CN Merged Full
CN Merged Full
CN Merged Full
S.No. Experiment Date Remark
1. To study Computer Network Technologies
IP Addressing
6 a. IP addressing basics
b. Classful IP address
c. Classless IP address
A network consists of two or more autonomous computers that are linked in order to share
resources (such as printers and CD-ROMs), exchange files, or allow electronic
communications. The computers on a network may be linked through cables, telephone
lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light beams.
1) Broadcast networks
Broadcast networks
Broadcast networks have a single communication channel that is shared by all the machines
on the network. All the machines on the network receive short messages, called packets in
certain contexts sent by any machine. An address field within the packet specifies the
intended recipient. Upon receiving the packet the machine checks the address field. If the
packet is intended for itself, the machine processes it, and ignores it otherwise.
The system also generally allows possibility of addressing the packet to all destinations.
When such a packet is transmitted, it is received by all the machines on the network. This
mode of operation is called Broadcast mode. Some broadcast system also support
transmission to a sub-set of machines. This is called Multicasting.
In a point to point network, the end devices that wish to communicate are called stations.
The switching devices are called are called nodes. Some nodes connect to other nodes and
some to attached stations. It uses FDM or TDM for node-to-node communication. There
may exist multiple paths between source and destination for better network reliability. The
switching nodes are not concerned with the contents of data. Their purpose is to provide a
switching facility that will move data from node to node until they reach the destination.
Computer networks can be broadly categorized into three types based on scale:-
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network that is confined to a relatively small area. It is
generally limited to a geographic area such as a writing lab, school, or building. Rarely are
LAN computers more than a mile apart.
In a typical LAN configuration, one computer is designated as the file server. It stores all of
the software that controls the network, as well as the software that can be shared by the
computers attached to the network. Computers connected to the file server are called
workstations. The workstations can be less powerful than the file server, and they may have
additional software on their hard drives. On most LANs, cables are used to connect the
network interface cards in each computer. See the Topology, Cabling, and Hardware
sections of this tutorial for more information on the configuration of a LAN.
A MAN is optimized for a larger geographical area than a LAN, ranging from several blocks of
buildings to entire cities. MANs can also depend on communications channels of moderate-
to-high data rates. A MAN might be owned and operated by a single organization, but it
usually will be used by many individuals and organizations. MANs might also be owned and
operated as public utilities. They will often provide means for internetworking of local
A Metropolitan Area Network
Wide Area Networks (WANs) connect larger geographic areas, such as Florida, the United
States, or the world. Dedicated transoceanic cabling or satellite uplinks may be used to
connect this type of network.
Using a WAN, schools in Florida can communicate with places like Tokyo in a matter of
minutes, without paying enormous phone bills. A WAN is complicated. It uses multiplexers
to connect local and metropolitan networks to global communications networks like the
Internet. To users, however, a WAN will not appear to be much different than a LAN or a
A Wide Area Network
Experiment 2
The most commonly used connectors for setting up computer networks are:-
DB -9 (For RS-232 interface standard)
EIA - 449
RJ – 45
BNC connector
The DB9 (originally DE-9) connector is an analog 9-pin plug of the D-Subminiature connector family
(D-Sub or Sub-D).
The DB9 connector is mainly used for serial connections, allowing for the asynchronous transmission
of data as provided for by standard RS-232 (RS-232C).
The maximum cable length for RS-232 is 50ft, but in practice depends on baud rate, cable
specific capacitance and ambient noise. The table below contains some rules-of-thumb from
experiments done by Texas Instruments years ago.
RJ45 is a standard type of connector for network cables. RJ45 connectors are most
commonly seen with Ethernet cables and networks.
RJ45 connectors feature eight pins to which the wire strands of a cable interface electrically.
Standard RJ-45 pinouts define the arrangement of the individual wires needed when
attaching connectors to a cable.
Several other kinds of connectors closely resemble RJ45 and can be easily confused for each
other. The RJ-11 connectors used with telephone cables, for example, are only slightly
smaller (narrower) than RJ-45 connectors.
BNC connector
The BNC connector (Bayonet Neill–Concelman) is a miniature quick connect/disconnect RF
connector used for coaxial cable. It features two bayonet lugs on the female connector;
mating is achieved with only a quarter turn of the coupling nut. BNCs are ideally suited for
cable termination for miniature-to-subminiature coaxial cable (e.g., RG-58, 59, to RG-179,
RG-316). They are used with radio, television, and other radio-
frequency electronic equipment, test instruments, video signals, and was once a popular
connector for10BASE2 computer networks. BNC connectors are made to match
the characteristic impedance of cable at either 50 ohms or 75 ohms. It is usually applied for
frequencies below 3 GHz [1] and voltages below 500 Volts. Similar connectors using the
bayonet connection principle exist, and a threaded connector is also available. United States
military standard MIL-PRF-39012 entitled Connectors, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, General
Specification for (formerly MIL-C-39012) covers the general requirements and tests for radio
frequency connectors used with flexible cables and certain other types of coaxial
transmission lines in military, aerospace, and spaceflight applications.
BNC connector
The BNC was originally designed for military use and has gained wide acceptance in video
and RF applications to 2 GHz. The BNC uses a slotted outer conductor and some plastic
dielectric on each gender connector. This dielectric causes increasing losses at higher
frequencies. Above 4 GHz, the slots may radiate signals, so the connector is usable, but not
necessarily stable up to about 11 GHz. Both 50 ohm and 75 ohm versions are available.
Experiment 3
Aim: Study and verification of standard Network topologies i.e. Star, Bus, Ring
Bus Topology
In local area networks where bus topology is used, each node is connected to a single cable.
Each computer or server is connected to the single bus cable. A signal from the source
travels in both directions to all machines connected on the bus cable until it finds the
intended recipient. If the machine address does not match the intended address for the
data, the machine ignores the data. Alternatively, if the data matches the machine address,
the data is accepted. Since the bus topology consists of only one wire, it is rather
inexpensive to implement when compared to other topologies. However, the low cost of
implementing the technology is offset by the high cost of managing the network.
Additionally, since only one cable is utilized, it can be the single point of failure. If the
network cable is terminated on both ends and when without termination data transfer stop
and when cable breaks, the entire network will be down.
Star toplogy
In local area networks with a star topology, each network host is connected to a central hub
with a point-to-point connection. In Star topology every node (computer workstation or any
other peripheral) is connected to central node called hub or switch. The switch is the server
and the peripherals are the clients. The network does not necessarily have to resemble a
star to be classified as a star network, but all of the nodes on the network must be
connected to one central device. All traffic that traverses the network passes through the
central hub. The hub acts as a signal repeater. The star topology is considered the easiest
topology to design and implement. An advantage of the star topology is the simplicity of
adding additional nodes. The primary disadvantage of the star topology is that the hub
represents a single point of failure.
Ring topology
A network topology that is set up in a circular fashion in which data travels around the ring
in one direction and each device on the right acts as a repeater to keep the signal strong as
it travels. Each device incorporates a receiver for the incoming signal and a transmitter to
send the data on to the next device in the ring. The network is dependent on the ability of
the signal to travel around the ring. When a device sends data, it must travel through each
device on the ring until it reaches its destination.
Mesh Topology
The full mesh topology is where all nodes are connected directly to all other nodes.
Although this provides the most direct path between endpoints, in reality it doesn’t scale for
anything but the simplest architectures.
If N is the number of nodes, then N(N-1)/2 links are required to provide a full mesh.
Hybrid Toplogy
Hybrid networks use a combination of any two or more topologies in such a way that the
resulting network does not exhibit one of the standard topologies (e.g., bus, star, ring, etc.).
For example, a tree network connected to a tree network is still a tree network topology. A
hybrid topology is always produced when two different basic network topologies are
Experiment 4
Aim: To study of different type of LAN equipments.
The various equipments used in setting up a basic LAN are :-
Network Interface Controller(Ethernet card)
Connecting media(UTP cable)
RJ-45 connector
Crimping tool
Switch/ Hub
Ethernet cards are usually purchased separately from a computer, although many
computers (such as the Macintosh) now include an option for a pre-installed Ethernet card.
Ethernet cards contain connections for either coaxial or twisted pair cables (or both) (See
fig. 1). If it is designed for coaxial cable, the connection will be BNC. If it is designed for
twisted pair, it will have a RJ-45 connection. Some Ethernet cards also contain an AUI
connector. This can be used to attach coaxial, twisted pair, or fiber optics cable to an
Ethernet card. When this method is used there is always an external transceiver attached to
the workstation. (See the Cabling section for more information on connectors.)
Unshielded twisted pair cable (UTP cat-5)
Category 5 cable (Cat 5) is a twisted pair cable for carrying signals. This type of cable is used
in structured cabling for computer networks such as Ethernet. The cable standard provides
performance of up to 100 MHz and is suitable for10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX (Fast Ethernet),
and 1000BASE-T (Gigabit Ethernet). Cat 5 is also used to carry other signals such
as telephony and video. In some cases, multiple signals can be carried on a single cable; Cat
5 can carry two conventional telephone lines as well as a single 100BASE-TX channel in a
single cable or two 100BASE-TX channels in a single cable.
RJ - 45 Connector
RJ45 is the common name for an 8P8C modular connector using 8 conductors that was also
used for both RJ48 and RJ61 registered jacks (which specify pin assignments of the wires in a
telephone cable), although "RJ45" was not originally specified as a registered jack with
today's Ethernet wiring. The "RJ45" physical connector is standardised as the IEC 60603-
7 8P8C modular connector with different "categories" of performance, with all eight
conductors present but 8P8C is commonly known as RJ45. The physical dimensions of the
male and female connectors are specified in ANSI/TIA-1096-A and ISO-8877 standards and
normally wired to the T568A and T568B pinouts specified in the TIA/EIA-568standard to be
compatible with both telephone and Ethernet.
Colour sequence for attaching UTP Cat-5 to RJ-45 connector straight through
Network Switch
A network switch is a computer networking device that links network segments or network
devices. The term commonly refers to a multi-port network bridge that processes and
routes data at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. Switches that additionally
process data at the network layer (layer 3) and above are often called layer-3
switches or multilayer switches.
A Host over a peer to peer network can be accessed remotely from other hosts from the
network. The host to be accessed should have the remote desktop feature enabled.
To enable remote desktop feature in Windows XP, go to :-
My Computer→Properties→Remote
Once the remote desktop feature has been enabled, the host can be accessed by typing its
IP address in the run prompt of any other host in the network.
After typing the address, hit enter and the windows logon pop up of the host computer will
occur. Type in the username and password, and the desktop of the host will appear on your
IP Address
IP addresses are 32 bit numbers, most commonly represented in dotted decimal notation
( Each decimal number represents eight bits of binary data, and therefore
can have a decimal value between 0 and 255. IP addresses most commonly come as class A,
B, or C. It's the value of the first number of the IP address that determines the class to which
a given IP address belongs. Class D addresses are used for multi-cast applications.
H=Host is a class A network, but is reserved for use as a loopback address (typically
The class of an address defines which portion of the address identifies the Network number
and which portion identifies the Host, as illustrated above, as N and H.
IP addresses are used to deliver packets of data across a network and have what is termed
end-to-end significance. This means that the source and destination IP address remains
constant as the packet traverses a network. Each time a packet travels, it can match the
network number of the destination IP address.
The IP address of a computer can be determined by using the ipconfig command at the
command prompt.
The ipconfig –a command can be used to view the detailed information.
Subnet mask
Subnet masks are essential tools in network design, but can make things more difficult to
understand. Subnet masks are used to split a network into a collection of smaller
subnetworks. This may be done to reduce network traffic on each subnetwork, or to make
the internetwork more manageable as a whole. To all intents and purposes, each
subnetwork functions as if it were an independent network, as far as entries in the routing
table are concerned. The illustration below shows how a routing table looks when subnet
masks are used on a network.
This shows that when a network is divided into subnetworks, the host address portion of the
IP address is divided into two parts, the subnetwork address and the host address.
For example, if a network has the Class B IP network address portion 129.47, the remainder
of the IP address can be divided into subnetwork addresses and host addresses. This division
is controlled by the network administrator to allow the most flexibility for network
development at the site.
A subnet mask is the mechanism that defines how the host portion of the IP address is
divided into subnetwork addresses and local host address portions. The subnet mask is a 32-
bit, (four byte) number, just as an IP address is.
The subnet mask of the computer is displayed with the ip address.
Lab 3.1 Building a Peer-to-Peer Network
Create a simple peer-to-peer network between two PCs
Identify the proper cable to connect the two PCs
Configure workstation IP address information
Test connectivity using the ping command.
Background / Preparation
This lab focuses on the ability to connect two PCs to create a simple peer-to-peer Ethernet LAN
between two workstations. The workstations will be directly connected to each other without using a
hub or switch. In addition to the Layer 1 physical and Layer 2 data link connections, the computers
must also be configured with the correct IP network settings, which is Layer 3, so that they can
communicate. A basic CAT 5/5e UTP crossover cable is all that is needed. A crossover cable is the
same type that would be used as backbone or vertical cabling to connect switches together.
Connecting the PCs in this manner can be very useful for transferring files at high speed and for
troubleshooting interconnecting devices between PCs. If the two PCs can be connected with a single
cable and are able to communicate, then any networking problems are not with the PCs themselves.
Start this lab with the equipment turned off and with cabling disconnected. Work in teams of two with
one person per PC. The following resources will be required:
Two workstations with an Ethernet 10/100 NIC installed
Several Ethernet cables, which are both straight-through and crossover, to choose from for
connecting the two workstations
Step 1 Identify the proper Ethernet cable and connect the two PCs
a. The connection between the two PCs will be accomplished using a Category 5 or 5e crossover
cable. Locate a cable that is long enough to reach from one PC to the other, and attach one end
to the NIC in each of the PCs. Be sure to examine the cable ends carefully and select only a
crossover cable.
b. What kind of cable is required to connect from NIC to NIC?
c. What is the category rating of the cable?
d. What is the AWG wire size designation of the cable?
Step 8 Restore the PCs to their original IP settings, disconnect the equipment, and store the
Lab 3.3 Building a Switch-based Network
Create a simple network with two PCs using a switch
Identify the proper cable to connect the PCs to the switch
Configure workstation IP address information
Test connectivity using the ping command
Background / Preparation
This lab focuses on the ability to connect two PCs to create a simple switch-based Ethernet LAN
using two workstations. A switch is a networking concentration device sometimes referred to as a
multiport bridge. Switches are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. When operating in full-
duplex mode, they provide dedicated bandwidth to workstations. Switches eliminate collisions by
creating microsegments between ports to which the two workstations are attached. They are
appropriate for small to large LANs with moderate to heavy traffic.
In addition to the physical and data link connections, which are Layers 1 and 2, the computers must
also be configured with the correct IP network settings, which is Layer 3, so that they can
communicate. Since this lab uses a switch, a basic Category 5/5e UTP straight-through cable is
needed to connect each PC to the switch. This is referred to as a patch cable or horizontal cabling,
which is used to connect workstations and a typical LAN. Start this lab with the equipment turned off
and with cabling disconnected. Work in teams of two with one person per PC. The following
resources will be required:
Two workstations with an Ethernet 10/100 NIC installed
Ethernet 10BaseT or Fast Ethernet switch
Several Ethernet cables, which are straight-through and crossover, to choose from for
connecting the two workstations
Step 1 Identify the proper Ethernet cable and connect the two PCs to the switch
a. The connection between the two PCs and the switch will be accomplished using a Category 5 or
5e straight-through patch cable. Locate two cables that are long enough to reach from each PC
to the switch. Attach one end to the NIC and the other end to a port on the switch. Be sure to
examine the cable ends carefully and select only a straight-through cable.
b. What kind of cable is required to connect from NIC to switch?
c. What is the category rating of the cable?
d. What is the AWG wire size designation of the cable?
Step 8 Restore the PCs to their original IP settings, disconnect the equipment, and store the
Lab 4.a IP Addressing Basics
Name the five different classes of IP addresses
Describe the characteristics and use of the different IP address classes
Identify the class of an IP address based on the network number
Determine which part, or octet, of an IP address is the network ID and which part is the host ID
Identify valid and invalid IP host addresses based on the rules of IP addressing
Define the range of addresses and default subnet mask for each class
Background / Preparation
This lab exercise helps develop an understanding of IP addresses and how TCP/IP networks operate.
It is primarily a written lab exercise. However, it would be worthwhile to review some real network IP
addresses using the command line utilities ipconfig for Windows NT/2000/XP or winipcfg for
Windows 9x/ME. IP addresses are used to uniquely identify individual TCP/IP networks and hosts,
such as computers and printers, on those networks in order for devices to communicate. Workstations
and servers on a TCP/IP network are called hosts and each has a unique IP address. This address is
referred to as its host address. TCP/IP is the most widely used protocol in the world. The Internet or
World Wide Web only uses IP addressing. In order for a host to access the Internet, it must have an IP
In its basic form, the IP address has two parts:
A network address
A host address
The network portion of the IP address is assigned to a company or organization by the Internet
Network Information Center (InterNIC). Routers use the IP address to move data packets between
networks. IP addresses are 32 bits long according to the current version IPv4 and are divided into 4
octets of 8 bits each. They operate at the network layer (Layer 3) of the Open System
Interconnection (OSI) model, which is the Internet layer of the TCP/IP model. IP addresses are
assigned in the following ways:
Statically – manually, by a network administrator
Dynamically – automatically, by a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server
The IP address of a workstation, or host is a logical address, meaning it can be changed. The Media
Access Control (MAC) address of the workstation is a 48-bit physical address. This address is burned
into the network interface card (NIC) and cannot change unless the NIC is replaced. The combination
of the logical IP address and the physical MAC address helps route packets to their proper destination.
There are five different classes of IP addresses, and depending on the class, the network and host part of
the address will use a different number of bits. In this lab, different classes of IP addresses will be worked
with and to help become familiar with the characteristics of each. The understanding of IP addresses is
critical to the understanding of TCP/IP and internetworks in general. The following resources are required:
st st
Class 1 Octet 1 Octet Network/Host ID Default Number of Hosts per
Decimal High Order (N=Network, Subnet Mask Networks Network
Range Bits H=Host) (Usable
Note: Class A address 127 cannot be used and is reserved for loop back and diagnostic
Lab 4.c Study of Workstation ARP
Introduce Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and the arp –a workstation command.
Explore the arp command help feature using the -? option.
Background / Preparation
ARP is used as a tool for confirming that a computer is successfully resolving network Layer 3
addresses to Media Access Control (MAC) Layer 2 addresses. The TCP/IP network protocol relies
on IP addresses like to identify individual devices and to assist in navigating data
packets between networks. While the IP address is essential to move data from one LAN to another,
it cannot deliver the data in the destination LAN by itself. Local network protocols, like Ethernet or
Token Ring, use the MAC, or Layer 2, address to identify local devices and deliver all data. A
computer MAC address has been seen in prior labs.
This is an example of a MAC address:
A MAC address is a 48-bit address displayed in Hexadecimal (HEX) format as six sets of two HEX
characters separated by dashes. In this format each hex symbol represents 4 bits. With some
devices, the 12 hex characters may be displayed as three sets of four characters separated by
periods or colons (0002.A59A.635C).
ARP maintains a table in the computer of IP and MAC address combinations. In other words, it
keeps track of which MAC address is associated with an IP address. If ARP does not know the MAC
address of a local device, it issues a broadcast using the IP address. This broadcast searches for the
MAC address that corresponds to the IP address. If the IP address is active on the LAN, it will send a
reply from which ARP will extract the MAC address. ARP will then add the address combination to
the local ARP table of the requesting computer.
MAC addresses and therefore ARP are only used within the LAN. When a computer prepares a
packet for transmission, it checks the destination IP address to see if it is part of the local network. It
does this by checking to see if the network portion of the IP address is the same as the local
network. If it is, the ARP process is consulted to get the MAC address of the destination device using
the IP address. The MAC address is then applied to the data packet and used for delivery.
If the destination IP address is not local, the computer will need the MAC address of the default
gateway. The default gateway is the router interface that the local network is connected to in order to
provide connectivity with other networks. The gateway MAC address is used because the packet will
be delivered there and the router will then forward it to the network it is intended for.
If the computer does not receive any packets from an IP address after a few minutes, it will drop the
MAC/IP entry from the ARP table assuming the device has logged off. Later attempts to access that
IP address will cause ARP to do another broadcast and update the table.
This lab assumes the use of any version of Windows. This is a non-destructive lab and can be
performed with a home machine without concern of changing the system configuration. Ideally, this
lab will be done in a classroom or other LAN connected to the Internet. It can be done from a single
remote connection via a modem or DSL-type connection.
Step 1 Establish a network connection
If the connection to the Internet is dial-up, connect to the ISP to ensure that the computer has an IP
address. In a TCP/IP LAN with a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server it should not
be necessary to do this step.
The purpose of this step is not so much the ARP command options but to demonstrate using the ? to
access help, if available. Help is not always implemented uniformly. Some commands use /?
instead of -?.
Based on observations made today, what could be deduced about the following results?
Computer 1
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Pings and tracert to were both successful.
What will be the ARP table entry associated with this address and why?
Lab 5.a Study Of Basic Subnetting
How to identify reasons to use a subnet mask
How to distinguish between a default subnet mask and a custom subnet mask
What given requirements determine the subnet mask, number of subnets, and hosts per subnet
What needs to be understood about useable subnets and useable numbers of hosts
How to use the ANDing process to determine if a destination IP address is local or remote
How to identify valid and invalid IP host addresses based on a network number and subnet mask
Background / Preparation
This lab exercise focuses on the basics of IP subnet masks and their use with TCP/IP networks. The subnet
mask can be used to split up an existing network into subnetworks, or subnets. Some of the primary
reasons for subnetting are the following:
Reduce the size of the broadcast domains, which creates smaller networks with less traffic
Allow LANs in different geographical locations to communicate through routers
Provide improved security by separating one LAN from another
Routers separate subnets, and determine when a packet can go from one subnet to another. Each router a
packet goes through is considered a hop. Subnet masks help workstations, servers, and routers in an IP
network determine if the destination host for the packet they want to send is on their own network or
another network. This lab reviews the default subnet mask and then focuses on custom subnet masks.
Custom subnet masks use more bits than the default subnet masks by borrowing these bits from the host
portion of the IP address. This creates a three-part address:
The original network address
The subnet address made up of the bits borrowed
The host address made up of the bits left after borrowing some for subnets
* Class A address 127 cannot be used and is reserved for loopback and diagnostic functions.
Host Switch Switch Host
The ANDing process helps the packet get from Host on network to Host on network by using the following steps:
1. Host X compares its own IP address to its own subnet mask using the ANDing process.
Note: The result of the ANDing process is the network address of Host X, which is
2. Next, Host X compares the IP address of the Host Z destination to its own subnet mask using the
ANDing process.
Note: The result of the ANDing process is the network address of Host Z, which is Host X
compares the ANDing results from Step 1 and the ANDing results from Step 2, and notes
they are different. Host X now knows that Host Z is not in its local-area network (LAN). Therefore, it must
send the packet to its default gateway, which is the IP address of the router interface of on network The router then repeats the ANDing process to determine which router
interface to send the packet out to.
Step 4 One Class C network with subnets using a custom subnet mask
This example uses a single Class C network address ( and shows how a Class C custom
subnet mask can be used to determine which subnetwork (or subnet) a host is on and to route
packets from one subnetwork to another. Remember that with a Class C network address, the first 3
octets, or 24 bits are assigned as the network address. This leaves one octet, or 8 bits, for hosts.
So, each Class C network could have up to 254 hosts:
2 = 256 – 2 = 254
Perhaps less than 254 hosts, workstations and servers combined, are desired on one network. This
could be for security reasons or to reduce traffic. It can be done by creating two subnetworks and
separating them with a router. This will create smaller independent broadcast domains and can
improve network performance and increase security. This is possible because these subnetworks
will be separated by one or more router. Assume at least two subnetworks will be needed and that
there will be at least 50 hosts per subnetwork. Because there is only one Class C network address,
only 8 bits in the fourth octet are available for a total of 254 possible hosts. Therefore, a custom
subnet mask must be created. The custom subnet mask will be used to borrow bits from the host
portion of the address. The following steps help accomplish this:
1. The first step to subnetting is to determine how many subnets are needed. In this case, its two
subnetworks. To see how many bits should be borrowed from the host portion of the network
address, add the bit values from right to left until the total is equal to or greater than the number
of subnets needed. Because two subnets are needed, add the one bit and the two bit, which
equals three. This is greater than the number of subnets needed. To remedy this, borrow at least
two bits from the host address starting from the left side of the octet that contains the host
Add bits starting from the right side, the 1 and the 2, until the sum is greater than the number of
subnets needed.
Note: An alternate way to calculate the number bits to be borrowed for subnets is to take the
number of bits borrowed to the power of 2. The result must be greater than the number of
subnets needed. As an example if 2 bits are borrowed the calculation is two to the second
power, which equals four. Since the number of subnets needed is two this should be
2. After we know how many bits to borrow, we take them from the left side of the of the host
address, the 4th octet. Every bit borrowed from the host address bit leaves fewer bits for the
hosts. Even though the number of subnets is increased, the number of hosts per subnet is
decreased. Because two bits need to be borrowed from the left side, that new value must be
shown in the subnet mask. The existing default subnet mask was and the new
custom subnet mask is The 192 results from adding the first two bits from the
left, 128 + 64 = 192. These bits now become 1s and are part of the overall subnet mask. This
leaves 6 bits for host IP addresses or 2 = 64 hosts per subnet.
4 Octet borrowed bits for subnet: 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Subnet bit values: (from left side) 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
With this information, the following table can be built. The first two bits are the subnet binary value.
The last 6 bits are the host bits. By borrowing 2 bits from the 8 bits of the host address 4 subnets,
2^2, with 64 hosts each, can be created. The 4 networks created are as follows:
The network
The network
The network
The network
The network is considered unusable, unlesss the networking device supports the IOS
command ip subnet-zero, which allows using the first subnet.
Subnet No. Subnet Bits Subnet Bits Host Bits Possible Subnet/Host Useable?
Borrowed Decimal Binary Values (Range) Decimal
Binary Value Value (6 Bits) Range
Notice that the first subnet always starts at 0 and, in this case, increases by 64, which is the number
of hosts on each subnet. One way to determine the number of hosts on each subnet or the start of
each subnet is to take the remaining host bits to the power of 2. Because we borrowed two of the 8
bits for subnets and have 6 bits left, the number of hosts per subnet is 26 or 64. Another way to figure
the number of hosts per subnet or the increment from one subnet to the next is to subtract the
subnet mask value in decimal, 192 in the fourth octet, from 256, which is the maximum number of
possible combinations of 8 bits. This equals 64. This means start at 0 for the first network and add 64
for each additional subnetwork. For example, if the second subnet is used, the network
cannot be used for a host ID since the network ID of the 64 subnet has all zeros in the host portion.
Another common way to represent a subnet mask, is the use of the “slash/number” (/#) where the #
following the slash is the number of bits used in the mask (network and subnet combined). As an
example, a Class C network address such as with a standard subnet mask
( would be written as /24, indicating that 24 bits are used for the mask. The
same network, when subnetted by using two host bits for subnets, would be written as /26.
This indicates that 24 bits are used for the network and 2 bits for the subnet. This would represent a
custom subnet mask of in dotted decimal format.
A Class A network of with a standard mask ( would be written as /8. If 8
bits (the next octet) were being used for subnets it would be written as /16. This would
represent a custom subnet mask of in dotted decimal format. The “slash” number after
the network number is an abbreviated method of indicating the subnet mask being used.
Step 5 Use the following information and the previous examples to answer the following
subnet-related questions
A company has applied for and received a Class C network address of The physical
network is to be divided into 4 subnets, which will be interconnected by routers. At least 25 hosts will
be needed per subnet. A Class C custom subnet mask needs to be used and a router is needed
between the subnets to route packets from one subnet to another. Determine the number of bits that
need to be borrowed from the host portion of the network address and the number of bits that will be
left for host addresses.
Note: There will be 8 possible subnets, of which 6 can be used.
Fill in the following table and answer the following questions:
Subnet No. Subnet Bits Subnet Bits Host Bits Possible Subnet/Host Use?
Borrowed Decimal and Binary Values Decimal
Binary Value Subnet No. (Range) (5 Bits) Range
0 Subnet
1 Subnet
2 Subnet
3 Subnet
4 Subnet
5 Subnet
6 Subnet
7 Subnet
Use the table just developed to help answer the following questions:
1. Which octet(s) represent the network portion of a Class C IP address?
2. Which octet(s) represent the host portion of a Class C IP address?
3. What is the binary equivalent of the Class C network address in the scenario?
Decimal network address:
Binary network address:
4. How many high-order bits were borrowed from the host bits in the fourth octet?
5. What subnet mask must be used? Show the subnet mask in decimal and
binary. Decimal subnet mask:
Binary subnet mask:
6. What is the maximum number of subnets that can be created with this subnet mask?
7. What is the maximum number of useable subnets that can be created with this mask?
8. How many bits were left in the fourth octet for host IDs?
9. How many hosts per subnet can be defined with this subnet mask?
10. What is the maximum number of hosts that can be defined for all subnets with this scenario?
Assume the lowest and highest subnet numbers and the lowest and highest host ID on each
subnet cannot be used.
11. Is a valid host IP address with this scenario?
12. Why or why not?
13. Is a valid host IP address with this scenario?
14. Why or why not?
15. Host A has an IP address of Host B has an IP address of Are
these hosts on the same subnet? Why?
Lab 5.d Subnetting a Class C Network
The objective of this lab is to provide a subnetting scheme using a Class C network.
Background / Preparation
This is a written exercise and is to be performed without the aid of an electronic calculator.
The Classical Academy has acquired a Class C address, The academy needs to create
subnets to provide low level security and broadcast control on the LAN. It is not necessary to supply
an address for the WAN connection. It is supplied by the Internet service provider.
The LAN consists of the following, each of which will require its own subnet:
Classroom #1 28 nodes
Classroom #2 22 nodes
Computer lab 30 nodes
Instructors 12 nodes
Administration 8 nodes
Step 1 Given this Class C network address and these requirements answer the following
How many subnets are needed for this network?
What is the subnet mask for this network?
1. Dotted decimal
2. Binary
3. Slash format
How many usable hosts are there per subnet?
Learning Objectives
View the default VLAN configuration.
Configure VLANs.
Assign VLANs to ports.
Configure trunking.
VLANs are helpful in the administration of logical groups, allowing members of a group to be easily
moved, changed, or added. This activity focuses on creating and naming VLANs, assigning access ports to
specific VLANs, changing the native VLAN, and configuring trunk links.
Step 1. Configure S1 Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 for trunking and to use VLAN 99 as the native VLAN.
S1(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1
S1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
S1(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 99
S1(config-if)#interface FastEthernet 0/3
S1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
S1(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 99
The trunk port takes about a minute to become active again. You can switch between Realtime and
Simulation modes three or four times to quickly bring the port back up.
Then, the ports on S2 and S3 that connect to S1 become inactive. Again, switch between Realtime and
Simulation modes three or four times to quickly bring the ports back up.
Once the ports become active, you periodically receive the following syslog messages:
%CDP-4-NATIVE_VLAN_MISMATCH: Native VLAN mismatch discovered on
FastEthernet0/1 (99), with S2 FastEthernet0/1 (1).
%CDP-4-NATIVE_VLAN_MISMATCH: Native VLAN mismatch discovered on
FastEthernet0/3 (99), with S3 FastEthernet0/3 (1).
You configured the native VLAN on S1 to be VLAN 99. However, the native VLAN on S2 and S3 is set to the
default VLAN 1.
Step 3. Verify trunking is enabled on S2 and configure VLAN 99 as the native VLAN.
Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) has automatically enabled the Fast Ethernet 0/1 port on S2 for
trunking. Once you configured the mode to trunking on S1, DTP messages sent from S1 to S2
automatically informed S1 to move the state of Fa0/1 to trunking. This can be verified with the following
command on S1:
S2#show interface fastEthernet 0/1 switchport
Name: Fa0/1
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: dynamic auto
Operational Mode: trunk
Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q
Operational Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q
Negotiation of Trunking: On
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
<output omitted>
Notice that the administrative mode is set to dynamic auto. This is the default state of all ports on a
Cisco IOS switch. However, DTP has negotiated trunking, so the operation mode is trunk, resulting in a
native VLAN mismatch.
As a best practice, configure the administrative mode of the trunking interface to be in trunk mode. This
ensures that the interface is statically configured as a trunk port and never negotiates a different mode.
S2(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1
S2(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
To correct the native VLAN mismatch, configure the trunking port with the
switchport trunk native vlan 99 command.
S2(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 99
Step 4. Verify trunking is enabled on S3 and configure VLAN 99 as the native VLAN.
DTP has also successfully negotiated a trunk between S1 and S3.
S3#show interfaces
fastEthernet 0/3
switchport Name: Fa0/3
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: dynamic auto
Operational Mode: trunk
Encapsulation: dot1q
Operational Trunking
Encapsulation: dot1q
Negotiation of
Trunking: On
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
<output omitted>
Configure static routes between routers to allow data transfer between routers without the use of
dynamic routing protocols.
Setup a network similar to the one in the previous diagram. Any router that meets the interface
requirements may be used. Possible routers include 800, 1600, 1700, 2500, 2600 routers, or a
combination. Refer to the chart at the end of the lab to correctly identify the interface identifiers to be
used based on the equipment in the lab. The configuration output used in this lab is produced from
1721 series routers. Any other router used may produce slightly different output. The following steps
are intended to be executed on each router unless specifically instructed otherwise.
Start a HyperTerminal session as performed in the Establishing a HyperTerminal session lab.
Note: Go to the erase and reload instructions at the end of this lab. Perform those steps on all
routers in this lab assignment before continuing.
output eliminated
b. Use the command show ip route, view the IP routing table for BHM.
BHM>show ip route
Output eliminated.
GAD>show ip route
output eliminated
b. Using the command show ip route, view the IP routing table for BHM.
BHM>show ip route
Output eliminated.
Upon completion of the previous steps, logoff by typing exit. Turn the router off.
Setup a network similar to the one in the diagram. Any router that meets the interface requirements
displayed in the above diagram, such as 800, 1600, 1700, 2500, 2600 routers, or a combination,
may be used. Please refer to the chart at the end of the lab to correctly identify the interface
identifiers to be used based on the equipment in the lab. The configuration output used in this lab is
produced from 1721 series routers. Any other router used may produce a slightly different output.
The following steps are intended to be executed on each router unless specifically instructed
Start a HyperTerminal session as performed in the Establishing a HyperTerminal session lab.
Note: Go to the erase and reload instructions at the end of this lab. Perform those steps on all
routers in this lab assignment before continuing.
Step 1 Configure the routers
a. From the global configuration mode, configure the hostname as shown in the chart. Then
configure the console, virtual terminal, and enable passwords. If there is a problem doing this,
refer to the configuring router passwords lab. Next, configure the interfaces according to the
chart. Refer to the Configuring Host Tables lab for assistance.
output eliminated
b. Using the command show ip route, view the IP routing table for BHM.
BHM>show ip route
output eliminated
GAD(config)#router rip
BHM(config)#router rip
Step 6 Save the Birmingham router configuration
Step 7 Configure the hosts with the proper IP address, subnet mask and default gateway
Step 8 Verify that the internetwork is functioning by pinging the FastEthernet interface of the
other router
a. From the host attached to GAD, is it possible to ping the BHM router FastEthernet interface?
b. From the host attached to BHM, is it possible to ping the GAD router FastEthernet interface?
c. If the answer is no for either question, troubleshoot the router configurations to find the error.
Then do the pings again until the answer to both questions is yes.
Upon completion of the previous steps, log off by typing exit and turn the router off.