Bio DPP 90 MCQ

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Casparian strips occur in:

(A) All walls of endodermis (B) Longitudinal walls of xylem (C) Longitudinal and radial walls of
epidermal cells (D) Radial and tangential walls of endodermis
(d) Water-impermeable waxy material-suberinin the form of casparian strips is
deposited on the tangential and radial walls of endodermal cells.

In which of the following, root system is poorly developed?

(A) Phaene (B) (C) Halophyte (D) Xerophyte
(b) Hydrophytes are those plants that grow in water conditions. Water conduction
systems are not well developed in them. So, roots are poorly developed. Roots are required only
for anchorage, while halophytes are those plants that grow in high salty or marshy areas. In those
plants, root system is very well developed. Roots may be entirely absent in hydrophytes like
or poorly developed in .

Gymnosperms are also called soft wood spermatophytes because they lack
(A) cambium (B) phloem fibres (C) thick-walled tracheids (D) xylem fibres
(d) Soft wood is non-porous, homoxylous gymnospermic wood rich in tracheids and
xylem parenchyma, vessels and fibres are absent and resin canals are present, e.g., Deodar
(Cedrus), Pine (Pinus)

Casparian strips contain

(A) Pectin (B) Cutin (C) Suberin (D) Wax
(c) Suberin is found in Casparian strips.

Consider the following statements:

A. In a dicot root, the vascular bundles are collateral and endarch.
B. The inner most layer of cortex in a dicot root is endodermis.
C. In a dicot root, the phloem masses are separated from the xylem by parenchymatous cells that
are known as the conjunctive tissue. Of these statements given above
(A) (B) is true but A and C are false (B) (A) and C is true but B is false (C) (B) and (C) are true but
A is false (D) (A) is true but (B) and (C) are false

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(c) The vascular bundles in a dicot root are open and endarch.

In roots, lateral branches grow from

(A) Cortex (B) Pericycle (C) Endodermis (D) Epiblema
(b) Lateral branches emerge from the pericycle in roots.

Which is correct statement?

(A) Pith is present in dicot root and monocot stem (B) Casparian strips are found in endodermis
and made up of only lignin (C) Phellogen is secondary cambium, it is formed by fascicular
cambium (D) Parenchyma is differentiated and main assimilatory tissue
(c) Phellogen is secondary cambium, it is formed by fascicular cambium.

During the formation of the primary plant body, specific regions of the ....... produce dermal
tissues, ground tissues and vascular tissues. Find the appropriate missing word.
(A) Apical meristem (B) Intercalary meristem (C) Primary meristem (D) Secondary meristem
(a) Specific locations of the apical meristem create dermal tissue, ground tissue, and
vascular tissues during the creation of the main plant body.

In autumn and winter, cambium produces

(A) Sap wood (B) Early wood (C) Heart wood (D) Late wood
(d) The cambium develops late wood in the autumn and winter.

The cork cambium, cork and secondary cortex are collectively called
(A) Phellogen (B) Periderm (C) Phellem (D) Phelloderm
(b) The periderm is a secondary protective structure and is made up of cork cambium
(phellogen), cork (phellem) and secondary cortex (phelloderm).

Vascular cambium produces (1992, 1990)

(A) primary xylem and primary phloem (B) secondary xylem and secondary phloem (C) primary
xylem and secondary phloem (D) secondary xylem and primary phloem
(b): Vascular cambium produces secondary xylem and secondary phloem. It is
developed from the procambium which is an embryonic tissue, hence it is primary in origin. It is
secondary in function because it forms the secondary tissues like secondary xylem, secondary
phloem and secondary medullary rays. The cambium is a radially one cell thick zone of
meristematic cells

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In a dicot stem, there are a few layers of radially placed parenchymatous cells in between the
vascular bundles, called
(A) Medullary rays (B) Starch sheath (C) Casparian strip (D) Conjuctive tissue
(a) In the dicot stem, there are a few layers of radially placed parenchymatous cells
called medullary rays in betwcen the vascular bundles.

In monocot stems, secondary growth cannot occur because vascular bundles are
(A) Open (B) Radial (C) Closed (D) Scattered
(c) The vascular bundles in monocot stems are joined and closed.

A narrow layer of thin walled cells found between phloem/ bark and wood of a dicot is
(A) cork cambium (B) vascular cambium (C) endodermis (D) both (a ) & (c )
(b) Vascular cambium is located between the xylem and the phloem in the stem and
roots of a vascular plant, and is the source of both the secondary xylem growth (inwards, towards
the pith) and the secondary phloem growth (outwards).

Pith or central part of ground tissue is made of

(A) Sclerenchyma (B) Parenchyma (C) Collenchyma (D) Chlorenchyma
(b) Parenchyma makes up the pith, or centre section of the grourd tissue.

Vascular cambium of stem is

(A) Secondary meristem (B) Partly primary and partly secondary (C) Primary meristem (D)
Intercalary meristem
(b) The stem's vascular cambium is both primary and secondary.

A plant organ is covered by periderm, the stomata are absent. Gaseous exchange occurs
(A) Aerenchyma (B) Lenticels (C) Trichomes (D) Pneumatophores
(b) Stomata are absent if a plant organ is coated with periderm. Lenticels are the
conduits for gas exchange.

Gaseous exchange between air and internal tissues of old corky stem takes place through
(A) Stomata (B) Pits (C) Lenticels (D) Sieve plants
(c) A lenticel is a pore in a woody stem's periderm. It is made up of a bose clump of
cells that come from the phelloderm. It functions as a gaseous exchange organ between the air

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and the inside tissues.

Age of a tree can be estimated by:(2013)

(A) Its height and girth (B) Biomass (C) Diameter of its heartwood (D) Number of annual rings
(d) No. of annual ring No. of year

Interfascicular cambium develops from the cells of (NEET 2013)

(A) endodermis (B) pericycle (C) medullary rays (D) xylem parenchyma
(c): In dicot stems, the cells of cambium present between primary xylem and primary
phloem is the intrasfascicular cambium. The cells of medullary rays, adjoining these
intrafascicular cambium become meristematic and form the interfascicular cambium. Thus, a
continuous ring of cambium is formed

Bamboo, grass and mint stem elongate by the activity of

(A) Primary meristem (B) Apical meristem (C) Intercalary meristem (D) Secondary meristem
(c) Bamboo, grass and mint stem elongate by the activity of Intercalary meristem.

In a plant organ which is covered jy periderm and in which the stomata are absent, some
gaseous exchange still takes place through
(A) Pneumatophores (B) Aerenchyma (C) Trichomes (D) Lenticels
(d) Even when a plant organ is coated in periderm and the stomata are missing, some
gaseous exchange occurs through lenticels.

Some vascular bundles are described as open because these: (2011 Mains)
(A) Possess conjunctive tissue between xylem and phloem (B) Are not surrounded by pericycle
(C) Are surrounded by pericycle but no endodermis (D) Are capable of producing secondary
xylem and phloem
(d) In dicotyledonous stems, cambium is present between phloem and xylem. Such
vascular bundles because of the presence of cambium possess the ability to form secondary
xylem and phloem tissues, and hence are called open vascular bundles.

Well developed pith is found in

(A) Monocot root and monocot stem (B) Dicot root and dicot stem (C) Monocot root and dicot
stem (D) Monocot stem and dicot root
(c) Monocot roots and dicot stems have well-developed pith.

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Open vascular bundles

(A) Have cambium in between the primary and secondary xylem (B) Have cambium in between
the primary and secondary phloem (C) Have cambium in between the xylem and phloem (D) Don
t have cambium in between xylem and phloem
(c) Cambium is present between xylem and phloem. Such vascular bundles because of
the presence of cambium, possesses the ability to form secondary xylem and phloem tissue and
hence, is called open vascular bundles

Tyloses occur in
(A) Secondary xylem (B) Callus tissue (C) Secondary phloem (D) Cork cells
(a) Tyloses can be found in secondary xylem.

When we peel the skin of a potato tuber, we remove:

(A) Periderm (B) Cuticle (C) Sapwood (D) Epidermis
(a) A potato stem is a stem that grows underground. Periderm refers to the stem's
outer epidermal layer. As a result, when we peel a potato, we are essentially removing the

Epiblema of roots is equivalent to:

(A) Endodermis (B) Pericycle (C) Epidermis (D) Stele
(c) Epidermis: The epidermis is a single-layered tissue that covers the plant's entire
body surface. Instead of epidermis, it's called epiblema in the case of the root.

Tissues are classified into two main groups, namely, meristematic and permanent tissues
based on
(A) Structure, function, position and location (B) Function, position and location (C) Whether the
cells being formed are capable of dividing or not (D) Position and location
(c) Tissues are divided into two groups: meristematic and permanent tissues,
depending on whether or not the cells forming them are capable of dividing.

Thickness of stem increase due to activity of

(A) Cambium (B) Shoot apex (C) Phloem (D) Xylem
(a) Thickness of stem increase due to activity of Cambium

Epidermis covered with cuticle, bearing trichomes and few stomata is the characteristic feature

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(A) Root (B) Dicot stem (C) Vascular bundle (D) Monocot stem
(b) The transverse section of a typical young dicotyledonous stem shows that the
epidermis is the outermost protective layer of the stem covered with a thin layer of cuticle. It may
bear trichomes and a few stomata

Root apex has a zone of slow dividing cells in the middle of rapidly dividing cells, it is
(A) Quiescent centre (B) Dormant centre (C) Sluggish centre (D) Non-meristematic zone
(a) Root apex has a zone of slow dividing cells in the middle rapidly dividing cells, it is
Quiescent centre.

Parenchymatous tissue is characterized by the presence of

(A) Thickenings at corners (B) Lignified walls (C) More than one type of cells (D) Intercellular
(d) The presence of intercellular spaces distinguishes parenchymatous tissue.

Cambium is a lateral meristem that takes part in

(A) Growth of branches (B) Internodal growth (C) Axial growth (D) Increasing girth of stem and
(d) Cambium is a lateral meristem that aids in the growth of stem and root girth.

Function of cork cambium is to produce

(A) Secondary xylem and secondary phloem (B) Cork and secondary cortex (C) Secondary cortex
and phloem (D) Cork and secondary xylem
(b) The cork cambium's function is to manufacture cork and secondary cortex.

Which of the following is a primary meristem?

(A) Cork cambium (B) Lateral meristem (C) Vascular meristem (D) Intercalary meristem
(d) The intercalary meristem is a primary meristem because it forms early in the life of
the plant and helps to build the major plant body.

What is true about heartwood?

(A) It is resistant to bacterial infections (B) It is made up of degenerated cells (C) It does not help
in water transport (D) All of the above
(d) Heartwood is ineffective in transporting water, is resistant to bacterial infections,
and is composed of degraded cells.

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In dorsiventral leaves, stomata occurs

(A) More on upper palisade containing surface and less on spongy parenchyma containing lower
surface (B) Fewer on upper surface and more on lower surface (C) Equally on both (D) None of
the two surfaces
(b) Stomata are found in greater numbers on the bottom surface of dorsiventral leaves
than on the upper surface.

Physiologically functional xylem of old dicot tree is

(A) Sap wood (B) Autumn wood (C) Heart wood (D) Hard wood
(a) Sap wood is the dicot tree's functional xylem.

Vascular bundles in dicot stem are

(A) Open, collateral, endarch (B) Closed, collateral, endarch (C) Closed, collateral, exarch (D)
Open, collateral, exarch
(a) In the dicot stem, there are three types of vascular bundles: open, collateral, and

In dicot stem, the cells arranged in multiple layers between epidermis and pericycle constitute
the cortex. It consists of three sub-zone from outer to inner as follows
(A) Epidermis, hypodermis, endodermis (B) Hypodermis, endodermis, starch sheath (C)
Hypodermis, endodermis, pericycle (D) Hypodermis, cortical layers, endodermis
(d) The cortex is made up of cells organised in many layers between the epidermis and
the pericycle in dicot stems. The hypodermis, cortical layer, and endodermis are the three sub-
zones that run from outer to inner.

Closed vascular bundles lack:

(A) Phloem (B) Xylem (C) Cambium (D) None of these
(c) Closed vascular bundles lack cambium.

Which of the following statements is correct?

(A) Lenticels occur in most woody trees. (B) Sclerenchymatous cells are usually present in
cortex. (C) The vascular tissue system is divided into three main zones- cortex, pericycle and pith.
(D) The conjoint vascular bundles usually have the xylem located only on the outer side of the
(a) Lenticels are raised pores in the stem of a woody plant that allows gas exchange

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between the atmosphere and the internal tissues. Parenchymatous cells are usually present in
cortex. The ground tissue system is divided into three main zones- cortex, pericycle and pith. The
conjoint vascular bundles usually have the phloem located only on the outer side of the xylem.

Companion cells are usually seen associated with

(A) Vessels (B) Tracheids (C) Fibres (D) Sieve tubes
(d) Companion cells are frequently found in conjunction with sieve tubes.

The meristem responsible for extra stelar secondary growth in dicot stem is
(A) Interfascicular cambium (B) Intrafascicular cambium (C) Intercalary meristem (D) Phellogen
(d) Cork cambium or phellogen is a lateral meristem as it is responsible for increase in
the thickness of stem. It is secondary in origin and function. It gives rise to secondary tissues like
cork and secondary cortex.

During secondary growth, at some places, the cambium forms a narrow band of parenchyma,
which passes through the secondary xylem and the secondary phloem in the radial directions.
These are called
(A) Medullary rays (B) Fascicular cambium (C) Secondary medullary rays (D) Phelloderm
(c) During secondary growth, the cambium develops a thin band of parenchyma that
travels in radial directions via the secondary xylem and secondary phloem. Secondary medullary
rays are what they're termed.

Which is not a part of periderm?

(A) Secondary cortex (B) Cork (C) Phellogen (D) Wood
(d) Periderm includes phellogen, cork, and secondary cortex.

Collenchyma differs from parenchyma in

(A) Corners are thickened by lignin (B) Corners are thickened by pectocellulose (C) None of the
above (D) Both and
(b) Collenchyma differs from parenchyma in thickening in corners.

Casparian strips are present in

(A) Cortex (B) Epiblema (C) Endodermis (D) Pericycle
(c) Casjarian strips are thick lignin or suberin depositions on the endodermis walls.
These are water-resistant.

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In dicot leaves, size of vascular bundles is dependent on the

(A) Size of the mesophyll cells (B) Size of the bundle sheath cells (C) Size of the veins (D) Size of
the leaves
(c) In dicot leaves, the size of the vascular bundles is determined by the vein size.

Narrow bands of parenchymatous tissue which passes through the secondary xylem and
phloem radially are called
(A) Pith (B) Stele (C) Primary medullary rays (D) Secondary medullary rays
(d) Secondary medullary rays.
The primary xylem is in the centre of the stem, while primary phloem is pushed outward and
crushed into the cortex by the significant activity of vascular cambium. While the secondary
phloem differentiates from the cells that divide towards the outside of the stem

Fibres are likely to be absent in:

(A) Secondary xylem (B) Secondary phloem (C) Primary phloem (D) Leaves
(d) Plant leaves are the primary photosynthetic organ. It has chlorophyll-containing
parenchymatous cells. There are no fibrous cells in it.

Cork cambium results in the formation of cork which becomes impermeable to water due to
the accumulation of
(A) Lignins (B) Suberin (C) Resins (D) Tannins
(b) Cork cambium causes the production of cork, which becomes impervious to water
when suberin accumulates.

Vascular bundles are surrounded by a layer of thick walled of

(A) Phloem parenchyma (B) Parenchymatous cells (C) Bundle sheath cells (D) Bulliform cells
(c) Vascular bundles are surrounded by a layer of thick walled of bundle sheath cell.

Read the following statements carefully: A. It is found either as a homogeneous layer or in

patches. B. Cells may be oval, spherical or polygonal and often contain chloroplasts C.
Intercellular spaces are absent. D. They provide mechanical support to the growing parts of the
plant as young stem and petiole of a leaf. These character are found in:
(A) Pa-enchymatous simple tissue (B) Collenchymatous simple tissue (C) Ncne of the above (D)
Sclerenchymatous simple tissue
(b) - It can be found in patches or as a homogeneous layer.
-Intercellular gaps are nonexistent, and cells may be oval, spherical, or polygonal, with

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-Collenchymatous simple tissue has these qualities and provides mechanical support to the
plant's growing portions, such as the young stem and leaf petiole.

Waxy coating on epidermis of young stem is

(A) Phellem (B) Suberin (C) Periderm (D) Cuticle
(d) Cuticle is a waxy layer on the epidermis of a young stem.

Parenchymatous cells filling the space between dermal and vascular tissue is
(A) Ground tissue (B) Vascular bundles (C) Pith (D) Epidermal tissue
(a) Ground tissue is made up of parenchymatous cells that fill the area between dermal
and vascular tissue.

Trichomes take part in

(A) Exudation of water drops (B) Preventing and reduction of transpiration (C) Transpiration and
exchange of gases (D) Desiccation
(b) Trichomes help to safeguard the environment by reducing transpiration.

Terminal bud and axillary bud are derived from the activity of
(A) Parenchyma (B) Collenchyma (C) Apical meristem (D) Intercalary meristem
(c) A plant's terminal growth is controlled by the terminal bud. Axillary bud is a lateral
branch that grows from a node in the axil of a leaf. The activity of the apical meristem produces
both buds.

Match the following columns.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(b) Meristem is a collection of actively dividing cells in plants that is responsible for

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their lifelong growth.

-Parenchyma is a persistent tissue found throughout the plant body. It is primarily responsible for
photosynthesis in chlorophyll-containing cells and also serves to store food.
-Collenchyma: Collenchyma tissue cells contain thickening at cell corners, which gives
herbaceous greer stems mechanical strength.
-Sclerenchyma: At maturity, this tissue is dead and has thickening along all sides of the walls.
Sclereids and fibre are examples of this kind of tissue.
-The epidermal tissue system, which includes epidermal cells, stomata, and epidermal
appendages such as trichomes and hairs, forms the outermost covering of the entire plant body.

Four radial vascular bundles are formed in:

(A) Monocot root (B) Monocot stem (C) Dicot root (D) Dicot stem

There are normally two to four xylem and phloem patches in a dicot root. A cambium ring forms
later between the xylem and the phloem.

Organisation of stem apex into corpus and tunica is determined mainly by: [OS] (1988)
(A) Planes of cell division (B) Rate of cell growth (C) Regions of meristematic activity (D) Rate of
shoot tip growth
(a) Almost all flowering plants have tunica - corpus organisation. Tunica & corpus, two
tissue zones in shoot apex, are concerned with planes of cell division. Tunica is peripheral tissue
& corpus is inner tissue zone of shoot apex

The age of tree can t be determined by annual rings if the tree belongs to the
(A) Temperate evergreen (B) Temperate deciduous (C) Xerophyte condition (D) Tropical forest
(d) If the plants belongs to the tropical forest then the age of tree can t be determined
by annual rings because the physiological and environmental factors remains the same
throughout the year and due to this, the fluctuation of cambial activity does not take place

I. Protection of internal tissue II. Prevention of entry of any harmful organism III. Minimising
surface transpiration IV. Protection against excessive heating up These are the functions of
which of the following?

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(A) Epidermis (B) Cortex (C) Hypodermis (D) Cuticle

(i) Protection of internal tissues
(ii) Prevention of entry of harmful organisms
(iii) Minimising surface transpiration by having thick cuticle
(iv) Exchange of gases through stomata
(v) Protection against excessive heating up and sudden changes in temperature with the help of
hair (as in sunflower)

Cortex is the region found between: (2016-II)

(A) Endodermis and pith (B) Pericycle and endodermis (C) Epidermis and stele (D) Endodermis
and vascular bundle
(c) Cortex is the region found between epidermis and stele. All tissues on the inner side
of the endodermis such as pericycle, vascular bundles and pith constitute the stele.

Which of the following are incorrect options?

A. Cork cambium is also called phellogen
B. Cork is also called phellem
C. Secondary cortex is also called periderm
D. Cork cambium, cork and secondary cortex are collectively called phelloderm
(A) and only (B) A and B only (C) and only (D) B and D only
(a) Phelloderm is the name for secondary cortex.
The periderm is made up of the cork cambium, cork, and secondary cortex.

In the isobilateral leaf,

(A) The stomata are present on both the surface of the epidermis (B) The parallel venation is
reflected in the near similar size of vascular bundles (except in main veins) (C) Mesophyll is not
differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma (D) All of the above statements are correct.
(d) In the leaf's isobilateral side,
-Stomata can be seen on both the upper and lower surfaces of the epidermis.
-Palisade and mesophyll are not distinguishable in mesophyll and parenchyma spongy.

Which meristem helps in increasing girth?

(A) Lateral meristem (B) Apical meristem (C) Primary meristem (D) Intercalary meristem
(a) Lateral meristem (vascular cambium & cork cambium) contributes to secondary
growth, i.e. girth increase.

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When a cambium is present inside a vascular bundle, the bundle is said to be

(A) Collateral (B) Open (C) Conjoint (D) Closed
(b) A vascular bundle is considered to be open if a cambium is present inside it.

Four radial bundles occur in

(A) Monocot stem (B) Dicot root (C) Monocot root (D) Dicot stem
(b) A dicot root has four radial bundles.
Monocot stems have dispersed conducting strands.

The outer walls of guard cells (away from stomatal pore) are A . While the inner walls (towards
the stomatal pore) are B . Choose the correct combination of A and B
(A) A-thick, B-thin (B) A-thin, B-thick (C) A-thin, B-also thin (D) A-thick, B-also thick
(b) A thin, B thick

At maturity, which of the following is non-nucleated?

(A) Sieve cell (B) Palisade cell (C) Cortical cell (D) Companion cell
(a) A sieve cell is also known as a sieve element. In developed sieve elements, the
nucleus vanishes. As a result, they are non-nucleated when they reach adulthood.

Gymnosperm wood is soft as it

(A) Lacks cambium (B) Lacks vessels (C) Does not yield timber (D) None of the above
(b) Because it lacks vessels, Gymnosperm wood is soft.

Select the correct characteristics about labelling given in diagram:

(A) gives rise to epidermis of root and also the root haired (B) A possess vascular bundles (C)
is protective for cortex (D) is group of actively dividing cells
(d) is group of actively dividing cells

The sclerenchymatous sclereids are found in

(A) Seed coat of nuts (B) Pulp of fruits like, guava, pear and sapota (C) Fruit walls of legumes (D)
All of the above

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(b) Sclerenchymatous sclereids can be discovered in the pulp of fruits such as guava,
pear, and sapota, as well as tea leaves.

Find cut the mismatch pair.

(A) Tracheids - Elongated or tube like cells with thick and lignified walls. These are dead and
without protoplast. (B) Xylem fibres - Highly thickened walls and obliterated central lumens. (C)
Vessels - Tube like structure made up of many cells called vessel members, each with lignified
walls and a large central cavity. These are devoid of protoplasm. (D) Xylem parenchyma - Living
and thin walled cellulosic cells. They store food materials in the form of resin, latex and mucilage.
(d) Xylem parenchyma - Living cellulosic cells with thin walls. They store food items
such as starch or fat, as well as other compounds such as tannins.

Intercalary meristem produces

(A) Secondary growth (B) Primary growth (C) Secondary overgrowth (D) Apical growth
(b) Because the intercalary meristem is a primary meristem, it generates primary

In dicot root showing secondary growth, cork is found

(A) Outer to endodermis and inner to primary cortex (B) Inner to epidermis and outer to pericycle
(C) Inner to endodermis and external to primary phloem (D) External to primary cortex
(b) Cork is detected in dicot roots that are demonstrating secondary growth.
The inner epidermis is connected to the epidermis, and the outer epidermis is connected to the

A vessel-less piece of stem possessing prominent sieve tubes would belong to:
(A) Grass (B) Pinus (C) Eucalyptus (D) Trichodendron
(d) Trichodendron: Trichodendron species have a highly distinctive angiosperm feature:
their wood lacks vessel components but contains conspicuous sieve tube celis.

Endodermis is a part of
(A) Medulla (B) Exodermis (C) Cortex (D) Stele
(c) The endodermis is a component of the cortex.

How does in having autumn wood differ from spring wood?

(A) Cambium (B) Narrow vessels and Tracheids (C) Broad vessels and Tracheids (D) Red colour
of xylem

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(b) Autumn wood has narrow vessels and tracheids compared to spring wood.

In roots, the primary xylem is called exarch because:

(A) The protoxylem is surrounded by the metaxylem (B) The protoxylem lies towards the
periphery and metaxylem lies towards the centre (C) The protoxylem lies tuwards the centre and
metaxylem lies towards the periphery (D) Both the protoxylem and the metaxylem lies towards
the centre
(b) In stems, the protoxylem is closest to the organ's centre (pith), while the metaxylem
-is closest to the organ's periphery. Endarch is the name for this sort of primary xylem. The
protoxylem is located on the periphery of the root, while the metaxylem is located in the centre.
Exarch is the name for this type of primary xylem configuration.

Identify the constituent of tissue system from among the following.

(A) Xylem (B) Phloem (C) Epidermis (D) Parenchyma
(c) Epidermis is a single-layered structure that covers the entire plant's body surface,
forming the epidermal tissue system. Epidermis, cuticle, stomata, unicellular hairs, and
multicellular trichomes make up the epidermis. Parenchyma, on the other hand, is a type of tissue
found in all of the plant's organs, including the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds.
All vascular plants have complex tissue called xylem and phloem.

Fill in the blanks:

A. In the ...1..., the vascular bundles have no cambium present in them. Hence, since they do not
form secondary tissue they are referred to as ...2...
B. In ...3... stems, cambium is present between phloem and xylem. Such vascular bundles
because of the presence of cambium possess the ability to form secondary xylem and phloem
tissues and hence called ...4... vascular bundles
(A) 3-monocotyledons, 1-dicotyledons, 2-open, 4-closed (B) 3-monocotyledons, 1-dicotyledons, 4-
open, 2-closed (C) 1-monocotyledons, 3-dicotyledons, 4-open, 2-closed (D) 1-monocotyledons, 3-
dicotyledons, 2-open, 4-closed
(c) A. In monocotyledons, the vascular bundles do not have any cambium. As a result,
they are referred to as closed since they do not generate additional tissue.
B. Between the phloem and xylem in dicotyledon stems, there is cambium. Because of the
existence of cambium, such vascular bundles have the ability to produce secondary xylem and
phloem tissues, and are hence referred to as open vascular bundles.

Vascular tissues in flowering plants develop from (2008)

(A) periblem (B) dermatogen (C) phellogen (D) plerome
(d): Dermatogen is the region or histogen of single layer of outermost cells formed from

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the apical meristem. Dermatogen gives rise to epidermis of stem and other aerial parts. Periblem
is the middle histogen which forms the cortex of stem and roots. Plerome is the central histogen
which forms stele or part of stem and root inner to endodermis. Part of plerome that forms
vascular tissues is called procambium. The pericycle layer converts into a secondary meristem
called cork cambium or phellogen which divides to form secondary cortex or phelloderm

Following divisions of cells in both primary and as well as secondary meristems, the newly
formed cells become structurally and functionally specialised and lose the ability to divide. Such
cells are termed as
(A) Meristematic cells and constitute the apical meristems (B) Mature cells and constitute the
lateral meristems (C) Permanent cells and constitute the cylindrical meristems (D) Mature cells
and constitute the permanent tissues
(d) Cells in both primary and secondary divisions become physically and functionally
specialised and lose their ability to divide. Mature cells, often known as permanent cells, are the
cells that make up permanent tissues.

Cells of Grass leaves which help in minimising transpiration are

(A) Bulliform cells (B) Endodermal cells (C) Guard cells (D) Subsidiary cells
(a) Bulliform cells are grass leaf cells that serve to reduce transpiration.

The stele found in monocot is

(A) Haplostele (B) Atactostele (C) Dictyostele (D) Actinostele
(b) Monocots have atactostele, in which vascular bundles are arranged into more than
one ring and they are usually found at the centre of stem.

In case of dicot roots, the cork cambium is derived from

(A) Hypodermis (B) Epidermis (C) Pericycle (D) Cortex
(c) The cork cambium of dicot roots is formed from the pericycle.

A bicollateral vascular bundle has which of the following arrangement of tissues?

(A) Outer xylem- outer cambium- middle phloem- inner cambium- inner xylem (B) Outer phloem-
outer xylem- middle cambium- inner xylem- inner phloem (C) Outer cambium- outer phloem-
middle xylem- inner phloem- inner cambium (D) Outer phloem- outer cambium- middle xylem-
inner cambium- inner phloem
(d) The middle xylem is surrounded by outer phloem and outer cambium in a
bicollateral vascular bundle. Inner cambium and inner phloem are found on the xylem's inner
face. The bicollateral bundle remains open at all times. Outer phloem-outer cambium - middle

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xylem - inner cambium - inner pholem is the tissue arrangement.

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