Proposal Bab1-3 (Ultazah Indriani)

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Ultazah Indriani







A. Background of the Study

Language is a tool used to communicate between humans with one another.

According to Santoso (1990, p.1), “language is a series of sounds produced by conscious

human speech tools.” language is also used to express oneself and be able to understand

others by using language. According to Keraf in Smarapradhipa (2005, p. 1), “it provides

two meanings of language. The first definition states that language is a means of

communication between members of society in the form of sound symbols produced by

human speech tools. Second, language is a communication system that uses arbitrary

vowel symbols (speech sounds).” Language functions as the identity of a tribe or nation

because of its uniqueness. Because every tribe or nation must have a different language.

With language, many people understand, especially regarding the world of education. By

using language that is easy to understand, education can be well received. Therefore, the

language can never be separated from humans. Activities humans who are not

accompanied by language will be difficult to determine the palrole of language or not.

There has never been an exact figure for how many languages there are this world,

(Crystal in Chaer, 2014, p.33). Likewise with the number of languages in Indonesia.

English is an international language that is widely used by countries in the world.

English is used as a communication tool in the world. So it's very important that people

learn it. Students are necessary to learn at least three language; they are mother

language,the national language and appropriate foreign language. In Indonesia, English

is used as a foreign language. It is the most famous foreign language which is taught

from elementary school up to university school level. Learning English is very important,

especially in terms of education. In addition, through English, we can introduce the

diversity of cultures and languages of this nation to those who of course want to know

about this nation. There is a great need for English in the national and international

arena. In learning at school, mastering English is important for students. By learning

English students are expected to be able to develop their knowledge and skills. By

mastering the language the students can improve themselves both in academic and life

skill. Once the students can comprehend it, he or she can be well-accepted by the society.

And students are expected to be able to master English because it is very useful for

students in learning process to achieve learning objective.

The teaching of English is focused on the ability of learners to be capable of

mastering the four language skills, namely: listening speaking, reading, and writing

(Depdiknas, 2003, p.6). There are several skills in English that are learned and mastered

by students in learning English namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

One of the skills in English is writing. Writing is an activity to produce writing by

expressing ideas and thoughts, information, and feelings for someone to be read by

people. This is in line with the opinion of Poteet (Mulyono, 1999, p.224) that “writing is

a visual depiction of thoughts, feelings or ideas, using the symbols of researchers'

language systems for communication or note taking. Besides reading, speaking, and

listening students are expected to be able to master writing skills.” According to Tarigan

(2008, p.3) “writing is a language skill used to communicate indirectly, not face to face

with other people. One of the communication tools to convey information or ideas is to

write.” Yunus (2009, p.12) states "Writing is an activity of delivering communication

messages using written language as a tool or medium. In written communication there

are four elements involved. The four elements are (1) the writer as the delivery of the

message, (2) the message or content of the writing, (3) the channel or medium of writing,

and (4) the reader as the recipient of the message.” To write well, people must have
good capability in writing. Moreover, someone who wants to write an essay or a story or

make a report text must know the steps in writing process and aspects of writing. Writing

is a skill that has functions and roles that can develop the cognitive aspects of students.

This is relevant to the vision of the government. Mulyasa (2014, p.19), revealed the

Ministry of National Education has a vision of education in 2025 is to create intelligent

and competitive Indonesian people. According to Gedbhardt and Dawn Rodrigues (1989,

p.1) "writing is one of the most important things you do in college". The ability to write

well and correctly plays an important role in success, both in writing reports, various

types of texts, and can be useful up to university level.

Basically, learning to write has been implemented early on. Even so, it turns out there

are still many students found complaining about how difficult it is to write. This was also

stated by Zainurrahman (2013, p.2), “writing is one of the skills not possessed by

everyone, let alone writing in an academic context, such as writing essays, scientific

papers, research reports, and so on.” Thus the activity of writing is a difficult thing to do

especially in writing reports or text reports. One type of writing ability that students must

master is report text. Report text is a text that contains a general description that aims to

report the results of observations or observations or describe the form, characteristics, or

general nature (general) such as objects, animals, plants, humans, or events that occur in

the universe. Writing activities especially in writing reports must be carried out

structurally and not be done haphazardly, because there are certain rules that must be

followed. As Zainurrahman's opinion (2013, p.5), which states that “writing activities are

bound by context.” writing activities require time and process. In addition students also

have difficulty writing in English, so writing activities are less desirable by students.

There are many factors that make it difficult for students to master writing skills, one of

which is that most students are not able to express their ideas properly and correctly in
written form. Raimes (1983, p.13) thinks that “When students complain about how

difficult it is to write in a second language, they are talking not only about the difficulty

of finding the right words and using the correct grammar but also about the difficulty of

finding and expressing ideas in a new language.” Another reason why students have

difficulty writing is the difficulty in choosing the right vocabulary, grammar, etc. Writing

is often confusing with the process of putting words down on paper in the same structure

as an outline prepared with appropriate style and vocabulary the major ideas arranged in

some often on the correction of mechanical and grammatical errors. When students are

given assignments to write they will find it difficult to find ideas about themes, and how

to arrange the correct paragraphs. So learners have the problem of topic development of

a paragraph, structuring the paragraph, structuring the whole discourse and a theme in a


In the learning process, the teacher must be able to prepare optimal methods and

media and must be able to apply them well in the classroom, the teacher can also use

methods that can attract the attention of students and students are enthusiastic in the

learning process. If they do not choose the right method and media, it is likely that

students will not hear when learning takes place. only a small portion is paying attention,

some of the others will converse with friends beside him and even to do other activities

in the class such as drawing, playing games, etc. In this modern era, the development of

technology is very rapid so that teachers can use technology as a medium in learning. In

this study, the media is a tool used to achieve research objectives in ski writing. In the

process of learning and teaching a lot of types of media that can be used such as cards,

pictures, charts, audio-visuals, etc. According to Najjar (1996, p.1), “ Multimedia is the

use of text, graphics, animation, pictures, video, and sound to present the information.

Briggs (1970) in Arief. Sadiman (2008, p.7) argued that “the media that comprise all the
physical tools can present the message and stimulate students to learn.” The use of

media in the teaching process is expected to reduce the obstacles experienced by teachers

and students. In this study, researcher used audio-visual media especially documentary

films. Learning with audio-visual media will be more successful than using audio or

visual alone. Therefore audio-visual learning will be more interesting and easier because

it uses sound and images. According to the diagram in Munir Peter Shea (2008, p.69)

students will be easier to learn with hear and see at once, rather than just see or hear it.

so the use of this media is expected to increase enthusiasm and interest in students to

understand the subject material presented.

Considering the benefits derived from the use of audio-visual media especially

documentary film . The researcher wants to know firsthand the effects of using audio-

visual media especially documentary films in students' ability to write.

B. Scope of the Study

The researcher limites the field of the study as follow: the subject of study is limiting

to the tenth grade of MA Sakinatul Walidain NW Boro’ Gerung in the academic year

2020-2021. The object of the study is limiting to the implementation of documentary

films in guiding the students’ writing ability.

C. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background that have been described problem formulations as follows,

1. Is documentary film as alternative media effective in students’ writing ability in the

tenth grade at MA Sakinatul Walidain NW Boro’ Gerung in the academic year 2020-

2. How to effective documentary film learning media in student writing ability in the

tenth grade of MA Sakinatul Walidain NW Boro’ Gerung in the academic year 2020-


D. Purpose of the Study

In accordance with the problem formulation above, the purpose of this research are as


1. To know the effectiveness of documentary films as alternative media to improve

Students' writing skill ability of the tenth grade of MA Sakinatul Walidain NW Boro’

Gerung in the academic year 2020-2021.

2. To know how effective the documentary film as alternative media in students'

writing skill ability of the tenth grade of MA Sakinatul Walidain NW Boro’ Gerung

in the academic year 2020-2021.

E. Significances of the Study

The results of this research are expected to be useful theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically

The results of this research are expected to be useful for education, especially in the

selection of learning media. And it can be a reference for next researchers, especially

those that will develop documentary film as a media.

2. Practically

a. For researchers, the result of this research was also expected to be an additional

reference for the next researcher in conducting the other research.

b. For students, the media is expected to improve students' writing ability in report

text and also documentary films will give them motivation and interest in writing

report. In addition, since they are able to catch idea of what they are to write, it

will make the writing process easier.

c. For teachers, the teachers will get new media in improving their teaching

creativity. Their creativity will definitely affect the teaching quality and the result

or achievement of the teaching learning process.



A. Writing

1. Definition of Writing

Writing is the act of constructing ideas in the form of sentences. The idea in

writing must be well organized so that the contents of the writing can reach the

reader. Writing is one of the language skills, which is use for medium of

communication, especially in direct communication. It means that writing is a

system of communicating between a writer and readers who are not physically

present. Writing starts when people learn to communicate their thoughts and

feelings with ideas that arise, both for themselves and for others. In people's ideas

before writing, there is an inspiration or problem solving. St. Heaton in Y. Slamet

(2008, p.141) argues that “writing is a difficult and complex skill”. From the point

of view of students, writing is a tiring and frightening activity because they have

to develop their ideas in written form, and correct writing rules such as spelling,

grammar, etc. According to Richard and Renandya (2002, p.303), Among the

four language skills, writing is the most difficult skill for second or foreign

learners to master. Because writing is considered as a complex process of putting

ideas down on paper to transform thoughts in words, Brown (2001, p.336).

2. Purpose of Writing

The purpose of writing in general is to provide direction, explain something,

tell an event, and summarize. Another purpose of writing is so that the writings

made can be read and understood by others who have a common understanding of
the language used (Suriamiharja, 1996, p.2). the purpose of writing is also to

inform existing ideas in writing. inform something in the form of facts, data, and

events so that readers gain knowledge and understanding in various matters. one

of the goals of communication through writing is to educate. written knowledge

that is written can add insight to readers, intelligence continues to be sharpened,

which in turn will determine a person's behavior. In school students are required

to write because writing is a way to strengthen knowledge, such as rewriting what

is in a book, noting explanations from the teacher, etc. Abdurrahman and Waluyo

(2000, p.223) state that "the purpose of writing students in elementary schools is

to copy, take notes, and do most of the assignments given at school in the hope of

practicing good language skills". written works can also aim to entertain readers.

"Light" writings or readings that are rich in anecdotes, stories and funny

experiences can also be readings for penglipur lara or to release tension after a

busy day of activities. According to Syafie'ie (1988, p.51-52), the purpose of

writing can be classified as follows: change readers' beliefs, instilling an

understanding of something in the reader, stimulates the reader's thought process,

pleases or entertains readers, tells readers, and motivate readers.

According to Hugo (1986, p.24) on Sari (2008, p.9), the seven purposes in

writing activities are as follows:

1) Assignment Purpose: the writer just completes the task given;

2) Altruistic Purpose: the writer intends to entertain the reader through his

writing order, so they can serve the life in the easy, simple and enjoyable

3) Informative Purpose: the writer introduces and expresses what he really

feels or thinks to the readers;

4) Creative Purpose: the writer wants to perform artistic norms by


5) Problem Solving Purpose: the writer wants to explain and analyze the

problem in his/her mind so that the reader understands it;

6) Persuasive Purpose: the writer wants to persuade or convince the reader

about his/her idea; and

7) Self Expression Purpose: the writer introduces and expresses what he/she

really feels or thinks to the reader.

As stated on the description above, then it could be said that the purpose of

writing will affect the language choose and how to use the language to deliver the

message through written form. It is the writing purpose which guides the writers

to make decision on their writing to make a meaningful written text.

3. Micro and Macro Skill of Writing

Writing activities must be able to master micro and macro skills. Micro skills

are skills that students need to understand in order to be able to produce

acceptable writing such as acceptable grammar, correct cohesive tools, and the

ability to express meaning in different grammatical forms. Meanwhile, macro

skills are advanced skills and strategies needed so that students are able to convey

the meaning they want to communicate in their writing. As for the micro writing

skills needed by writers such as:

1) use orthography correctly, including use of spelling

2) choose the right words

3) use tenses correctly

4) use words correctly

5) use sentence structure appropriately and clearly for the reader

6) choose the right writing genre according to the intended audience

7) strive for main ideas or information to be clearly supported by additional

ideas or information

8) strive to create coherent paragraphs and writing totals so that readers can

more easily follow the course of the thoughts or information presented

9) make assumptions about all the knowledge the reader has, targets about

the subject being written and make assumptions about things they don't

know and are important to write about

Brown (2004, p.342-343) “distinguishes micro- and macro-skills of writing as

follows: Microskills 1. Produce graphemes and orthographic patterns of English. 2.

Produce writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose. 3. Produce an

acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order patterns. 4. Use

grammatical system e.g., tense, agreement, pluralization, patterns, and rules. 5.

Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms. 6. Use cohesive

devices in written discourse. Macroskills 7. Use the rhetorical forms and

conventions of written discourse. 8. Accomplish appropriately the communicative

functions of written text according to form and purpose. 9. Convey links and

connections between events and communicate such relations as main idea,

supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and

exemplification. 10. Distinguish between literal and implied meanings when

writing. 11. Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the

written text. 12. Develop and use a battery of writing strategies, such as accurately
assessing the audience‘s interpretation, using prewriting devices, writing with

fluency 26 in the first drafts, using paraphrases and synonyms, soliciting peer and

instructor feedback, and using feedback for revising and editing.”

From the micro and macro skills above, it can be concluded that micro skills

are about mastery of grammar and macro skills are about larger elements such as

the process of generating ideas, and the use of writing organizations.

4. Teaching Writing in Senior High School

Writing is one of four skill that should be possessed by student, especially

senior high school students. Why Senior High School Student? Because, they

have been familiarized with common words and the following tips are

considerable for them. Writing is not easy. An experienced writer will often labor

over a single paragraph for more than an hour-not counting the thought and

research that went on before the actual writing (Raymond, 1980, p.7). Students

may need a lot of time to write, therefore the teacher tries to give full attention to

them, to show them how to plan a paper through prewriting activities. Teachers

can guide students through prewriting, drafting, and revising activities. So it is

expected that students can write in their own language. There are six types of

English texts taught in high school, such as report, narrative, descriptive, recount,

procedure, news item, etc. In this case, students must be able to write English texts

using their own words. However, in this study students will be taught how to write

report text. In the classroom, a teacher as a facilitator in the teaching and learning

process must be able to convey material appropriately. A teacher must understand

the background knowledge and characteristics of students before learning begins,

especially teaching writing reports. Students will be explained basic things about

the meaning of writing reports, generic structures, language features, and

examples. In addition, when students are taught to write, the teacher must try to

use attractive methods and media so that students can be motivated to write. The

teacher will use interesting media such as documentary films in developing

students' abilities in writing reports.

5. Stages of Writing

Writing is a complex process. Therefore there are people who feel happy to

write even some who are not happy. In the classroom there are also many students

who complain about writing skills, so that students feel happy in writing, they

need a supportive classroom atmosphere, interesting media and methods, so that

the class is more lively. Then the teacher can give direction to students to start

writing with the guidance of the teacher.

According to Hamp-Lyons and Heasley (1987, p.2-3) “Writing is commonly

seen as three stages of processes; pre-writing, writing and re-writing.” The first is

"pre-writing". Pre-writing or preparation stage is a very important stage. This

stage is usually very time-consuming. Most of the author's time is spent at this

stage. The things done at this stage are: Choosing a topic, Considering the goals,

forms, and readers, and Identifying and compiling ideas. The second is "writing".

At this stage, students are only asked to express their ideas into rough writing.

This stage is called "drafting". At this stage of drafting, time is more focused on

expressing ideas with little or no regard for aspects technical writing such as

spelling, use of terms, or language structure. The last is "re-writing" and is also

called the "revising" stage. At this stage, students refine their ideas in essays.

Revising is not making the essay more refined, but this activity is more focused on

adding, subtracting, removing, and rearranging the contents of the essay according

to the needs or desires of the reader. Brown (2001,p.335) states, “Written products
are often the result of thinking, drafting, and revising procedures that requires

specialized skills, skills that not every speaker develops naturally.” It means that

writing is not a simple task, needs the process of building the idea and

constructing a text.

Meyers (2005, p.2) states that “writing comes from working through a process

of writing. The process of writing falls into some steps.” Meyers (2005, p.3 ‐11)

also states “No two writers approach writing in exactly the same way.” But there

are steps in teaching student senior high school to write, such as:

1) Explore ideas

In this step, a writer usually considers three main things, subject,purpose,

and audience.

2) Pre-write

Pre-writing is a process in which a writer puts his/her ideas into words.

This process can be done through several methods such as brainstorming,

clustering, or free writing.

3) Organize

Organizing is the process of selecting, subtracting, and adding ideas, and

then outlining them.

4) Write a first draft

In this step, a writer writes quickly to record his or her thoughts and then

puts notes and new ideas in the margins.

5) Revise the draft

Revising is an important step, especially in writing in the second

language. In this step, a writer should change and correct his or her work.
6) Produce the final copy

Producing the final copy is the final step in which a writer edits the

writing once again and makes a copy which is cleaned from errors.

B. Writing Report Text

1. Definition of Writing Report Text

Writing a report is a form of delivering news, information, verbal and written

notifications from one party to another party. Reports are texts that contain

observations of place or work (Indradi, 2008, p.80). A report is a form of

presenting information based on facts from an event or activity on that

information. The facts presented are material or a description of the information

needed, based on one's own experience (seen, heard, or felt). In other words,

report writing involves three things: (1) what is reported (2) who reports and (3)

who reports are submitted. The characteristics of writing a report are: the report

contains facts, contains the results of research that is complete and tested, is

objective, does not contain personal opinions, is informative and communicative,

does not deviate, interesting, contains clear data, uses scientific language.

Hammond (1992, p.75) points out "some types of genre, including:

descriptive, narrative, recount, report, anecdote, analytical exposition, hortatory

exposition, explanation, discussion, review, and news item." Report is one of the

text types presenting information about a subject. In each genre we can find social

functions, generic structures, and lexicogrammatical features. Each genre, such as

report writing, has a social function which is to describe natural, human, and

social phenomena. As stated by Gerot and Wignell (1994, p.197) that "the social

function of the report is to describe what it is, with reference to various natural,

man-made and social phenomena in our environment. " Social function of a text
presents the communicative purpose of the text influencing the formation of

genres. A text is structured in a way to attain the communicative purpose. As

stated before, Gerot and Wignell (1994, p.197) explain that “the social function of

report is to describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man-

made and social phenomena in our environment.” Thus, report is constructed in

order to fulfill its social function since every genre has its distinctive purpose.

2. Generic Structure of Writing Report

Gerot and Wignell (1994, p.196) explain that the generic structure of report


 General classification: tells what the phenomenon under discussion is.

 Description: tells what the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of

parts (and their functions), qualities, and habits or behaviors (if living); uses (if


Meanwhile, Hammond (1992, p.90) classifies the generic structures of

report into the following parts:

 Title : indicates topic of report.

 General statement : introduces the topic of report (3) Description : provides

details of topic such as physical appearance, behaviors, landforms, and uses

(typically organized in paragraph).

3. Language Features of Writing Report

Hammond (1992, p.90), in addition, mentions the lexicogrammatical features

of report as follows:
 Focus on generic participants (human and non-human)

 Use of present simple tense to indicate ‘timeless’ nature of information

 Some technical vocabulary

 Use of long nominal groups to compact information; and

 Principally the use of verbs of being and having rather than action verbs

C. Media

1. Definition of Media

Media, the plural form of medium, are derived from Latin word “medium”,

which means between. Heinich (1996, p.8) argue the term of media refers to

“anything that carries information between a source and a receiver,” and there are

considered “instructional media when they carry messages with an instructional

purpose.” According to Gerlach and Ely (1980, p.41),”media are any persons,

materials, or events that establish conditions, which enable learners to acquire

knowledge, skills and attitudes.”

Media are important in teaching and learning English since they help both of

the teacher and the students. Media, on the one hand, help the teacher to convey

and deliver the material being taught easier and more effective. On the other hand,

the students can be more motivated, resulting in their ability to catch the core of

the material delivered more easily and effectively.

2. Types of Media

Gerlach and Ely (1980, p.246‐248) state that “the term instructional media

includes a wide range of material equipment, and techniques: chalkboards,

bulletin boards, filmstrip, slides, motion pictures, television, programmed

instruction, models, demonstrations, charts, maps, books, and combination of

these.” They also add that each of these materials and their associated equipment

and techniques can be classified into six types of media, they are:

a) still pictures

A still picture is a record or a copy of a real object or event which may be

larger or smaller than the object or event it represents;

b) audio recordings

Audio recordings are reproduction of actual events or of motion picture

sound tracks;

c) motion pictures

A motion picture or videotape recording is a moving image in color or

black and white produced from live action or from graphic representations;

d) television

This category includes all types of audio-video electronic distribution

systems which eventually appear on a cathode ray tube (television monitor);

e) real things, simulations, and model

This category includes people, events, objects, and demonstrations; and

f) programmed and computer-assisted instruction

Programs are sequences of information (verbal, visual, or audio) which are

designed to elicit predetermined responses. The most common examples are

programmed textbooks or instructional programs prepared for computers.

Moreover, Sadiman et al. (2003, p.28‐79), as quoted by Amalia (2010, p.9) on

her final project entitled The Use of Animal Documentary Films as Media in
Teaching Spoken Report Text, states that instructional media for teaching learning

process especially in Indonesia can be classified into five categories. They are:

a) games and stimulation, for example: words, puzzle, and roles playing;

b) visual media. It is media that can be seen and the function of visual media is

distributing the message from the sources to the receiver. Some of the

examples are pictures/ photo, sketch, diagram, chart,

c) graphs, cartoon, poster, map, globe and flannel board;

d) audio media. Audio media is media that is useful because of their sounds.

Some of the examples are radio and tape recorder;

e) audio-visual media. Audiovisual media are media that provide both of

sound and pictures. The examples are television and video;

f) still projected media. Still projected media are almost the same as visual

media. The examples are film and slide.

In this final project the researcher use audio visual media as instructional

media. It is audio visual media that are appropriate for the students to give

contribution in delivering the information to be transmitted easily in the

instructional process. It is also assumed that visual and sound contained on the

teaching media is to stimulate students’ interest and motivation to engage

themselves into the classroom activities more actively.

D. Documentary Films

1. Definition of Documentary Films

The most important thing in achieving the goals of the teaching and learning

process is to choose the right form of learning media. There are many forms of

learning media that can and can be selected and adapted to learning material. Film

is one of the instructional media to carry the message to the learner on the
instructional context of situation. Film refers to the celluloid material on which a

series of still images is chemically imprinted (Heinich, 1996, p.210).

Meanwhile, Hornby (2000, p.473) states that “film is a series of moving pictures

recorded with sounds that tell a story, shown on television or at cinema or movie


Then, based on the definiton above, it can be concluded that film is a kind of

media containing moving pictures and sounds displaying a story being played

through a screen. it can be concluded that films can be extremely useful and

effective teaching tool: they can be especially appealing to visual or visual/

auditory learners, and can motivate students in ways that other materials may not

if they applied properly.

The terms "documentary" or documentary is derived from the French

language, Documentaire, which means a film or a conversation that describe the

journey in a given country. According to Heinich et al as quoted in Munadi (2008,

p.117) in Insan Cita (2010), “documentary films are films made based on facts not

fiction, nor make fiction fact or in other words.” Therefore, the documentary aims

to stimulate students' creativity in building their ideas and building a text.

Documentary films, containing moving images and also sounds that describe

things, are for develop students' imagination and their ability to build ideas. The

documentary film is a special approach to communication with motion pictures.

Documentaries depict essentially true stories about real-life situations and real

people. They also reflect the viewpoint of the filmmaker, and poetic narration,

authentic music, sounds effect, and dialogue are often directed toward building

moods to strengthen the message (Brown, Lewis, and Harcleroad, 1983, p.258).
2. Teaching Steps of Writing by Documentary Films

The researcher uses Indonesian historical documentary films entitled

Soekarno: Indonesia Merdeka (2013). The researcher assumes that in teaching

writing report texts using documentary films can be implemented through the

following steps:

 Build knowledge of fields related to report text.

 Give the report text model to students

 Briefly explain the report text, purpose, generic structure and language feature

of the report text.

 Display documentaries based on themes.

 Discuss some questions related to film.

 Provide keywords and explain them.

 Asking students to build their ideas about what they watch on film.

 Giving students chance to construct their report text based on the documentary

films showed.

Teaching English as a foreign language is not easy to do, especially learning to

write. This is a complex process where the teacher incorporates all elements such

as methods and interesting learning atmosphere so that learning activities can be

carried out effectively. The role of the media is also important, because it can help

the learning process easily. Thus,the success of the attainment of teaching and

learning objectives are influenced by many factors integrated within its process.

The writer draws a conclusion that using media to teach writing report is very

important to help the students get the core of the material and build their

knowledge to construct a report text. However, given the notion of media in

teaching, Gerlach and Ely (1980, p.260) state that "the effectiveness of any media
depends on teacher creativity uses it. "So, even though the documentary, students

will get what they need to combine their ability to write report texts. Documentary

films provide information and knowledge relating to students with the topic of the

film being played. See moving pictures and also sounds documentary provided,

they will capture the idea of how to make text of the report to the composition of

written text which is done together. Through documentary films, moreover,

teachers will be able to stimulate student motivation and interest in engaging in

teaching and learning that is interesting and fun process. As a result, they will be

able to develop their ability to understand what is being taught.

3. Elements of Documentary Films

1) Visual elements

Visual elements that can be used in a documentary is as follows:

 Observasionalisme reactive, which is making a documentary film with

the material as much as possible is taken directly from the subject being

filmed. This is related to the accuracy of the observations by referring

camera or director. This is related to the accuracy of the observations by

referring camera or director.

 Observasionalisme proactive, namely by selecting the documentary film

material specifically in connection with earlier observations by referring

camera or director.

 Illustrative mode, the approach to documentation that trying to depict

directly of what was said by the narrator (the recorded voice as a voice


 Associative mode, the approach in a documentary film which seeks to use

pieces of the image in various ways.

2) Verbal elements

Verbal elements that can be used in a documentary is as follows:a)

Overheard exchange, namely the recorded conversations between two or more

sources that impressed recorded inadvertently and directly.b) Testimony,

namely the recording observations, opinions or information, which is

expressed honestly by the witnesses, experts, and other sources related to the

subject of the documentary. This is the main purpose of the interview.c) The

exposition, namely the the use of voice over or directly facing the camera, in

particular direct viewers who receive the information and arguments.

4. The Advantages of Documentary Films

Documentary films are audio-visual media that are useful in creating ways to

communicate effectively. Video and film are both "motion media". Video or film

can be more effective than other teaching media to connect one idea with another,

to build a continuity of thought, and to creating dramatic impacts (Kemp and

Dayton, 1985, p.39).

 Documentary films provide much information. The motion pictures as well as

sounds describing things on the films will make the students catch the idea of

what they are to create, write sequences of sentences and build the text easily.

 Repetition of the films can be held as required related to the information


 The use of documentary films can gain students’ motivation and stimulate

their interest in writing.

 Documentary films are able to bring a variety of exiting situations of the

outside world into the classroom.

 Using documentary films will be very useful for teachers since it helps them

in introducing and explaining about the report text more easily. Teachers will

easily help their students in building idea of what they are to write and explore

it into an appropriate text.

The teacher's creativity included in using media will influence students results

in learning. Documentary film is one of the right media to be made used in

teaching English as the target language. Thus documentary films in Indonesia as

an alternative media in teaching are giving some advantages and contribution in

the teaching and learning process. I hope students can become more interested

and motivated, clearer teacher explanation, quality of learning the process can

be obtained, as well as creating an interactive, effective, and meaningful

teaching and learning process. And not to mention, the most important thing is

achievement of objective objectives effectively.

5. The Disadvantages of Documentary Films

Inspite of the advantages, there are some disadvantages of using documentary

films in teaching writing report, they are:

 Using documentary films should be prepared and organized carefully in

order to reach the beneficial of using the media.

 The choice of the documentary films is really influenced by the objective of

the lesson.

 During the films, the interaction between teacher and students are less active

since the attention of the students focuses on the films.

 The instruction activities by using documentary films as media needs a lot of

requirements related to the use of technology in teaching learning process.

E. Relevant of Study

1. Rochyani Lestiyanawati (2011) “The Use Of Documentary Films In Bbc Vcd As

Alternative Media In Improving Students’ Ability In Writing Report.” The

objectives of this study are to explain and describe the use of documentary films

in BBC VCD to teach writing report texts to the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 2

Wonosobo and to find out how well the use of documentary films in BBC VCD as

alternative media in teaching writing improves the students’ ability in writing

report texts. This study is an experimental research. The subject of the study was

50 students of the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 2 Wonosobo in the academic

year 2010-2011. They were divided into two groups, experimental group and

control group. There were five meetings for each group. Before being given the

treatment,those two groups were given pre-test. The experimental group then was

given treatment by using documentary films in BBC VCD; while the control one

was given treatment without using documentary films in BBC VCD. The control

was given treatment by using picture as the comparison of the experimental group.

The post-test was given after conducting the treatment to investigate the

effectiveness of the treatment. The data were collected through the writing test in

the form of report text The test scores were used as the sources of data obtained.

The results of the pretest and post test of the experimental group were 58.40 and

74.40; whereas, the results of the control group were 59.04 and 69.60. The result

of the study shows that the experimental group gains better than the control one.

From the calculation of applying the t-test, the mean different test showed that the

t value (2.442) was higher than the t table (2.01). The similarity of this study is
that both use documentary films on writing reports and use pretest,treatment,and

posttest as instrument. While the differences are, in this study the documentary

was taken from the BBC VCD,whike my research was not taken from there. In

this study also used two group,experimetal group and control group as research

design, while my research will use one group pretest and posttest.

2. Prasasty, Marsha Lestari Ayu (2017-2018) “The Effectiveness of Using

Documentary Films as a Media to Improve Students’ Writing in Report Text” in

this research the objective of the study was to find out wether or not documentary

films as a media is effective to improve the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 3 Demak in

students’ ability in writing report text. This research was categorized as a quasi-

experimental research with two group, experimental group and control group. The

subject of this research was 70 students which were taken from two classes of X

MIA 1 class as an experimental group and X IS 1 as a control group. The data was

collected by using writing test through several activities. They were:

pretest,treatments, and psodttest. The result of this study showed that there was

improvement on students’ ability in writing report text. It can be seen from the

final scores of the experimental group and control group. The mean score of

posttest of the experimental group was 77.15,while the mean score of post test of

the control group was 70.56. and from the result of independent t-test for t-value

reached 4.957, then sig. Showed 0.000 which it mean that 0.000<0.05, this

research also succeses to gain the score of the students. Each class was increased

after they got the treatments. The control class was increased 3.21 while in the

experimental class was 8.06. The similarity of this study is that both use

documentary films on writing report and using pretest,treatment,and posttest as

instrument. While the diference in this study are using two group, experimetal
group and control group as reseach design while my research using one group

pretest and posttest.

F. Theoritical Framework

In this research, the present researcher uses documentary films as an media in

teaching writing. Writing is one of the language skills that are possible important

in language learning. Tarigan (2008, p.3) “writing is a language skill used to

communicate indirectly, not face to face with other people. One of the

communication tools to convey information or ideas is to write.” Documentary

films is one of media to teach English, especially in writing skill. Documentary

films are a way for students to write report texts with the correct structure.

Documentary films, containing moving images and also sounds that describe

things, are for develop students' imagination and their ability to build ideas. The

documentary film is a special approach to communication with motion pictures.

Documentaries depict essentially true stories about real-life situations and real

people. They also reflect the viewpoint of the filmmaker, and poetic narration,

authentic music, sounds effect, and dialogue are often directed toward building

moods to strengthen the message (Brown, Lewis, and Harcleroad, 1983, p.258).

Therefore, the documentary aims to stimulate students' creativity in building their

ideas and building a text. Gerlach and Ely (1980, p.260) state that "the

effectiveness of any media depends on teacher creativity uses it. "So, even though

the documentary, students will get what they need to combine their ability to write

report texts.

G. Research Hypothesis

A hypothesis will provide a reasonable explanation that will be tested. That can also

explain future phenomena that need to be tested. That a hypothesis is an assumption that
may or may not be true is wrong. Hypothesis is a temporary answer to a problem

research which is theoretically considered to be the highest possible level the truth. Is a

temporary truth that is determined by researchers who should tested and proven.36

Because the hypothesis is temporary the answer, it was carried out by an investigation in

the analysis section data to receive evidence whether the hypothesis is acceptable or not

received. Based on the study of theoritical framework above, the researcher had a

hypothesis as follows:

documentary Films are effective in students writing ability of the tenth grade at MA

Sakinatul Walidain NW Boro’ Gerung in academic year 2020-2021.



A. Research Design

This research deals with quantitative research, experimental research design. Hornby

(2000, p.1035) states that “quantitative is connected with amount of number of

something rather than with how good it is.” Based on Best (1981, p.68), “experimental

design is the blueprint of the procedures that enable the researcher to test hypotheses by

reaching valid conclusions about relationships between independent and dependent

variables.” Experimental research describes what will happen when certain variables are

carefully controlled or manipulated. In line with Best, Baker and Schutz (1972, p.140)

also defines “some types of research design, they are: unassessed treatment design, case

study design, one group pretest-posttest design, nonequivalent control group design,

pretest-posttest control group design, posttest only control group design, and interrupted

time series design.” Having an intention to see what will happen to students’

achievement when they are taught by using documentary films, the writer wanted to use

documentary films in teaching written report text as treatment. The writer choose one

group pretest - posttest design as the design for this study.

In this study, the writer will conduct a quantitative research using the pre-

experimental design type one group pretest-posttest design. One group pretest posttest

design is an experiment which is carried out in one group only without a comparison

group. Suharsimi (2010, p.124) said that one group pretest posttest design is a research

activity that provides a pretest before being given treatment, after being given treatment

then giving the final test (posttest). For the one group pretest-posttest design, there is a

pretest before being treated, the treatment results can be known more accurately, because

it can compare with the conditions before being treated. The use of this design is tailored

to the purpose to be achieved, namely to determine the ability of students to write on the

report text using documentary films before and after being given treatment.

The one group pretest-posttest design consists of one group which has been specified.

In this design the test is carried out twice, that is, before the treatment is called the pretest
and after the treatment is called the post-test. The research pattern method of one group

pretest-posttest design according to Sugiyono (2013, p.75) as follows:

O1 X O2

O1 = pretest value (before treatment)

X = learning media using documentary films

O2 = posttest value (after treatment)

In this design the test is conducted twice, namely before and after the experimental

treatment was given. Tests performed before getting treatment is called a pretest. The

pretest is given to the experimental class (O1). After the pretest is carried out, the writer

gives treatment in the form of learning in the text of the report using documentary film

(X), in the final stage the writer gave the posttest (O2).

B. Setting of the Study

This research is conducted at MA Sakinatul Walidain NW Boro’ Gerung. The subject of

the test is the tenth grade students. English subjects about report text. This research will

be conducted in the school year of 2020-2021 in April-June.

C. Population and Sample of the Study

1. Population

In doing research, the researcher deal with a large number of groups of

individual they are attempted to study. Those groups they are about to discover is

called population. The definition of population might be different from one

researcher’s to the others’ in spite of the similar meaning. As Best (1981, p.7)
defines population as “a complete set of individuals or subjects having common

observable characteristics. The population may be all the individuals of a particular

type or more restricted part of the group. The objects in a population are investigated,

analyzed, concluded and then the conclusion is valid to the whole population.” In

addition, Tuckman (1978, p.227) defines population as “a group about which the

researcher is interested in gaining information and drawing conclusion. “ In line with

Tuckman, Saleh (2001, p.170) argues that population is “a group of people, object,

items, or phenomenon, a group of which the researcher would like the results of the

study to be generalized, a group from which information is collected.”

With regard the definition above, the writer choose the population for this

study. The population used to conduct the experiment in this study is the tenth grade

students of MA Sakinatul Walidain NW Boro’ Gerung in the academic year of 2020-

2021. The total number of students in ten class is fifty students from A and B class.

2. Sample

According to Saleh (2008, p.39), “the final purpose of a research is actually to

investigate population. Yet, if the population is too big to be observed, reaching the

purpose by the sample is sufficient.” Thus, after determining the population, the

samples were selected. A good sample is one that representative of the population

from which it was selected. Saleh (2008, p.39) also defines sample as “actually part,

which is considered as a representative of a population.” In addition, Best (1981, p.8)

states that “a sample is a small proportion selected for observation and analysis. By

observing the characteristics of the sample, the researcher can make certain inference

about the characteristics of the population is drawn.”

Nunan (1992, p.232) argues that “sample is a subset of individuals or cases

from within a population.” Based on Gall (2003, p.167), sampling refers to “the

process of selecting a sample from a defined population with the intent that the

sample accurately represents that population”. In line with Gall, Tuckman (1978,

p.200) defines sample as “representative group of the population to serve as


In this study, the sample is made up of the students tenth grade from the whole

population who are chosen to participate in the study. The aim of this study was

comparing the result of the written products of those one groups.

D. Data Collection

1. Variable Identification

The identification of variable is part of the research steps carried out by

researcher by determining the variables that are in their research. In this study there

are several variables, including:

a. Independent Variable

Tuckman (1978, p.58) defines that independent variable is “that factor which

is measured, manipulated, or selected by the experimenter to determine its

relationship to an observed phenomenon.” Brown (1988, p.10) also adds that

“independent variable is variable selected by the researcher to determine their

effect on or relationship with the dependent variable”. Independent variables are

variables that influence or cause changes in the occurrence of dependent

variables. The independent variable is also called the treatment variable, cause,

risk, stimulus variable, antecedent, influence variable, treatment, and independent

variable. It can be said that the independent variable because it can affect other
variables. In this study the independent variable is the effectiveness of

documentary films as media.

b. Dependent Variable

Dependent variables are the variables that are affected, due to the presence of

independent variables. Dependent variable is influenced by the independent

variable (the independent variable). The dependent variable is also called the

dependent variable, the output variable, the consequent, the dependent variable,

the criterion, the affected variable, and the effect variable. “Dependent variable is

the one that is observed to determine what effect, if any, the other types of

variables may have on it; it is the variable of focus- the central variable- on which

other variables will act if there is any relationship” (Brown 1988, p.10).

It can be said that independent variable is a stimulus variable or input affecting

to dependent variable, while the dependent variable is the response variable or

output. Based on the definition, the independent variable of this study is the use

of documentary films in teaching writing report. And the other hand, the

dependent variable of this study is the students’ ability in writing report , which

is indicated by the score of written test.

2. Variable Definition

variables are often said to be symptoms that are the object of research

observation. It is also often stated that research variables are factors that play a role in

events or everything that will be examined. Meanwhile, according to Suharsimi

Arikunto Variables are interpreted as research objects, or what is the focus of

research. Brown (1988, p.7) states that “a variable is something that may vary, or

differ.” He also elaborates that there are two types of variable, the independent
variable and dependent variable (1988, p.10). Moreover, Best (1981, p.59) defines

that “variables are the condition or characteristics that an investigator or researcher

manipulates, controls, or observes.”

3. Instrument of The Study

Instrument is important thing in an experiment since it will affect on the data

obtained. As Kerlinger states as quoted by Kurniawati (2010, p.52) in her final

project entitled The Effectiveness of Documentary Films and Photographs to Improve

the Students’ Ability in Writing Report Text, “an instrument plays an important role in

a study in the sense that the reliability of data obtained.” Suharsimi (2002, p.136)

also defines that research instrument is “a device used by the researcher while

collecting data to make his work easier and get a better, complete and systematic

result in order to make the data easy to be processed.” According to Saleh (2001,

p.31) “the word instrument refers to research tools for data collecting. It is therefore,

a fundamental thing to be well thought - out by a researcher before she/he conducts

an experiment.” It is important to use instrument in doing experiment. In this study,

the test was used as the instrument to obtain the data that is the students’ ability in

writing. Test can be defined as “a set of techniques, procedures, or items of

measuring a person ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain” (Brown,

2004, p.3). The writer carried out the writing test in this research since the aim of this

study is to investigate the students’ achievement in writing after having been given

the treatment. The writer particularly choose writing test to be implemented on this

study. Having gathered the data, then the students’ result was scored based on a

scoring guidance.

4. Technique of Collecting Data

In carrying out research activities, it is necessary to have technique to achieve

good research. And There are some steps in technique of collecting data in this

study, they are pre-test, treatment and post-test.

a. Pre-test

Pre-test is given before doing the experiment in starting the data collection to

identify the writing report achievement. The test is in the form of writing test that

is writing report. After having been explained about what they are going to do,the

students are given the instrument. They will write about the observation report.

b. Treatment

After cunducting a pretest to the students, researcher will continue to the

treatment stage. Where the researcher will explain the writing report, both from

the definition,charateristics,generic structure, and language features.

c. Post-test

Post-test is given after conducting all the activities during treatment. It is to

measure the students’ achievement in writing report after the treatment. The test

is also as the same as the pre-test, i.e. writing report text with the topic that will

be presented. The experimental group was shown a documentary film before

starting to do their post – test. After that the students will be given a test with

writing report using documentary films.

E. Data Analysis

1. Descriptive Statistic
Descriptive statistics are statistics that are used to analyze data by describing or

describing the data that has been collected as it is without the intention of making

generalized conclusions or generalizations. Research conducted on the population

(without taking the smapel) will clearly use descriptive statistics in the analysis.

Descriptive statistics can be used when the researcher only wants to describe the

sample data, and does not want to make conclusions that apply to the population in

which the sample is drawn. Regarding data with descriptive statistics, researchers

need to pay attention to the type of data first. If the researcher has discrete data,

presenting the data that can be done is to find the absolute frequency, the relative

frequency (looking for the percentage), and to find a measure of the central tendency,

namely: mode, median and mean (further see Suharsimi, 1993, p.363). The

descriptive statistical function, among others, classifies a variable data based on their

respective groups, from the beginning they are not regular and easy to interpret.

Descriptive statistical analysis can be divided into: (1) data portrait analysis

(frequency and presentation), (2) data center trend analysis (mean, median, and mode

values) and (3) analysis of value variations (range and standard deviation or variant).

 Portrait analysis

Portrait data is a calculation of the frequency of a value in a variable. Values can be

expressed as absolute amounts or as a percentage of the whole.

 Data central trend analysis

- The average or mean value is usually given the symbol X, which is the

arithmetic mean of all values of the measured variable.

- Median is the middle value of a set of values for a variable that has been sorted

from the smallest value to the highest value.

- Mode (modu) is the value that occurs most frequently in a distribution of

variable values.

 Value variation analysis

This analysis is conducted to see the distribution of values in the distribution of the

overall value of a variable from its mean value. This analysis is to see how much the

values of a variable differ from their values. The measurement of value variation is

usually done by looking at the range of data (range) or standard deviation (standard


In this study, the researcher used descriptive statistics to analyze the data. The

researcher find the mean score (M) and standard deviation (SD) of students’ score.

To get the mean score of pre-test and post-test, the researcher used SPSS Statistic 22

for windows.

2. Testing Hypothesis

The result of data could be shown after the researcher compared the result of the pre-

test and the post-test. Furthermore, to analyze the hypothesis testing which aimedto

know whether the alternative hypothesis was accepted or not, the researcher used

SPSS Statistics 22 for windows


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