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Acitvidades Listen and Do - Students

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We are going to create an activite for children in 4th grade of primary, where they will learn thename
of animals.

Objetives= Learn about animals and what type of animals are.

Content= Animals (cheetah, crad, wolf, zebra, monkey, butterfly, elephant, tiger, duck, lion, fox,
cocodrile,sheep, shark)

Types of animals (aquatic, birds, farm, insects, reptiles)


- With mimic and listening.

Step 1

- The teacher gives sentences to the children that contain name of animals

Some example =

My friend Marta has a duck in her house

Laura loves cocodriles, but she has never saw one

Pedro hates cheetah because he think they smell very bad

Step 2

- The children read the sentences to the class

Step 3

- When the name of some animal appears, the rest of the class has to representate the sound of the
animal and miming. The class will say the type of that animal.


- We gives point to the person that have more creativity and to the fastest person that say what type of
animal is.

Objectives: to acquire the language and to be able to perform actions.

Contents: classroom objects and preposition ( Under, in, on, behind )


Our activity consists of the teacher saying different actions with objects in the classroom andthese
objects must perform the action that the teacher says.
Step 1: point to the object that the teacher says.

Example: touch the window

Step 2: take an object to a place in the classroom that the teacher says.Example

:Picking up a pen and touching a table

Step 3: we add prepositions to the above commands. Example:

Take a case and leave it under the blackboard.

Evaluation: We will complete a checklist throughout the session to verify that the studentshave
acquired the knowledge and the objectives have been achieved.
Objectives Yes Maybe No
They understand
They understand places
in the classroom
They understand
objects in the
They understand the
differents prepositions

● Level: First primary cycle.

● Objectives:

a. Learn vocabulary about the bus.

b. Relate the actions with the song's words.

c. Work creativity.

● Content: Verbs like: open and shut, swish, beep, blink.. And prepositions like: up and


● Methodology: PTR and Listening and do activities.

● Step 1: First, they have to watch the video while the teacher is doing mimic.

Then, the children follow and repeat the actions of the teacher watching the video


● Step 2: The second step is doing the actions without watching the video. They only

listen to the song. The teacher can give them a little help.

● Step 3: Finally, the teacher gives each of the groups a new phrase to include in the

song. The teacher explains the meaning but they have to create an action for the ner

phrase. Then they sing the song again and add at the end the new phrases. They

show the new actions to their classmates.

● Evaluation:

Observation: we evaluate the participation, creativity and attention of the students.

Link of the song:



-Develop communication in English.

-Improve creativity and improvisation in different situations.


-The teacher says different actions about the daily life (buy in the market, pay the shoppings, search
basic products, take the dog out, feed the dog, do the laundry…), and the students must
representation that actions, and if they have a sufficient level they will be able to communicate by
speaking. The other classmates they should guess the actionand give a score. The group that does the
actions best will receive a reward.


-Visual thinking: the students will learn through the representation of his classmates.

-Cooperative learning: improve the attention, participation and knowledge acquisitions.

-Step 1: The teacher say the action.

-Step 2: The students will go out to represent the action.

-Step 3: The other classmates guess the actions and give a score.

-Evaluation: All the groups will receive a positive point, and the group with the high score will receive a
extra positive point.

● Know and learn the topic of vocabulary about clothes, food and parts of the
● Improve the interest in the subject
● Be more creative and increase the ability to explain.
● Learn with games
● Review the vocabulary
● Improve concentration and attention

The vocabulary that we are going to learn and review are: clothes, food and the parts of the
house,especially the ones we used in the pictures.



We are going to create groups of 3 students. Each one has a role to do. We are going to assign a
number one to four for each one
The number 1 is hangman, the number 2 is mimic and the number 3 is drawing.Steps of the
game: The first game we are going to play is hangman:

- STEP 1: Hangman: The first student have to think a word about one of the threetopics and
do a hangman. The person who guess the word have to think anothernew word of another
topic to make mimic on the next step.
- Mimic: The next person have to think another new word and do
mimic of this. So the person who guess the word have to think another
word and drawit.

- Drawing : The last person have to make a draw and the

rest of thepartners guess what it the thing he/she drew.

For the evaluation we are going to create a kahoot, they have to do it in class to know
that everyone has understood it. Have to respond in a paper and correct among all.

In this way, they have a good time, learn and remember it and the teacher evaluate

Also we are going to use the observation during all the class, the teacher is going to pass to
all the groups and evaluate with a rubric like this:






Level: 11-12 years old.


- Review the sports vocabulary that they have studied.

- Learn in a different way.

- Strengthen the concentration and memory.


- Review the sports: archery, athletics, basketball, dancing, fencing, football, gymnastics,
hockey, horse riding, karate, ski, swimming, tennis and waterpolo.


● Step 1. While the children are silent, the teacher explains the activity. Then the teacher
organizes the students in groups and in a circle.

● Step 2. The teacher makes a visual example with mime and the students repeat it.

● Step 3. Each student in their turn says out loud the sport they have chosen and then they
represent the sport with an action. The next student repeats their partner's action and does a
new one.


- We are going to use a check-list based on the observation during the activity

1. Objectives

● Student’s communication development

● Co-working development

● Listening and fluency development

● Vocabulary review

2. Content

Vocabulary review of different topics (sports, food, animals…).

3. Methodology

Step 1

Students create a circle and the teacher tells them a topic.

Once the teacher gives the topic, students are able to move all around the class.

Students need to move quickly and find a partner until the topic changes.

Step 2

They have to choose a word according to the main topic and speak with every partner in order
to agree with the same word.

For example, the topic is “sport”. Two students that have chosen “football”, need to form a


Step 3

All students must find a pair.

4. Evaluation

The teacher will see if the students are communicating, understanding and interacting with
each other


● Develop mimic abilities.

● To know the differences between several daily activities.

● Be able to observe and reproduce correctly.


The class will be divided into groups of 4 people. Each group has to make a line, and the first
person of each line has to imitate an activity to the person behind him/her in the line.This
activity will be told by the teacher to him or her. When this person has guessed what activity
was doing his/her classmate, will have to try to imitate this activity to the next one in the line.

The game finishes when every person in the line has guessed the activity. The topic that will be
used in the activity is ``Daily activities´´.

Rules: the students who are not guessing the activity must be backwards to the rest of the line.


Modeling and Imitation: The students model an action or series of actions and then invite their
classmates to imitate what they have seen. This can be done individually or in a group. It is
important to use clear and simple verbal instructions.


This activity is designed for children between 8 and 10 years old.

The name of this game is “Today we are going to be…”. We will divide the class into four
groups. Each group will have a category to imitate. For example: if the teacher says “basketball
player”, the group who has the category of sports, will have to represent a basketball player
and the rest of the class will have to sit down. The categories will be sports, body, animals and


● Review vocabulary like sports, parts of the human body, animals and jobs.


● Sports: cycling, basketball, football, tennis, climbing a mountain, running, golf, swimming,
hockey, boxing.

● Parts of the human body: arm, leg, toe, hands, head, knee, foot, finger, mouth, eyes.

● Animals: cat, dog, cow, snake, monkey, pig, lion, zebra, bird, horse.

● Jobs: teacher, actor, dentist, pilot, writer, doctor, musician, vet, scientist, firefighter.


- Step 1: Divide the class into groups of four students.

- Step 2: Assign a category to each group (in our case, the categories will be sports, jobs, parts
of the human body and animals).

- Step 3: Say a word that belongs to one of the categories. Then, the group of students who
have that category, will represent it through gestures or mimics. And the rest of the class will
sit down. In this way, we will be able to know if the students have understood the word and to
which vocabulary it belongs.

- Step 4: Count the final score, and the group with the highest score, will receive an extra point.


● The way to evaluate will be through the observation of the students and their quick response
and recognition of the words we say.



- To relate the word that the teacher says with a movement.

- The student can be capable of understanding the meaning of a word.


Vocabulary related to animals (pig, crocodile, monkey, elephant, rabbit, cat, dog), sports
(football, tennis, basketball, badminton), professions (policemen, fireman, astronaut, chef,
doctor), vehicles (train, firetruck, ambulance) and actions (cook, run, dance, jump, bend).


The methodology that we use in this activity is the TPR methodology (Total Physical Response).

Step 1

1. The teacher says a word to the rest of the class.

Step 2

2. The children have to mimic the words that the teacher say.

Step 3

3. The first child that mimics the word correctly is the person that say the next word to imitate.


Seeing if all the class are imitating the word correctly and if someone has a problem
understanding the word, the teacher will explain the word more easily (even the children can
see what the other students are doing and is a way to understand the word properly).

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