Edtjnqddd: Dpodtltb and Nodpe and

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RNI No, I(ARE&/2OOL I 47 147

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tr@d erQdddmn
aded oq d$i
gecl - rv-e rbd)md, e)-j oo,9oo& (l,md 90. dd dd€ oFex) do,Foe
Part - IV-A Dalggalorc, ThuEdsy, Jufy f f. 2ofs (Alhrdhr 2(}, shltr vatlDr fes6l No. got

ioi6co$ dpodtltb ${ and ddm iusoob

no$ nodpe 47 and 2012,tlotttLnb, 6mo*: 11.07.2013
The Ihmataka Land Revenue (Amendment) Btll, 20121 2013d todd dodoS sdde
oa,ooddo& uoerouood a.ad dodgdtr, xodod, .gd)detrDn qd$d 2013d dorud cQoo$d)
ioa3;51 aoaloan deFed oorl aJaQ ddtiieJedod> sdeaictond.
(Ftrst pubnshed t on the
(Recetved the assent of the Gorrcrnor on the Slxth day of July, 2Ol3)

An Act frrrther to amend the Ihrnataka Iand Revenue Act, 1964.

Whereas it ts eJeedtent further to amend the I(arI:ataka Land Revenue Act, 1964 G(arnataka
Act 12 of l9&1), for the purposes herelna.fter appeartng;
Be tt enacted by the Ihmataka State Irgtsliature ln the Slxty Thlrd Year of the Republic of
India, as follows:-

l. Short dtle aad cotoEcaccDcot.- (f) This Act may be called the Karnataka Land
Revenue (Amendment) Act, 2O12.

(2) It shall come ,nto force at once.

2. AncodEGDt of Scctim 94C.-For Secuon 94C of the Kamataka land Revenue Act, f9&
(Karnataka Act 12 of 1964) the followlng shall be substituted, namely.-

'94C. Grart of L.Ed ia casG of coEstnrcdo! of dwclllng housc ir

occrrlded leld.-
Nohrithstanding anythhg contained tn this Act and except as herelnafter provided ln tlfs section.
the prescrtbed authority, if satisfied after holdlng such enqulry as lt deems flt that any person is in
unauthorized occupation of any land belonging to Government and has constructed a dwelling
house on such land, prior to ffrst day of January 2012, may on an applicatlon made to it by such

person urtthln such perld, ln such form along wtth such fee and on payment of such amount, aa
may be prescrtbed grant ln such manncr and subJect to the fouowlng condttlons and such other
restrlctions and condltlons as may be prescrlbed, such land to thc extent covered by the hous€ to bc
specllled ln the order of grant, namely,-
(t) The appllcant shall submlt proof for havlng constructed the dwelllng house prtor to
flrst day of Janu ary 2Ol2:
(10 No house bullt unauthorlsedly on the land belonglng to State Govemment shall be
regularlzed whlch ls comlng under the Jurlsdlctlonal llmlts of the Bruhat Bengduru
Mahanagara Pallke, Clty Corporatlons CMCs, TMCS ln the Statei
(Ul) No land shall be grantedlf the person who has applled for grant of such land or any
member of ttls famlly owns :rny bulldtng or stte wtthln the urban or rural areas ln
whlch the land for whlch applicatlon ls made ls situated;
(M No person shall be eliglble for grant of land for more than one dweulng house etther
ln hls name or tn the name of any member of hts famlly;
ErlrlaDrdon : For the purpose of thls clause 'Members of Famlly' means and tncludes
the husband, wife, un-marrted daughters and mlnor Eons aa the case
may be.

(v) The land so granted shall not be allenated for a perlod of fffteen years from the date of
receipt of order of grant;
(vl) The grante€ shall not use the building for any purposes other than as dweling

(vta) That no land shall be granted ln the areas lylng wlthln the llrntts of Clues and Ctty
Muntctpall es speclfled in column (2) of the table belou, and witHn the distance from
such llmlts speclfled tn the corrcspondlng entrles ln coluon (3) thereof ;

Sll. No. Placea Dbt .acc
(1) 121 (3)

I Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagarapaltke under the Kamataka 18 Kms.

Municipal Corporauons Act, 1976.
2 The Ciues of Belgaum, Gulbarga, Hubli-Dharwad, Mangalore lO Kms.
and l,Iysore respecttvety under the provistons of Kamataka
Municipal CorporaUons Act, 1976.
3 All Clty Municipalities under the Kamataka Municlpalifies 5 Kms.
Act, 1981.

(vtb) For other Municipal Corporauons under the Karnataka Municipal Corporauons Act,
1976, the outer limit of lO Kms. shall apply ;

(vlc) The unauthoris€d buildtngs lylng wlthin the limit of 3 Kms. from the outer p€riphery
of TMCs and Tourn Panchayats shall not be regularlzed;

(vld) E)dsung Govemment approved condluons for ellgtbtllty under Ashraya Houslng
Scheme shall aPPIY tn toto;

(vte) The area actually occupled by the bullt up house or bullt up area upto 2,40O sq.teet
whlchever ls less shall be regularlsed.

(vlt) No land shall be granted where construcuon of dwelllng house tn occupled land:

(a) lles ln the llne of natura.l dralns or course ofvalley;

(b) belongs to an authorlty owned or controlled by State Government or any local

(c) cornlng tn the way of edstln! or proposed roads. lnner or outer rlng roade,
natlonal hlghways, by pass orcr rlng roads lncludlng those proposed for
wldenlng and railway llnes, tramways, mass rapld translt system projects,
communlcauons and other clvlc faclllues or Publtc uullues;
(d) ls a forest land;
(e) b€longs to another person over wruch the appllcant has no uue;

(I) ls reserved for parks, play grounds, open places or for Provlding any clvlc
(g) ts abuttlng to netghbourtng property, storm water dmln, tank bed areas, rlver
course or beds and canals or below the htgh tension electrlc llnes;

(h) use ts agalnst helght restrlcuons speclfled tn zontng regulauons for herltag;e
monuments, aerodromes and Defense regr:lattons:
(t) not conforms to any clearanc€ from htgh-tenston llnes or ffre protecuon

(r) ts In the area covered by the Coastal Zone Reg;ulauon of the Mlntstry of
Envlmnment and Forest, Govemment of Indla:

Prcvlded that, regularlzaUon of vlolation tn respect of change of land use shall be made as far
as may be ln accordance wltJ: Section l&A of Town and County Plarulng Act, l96f fKarnataka Act
rr of 1963).
S. TraDsfGr of Fadtag appllcetloos.-All applicauons under secflon 94C pending before the
prescrlbed authority on the date of commencement of the Karnataka land Revenue (Amendment)
Act, 2Ol2 shall be considered and disposed of as tf such applicauon has been made in accordance
with the provlslons of the Karnataka Iand revenue (Amendment) Act, 2Ol2 to the prescribed

By Order and in the name of the Govemor of Karnataka

Secretary to Govemment(I/ C)
Department of Parliamentary Affalrs
and Legislauon

da6o SJ€Foon, Eed Fd *Jel, dorrCocb. (a7) {B5o Eisd$)

l/ ,P.:'II lVo. |i.ARlrit/2@tl +a tl7 qb c ?ulqt
\ oltc

eQ$d;nn #e*(Fd)d,
e&d cna. dgt
@d - rv-A arodC€d), deedood. dn€s6e &. 90(.)1i
1oeBB rl9, ed dd€ rt€es)
Part - fV-A do. rFt}
Bangalore, Monday. Iaarch 3,2Or4{Ph
12. SLats varsha f 93s) No. 194

No. RD 376 LGp 2olg, Bargalore, dat€d: O3{X!_2Olri

The draft of the folrowing rures flurther to amend the Kamataka

rand Revenue Rules. lg66
r*'as published as required by sub-section
'{l) segtion lg7 0f L\e t<amaitaxa tand R€venue Act.
1964 (KarnEtaka Act 12 of .lg64l.in Notification
No, RD 326,.*;r;:;;';;;;;,
published in parr rv-A orLthe Karnatakhcazette.datecr:
3Gor-2or4 invit,*;;;;;;;;. sugqestions
' from all tlte persons tikely to be affected ther€by within
thirty daJs from the date of its publicauon in
the Oflicial Gazette.

Whereas the said Gazette ri.as made available to g0{l -2014.

the public on
And whereas objecuons arrd suggesuons r.eceiv€d have
been enamined by the State
Governmeht- i . '. , ;,!.


.Now' therefore' in exercise of trre powers conferred

by srrb-secuon ii, or."oao,. tg7 0f the
*l"t* Rt*"ut n"t' r'oo+ 1x".o"t^to Act 12 of lgatl the Government of Karnataka
-fd trcreby
'makes the fo'owing rures to arnerrd the Karnataka t-and Revenue Rules, rg66,
Title and colrmencemeut.- {l) These rules may b€ cafbd tlre Karnataka [.and Revenue
{Amendment} Rules, 2O I 4-

i2) They sha, come in'to force on *re date of their publication
in the officisl Gazette,

x*-A of the (araaraka r'and

.-.' il]?*;.H'Hffiff;ff :** Revenue
crant g[ I+r'd rn ca$c-of gpns-truction of rrsi{[ng house .rn occupied Govcmnrent lands in
arcas_othcr than Speci{ted Umils of Bruhat Berglaiorc Mah.Ba{lanpeltte.
City Corporations,
city Mrrnicipal coriacils. Town Mutrrcipar co.ncits, Town panchayate in the 3tatc

ty- 'Ihe Prescrib€d Aut+rcri{ for, the purpose of thls chapt&,

shall be tlrc risdictional.Tahstldar of the Taluk.

ro8-p. powciliift. -iusntaa-eottority.- Thc pr€scrlbed Auth*ity lr,hile exerctsrng the

powers under sectton g4C shall have the follorvlng powers. name!:_
(a) Power to obtain' repor[ from ofilcers and a{thorities in respect o[ land unauthorizcdly
occupied on which unauthofizod c-onstructon is made as rt marr deem ,*etessa,]/:
{b) Power to measure or cause to be measured the unauthorized cbnstructions
and the
Iand appurtenant thireot
(cl Power to reject any applicauon arter scrutiny of the same, in case of failure
by thc
applicant to comply with any of the condiUons as spec.illed in the Act.

1o8-g' Appucation for grant of tand and proced.ure for verificatlon.- Application
for grant
of land under section g4C shall be made by a person in Form No.3A within
three rnonths trom the
date of commencement of the tG',ataka r-and Revenue (Arnendment) Rures. 2or4,
arong with a tee
of RS-sO/ {Rupees. fffty gnly} in .the form of cosh pq,yable rin Ere jurisdictional :Atalji Janasn€hi
Kendra's acc<iqqanied by a plan of tlrc land yrt€{ein: ttle unauthorized constnlctiori is shown,
indicating the site and locauon o{ unauthorized construcuon- The entire process
of grant of land{'l
shall be completed within a period of two years fro'm tlie date of comrnencemeflt
of the Karnataka
land Revenue (Amendmerit) Rules, 2O14.

lo8-R' Marner <if enquiry.- The Pr€scrib€d Authorigr shall issue notice
in Form No.3B. to
every p€rson who has made an appricauon in Form No-3a
to appear before him, bir such date as
may be specilied therein and to produce documenls if any
in support oi hls tlaim. The ftescribed
Authority may also issue public notice to be notified on the
notic€ boa.rd of tlrc Local Authority and
l)y 6eat of Tom tom fixing dates for conduct of eoquiry which
shall be held in the presence of the
residents of the vilage' on compreuon of the erquiry,
the presriH auth<iritlr shar in au d+ibre
cases pass a provisional order giranting the land.

' loa€' Aaount to be paid for gra-at of land-- After the provisioual grant of la'd uoder rule
Io8-R the grantee shall pay the amormt as speciffed in the
sctredule rf,ithin one rnontfi from the
date of provisional order of grant, and shall get the
deed executed at his cost. on execuuon ol the
tiUe deed, the Prescribed Autlnrity shall issue an order of grant ofland.
ro8-:f' cortfavention of the other coEditions qrecificd urdcr
seetion g4c of the Act.- It
the grantc\e conlravenes any of the conditions specified
under section g4c.of the Act, the provrsions
contaioed irr rule 25 of the tffd Grant Rules,
f969 shdf muhtis mutandis shall apply to the
cancellaton of such grants under this chapter-

3- fuxsefion of new form?A alrd 38.- In the

saiC Ruies, alter form 3 the fcrliowing shall be
inserf_e_d, r:amely:-

Narrrc oitlc Appticjtlid: corrsll.uctiorr
Agr of rtlChaot
5 Occu Patkirr
ls the apFltcant.a-
(Cc.ti ftcaie meri$er of SC
to be /ST
Gross annu
al lncome of
llncome Ceruacate $e appfir:arrt
frorn Tahs
To be dar

Dlstrlct Dirrrensio.ts
t i aEe Are2
the site
cf I\io. of
Pa rat- c u ars of lloio.. s
of al the aldg appu rte.r an ioctuding
u n au tho rized to giori od Aocr
the btdg.
so ught o be @nstrucUorl
rqu la rized Dist ict Dimcnsion sof
Village No of lloors
the site
aPPu rtcna,l rrrcludlng
(Copy of
the sale Deed toe bldg-
l 1. ground flmr
of thg revenue
allevia tjons site, if ary, site plan
secUons of
th. Dui.fOing 6114." of th€
land, gropn4
Date of
PBciIic2 6ior.r. o,
the work to lran ind icaung ttle
cornpletion be epclosed)
of unar,
t. to 6d:

State and
District Taluk and
Vi[age, Exten t
ot the applican
coo s tru ction t Exteftt of Built
rqgirlartza ti 4nd upafea Sy.No-
on Viltage
arld Ta.luk
lVliether the
photo of the
with thC ph apdicant
oto of the UAC
Certified that
the partic,rlars
knoyledge . fu
rnistred above
are true ard cor.ect to
the bei{ of

Srgnature of
Registratrton the &)plicaflt
pn izso t..
$v wo..... """"ror..grr*..*o, * applicario.
:...-.t...... .. ._of Viuage. frorn

Receiving Clerk
in the
Office u,r1h
(scc rulc lotllU
Strtttntorrs f<rr.AplrcarinCc-.f<rr' lkrducti<xr r:f D(x.unrcrits
of 'Ihluk.... ....Distrlct
Srl/Smt .,....;,'.i:1:.....i,:.+:,:*:.f:.;-'.::-............:.............. son of daughter
': i: .:':.-ijY-j_r'
of... . - .-.......residing in.-........-. ....-....,......vi11a9t of..........-............_....... Circlc

Whereas lor the purpose of an enquiry lnto (lrcrc specify the subject of
the enquiry) your attendance ls consldere<t necessary to ej(amine you as a pafty to give evldence as a
witness/to produce document, you are hereby summoned to appear ifl p€rsons/by an authorized
agent before tire undeisigned in his o{Iice on. (here specify datel ........................
specify tlme) for the purpose of giving evidence,/to produce the document
specifled in tlle margin or for both.

Given under my hand thls day of-.

Seal: (to be allixed if such Olficer has a seal).
Note: Strike out whichever ts not applicable

(see nile 108-5) .O it
- Rate for Regulaxisation

sl. Place Area Dimensions Rate of regulari zatior

No. (in feets) Rs. per Sq.ft-
1 State (Rural Covers Rural Up to 30 X 4ltl lO 96 of tlre guitance value.
Area) Area in- the .iuteoet _for sc/sr,
State. Pftgqtccttg Har.d icdlpren, Ex-
seruicetno,n {rrd Poll;o
Upto40X60 20Vo of tlre guidance value.
HouaEr, for SC/ST,
Phg.ica.IJy Hattilicofrped- Ex-
seruicemqn ond, Pourq.
E.antnika's Le/o of tE
guidane oa.lue-

By Order and in tfte name of the Governor of Karnataka

UndeLsecr€tary to Go\reIum€nt
Reveilue Deparhrent fl-and Grants- l)

o dDdmool:, edad Aed *rd, aoCdoOt tariirooo@

qh (( fr c'l
nm lo. rAnE/2OO1/+71a7


trwd eroddd@n $duneau$6
dcfi Bq dg8
or,.rv-e do. eB
P.rt- lv-A Bettialosu, uoEday lhrLyr 9951 no. 34

,oiacd {F6adrld irlaaoo&

no+ noqPoe 76 erd 2012, dodc/.6, aBod: 12.01.2015
6 d@Fr3d cDdod dadJad (iEod csod&ot ) 6d' 20t21 2015d 6ddo Sodd z.ocdd(
apoddoEb @alEDed s"qd dod.g+, nDdDq .9$detitn edd:. 2015d dFoFtsd cooos&
I ioa3; 07 ooD)@n deFurd oo% dUdQ ddtjndeiod sdegictond.

XAnITATA]BAACDtrO 07 Otr2015
lFlEt hbttrhcil h tte Krnrteta Oarcttc Dlttr-ordt!.t, oa ttc Tlclfth d.y o_f J.rurry 20161
mE TARTATATaLATD REyEIrtrE lSEoorD Af,EilDmrD lct,lotz
(Received the ass€nt of the Gwsnor on the Ninth day of January 2Of 5)
An Act firther to amend tl:e l&rrnataka [-and Revenue Act, 19tr.
Whereas it is erpedient further to amend the fiarnataka La.od Revenue Act, f 9e+ Garnata.ka
Act 12 of 1964), for the purposes hereina.fter aPpearing;
Be it enacted by the Karnataka State Lcgislature in the Sixty third year of the Rcpublic of
lndia, as follows:-
1. Short ttoc rad coEEclc.dcat.- (l) This Act may be called the lGmataka Iand
Revenue (Second Amendoent) Act, 2012.
(2) It shall come furto force at once.
2. h.dtloD of roctloa 94/oC.- After s€ction 94C of t]le l(anratale Land Rcvcnue Act, 1964
(KarnatAk^ Act 12 of 19641the follouring strall be inserted, namely.-
"g.lOC. G,Ir[t of Lrld la cerc of ooD.tauctloE of drelllsg hou.G ia occupled ldrd ln
tut ! Irea.- Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act and excePt as hercinafter provided in
this section, the prescribed authority, if satisfied aftcr holding such enquiry as it deems fit that any
person is in unauthorized occupa.tion of any revenue land beloagiog to Gov€rDment and has
constructed a dwelling house on such land, prior to first day of January 2012, in arr uiban area may
on an application made to it b,y such person within such period, in such form along with such fee
and on payment of such amount, as may be prescribed grant in suctr manner and subject to the
following conditions and such other restrictions and cooditions as oay be prescribed, such land to
the extent covered by the house to be specilied in the order of grant, namely,-
(i) The applicant shall submit proof for having constructed the dwelling house prior to firct
day ofJanuary 2012;
(i$ No vacant land without.a dwelling house shall be regularized;
liiii Xo Una shall bb Sr;nt€d if the person who has applied for grant of such land or any
member of his family owns any building or site within the urban area in which the land for which
application is made is situatcd;
(iv) No person shall be eligible for grant of land for more than one dwelling house either in his
narne or in the na.me of any membcr of his family;

E:rpl,anation : For the purpose of this clausc "Members of Famif means and
includes the husband, wife, un-married daughters and minor sons as ttie case may be
(v) The land so granted shall not be alienatcd for a period of fifteen years from tl.e date of
receipt of order of grant;
(vi) The grantee shall not use the building for any purposes other than as dwelling house;
(vii) No land with dwelling house shall be granted in the areas belonging to the City
Corporation or Municipalities or Urban Loca-l bodbs or Development Authorities or Tov4 Planning
Autirority including f"tt o (fo*n) Panctrayat lying within the Umits oitlties aerFgtaf#ifui'
(viii) The plinth area of a dwelling house in a site or plot of land not e'treedinB{O' :t 3U feet
or actual built up area of Bla drelling house whichever is less then be reEuldritd. q-
(ix) No land occupied by dwelling house shall be Sranted where such land,-
(a) Iies in the line of natural drains or course of valley;
(b) belongs to an authority owned or controlled by State Govemment or any local authority;
(c) coming in the way of existing or proposed roads, inner or outer ring roads, national
highways, by pass over ring roads including those proposed for widening and railway
lines, traEways, mass rapid transit systeE projects, com:o.unications and other civic
facilities or public utilities;
(d) where occupied site or plot of land is of more than the prescribed limit;
(e) is a forest laad;
(f) belongs to another person over which t]:e applicant has no title;
(g) is reserved for parks, pl,ay grounds, open pl,aces or for providing any civic amenities;
(h) is abufting to neighbouring property, storm water drain, tark bed areas, river course or
beds and canals or below the high tension elecEic lines;
(i) use is against height restrictions specilied in zoning regulations for heritage monuments,
aerodromes and Defence regulations;
[) not conforms to any clearance from high-tension lines or fue protection measures;
(k) is in the area cover€d by the Coastal Zone negutation of the Ministry of Environnent and
Forest, Govemment of lndia:
Provided that, regularization of violation in respect of change of land use shall [16 6ads 4s far
as may be in accordance with Section 14-A of the Town and Country Planning Act, f96f {Kamata}a
Act tl of f963) and is in. accordance with the approved master plan of each City Corporation,
Municipalities, Urban Local bodies, Development Authorities and Town Plaaning Authority.
Erptrn.6oo.- For purpose of this section urban area means a::ea lyinB within ths limilg qf
Cities and City Municipalities specified in column (2) of the tatle below and within such distance
from suctr limits specified in the corresponding entries in column (3) ttrereof;
Sl.I{o. P'teccs Dbteacc
I Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagaraplaike under the Karnataka l8 krns
Municipal Grporations Act, 1976
2 The Cities of Belgaum, Gulbarga, Hubli-Dharwad, Mengalorr 1O kms
and Mysore respectively under t}le provisions of Karnata*a
Municipa-l Corporations Act, 1976
3 All City Municipalities under the Karnataka Municipalities Act, '5kms
4 Other Municipal Corporations under the Karnataka Municipal l0 lsns
Coqrorations Act, 1976
5 TMCS and Tou.n Panchayats 3 kms

By Order and in the name of the Govemor of Karnataka,

Secretar5l to Government
Department of Parliamentary AIIairs

#DEo dnElmoon, &ad A.td &d, dodCa6. (5e) (eoo Ecrr$)

q4(l Fd,A
AFII N o. KA,,9EJ200 U4 7, 17 ?ufiaY nt t'

oQdodmn $dtJnenc$cb
Edefi crDac6 dgd
-,v-A dodCc6, dEmd. €rrq eo. eoftf @86 ot- dd ddf rF&21 dd. Fre
Attgtir:l 24, 2076 Shaka Yorsha 1 9t 7) No.9.67
- lv-A BE,/rgolun+*tt
!{o: RD 345 I.GP 2(J12, Bengdutu, datcd: 28'OE'2o15
The draft of the following rules further to amend the -Karna'raka Land Revenue Rules,
1966 rvas published as required by sub-section (1) of section 197 of the Karnataka Land Revenue
AFt, 1964 lxarnataka ect 12 ot 196a) in Notification No. RD 345 LGP 2012, dated:13-07-2o 15'
pirUti"l"a in part lV-A df the t(arnataka Gazette dated: l3-O?-2015 inviting obiections and
siggestions frotn all the persons likelyJ[ be affected thereby within llfteen days flom thq date of its
publication in the Oflicial Gazette. ',
Whereas the said Gazette was made available to the Public on 13-07-2015'
' And whereas no objections and suggestions have been received by the State Government
within the period specified above.
Now, therifore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section {l) of section 197 of the
Kamataka l:lld Revenuc Act, i964 lKamataka Act 12 of 1964) the Govemment of Karnataka
hereby makes the following rules to amend the Karnataka Lal]d Revenue Rules, 1966, namety:-
, RI'LES 'Karnataka
I r. Title aad comEeDcomelt.- (1) These rules ma], be called the
t'([venue (Amendment] Rules, 2015.

|i 'Zl Thev shall come into- force on the date of their publication in the Oflicial
;,Iaseiloa aeE chapter xIII_c AIter chapter XIII-B and efltries relating th-ereto -ofshall the
xarnatakaiand R"u..ru" Rules, i96g (hereinafter refirred to as tbe said rules), the following
bc inserted, namely:-
ChePter XIII-C
GraEt of Laart in case of coactructlioa of Drelling housq la 'occupled GovesanGnt
labrte li *""" lyl,g ',lthi,n thc rpecltlcd llnlts of cltlca arirl Bruhat. Bangalore
;f;;;;prlttq"ii"" criy 6ir-p"ratr"a!, ctty i{unlclpel Couoclts' TorD MunlolPal Couacils aad
Tgwu Panchayats.
T{hsildar Grade-l sha-ll be the Prescribed.e.rtt for the purpose of this chapter, within whose
ir.rlfisdiction the land is situated.
' j^^^'"'i;;;-*ii."t'"i,u. prescrtbed Authority under section 94C:C :- The .iurisdictional
T{hsildar Grade-l shall have i
, t"t power to obtain, reports from officers and authorities in respect of land oo *'hich
unauthorized construction is anadc as it may deem necessar]';
{b) power to measure or cause to be measured the unauthorized constructiolrn and the
land appurtihdnt- thereof; and
(c) power-to reject any application altcr scrutiny of the sarne, in case of fa:lure by the
ipplicant to comply with any of the conditions as specifred in the Act-
1OE WL Othet coadltioos epplicable for Era.t of lasd :- Existing Governrnetrt aprrrove(i
c ncitror)s for eligibilitv undei Ashra]'a Housing Scheme shall apply ln tor'o

lOEXrForusfe a ud fec for grsrt of LEd:. (1! The application for grant of' .
land shall tre made in Fgrrn- lA wi three months from the date 'of comn:encement of the
Karnataka l-and Revenue (Agre ules, 2O15, atong wilh a feo of Rr.SO/-(Ru pees fiIty only)
in the fo:'rn of cash pa.yable tn JUn sdictional AteUI Jancrrehl Ko Edrra in favour of
jurisdictional Ta.hsildar Grade-I.
(2) The application shall accompani€d by a sital plan of the land wherein the
{rnauthorize d constructiafl is sholun, indicating the site and location of unaurJrorised
consiruction ;
(31 The €ntirf process of grant of hnd shall
be completed within a period of two lrears from
the date of receipt apptication by the applfoants.
{a) The jurisdictinnal Tehsildar Grade-l shalt issue notice in fgrm 2A to eyery applicant to
aprxar before hirn, on such be .specifted tlrcrein and require hiii to produc€
documents, if.Cny, ul support of-d€te -al ro_ay
his c-iaim fior verifrcrtjon.
{5} after verification under sub rute fif, the jurisdictional Tahsildar Grade-l may. also issue
public notice to be ootifcd on the notice.board of-the local au*roriE ana -by U..t
dates forconduct of enqqiry which shall be hctd in.the pr.e9€nco of Ure,?esiai"t! .f,t
E'toro nfue
(6) on completion qf the cnquiry the jurildictional Tahsildar Grade_l shall"-UrU""
cases pass a provisional order, granting the land.
in alt eligible
lo8-Y:- A[rouEt Payablg. fgr s;J q_f.!l$ uadcr soctign 9@ :- After the provisironal
grant of- rand under sub secrion {6).of-sec-ti9rr.lgqx.t!s.g31teg p", th" ;;u]nias specified
in the schedule II within one month.rrom tlC da6 of i;;visioiia"h"[ oraci or g"."f ,*-a-J"1 e.t th"
deed executed at his cost. on executio. n of the titte deed, the jurisdictional Turr"'Uj"r-ci.a.-l
issue an order of grant oi land. "rr"fr
1o8 Zr Coutnvoatlgn of tle otbcr condltloar rp€cltlod uadcr roctlol 94eg
If the grantee contravenes a3y of Aot :-
91.ft: conditions
_specified under
provisions contained in rule 25 of the L^and Grant Ru.les, 1969 shall """ti""-
S+ELI.} iie Act, the
mutatis mutanais-shall apply
to the cancellation of such grants under this chapter.
3, Iasertion of .uey fora lA r AItcr fo.rm l, of the said rules, the following shall
inserted, narnely:- be

FloRt[- 1A
[See rulc 108Xl1ll
A cation of re risation of uthorizrd construction.
1 Name of t$t Applicant
2 Age of Applicant
J Father's/ Husband's name
4 Address of the Applicant
J Occupation
6 Is the applicant a member of SC/ST
(Certificate to be enclosed)
7 Gross annual income of the applicant
(lncome Certificate from Tahsildar
to be enclosed)
8 Particulars of all thL District Tounr SI. Area of Dirnensions of No.of floors
unauthorised Building
No the site including
construction made by the
appurtenant to ground
applicant or any member
the bldg. floor
of his family
9 Particu lars of all the
Dimeasirons of No.of {loors
District Town st. Area of the site including
const lction sought to appurtenant to
No Building ground
be regularised.
the bldg. IIoor
(co Py of the Sale Deed of the revenue sitb, if
any, site plan of-tt€ lsnd, Crouod ptan
indicating the alleviations secti ons of the building and
spe cifrcatibir of.ahc.: worlc,.,to..be
i0. . Date oI completion of the
unauthorizEd con$truction
(supporting documents to be
. enclosed)
lt Fadiculars of the site/house State Taluk ancl Town Sy. No. Eiitent
akeady orvned bry the applicant and
or any m€mhr dhis familY District
within the Urban ArealRurai
12. Wh€ther any o,th€r MerSers 9f Extent Sy.No Towr. Taluk
the family of the Tplicant hes of Built
unauthorised c'onstructim and uP area
applied for its regularizatioo and
if so, the detailq thcreof.
l3 Whether the plpto olthe
applican! along with the phcto of
the UAC is errclobed.
Certifred that the particulars furnished abo\rc arj true andr cdrect to the best of my

"4ate: Signature of the APPlicant


Registration No ........Dated.............. ......Received an application frorn

$ ....for regularization of Unauthorised,Construction of land in
. .. .. .Town of .... ... ......... Tduk.

Receiving Clerk in the -

Olfice wit\$6a1.
4, Insertlou of forrn 2A :- After form 2 of the said nlles, the followiqg shall be inserted,
namely :-
l&c rule lOEXl4ll
Summons lbr Appearance for Production of Documents


,I I
...of Taluk ........District


I s;ls-, ....-....'..-'.......son of daughter '

df....................................residing in .....'... .Town of........'........ Ta1uk'
Wlpreas for the purpose if an enquiry into'............ ....... ." ""' (here specify the stlbject of
your attendanc;
ttre enquiry)-proauce is considered necessasl to examine you as a party to give evidence as a
witnessTto docum€nt, you are hereby s:rmmoned to aPP€ar in person/by an authorised
agent befori the undersitned in his ofhce on............--." .." (here specify dat€l - : " '
a;...-....... ,-........(here speci$ time) for the PurPos€ of giving evidence/to produce the document
qrcified in the niargin or for both.
Given under my hand this day of '.......


: {to b€ affixed if- such O{ficer has a seal}

: Strike out whichever i5 not applicable
5. Iqseftloa of schedule II \,After schedule of the said rules,
inserted, namely :- \r
following shall be
'1.'ScrlEonls u
[8e e rde r08Il
for tion
Rate for rGgrrbriatloa on
guid.ncc. nalno
(to bc cafcuhtcC Otr PG t ]q ft
sl. b
No Places Dkta.ncc For
Othcrr hendtcapped/&:-
rcrvlccticr rid .

I Ponra Ik rurlat
For slon ft. .€ to 6OO ft
Bru h at B angalo re Mah anagara palike 18-Kms
und er th e Karna tala M u n rcT paI Wlo lOo/o

tio NS Act I 9 76
2 Th e c tie s o Belagavl Kal abu rgt
H u b bol D ha rwada Man galu ru an d
1O Kms l5/. 7 % o/o

Mysuru re spective ly un der thc

provisions of Karna ta-ka M u nlct pal
s Act 1 97 6.
3 Arr cig Municipalitie s under the S Krns l@/o So/o
taka unlcl alities Act 1964.
4 othe r M un lct pd Co rpora t lon s u nde r 1O Kms 1r/o
th e K a rna ta ka M un icipal
rations 1976 't
5 T.!fc s an d Town Panc ha at s 3 Itns lOo/o 5o/o

By Order and in th€ name of the Governor of


Under Secretary to Government
Revenue Department (Land Grantsl

i="a o d]}dE.oot, & EdE d.d 6!rd , dodded) {&e1 tP,q., 6sdc]'

S t-

'd;pri.JJ i=oed m
;loa3; u+-B 64 n<r-d& 20iy.c.Fri) icwai ;%-r-dr :i
rbids6-, A=l oi: 26. 0 7. 2 01.*<
-:do$: ry.;hcdd gideJd rg.d:dca!-.-core araoO eOoo aax&dg
g*A{;an E$d ;t*coadr.ido.i ES odrq ae ;oor.
eA i55co:1 (,a"r- qe,=^b4Jf/,erl dW
* + '!

.-".€+d edro, -e;+Ujg rrL\iJ;i .iJaadr"\oGdd 6ca@a/$. i!F$Ea6n (,di=

+,il odedaiq;-Ojenni. uijd edsod €raD"{dq A&isq it1a.3a ax
=ol*ras-.c- dop;scJan+ edi ;g;au;6eo ao.-".1g*. oOrg *oiodA arcia.i)-i
ri-iii+S id e,ar ,gn*d*/*#. <;<iood r-gseodd
dedd* iri, *."-Jore Datoi_
uCso, EaNedg ejedrdan 6d dgsi.ooGd;ddoii.(rdrd. a+l acq*", .o;Aerc51,,9e;
g;Jo"-d,=c-€ edr {od{iiie&o /D<tg:r d*i, a"5* *""r"+ earC
erd.J di,p*
rgd:<3{,iio aiin do&?cDgoe ipdrB <lqeoo/,{b.'u}* 4oO*c,iV*- dr.s dr-G
ac33odgd t;udao{rleil o$seO nouo+,}d dcn$d&16 .ga} tr@,arg
E.reii e+dldgq igiojod 3ibaJbne-r *o,-:ierond. ic.dd ndo rgab-ec;ro,
-i,l nerc36dio erido aallo3oosii ddd dci'oor, ng#ScS "S;,.-rilr"
d::ori i:o6u, _*,
- -#* 31da;dd Srdii _.rdF5ddor .s {+cSQ -4;-,r ;Fi ;iDed,rd .;qoOOr
ri'redri diiriSoc.dl 6rG*o,i e,T:dc,*-+r*ie-''- rid irpnoQra:/d iD6ii icdd;-r<rie.

--^- I1**: BOI *it-S d+ iaD.Ao$c.i srocicd6'.Ei& rre.-,-r9${ u;*rap=na,BacoX",_:

*eE E$.td ;o#rt' ;$oei d;oca edi {sa$6&d;q ibire,tu dEdg
no?iieoftd. * dgqboQg Eex@A*L-dle dozsa&oc
o?z$ Gt>.rJdb oftaDii9s€ii do5;cci-l e<;apjo3r ,ye=nOfrg. X;[Eo<*.5 dd:r rrds
*.,o-.\+.-1i-i9d d&iJE e.dd 60$- CoQ.ir-&-Fbd:3pildbno dr a e<).,: ggdcrrnd..

w**Y. -#'+{b
n=iF&J sqr{: ac*s='5s,
dccrai. Eo"{ (?ic&rcE.,e orE - I )


")lg iDjfod uct!-i+. .

, YF>
'. .*q+6Doi(co.
j. *(? -
e.f* .iiosJoc$e-i iic5l6 6ac$iA*-dse-6Eooii-dj
*. .:9E sDei ArIdiriAaD,/..-6.J 1Z3ei]3aeiid d$scgd
5. o-* gd&eBc,"ile,rr i
6. aaas dB dddts+s ea.

.is+-di {gEtr -!is.deFc6*.+J .r'ai- ;J+ji-daF, d cocci; *c-j, dol'r(si!
rardd {Fod r:cn #, o6ixJ yi ;zci:riDa, fiariDftrfi-a-iA +s <brsaq:r-=r C].,".',' .a.-rJj.
, .. \:
;,c iij .€:r i
;e.d*i zii;liip1.,i1
' i.=.u: :.:;!rc.- ;!3551.i1..,
,ciiir.it, 5a:cj,r5.,:,;
2 _r li.


i'J $cd:0t-Ct-20r2
u-- dej:.--e i3$cso _*d;'
c,L.c=iti€e' asi.,.ie-q
--.Jflu. --!SEirJr-E i;v-:---,-\
A$s.1.$-J-:$, -, o c^iy \:?gir-5 -.r=nd._?+)r--
i.-.Jd :I;/rcea;. + o-jso Ea-.r're
i:,(sE=5=u=nJ j;)sq Efhfu r--,9C :. +j€C* i0x1-0, 4C.x6C, 5OxS0 3jar_.1i rre
*,.::'=iri ..id,1ijai,\
;-jd-;'.)ir.ogia} _{ SSslircA,-*i u€n<;ii.
*--/.C i-|d jp-ra-i,9C
u dq - eqg ia!:iio3
l.+x*" saF:JCitd $nily*i.sts;,..S)+ ., 2+x3_+
jrE. 94_ ,: Ot 9a-ir e.:-J.Fo:.;,-fl -6p.g
Je J=di.,€9:i)i
s-aa:cfui, i954
3+e.acj_$* 'Eja1:6jA ;fj}oi i=)iij+ .st.:)Jie-€....


.'l L

3.o'.j.))r. .+efoi) nOxrig i/.:eid_- ._-r,-aii?:l;
; ib+k) i?icda
*isC'_l ioaorihccj
Jojo. dc:
j.S,i*.crld,c$. "lcx-ae66 rl elQej udfeJ,a,€,d6ic.i,


.!-:.::-:_: !:,.,,i:,li . , .,
" ; . '_ r': ! rj;ir:r.J.1-..i,:_i::
:l _ ., -.-.. . ....r..,.:::,',.t::,.:,:


jocrb .5+
"tc*,;aoo3_ it

t.. -:t4 ryi,e-J-: uodr:=d>

--__- -=airee,rft>rytv:.
?, Qp
;b-]oi qj-.5j

"jr-a $il +1a

l? ida."bic-itsx: . i 6D+qnj'

.: -,' --'
$ eJO. gJ o n q9 '.u
ia.S; ecB 64 nsrd& 2ois(,+rd)
dosi*d iseroei ;ie3mooir,
.- u.dd)deds ;qd,
ziciidod>" D..rtoi:27.06.2016.

oeb: a;a:eade sdeddd-on dt6d il)rd

1-D.-: E$Ajii+d5{
Xi$fllenor durped Cio do@o$ 6Doo;a
doo 94.,ir . dre- 94;J& bBobo .odood
- nj6r--ee doeo ;gia>;-sdrig "
o_u ud
- * t *.. - _ .
Bdr?o-dd gide5de) i=oFo 6$(Fdr) 6eod:01-01-2012'
d- dodsd o
.Ctustud:d' 30x4O, 40x60. ;$dr 58xg0 eA ogdob a:,erosd
i aSd.ig&{ n3i$rtog iel do-cr-r^ld Foid
C1ro [email protected] dlo$d 1964d i<_a
(tiioJ do;,d)&d doo-uid t:Go$e
4',a dc6Dod) sobE$,Jr6, 1966 E 6oood, 03-03-2014
C€6 edlai8 ddeDRd. (,dFr-rgab{
&\i:$ri9r-i .SdXdE drD.de,.!onc{, d6dB.id$dOior ,6o-od: 05_04_2016 dod)
BGidood rjCD (06) Boiigddii oodd
6eoJ: 04-10-20I6d dEii jp j<rond. 6jiLo
=geoao uodddt* A ,fujdo:rd (,d- iigdj{
Ad( ;ir-ade, tfsii9;$r nBie-r A/edGnd
ele&6 asdoiAod a-oci (0f
dtssdddfrqJ rlgd6b4 tiore,:,ERd- )

oeiioix, dild dfe1ry rrodd zraaoe,

*3. diid o,-does_d€do-, ioo,t,
dc?,'robd'@6qalcd =$-.X **o
Y ?i,ileobrl+o
F;DF-o fur 6Feod; ol_01_20i2 (,odddegfld
d a.;rfr-t aq#;jun &ao._ncbd
20$0 A,$$oFd aond drdii+;$.,
djdl-roexel ,#*, io- r"_r*
i964d i<-lo 9G,1:r .e"Jrg il*_g
dO.,:,cui;, .rooFrrd C1;a dcoooj:
Ccbriirsb, r966iq e-Dod: -?S_ag_ZOts
O.&, eOga . CdsDnJ'o;;,;
letl .oel-lorT*ro
A,#or* 6eod;zs_{s_2ors,
ascJ: 27--08-2016d dd.lt<rdEDdEj.lr{apJoEn;.' * g;seddit ocdd"

- d.ioa[^id:6-o dccoob. aoob,

ddloi'-3n i'a ee3= jg# -L_,*
1964 +eD Sl_a de i3ia$ r.arO
oa:diigio* afe*A,ta Ooio;aoO ,iclroe,l,d diadd
aoerOd.x;eD dd,--r*d*j,,do6-doi)
ootubiisb, I%6d aobd) t-osB d Ebf,Jri
drar"spar. ix,Je,r
ddlod_3a ddgeeaddr ong
;jdJr'r: 6o-cod iJ.ieda;, ac;sa;"a; "gt ,${o **"r*e
+ acaddci:d>,
6i;SoO3. geeoO iro{ii9 rl,eecea"
fio;dQ le3:ddada;sond:dd, a"=dj;;i,;;. .sogd ;sjoas_ooes ar4
@.?oi €*dd$r uesdafir g+.rei,&_;;j-a-..:i.:
. ,

'.r;: -

qde Oe3 doo 94-:,4 dB ddroo-l.r dg edF ;iO,\d. ddFedo,i
108-x(4) . da .j$cd:2o d0 ar^pddii ;3roer"3ra cleG _6d) ;rdraxd@ncbd-'.

ioaoQad rg$dt*ildu a$+ doo.'obaD(idrli, ioaioddrg

rgdraiozsaor:3aedr aoodtnedadC d€ob&r. aoJa i-gddo?Jaob.B
idaoddoo6ri doiro0ndddl. & Eondd)d ddrcOccJele 15 Odileod ilod I
eoild.ros rl doryr/r9eio{d. @r(o oola fu;Saoaoon:9 ndofotifdooari
' ao.dd
EibDd Qea, od;a$dr t,dr -{cnd:eJarlgir da:dbe;itjod edrCdd>,
. &rd:;Jod 3$dbfDdub. doo-oo$ erQlooif*r dr.qjer,r;: u*"*t*i.dej.d. -
' odud OeA *)sD-od.FrtgAr* OriQe (,:JQo3fJCir .addderiaeid{q

dgoS il)notuddd.l aqoo6-ooddo, ('udaqioroQaoid) de
dod ddgee)ld ddd) diaBod t,aFitd aeieaooo$dr ajog(Oqq. abd)
.;r3de9d qoJ:rgd: ido trdrilC acleaoo €dg"Sq doOG d.g ts
oilef.ri*I .llrd,-ro6adr: d.Ei4e6d +D.r,d disob&4 agdra;od>
iaas-dt ng$dd- & n:dra^eeioJrgd droridrWq dqet"gn
c$e€dc cl.r.cediige.lde m0ndffi- oo/rro * oocd:EdO qdo{;de
'(,QE-oorig eLoedd$r irosdd ,ioesdooR doiieEnortu{dodr

s^ffi,,1- nodl u(J miiFdaF,

2. ae>c de+F6e0r{dr.
t4oS '---
sDd ae?noQ6)oii d) A@OEDOri9 doa-codd.
A. ;>esa dd9sc,,ao'd9d
dao dddfd z$d0 go.
..9 o$db ESlDtogIrJrl:

l. ndaJJd dooeo$ izJdd ed t5odrrdgF, Oa)d;,iad,-doii-eo$.

2. i-"--rdd gi+ral aatrQsr(ad* &drd#) o$dd sd ad,rd5r,
dooco$ qooai, ud:drffi:&Jts, dorisiJad).
3, ".:ers iaosdd r#d6o$,.ipq!@pq, dooco3>
- ,' .{
R ttu ae*Blll2oot14zttZ

oq*rUqn lg{,rsc+*cg
jn&d qqn dsgrr
spqJ-rya dorJded,, d&Dd, d@do c 9OrP oae, # ddr oF& ('I
Fart=IY,A Benga.lunL oes
4 ur.', 7 Maghcr 7 5, shott Yoisha 7 gse) ru.t+i
I{d- RD 46.LGp 2OrO, S".gab.",
Daxeit. ozlo2-2o17
...'......:- .-.:... . :. . .

dr1ft of the 'fol,ou.org. rures

.T. further to amcnd the Karratau
i _.__
1 was _
p,blished as required:by sub-section tand Revenrl Rriles, 1966
(L) of section rgz of ure
rs6a iriarnataka a.triz orlso+y xarJrca'Lo *"o.r.
r" N..6fia;;"; 46 Lcp 2016, dated: ,r,-"r- ^.a
in k IVra ofthe Karrrataka 19_01_2o17, published
,*r_roru ,''-,',*--:":i^:^::,
H;Hff .riH;ff#;#"ffi H:::l::#iHHi::ffiT#

: .ltrltrereas the
said:Gzette was made available
to.the public ori 2 V@,-T}fi.
withia tbe period specified dbove.
n"*' tr"refore' in exercisie
of the p.wers cor*rre& by sub-.section.
Karnatata rand Revenue Ac! {I}. of section 1g7 0[ the
ree+ grarr"t t ,Act rz-o. rn',)
the Government of Narna_taka hcrdby
makes the following rules to
Ruhs, 1966, nainely.- ..
amend the Xarnatat<a iarO ntrvenue
: -


.^ l-.Title and '6mueabemcat,it) .pav

These rules
fs".*enil."a..-"-,Iii;t=ilrr. '. -' b6 caued the Kanatal.a r-,po*
**..,*- '
: (2lrkJ' sea* corne into 6rce froni
the date o{ t\ir ,inal pubtica,,,^
in t},. oiiiciarcautte.
2' su*Etutioa or sctcaure-I .: 11
:ff* Ifrffiflfi!flf ; ;,,ilr'#'ffi**.s
the Land Revenue Rulis, 1966 (hereindter
reldting there ;";;.ronoFins

2 i!

o.l .lrcerule 1O8-S)
Ratc ihr Regulai_rization
i. "(

Rate for regularization (Itomlaalt

(ia fccQ. For SC/ST /Plfsicall y challenged
For others persons/Er-scrviccngn arid .poura
I 'State Cover Up to 30 r.l0 Rs.lOOO/- Ri.s00/-
(Rurd Ruial - 1200
2| Area) Area in up to 40 160 Rs.2OOO/-
th. t-.
q, State. upto50rd) Rs.30oo/: Rs.l,s0o/- .

subsutution of schcdrle-rl.: Ir the.s*id rules, for

an6 the entri,es
relating rhere uhdq the following shall bj$rbstituted, na.ael5r :_ . . .. ""neau.-u

-Ste rufe 1o8-I1 .
Rett br Regularization

Rate for'rtgrilirizatloa
SL For SC/SI .
IIo. Places Distancb ' /P.hYsieally
Others ctdlengcd perso!
-/E:ri:rsicemeh aad
IiilI ror D I measlou 4
m Z 3() le et .e. ll to 6OO ft.
I Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Ealite I8 Kins
under the. Karnatal<a lftfdrfiail
rations t976
2 The ci ties o f B€ lagc.vr IGlahryi I o I(ms
H ubbali D harwadar Mangaluu ed
Mysuru res pe ctively under the R$.2,50O1-
Pro-urslo n S o tKamataka MunniFl Rs,5,OO0/-
tio n s 197 6
3 All Ci ty Murucr paI Canncils the -5 Iftn s
Karna taka Munici tie s I lb+-
4 Other, MunicrPd corpo ra tiriss 'mder I o I(m s
ttre Karriataka Municipat Corpor.aias
Act 1976. - :.
5 MllR lcl Pa{ Cou ncils anA Tan 3 KmS
Panchayats under I the' IGmatatq.
M d I tie S Ac t, 1 9 64

By Order ahd in the name of the Gorernor of Karnataka

Under Seiretary to Goveinment,
Revenue Department (brrd Grants-l).

ilaro r4iree6, irsi a6 dia*, doitrid- (a7l 5<b 6sd6

:-:;::l:::j1':::::.:i:!:!''..:,::-:::-:::::1.:'.::- -:-.-',,.::-::-:::::-:r'-:--:'--,::,::-.::-:;:.:-:.-a:::":-. : . . ::-r':;:i,;i.-.-::.r'::.. :.-
- REt nb: ErE,E:tZAo, &?14?
4",,rr^ >+
ft1-;*l tula
Sr,rr'^ 1

B gd[}J(Ddr$
adpts o*ar5 dgp
arorr-n'A erorrdcdr. dee;bod,
4eil ctg: 90(.)2
&rrl€ 12, ,I7
esdse, Prt d* r,FaF, do gF€-
ta 22, s,hiaka Yarshc ls3d)t
.. romrcatrolt-,,,. ...
No: RD 2E LGp 2OtZ, Bengaluru, aateajiI.O6.i.tjii
The dralt of the foffo"ft,g ,,I.ifirt#.; annond the Kamatata
was published as requied f
Iand.. SSvenqp n"leq, gOO
by sub-se*ion ([].
oi section 197 of the l(arnataka
.-J96a__ffiaraatafra f"na re;*.r" ao
Act f2 of t964f in l{otlfication
No. flD 2s LcP zorz,
pubtished in pan IV_A ot
tbe Xamataka Gazette 6.L42a .O5-2O17
a:,ij doszor 7,
from all the persons inviting qb.ietbas_ft .srsestion
tik ly to t" alfect€d ttrer€by within s
ln the Official Gazette. fifteen diys trom the date
of irs irrllicition

, Whereas the sail Girzetb

. ., '
maae avhlaute go Ci. p.,iii.;" lstBro ii. -
. Arrd ,',irer€as no. otr.ecltuos
"ra +g.=-al*r= *". ***,Jlr**,* J*oO*a
Now, therefore, in exercis

*.r.ru#ffi ffi #**',.-#i=;,ru*,r yelue Ruleg l!86, namely:_

. .. .
- ..
, 1. litU aad.conr .. '.
Tbcse r-uhL ruav beiralted tt* xarr"t^r.
. (Fourth A merrdrne'-, *"" *I]""'{t} rri* R"o,,*-l
(2) Ttrey slult come imo
force koa tlE ifate of.their.
2' Aaendueut or Rute roa-X
" ln the r(arnataka La,*d
satd 'Ru\s)' ie rurg loax'

l..IoI' *r "'1'*" ,lr,* ,.* sha' be iEsted,

'Provide<i grat, the applicatixr
fqr grant
. .
of land unc *T *cc '
a bite or prot o,f tad ror tre q€uing rr-=. ir!
rneasurirry 3oXio f€et or acrEar,
IimitsortlreMuniciparq.*""*-u-il#"',"i",I"H#.ffi burr, ,l_.

:iar.- 1:ri;:1rj':1,: :: : : : : :r: l:. . . .: -: . -:.:i :i .. +:1';:::r: ::: I
-.: ::: r:':.,:,.'.an:

llot .fr* be *"d. withinl'ttk6e rioirths from the date of corirmenc'ement of tJte
IGrnatakp Iand Revenue. {Fourth @enfuenQ Rules, 2O17''

s- ;;eoi*nt or nili loey-- ln the said rule, in rule iog-Y for tire word 'section" wherever
it ociuri the.wprd'imle" shgll be suAstituted-
+. e-"rd-"ot'oi s.h"dol"-[ - In the said rules, in scneaute-tt under the freaaing "For
oimension 20 f, 30 feet. li.e., nir to 6{x) Se &J' after serial No.S and the entries relating thereto
fo.lowing shall be inser'teit, namely.- : . .'

Eorbiminsion : io x 4o feeL {Le., up to l2oo. sq: iE-t.

.'' ,E4te for

For SC/ST /PhYsieallY

Places Distarce challengriil PersoE /
,For Qthers- Ex-serviee men anil
Poura Karmikas: '
6. For grant of land measuring Distance aS. Rs.10,0OO/- . Ri.s,ooo/-
3OX,+O feet within the distance under column
sirccitred in column (3) (3) tif abbve.

----------ff Order and in the ndme of tlre Governor of Karnataka

to Goverruneirt, '
Llnder Secretaqt
Revenue Departinent (tand Gralts- l)-

.d6{o -bo€l@ooib, lad td drl4 doddd tB?) dsd& po

I. First Time On Guidance Value)
Karnataka Land Revenue Act. 1964 Section 94C (RuraD As per
RD 376 LGP 2013 Dated:03/03/2014.

Sl.No. Place Area Dimensions Rate of Regularisation

(Rs. per Sq.)
I State Rural Covers Rural Upto 30x40 l07o of the Guidence Value
Area area in the state However, for SC/ST, Physically
Handicapped, Ex-Servicemen and
Poura Karmikas 5% of the
Guidance value
Upto 40x60 207o of the Guidance Value
However, for SC/ST, Physically
Handicapped Ex-Servicemen and
Poura Karmikas l0% of the
Guidance value
Upto 50x80 307o of the Guidance Value
Howeveq for SC/ST, Physically
Handicapped Ex-Servicemen and
Poura Karmikas 15% ofthe
Guidance value
(Notification No.RD 376 LGP
20l3,Datd:291021201 6)

I Second Time ominal Rates)

Karnataka Land Revenue Act. 1964 Section (RuraD As oer
RI) 64 LGP 2015. Datdz06l07D0l6

Rete for rcgulerization (Noninal)

st Place Area
Dimensions For SC/ST /Physicelly
No. (h f€ct) challenged person /
For others Ex-servicemen and
Poura Karmikas

I State Cover Upto30x40 Rs.2000/- Rs.l000i-

(Rural Rural (1200 Sq.ft)
tuea) Area in
) the State. Upto40x60 Rs.4000/- Rs.2000/-
(2400 Sq.ft)

J Upto50x80 Rs.6000/- Rs.3000/-

(4000 Sq.ft)

m. Third Time (Revised Nominal Rates)
Karnateka Land Revenue Act. 196,4 Section 94C (Rural) As per
RD 46 LGP 2016. Dated:Ml02nW1

Rate for regulerization (Nominal)

sl. Dimensions
Phce Arce /Physically
No. (in feeQ
challenged penons/
For others
Ex-servicemen and
Poura Karmikas

I State Cover Upto30x40 Rs.1000/- Rs.500/-

(Rural Rural (1200 Sq.ft)
Area) Area in
2 the State. Upto40x60 Rs.2000/- Rs.l000/-
(2400 Sq.ft)

3 Upto50xE0 Rs.3000/- Rs.1,500/-

(4000 Sq.ft)
I. rst Time nG idan Value
Karnataka Land Revenue Ac sa n rban r
RD 345 t-GP 2012 Dated:2El08/2015.

For Dimension 20x30 ft. (Le.6tln so.ft)

Rate for regularization on guidance

value [on per sq.ft. basisl
SL For SC/ST/ Physically
Pleces Distance
No. challenged/ Ex-
Seruicemen and Poun
I B.B.M.P. under the lGrnataka l8 ICms 20% r0%
Municipal Corporations Act,
2 The Cities of Belagavi, 10 K.ms t5% 7%%
Kalaburagi, Hubballi,
Dharuad4 Mangalore and
Mysore under the Kamataka
Municipal Corporations Act,
3 All City Mmicipalities rmder 5 K.ms lV/o 5%
the provisions of Karnataka
Muncipalities Act 1964
4 Other Municipal Corporations 10 K.ms l2o/o 6%
under the Kamataka Municipal
Corporations Ac! 1976
5 TMCs and Town Panchayats 3 K.ms lU/o 5%

II. Sccond Time ominal Rates)

Kr rnataka Land Revenue Act. 1964 Sec n 94CC (U rban) As per
RD 64 LGP 2015. Dated: Ml07t20t6

Rate for regularlzation

sl. /Physically
o. Places Distance challenged
person / Ex-
servicemen and
Poura Xarmlkas.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (s)
For Dimenslon : 20 x !l{l feet. Le., up to 6@ .ft.l
1 Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara 18 Kms
Palike under the Karnataka
Municipal Co rporations Act, 1976
Rs,10,000/- Rs.s,000/-
2 The Cities of Belagavi, Kalaburgi, 10 Kms
HubbalFDhanrvada, Mangaluru
and Mysuru res pectively under
the provisions of Karnataka
Municipal Corporations Act,
3 All City Municipal Councils under 5 Kms
the Karnataka Municipalities Act,
4 Other Municipal Corporations 10 Kms
under the Karnataka Municipal
Corporations Act, 1976.
5 Town Municipal Councils and 3 Kms
Town Panchayats
I. Third Time Nomina I Rates)
Karnataka Land Revenue AcLl964 Section 94CC (Urban) As oer
RD 46 LGP 2016. Dated:04/0212017
For Dimension : 20 to 600 s .ft.
Rate for regularization
Distance challenged
No. Places
Others person /Er-
servicemen and
(1) Q) (3) (4) (s)
I Bnrhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike 18 Kms
rmder the Karnataka Municipal
Corporations Act 1976

2 The Cifies of
Belagavi, Ifulaburgi, l0 Kms
Hubbali-Dharwada Mangaluru and
Mysuru respectively under the provisions
of Kamataka Municipal Corporations Rs,5,000/-
J All City Municipal Councils under the 5 Kms
Kamataka Municipalities Act 1964.

4 Other Municipal Corporations under the 10 Kms

Kamataka Municipal Corporations Act,

5 Town Municipal Councils and Town 3 Kms

Panchayats tmder the Kamataka
Municipalities A ct, 1964.
For Dimension : 30 x 40 feet (Le-. uD to 1200 so. ft) Bufier zone Area
Notificetion No. RI) 2 5 LGP 2017. Dat ed:.l2lfi6l20l7

Rate for regularization

st Distrnce challenged
No. Pleces
Others penon /Ex-
servicemen and
(l) Q\ (3) (4) (5)
6 For Grant of land measuring 30x40 feet Distance 10,000 5,000
with in the disence specified in column as under
(3) Column
(3) of
dmrtgd irord
ioaJr: udB 26 ocfdeJ 2017 doorud' iordd iaJaoe.:o$,
rrdabdadd d8d.
zjorlCodl, 6mod: 3l-03-2017.
Odo$: doaFud qlo dooo$ 6-oo3a, 1964d doo 94:r- dAo6g
n3dJoodd ab{ doo. 94,$tu dao$g
drtd qidedrtdQd.
nEo:o reorodQ edQdoda-oR a"x)Fed)d aoid
$drl9${ njd:rinerod erd. .
eruejea): daoedd lodqed io;iir: eJCfG 64 aef'Bd, 2015(rpd)
6oood: 27-06-20t6 drEb O6-Ot-ZOt6.
do-ort;d eJn domob uoo3g, tg64d de.>o 94:) dBo$g rguboodd
dded d)Ar de)o 94$& dao$g drtd gidedz.tsp 6oood: 0l_01_2012d dodrde
iroro alareedB edQd,)ddDn OODF:rd)d aroid E$drlC${ ngilbelDaj
ioaofr erDeJesDd SdoccrrlCg g?tu6d drorlrioaJrlg{o$ gS{S"fDdod
drnoileie i.lo?JicroRd. duocbddd, dr ESdod ercddes* rlilddgr*a.ood)
(9dFd$q rdoCrdBio Bgierohd :
(l) (9rjef I rdi*e& &€/lcg deo 94,r) d$6 94r,:, oaoso
adQd sdQcto . ecdoner^]. (,dFd?$J oe{pn
€dddFd6iDd ier>mn n3d ejqridrTdomoir 0o(id6;
aioaroocDg eepdn eeuDod$ U SrtO
49eo$ eQtobdC
d.odo$g 0rlQd deodt3 ao88ooc*:
$rd.a qjerj oiB oSrdd d.]D3d
{e ngaslooa"rit
droc$dd. "d {c doaeerd
(2)dodd erdr udrdds*igd)Ad XdDo$iJg az.ndd ddier
ddqeer*ordd& Bdmdr ejooo8 $E dcd edQda:,

TdlTd 8jr^rdo$${ {eeo$ ro{ils dorjoo deddg

4eeo$ no{o$ serDort9 idoloeiidoooii sdFrtCS,
<r_drog -&dd;ddooood dogeo&, oo$$dddp$ oQ:,6j
todFddeq0 drDg ngsdoeler aoitra:06d.



duodddd,. de.:o 94:l ddl deo 94&h dao$Q *narle3e 0rlQd

edQo$fl Acdoielod oe4 udrrlg$* 30d( trJo$-2017 d.,o$?i dodilS0$o
oJ .t
Adc droddod aq gd5eer*or,19ri dcBctmn dro?3drlddb4 Aeddod 6?rt,o
dr oloeado$o de)Eida-on o$derirogiDod aoa.r:ddr* srogdBtuAraod)
udrrldSr d0:,d g o.xd ade&Bd LD8 e6d odFrld addd
OriQd dilrado$g egeQedoAd drobgo$${ uo$D aeDild . agdead eotD{d
S.oe.rd d$6oSdod ooaird deAQEaorlgd €r droe.:d geieDnd,


iardd (,Qed foo$Fdar,

domoJr eeroa3 (6odoer.rooo.9-1)

sdoli. @-
i.'Sqiqlaeat uotuloc.
2. ")so dsoo6aorl6-
3. ad(d dqQEaorlqb, qloar uuSaoo ioed, qlDabdN-o dooooJo ddd4 abdl
$o oo$eirlC qcDaJo$ dtdd, d.so6.d,)q, dorlslodr.
4. od(Fdddr; ctjcr-a3e e3df4e& deoSi qlododda dooDo$ d6dd $dl .clo
m$eirld eeodod) dqd, d.ucr.do$ dodCod).
5 . oso sud aDrDoroorld)
6 . aen
o ) aeaQEoorlc domodd.
5 uoaa dao ddd/dQdo €e.


L ne$ dooo6-iaidd -u{ rooi:rdAF, aeod$d, a3ods1o6.

2. iaqdd dpt r-oo$rd5ro$dd sd uoo$rd&r, doo-ooJr ssoej,
' rJd$da d*d, a.Jorldodr.
3. iardd gipd o-ooJrrdgF(add OdFdd) qdd sd uoo$rd9r, doooos
.acDe3, Ddild6 dqd, dodqra6.

4. oq iordd eddierDd u-oo$rd5r, doooi: qsoa3, aJd)$da dqd.


doorgd irord
;loa3; eo66 26 ocr8& 2017 ddoFtld i6-dFdd drjooood:,
ud)6$dBrlC dljd.
dortdo6, Oeod: . 24-04-2017.
adQl oarod rB0oeco Abdl d,id $dedrfds i.roro
aoe$rld0 odQtsjD-on -OAoF,1,6d ddrl$j&{
ng$riopfDd ioalo{ eoero$.od: Crled deso
dqob$1 dojrootu &edonoand)d odFiido54
E-aea).go$g OeJe doa ddr*dgd$4 Adoild $06.
erueje$: duardd tudqsSJ=,iSaj, eJdG 26 olld& 2017
6ood: 3l-03-20I7.

ooood: 0!-01:20l2d A;didg oo%d n3aDe6 $$ ddd gidedddo

:- :
*"iis fl ededrdao n o a; e-a o a" ;ssirro Or xgjnoe*r J x oer o fr
dudFtjd q1o doooo$ uao::, tsO+a de-:o 94,rr aS:eblSa;.eao$Q ndaod
dO-SeroRd & iouoC,oir iOn:d erdeoJo: .doo.94,r, di6^ doo 94,r,,1
.reao$E do$m,n opo*: zo_oz_ibrz
*q zt_&_zdi So i>naosiJ.

eedonsDd eBFrlS&4 OoJododraod doseod ddr,

erQurod$;ao6d nafDdD(dd {eeo$ no{rid
. dd,r, odrilsrdro zonaotdorloA ;o5e]Oa
- erdr dCIa&qjadgd d$idg Adoie)r d."$dEo$dod drnoi.ieje dodr
td,qeeirtOcl dodddd{ Oedohd. oonrt"6 & rt&oodr
E&oSo6g drl.3
. xoQide scbd)6 orlir ogoar drad>gd>dd iaed rledE.uoOd. _

:**g edFrid${
ec*oneJr}a ae€lD-on eaodr;aro* x())aoi
oo({dd, doesDo3)s crgddo "er6raortO / ddd {eeo$
(,-O:Dorl: nasr{c$doooii Crled devodr* -6o#ooc$
aldL (,dFil+
6o ngal$a"rrl
C3e$ AcB dgd e"rd Asi doaeod aSra gO*a"Xr*oa
e,Dgee)d ;bAEecro$E drrioi.teii eedqjnA]

aboddddr, erojo dcDOEaOd$ d.9 qoora8ri ioeJoQ,tdod

,d.dCq doaccrd dDE$d axi dx-aoif 2017 BorldO. $rRotDri or,tsotO
CdOd deso d€gJ1S* doedd ebdldcb. dcroeu-ooztd) dirrdBloDd de
deea d{o$dro (Jolro dozooog eQqq oeEoorl$ rDE$ dozrrol).B ilrldg
IBS ndildg rgaJ: doaoors uddi$r{S.arb Bd{6r(eri t 6 de$dddd}.
dodd dd:*dg Ae6d Ee.:n{ qdop,rr d>o6d +-i eodo:dqg adlrAl
0edd dgo$o$ab{ drrcoFii/aend{d1.

tcdonerod edrilS do5eooa dgolDo$E SpdtAe (,EjF #crr&zJa.irjJ

dadocrldod a;o{d dtoiaie$. dr uaoJrrdO :ocro gpo$dstc duRd dodd
B$' a$jldg/ig,$ 'doaroooS Seogfldo ddldgrtg$4 oddd doder
3i$dEonde$. "adoooDR @ergb teogiltgrl n3*sodSO rd6 -aodr
doclbdd oortri E-oe>df$aoilgd g{qd. u{ooa d, .{ doror o{d
d&tu d@r-dd d: rooJor3i$dS1 qtderfoener:
3i$dSo$dod ooerrd oen
dqQt-dorlgd dl ;$.oe.:d dqps iorJd Oederohd.

(rEo. .s.d*eo 6)
iu-ordd dOaC oa rd5s,
doooo$ casoai

1. o<n uDde5d uo$u{6.

2. o(D dero68-oorlg)., .
3-. Ad(d de4QtDorisb, q1o& erDfgilo0 toeU,
6oao-o*iro - do6oo$ d6di
-3* eJro o-o$eJrtd esoajodl drld, 8.sd.dd* aJorlCod:.'. -.
' 4. 0&rdd6, eelse:r-dc..erdfiea 8eogi, Couo*oo doooo$ ddd{ ab-dl
dD ooeDejrtd qe:oajat 1qi, a".o'io5 dodCodr.
5. orp erud ezlonaeaood$ I ,
6. oq ddae(,rodrleii.
J.*egO@6dO a$rmodd.
7. DeD d6o ddd/drtdo gi.s.
dro&.gn-oR :
I. n-.d, dooooJrialdd ud u-do$FdAF,-Apdjod, aJoiiqtod.
2. itDFdd EiOod aooJ:rd5rol:dd sd- t-ool>rd5r, doooo$ qsDa3,
Dd)a$6d6 dqd, aJorldnd.
3. gie-od rooSragF (adeb Odrdd) edd (,d a:ooJ:rdg6,
.X6DFdd -
do6oo$ seroer, ud&6$dB aqp, C6rr*od:
4. oe itaFdd erddTuud e..#-ao.rffi _qcroaj, ald:ajldB dr^1d.
;icsir: cdG 26 oerd&.201?
,i=.if crj -rj-)fj,3$.
+rl.,-tf ,].=d :t]tr.
aSoii{ec:, e,..,-c;: CiltZ-ZOti
.i(c.l: dcTor-tj-r q1,o docilob eaa{, i96a.d d(E 94,?) c-rac1..:)
.iD::tlodd *4 94:r:, dqc(oq *rO g*.n,_iJ"l
' 5'EDFO aiAlcAaio :o' re;in* i.:r-:^ i. .- - - '

aaori'};i cr,ir
trcEie$:l) ;iodg<ej ;iojr: ecfB 26
.XorO.eS oe>"d& 2Ot1
6o:JEod: 3l_03_2017 abe
-Z)-idaFd.J Sder.j ;oS; uo"a 64 oer-da
omgdl 2?:06_ZOt6 rt u, OS_oZ_ZO16.
.* "i",1
' . di,rdFt3- X,o- *oco3l.
A.t, irOoaO deo 94,$ daobg .g;ir_odd
EdrJ "$& doq 94R;r dao$O Srto "gC*UleO_*"i,
aa:s.r,6d mid Jsi+ar. -r,S*rd;;; ;"*f, ffir:lU :f.."J.#
6 e:, o); rnoilr io zsrlg{c$ gk;irrrpoe I
ls_oe_?orzc *,.odrd*":*r.

. -.^.::od:
,g *q*rE.*B...Fgdepd. z.Lr,
s,-q6,G18 erde-iid&, otrg
"*ri, .J", o o* rrj
fledoie;aaei3, aeJci"ropieod
shci:rjci. Oeje-oon-rn I,
* ';e;#'^l-& Hr,;-"::-si"_ -t'eE* ;*:#
:::trHIdTSl ;;* ;*:fi-r^*s,;',d_r_n "i,,oi,i
r$)qcird&g, fgdccj erodiigd:* ij"bddgt]}Aoc6
'd? +n-ilid.r -ded
*::::-U ;ee1er,e
ru aid,oebu. ylur*o'o*.nno*
, , -.r.i ,

(t) d adriiesc ircgi;-i#p dco 94,$

31-e," --'n-;;X
ab6- 94i,i (,Gc$O
:i1, yrA"cg
ldd$.dati>d "*ri,.nq
rylr-.:i,fA6oorol Aora;.1i.
::?P: '-rQaoo'i+
uaedo$g &-red
I .iio';-* ;;;*;

aDq zjer-: o€B ssiis d+"d oeriv
i-z<d .,,p=,-
EJEdrd6. ',,'a'i ' 1+ $o5eod

- . i: -:-'i! . "
. .:.::+::.i:s :r:r --
.r]--:.i- ' .:
.,,,. . .,,,.,,,, ,. r. .,..,,,j::.. , ,


-- "'-'-{'6e!os
. *\].- :::-
e.)rv i/-rQdG:,
xc{ii9 ;aeajor

- (rdFdiigd aQr,d:d{.
(a) :"s,i#ffii;*:l:S*
r*.Jj lr^*"=l* .l",,,
Eo5ee-i d€c3rr
-il;$-]n*.ilfr} uas
(,) y . -*-,1e' *oo ];dae
$$dg^oa$.';o*irr-*X}-. #cdd,F.ii)

a$ooe$ajdc$, de)o o,r..
*:it gA:J

f#l,rl; :,

(O5c.Oq)f.a$ a-oode
icoFdd (, Qed eaoj:rdar
sdoil. .., ..dgPgj>. qooai (alm$oaoooa_tj

oe+ "Edegd so$jd
e)(rd deneaoorigc,
cb d-
J. c.JA ed'*egS;aor+r;
6.,4 i[ au;tmo ErNd
clro d/aut:odd- dooioj)
4. Sderddcb, (,[Jcr_de o$ d?d. r.
"crJaj drg' 4odcJocb.
o8 "nd)
ej dn,eb dcogf.
o-ra)diig lerrerob qio&dila dooooi)
5. ooD sua3 ognrne*-oi iijd .!.gcr' Ag *lor,*"O-. drd{ abE5 qio
6- aea ddoe-f+o'-rieii.
). eDaro Cro dddEatdo.l dqQuoote atrg,uoogo.
db. dt$. €rTe R:
I ,D..1. dcoDob
i?sdd t;

3 iq;!;:e#fi3,:$#' #*.t: Sit*3_* e.,-*r

€OaS ueo6r.3 p
4 1ll": ',j;;"#;:f"f,m.o..adl=)
ne-E .;ElF dd. "q -pipaj, , dooaoj,:
-.wvlvydj l:$ttar, Jcco6
";oz.Jr*,#d:i.- eeaaJ, e.:i.,,6i;#r,ra j

l :-:: ;-;,i1:-1;.:;';i;,.i1i.-::i:::;.:t:;:.:!
icej; vcr'A 26 ,-\erd& 2017.
ducrald i5tr-dd ;idalocs,
e.: d,;i>d& i-icj ii-,"-j

eiori-ei.rad:. 6=r,od: 0g-i2-:01 ?.


sElFdd d.F.)E' sooj-ro'Er.

doooot te,oaj.
ildr;bdB i6jd-

l) aqdncD
2) ouidd ceD xe4QacoitV;. ..

Ddo$: doar-o:d 6o
"roooot Eoo$o i964d de)o 94,1 ocoso
rga3:oodd ;td ;erc gq,r,il Oao$O
dilO ddeddvOd
n6o:e odQ#-n
?rarrQGig' c>d *t^ici
;$dd$&. Xg$iroeilt a.l{.
wr3ee): l) iEDFdd n:doeci ioei;
scfar_26 nf_rd& 20tj
60-ood: 3l_03_201? $Er tt_Og_ZOtZ.
2) J6-rs-dd jt"g*rj Xoaj; ucrA 64 ds,d& 2015(.J0.1)
,- ____, 6o-oc i: 27 _O6_q016 ab6-06_07_20l6.
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ed?d,daeh aacr.:,*j
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iouod *qr"r tud,o(ejrrvo .qerisd
*narleft iozslelai*.
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ijnc"*EEi. icjrilooi-ion'l.g7.gs0 qCJa,
tu"i lurdd. _E-ofloj)€. 94i; e8crJo
;i_l9n;"1 er+_,, t r r:::..:*l1i* s.iox*ia3,-;."g
<rdriid ioaj. l;09.801 e=nd5gcj. aeicioiln .aaO*
t6{rirn esS - -'-: LA7,B2l edrii-tj; ,:re;
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a5oiG,,1d..Ei ioe)cei dro
d eQiosii d€-ri1ab{ 6i-ri}6Dn Joai-uo{6 4T
nerda. 2017 6sod:05.12,2017 .
a-o/r,a €dB '?5 Oo,s. d"l
edSrdc<3ii oil.g$i_
2017 Dsiood: 05.12.2017 s.

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"dl. docrdo$,

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oQed aoobrdar,
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iJod A dSc o nd:

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4. .rcrd dddgeeDo"iibri

-r>o oq r*4* ,u.I

:.1i j- :' :','. .:.:.. ! . . - :, -., ...,, :,, .,,,,.,,,.,,.,:.:, ......i,:...,

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, RNI fu, EAREEJ2OO| 14" 74?

trwd@ oFdodaon gp$ne,oc$d>

Ext4/a alorjdod:, deilad edoa(, o L, '90(12
fSodrad 9 ae, U 6 ddr oEa.a do. ngea
- Partll/A Bf,',i,gg,luru s a turda-g D@enfur 7 6, 2 o.I 7
ra 2 5 sh ako Vorsha I 939) Ib- 7%t3
ioi6eoS {daelC lzsE oooi)
noa3; no{uoe 60 Eoid ZOrZ, llofdooU, AF-ood: 16.12.2017

t..- Karnataka Land Revenue {Fourth iloendment) Bill,..2O

. The
LZ tr ZOlTd ABoDU ,Aorfd_,
-:t:y: ooa;uaood e"gzi dod*i$-D'$Dd, e$de8non
La;ir. zorzu ranrar
of,no$ab ioa3; 50 aoe.:r6oR doorud *% fodg *ti.sX*e*ocS erdeA*soid.

: .'.'-:
(Received the assdnt of Gbvembr on lte i5L
a"v or o.c"mt"., zor?il'
An Act fur-ther to amend the Karnataka land
' Revenue Act, 1964.
whereas' it is exoedient further to amend
the Karna,*" L-o a"".nue Act, r96a
Act 12 of 1964) for the piurposes. hereinafter apfiaiilg*:'- " fiGrnata-rra
Be it enacted bv the Karnataka State
Irgidature .in .the
India, as follows:- rc Drxr-y
elgntn year ol the IReprblic of
of tlre
1. Short tifle and co.E::^!::nent._ (ll This
Revenue (Fourth Amendment) Act, itrIT- Act may .be called the Karnatah L;aad

2' A'uendmeut of section grFC'- In the Karnataka -

12 of 19 l (hereinafter r,and Revenue Act, rg64-{Karnataka Ac:
referred to as the p"".tp.l A,fr t"'section 94c, r".
iu" ,*il fi8rr*i
,'.",1"ilii*X#"i1:d1' occurrinc; i;; ;ffi:ri,J'*o.a" ana rigu.esln,s.-ali -a
3' Ame-ndEeDt of sect^ion-g4€c.- In sectim g4cc
figures "first day of Januarv.2ol2" of the principal Act, for the words and
January 2015" shall be suUstitttea.
o -- --v prii",
r" tr" t-'qeL the words and figures .firs't day of

By order and in t].e name of the Govemor of Kartrataka"

s9..Telag. tb;6ieinnent-
. Dep*g3a+-;if-ai:riiii"riifi em"i."
dao a$4@oofr. sat to4 i!('.h.Hed). (s7) CSdC). a.ii2

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