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Snap - by Joshua Lawrence

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Written by Joshua S. Lawrence

Pittsburgh, PA 724-856-0884 / 724-761-6751

INT. RESTAURANT - AFTERNOON From across the room, a man sits with a cigarette on his cell phone at an empty table. David, a late 20s male sits and talks to his girlfriend on his cell phone. He has a mild English accent, and a briefcase at his side. DAVID No... yeah I know. I called around a couple places already, and I still got nothing. Brief silence. (O.S.) (Exhales)... Well all Im saying is I dont want you to end up losing that house. Its been in your mums family for 73 years, and Im sure if she was here she would hate to see it go. Takes a puff from his cigarette. DAVID Yeah, I know! Ill figure something out, dont worry. Long silence. David looks down at the ground as he holds the phone to his ear. David has a look of tension on his face. Jenine? What? DAVID (CONTD) JENINE (O.S.)

Brief pause as David begins to space out. JENINE (O.S.) (CONTD) Hello?.... David?.... HELLO.... DAVID!!! David comes back to reality. DAVID Oh Uhmm... Im sorry I forget what I was going to say... Oh thats right, I wanted to ask you if maybe...

2. A woman walks into the restaurant and David looks up and sees her as she approaches him. DAVID (CONTD) Im sorry, I have to go. I think this is her now. Okay... JENINE (O.S.) Well wait... Im going out tonight with Tiffany. She invited me to see Amy Adams new film, and I told her Id tag along. So Ill be back later this evening when its over. Okay. DAVID

JENINE (O.S.) Dont wait up. Bye! DAVID

David sets his phone on the table, and you see a photo of he and his wife Jenine as his wallpaper. From Across the room a woman approaches David. David? Sharon? They shake hands. SHARON Hi, Im sorry Im late. The babysitter was running a little behind, and I had to wait for her. DAVID Dont worry about it. Five little minutes never killed anyone. SHARON You have an English accent. DAVID Yes, I was born in Halifax. SHARON How long have you been here? SHARON DAVID


12 years.

SHARON Oh, thats wonderful. Do you miss it? DAVID At times... I still have family there from my fathers side. My mother was from America, hence the reason we moved back here. SHARON Oh wow thats wonderful. Does she go to church? Maybe around the area anywhere? I may have seen her before. DAVID Uhmm... no, sorry! She uh.. passed away three years ago... SHARON Im sorry... DAVID Its okay... Brief pause. David clears throat. DAVID (CONTD) Okay, lets talk business shall we? David grabs his briefcase and begins to open it. DAVID (CONTD) I should let you know I specialize in wedding optics, family portraits, and fashion photography. If you look here you will see my prices are... Sharon interupts him. SHARON Do you remember a Sarah Keith? David stops talking and looks at her puzzled.

4. DAVID Im not sure I do. Sorry, but like I was saying my prices are... SHARON Her husband was the one who you caught cheating on her. She hired you to follow him after work one night. David gets quiet. Brief pause. DAVID Oh yes, I remember Mrs. Keith. Sad situation there. I uhm.. SHARON I think my husband is cheating on me. DAVID Im sorry I dont do that kind of work anymore. Like I said I only specialize in wedding optics, family po... SHARON I heard what you said, but Im willing to pay... David cuts Sharon off. He begins to pack his stuff back in his briefcase. DAVID Im sorry lady, but I dont do that type of work anymore. David begins to walk away. Sharon stands up and steps in front of him. SHARON Wait... look, I already wrote a figure down for what Im willing to pay you. She pulls a check out of her purse. SHARON (CONTD) Please... will you just look at it? David hesitates.

5. He grabs the check and looks at it. It reads the sum of $30,000. David looks at her in shock. SHARON (CONTD) Please... I have to know. She begins to cry. David sits back down slowly. DAVID Why dont you just follow him and see for yourself? SHARON I already did. I saw him and her together. She works for him... Sharon pulls a cigarette out of her purse and lights it. SHARON (CONTD) Shes his personal assistant. DAVID Then what do you need me for? Brief pause. SHARON ..... Proof. David stares right through her. SHARON (CONTD) When we got married he made me sign a prenuptial agreement. Hes a very wealthy man, and if Im going to leave him... Im going to need proof. Adultery? DAVID

Sharon shakes her head. SHARON Thats the only way I can assure my children stay with me and are safe, and well off. David looks down in disbelief.

6. SHARON (CONTD) Tonights Thursday... He normally tells me hes going to a bar for a while after work to... relax. Asshole. Sharon begins to wipe her eyes with a towel from the table. SHARON (CONTD) So youll do it? Pause David begins to think. He looks at the check sitting in front of him on the table. DAVID And if hes not with her tonight? SHARON You keep the money, and I wont bother you again. David wipes his face, and looks at the check, and back up to her. DAVID ... Where does he work? CUT TO: EXT. CAR SCENE - NIGHT David sits in his car, outside of a building waiting. He pulls out a piece of Property Tax paper. It has a sum listed of $8,413.11. He puts it down and looks at the check again. David begins to smile. Out of the corner of his eye, a man in a black suits walks out of his building and walks into a car garage. David pulls his camera out, and waits. Moments later a man pulls out of the garage. David snaps 3 pictures as the car exits the garage. David starts his car and follows the man. After a short ride, the man pulls into a hotel parking lot and steps out.

7. He looks around suspiciously, grabs his jacket from inside the car, puts it on and walks into the hotel using a swipe key. David pulls around the corner and parks his car in the dark. He grabs his cell phone and calls the hotel number. DAVID Yes, hi. Im trying to ring my brothers phone in his room, and Im not sure whether or not Im calling the right number now. David laughs! DAVID (CONTD) Im trying to call Allen Smith in room 312... Brief pause. DAVID (CONTD) 211!!! Thats right. Im sorry. Haha, I was dialing the wrong extension. David looks out his window up towards the second floor where he sees a room light come on. DAVID (CONTD) No thats okay. Ill just give him a call back in a few minutes... Unh huh... Thank you. David hangs up his phone and grabs his camera. Through the window you can see man in a woman kissing erotically. Clothes are beginning to come off. David snaps a photo. He continues to snap photos until the womans face becomes visible. He zooms in and focuses on her face. He puts the camera down... He looks through it again. This time he takes a snapshot of the couple. He looks at his camera and zooms in.

8. The woman appears to be his wife/fiance/girlfriend Jenine. David puts his camera down and steps out of his car and begins to roam the parking lot until he spots her car. He gasps and puts his hands over his mouth. DAVID (CONTD) No... NO NO NO! Aaaahhh! He begins to hear her voice saying Im going out tonight with Tiffany. She invited me to see Amy Adams new film, and I told her Id tag along. So Ill be back later this evening when its over. Dont wait up. Davids face becomes furious. He speed-walks back to his car and gets in. He goes towards his dashboard and grabs a gun hidden in the back. He gets out and walks into the front door of the building and walks up the steps. He passes a housekeeper in the hallway and finally reaches room 211. He looks over his shoulder, and knocks on the door with 3 knocks. DAVID (CONTD) Room service! ALLEN (O.S.) We didnt order anything! DAVID No sir, were just dropping off extra towels. ALLEN (O.S.) Leave them in front of the door. DAVID No sir I have to make sure you get them. Door unlocks and begins to open. David slams the door into Allens face.

9. FROM INSIDE THE ROOM You see David bust through with his gun in hand. Very shaky. Something he has clearly never done before. He appears nervous. JENINE David? David no, this isnt what it.. DAVID SHUT UP!!! SHUT...UP! Allen and Jenine appear frightened and shaken up! She is wearing black lingerie while attempting to cover herself up with a white sheet. DAVID (CONTD) Why? ... How could you? Three years. THREE YEARS, WEVE BEEN MARRIED. She is crying. DAVID (CONTD) Wheres Tiffany huh? I thought you were going to see a movie with her? David shakes his head slowly. You...! He drops a tear. She is still shaking and crying. DAVID (CONTD) You, get on the bed. Directed to Allen. DAVID (CONTD) GET ON THE BED! Allen sits on the bed with a bloody nose beside Jenine, and puts his hand on her shoulder. DAVID (CONTD) TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER! Dont you touch her. David is still nervous and shaken up as well with the gun in his hand. DAVID (CONTD)

10. ALLEN Please put the gun down. Im sorry, I didnt know she was with someone. Please... DAVID Do you love her? ALLEN ... I have a wife and 2 children. DAVID Yes, Sharon. I know. She paid me a visit this afternoon. She hired me to follow you tonight. To catch you... WITH MY WIFE!!! David looks at Jenine. JENINE David... David, Im sorry. Please... Im sorry. We can work this out. I know we can. I still love you... Brief pause. She stairs at him. JENINE (CONTD) Do you still love me? David pauses. I did. DAVID

He fires two shots and kills her and turns the gun and fires one shot to the head of Allen and kills him. There is blood on Davids face. He walks into the bathroom looks in the mirror, and begins to wash the blood off of his face. He walks back into the room, pulls Jenine and Allens body close together and takes a snapshot of them on his phone. Through his phone you see him send the photo to Contact > SHARON SMITH. He stairs at the phone.

11. (V.O.) Hello?.... David?.... HELLO.... DAVID!!! INT. RESTAURANT - AFTERNOON David is back in the restaurant. David... JENINE

DAVID Oh Uhmm... Im sorry I forget what I was going to say... Oh thats right, I wanted to ask you if maybe... The restaurant door opens and David looks up from the table. DAVID (CONTD) Im sorry, I have to go. I think this is her now. Okay... JENINE (O.S.) Oh wait... Im going out tonight with Tiffany. She invited me to see Amy Adams new film, and I told her Id tag along. So Ill be back later this evening when its over. Okay. DAVID

JENINE (O.S.) Dont wait up. Bye! DAVID

David sets his phone on the table, and you see a photo of he and his wife Jenine as his wallpaper. From Across the room a woman approaches David. David? SHARON

DAVID Sh... Sharon? Hi! SHARON

12. She reaches her hand out for him to shake it. David looks at her hand, and looks back at her in shock as CUT TO: BLACK


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