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Sem- IV
By Ms Zenobia Usmani
SOCIAL PURPOSIVENESS OF EDUCATION Third, formal education is a socially devised
technique, A. highly elabOrated
procedure for creating situations in which. the pupil
Aspects of Education: may learn.
Now, we can indicate several sociological Individuals go through formal education only a Short
period of their life.
aspects of education.
First, learning is creative experience, When. a Forth, education is both the living of life (in•ihe
man responds to stimuli, he acts in a creative netwørk of social relationships, in the classroom and
outside) and Preparation for life.
manner. In other words, education is a creative
act for the learner. Preparation for life involves
(a), capacity to earn livelihood
(b) enrich one's life through enjoyment of the
Second, education is, of two ways of cultural heritage and of one's inner resources.
learning such as informal education and formal ( c) efficiently and constructi y as a member of
society, and the State.
The first serves continuously through life; as Fifth, education involves
mechanism for learning as. well as for (a) mastery of the tools of learning, such as reading,
writing arithmetic and
reinforcing previous learning. (b) mastery of our relations to our inner self,to our
neighbour, to the universe.
2. Development of Personality:
Education plays an important role in -the
Education as social institution, plays a vital development of personality. The object of education,
role in our society. as said Durkheim "is to awaken and develop in the
The function of education is multidimensional child those physical, intellectual and moral states
within the school System and outside' it. which are required of him both by his society as a
It •performs the function of socialising the whole and by the milieu for which he is specially
individual for a våriéty •of •social role' and
designed". Education helps the development of the
development of personality.
It is' alSo an important part of the control qualities of an individual, such as physical, mental
mechanisms of ,and emotional make-up as well as his temperament
society; Education is a necessity right from the and character.
simple society to modern complex industrial
society. 3. Social Control:
Education plays a vital role in regulating individual
1. Socialization: behaviour through transmitting a way of life and
The •most important function Of education is communicating ideas and values to the new
socialization. The people have no knowledge
generations. One way that education contributes to
about the cülture of their society. Théy
must learn them and they must learn the way the regulations of social conduct, says Bottomore,•
which their society is functioning: Hence, the "is in the early socialisation, of the child". In order
children as they grow up must be introducéå to transmit its social heritage and survive as a social
into the culture which they are going to face. order societies develop educational systems to train
its younger generation The young
must-be.consciously trained for their adult roles to
maintain the society.
4. Social Integration:
6. Provides Route for Social Mobility:
Education, by imparting values, also integrates
people into Educational qualifications increasingly form the
broader society. The curriculum of the school, basis for the allocation Of individuals to social
its 'extra-curricular' activities and the statuses social mobility. has been steady move from
informal relationship among students and One status to Other due to educational attainment.
teachers communicate certain values and An industrial society like United States or Great
social skills such as Cooperation Or
Britain places increasing emphasis on the
team-spirit, obedience, fair play.
attainment Of both of the Skills acquired in
elementary, secondary and higher education and of
5. Social Development: educational credentials that a person has acquired
Skills and values learned in education• are the skills for job.
directly related to the way to which the
economy and the occupational structure 7.Determination of Status;
operate. Education trains the individuals in Determination of status of an individual is an
skills that are required by the economy In important function of education. Amount of
modern planned economy the output of skilled
education is a good indicator of economic status,
people. must be consciously geared to the
economic and social priorities of the society. from lower working class to upper class, education
That explains the vital role of. education in leads to economic opportunity. It is through
social development. Literacy, for example, education young people secure higher status jobs
stimulates economig_and social de than their parents.
development and that is why all developing
countries have undertaken large-scale literacy
Indian society and ways of living
India offers astounding variety in virtually every aspect of social life. Diversities of ethnic, linguistic; regional,
economic, INDIAN
religious, class, SOCIETY
and caste groups crosscut Indian society; which is also permeated with immense
urban-rural differences and' gender distinctions. between north India: and south India are particularly
significant, especially in systems of kinship and marriage.

Indian society is' multifaceted to an extent perhaps unknown in any other of the world' s great civilizations it is
,more like an area as varied as Europe than any other single nation-state. Adding further variety to contemporary
Indian culture are rapidly occurring changes affecting various regions and socioeconomic groups in disparate

Themes in Indian society

India is a hierarchical society. Whether in north India or India, Hindu or Muslim, urban or village, virtually all
things, people and social groups are ranked according to various essential qualities
Although India is a political democracy, notions of complete equal are seldom evident in daily life.

● Purity and Pollution

Many status •differences in Indian society are expressed in termé of .ritual purity pollution, complex notions that
vary greattyå among different•castes, religious groups, and regions. Generally, high associated with purity and
•Iow status with pollution.

● Purity is associated with ritual cleanliness

Daily bathing in flowing water, dressing in freshly laundered clothes, eating only the foods appropriate for one's
caste, and avoiding physical contact with people of significantly lower rank or with impure substances, such as
the bodily wastes of another adult. Involvement with the products of death or violence is usually ritually
● Social Interdependence
One of the great themes pervading Indian life's social interdependence. People are born into groups, families, clans, sub
castes, castes, and religious communities and feel a deep sense of inseparability from these groups.

● Family and Kinship

Family Ideals
The essential themes of Indian cultural life are learned within the bosom of a family. The joint family is highly valued,
ideally consisting of several generations residing, working, eating, and worshiping together. Such families include men
related through male line, along with their wives, children, and unmarried. A wife usually lives with her husband's
relatives, although she important bonds with, her natal family. Even in rapidly modernizing India, the traditional joint
•household remains for most Indians primary social force, in both ideal and practice.

● Family Authority and Harmony

In the Indian household, lines of hierarchy and authority are clearly drawn, and ideals of conduct help maintain family
harmony. All family members are socialized to accqt the authority of those above them in the hierarchy, The eldest male
acts as family head, and his wife supervises .her daughters-in-law, among whom the youngest' has the least authority.

● Veiling and the Seclusion of Women

A significant aspect Of Indian family life is purdah (from Hindi parda, or "curtain"), or the veiling and seclusion of
women. In much of northern and central India, particularly in rural areas, Hindu Muslim women follow complex rules of
veiling the body and avoidance of public appearance.

● Life Passages
Thé birth Of an infant 'is celebrated with rites of welcome blessing, typically much more elaborate for boy than for a girl.
Although India boasts many eminent women and was once led powerful woman prime minister, Indira Gandhi, and while
goddesses are extensively worshiped in Hindu rituals, statistics reveal that are, in fact, disadvantaged in India.
Parents favor boys because their agricultural activities tends to be higher, and after marriage a boy continue
residing with parents, supporting them as they age. In contrast, girl drains family resources, especially when a
large dowry goes her to her husband's honie. In recent decades, demands for dowry have become quite
exorbitant in certain groups.

● Classes
Most Indians reside in villages, where caste azid class affiliations overlap. Large landholders are
overwhelmingly upper •caste, and farmer's middle caste while landless laborers typically belong to
the.lowest-ranking caStes. These groups tend to form a level class -system of stratification in rural areas, and
members of the groups are drawing together within regions across caste lines in to enhance their economic
and political power. In cities, Class lines adhere less obviously to caste as vested interests crosscut caste

● Village Structure and Unity

About three-fourths of India's people live in some 50000 villages, where India's most basic business
agriculture takes place. Most villages have fewer than 1,000 inhabitants, but some have many as 5,000
people!e. Indian villages are often quite complex and not isolated socially or economically. Most villages
include- multiplicity of economic, caste, kinship, occupational, and even religious. Residents typically range
from priests and cultivators to merchants, artisans; laborers, Various crucial horizontal 'linkages connect each
village with many others and urban areas both near and far.

● Urban Life
The acceleration of urbanization is profoundly affecting the transformation of Indian society. Slightly more
•than one-quarter of the country's population is urban. Mumbai (Bombay) is currently the sixth largest urban
area in the world at. 18 million, and Kolkata (Calcutta) ranks fourteenth at 13 million.
In recent years, India's largest cities have. gown at twice the rate of-its small towns villages, with
many of the increases due.to rural to urban migration. The largest cities are densely ,populated,
congested, noisy, polluted, and deficient in clean water, electricity, sanitation, and decent housing.
Cities, of course, are the great hubs of commerce, education, science, politics, and government, upon
which the functioning of the nation depends. India's movie industry is the world's largest, centered in
Mumbai and Chennai, and popular television stations are proliferating. These bring vivid depictions of
urban lifestyles to small-town dwellers and villagers all over the country, affecting the aspirations of

● Future Trends
Now numbering over one billion, India's population grew by more thån 18 million the equivalent of an
Australia every year over the past decade. Family planning is gaining in popularity, so the rate of
population increase is gradually declining.
While néw agricültural crops and techniques are expanding productivity, forest rangeland, and water
tables are diminishing. As Competition grows, political, social, ecological, and economic issues are
hotly contested Justice in matters pertaining to class, gender, , and access to desirable resources
remains an elusive goal.

For many centuries, the people of India have shown strength in creating manageable order •from
complexity, bringing together widely disparate groups in structures efforts to benefit the wider
society, encouraging harmony amongst people with divergent interests, knowing that close relatives
and friends can rely upon each other, allocating different tasks to those with different skills, and
striving to do what is morally right in the
eyes of the divine and the community.
Multicultural & Multilingual Classroom
Work directly with families
❖ One of the most important ways to accomplish this is to Work closely with the children's families, some
of whom may not. speak English.
❖ Family involvement is linked to student achievement, attitudes toward learning, lower dropout and
❖ community support for education—regardless. of socioeconomic status, ethnic/racial background, or
parents' education level.
❖ Family and community involvement that is linked to student learning has a greater effect on
achievement than general forms of involvement.
❖ Learning and cognitive development is enhanced when teachers develop an understanding of each
student's cultural, racial, personal, family, and community background and experiences, and reflect
these in the learning experiences that they provide.
❖ Trust between home and school creates a context that supports student achievement, even in-the face of
❖ Family members' prior experiences with school shape their willingness to trust teachers and become
involved in their children's education.
❖ Parents' beliefs and attitudes about education influence children's own perception of their abilities.

Understanding and addressing the needs of students in classroom:

Student Diversity:
Height, size, and eye color.
Goals, interest, culture, home background, age, academic ability, levels, mental health issues, behavior
problems, eating disorders, inappropriate or Unhealthy' Sexual practices, drugs, addiction problems, and life
Identifying Individual Differences:
Classroom observations
Work samples
School records
Standardized testing
Reports from other teachers

For students with special needs:

Discussions with special teachers
Reviéw of officiål records
Review special behavior plans
Review special requirements regarding classroom management

Shaping Attituåes about Students with Special needs

Do not focus on the special needs. Focus instead on issue that affect quality of life,
Do not portray successful students with special needs as superhuman, This practice Could impose faIse
expectations to all students with special needs.
Do not sensationalize a special' need by saying "affected” with", or "disabled with". More appropriate
designation is "a person who has multiple sclerosis','.
Avoid generic labels like "retarded" or "people with intellectual disabilities" or "person with developmental
Put students first not their special needs.
Emphasize abilities and not disabilities.
Avoid euphemisms to describe special' needs.
Do not imply disease connected with special needs.
Show people with special needs, as active participants in society.
Critical Analysis in Schooling:

The major problem with respect to the equality of educational Opportunity is the perpetuation of inequalities
through education. It is through a system of education in which elite control is predominant that the inequalities
are perpetuated. In an elite controlled system the schools practice segregation. This segregation may be on the
basis of caste; color or class etc.

Equality of educational opportunity is more talked about, than really believed. In all modern industrially
advanced countries there is total inequality of educational opportunity. Educational opportunities for a child are
determined by his family, class and neighborhood consideration.
The size of the family and the parental attitüde makes a lot of difference to the educational career of a child. The
educated parents give due attention to the education of the children. The family influence determines educational
goal of children.

Inequality of educational opportunity also occurs due to the poverty of a large section of the population and the
relative affluence of small minority. The poor cannot pay the fees and their children do not find chances of
continuing in schools. Children from the families that cannot provide the economic support and other perquisite,
suffer badly. From this group occurs the maximum number Of dropouts.

Education and social close connection. Social class position includes income, occupation and lifestyle.

Regular and Distance Modes of Education: differences

The present education, system can be broadly divided into 2 categories. The most prevalent one is conventional /
formal system education.
The second one non-formal system of education: regular schools, colleges aid universities fall under conventional
format system 'Of education, whereas the open universities directorates of correspondence courses fall under
non-format system.
Government School and Private School stems from their funding and administration. As the names imply;
government schools administered and funded by the local, state or national government whereas private
schools are funded wholly or partly by student tuition and administered by a private body. private Schools are
independent to a large extent from the.interference of the government. Based on these two major differences,
other significant differences can be noticed between government schools and private schools.

Government schools- are primary or secondary schools mandated for or offered to all children withoUt
-charge, furidéd and controlled by the local, state or national government. Since they are supported by the
government, they are wholly or partly funded by taxation. Since government schools are controlled by the
government, the curriculum is uniform.

Although technology and other facilities vary according to schools, government schools generally have fewer
facilities than State schools. Government schools also have a greater number of students than private students
due to lack of facilities. However, it is important to notice that government schools always hire highly qualified

Private school- is not funded nor administered by the Government. They are controlled by a private body and
funded fully or wholly by student's tuition. The fees are usually higher in private schools. At the same time,
private schools usually have better infrastructuré facilities and up- to-date technology when compared to
government schools. Private schools follow the same curriculum decided by the government. However, the
method of delivery is decided by the school board. The school administrators also decide the fees and
admission. The school has the authority decide whether a student meets the requirements for admission or
not. The school also decided the criteria for the recruitment of teachers. The class size ofa classroom is smaller.
This is mainly due to the availability of resources and facilities: •
Teaching Learning and for Social Inéquaiity
Inclusive Education aims at including the motor •disåbléd children in the regular classroom of 'the sehOöL'
The regular teacher who handles these disabled children• The peer' group is very supportive to the disabled
children. The following facilities 'are to be planned and •set, for -the
Classroom Management:
The majority of children With locomotor •disåcbi1ity do not need special education; They c participate and
profit in general education given in regular 'schoolS. But the schOol needs -to be barrier free. Classrooms
Should be located on the ground floor so that children can alight from the school bus and, reach their
classrooms with least effort.

Special Facilities/Equipment:
In addition to specially designed classrootß, specially designed instructional equipment should be provided.
Large crayons or pen may be easier to manipulate for those children who find difficulty with the standard sizes.
So a disabled child who cannot manage to write with a pencil or pen may be provided the use of electronic

Provide Equal Opportunity:

Therefore, if proper opportunities and conducive environment are provided to them, they would make
contribution to society. If this is not done, we will be exterminating them from our society by way of dereliction
many potentially useful citizens and denying the right to a satisfying life for those who
will be able, because of severe disabilities to become self-sufficient.
Engaging Gifted Children
The following are recommended:
★ Compact the curriculum and provide enrichment activities.
★ Implemental multi-level and multi-dimensional curriculum.
★ Be flexible with the curriculum.
★ Make the curriculum student-centered.
★ Allow students to pursue independent projects based on their individual interests.
★ Allow gifted Children to assume ownership' of their learning through curriculum acceleration.
★ Try to maximize your students' potential by expecting them to their best.
★ Involve students in academic contests.
★ Allow gifted children to •create and publish a class newspaper to distribute.
★ Set individual goals.
★ Consider parental input about the education of' their gifted children.

ßTbe University Grants Commission (UGC) has all along given basis in enhancing participation of Scheduled
Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes Other Backward Classes (OBCs), Students with Disabilities (as defined in the
PWD Act, 1995) and women in higher education.
Some of the notable schemes of the UGC for nurturing social for various beneficiary categories in vogue are
Indira Gandhi, post Graduate Scholarships for Single Girl Child, Residential coaching Academies for Minorities,
Rajiv Gandhi National feLlowships for SCs & STs, and Maulana Azad National Fellowships for Minorities,
Post-Doétoral Fellowships for SCs, STs, and Women etc.
The UGC is committed not only to strengthen the ongoing programs but also to•continue to innovate
meaningful programs to achieve increased participation of SCs, STs, Minorities, OBCs, PWDs and Women in
higher education.
Recommendations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Educational incentives like free uniforms, footwear may be supplied to SC children especially girls to offset
economic cost of education and cash incentive may be provided to SC, ST children to offset other hidden costs
Of education.
Funds may be earmarked for remedial teaching of SC/ST and other disadvantaged children at district level.
Out-of-school children in urban areas should also be provided with better facilities under SSA.
Use of primers in tribal languages should be extended to all the schools in tribal areas.
More Adult Literacy Centres may be opened in areas predominantly inhabited by SC, ST.
Inclusive Education should become the idea of every school located in villages of SC ST.
Institutions of higher learning may have their own autonomy at the same time provide protection under the
law in relation' to reservation etc.
Government should regulate the fee structure and pay the fees of disadvantaged groups including fees for
Higher Education.
Government should cancel the accreditation or universities/institutions, which fail in implementing
reservation policy.
The teaching and other posts in the universities and 0ther institutions should be filled as per the reservation

Recommendations for OBCs, Minorities and Disadvantaged Groups

The street children, children of convicts, sex workers should have a special focus under SSA.
Funds may be earmarked for remedial teaching of SC/ST other disadvantaged children at district level.
More Minority concentration districts should be identified so that more children from minority groups get
facilities under SSA.
An in-built system of upgrading the educational needs of the disadvantaged groups should be provided in all
institutions of Higher Education through coaching glasses for them.
Institutions of higher learning may have their own autonomy but at the same time provide protection under the
law in relation to the reservation etc.
Government should regulåte the fee structure and pay the fées etc. of disadvantaged groups.
Government should cancel the accreditation of' the universities/institutions, which fail in implementing the
reservation policy.
More Adult Literacy Centers may be opened in predominantly inhabited by SC, ST and OBCs.
Cash incentives may be given to adult illiterates especial female illiterates.
Coaching schemes för SCs/STs and Minorities Should transferred to N'IHR.D from other Ministries.

The equalization of educational opportunities is essentially; with the notion of equality in the social system. In a
social sy all the individuals are treated as equal, they get equal opportunity for advancement.
Since education is one of the most important of upward mobility, it is through an 'exposure to education one
aspire to achieve higher status, position and emoluments.

Ways to Address the Achievement Gap Differences Rural and Urban Students
In order to •overcome the differences performance students in rural and urban areas, several ways should be
The Role of Government
Government has to play a role in improving educational outcome of rural students. Government should provide
enough facilities to schools that located in rural areas same as the urban schools. that; -government also must
provide a financial support to the structure that lives in rural areas where we know that most of them come
Iow•income families and not affordable to gain a better educatiön services. Facilities that were provided must be
fair treatment should be given to rural schools same like urban school
Role of Parents
Parents should know their roles at home. Although parents in rural areas have no education they can help their
children performance in terms of giving moral supports and motivation to learn. Even they cannot help
In terms of provide resources to learn, they can give a support to child to study hard to change the fate of their
family. Parents realize how important of education to their child. Parents can always ask their child about their
learning progress accompanied them during doing their work They also must care about their child
performance and monitor their progress.

The Role of Teachers

The teacher is an important force in school. Teachér is also one of the sources that can help in overcomes the
problem of performance among rural students. Teachers can help in encouraging ,students to study hard and
help them to complete most of their at school during study time, where students can ask teachers if they do not
understand about the lesson.

The Role Of Students

The students itself should realize the importance of education in future lives. If they want a better life in the
future they must study hard to get a good performance. Usually students at rural area does not care about their
education and most of them dropout from schooling. So in order to overcome the gap performance between
students in rural and urban areas, rural students should set their mind that education is important to change
their lives. When they have a mindset that education is 'important, they will study hard in order to get •a good
➢ You may come across many disabilities in your work life examples of common disabilities you may find
➢ Vision Impairment
➢ Deaf or hard of hearing
➢ Mental health conditions
➢ Intellectual disability
➢ Acquired brain injury
➢ Autism specu•urn disorder-Autism is an umbrella description which includes Autism disorder,
Asperger's syndrome and atypical autism. Autism affects the way information is taken in and stored in
the brain. People with autism typically have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, söcial
interactions and other activities.
➢ Physical disability.

If your staff member's disability is not clear to you, ask how effects their work and if they need adjustments so
they can work to the best of their ability.


CurricuLum Adaptation for Children with Learning Disabilities
The field of learning disabilities has been growing since it received its name, the mid1960s. The expansion of
the field is 'in terms of manpower development, setting of educational programs and research.

Integrated Education Program

In general, he special teacher is available in regular school either full-time or part-time for handling children
with learning disabilities.
Inclusive Education
In general education program, all children with learning abilities are enrolled and unidentified their
LD. But they learn in classroom. These children should be identified for providing remedial measure,
but not for labelling. The classroom teacher who gets shört term orientation course on LD may be able
to handle children with LD
There is no need of separate classroom or self- contained classroom in the school for providing
remedial assistance for these children. The teachers should find the specific learning disability of the
child with LD for effective teaching-learning and make them academically successful.

Special educatiOn for. mildly retard children/ whether- in mainstreamed or special classroom environment
would continue to, focus on
(i) Developing basic academic 'skills.
(ii) Special competence;
(iii) Personal adjustment.
(iv) Occupational adequacy.
National Policy for Persons with Disabalitiy
The Government of India formulated the National Policy for Persons with Disabilities in February 2006 which
deals With Physical Educational & Economic Rehabilitation of persons With disabilities. In addition the policy also
focuses upon rehabilitation of women and chiIdren with disabilities, barrier free social' security, reearch etc.
The Notional Policy recognizes that Persons with Disabilities are våluable human resource for the .country and
seeks to ,create an environment that provides those equal opportunities, protection of their rights and full
participation in society.

The focus of the policy is on the following

● Prevention of Disabilities-
Since disability, in a large number of cases, is preventable, thé policy lays a strong emphasis on prevention of
disabilities. It calls for programme for prevention of diseases, which result disability and the creation of
awareness regarding measures to be taken for prevention of disabilities during the period v of pregnancy and
thereafter to be intensified and their coverage expanded.

● Rehabilitation Measures-
Rehabilitation measures can be classified • into three distinct groups:
Physical rehabilitation which includes early detection and intervention, counseling & medical interventions
and,provision of aids & appliances,
It will also include -the development of rehabilitation professionals.
Educational rehabilitation including vocational education and
Economic rehabilitation for a dignified life in society.

● Women with disabilities

Women with disabilities require protection against exploitation and abuse. Special programmes will be developed
for employment and providing of other rehabilitation services to women with disabilities keeping in view their
special needs. Special educational and vocation training facilities will be setup. Programs will be undertaken to
rehabilitate abandoned disabled women/ girls while encouraging their adoption in families, support to house
them impart them training for gain employment skills.

● Children with Disabilities

1. Children with disabilities are the most vulnerable group and need of special attention. The Government
would strive to:
2. Ensure right to care, protection and security for children disabilities;
3. Ensure the right to development with dignity and equality creating an enabling environment where
children can exerciSE their rights, enjoy equal opportunities and full participation' accordance With
various statutes.
4. Ensure inclusion and effective access to education, health, vocational training along with specialized
rehabilitation service to children with disabilities.
5. Ensure the right to development as well as recognition of special needs and of care, and protection of
children with severe disabilities

● Barrier-free environment
Barrier-free environment enables people with disabilities to move about safely and freely, and use the facilities
within the building and environment. The goal of barrier free design is to provide environment that supports
the independent functioning of individual so that they can participate without assistance, in everyday activities
Therefore, to the maximum extent possible, buildings / places transportation systems for public use will be
made barrier free.
● Issue' of DiSability Certificates
The Government of India has notified guidelines for evaluation of the disabilities and procedure for.certification.
The Government will ensure that the persons with disabilities obtain the disability certificates without any
difficulty in the shortest possible time by adoption of simple, transparent and client-friendly procedures.

● Promotion Of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

The National Policy recognizes the NGO sector as a very institutional mechanism to provide affordable services to
implement the endeavors of the Government. The NGO sector is a and growing one part has played a significant
role in the of services for persons with disabilities. Some of the NGOS are also undertaking human resource
development and activities. Government has also been actively involving them.

● Collection of regular m ormatron on ersons

There is a need for regular collection, compilation and analysis of data relating to . socio-economic conditions of
persons with disabilities. The National Sample Survey Organization has been collecting information on
Socio-economic conditions of persons with disabilities on regular basis once in ten years since 1981. The Census
has also started collection of information on persons with disabilities from the Census-2001. The National Sample
Survey Organization will have to collect the information-on persons with disabilities at least once in five years.
The differences in the definitions adopted by the tyco agencies will be reconciled.

● Research
For improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities, research will be supported on their socio-economic
and cultural context, cause of Collection of regular m ormatron on persons. There is a need for regular collection,
compilation and analysis of data relating to . socio-economic conditions of persons with disabilities.
disabilities, early childhood education methodologies, development user-friendly and appliances and
all matters connected disabilities which will significantly alter the quality of their life and societys
ability to respond to their concerns. Wherever persons: disabilities are subjected to interventions, their
or their member or caregiver's consent is mandatory

● Sports, Recreation and Cultural life

The contribution of sports for its therapeutic and spirit is undeniable. Persons with disabilities have
right to
sports, recreation and cultural facilities. The Government will necessary steps to provide them
opportunity for participation various sports, recreation and cultural activities.


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