Common use of AI [39]
more expensive
Long waiting time for final diagnosis Insufficient screening system AI grading [9, 33, 38, 55, 68, 81]
Lack of an integrated virtual platform Lack of proper software Development of screening software [70]
for DR screening
456 Ophthalmol Ther (2021) 10:445–464
diabetic population (the UK, Denmark, the wide-field imaging and OCT use, supported by
Netherlands, Singapore, Sweden). In developing AI algorithms, may be used to detect not only
countries, however, where the costs of imple- DR but also co-occurring diseases such as AMD,
menting efficient screening models for DR are glaucoma, retinal degeneration of another eti-
relatively high, various forms of mobile diag- ology, choroidal nevi and intraocular tumors.
nostic units are used to reach patients [11]. The disadvantages of telemedicine include
A classic definition of telemedicine proposed its technical limitations (it is not possible to
in the 1970s by Strehle and Shabde should now investigate all aspects of the disease and verify
be modified to encompass the use of AI. Based them remotely); other limitations may include
on the assumption that the classic form of the initial costs of the diagnostic equipment,
teleophthalmology involves a remote software, training and staff-related costs.
patient–ophthalmologist relation, the concept Another problem may be the provision of
of telemedicine should be expanded to include screening services on a daily basis, such as
an indirect contact between a patient and the identifying patients and making their first and
doctor of another specialty, such as a general follow-up appointments, and patient post-
practitioner (GP), or even a trained technician, screening compliance.
and only later, if the situation requires, an A good solution for reducing the high costs
ophthalmologist. Similarly, screening sup- of DR screening is customizing intervals
ported by AI for the processing of eye fundus between routine check-up appointments.
images (computer-aided diagnostics) which are According to the standard recommendation, for
submitted to ophthalmologists only in justified a diabetic presenting no eye problem, a check-
cases can also be regarded as a form of tele- up should take place every year or every 2 years,
medicine, although mostly implemented but on evaluation of DR risk factors such as
locally, without sending patient’s data (online blood glucose levels, blood pressure, gender,
access for software). Telemedicine making use type of DM and duration of DM, the interval
of advanced imaging techniques such as ultra- may be extended even to 4 years [11, 122]. The
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