VEC Course - For S and T Faculty - 05072024
VEC Course - For S and T Faculty - 05072024
VEC Course - For S and T Faculty - 05072024
Course Outcomes
Course Content
Course Outcomes
Course Content
Thermal and Radioactive pollution: Sources and impact on human health and ecosystems.
Suggested Readings
1. Jackson, A. R., & Jackson, J. M. (2000). Environmental Science: The Natural
Environment and Human Impact. Pearson Education.
2. Masters, G. M., & Ela, W. P. (2008). Introduction to environmental engineering and
science (No.60457). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
3. Miller, G. T., & Spoolman, S. (2015) Environmental Science. Cengage Learning.
4. Central Pollution Control Board Web page for various pollution standards. standards/
5. Ahluwalia, V. K. (2015). Environmental Pollution, and Health. The Energy and
Resources Institute (TERI).
Chapter 2: Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation [06 hours]
Understanding climate change: Natural variations in climate; Structure of atmosphere;
Anthropogenic climate change from greenhouse gas emissions– past, present and future;
Projections of global climate change with special reference to temperature, rainfall, climate
variability and extreme events; Importance of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C limits to global warming;
Climate change projections for the Indian sub-continent.
Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change: Observed impacts of climate
change on ocean and land systems; Sea level rise, changes in marine and coastal ecosystems;
Impacts on forests and natural ecosystems; Impacts on animal species, agriculture, health,
urban infrastructure; the concept of vulnerability and its assessment; Adaptation vs. resilience;
Climate-resilient development; Indigenous knowledge for adaptation to climate change.
Mitigation of climate change: Synergies between adaptation and mitigation measures; Green
House Gas (GHG) reduction vs. sink enhancement; Concept of carbon intensity, energy
intensity and carbon neutrality; National and international policy instruments for mitigation,
decarbonizing pathways and net zero targets for the future; Energy efficiency measures;
Renewable energy sources; Carbon capture and storage, National climate action plan and
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs); Climate justice.
Suggested Readings
1. Pittock, Barrie (2009) Climate Change: The Science, Impacts and Solutions. 2nd
Edition. Routledge.
3. Adenle A., Azadi H., Arbiol J. (2015). Global assessment of technological innovation
for climate change adaptation and mitigation in developing world, Journal of
Environmental Management, 161 (15): 261-275.
4. Barnett, J. & S. O’Neill (2010). Maladaptation. Global Environmental Change—
Human and Policy Dimensions 20: 211–213.
5. Berrang-Ford, L., J.D. Ford & J. Paterson (2011). Are we adapting to climate
change ? Global Environmental Change—Human and Policy Dimensions 21: 25-33.
Chapter 3: Environmental Management [06 hours]
Introduction to environmental laws and regulation: Constitutional provisions- Article 48A,
Article 51A (g) and other derived environmental rights; Introduction to environmental
legislations on the forest, wildlife and pollution control.
Environmental management system: ISO 14001 Life cycle analysis; Cost-benefit analysis
Environmental audit and impact assessment; Environmental risk assessment, Pollution control
and management; Waste Management- Concept of 3R (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse) and
sustainability; Ecolabeling /Ecomark scheme
Suggested Readings
1. Jørgensen, Sven Marques, Erik João Carlos and Nielsen, Søren Nors (2016) Integrated
Environmental Management, A transdisciplinary Approach. CRC Press.
2. Theodore, M. K. and Theodore, Louis (2021) Introduction to Environmental
Management, 2nd Edition. CRC Press.
3. Barrow, C. J. (1999). Environmental management: Principles and practice. Routledge.
4. Tiefenbacher, J (ed.) (2022), Environmental Management - Pollution, Habitat, Ecology,
and Sustainability, Intech Open, London. 10.5772/
5. Richard A. Marcantonio, Marc Lame (2022). Environmental Management: Concepts
and Practical Skills. Cambridge University Press.
Chapter 4: Environmental Treaties and Legislation [10 hours]