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PinnacleDay : 1st - 7thStatic GKKalbelia is a folk-dance of- RajasthanA folk dance that represents a mock fightbetween

Goddess Durga andMahishasura is- Dandiya RaasSattriya dance forms is influenced by- Bihu dance⬥ Dance of
Jharkhand that performedmainly by the tribal women during thecultivation season- Janani-JhumurThe dance drama
Bhamakalapambased on Kuchipudi was composed by- Siddhendra Yogi⬥ Garba and Dandiya are popular folkdances of
Gujarat are performed during- NavratriA dance style called 'Hi-Dance' wascreated by- Uday Shankar⬥ The dance of
Assam that performed by'Kulis' during autumn is- Jhumur Dance⬥ 'Dhimsa' is a folk dance of- Andhra Pradesh⬥ Lavani
is a popular dance of- Maharashtra⬥ The Tapu dance is performed in- Arunachal Pradesh⬥'Karagam' is a folk dance of-
Tamil Nadu⬥ Bhadam dance is popular among- Bharia tribe⬥ 'Saila' is a folk dance which is performedwith bamboo
sticks in- Chhattisgarh⬥ ’Ahirai’ is a folk dance of the Bharia tribeof- Madhya Pradesh⬥ ‘Fugdi’ is a folk dance of- Goa⬥
’Fugdi’ is celebrated in the month of- Bhadrapad⬥’Fugdi’ is celebrated by the- Konkan women⬥ Bhagoriya dance is
performed by Bhils in- Madhya Pradesh⬥ Cheraw dance is the traditional bamboodance of- Mizoram⬥ Yakshagana is a
traditional theatre,developed in- Karnataka⬥ A sword dance that depict the martial arttradition of the Kumaoni tribe is-
Chholiya dance⬥ The Lebang Boomani Dance is theharvest dance of- Tripura⬥ Aji Lamu is a folk dance of- Arunachal
Pradesh⬥ Aji Lamu is a folk dance performed by- Monpa Tribes⬥ Chang Lo Dance performed by Changtribe of-
Nagaland⬥ Jagoi is the famous dance form of- Manipur⬥ 'Laho' is a popular dance of- Meghalaya⬥ Kharaiti is a martial
dance performedwith swords in- Himachal Pradesh⬥ Chutki is the traditional dance form of- Sikkim⬥ ‘Khuallam’ is a folk
dance of- Mizoram⬥Hurka Baul is a famous dance of- Uttrakhand⬥ Goddess Amba is the presiding deity of- Bhavai
dance⬥ ‘Grida’ is a folk dance of- Madhya Pradesh⬥ Bhavai is a folk dance of- Rajasthan⬥ The dance which involves
balancing potson the head of the dancer- Bhavai dance⬥ Paika Dance performed by a tribalcommunity of- Jharkhand⬥
Folk dances which is performed holdinga sword in one hand and a shield in theother- Paika Dance⬥ Mundari dance is
associated with- Jharkhand⬥’Fag’ is a folk dance associated with- Haryana⬥ Cham Mask dance is celebrated in-
Bhutan⬥ Dhangar is the worship dance form of- Goa⬥ Gotipua is a folk dance of- Odisha⬥ Chau dance forms has been
includedin the UNESCO Heritage Dances in- 2010⬥ Suwa folk dance is associated with- Chhattisgarh⬥ While performing
the Suwa folk dancewomen act like the bird- Parrot⬥’Ponung’ is a folk dance associated with- Arunachal Pradesh⬥
Dumhal is a famous folk dance of- Jammu and Kashmir⬥ 'Manduka Shabdam, a story of the frog,is performed in-
Kuchipudi dance⬥ Bagurumba is a group dance performedby the people of- Bodo community⬥ Jhijhiya is a famous
cultural dance of- Bihar⬥ "Tamasha" is a folk dance of- Maharashtra⬥ Karakattam is a traditional dance of- Tamil Nadu⬥
Maruni dance is a group dance of theNepali community in- Sikkim⬥ Scenes of Lord Krishna are performed in- Manipuri
dance⬥ Jat-Jatin, Bidesia, Jhijhiya are danceform of- Bihar⬥ 'Zeliang' is a tribal folk dance of- Nagaland⬥‘Shondol’ is a
dance form of - Ladakh⬥ Hojagiri dance is a tribal dance form ofthe Reang community associated with- Tripura⬥
Kuchipudi dance was composed byVaishnava poet- Sidendra Yogi⬥ Ghoomar is the traditional folk dance of-
Rajasthan⬥ Bharatanatyam traces its lineage to theancient dance of- Sadir Attam⬥ Mukhota dance is usually performed
toworship God Bhumitayal in- Uttarakhand⬥ Kathak in its present form has theinfluence of- Mughal tradition⬥ Dhimsa is
a folk dance of- Andhra Pradesh⬥ Dhimsa is a tribal dance form that isperformed by- Porja caste women⬥ Bhand Pather
theater is a traditionprimarily of- Jammu and Kashmir⬥ Hallisaka is a group dance native to- Gujarat⬥ Birhor dance is a
tribal folk dance from- Jharkhand⬥ Kadsa dance is a dance style performedcarrying a- ‘Kalasha’⬥ Bhootada Kola is a
spiritual folk danceof- Karnataka⬥ ‘Leshalaptu’ is a dance form of- Nagaland⬥ Ponung is a folk dance form of-
Arunachal Pradesh⬥ Chhau, Kalaripayattu, Lazim aretraditional dances of- Martial art form⬥ Cheraw is a traditional
dance form of- Mizoram⬥ ‘Rauf’ is a folk dance associated with- Jammu and Kashmir⬥ Bayalata is a dance form of-
Karnataka⬥Jhulan is a folk dance form of- Rajasthan⬥ Popir is a dance form of- Arunachal Pradesh⬥ Panthi is a dance
form of- Chhattisgarh⬥ The Dhangar dance is performed byshepherd community of Goa- during Navratri⬥ Karma is a
dance form of- Jharkhand⬥ Nati folk dances, India has made its entryin the Guinness Book of World Records in- 2015⬥
Pung Cholam is a dance form of- Manipur⬥ Lai Haroba festival is a part of- Manipuri danceDefence Exams⬥ Giddha is a
folk dance form of- Punjab⬥ Tertali is a dance form of- Rajasthan⬥ Bihu is folk dance form of- Assam⬥ Sonal Mansingh
is a famous- Odissi dancer⬥Jatra folk theatre of- Eastern India⬥ Gair is a folk dance form of-RajasthanState PCS
Exams⬥ The folk dance which is prevalent on theoccasion of Deepawali in the regionalareas of Sagar- Moniya Dance⬥
The Turra-Kalangi folk drama is famousin- Nimar region (Madhya Pradesh)⬥ In Rajasthan, Agni dance (Fire dance)
isperformed by- Jasnathi Siddha Sectwww.ssccglpinnacle.com Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App5

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