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Calubian, Leyte

User 1
COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course is designed to enhance the
knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of
performing nursery operations, planting crops,
caring and maintaining crops and carrying-out
harvest and postharvest operations. It also
includes competencies in workplace
communication, teamwork, safety in the use of
hand tools and equipment, housekeeping and
processing of farm wastes.

Trainees or students should possess the following requirements:
• Able to read and write;
• Able to communicate, both orally and in writing;
• With good moral character; and
• Physically fit and mentally healthy as certified by a Public Health Officer
• Can perform basic computer operation

User 2
Course Structure

No. of Hours: (18 hours)
1. Participate in 1.1 Participating in 1.1.1 Obtain and convey workplace information. 2 hrs
workplace workplace 1.1.2 Perform duties following workplace instructions
communication communication 1.1.3 Complete relevant work related documents

2. Work in team 2.1 Working in team 2.1.1 2.1.1 Describe team role and scope 2 hrs
environment environment 2.1.2 Identify one’s role and responsibility within team
2.1.2 2.1.3 Work as a team member
3. Solve/address general 3.1.1 Identify routine problems
3.1 Solving/ 2 hrs
workplace problems 3.1.2 Look for solutions to routine problems
addressing general 3.1.3 Recommend solutions to problems.
workplace problems
4. Develop career and life 4.1 Developing career and 4.1.1 Manage one’s emotion
2 hrs
decisions life decisions 4.1.2 Develop reflective practice
4.1.3 Boost self-confidence and develop self-regulation

5. Contribute 5.1.1 Identify opportunities to do things better

5.1 Contributing 2 hrs
workplace workplace 5.1.2 Discuss and develop ideas with others
innovation 5.1.3 Integrate ideas for change in the workplace

6. Present 6.1 Presenting 6.1.1 Gather data/ information

2 hrs
relevant 6.1.2Assess gathered data/ information
information 6.1.3 Record and present information
7. Practice occupational 7.1.1 7.1.1 Identify OSH compliance requirements
7.1 Practicing occupational 2 hrs
safety and safety and health policies
health policies and and procedures
7.1.2 7.1.2 Prepare OSH requirements for compliance
procedures 7.1.3 7.1.3 Perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH
policies and procedures
8. Exercise efficient and 8.1 Exercising efficient and 8.1.1 Identify the efficiency and effectiveness of
2 hrs
effective sustainable effective sustainable resource utilization
practices in the practices in the workplace 8.1.2 Determine causes of inefficiency and/or
workplace ineffectiveness of resource utilization
8.1.3 Convey inefficient and ineffective
environmental practices

9. Practice entrepreneurial 9.1 Practicing 9.1.1 Apply entrepreneurial workplace best practices
2 hrs
skills in the entrepreneurial skills in 9.1.2 Communicate entrepreneurial workplace best
workplace the workplace practices
9.1.3 Implement cost-effective operations

User 3
No. of Hours: (58 hours)

Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes Nominal Duration

1.1 Determine areas of concern for safety measures

1. Apply safety measures in 1. Applying safety measures in 1.2 Apply appropriate safety measures 8 hours
farm operations 1.3 Safe/keep dispose tools, materials and outfit
farm operations

2.1 Select and use farm tools

2. Use farm tools and 2. Using farm tools and 2.2 Select and operate farm equipment 16 hours
equipment 2.3 Perform preventive maintenance
3. Performing estimation and 3.1 Perform estimation
3. Perform estimation and basic calculation 3.2 Perform basic workplace calculation 8 hours
basic calculation

4.1 Collect farm wastes

4. Process farm wastes 4. Processing farm wastes 4.2 Identify and segregate wastes 16 hours
4.3 Treat and process farm wastes
4.4 Perform housekeeping
5.1 Carry out inventory activities
5. Perform record keeping 5. Performing record keeping 5.2 Maintain production record 8 hours
5.3 Prepare financial record

Unit Of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes Nominal Duration

1.1 Prepare nursery tools, farm implements and simple 70 hours

1. Perform nursery 1. Performing nursery equipment
operations operations 1.2 Maintain nursery facilities
1.3 Handle seeds/planting material
1.4 prepare growing media
1.5 Conduct propagation activities

2.1 Prepare land for planting 70 hours

2. Plant crops 2. Planting crops 2.2 Conduct field lay-out
2.3 Dig holes
2.4 Perform direct seeding
2.5 Transplant seedlings
3.1 Apply pest control measures 80 hours
3. Care and maintain crops 3. Caring and maintaining 3.2 Apply fertilizer
crops 3.3 Water crops
3.4 Perform pruning
3.5 Perform physical growth-enhancing practices
4.1 Perform pre- harvest operations 40 hours
4. Carry out harvest and 4. Carrying out harvesting and 4.2 Perform harvesting activity
postharvest operations post harvesting operations 4.3 Perform postharvest operation
4.4 Monitor storage pest and diseases
No. of Hours: (260 hours)

User 4


 Written/Oral Interviews through cellphone/messenger video call

 Direct Observation Following Health and Safety Protocol
 Practical Demonstration Face to Face Following Health and Safety Protocol


 Self-paced Distance Learning/Modular Printed learning package, Offline eCBLM, Video

and ppt.
 Face to Face Discussion and Demonstration Following Health and Safety Protocol
 Group discussion / Messenger Group chat
 Visit/ tour Following Health and Safety Protocol
 Plant tour Following Health and Safety Protocol
 Symposium Following Health and Safety Protocol
 Interaction Following Health and Safety Protocol

User 5
List of recommended tools, equipment and materials for the training of twenty five (25) trainees for Agricultural Crops Production NC II

Quantity Tools Quantity Equipment Quantity Materials

5 pcs Basin 5 units Soil moisture and pH meter 25 pcs Petri dish
5 pcs Broomstick 5 units Wheel barrow 25 pcs Calculator
5 pcs Pail-12Li. 1 unit Comb-tooth harrow 5 units Puncher
Cutting tools 1 unit Hand tractor 50 pcs Seedling tray with different
5 pcs Pruning saw 5 units Knapsack sprayer 1 roll Plastic mulch
5 pcs Hedge shear 5 units Hand sprayer PE Bag
5 pcs Kitchen knife 1 unit Power sprayer 300 pcs Small
5 pcs Cutter 2 units Grass sprayer 300 pcs Medium
5 pcs Pliers 5 units Overhead sprinkler 400 pcs Large
5 pcs Pruning shears 5 units Button dripper 5 sacks(50 kg/sack) Growing media mixture of the
Coco coir,
Carbonized rice hull,
5 pcs Budding knife 1 unit LCD/LED Projector /LED TV/Smart TV 1 bot Rooting hormone
5 pcs Bolo 1 unit Post harvest treatment equipment 20 m Garden net
5 pcs Scissors 1 unit Computer set with complete accessories 5 pcs Strainer
5 pcs Grafting knife 1 unit Printer, colored Fertilizers
Digging tool PPE 10 kg Complete (14-14-14)
5 pcs Steel bar 25 pcs Hard hat /Farmer hat 10 kg Urea (46-0-0)
5 pcs Hole digger 25 pcs Gloves (farmers gloves) 10 kg Muriate of potash (0-0-60)
5 pcs Garden Hoe 25 pcs Mask 10 kg Ammonium phosphate (16-
5 pcs Shovel 25 pcs Rubber Boots 1 kg Flower inducer-potassium
5 pcs Pick mattock 25 pcs Long Sleeves Shirt 2 pcs Board marker
Crates 1 unit Soil auger 1 unit White board
10 pcs Wooden crates 1 pc White board eraser
10 pcs Plastic crates Pesticides
10 pcs Styro crates 1 liter Fungicide
Harvesting Tools 1 liter Insecticide
5 pcs Scythe 1 liter Herbicide
5 pcs Harvesting pole 20 m Plastic rope
5 pcs Ladder 1 box Rubber hand
5 pcs Hand trowel 100 pcs Seedlings assorted
25 pcs Hard hat 1 box Detergent soap
5 pcs Measuring cups 1 bundle Bamboo stick
5 pcs Sprinklers 1 rim Bond paper
1 pc Tools Cabinet 1 box Clips
1 pc Plow 1 set First aid supplies
5 pcs Rake 5 pcs Permanent pens
1 pc Soil Auger 1 roll Plastic twine
5 pcs Scrubbing brush

1 pc Measuring tape (25m)

2 pcs Sharpening stone

* Optional (good for minimum of 12-13 trainees)

** For the workshop area (maximum of 25 trainees)

User 6

Recommended space requirements for the various teaching/learning areas are as follows.


A. Permanent Building 170.30

Student/Trainee Working Space 2.00 x 2.00 per 4.00 per student 100

Learning Resource Area 3.00 x 5.00 15.00 15

Facilities/Equipment/ 39.3
Circulation(30% of teaching
accommodation )

Store room 4.00x4.00 16 16

B. Experimental Farm Area 2,650

Nursery areas 1.00 x 2.00 per 1 per trainee 50


Field plot 10 x 10 per 100 per trainer 2,500


Working shed 100

Note: ** Access to and use of equipment/facilities can be provided through cooperative

arrangements or MOA with other partner-companies/institutions.


Trainers who will deliver the training on Animal Production (Poultry- Chicken) NC II should have
the following:

 Must be a holder of National TVET Trainer Certificate I (NTTC Level I) in Agricultural Crops
Production NC II
 Must have 2 years industry experience within the last 5 years
 Must be computer literate
 Must be Physically and mentally fit
 Holder in Training Certificates in:
o Facilitating elearning
o Practicing COVID-19 Preventive Measure in the Workplace
o Performing Proper Waste Management in the Workplace

User 7
User 8


B. Basic Competencies:



Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to gather, interpret and convey
information in response to workplace

User 9
Nominal Duration : 2hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module, the students/trainees will be able to:

LO1. Obtain and convey workplace information

LO2. Perform duties following workplace instructions

LO3. Complete relevant work related documents

Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Obtain and convey workplace information

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods
1. Specific and  Sources of Writing  Online or Demonstration
relevant Information materials Offline
information is (pen & Lecture Observation
accessed from paper) using Interviews
appropriate  Sentence eMaterials /questioning
sources. Construction References
 Modes and

User 10
2. Effective Media of Modules  Use of self-
questioning, active Communication pace
listening and eCBLM Learning
speaking skills are
 Communication
materials or
used to gather Process CBLM
and convey  Effective
information. Communication  Class
3. Appropriate
medium is used to  Role playing
information and  Simulation

4. Appropriate non-
communication is

5. Appropriate lines
with supervisors
and colleagues are
identified and

6. Defined
procedures for
the location and
storage of
information are

7. Personal inter-
action is carried
out clearly and

LO2 . Perform duties following workplace instructions

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods
1. Team  Questioning Paper Pencils/ball  Online or Demonstration
meetings are techniques Offline
attended on time. pen References Lecture Observation
 How to Write
Minute of using
2. Own opinions Manuals Module eMaterials /questioning
are clearly  Workplace eCBLMs
expressed and Interactions
those of others  Use of self-
are listen to pace

User 11
without  Workplace Learning
interruption. Duties materials or
following CBLM
3. Meeting inputs Workplace
are consistent instructions  Class
with the Discussion
meeting purpose
and established  Role playing
protocols.  Simulation

4. Workplace
interactions are
conducted in a

5. Questions about
simple routine
procedures and
conditions of
employment are
ask and
responded to.

6. Meetings
outcomes are
interpreted and

LO3. Complete relevant work related documents

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods
1. Range of forms  Types of Paper Pencils/ball  Online or Demonstratio n
relating to Forms in the Offline
conditions of Workplace pen References Lecture Observation
employment is using Interviews
 Basic
Manuals Module /questioning
completed Mathematical eMaterials
accurately and calculations
legibly. eCBLM
 How to
2. Workplace data is
 Use of self-

User 12
recorded on Reports pace
standard workplace Learning
forms and materials or
documents. CBLM
3. Basic
mathematical  Class
processes are Discussion
used for routine
calculations.  Role playing
4. Errors in
recording  Simulation
information on
forms/ documents
are identified and
properly acted
5. Reporting
requirements to
supervisor are
according to

User 13


Module Descriptor : This module covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to
identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.

Nominal Duration : 2 hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module, the students/trainees will be

able to: LO1. Describe team role and scope

LO2. Identify one’s role and responsibility within


LO3. Work as a team member

Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Describe team role and scope

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods

1. The role and  Successful Stand and  Online or Written test

objective of the Team Operating Offline
team is identified Procedure (SOP) Lecture Observation
 Group
from available Development using
sources of workplace eMaterials Simulation
Job procedures Role playing
2. Team  Use of self-
parameters, Client/supplier pace
reporting instructions Learning
relationships and materials or
Quality CBLM
are identified
from team
Organizational or
 Class
discussions and Discussion
external  Role playing
 Simulation

User 14
LO2. Identify one’s role and responsibility within team

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods

1. Individual role  Team Roles SOP of workplace  Online or Offline Written test
and and Lecture using
responsibilit Responsibilitie s Job procedures eMaterials Observation
ies within the
 Belbin’s Team
Client/supplier Simulation
Roles instructions
environmen t  Use of self-
are identified. pace Role playing
Quality standards Learning
2. Roles and materials or
responsibilit y Organizational or CBLM
of other team external personnel
members are
identified and
 Class
recognized. Discussion

3. Reporting  Role playing

relationship s
within team  Simulation
and external
team are

LO3. Work as a team member

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods

1. Effective  Effective SOP of Workplace  Online or Offline Observation of

and Communication Lecture using work
appropriate in a Team Job procedures eMaterials activities
forms of
 Group Planning
Organizational or Observation
and Decision external personnel
ons used  Use of self- through
and pace simulation or
interactions  Working role play
undertaken Effectively
materials or
with team with Others Case studies
members and scenarios
 Class
contribute to
known team Discussion
and  Role playing
objectives.  Simulation

2. Effective and
contribution s
made to
team activities

User 15
based on
skills and
and workplace

3. Observed
protocols in

4. Contribute to
of tea work
plans based
on an
of team’s role
and objectives
and individual
of the

User 16



Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required apply problem-solving techniques to determine
the origin of problems and plan for their resolution. It
also includes addressing procedural problems through
documentation and referral.

Nominal Duration : 2 hours

Summary of Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the students/trainees will be

able to: LO1. Identify routine problems

LO2. Look for solutions to routine

problems LO3. Recommend solutions to


Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Identify routine problems

Assessment Assessment
Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Methods
1. Routine  Basic Trainees must be Online or offline Written
problems or Malfunctions and provided with the Lecture using examination
procedural Resolutions to following: eMaterials Case
problem areas General Problems Formulation
are Electronic Mail Use of self-pace
 Problem-
identified Learning materials Life Narrative
Solving Skills
Briefing Notes or CBLM Inquiry
 Routine/Proce (Interview)
2. Problems to be dural Problems
investigated Written report Group
are defined discussion/inter Standardized
and Evaluation report action test
Workplace Lecture

3. Current
conditions of
Role playing
the problem
are identified
User 17
LO2. Look for solutions to routine problems

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods
1. Potential  Effectiv Trainees must be Online or offline Case
solutions to e provided with the Lecture using Formulation
problems are Problem following: eMaterials
identified Solving Life Narrative
Electronic Mail Use of self-pace Inquiry
 How to Write a
Learning materials (Interview)
2. Recommendati Procedure
ons about Briefing Notes or CBLM
 Standardized
Written report Group test
solutions are
developed, discussion
document ed, Evaluation report
ranked and Lecture
presented to Workplace
appropriate Demonstration
. Role playing
for decision

LO3. Recommend solutions to problems

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods

1. Implementation  Standard
of Operating Online or offline
solutions are Procedures Trainees must Lecture using Case
planned be provided with eMaterials Formulation
the following:
2. Evaluation of Use of self-pace Life Narrative
implemented Electronic Mail Learning materials Inquiry
solutions are or CBLM (Interview)
planned Briefing Notes
Group discussion Standardized
Written report test
3. Recommend Lecture
ed solutions Demonstration Role
report playing
and submit
to appropriate
person for

User 18


Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in
managing one’s emotions, developing reflective
practice, and boosting self-confidence and developing

Nominal Duration : 2hours

Summary of Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the students/trainees will be able to:

LO1. Manage one’s emotions

LO2. Develop reflective practice

LO3. Boost self-confidence and develop self-regulation

Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Manage one’s emotions

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
1. Self-  Self- Trainees must Online or offline Observation
management Management be provided Lecture using
strategies Skills with the eMaterials Interview
are identified  Negative following:
Use of self-pace Demonstration or
Emotions at
2. Skills Learning materials or simulation with
to Work and how to 1. Access to
CBLM oral
work deal with them workplace and
independently questioning
 Health and resources
and to Mental Health
show 2. Case studies
initiative, to be Plant tour
and Symposium
persevering in
the face of
setbacks and
are developed

3. Techniques
emotions and
LO2. Develop reflective practice
situation in the
workplace are
examined User 19
Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods

1. Personal  Personal Trainees must Online or offline Demonstration

strengths and SWOT be provided Lecture using or
achievements, Analysis with the eMaterials simulation with
based on self-  Ways to Keep a following: oral
assessment Positive Attitude Use of self-pace questioning
strategies and at Work Learning materials or
Access to
teacher  Gibb’s CBLM Case
workplace and
feedback are Reflective problems
contemplated Cycle/Model Small Group involving
Discussion workplace
Case studies
2. Progress diversity
when seeking Interactive issues
and Lecture
responding to
feedback from Brainstorming
teachers to
assist them in Demonstration
strengths, Role-playing

3. Outcomes
of personal
by reflecting
on previous
solving and
from peers

User 20
LO3. Boost self-confidence and develop self-regulation
Assessment Assessment
Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Methods
1. Efforts for  Self-Regulated Trainees must Online or offline Demonstration or
continuous self- Behavior and be provided Lecture using simulation with
improvement Skills at Work with the eMaterials oral
are following: questioning
demonstrated Use of self-pace
 Inter-Personal
Access to Learning materials Case
Skills: Effective
2. Counter- workplace or CBLM problems
productive and involving
tendencies at resources Small Group workplace
 Personality Discussion diversity
work are
Development Case studies issues
3. Positive  Habits of Highly Lecture
Effective People
outlook in life
are maintained Brainstorming



User 21


Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to make a pro-active and positive
contribution to workplace.

Nominal Duration : 2hours

Summary of Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the students/trainees will be

able to: LO1. Identify opportunities to do things better

LO2. Discuss and develop ideas with others

LO3. Integrate ideas for change in the


Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Identify opportunities to do things better

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods
1. Opportunities Opportunities for The following  Online or Offline Psychological
for Improvement in the resources Lecture using and behavioral
improvement Workplace should be eMaterials interviews
are provided to
identified Design Thinking trainees: Performance
proactively in Pens  Use of self- pace evaluation
own area of Learning
work. Papers and materials or Life narrative
writing CBLM inquiry
2. Information are implements
gathered and  Class Portfolio/3rd
reviewed which Cartolina party reports
may be
relevant to Manila papers Sensitivity
ideas and Module  Role playing
which might
assist in  Simulation Standardized
gaining support test
for idea.

User 22
LO2. Discuss and develop ideas with others

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods
1. People who Employee The following  Online or Offline Psychological
could provide Involvement resources Lecture using and behavioral
input to should be eMaterials interviews
ideas for Ways to Encourage provided to
improvements Creative Idea from trainees: Performance
are team members  Use of self- pace evaluation
identified. Pens Learning
Creative materials or Life narrative
2. Ways of Management Papers and CBLM inquiry
approaching writing
people to implements
 Class Portfolio/3rd
begin sharing Discussion party reports
ideas are Cartolina
selected  Role playing Sensitivity
Manila papers analysis
3. Meeting is  Simulation
set with Standardized
relevant test

4. Ideas for
follow up
are reviewed
and selected
based on

5. Critical
method is
used to
discuss and
develop ideas
with others.

User 23
LO3. Integrate ideas for change in the workplace

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods
1. Critical Change The following  Online or Offline Psychologic
inquiry Management` resources Lecture al and
method is Critical Inquiry should be using behavioral
used to Method provided to eMaterials interviews
integrate trainees:
different Performance
ideas for Pens  Use of self- pace evaluation
change of Learning
key people Papers and materials or Life narrative
writing CBLM inquiry
2. Summarizing, implement
analyzing and  Class Portfolio/3rd
generalizing Cartolina Discussion party reports
skills are used Manila
to extract Sensitivity
papers  Role playing
salient points analysis
in the pool of Module
ideas  Simulation
3. Reporting
skills are
likewise used

4. Current
issues and
concerns on
the systems,
as well as the
need for
practices are

User 24


Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
required to present data/information appropriately.

Nominal Duration : 2hours

Summary of Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the students/trainees will be

able to: LO1. Gather data/ information
LO2. Assess gathered
data/information LO3. Record
and present information

Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Gather data/information

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
1. Evidence, Sources of Data Trainees must be Online or offline Oral
facts and and Information provided Lecture using evaluation
information are with the eMaterials
collected Types of following: Written Test
Evaluation and Use of self-pace
2. Evaluation, ToRs Sample of: Learning materials or Observation
terms of -Domain CBLM
reference and Analysis Presentation
conditions are Lecture
reviewed to -Content
determine Analysis Group discussion
data/informatio -Comparison Demonstration Lecture
n falls within Technique
project scope

User 25
LO2. Assessed gathered data/information

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

1. Validity of data/ Data Analysis The following Lecture Oral
information is assessed resources should evaluation
be provided to Group discussion
trainees: Written Test
2. Analysis techniques are Demonstration Practical
applied to assess data/ Sample of: Observation
information. -Domain exercises Role play
Analysis Presentation
3. Trends and anomalies
are identified -Content
4. Data
analysis techniques and -Comparison
procedures are Technique

5. Recommendations are
made on
areas of possible

LO3. Record and present information

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

1. Studied Data Handling The following Online or offline Oral
data/information and Presentation resources should Lecture using evaluation
are be provided to eMaterials
recorded. Critical Inquiry trainees: Written Test
Method Use of self-pace
Sample of: Learning materials or Observation
2. Recommendations
-Domain CBLM
are analyzed for Analysis Presentation
action to Lecture
ensure they are -Content
compatible with Analysis
-Comparison Group discussion
project’s scope Technique
and Demonstration
terms of
reference. Role play

3. Interim and final Practical exercises

reports are analyzed
and outcomes are
compared to the
criteria established at
the outset.

4. Findings are presented

to stakeholders.

User 26



Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
required to identify OSH compliance requirements,
prepare OSH requirements for compliance, perform
tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and

Nominal Duration : 2hours

Summary of Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the students/trainees will be able to:

LO1. Identify OSH compliance requirements

LO2. Prepare OSH requirements for compliance
LO3. Perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies
and procedures

Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Identify OSH compliance requirements

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment


User 27
1. Relevant OSH requirement Implementing Rules & Trainees must be Online or offline Written Test
s, regulations, policies and Regulations of RA No. provided Lecture using
procedures are identified 11058 with the eMaterials Observation
in accordance with following:
workplace policies and Workplace Hazard & Use of self-pace Demonstration
procedures Control Learning materials or
Facilities, materials CBLM Observation
tools and equipment
2. OSH activity non- necessary for Lecture Interviews /
conformities are conveyed the activity Questioning
to appropriate Group discussion

3. OSH preventive and

control requirement s
identified in accordance
with OSH work policies and

User 28
LO2. Prepare OSH requirements for compliance
Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
1. OSH work Personal The following Online or offline Lecture Written Exam
Protective resources should using eMaterials
activity material, tools
Equipment be provided to Observation
and equipment
trainees: Use of self-pace
requirements are
Safety Materials, Tools & Learning materials or Demonstration
identified in
Equipment Facilities, materials CBLM
accordance with
tools and equipment Interviews /
workplace policies
necessary for the Lecture Questioning
Group discussion

2. Required OSH
materials, tools and
equipment are
acquired in
accordance with
workplace policies
and procedures

3. Required OSH
materials, tools and
equipment are
arranged/ placed
accordance with OSH
work standards

LO3. Perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and procedures

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods
1. Relevant OSH work OSH Work The following Online or offline Lecture Written Exam
Procedures resources should using eMaterials
procedures are
be provided to Observation
identified in
OSH Prohibited Acts trainees: Use of self-pace
accordance with
and Penalties Learning materials or Demonstration
workplace policies
Facilities, materials CBLM
tools and equipment Interviews /
necessary for the Lecture Questioning
2. Work Group discussion
Activities are
executed in
accordance with
work standards

3. Non-
compliance work
activities are
reported to

User 29




Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
required to identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource
utilization, determine causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness
of resource utilization and Convey inefficient and ineffective
environmental practices.

Nominal Duration : 2 hours

Summary of Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the students/trainees will be able to:

LO1. Identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization
LO2. Determine causes of inefficiency and/or effectiveness of resource
LO3. Convey inefficient and ineffective environmental practices

Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
1. Required resource  Environmental
Trainees must be
provided with the
Online or offline Lecture
using eMaterials
Written Test
utilization in the Literacy following: Observation
workplace is
measured using  Environmental Use of self-pace
Workplace Workplace Learning materials or Demonstration
Procedures CBLM
Tools, materials and Observation
 Waste equipment relevant to Lecture
2. Data are Minimization the tasks Interviews /
recorded in  Energy Efficient Group discussion Questioning
accordance with Consumption PPE
workplace Simulation Demonstration
protocol Manuals and
3. Recorded data are
compared to
Determine the
efficiency and
effectiveness of
resource utilization
according to
environment al work

User 30
LO2. Determine causes of inefficiency and/or resource utilization
Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
1. Potential Causes of Environmental
Inefficiencies and
Trainees must be
provided with the
Online or offline Lecture
using eMaterials
Written Test
causes of
Ineffectiveness following: Observation
inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness are Use of self-pace
Workplace Learning materials or Demonstration
Tools, materials and Observation
2. Causes of equipment relevant to Lecture
inefficiency and/or the tasks Interviews /
ineffectiveness Group discussion Questioning
are PPE
identified Simulation Demonstration
through Manuals and
deductive references

3. Identified causes
inefficiency and/or
validated thru
environment al

LO3. Convey inefficient and ineffective environmental practices

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods

1. Efficiency and  Training needs and The students/ trainees  Lecture  Written exam
effectiveness of resource usage of must be provided with the  Group discussion  Demonstration
utilization are reported to environmentally following:  Role Play  Observation
appropriate personnel friendly methods  Demonstration  Interviews/
 Workplace
2. Concerns related  Environmental  Online or offline Lecture using questioning
 Tools, materials and
resource utilization are corrective actions eMaterials
equipment relevant to
discussed with  Practicing  Use of Self-pace learning
the tasks
appropriate personnel environmental Materials or CBLM
3. Feedback on information/ awareness
 Manuals and references
concerns raised are
clarified with appropriate  Video, Powerpoint
personnel Materials on Convey
inefficient and
environmental practices
 Printed CBLM on
Convey inefficient and
environmental practices
 Learning Management
System (LMS)


User 31

Module Descriptor : This module covers the outcome required to apply

entrepreneurial workplace best practices and
implement cost-effective operations.

Nominal Duration : 2hours

Summary of Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the students/trainees will be

able to: LO1. Apply entrepreneurial workplace best practices
LO2. Communicate entrepreneurial workplace best
practices LO3. Implement cost-effective operations

Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Apply entrepreneurial workplace best practices

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods
1. Good practices Entrepreneurship The following Online or Offline Observation/
resources should Lecture using demonstration with
relating to
be provided to eMaterials oral questioning
workplace Quality Procedures and
operations are Entrepreneurial Practices
observed and
Workplace Use of self- pace examination
selected following
Learning materials or
workplace policy.
Tools, materials and CBLM
equipment relevant
2. Quality to the tasks Class
procedures ad Discussion
practices are PPE
complied with Role playing
according to Manuals and
workplace references Simulation
3. Cost- conscious
habits in
utilization are
applied based on
industry standards

User 32
LO2. Communicate entrepreneurial workplace best 36practices
Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
1. Observe good Entrepreneurial Workplace The following Online or Offline Interview
Best resources should Lecture using
practices relating
Practices be provided to eMaterials
to workplace Third Party
operations are Report
-Simulated to actual
communicated to
workplace Use of self- pace
person - Tools, materials Learning
materials or
and supplies
needed to
2. Observed quality
demonstrat e the
procedures and Class
required tasks
practices are Discussion
communicated to - References and
appropriate manuals Role playing
person - Enterprise
3. Cost- manuals
conscious habits - Company
in resource quality policy
utilization are
based on industry

LO3. Implement cost-effective operations

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods
Cost-Effective The following Online or Offline
1. Preservation and
Operations resources should Lecture using
optimization of
be provided to eMaterials
workplace Third Party
resources is Report
-Simulated to actual
implemented in
workplace Use of self- pace
accordance with
enterprise policy - Tools, materials Learning
materials or
and supplies
needed to
2. Judicious use of
demonstrat e the
workplace tools, Class
required tasks
equipment and Discussion
materials are - References and
observed according manuals Role playing
to manual and work
- Enterprise
3. Constructive -Company quality
contributions to policy
office operations
are made Module
according to

4. Ability to work
within one’s allotted
time and finances is

User 33
User 34

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 35

Unit of Competency : Apply Safety Measures in Farm Operations

Module Title : Applying Safety Measures in Farm Operations

Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills and

attitudes required to perform safety measures
effectively and efficiently. It includes identifying
areas, tools, materials, time and place in performing
safety measures.

Nominal duration :

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

LO 1. Determine areas of concern for safety measures

LO 2. Apply appropriate safety measures

LO 3. Safekeep/dispose tools, materials and outfit

LO 1. Determine areas of concern for safety measures

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Identify work tasks * Work tasks in The students/

in line with farm farm operations  Lecture/  Written
operations Trainees must be Demonstration Examination
* Places for safety provided with the
2. Determined place measures following: Self-paced Distance following Health and
for safety measures in Learning/ Safety protocol)
Modular Printed
line with farm * Time for safety  Farm location
measures  Tools,
learning package,  Simulation
equipment and Offline eCBLM, and observation
* Preparation of outfits Video and ppt
3. Determine time for
appropriate in Face to Face Discussion face to face following
safety measures in tools and outfits
applying safety and Demonstration Health and Safety
line with farm measures (following Health and protocol)
operations - PPE  Outfit Safety protocol)
- Masks  Practical
4. Prepare appropriate - Check up - Gloves  Simulation demonstration
tools, materials and - Boots  Visits and tours to Face to face following
outfits in line with job and repair - Overall more advanced Health and Safety
requirements coats animal production protocol)
prior to use - Hat operations
- Eye (face to face following
 Common goggles Health and Safety
safety  Safety Manual protocol)
concern areas
for operations
related to

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 36

LO 2. Apply appropriate safety measures
Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Use of tools and  Safety The students/

materials according precaution in trainees must be  Lecture/
to specifications and using tools and provided with the Discussion  Written
procedures. materials following:  Demonstration examination
 PPE used in Self-paced (following Health and
farm Distance Safety protocol)
2. Wear outfits  Farm location
 Farm emergency Learning/
according to farm procedures  Tools, equipment Modular Printed  Interview
requirements. and outfits through Cellular
 Hazard learning
appropriate in phone (messenger
identification and package, Offline
3. Strictly observe applying safety and call)
reporting eCBLM, Video
measures.  Simultaneous
shelf life/ expiration  Farm emergency and ppt
 Outfit demonstration and
dates of materials procedures
regarding safety - Masks Face to Face observation
- Gloves Discussion and Face to face following
4. Follow emergency working
- Boots Demonstration Health and Safety
procedures to ensure - Overall coats (following Health and protocol)
safe work - Hat Safety protocol)
requirement - Eye goggles
 Emergency  Film Showing
procedure (following Health and
5. Identify and report
manual Safety protocol)
hazards in the
workplace in line with
the farm guidelines.

LO 3. Safe keep /dispose tools, materials and outfit

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Clean and store  Procedure in The students/

used tools and outfit cleaning and trainees must be  Lecture/  Interview and oral
after use in storing tools and provided with the Discussion examination
designated areas. outfits following: Self-paced through Cellular
 Proper handling Distance phone (messenger
of unused Learning/ and call)
2. Label and store
materials and  Farm location Modular Printed
unused materials chemicals  Tools, learning  Simultaneous
according to - Labeling equipment and demonstration (by
package, Offline
manufacturer’s - Storing outfits student and direct
appropriate in eCBLM, Video
recommendation and  Farm waste observation) (by
farm operation and ppt
farm requirements disposal instructor)
 Outfit Face to face following
- Waste
- Masks  Simulation and Health and Safety
3. Dispose of waste management
- Gloves demonstration protocol)
materials according to system
- Boots (by instructor and
manufacturers, - Overall coats student)
regulations Face to Face
government and farm - Hat
requirements. - Eye goggles Discussion and
 Access to Demonstration
simulated or (following Health and
actual animal Safety protocol)
production farm

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 37

Unit of Competency : Use Farm Tools and Equipment

Module Title : Using Farm Tools and Equipment

Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to use farm tools and equipment. It includes
selection, operation and preventive maintenance of farm
tools and equipment.

Nominal duration: 16 hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

LO 1. Select and use farm tools.

LO 2. Select and operate farm equipment

LO 3. Perform preventive maintenance

LO 1. Select and use farm tools

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies
 Pre- Orientation The students/
checkup of tools Trainees must be provided  Group Presentation/  Written test
identification and with the following: discussion (following Health and
1. Identify appropriate reporting of  Farm location Face to face following Safety protocol)
farm tools defective tools  Farm Tools, Health and Safety
according to  Safety practices - Sickle protocol)
requirement/ use in using tools - Cutters
2. Check farm tools  Farm equipment - Weighing scales
for defects  Farm tools  Simulation/ Role
- Hand tools
3. Report defective Playing
- Measuring tools
farm tools Face to face following
according to  Farm Equipment
- Engine pumps Health and Safety
manufacturer’s protocol)
recommendation - Generators
and farm - sprayers
Self-paced Distance
requirements Learning/
4. Use appropriate Modular Printed
tools and learning package,
Offline eCBLM,
according to job
requirements and Video and ppt
manufacturers Face to Face Discussion
conditions. and Demonstration
(following Health and
Safety protocol)

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 38

LO 2. Select and operate farm equipment

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Identify  Manual of farm The students/ trainees

appropriate farm equipment and must be provided with  Group Presentation  Written /Oral
equipment specification the following: Face to face following Health examination
 Parts and functions and Safety protocol) (following Health and
of farm tools and  Practical hands-on Safety protocol)
2. Read carefully  Farm location
equipment demonstration Practical
instructional  Farm tools
 Pre- operational Face to face following Health demonstration Face to
manual of the farm  Farm equipment and Safety protocol)
checkup of face following Health
tools and equipment  Farm supply and ) and Safety protocol)
equipment prior to equipment
 Calibration and  Procedural 
operation operation of farm completion technique
equipment (following Health and Safety
 Service/
3. Conduct Pre-  Safety practices in protocol)
operation check-up using farm
manual of farm
in line with tools and
manufacturers equipment

4. identify and
reports faults in
farm equipment in
line with farm

5. Used farm
according to its

6. Follow safety

LO 3. Perform preventive maintenance

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods


1. Clean tools and  Routine checkup The students/

equipment and maintenance trainees must be  Demonstration  Written /Oral examination
immediately after of tools and provided with the  Interaction (following Health and Safety
use in line with equipment following: Self-paced Distance protocol)
- Cleaning of tools Learning/  Practical demonstration
farm procedures
and equipment Modular Printed Face to face following Health
- Inspection of  Farm location
learning package, and Safety protocol)
2. Perform routine tools and  Farm tools
Offline eCBLM,
check-up and equipment  Farm
equipment Video and ppt
maintenance - Proper up keep
 Farm supplies Face to Face Discussion
of equipment
and materials and Demonstration
3. Store tools and  Application of (following Health and
equipment in safety measures Safety protocol)
designated areas and practice
in line with farm  Upkeep of
 Storage tools per
farm procedures

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 39

Unit of Competency : Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation

Module Title : Performing Estimation and Basic Calculation

Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to perform basic workplace calculations.

Nominal duration :

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

LO 1. Perform estimation

LO 2. Perform basic workplace calculation

LO 1. Perform estimation

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods

1. Identify job  Basic The students/

requirements from Mathematical  Lecture  Written
written or oral Operation Trainees must be  Exercises examination
communications.  Percentage and provided with the  Demonstration (following Health
ratios and Safety
 Unit Conversion Self-paced Distance protocol)
2. Estimate
 Basic accounting Learning/
quantities of  Access to Modular Printed  Exercises
principles and
materials and conversion Face to face
procedures learning package,
resources required tables, following Health
- Production Offline eCBLM, Video
calculators, and Safety
to complete a work cost and ppt
weighing protocol)
activity. - Sales
scales, and Face to Face Discussion
- Accounts other and Demonstration
receivables/  Demonstration
4. Make accurate measuring (following Health and
payables Face to face
estimate for work tools Safety protocol) following Health
 Estimating farm  Information on
completion and Safety
inputs and labor the packing
requirements protocol)
5. Report the weight of
 Reporting feeds,
estimate of materials estimation to fertilizers and
and resources to appropriate person biologics
appropriate person  Preparation of  Work task
reports material
 Record keeping requirement
 Sample

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 40

LO 2. Perform basic workplace calculation

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods

1. Identify  Basic The students/

calculations to be Mathematical trainees must  Lecture  Written
made according Operation be provided  Practical examinations
to job  Systems of with the Exercises (following Health
measurement  Demonstration and Safety
requirements. following:
 Units of Self-paced protocol)
2. Identify correct measurement  Access to Distance
 Basic Learning/  Exercises
method of conversion
calculation Modular Printed Face to face
calculation tables,
 Methods of learning package, following Health
calculation Offline eCBLM, and Safety
3. Ascertain weighing
 Systems and protocol)
system and units scales, and Video and ppt
unit of other Face to Face
of measurement measurement  Demonstration
measuring Discussion and
to be followed  Percentage tools Face to face
Demonstration following Health
and fraction  Information (following Health and
4. Perform calculation and Safety
on the Safety protocol)
calculation  Conversion protocol)
needed to of units weight of
complete work  Basic feeds,
tasks using the accounting fertilizers
four basic process principles and
of addition, and biologics
procedures work task
multiplication and requirement
division. and
5. Use fraction,  Pen/ pencil/
percentage and paper
mixed in
calculating to
complete the

6. Employ
techniques in
accuracy of result.

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 41

LO 3. Perform preventive maintenance

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Clean tools and  Routine checkup The students/

equipment and maintenance trainees must be  Demonstration  Written /Oral
immediately after use of tools and provided with the  Interaction examination
in line with farm equipment following: Self-paced (following Health
- Cleaning of Distance and Safety
tools and Learning/ protocol)
equipment  Farm location Modular Printed  Practical
2. Perform routine - Inspection of  Farm tools demonstration
check-up and tools and  Farm equipment Face to face following
package, Offline
maintenance equipment  Farm supplies Health and Safety
and materials eCBLM, Video
- Proper up keep protocol)
and ppt
3. Store tools and of equipment
Face to Face
equipment in  Application of
Discussion and
designated areas in safety measures
and practice
line with farm (following Health and
 Upkeep of
procedures Safety protocol)
 Storage tools per
farm procedures

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 42

Unit of Competency : Process Farm Wastes

Module Title : Processing Farm Wastes

Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to process farm wastes. It comprises functions such
as collecting farm wastes, conducting waste identification and
segregation, treating and processing farm wastes and
performing housekeeping duties.

Nominal duration :

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

LO 1. Collect farm wastes

LO 2. Identify and segregate wastes

LO 3. Perform housekeeping

LO 1. Collect farm wastes

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment


1. Prepare tools and * Tools and materials for The students/

materials for collection of agricultural waste collection  Lecture  Observation
farm wastes Trainees must be  Demonstration and
* Categories of farm wastes provide with the Self-paced questioning
2. Collect wastes following following: Distance Learning/  Demonstrati
Modular Printed on
OSHS and waste * Wastes collection and
learning package, Face to face following
collection requirements segregation procedures  Tools and
materials used Offline eCBLM, Health and Safety
and plan
in wastes Video and ppt protocol)
* Farm waste handling,
storage and disposal manage Face to Face Discussion
3. Collect dangerous and
ment and Demonstration
hazardous wastes procedures protocols (following Health and
following the HAZMAT Safety protocol)
(hazardous material) * collection of waste
- waste collection
4. Wear appropriate requirements and plan
personal protective
equipment (PPE) as - OSHS
prescribed by
Occupational Safety and - HAZMAT protocol
Health Standards (OSHS)
- Profitability of the operation

* Volume of waste

* Wearing of PPE

* Principles of 5S and 3R

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 43

LO 2. Identify and segregate wastes

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods


1. Wastes are * Categories of farm The students/trainees

identified by wastes must be provided with *Lecture *Observation and questioning
categories according the following:
to industry standards - Verification of *Demonstration (following Health and Safety
and environmental farm waste *Farm area protocol)
legislation identification from Self-paced
authority *Tools, supplies and Distance *Demonstration
2. Wastes are materials use in farm
Modular Printed Face to face following Health
segregated * Waste segregation wastes collection,
learning and Safety protocol)
according to segregation and
package, Offline
organizational - Contamination processing
eCBLM, Video
requirements and prevention
and ppt
relevant legislation *Housekeeping tools
Face to Face
-Sorting and supplies
Discussion and
3. Sorted waste is Demonstration
placed into labelled -Placing in labeled *PPE (following Health and
container to avoid containers Safety protocol)
littering and prevent
cross- contamination * Codes and
regulations on waste
4. Information on identification and
waste is obtained by segregation
asking authority to
ensure correct

LO 3. Treat and Process farm wastes

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Dangerous and * Hazardous waste The students/trainees

hazardous wastes are categories must be provided with
handled according to the following: *Lecture *Observation and
organizational * Proper handling of questioning (following
requirements and wastes *Farm area *Demonstration Health and Safety protocol)
relevant legislation
following OSHS - OSHS *Different farm wastes Self-paced *Demonstration
procedures. 3.2. Distance
*Processing of wastes *Tools, supplies and Learning/ Face to face following
Processing of farm
Modular Printed Health and Safety protocol)
wastes is done following materials use in farm
-OSHS learning
environmental legislation wastes collection,
package, Offline
and codes. 3.3. segregation and
*Waste segregation list eCBLM, Video
Principles of 3Rs processing
and ppt
(reduce, reuse and
*3Rs (reduce, reuse and *Housekeeping tools Face to Face
recycle) are applied Discussion and
accordingly. 3.4. Farm recycle) Environmental and supplies
wastes are disposed of legislations/policies on
(following Health and
according to waste management and *PPE Safety protocol)
environmental legislation disposal
and codes.

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 44

LO 4. Perform housekeeping

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment


1. Appropriate *Placing of warning The students/trainees

warning signs and signs and labels in must be provided with
labels are displayed workplace the following: *Lecture *Observation and
in conspicuous places questioning
around the workplace. *Cleaning of work *Farm area *Demonstration
area (following Health and
2. Work area is *Different farm wastes Self-paced Safety protocol
cleaned according to -5S of good Distance
5S principles. housekeeping *Tools, supplies and Learning/ *Demonstration
Modular Printed
materials use in farm
learning Face to face following
3. Tools are checked, -Housekeeping wastes collection,
package, Offline Health and Safety
cleaned and stowed segregation and
-Maintenance eCBLM, Video protocol)
according to processing
schedule and ppt
established industry
*Housekeeping tools Face to Face
procedures and
Discussion and
following user’s -Housekeeping and supplies
manual. inspection checklist (following Health and
*Manufacturer’s Safety protocol)
4. Materials are *Cleaning and instruction manual
stored following checking tools
industry standard *PPE
procedures and -industry procedures
manufacturer’s and user’s manual
*Storage of materials
5. PPE is checked for and equipment
damage prior to
ensuring that clean -Industry procedure
and undamaged
equipment is stored. -Inspection of PPE
and equipment
6. Storage facility is
checked to ensure no *Record keeping
contamination in the according to industry
area according to requirements
requirements and
legislation and codes.

7. Record keeping is
done according to

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 45

Unit of Competency : Perform Record- Keeping

Module Title : Perform Record-Keeping

Module Descriptor :
This module covers the knowledge, skills and
attitude required to carry-out inventory activities,
maintain production record and prepare financial

Nominal Duration : 8 hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Carry out inventory activities

LO2. Maintain production record

LO3. Prepare financial records

LO 1. Carry out inventory activities

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment


1. Determine *Kinds of tools and The students/ Self-paced

inventory inputs equipment Distance
according enterprise trainees Learning/ *Observation and
*Defects of tools and Modular Printed questioning
equipment must be provided learning
2. Determine package, Offline (following Health and
defective tools and *Safety during with the following: eCBLM, Video Safety protocol
equipment according inspections of tools, and ppt
to operation manual. farm implements and *Tools and materials Face to Face *Demonstration
equipment used Discussion and
3. Inspect facilities Demonstration Face to face following
according to standard *Codes and laws on *PPE (following Health and Health and Safety
codes and laws. inspection of facilities Safety protocol protocol)
*Codes and laws on
inspection of facilities *Lecture


Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 46

LO 2. Maintain production record

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment


1. Prepare production *Monitoring method The students/trainees

plan according to must be provided with
enterprises *Farm planning and the following: *Lecture *Observation and
requirements. budgeting questioning
*Tools and materials *Demonstration
2. Prepare schedule *Methods and used in wastes (following Health and
for production process of production management Self-paced Safety protocol
activities based from
*Documentation of *PPE Learning/ *Demonstration
production and Modular Printed
requirements and
financial data learning Face to face following
plan. Health and Safety
package, Offline
*Maintenance of eCBLM, Video protocol)
3. Prepared
production report in records and ppt
accordance with Face to Face
enterprise reporting Discussion and
procedure. Demonstration
(following Health and
4. Monitor input and Safety protocol
production using
monitoring chart.

LO 3. Prepare financial records

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods

1. Compute *Basic mathematical The students/trainees

production cost using operations must be provided with
established the following: *Lecture *Observation and
computation *Basic bookkeeping questioning
procedures. *Tools and materials *Demonstration
used in wastes (following Health and
2. Compute revenue management Self-paced Safety protocol
using established
*PPE Learning/ *Demonstration
computation Modular Printed
learning Face to face following
package, Offline Health and Safety
eCBLM, Video protocol)
and ppt
Face to Face
Discussion and
(following Health and
Safety protocol

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 47


Unit of Competency : Perform Nursery Operations

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 48

Module Title : Performing Nursery Operations

Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to perform nursery operations for agricultural crops
including establishing nursery shed, preparation and
handling of planting materials, preparation of growing media,
transplanting germinated seedlings and handling of nursery
tools and equipment.

Nominal Duration : 70 hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

LO 1. Prepare nursery tools, farm implements and simple equipment

LO 2. Maintain nursery facilities

LO 3. Handle seeds/planting material

LO 4. Prepare growing media

LO 5. Conduct propagation activities

LO 1. Prepare nursery tools, farm implements and simple equipment

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods


1. Prepare tools, * Tools and equipment uses The students/trainees must  Written
farm implements and specification be provided with the  Lecture/ Examination
and simple * Different kinds of tools, farm following: Discussion
equipment implements and simple  Farm area (following Health and
according work equipment  Nursery Self-paced Distance Safety protocol)
tools/implements/ Learning/
requirements * Safety precautions in
Simple equipment Modular Printed
2. Perform basic preparing tools, farm
 Manufacturer’s learning  Oral evaluation
pre-operative implements and simple
Manual package, Offline (following Health and
checking of tools, equipment
 PPE eCBLM, Video Safety protocol)
farm implements * Basic pre-operative
and ppt
and equipment in checking of tools/farm
accordance with implements and equipment  Demonstration
 Videos/
manufacturer’s * Corrosion with
manual and GAP * Friction Questions
 Demonstration
3. Segregate and Face to Face
 Hands-on
treat tools with Demonstration
Face to Face
wear and (following Health and
Discussion and
Safety protocol)
corrosions Demonstration
according to (following Health and
maintenance plan Safety protocol)
and procedures

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 49

LO 2. Maintain Nursery Facilities

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Maintain nursery * Maintain nursery The students/trainees must be  Lectures/  Written

sanitation according facilities provided with the following: Discussion Examination
to GAP standard * Safety practices  Farm area
2. Perform repair * Knowledge on  Nursery Self-paced Distance (following Health and
and maintenance of HACCP principles tools/implements/ Learning/ Safety protocol)
equipment Modular Printed learning
nursery facilities to * Knowledge on Good
 Manufacturer’s manual package, Offline
maximize their Agricultural Practices
efficiency and (GAP)  PPE eCBLM, Video  Oral evaluation
and ppt (following Health and
effectiveness * Workplace hazards
Safety protocol)
3. Apply preventive and its environmental
measures for implications  Videos/
inclement weather  Demonstration with
 Demonstration
4. Practice safety Questions
 Hands-on
measures according
Face to Face Discussion
to OSHS and Demonstration Face to Face
(following Health and Demonstration (following
Safety protocol) Health and Safety

LO 3. Handle Seeds/Planting Material

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Determine planting  Different The students/  Lectures/  Written

materials according to seed/planting Trainees must be Discussion Examination
kinds and varieties materials provided with the
2. Select quality seeds  Characteristics following: Self-paced Distance (following Health and
according to prescribed of quality seeds  Shed/green Learning/ Safety protocol)
 Seed testing house Modular Printed learning
methods  Nursery tools/ package, Offline
3. Conduct seed testing
to determine the  Seed scarification implements/ eCBLM, Video and  Oral evaluation
 Seed certification equipment ppt (following Health and
percentage germination
standard Safety protocol)
of the seedstock in  Seeds
accordance with the  Seed box  Videos/
illustration 
standard procedures  PPE
 Demonstration  Demonstration with
4. Treat planting Questions
 Hands-on
materials following
Face to Face Discussion
standard protocol and Demonstration Face to Face
5. Perform seed (following Health and Demonstration (following
scarification for Safety protocol) Health and Safety
germination purposes protocol)
based on type of crop

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 50

LO 4. Prepare Growing Media

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Prepare growing * Different growing media * The students/  Lectures/  Written

media according to * Preparation and mixing Trainees must be Discussion Examination
prescribed mixture and of growing media provided with the
crop requirement * Proper seed growing following: Self-paced Distance (following Health and
2. Place growing techniques  Shed/green Learning/ Safety protocol)
House Modular Printed learning
media in prescribed * Types of soils
 Nursery tools/ package, Offline
containers according
to crop requirements implements/ eCBLM, Video and  Oral evaluation
equipment ppt (following Health and
3. Arrange and label
 Videos/ Safety protocol)
containers according  Mixing tools such
as: shovel, trowel Illustrations
to varieties/species
 Growing media:  Demonstration
4. Prepare seedbed  Demonstration with
soil,  Hands-on
based on crop species Questions
manure Face to Face Discussion
 Agri. bags and Demonstration
(following Health and Face to Face
 Fertilizers
Safety protocol) Demonstration (following
 Pesticides
Health and Safety

LO 5. Conduct Propagation Activities

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Set-up nursery * Transplanting *The students/trainees  Lectures/  Written

shed according to procedure must be Discussion Examination
plant requirement * Plant propagation provided with
2. Select quality techniques the following: Self-paced Distance (following Health and
seedlings based on * distance and depth of  Shed/green Learning/ Safety protocol)
house Modular Printed learning
prescribed planting
 Quality seedlings package, Offline
characteristics * Characteristics of
3. Select quality seedlings  Growing media eCBLM, Video  Oral evaluation
 Shovel and ppt (following Health and
propagation * Procedures and
 Trowel Safety protocol)
materials according recommendation of
to propagation transplanting  Sieve propagating  Videos/
media (garden illustrations
activity * Characteristics of  Demonstration with
soil,  Demonstration
4. Perform plant propagating media saw dust, sand, Questions
 Hands-on
propagation * Different types of composed, Face to Face Discussion
techniques based propagating media coconut dust, and Demonstration Face to Face
on recommended * Procedure in proper (following Health and Demonstration (following
rice hull, etc)
practices mixing propagating Safety protocol) Health and Safety
 Sacks/bag protocol)
5. Maintain media using the ratio  Gloves
germinated and proportion  PPE
seedlings until fully
6. Perform pricking
and thinning of
seedlings based on
Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 51

Unit of Competency : Plant Crops

Module Title : Planting Crops

Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills and

attitudes required to conduct activities related to land
preparation and planting of agricultural crops. This
module also includes proper handling of
seeds/seedlings/saplings for planting and
transplanting, proper use of tools and equipment,
conduct land preparation and field lay-out.

Nominal Duration : 70 hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

LO 1. Prepare land for planting

LO 2. Conduct field lay-out

LO 3. Dig holes

LO 4. Perform direct seeding

LO 5. Transplant seedlings

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 52

LO 1. Prepare Land for Planting

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Prepare tools, * Land preparation The students/  Hands-on  Written

materials and equipment - Plowing Trainees must be  Lectures/ Examination
for land clearing - Harrowing provided with the Discussion
2. Clear the land - Leveling following: (following Health and
according to prescribed - Furrowing  Shed/green Self-paced Safety protocol)
methods of land * Proper use of  house Distance Learning/
 Tool room and Modular Printed
preparation tools and
farm house learning  Oral evaluation
3. Remove and dispose equipment
 Farm tools/ package, (following Health and
debris according to  Debris Safety protocol)
implements/ Offline eCBLM,
waste management - stones
equipment Video and ppt
standards - sticks
4. Collect soil samples - unwanted  Farm supplies
  Demonstration with
Vegetation PPE  Videos/
for analysis based on Questions
standard procedure 5 other
garbage  demonstrate
5. Conduct land Face to Face
preparation according to  Debris Demonstration (following
Face to Face
crop requirement - stones Health and Safety
Discussion and
6. Apply basal fertilizer - sticks Demonstration protocol)
based on crop - unwanted (following Health and
requirement vegetation Safety protocol)
7. Follow safety - other
procedures for fertilizer garbage
application is according  Basal fertilizer
to OSHS application

LO 2. Conduct Field Lay-Out

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Prepare tools and * Tools and material The students/  Hands-on  Written
materials for field for field lay- out trainees must be  Lectures/ Examination
lay-out  Interpret provided Discussion
2. Interpret field lay- lay-out with the following: (following Health and Safety
out plan according  Shed/green Self-paced Distance protocol)
to the recommended house Learning/
Modular Printed learning
planting system  Tool room and
farm house package, Offline  Oral evaluation
3. Lay-out field
 Farm tools/ eCBLM, Video and (following Health and Safety
according to
implements/ ppt protocol)
planting system equipment
 Farm supplies  Videos/
illustrations  Demonstration with
 Demonstration

Face to Face Discussion Face to Face Demonstration

and Demonstration (following Health and Safety
(following Health and Safety protocol)

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 53

LO 3. Dig Holes

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Perform digging of * Digging holes The students/  Hands-on  Written

holes based on crop * Proper soil Trainees must be  Lectures/ Examination
requirement Sampling provided with the Discussion
2. Separate top soil is  Collection of soil following: (following Health and Safety
to be used in covering sample  Shed/ Self-paced Distance protocol)
the hole after planting  Basal fertilizer green house Learning/
application Modular Printed learning
3. Perform basal  Tool room and
farm house package, Offline  Oral evaluation
fertilizer application is
 Farm tools/ eCBLM, Video and (following Health and Safety
based on
implements/ ppt protocol)
amount equipment
 Farm supplies  Videos/
illustrations  Demonstration with
 Demonstration
Face to Face Discussion
and Demonstration Face to Face Demonstration
(following Health and Safety (following Health and Safety
protocol) protocol)

LO 4. Perform Direct Seeding

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Plant seeds * Distance and The students/ trainees • Hands-on  Written

according to depth of planting must • Lectures/ Examination
recommended rate, * Importance of Discussion
distance and depth replanting be provided with (following Health and Safety
2. Do timely replanting Self-paced Distance protocol)
according to the following: Learning/
recommended Modular Printed
practices for a • Shed/ learning package,  Oral evaluation
Offline eCBLM, (following Health and Safety
particular crop
green house Video and ppt protocol)
3. Follow safety
procedures according  Tool room
to Occupational Safety and farm • Videos/
 Demonstration with
and Health Standards house illustrations
(OSHS) and Good •Demonstration
Agricultural Practices • Farm tools/ Face to Face Demonstration
(GAP) Face to Face Discussion (following Health and Safety
implements/ and Demonstration protocol)
equipment (following Health and
Safety protocol)
• Farm supplies


Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 54

LO 5. Transplant Seedlings

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods


1. Perform handling * Distance and depth * The students/trainees • Hands-on  Written

of seedlings from of planting must be provided with Examination
nursery is based on * Characteristics of the following: • Lectures/
prescribed practices quality seedlings  Shed/green house (following Health and Safety
2. Do transplanting * Procedures and  Tool room and farm Discussion protocol)
of seedlings based recommendation of house
on crop practices transplanting  Trowel Self-paced Distance
3. Do re-bagging for  Shovel Learning/  Oral evaluation
 Bolos Modular Printed learning (following Health and Safety
a particular crop
 Quality seedlings package, Offline protocol)
 PPE eCBLM, Video and
4. Do timely
replanting based on  Demonstration with
planting protocol Questions
5. Follow safety
• Videos/
procedures Face to Face Demonstration
according to (following Health and Safety
illustrations protocol)
Occupational Safety
and Health
Standards (OSHS)
and Good Face to Face Discussion
Agricultural and Demonstration
Practices (GAP) (following Health and
Safety protocol)

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 55

Unit of Competency : Care and Maintain Crops

Module Title : Caring and Maintaining Crops

Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills and

attitudes required to provide forage which include
functions during forage area preparation, planting
and maintenance activities of forage area, production
of silage and completion of work.
Nominal Duration :

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

LO 1. Apply pest control measure

LO 2. Apply fertilizer

LO 3. Water crops

LO 4. Perform pruning

LO 5. Perform physical growth-enhancing practices

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 56

LO 1. Apply Pest Control Measure

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Monitor pests * Pest control The students/  Hands-on  Written

incidence based on procedures trainees must be  Lectures/ Examination
prescribed * Safety precautions in provided with the Discussion
procedure using chemicals following: (following Health and
2. Prepare tools and * Chemical to use in  Shed/green house Self-paced Distance Safety protocol)
materials according fertilizing and  Tool room and farm Learning/
house Modular Printed learning
to specific pest controlling pests
 Knapsack package, Offline  Oral evaluation
control measure
 sprayer eCBLM, Video and (following Health and
3. Follow  Pest monitoring Safety protocol)
 Pesticides ppt
appropriate pest by recording and
reporting pests  Seedlings
control measures
incidence  PPE  Videos/ illustration
based on GAP  Demonstration with
 Demonstration
4. Observe and Questions
Face to Face Discussion
practice safety and Demonstration
measures according (following Health and Face to Face
to Occupational Safety protocol) Demonstration (following
Health and Safety Health and Safety
(OHS) procedures_ protocol)

LO 2. Apply Fertilizer

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 57

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Prepare tools and * Fertilizer application The students/  Hands-on  Written

materials according to * Fertilizer and chemical Trainees must be  Lectures/ Examination
prescribed user’s computation provided with the Discussion
manual * Recommended rate following: (following Health and Safety
2. Identify fertilizers data  Shed/green Self-paced protocol)
based on kinds * Safety precautions in house Distance Learning/
Modular Printed
3. Apply fertilizer rates fertilizer application  Tool room and
farm house learning  Oral evaluation
based on crop
 Knapsack package, Offline (following Health and Safety
sprayer eCBLM, Video protocol)
4. Employ appropriate
 Fertilizer and ppt
method of fertilizer
 Seedlings
application based on  Demonstration with
 PPE  Videos/
crop requirements Questions
5. Apply precautionary
 Demonstration
measures to avoid Face to Face Face to Face Demonstration
cross contamination Discussion and (following Health and Safety
based on GAP Demonstration protocol)
6. Follow safety (following Health and
procedures according Safety protocol)
to Occupational Safety
and Health Standards

LO 3. Water Crops

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Determine soil * Good Agricultural * The  Hands-on  Written

moisture content practices students/trainees  Lectures/ Examination
based on soil field * Proper must be provided Discussion
capacity types/methods of with the following: (following Health and
Self-paced Distance Safety protocol)
2. Perform watering irrigation  Shed/green
house Learning/
following the * Right irrigation
Modular Printed
prescribed method system  Tool room and
learning  Oral evaluation
and schedule farm house
 PPE package, Offline (following Health and
3. Observe good Safety protocol)
eCBLM, Video
and ppt
 Demonstration
 Videos/ illustration
 Demonstration
Face to Face
Discussion and
Demonstration Face to Face
(following Health and Demonstration
Safety protocol) (following Health and
Safety protocol)

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 58

LO 4. Perform Pruning

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods


1. Perform * Pruning method The students/  Hands-on  Written

pruning method * Proper tools and Trainees  Lectures/ Examination
according to materials for pruning Must be provided with Discussion
crops * Precautionary the following: (following Health and Safety
2. Prepare tools Measures in pruning  Shed/ Self-paced protocol)
and materials for green Distance Learning/
Modular Printed
pruning house
learning  Oral evaluation
3. Follow safety  Tool room and farm
house package, Offline (following Health and Safety
 Nursery tools/ eCBLM, Video protocol)
according to
implements/ and ppt
Safety and Health equipment
 Demonstration with
 PPE  Videos/
Standards and Questions
 Demonstration
Face to Face Face to Face Demonstration
Discussion and (following Health and Safety
Demonstration protocol)
(following Health and
Safety protocol)

LO 5. Perform Physical Growth- Enhancing Practices

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods

1. Prepare tools and  Tools and The students/  Hands-on  Written

equipment for equipment for trainees  Lectures/ Examination
cultivation according cultivation must be provided with the Discussion
to PNS: PAES 101  Different mulching following: (following Health and
materials Self-paced Distance Safety protocol)
2. Carry out  Shed/green
 Importance Learning/
cultivation practices house
of using mulches Modular Printed learning
based on crop  Tool room and farm
 Characteristics of package, Offline  Oral evaluation
requirement house
mulches eCBLM, Video (following Health and
3. Perform  Nursery tools/
implements/ and ppt Safety protocol)
rejuvenating activities
according to equipment
 PPE  Videos/ illustration
established cultural  Demonstration with
 Demonstration
practices Questions
Face to Face Discussion
4. Perform growth and Demonstration
training technique for (following Health and Face to Face
different crops Safety protocol) Demonstration (following
5. Carry out mulching Health and Safety

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 59

techniques based on protocol)
6. Follow safety
procedures according
to Occupational
Safety and Health

Unit of Competency : Carry- out Harvest and Postharvest Operations

Module Title : Carry- out Harvest and Postharvest Operations

Module Descriptor : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to perform harvest and postharvest operations
of major agricultural crops including maintaining quality
of produce for distribution. This module also includes
proper use of tools and equipment required to perform
the activities. This module does not include secondary

Nominal Duration : 40 hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

LO 1. Perform pre- harvest operations

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 60
LO 2. Perform harvesting activity

LO 3. Perform postharvest operation

LO 4. Monitor storage pest and diseases

LO 1. Perform Pre- Harvest Operations

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods


1. Identify crop * Harvesting time The students/  Hands-on  Written

maturity according * Maturity indices Trainees must be provided  Lectures/ Examination
to parameters methods with the following: Discussion
affecting * Factors to consider  Shed/green (following Health and
physiological growth in determining house Self-paced Distance Safety protocol)
and physical matured vegetable  Tool room and farm Learning/
house Modular Printed learning
indicators crops
 Nursery tools/ package, Offline  Oral evaluation
2. Verify and refer
implements/ eCBLM, Video and (following Health and
records of crop
equipment ppt Safety protocol)
agronomic history
for maturity  Harvesting tools and
materials  Videos/ illustration
3. Remove  Demonstration with
 PPE  Demonstration
obstructions from Questions
Face to Face Discussion
the field for efficient and Demonstration
harvesting (following Health and Face to Face
4. Harvesting tools Safety protocol) Demonstration (following

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 61

and materials, and Health and Safety
temporary shed are protocol)
5. Check records
regarding crops to
be harvested

LO 2. Perform Harvesting Activity

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods


1. Implement * Time and * The students/trainees  Hands-on  Written

appropriate methods of must be provided with the  Lectures/ Examination
harvesting methods harvesting following: Discussion
based on best vegetable crops * Shed/green (following Health and
cultural practices * Techniques and House Self-paced Distance Safety protocol)
for each crop using importance of  Tool room and farm Learning/
Modular Printed learning
suitable tools harvesting house
 Nursey tools/ package, Offline eCBLM,  Oral evaluation
2. Handle crops * Appropriate
implements Video and ppt (following Health and
according to the packing materials
equipment Safety protocol)
postharvest * Stages of
 Harvesting tools and  Videos/ illustration
treatment maturity
materials  Demonstration
3. Harvest crops  Demonstration with
 PPE Face to Face Discussion and
based on maturity Demonstration (following Health Questions
indices and and Safety protocol)
characteristics Face to Face
affecting harvest Demonstration (following
quality Health and Safety
4. Perform protocol)
harvesting while
observing GAP

LO 3. Perform Postharvest Operation

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods


1. Employ * Specifications and The students/  Hands-on  Written

postharvest uses of postharvest Trainees must be  Lectures/ Examination
operations are tools, equipment/ provided with the Discussion
based on standard facilities, supplies following: (following Health and
are followed and materials  Shed/green house Self-paced Distance Safety protocol)
2. Monitor use of * Postharvest  Tool room and farm Learning/
house Modular Printed learning
postharvest technology
 Nursery tools/ package, Offline eCBLM,  Oral evaluation

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 62

equipment is * Postharvest implements Video and ppt (following Health and
avoiding damage treatment equipment Safety protocol)
to crop in line with * Practices of  Harvesting tools  Videos/ illustration
manufacturer/ente packaging, storing, and materials  Demonstration
rprise procedures labeling and  Storage facilities Face to Face Discussion and  Demonstration with
 PPE Demonstration (following Health Questions
3. Do handling marketing
and Safety protocol)
and packaging
Face to Face
according to Demonstration (following
variety and Health and Safety
destination protocol)
4. Store and stack
crops in cool dry
place prior to
distribution in line
with enterprise

LO 4. Monitor Storage Pest and Diseases

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment Methods


1. Identify pest * Different storage The students/  Hands-on  Written

based on references pests and Trainees must be  Lectures/ Examination
for storage pest and diseases provided with the Discussion
diseases * Prevention and following; (following Health and
2. Log and report control measures  Shed/green Self-paced Distance Safety protocol)
identified storage of pests house Learning/
Modular Printed learning
pest and diseases * Proper storage  Tool room and farm
house package, Offline eCBLM,  Oral evaluation
are to immediate practices
 Nursery tools/ Video and ppt (following Health and
implements/ Safety protocol)
equipment  Videos/ illustration
 Storage facilities  Demonstration
Face to Face Discussion and  Demonstration with
 Logbooks
Demonstration (following Health Questions
and Safety protocol)
Face to Face
Demonstration (following
Health and Safety

Agricultural Crops Production NC II - 63


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