Singh Et Al. 2017
Singh Et Al. 2017
Singh Et Al. 2017
ISSN 0033-4553
Volume 174
Number 7
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Pure Appl. Geophys. 174 (2017), 2793–2802
2017 Springer International Publishing
DOI 10.1007/s00024-017-1556-4 Pure and Applied Geophysics
Time Series Analysis of Soil Radon Data Using Multiple Linear Regression and Artificial
Neural Network in Seismic Precursory Studies
Abstract—This paper reports the analysis of soil radon data half-life of 3.8 days, 220Rn (also called thoron),
recorded in the seismic zone-V, located in the northeastern part of
India (latitude 23.73N, longitude 92.73E). Continuous measure-
member of 232Th series, with an half-life of 54.55 s
ments of soil-gas emission along Chite fault in Mizoram (India) and 219Rn, member of 235U series, with an half-life of
were carried out with the replacement of solid-state nuclear track 3.928 s. Owing to its longer half-life, the variations
detectors at weekly interval. The present study was done for the
of its concentration in soil and fluid samples are
period from March 2013 to May 2015 using LR-115 Type II
detectors, manufactured by Kodak Pathe, France. In order to reduce considered as useful tools for prediction along active
the influence of meteorological parameters, statistical analysis tools fault zones (Chyi et al. 2005; Igarashi et al. 1995; Liu
such as multiple linear regression and artificial neural network have et al. 1984; Singh et al. 1999; Virk et al. 2001; Etiope
been used. Decrease in radon concentration was recorded prior to
some earthquakes that occurred during the observation period. and Lombardi 1995; Fu et al. 2005; Walia et al. 2005;
Some false anomalies were also recorded which may be attributed Külahci and Çiçek 2014). Furthermore, the variations
to the ongoing crustal deformation which was not major enough to in soil-gas radon concentration are not only con-
produce an earthquake.
trolled by the processes such as seismic activity,
Key words: Radon measurements, SSNTDs, MLR and ANN volcanic activity or deformation, but also by the
analysis, earthquake precursors, statistical algorithm, meteorolog- influence of meteorological parameters (Ghosh et al.
ical parameters.
2009; Stranden et al. 1984; Wattananikorn et al.
The proneness of northeast region of India is
attributed to the Indian plate and Eurasian plate in the
1. Introduction north and subduction tectonics along the Indo-
Myanmar range in the east (Dewey and Bird 1970).
During the last two decades, efforts on a large The surrounding area of this region has experienced
number of geophysical and geochemical measure- many large earthquakes during the past ten decades.
ments have been made in earthquake-prone regions of The geomorphologic map of Aizawl town (Fig. 1)
the world. Since radon is easily detectable, it has been forms a part of meridional ridges and narrow valley
mostly preferred as earthquake precursor. Moreover, (i.e., often controlled by faults). Its surroundings are
predication of seismic events is very complicated underlain by tertiary sedimentary rocks belonging to
because the physical mechanism of earthquakes and surma group of rocks of Oligocene–Miocene age.
the factors governing them are poorly understood The study area is mostly mountainous and hilly
(King 1986). Radon, with noble geochemical char- whose ranges traverse in the north–south direction
acteristics found in nature has three different separated by many north–south flowing rivers and
isotopes, i.e., 222Rn, member of 238U series, with an valleys. Because of the slope of its valleys it has
witnessed many landslides over the past few decades.
The study area is along Chite valley which occurs
east of Aizawl anticline ridge (Rawat and Parihar
Department of Physics, Mizoram University, Aizawl
796004, India. E-mail: [email protected]
2001). The Chite River flowing between Aizawl town
Department of Geology, Mizoram University, Aizawl and Zemabawk formed a broad valley approximately
796004, India.
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2794 S. Singh et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.
Figure 1
Location map of study area showing the geology of the region (modified after Singh et al. 2014)
600 m long and 45–60 m wide. Looking at the sce- entry of all radon, thoron and their progeny (Mayya
nario of its proneness the authors extended their et al. 1998). Therefore, in our present study we have
research work along Chite fault in Aizawl District, used only two compartments (i.e., pinhole compart-
Mizoram (India) (Jaishi et al. 2013, 2014a, b; Singh ment and filter mode compartment) to monitor radon/
et al. 2014). thoron concentration. The dosimeters loaded with
detector films were kept inside metallic cylinders at 3
locations with 3 detectors each in two locations and 4
2. Materials and Methods detectors in one. The final reading was the average of
all the 10 detectors. The hollow metallic cylinders
In the present research work, solid-state nuclear were kept 80 cm below the soil surface and 30 cm in
track detectors (SSNTDs) based dosimeters were diameter as shown in Fig. 2. The detector films were
used for continuous measurements of soil-gas radon/ kept exposed for a period of 7 days, and after the
thoron concentration along the Chite fault, Aizawl, exposure period they were retrieved and chemically
Mizoram. The cellulose nitrate films were loaded in etched using 2.5 N NaOH solution in a specially
the dosimeters which were cut into a size of designed constant-temperature bath model PSI-CTBI.
3 cm 9 3 cm. The dosimeters have three compart- The detector films were etched at a stable temperature
ments, i.e., membrane/pinhole compartment, filter of 60 C for approximately 60 min; after this process
mode compartment and bare mode. In case of pinhole the films were stripped off. The etching is done in
compartment, it measures radon only and allows order to enlarge the alpha track registered from the
more than 95% of radon gas to diffuse and suppress radon/thoron gas within LR-115 films. The stripped
thoron gas to less than 1% (Arafa 2002; Jönsson LR-115 detector films were further dried and counted
1981; Ramachandran et al. 1987). Whereas the filter using a spark counter to obtain the track densities in
mode allows both radon and thoron gas to diffuse into tracks per square centimeter. The track densities were
it, the entry of the progeny is blocked by placing a then converted into Becquerel per cubic meter as
filter paper. Regarding the bare mode, it allows the discussed in Singh et al. (2014). The meteorological
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Vol. 174, (2017) Time Series Analysis of Soil Radon Data Using Multiple Linear Regression 2795
Ground surface
Metal cylinder
20 cm
Soil gas
Figure 2
Measurements of radon/thoron in soil
data for this region were obtained from Indian software. A general MLR model can be formulated as
Meteorological Department-Regional Meteorological given in the following equation:
Center, Guwahati, India.
Y 0 ¼ a þ b1 X1 þ b 2 X2 þ þ b n Xn ð1Þ
Here the predicted value of the dependent variable
3. Data Analysis is Y0 , a is the constant term and b1, b2, … bn
represents the regression coefficient of the indepen-
3.1. Multiple Linear Regressions dent variables X1, X2, …, Xn, respectively. An
important step in selecting the best model is to
In different branches of engineering and science,
determine how many variables and which particular
many problems are involved in analyzing the rela-
variables should be in the final model. We have
tionships between two or more variables. Multiple
performed stepwise regression which permits re-
linear regressions (MLR) is a statistical technique
examination at every step of the variables in previous
that is very significant for predicting the best
steps. A variable that enters at an early stage may
relationship between a dependent variable and sev-
become non-significant at later stages because of its
eral independent variables (Giacomino et al. 2011).
relationship with other variables subsequently added
MLR is based on least squares criterion: the model is
to model (Latt and Wittenberg 2014).
fitted in such a way that the sum of squares of
In this study, we performed MLR taking into
differences of observed and predicted values is
account soil radon concentration (Rn) as the
minimized. MLR analysis was performed using SPSS
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2796 S. Singh et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.
dependent variable and the meteorological parame- non-significant predictors of the dependent variable as
ters, viz., rainfall (Rf), relative humidity (Rh), the p value (significance) is more than a-value (0.05).
temperature (T) and pressure (P) as independent In backward regression method, only one predictor
variables. Here Rn has been regressed with Rf, Rh, variable is eliminated at a time (the predictor variable
T and P. All the predictor variables mentioned may with the highest p value is deleted first). Therefore,
not be a significant predictor of the dependent rainfall having the highest p value (0.755) is removed
variable. To sort out this problem and to build a from the model 1 and a second model is constructed
better model, we performed backward regression with T, Rh and P as independent variables. Model 2
method using SPSS statistical package. The back- shows that P is a non-significant predictor (i.e., the p
ward regression method starts with all the predictor value is more than 0.05). So, P is removed from the
variables, tests the significance of each predictor model and a third model is constructed with T and Rh as
variable using t test and then deletes the variable (if predictor variable. It can be seen in Model 3 that Rh is a
any) that improves the model the most by being non-significant predictor (since the p value is much
deleted. This process is repeated until the maximum more than 0.05). So, Rh is removed from the model and
number of steps is reached or no more independent a fourth model is built with T as a single predictor
variable qualifies for removal (Hocking 1976). The variable. It is now clear that T is a significant predictor
coefficients of the backward regression output for (p value \0.05) of Rn. Therefore, the raw score
radon are presented in Table 1. regression equation for model 4 can be written as
From the radon data, the backward regression 0
Rn ¼ 888:444 þ 88:283 ðTÞ ð2Þ
output has four distinct models (Model 1, Model 2,
Model 3 and Model 4). In the first model, it includes all We calculated the predictor value of measured
the predictor variables (Rf, Rh, T and P). Now, to check radon concentration (Rn’) using the above equation.
the significance of the predictor variables a t test is
performed at 95% confidence interval (i.e., the a value
3.2. Artificial Neural Network
is set at 0.05) and its corresponding probability is
shown in significance column of the table (Table 1). Artificial neural network (ANN) refers to a well-
Looking at the significance of each predictor variable known computational structure inspired by the oper-
in model 1, three predictor variables (Rf, Rh and P) are ation of the biological neural system, used widely in
Table 1
Coefficients of the backward regression output of radon
B Std. Error b
observation period. The method employed is useful to zone (68–141 km) given by Dobrovolsky et al.
differentiate those radon anomaly caused by geo- (1979):
physical process from those caused by various
D ¼ 10 exp 0:43M km; ð4Þ
meteorological parameters (Negarestani et al. 2002).
The ANN method was compared with the multiple where D is the epicentral distance and M is the
linear regression method (MLR). As indicated in magnitude of the earthquake. The spatial distribution
Fig. 4, the ANN method gives a better accuracy in of the selected earthquakes as per Eq. (4) is depicted
prediction than the MLR. This can be clearly in Fig. 5.
understood from the descriptive statistics of all the During the investigation period, a total of 16
parameters as described in Table 2. The correlation radon peaks were observed. Amongst these radon
coefficient of measured radon with respect to the peaks there are two peaks of radon concentration
predicted ANN value is more than that of the pre- which crosses above ?2SD, five peaks crossing
dicted MLR. The predicted value obtained by ANN ?1SD and nine peaks were beneath -1SD. From
method is then used to define a radon anomaly. A Fig. 6, it can be seen that all those positive radon
radon anomaly is usually defined as the value which peaks crossing ?2SD and ?1SD could not be cor-
exceeds the average value by ±2 standard deviation related with the seismic activity, since there was no
(Rannou 1989; Price et al. 1994; Guerra and Lom- such signature of any seismic events during that time
bardi 2001; Ghosh et al. 2009; Jaishi et al. 2014a, b). window. These positive peaks were considered as
The selection of earthquakes is always a difficult task false anomaly. Perhaps, these two increases in radon
and many earthquakes had occurred near the study concentration may have occurred due to ongoing
area during the investigation period (see Table 3); crustal deformation in the region which was not
however, we have selected only those earthquakes mature enough to produce an earthquake. Moreover,
that comes well within the earthquake precursory both these peaks occurred during heavy rainfall,
Figure 4
Time series of measured and predicted values of radon during the observation period
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Vol. 174, (2017) Time Series Analysis of Soil Radon Data Using Multiple Linear Regression 2799
Table 2
Descriptive statistics of measured radon, predicted radon (ANN), predicted radon (MLR) and meteorological parameters
Parameters No. of observations Mean Standard deviation (SD) Max. Min. Correlations
Measured radon (Bq/m3) 118 1204.63 613.26 3693.0 164 Zero-order Partial Part
Predicted radon (ANN) (Bq/m3) 118 1208.26 446.25 2811.01 224.45 – – –
Predicted radon (MLR) (Bq/m3) 118 1204.63 320.31 1685.00 488.33 – – –
Rainfall (mm) 118 40.76 56.92 311.1 0 0.208 -0.029 -0.025
Temperature (C) 118 23.71 3.63 29.15 15.60 0.522 0.426 0.398
Pressure (mb) 118 74.41 12.65 91.08 41.51 -0.349 0.083 0.071
Relative humidity (%) 118 959.48 5.25 968.13 931.91 0.116 0.120 0.102
Table 3
Details of earthquakes that occurred around the measuring site during the investigation period (source:
Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Lat Long Depth Magnitude (M) Region Epicenter distance (km)
03/02/2013 24.8N 92.2E 10 5.2 India (Karimganj) Bangladesh Border Region 138
12/30/2013 24.3N 93.2E 10 4.5 Churachandpur (Manipur) 68
01/29/2014 23.9N 93.9E 33 5.1 Myanmar–India (Manipur) Border Region 120
11/20/2014 23.8N 93.5E 33 5.6 Myanmar–India (Mizoram) Border Region 76
11/21/2014 23.6N 93.4E 46 4.7 India (Mizoram)–Myanmar Border Region 71
02/12/2015 24.2N 94.0E 90 5.0 Manipur (Chandel) 141
Figure 5
Spatial distribution of earthquakes that occurred around the study area during the observation period
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Figure 6
Plot showing the variation of measured radon, ANN radon and MLR radon during the investigation period along Chite Fault, Aizawl. The blue
vertical lines represent earthquakes along with their magnitude. The solid horizontal line represents the average value of radon concentration
(Avg.) and the dotted lines represent the deviation (SD) from the average value
where the water filters through a porous surface and 2000). Therefore, these positive peaks may be con-
affects the gas emanation thus preventing gas from sidered as false anomaly; whereas among the radon
migrating toward the surface. As a result, the radon peaks which were recorded below -1SD out of nine
values initially fall and then start rising over a period peaks only five of them could be correlated with the
of time (Kraner et al. 1964; Jaacks 1984; Virk et al. relevant seismic event.
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Vol. 174, (2017) Time Series Analysis of Soil Radon Data Using Multiple Linear Regression 2801
The first two decreases in radon concentration correlated with relevant earthquakes. These three
were observed on 11/29/13 and 12/13/13; these radon negative anomalies may have been caused by
minima could be correlated to the earthquake of admixing of radon-poor water from another aquifer
magnitude M4.5 which occurred on 12/30/13 of the through cracks created by the earthquake-related
observation period (i.e., 31 and 17 days prior to the strain changes along the study region. However,
seismic events). The third decrease in radon con- much more data recorded by various geophysical and
centration was registered on 2/4/14 and this may be geochemical instruments with good time resolution
correlated to the earthquake of M5.1 which occurred and rigorous statistical data analysis are needed to
on 1/29/14 (i.e., 6 days before the anomaly was understand the underlying earthquake mechanism,
observed or we can consider this peak as post-cursor also to discover more true earthquake precursors.
anomaly). The fourth anomalous change in radon
concentration (-1STD) was recorded on 11/7/14
which was followed by two seismic events taking Acknowledgements
place on 11/20/14 and 11/21/14 with a magnitude of
M5.6 and M4.7. This is considered as precursor This work has been funded by the Ministry of Earth
anomaly with a precursor time of 13 and 14 days Sciences (MoES), Govt. of India, New Delhi, in the
prior to the events. Their epicentral distances from form of Major project vide Sanction Order No.
the monitoring site were 76 and 71 km. The fifth MoES/P.O.(Seismo)/1(167)/2013 dated 10.12.2013.
anomaly was registered on 2/6/15 followed by an
earthquake of M5.0 (on 2/12/15, i.e., 6 days after the REFERENCES
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(Received March 5, 2016, revised April 15, 2017, accepted April 19, 2017, Published online April 24, 2017)