Pipeline Coatings by Revie Page 6
Pipeline Coatings by Revie Page 6
Pipeline Coatings by Revie Page 6
Recent R&D on pipeline coatings is discussed, and the main R&D issues at this time in the area
of pipeline coatings are identified.
Coating performance depends on the events taking place during the five stages of the coating
1. Manufacture,
2. Application,
3. Transportation,
4. Installation, and
5. Field operation.
• What are the chemical and electrochemical conditions and their changes under realistic
pipeline environments?
• What are the conditions that are independent of coating type?
• What are the conditions that depend on coating type?
• What are the failure modes of coatings on an operating pipeline?
• How are the failure modes identified?
• How accurate are the field monitoring techniques?
• Do the standard tests simulate the chemical and electrochemical conditions of the field
• Do the standard laboratory tests simulate the failure modes in the field?
• Are the acceleration effects (e.g., aging, extreme CP potential, and elevated temperature) in the
laboratory tests relevant to field conditions?
• What information from the laboratory data could be transferred to field performance?
• What are the assumptions to be made to transfer the data?
• How is the validity of the prediction of field performance monitored and verified in the field?
Coating Chemistry
The relationship between coating chemistry and corrosion protection is not clear. Objective
investigations have been undertaken in the past to advance the knowledge of cathodic protection
systems and the disbonding of coatings on buried pipelines by focusing on the electrochemical
reactions and chemical changes that occur in the environment at the steel surface and to
characterize, using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
(XPS), the surface chemistry of steel samples taken from areas where the coating was disbanded.
Simple test procedures have been developed to assess65:
All investigations were carried out using FBE coating as the model system66-72.
Filling the gaps in knowledge requires that the manufacturers be willing to disclose not only the
coating formulations but also the ratios in which the different components are present in the
formulations. Within the composition range of generic coatings, the formulations change widely
without any significant change in the corrosion protection properties. Although a relationship
between coating chemistry and corrosion protection is important, any attempt to fill this gap will
involve significant R&D.
C The relationship between coating chemistry and corrosion protection is not clear.
Laboratory Evaluation
Evaluation of existing coatings is the first important step in the development of future coatings.
Several methods have been used over the years to evaluate the tests. Table 1 presents a list of
standard tests that can be used to evaluate coatings. It is not entirely clear which laboratory tests
should be used to evaluate a particular property of a given coating and which laboratory tests are
suitable for specific coatings.
• Consolidation of laboratory methods to develop generic tests, leading to specific test methods
for specific coatings, should be considered.
Long-Term Prediction
Current and potential distributions inside the crevice of a simulated disbonded coating with a
holiday during cathodic protection (CP) of steel were measured experimentally73. Based on the
comparison of experiments and numerical simulation of a cathodically protected buried pipe with
coating failures, a model was developed. The agreement between the results demonstrates that
numerical simulations are acceptable for cathodic protection systems in high-resistivity media74.
The two and three-dimensional boundary element mathematical models have been developed to
model the performance of CP designs. The model offers a convenient tool to quantify the
performance of a CP system and allows the user to determine the influence of relevant
parameters (e.g., soil resistivity, coating damage, and anode type and spacing). The model can
also be used as an educational tool to identify the factors that control CP performance under
different operating conditions75.
A boundary element mathematical model was used to assess the influence of cathodic protection
(CP) design parameters on performance of a parallel-ribbon sacrificial anode CP system for
coated pipelines. The model accounted for current and potential distributions associated with
discrete holidays on coated pipelines that expose bare steel to the environment. Case studies,
based on the CP system used to provide protection to the Trans-Alaska pipeline, were selected to
show conditions under which a given CP system will and will not protect a pipe76.
The General Electromigration Model (GEM) has been used with modifications for
electrochemical kinetics77. The cathodic hydrogen evolution rate and anodic iron dissolution
rates were both found to affect the pH inside the crevice. The model also predicted that
formation of iron carbonate, observed extensively in some pipeline failures, occurs under a
specific combination of iron dissolution rate and hydrogen evolution rate. GEM provides a
unique modeling tool because it is flexible enough to test the effects of a variety of
environmental conditions as input parameters and because its predictions of solid mineral
formation in crevices can be tested against field experience. The changes in crevice pH and
potential were measured experimentally using microelectrodes.
The occurrence of corrosion and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) under a disbonded coating on a
pipeline is determined by a variety of factors including groundwater composition, soil
conditions, presence of alternating wet/dry conditions, coating type, cathodic protection, and
operating conditions. The Transient Electrochemical Coupled TRANsport (TECTRAN) code
predicts the time evolution of the environment under a disbonded coating78.
However in all the modeling work, the plurality of coatings has not been addressed. In one
study, it was determined that for the coating thicknesses examined and over the time period
observed, coal tar enamel and polyethylene tape acted as inert barriers, and no permeation or
ionic migration through these coatings was observed. The FBE exhibited slight ionic migration
and was found to be cation selective79.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy provides two very important pieces of information: the
change in capacitance of the organic film that relates to water uptake and the deviation from
purely capacitive behavior of the film.
Low cost computing power is having its impact on all areas. In recent years, the use of
microprocessors in the design of instrumentation has brought computing power into the hands of
people working in quality control. These analytical techniques are now being applied to coatings,
particularly for coating thickness assessment when continuous processing is applicable.
Temperature Effect
In some applications, one of the critical properties of external organic coatings is resistance to
high temperature. It has been found that most organic coatings have problems at temperatures
higher than 80oC. There is a need for high-temperature performance in oil and gas pipelines,
especially near compressor stations for natural gas transmission and in the transport of higher
viscosity crude oils. The operating temperatures of pipelines extend to 150oC. Applicators,
coating manufacturers, and owners are working to overcome the challenges associated with high
temperatures. Currently no industry standards exist to test high temperature coatings.
Manufacturers are developing high temperature coatings based on in-house testing. It is
recognized that conventional test methods, such as cathodic disbondment, may not be
appropriate. The primary challenge is to obtain adequate flexibility with high temperature
performance. For this reason, design criteria for high temperature test methods and for life
prediction need to be established.
The criteria for testing coatings for higher temperature applications are not the same as those for
lower temperature application. For example, coatings with good cathodic performance,
adhesion, barrier properties, impact resistance, and flexibility will protect the pipeline over the
lifetime. At elevated temperatures, cathodic disbondment performance may not be relevant if the
coated pipe is insulated. But good adhesion, barrier poperties, flexibility, and resistance to
movement at higher temperatures are necessary.
The question, is not “How do we design the perfect high temperature coating?” Rather it is
“How do we know that we have designed it?”
• Based on a systematic study, the temperature limits of existing tests should be explored, and
tests to evaluate products for elevated temperature applications should be developed.
In general, conditions are better for application of coatings in the mill than in the field. Most
modern coatings are applied in the mill.
• Whereas many of the issues of mainline coatings are well understood and standards for
mainline coatings have been developed, there is now a need to focus on field applied coatings,
both repair and joint coatings.
Surface Preparation
Resistance of a coating to disbondment is a property affecting all forms of corrosion; an intact
coating that prevents contact of electrolyte with the steel surface will mitigate all forms of
corrosion. Studies show that inadequate grit blasting can increase corrosion and stress corrosion
cracking susceptibility by creating stress raisers at embedded mill scale. Grit blasting produces
anchor patterns suitable for adherence of coatings.
A study of atmospheric exposure of cold applied coal tar enamel coatings revealed that systems
applied to wire-brushed surfaces, primed or unprimed, failed within one year. On the other hand,
the same systems on sandblasted surfaces, with and without primers, were in satisfactory
condition after five years’ exposure in the same environment81.
Studies have concluded that visual evaluation (degree of blistering, rusting and creep of
blistering and corrosion from a scratch) is not sufficient to predict the effect of surface condition
on coating properties82.
Based on adhesion ratings after hot-water immersion, the maximum tolerance levels of FBE
coatings85 applied over contaminated steel surfaces were at the threshold limit values: chloride (5
µg/cm2), sulphate (7 µg/cm2), nitrate (9 µg/cm2), and ferrous ion (24 µg/cm2). Accelerated
performance testing of FBE coatings on ion-contaminated steel substrates revealed that the
following coating parameters are functions of contaminant ion concentration: (1) tensile bond
strength after hot-water immersion, (2) blister size and density after hot-water immersion, and
(3) degree of disbondment after accelerated cathodic disbonding. One study of FBE coating
performance was conducted using coupons removed from contaminated production pipe. The
steel coupons with contaminations higher than a threshold level failed in the hot-water
immersion test, whereas those with lower levels of contamination passed the test.
The use of water jetting and water cleaning has increased recently with advances in equipment
technology, the continued concerns with dusting caused by abrasive blast cleaning, and a
heightened awareness of the need for chemically clean substrates. NACE 5/SSPC-SP 12 was
introduced in 1996 (as an update to NACE Standard RP0172) to describe levels of cleaning
using water for substrates to be painted. The NACE and SSPC abrasive blast cleaning standards
are well known in the coatings industry, and field inspectors are very familiar with their use and
interpretation. Additionally, the blast cleaning standards clearly describe one end condition of the
substrate to be painted. In contrast, NACE 5/SSPC-SP 12 describes four end conditions of the
substrate for visible cleanliness and three conditions for non-visible cleanliness. As a result, the
specifier must make specific choices when invoking NACE 5/SSPC-SP 12.
A review paper on the surface preparation standards in various countries was published recently
with the intention of determining whether there is a prevailing or common standard in use.
Discussions with users in Europe, United Kingdom, Middle East, Japan, Australia and Venezuela
have revealed a trend away from national standards towards International Standards86.
Grit blasting increased the disbonding resistance of coal-tar enamel and FBE coatings, but did
not increase the cathodic disbonding resistance of polyethylene tape. Grit blasting also
beneficially alters the corrosion potential of the pipe87.
Whereas the effects of different surface preparation techniques are well established, the tolerance
in the variation within the surface preparation specification is not clear. This aspect is especially
important because there are limitations on the control of surface preparation that is possible in
the field.
Temperature Effects
The intercoat adhesion of coatings cured using cross-linkers depends on both temperature and
humidity. The addition of thinner aggravates intercoat adhesion failure. The conversion of the
amine to amine carbamate salts at or near the surface, resulting in incomplete curing at the
interface, is responsible for intercoat adhesion failure.
The rate of reaction between the amine and the epoxy prepolymer, and the humidity level, are
key factors in the intercoat adhesion of epoxy coatings. At appropriate temperatures of
application, the rate of reaction between the amine and the epoxy prepolymer is rapid, causing
the formation of coatings with good intercoat adhesion. However, at lower temperatures, the rate
of the cross-linking reaction is decreased, allowing moisture to permeate the coating and
solubilize the amine. In its solubilized form, the amine reacts with carbon dioxide to form stable
carbamate salts incapable of reacting with the epoxy prepolymer. In addition, the degree of
cross-linking also depends on the RH level to determine the degree of solubilization of the amine
that can be converted to the carbamate salt. The appropriate level of applying the coating is
generally determined by the glass transition temperature88.
Installation of Pipeline
During installation, minor coating damage is bound to occur for various reasons. It is very
important to ensure that the pipe coating is adequately tested and that all defects are repaired.
Stockpiled Coating
The breakdown of powder polyester coatings when exposed to UV radiation (270-390 nm, peak
~313 nm) has been explored by monitoring changes in their ion transport properties using
impedance spectroscopy. EIS demonstrated that one manifestation of weathering was the
development of an increased level of porosity in the films that could be measured quantitatively.
The results from impedance spectroscopy were supported by SEM and gloss loss
The effect of UV on stockpiled coatings is well known. The extent to which stockpiling affects
coating performance is not known.
Joint Coating
Historically, the major problems associated with field applied coatings were directly related to
the sensitivity of prevailing environmental conditions, such as substrate cleanliness and
preparation, and application technique. In addition to good "in service" performance, systems
should be easy to apply and tolerant to environmental conditions. While pipeline coating plants
have been developed to apply advanced coatings to strict specifications, specifications for
coatings applied to field joints have not received the same emphasis.
The increase in use of high quality and expensive pipeline coatings has heightened the need for
field joint coating systems to match the quality of factory coatings. A comparison should be
made between the different field joint coating systems in terms of technical characteristics, cost,
and ease of application in the field. Because of the lack of international standards, pre-
qualification trials and production testing in the field are important.
• A systematic study on the effects of field conditions and variations of procedure during the
application of joint coatings, including the field performance of the coating, is recommended.
This study should include the cohesive and adhesive strength of joint coatings.
There are several factors relating to backfilling that influence coatings. These are soil type,
drainage, topography, temperature, and electrical conductivity. The Canadian Energy Pipeline
Association (CEPA) has classified the soils in Canada into seven (7) types (Table 2). Even
though backfilling is very important, no systematic experimental data are currently available on
the effect of backfilling on coating performance.
Fine backfill around the pipe is used to protect the pipe from heavy and sharp rocks or other
objects. In addition, the system can include a layer of geotextile fabric just above the fine
backfill as additional protection against damaging rocks90.
In very rocky areas, pipeline-construction operations sometimes dictate that an external impact-
resistant or barrier material be applied over the pipe to protect the coating from damage during
backfilling. The use of a specific backfill, such as compacted sand, is often specified. As an
alternate, a barrier coating of concrete or urethane foam can be applied over the coating.
Although high resistance and resistivity are normally associated with a propensity for shielding
of cathodic protection current, the resistivity of a barrier material and the corrosion rates and
polarization characteristics of the underlying steel are important when considering the potential
for shielding and the protection capability of the barrier material91.
• Realistic backfill impact testing that includes a method to evaluate the compaction produced
by backfilling should be carried out to determine the effect of backfilling on coating
Soil Forces
Shear properties of pipeline coatings with elastomeric adhesives are frequently measured in the
laboratory. These measurements are expected to correlate with the ability of the coating to
withstand the forces of soil burial and movement. The parameters of the laboratory methods are
based on calculations of soil forces on pipeline coatings from an analytical model and from finite
element analysis92.
An apparatus was designed and built to carry out peel and sheer tests at different temperatures.
The peel test procedure allows for the measurement of shear strength, which is directly
comparable to shear stress sustained by coatings on buried pipelines. The results have shown
significant differences between the adhesion properties of individual products. The shear and
peel strengths of the coatings are strongly affected, as shown by an exponential drop with
increasing temperature. The results conform to an Arrhenius relationship between temperature
and the peel and shear strengths93.
In one project, existing test methods were examined to determine their applicability to horizontal
directional drilling (HDD) and slip boring loads. Two generally applicable methods were
identified, Technical Inspection Services’ (TISI) Gouge Test and Taber Abraser Test (ASTM D
4060). Both these methods are related to the soil conditions, for which the rotary abrasion tester
has been designed. The results can be used to predict coating wear during HDD installation
through rock94.
• Focused effort to understand soil forces (both physical and chemical) on coating performance
will provide useful information for developing strategies to protect coatings.
• Recommended practices for evaluating coatings for northern pipelines need to be developed
and incorporated in standards
Correct material selection can provide substantially improved coating performance and
economy. No specific method for repair coating selection exists. The development of field-
proven, reliable criteria for selecting and evaluating repair coatings is essential in order to make
the best use of available materials and processes. The development of accelerated tests that
closely resemble actual field application and service conditions would be useful in the realistic
evaluation of repair coatings.
• Tests to evaluate repair coatings, including evaluation of cohesion within the repair coating
and adhesion to the mainline coating and to steel pipe, should be developed.
Field Performance
Several techniques are available to detect defects in coatings on buried pipelines. A critical
review and evaluation of the Pearson survey, close interval survey, coating conductance
parameter, electromagnetic current attenuation, and dc voltage gradient methods have been
provided, with the advantages and disadvantages of each method identified96. An instrumented
pipeline pig designed to locate disbonded external coating on operating gas pipelines has been
evaluated95. The results from each method are assessed in terms of defining the need for coating
refurbishment and in providing the parameters needed to establish the most cost-effective route
to control pipeline corrosion.
The Elastic Wave vehicle has the potential to detect disbonding as well as areas where the
coating has been removed98,99.
The development of instrumentation for field testing and inspecting coatings has been
accelerated by the use over the last ten years of microprocessor electronics. Such designs are
now entering the fourth generation and have included many user features which make the
assessment of coatings easier and more accurate than was previously possible. These features
include storage of data, statistical analysis, hard copy printout and high accuracy in hand-held
fully portable and rugged units, suitable for use in the most hazardous environments. The most
recent improvements have been realised by providing the transducer or probe with electronic
intelligence so that its characteristics can be closely matched for optimum accuracy and
flexibility. A major benefit of this approach is that the measurement transducer can be of any
type and the data output from the electronics can be made to fit a standard format display
instrument. In this way, it is possible to make a general purpose kit with a diverse set of
measurement modules for a range of tests, such as temperature, humidity, surface profile, and
adhesion, as well as a full range of coating thickness modules, using electromagnetic induction
and eddy currents for applications that range from thin coatings on small components up to very
thick coatings on large structures.
It is becoming more common for gas transmission pipelines to share a common corridor with
electric power-transmission lines. Electrical energy that is magnetically coupled from the power
line often results in an ac voltage being developed between the pipeline steel and the earth that
surrounds the pipeline100.
EIS can be used to measure coating degradation, corrosion under coatings, and cathodic
delamination. The EIS method deserves further investigation for measurement of the
degradation of coatings during field exposure.
• Development of a remote, accurate monitoring technique to evaluate the status of the coating
will greatly enhance pipeline integrity and decrease the number of pipeline incidents caused
by corrosion.
In spite of the close interaction between pipeline owners and coating suppliers at the time of
installation of pipe, feedback on coating performance, whether positive or negative, is not, in
general, readily available.
Operational Conditions
In general, pipeline operational conditions vary considerably. Among all the various conditions,
temperature is quite important. In spite of the well-known temperature variations of pipelines
and seasonal fluctuations, no systematic study on the effect of temperature on coatings has been
carried out.
Ground Effects
Although coatings are routinely evaluated for resistance to a variety of ground factors (e.g., soil
stresses), few coatings have been developed with consideration given to their resistance to
microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). Increased numbers of bacteria at some corrosion
sites have been observed. A model, for the development of a site where MIC occurs, indicates
that, in the first phase, soil stresses cause disbondment of the coating, leaving adhesive/primer
exposed to the invading water on the pipe surface. Blisters, filled with water, form in the residual
coating components on the pipe surface. As the MIC community forms and grows, pitting
corrosion begins in those local areas, effectively "fixing" the anodes. In the final phase, periodic
exposure to oxygen results in secondary transformation of the corrosion products (siderite and
ferrous sulfides) to iron (III) oxides.
Early studies performed in the GRI MIC program demonstrated that a very high percentage of
external MIC occurred in connection with disbonded coatings and followed the same general
pattern as classic examples of MIC associated with disbonded coatings. The general consensus
is that holidays will occur in most coatings by one or more mechanisms (mechanical, chemical,
and biological) and that holidays and disbonded coatings offer sites for MIC to occur101. Studies
have also shown that levels of bacteria are high on all types of coatings and in all holidays
regardless of the level of CP and the pH in the holidays (which ranged from 4.5 to 11.9).
The effects of CP on MIC cannot be assessed simply by measuring the numbers of bacteria.
Instead, chemical and site specific factors (e.g., corrosion potential of the steel in the soil) must
be taken into account.
A "first-cut" MIC profile was developed to aid in determining which sites were most likely to be
susceptible to external MIC. This profile included soil, chemical, biological, metallurgical and
operational factors, such as level of CP.
Several reports in the literature have confirmed the utilization of certain pipeline coatings by
microorganisms. Microorganisms have the potential to enhance coating disbondment rates as
well as contribute to pipeline corrosion as a result of coating biodegradation. Tests used
parameters such as coating weight loss and enumeration of microbial cells to assess the
biodegradation of coatings. Uncertainties in causes of weight change occur because weight loss
can result from solubilization of coating constituents and weight gain can be caused by water
absorption. Enumeration is not a measure of activity since microorganisms can be active without
increasing their numbers. Thus, enumeration cannot produce direct and quantitative results.
• An objective study to develop a method that monitors microbial population and coating
biodegradation will clarify the effects of microbes on coatings.
The following R&D issues have been identified as top priorities102:
• Whereas most of the issues surrounding mainline coatings are well understood and the
standards for mainline coatings are recognized, the focus should now be on field applied
coatings, both repair and joint coatings.
• The effects of minor variations in surface preparation on long-term coatings performance
need to be established.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Pipeline Research Council International
(PRCI) in carrying out the review described in this white paper. Numerous helpful discussions
with the chair of the Ad Hoc PRCI committee, Howard R. Mitschke of Shell Global Solutions
(US) Inc., are acknowledged. Meetings with the Ad Hoc Committee were most beneficial in
helping to achieve the objectives of this project.
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Fusion Bonded Epoxy
Yellow Jacket
Polyethylene Tape
Wax & Vinyl Tape
Coal Tar
Rock 8
Creeks and
Clay bottom (generally <5m in width) 9