Strategic Coach Roadmap For Entrepreneurs
Strategic Coach Roadmap For Entrepreneurs
Strategic Coach Roadmap For Entrepreneurs
The Strategic Coach Road Map FOR ENTREPRENEURS
Our three-stage road map provides the strategies, entrepreneurial wisdom, and accounta-
bility to break through the complexities currently holding you back and position you to take
your business to the next level—exponentially.
EXPAND the freedom that led you to want to become an entrepreneur in the
first place.
MULTIPLY your revenue exponentially while only taking part in the business
activities that energize you and tap into your talents.
UNLOCK the “unfair advantages” and Intellectual Shortcuts that will allow you to
run your business in a way that’s faster, easier, cheaper, and better.
MASTER the tools and mindsets that strengthen and transform your business
growth and create an amazing 10x future vision.
Here’s a look at exactly what stages you need to go through to make these results a reality
in your business—without having to sacrifice your personal life, time, or freedom.
The Strategic Coach Road Map FOR ENTREPRENEURS
The Strategic Coach Road Map FOR ENTREPRENEURS
Constant growth and innovation in the following areas is key to building a strong Self-
Managing Company and expanding your entrepreneurial freedom, success, and happiness:
YOU are the main energy source for your business. Focusing on your
personal growth is crucial to propelling your business growth.
Growing yourself means:
• Constantly creating and expanding the bigger future vision that’s going to
keep you fascinated and motivated.
YOU • Challenging your personal habits and mindsets to continually expand your
capacity and capabilities.
• Discovering your Unique Ability — what you love to do and do best — in
YOUR COMPANY is how you do it. It’s the organizational structure that
allows you and your business to become more and more self-managing.
Growing your company means:
YOUR • Creating strategic boundaries to maximize freedom and protect your focus.
COMPANY • Stabilizing cash flow while increasing profit.
• Strengthening and optimizing your teamwork, technologies, and processes.
Each of these growth components is equally critical, and all three must always be working and
growing in unison for true balance and expansion. Our road map provides the framework for
lifetime growth in these areas. 3
The Strategic Coach Road Map FOR ENTREPRENEURS
Each stage carefully builds on the previous stage by giving you the chance to
strengthen your three growth components, “stack” game-changing strategies, and
acquire new Intellectual Shortcuts that let you run your business in a way that’s
faster, easier, cheaper, and better.
First, you’ll build a strong foundation for growth. Then, you’ll innovate and expand to
pave the way for the multiplication of your business success. Finally, you’ll look to
creating an industry transformation bypass that frees you from the competition and
takes you where no one else has gone before!
1 2 3
The Strategic Coach Road Map FOR ENTREPRENEURS
The Signature Program is focused on creating a rock-solid foundation for your multiplier growth.
More specifically, it’s about creating a strong and unshakable structure that maximizes your personal
vision and productivity, creates extraordinary value in your market, and develops the teamwork
required to accelerate your results and bypass competition.
Give yourself the space to become a stronger visionary and innovator (rather than
the one doing it all and managing daily business operations).
Have the freedom and time to pursue energizing interests inside and
outside of work.
Break free from the old habits, ideas, and relationships that may have
once held you back.
Tap into your natural talents and passions, and demonstrate extraordinary
leadership company-wide.
The first three years of the Signature Program are designed to have a compounding effect
on your results and mindsets. Each year has a specific focus and will provide tools and concepts
that support your Self-Managing Company. Here’s a look at some of the ideas covered:
The Strategic Coach Road Map FOR ENTREPRENEURS
• Gain clarity about activities that use your natural talents and passion.
YOU • Take steps to do more of what you love and free yourself from everything else.
• Learn how to pinpoint your clients’ biggest dangers, opportunities, and strengths (D.O.S.®).
• Create incredible value for your clients and more productivity, creativity, and income for yourself.
YOUR BUSINESS • Define and package your unique value creation process.
OFFERING • Clearly differentiate yourself from the competition while avoiding commoditization and stereotyping.
The Strategic Coach Road Map FOR ENTREPRENEURS
In The 10x Ambition Program, you’ll expand your Self-Managing Company into a Self-
Multiplying Company—a whole new stage of constant, sustainable growth—by multiplying
your reach and innovation into new areas, all while leaving your competition in the dust
along the way.
A minimum of one year of our foundational Signature Program is required to qualify for this
program. This is essential to protect your ability to best implement the strategies and mind-
sets shared in this dynamic, mastery level program where you will:
Innovate to expand your opportunities for 10x growth in terms of your freedoms
of time, money, relationship, and purpose.
Prepare your business for sustainable, exponential growth with the right tools
and Intellectual Shortcuts. Evolve and adapt your business to meet industry
changes and current trends.
Learn how to think BIGGER — 10x bigger — about your growth and the future of
your business.
The Strategic Coach Road Map FOR ENTREPRENEURS
You’ll do this by venturing into “free zones”—places of unlimited growth where no one else has
yet ventured—that offer competition-free expansion and profits with national and international
reach. This program, coached by Strategic Coach founder and visionary, Dan Sullivan, requires
one year in The 10x Ambition Program to qualify. Our Free Zone participants:
Collaborate directly with other 10x achievers who are 100% focused
on value creation.
Work with top entrepreneurs to innovate and overcome the world’s challenges
in real time.
The Strategic Coach Road Map FOR ENTREPRENEURS
Your First Step To Game Changer Growth.
You’re only an entrepreneur if you’re growing.
Real game changer growth takes courage. It takes a leap of faith. It takes an emotional
and intellectual commitment to your future. It takes a community of like-minded, success-
ful, motivated global thinkers. It takes action. It takes Strategic Coach.
If you’ve made the commitment to get yourself to that next level of capability, success,
and confidence, and if you have the courage to admit that doing more of what you’re
doing now won’t be the most strategic and effective way to get you there, take the leap—
book a free Discovery Call with one of our Membership Advisors to see if Strategic Coach
is the right fit for you.
20,000+ entrepreneurs in more than 60 industries around the world have already made
the leap!
Now, I spend a third of the year traveling, and it’s amazing to me how
much more I get done, how much more time I spend on the important
stuff, and how much my stress level has gone down.
For more information about
Strategic Coach :
TM & © 2021. The Strategic Coach Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be
reproduced in any form, or by any means whatsoever, without written permission from The
Strategic Coach Inc. Made in Canada. August 2021. Strategic Coach , The Strategic Coach
® ®
Program, The Self-Managing Company , The Self-Multiplying Company , The 10x Ambition
® ™
Program , The Free Zone Frontier Program, Intellectual Shortcuts , Unique Process
™ ™ ™ ™
Builder, The Entrepreneurial Time System , Free Days , Focus Days , Buffer Days , The
® ™ ™ ™
10x Mind Expander , The D.O.S. Conversation , D.O.S. , The Largest Cheque , and Unique
® ® ® ®