Process For Applicants When Applying For Diploma in Nursing For 2022 R171 2024
Process For Applicants When Applying For Diploma in Nursing For 2022 R171 2024
Process For Applicants When Applying For Diploma in Nursing For 2022 R171 2024
Dear Applicant,
The intention of the following information is to explain the process of the application process.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are unclear of anything or need more clarity. You
can email us at [email protected].
1. All applications are processed within ten days after the closing date as specified on
the notice / advertisement / brochure / website.
2. For the Diploma in Nursing Program the following documents are required:
• Application form.
• Curriculum Vitae (CV).
• X2 SAPS certified copies of Senior Certificate with an endorsement for
entry into Higher Education.
• X2 SAPS certified copies of South African ID document.
• Higher Certificate in Nursing if applicable (NQF level 5).
• Proof of payment of application handling fee.
3. If the application document is not complete the application will not be processed. An
application is considered as incomplete if any of the documents listed under point 2
are not attached. Such application will not be considered for selection.
4. The following criteria applies for the Diploma in Nursing (SANC
Those candidates who are successful in the paper selection are invited to write a
psychometric test once the closing date for paper selection has been completed.
These tests reveal prospective learner’s general mental ability, interests and emotional
maturity. Please note that there is a non-refundable fee for the psychometric
P.O. Box 3452 THE ARWYP TRAINING INSTITUTE (PTY) LTD Tel: (011) 922-1235
Kempton Park Accredited by the South African Nursing Council Ref S1546 Fax: (011) 922-1383
1620 Provisional Registration as a Private Higher Education Institution No 2018/HE07/006
Email: [email protected]
5.3 Phase three – English Proficiency Assessment and Selection Interview:
Those candidates who meet the requirements of the paper selection and psychometric
assessment are invited by the appointed administrative person within ten working days
of receipt of the psychometric test results, to write a 1-hour English proficiency
assessment and for a selection interview on the same day. Please note that there is a
non-refundable fee for the English proficiency assessment.
5.4 Phase four – Selection of Candidates. Candidates are informed by the appointed
administrative person within 15 (fifteen) working days following the final selection
decision of the selection committee.
Please use the following banking details when making a deposit into the Arwyp Training
Institute’s bank account. Please note that no cash is handled on the premises. Payments are
made via deposits into the Arwyp Training Institute’s bank account.
Payment Reference: Please use your full name and surname (of candidate) as reference when
making a deposit. Failure to do so may result in the funds not being allocated correctly or not
allocated at all.
All students are self-funders. Arwyp Training Institute does not allocate bursaries to students.
The course fee for the first year of the Diploma in Nursing is R75 625.00, excluding books,
uniforms, and insurances. The cost of the books, uniforms, insurances is R13 500.00, and
payable on registration.
Applications must reach the Arwyp Training Institute before or on 31 August 2023. Late
applications will not be considered.
Should you require any more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at
[email protected].
Stay Safe.
Yours faithfully,
P.O. Box 3452 THE ARWYP TRAINING INSTITUTE (PTY) LTD Tel: (011) 922-1235
Kempton Park Accredited by the South African Nursing Council Ref S1546 Fax: (011) 922-1383
1620 Provisional Registration as a Private Higher Education Institution No 2018/HE07/006
Email: [email protected]