The Role of Teacher Education

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 NCTE being a supreme body of Teacher education, should play some proactive role
in curriculum designing and evaluation. It sets the norms and standards for
infrastructure, and specifies the required qualifications of teacher educators, for all
teacher education colleges. But without effective monitoring by the Council, which
lacks the manpower, resources, and capacity for this purpose, teacher training
colleges tend to depart from these norms, with potentially serious implications for
the quality of teacher preparation and thus for the professional skills of the teachers
and teacher educators.

Objectives of NCTE
 To achieve planned and coordinated development of teacher education system
throughout the country.
 To regulate and properly maintain the Norms and Standards in the teacher
education system and for matters connected therewith.
 It aims at training individuals for equipping them to teach pre-primary, primary,
secondary and senior secondary stages in schools, non-formal and part-time
education, adult education (correspondence) and distance education courses.

Regional Offices in INDIA

Functions of NCTE
 It shall be the duty of the Council to take all such steps as it may think fit for ensuring
planned and co-ordinated development of teacher education and for the
determination and maintenance of standards for teacher education and for the
purposes of performing its functions under this Act, the Council may:
 Undertake surveys and studies relating to various aspects of teacher education and
publish the result there of;
 Make recommendations to the Central and State Government, Universities,
University Grants Commission and recognized institutions in the matter of
preparation of suitable plans and programmer in the field of teacher education;
 Co-ordinate and monitor teacher education and its development in the country;
 lay down guidelines in respect of minimum qualifications for a person to be
employed as a teacher in schools or in recognized institutions;
 lay down norms for any specified category of courses or trainings in teacher
education, including the minimum eligibility criteria for admission thereof, and the
method of selection of candidates, duration of the course, course contents and
mode of curriculum;
 lay down guidelines for compliance by recognized institutions, for starting new
courses or training, and for providing physical and instructional facilities, staffing
pattern and staff qualification;
 Evolve suitable performance appraisal system, norms and mechanism for enforcing
accountability on recognized institutions;
 Formulate schemes for various levels of teacher education and identify recognized
institutions and set up new institutions for teacher development program;
 Take all necessary steps to prevent commercialization of teacher education;
 Perform such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Central Government.

Programmes Recognized by NCTE

 Diploma in early childhood education programme leading to Diploma in Preschool
Education (DPSE).
 Elementary teacher education programme leading to Diploma in Elementary
Education (D.El.Ed.).
 Bachelor of elementary teacher education programme leading to Bachelor of
Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) degree.
 Bachelor of education programme leading to Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) degree.
 Master of education programme leading to Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree.
 Diploma in physical education programme leading to Diploma in Physical Education
 Bachelor of physical education programme leading to Bachelor of Physical Education
(B.P.Ed.) degree.
 Master of physical education programme leading to Master of Physical Education (M.
P. Ed.) degree.
 Diploma in elementary education program me through Open and Distance Learning
System leading to Diploma in Elementary Education (D. El. Ed.).
 Bachelor of education program me through Open and Distance Learning System
leading to Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) degree.
 Diploma in arts education (Visual Arts) program me leading to Diploma in Arts
Education (Visual Arts).
 Diploma in arts education (Performing Arts) program me leading to Diploma in Arts
Education (Performing Arts).
 4-year Integrated program me leading to B.A.B.Ed./B.Sc.B.Ed. degree.
 Bachelor of education program me 3-year (Part Time) leading to Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed) degree.
 3-year Integrated program me leading to B.Ed., M.Ed (Integrated) degree.

 The Regional Institutes of Education (RIEs) of NCERT also have ET cells. Further, even
in higher education, it is recommended that teacher training in Educational
Technology should form a part of their programme. The aim was to bring about
qualitative development in the field of education. Through the various constituent
units NCERT takes charge of training of teachers in different activities at both pre-
service and in-service levels.
 In pre-service teacher education:

 Introduces teachers to flexible models of reaching curriculum goals.

 Introduces use of media and technology enabled methods of learning, making it
inherent and embedded in the teaching-learning process of teachers.
 Train teachers to evaluate and integrate available materials into the learning
 Enable trainee teachers to access sources of knowledge and to create knowledge.
 Prepares the teachers at the school level for teaching different subjects.
 In ‘in-service’ teacher education:
 Creates a system of lifelong professional development and support, especially of
educational leaders and managers such as headmasters and principals.
 Encourages ICT literacy for official and personal use to increase comfort and later
enhances creativity in educational work.
 Supports the development of and nurture teachers’ self-help groups / professional
development groups on the ground as well as online.

 Roles and Functions
• Organize pre-service Teacher Education Courses;
• Organize subject-oriented & theme-specific in-service programmes;
• Provide extension & resource support to schools, school comp lexes and individual
teachers; Organize pre-service Teacher Education Courses;
• Organize subject-oriented & theme-specific in-service programmes;
• Provide extension & resource support to schools, school complexes and individual
• Conduct experimentation and innovation in school education
• Provide training and resource support for the new areas of educational concern;
• Provide support to professional bodies;
• Encourage community participation in teacher preparation programmes;
• Conduct programmes in elementary teacher-education; Conduct regular M.Ed.,
M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes;
• Conduct in-service courses for teacher-educators, principals, etc;
• Conduct advanced level fundamental & applied research;
• Conduct training programmes for preparation of non-print software and use of ICT;
• Provide academic guidance to DIETs & resource support to CTEs;
• Monitor & provide academic support to Schools for Excellence;
• The role of Colleges of Teacher Education (CTEs) becomes crucial, especially over the
next 5 years.
• It is envisioned that CTEs play the major role in the field of secondary teacher
education and development, also guiding the various secondary teacher education
institutions in the districts under them.
• They have to see themselves as Centre’s for developing excellence in secondary
teacher education and in secondary classrooms at school.
• The CTEs, in order to improve the quality of secondary education, shall conduct
training need analysis and base line surveys for organizing training programs.
• They shall prepare context specific teacher handbooks and training modules for
quality training.
• They shall also undertake the impact studies to study the effect of training programs
on classroom processes and learning outcomes. They shall prepare implementation
guidelines for conducting plan activities including training and projects for ensuring
optimum utilization of funds with financial accountability.
• They should design a training program that is open-ended, leaving more scope for
the trainee for self-learning and to equip himself/herself to meet the challenging
needs and demands of the profession
• A program of teacher preparation derives its theoretical sustenance from a basic
philosophy of education, the historical, sociological forces shaping education and
psychological view-points on how human beings learn.


By way of conclusion, it can be stated that innovations have brought

significant improvement in the field of teacher Education. These should be
conducted on continuous basis so that future challenges can be faced. The
module first defines innovation and made a case for the need of introduction its
practice and adaptation in Teacher Education. The module introduces different
modern innovations such as Scientific and Technological (S&T) advancement,
Information, and Communication Technology (ICT), which can be used for
effective learning environment for student-teacher. Further, it argues that these
innovations encourage the learners to enhance their professional development.
Their adaptation encourages the student- learners to go for self-evaluation,
increase the accountability of the education system and protect the autonomy of
the learners and teachers. The module also suggest different mode and stages
for the effective adaptation in teacher education
 NCTE, Discussion Document on Curriculum Framework (1998) competency based
and commitment oriented teacher education for quality school education YOJANA,
September 2005
 WWW. Slideshare . com

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