ENVR 6403 Past Paper Aug 2014

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The University of the West Indies


Examinations of January D / AprillMay 0 / July/August 02014

Originating Campus: Cave Hill D Mona 6ZJ St. Augustine 0
Mode: On Campus 0 By Distance 0
Course Code and Title: ENVR6403 - Environmental Impact Assessment

Date: Thursday August 28, 2014 Time: 9:00 a.m to 11:00 a.m.

Duration: 2 Hours. Paper No: Theory

Materials required:
Answer booklet: Normal
111 Special 0 Not required 0
Calculator: Programmable 0 Non Programmable 0
(where applicable)
Multiple choice answer sheets: numerical D alphabetical D 1- 20 D 1-100 0
Auxiliary/Other material (5) - Please specify:

Candidates are permitted to bring the following items to their desks:

Instructions to Candidates: This paper has 3 pages & 4 questions.

Candidates are reminded that the examiners shall take into account the proper use of the English
Language in determining the mark for each response.

Candidates are required to answer any TWO questions. Each answer may be supported by the
use of examples, tables, diagrams, flowcharts or illustrations relevant to the questions.

The Universty of the West Indies Course Code ENVR 6403 2014 ... 1... 08.1. .. 18
- ----.-~--
1. Choose only ONE project type from the following list:

Project Types:

a) Expansion of the Soapberry Sewage Treatment and Disposal Facility in the Hunts Bay area (to include
all waste from the Portmore and Caymanas Exclusive Economic Zone and all residential communities
in Kingston and St. Andrew).

b) Expansion and Upgrading of the Riverton Municipal Solid Waste Facility in the Hunts Bay area

c) Overwater Bungalows & Structures associated with a remote hotel development on the Pedro Bank
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d) National Highway through the Cockpit Country ~ - ~(I elM \ r II) ; ., At> .JU!
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1. List and discuss TEN (10) expected impacts to the environment from the list of project types above.
Impacts should be divided into phases of any typical project. Each of the projects has dimensions
which make a Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment mandatory, (10 marks)

ll. Describe mitigating measures for each of the identified impacts. (15 marks)

2, (a) An Environmental Management Plan must be included in an Environmental Impact Assessment.

Describe the following:
i) the meaning
ii) the objectives and reasons to be included
iii) the elements required in the Plan (10 marks)

(b) Discuss the virtues of public participation in dealing with the possible public denial of a project.
Describe the way that public participation must be included in an EIA. Then, explain the mechanism
for public participation to be carried out. (15 marks)

J, a) Define the term 'Strategic Environmental Assessment'. (2 marks)

b) Describe the process and show how it can be used as a planning tool in sustainable development.
(5 marks)

c) Differentiate between an SEA and an EIA. (10 marks)

d) Define the term 'Mitigation' as it relates to EIA and SEA. (3 marks)

e) Suggest possible mitigation measures for the following environmental impacts from an irrigation and
drainage scheme:
i) Water quality problems for downstream users caused by irrigation return flow.
ii): Ground water depletion.
iii) Increased incidence of water -related disease. (5 marks)

The Universitv of the West Indies Course Code ENVR 6403 2014 I.. 08. 1... 18
4. The Terms of Reference (TOR) sets the stage for the Environmental Impact Assessment process. Outline
a framework for the terms of reference for a project entitled "Development of Infrastructure Capacity at
Kingston Harbour: Channel Upgrade and Fort Augusta Development". Indicate the tasks to be performed
within the EIA and reasons for the specific conditions and expectations of the TOR. (25 marks)


The University of the West Indies Course Code ENVR 6403 2014 ... 1... 08.1 ... 18

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