ComDEall - Terms and Conditions - 22.11.2013

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The Communication DEALL Program

Terms and conditions for setting up a TTraining Unit under the
guidance of Communication DEALL

1. Preamble:

Communication DEALL is an early intervention program for children with

communication disorders including Pervasive Developmental Disorders PDD)
Autism, Specific Language Impairment (SLI), Developmental Verbal
Dyspraxia (DVD) and other Childhood Developmental Disorders which aims
at maximizing their potential through intensive preschool intervention.

Over the last couple of decades the incidence of developmental disorders

such as Autism, PDD, SLI and DVD which were earlier thought to be rare
disorders, has risen alarmingly. As of now, intensive early intervention is the
most promising approach for alleviation of these disorders.

The Communication DEALL (Developmental Eclectic Approach to Language

Learning) program grew out of concern for the increasing number of children
identified with developmental language disorders and in response to the near
total lack of early intervention facilities in India. The Communication DEALL
program has been developed by Dr. Prathibha Karanth, a pioneer in the field
of Speech – Language Pathology in India.

The program provides intensive stimulation and training (3 hours / day, 5

days / week, over an academic year) to small groups of preschool children
with developmental disorders. The major thrust of the training module is on
communication with due consideration also given to the motor, cognitive,
behavioral and social aspects of the child’s development.

Communication DEALL is a self-financed program managed by a multi

disciplinary team of Speech – Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists
and Educators. Children are assessed for language – communication, motor,
and social developmental as well as behavioralbehavioural issues and receive
intervention in all these areas. The DEALL staff works in individual, small,
group sessions (3 children / therapist) as well as large groups (6 – 12
children). Ideally, enrollment in DEALL should take place by the age of 2
years giving the child maximum opportunity to attain age appropriate
behaviour and skills by the school entry age of 5 years. Children who attain
this goal by the end of the first or second year are integrated in regular
school at such time.

One of the primary goals of intervention for children with developmental

disabilities has been, to integrate them in regular schools to the extent
possible. It is our contention that successful mainstreaming of children with
developmental disabilities can only be achieved with adequate preparation in
the preschool years. It is also impractical to expect that such early
intervention can be provided on a large scale by national institutions whose
reach is geographically restricted. Intervention for developmental disabilities
is, more often than not, long term in nature and has to be provided on a
sustained basis over a prolonged period of time. The reach of intervention
programs become restricted when families have to either uproot themselves
and relocate to the few urban centers were such services are available or
when they have to commute long distances on a daily basis with their
disabled child, even when they are located within urban areas that offer
these facilities. It is therefore our intention to establish the Communication
DEALL program as a viable alternate model that with training can be
replicated as and where needed, in order to serve the requirements of an
ever- increasing number of children with developmental language disorders
including those in the Autism Spectrum Disorders; within their community.
Ideally the Com DEALL unit should function as a part of a regular school or

be situated in the premises of a preschool. Apart from providing an

environment and routine that is close to that of a child growing typically,
thereby adding to the comfort of the child with developmental disability and
his or her family; it has the added advantage of sensitizing regular school
teachers, typically growing children and their parents to the needs of children
with developmental disabilities.

1.1 Display Board

(Specifications attached) Annexure A

1.2 Infrastructure

(a) Space –:
(i) The minimum space required for the set up is 800 to 1000 square feet.
(ii) Separate spaces are required for each of the sections namely
Occupational therapy (OT), Speech language therapy (SLT) and
Academic related activities.
(iii) The largest area (300 square feet or more) is to be allotted to the OT
section and this room can be used for classroom based activities also.
(iv) 3 cubicles of about 5 ft by 5 ft size each for SLT and Academic
(v) A semi enclosed play area is required for the children, provision for
which can be made in the OT room
(vi) 1 toilet with provision for making it child friendly.
(vii) Restricted numbers of entrances and exits.
(viii) Small area for Administrative work (to accommodate a table, chair and
notice board).

(b) Fixtures and Furnishing

Sufficient lighting

(i) Ceiling Fans in each room / cubicles

(ii) Plug points, regulators and switches at a height (around 5 feet from the
(iii) 12 low level chairs (for children)
(iv) 5 adult low level chairs
(v) 4 low level tables (3.5 ft x 2 ft x 1.5 ft)
(vi) 2 open racks
(vii) Closed cupboards (3 full sized cupboards)
(viii) 1 large table, 2 chairs, phone connection & notice board (for
administrative area)
(ix) Water facility
(x) Black Board

(c) Therapy materials

Most therapy materials used in the Communication DEALL program are
similar in nature to those used in preschools. However it is essential to have
a certain minimum amount of these in each DEALL unit. An illustrative
minimal list of the materials required is therefore attached to this document
as an annexure (B)

In addition each unit is required to obtain a set of Communicaids - therapy

aids that have been specifically developed by Com-DEALL Trust, for the
population that it serves.

1.3 Budget

(a) Fee Structure – The Communication DEALL program was set up as a

self financed, self sufficient, intensive yet affordable program. The fees

charged are therefore based entirely on the expenses that are incurred. The
biggest expense incurred is the staff salary and 50% of the fee charged is
committed towards staff salary. All other expenses such as

Infrastructure, maintenance and consumables are to be met from the


1.4. Staff –

(a) The core team* should comprise of -

(i) Group leader: SLT / OT (Recognized Masters Degree in the respective

fields / Bachelor’s Degree with at least 3 years of experience in the
(ii) SLT / OT (Recognized Bachelor’s Degree in the respective field).
(iii) Developmental Educator (M.Ed. / B.Ed. with 3 years experience or
Masters in Child development/ Developmental psychology)
(iv) Maid
Each team should have at least one SLT and one OT. All team members
should have competence, sensitivity and commitments towards working with
children with developmental disabilities. The group leader for each team will
be the individual with the highest qualification and/ or experience. Those with
experience in DEALL will be given preference. It is mandatory that at least
one of the three professional staff,

Preferably the group leader should be registered with the Rehabilitation

Council of India. (Candidates with any one of the following qualifications
recognized by the RCI and with adequate work experience in the area of
Autism Spectrum Disorders may be considered –Clinical Psychologist/Rehab
Psychologist /Rehab Social Worker/Rehab Counselor/Rehab Work Manager).

Provisional Budget


Training fee to COMDEALL for 2 units

Educational and therapy materials

Infrastructure 1,00,000.00

Travel, boarding & lodging in Bangalore for 6 trainees for 2

weeks 90,000

Travel, boarding and lodging in Bangalore for 2 co-ordinators 8,000

from SRU for 2 days

Travel, boarding & lodging in Chennai for onestaff from

Two Speech therapists salaries 30,000.00
(part time)

Two Occupational therapists 30,000.00

salaries (part time)

Two Educators/psychologist 30,000.00


Group leader allowance for 2 4,000


One Manager’s Salary (full time) 38,000.00

One Secretary’s salary 10,000.00

Two Maid’s salary 10,000.00

Other expenses –( Phone,

electricity, internet etc) 25,000.00

TOTAL 1,77,000.00
COMDEALL – 3 visits

TOTAL 7,73,000.00



Two Speech therapists salaries 30,000.00


(part time)

Two Occupational therapists 30,000.00

salaries (part time)

Two Educators/psychologist 30,000.00


Group leader allowance for 2 4,000


One Manager’s Salary (full time) 38,000.00

One Secretary’s salary 10,000.00

Two Maid’s salary 10,000.00

Other expenses –( Phone,

electricity, internet etc) 25,000.00

TOTAL 1,77,000.00



GROUP 1 9.30AM to 12.30PM 15

GROUP 2 9 30 am to 12. 30 pm 15


Rs. 8,000.00/child
GROUP 1 8,000x15 = 1,20,000.00
1.30PM – 3.30PM
GROUP 2 8,000x15 = 1,20,000.00
TOTAL Rs. 2,40,000.00

ESTIMATED returns per month



Total Income

Total expenditure 1,77,000.00

TOTAL 63,000.00

(b) Selection & training of staff

1. Selected Staff will be oriented and trained in

i. Assessments including observational assessments (building
sensitivity towards a child’s skills and difficulties)

ii. Profiling (Illustrating the assessment findings on the DEALL profile

and interpreting them)

iii. Counseling parents / care givers on–

1. assessment findings
2. nature of child’s problem
3. sensitizing them about the child’s difficulties
4. discussing short and long term intervention plan
iv. Intervention-

1. Setting therapy goals based on individual profiles

2. Group therapy (formation of subgroups and working in groups of
3 , 6 and 12 children
3. Managing behavioral issues
4. Demonstration therapy for parents / caregivers (modeling how to
interact with the child , to elicit responses, to handle behavioral
v. Re – evaluation (mid term and final evaluations)

vi. Discharge criteria

Vii.Building interpersonal skills


1.5 Certification of group leader

–a) On completion of a minimum of 3 years as a group leader of a DEALL

unit, all group leaders are eligible for recognition as a certified Group Leader
by the Com DEALL Trust subject to the individual meeting the following

b) The criteria for recognition of a group leader are as follows:

i. Qualification
1) SLT / OT/ Psychologist / Educator
2) Masters’ degree with 3 years experience in the DEALL program OR
3) Bachelors’ degree with 4 years experience in the DEALL program.
ii. Commitment
Should uUnderstand the objectives and be able to adhere to the
DEALL philosophy
1) S/he should have a commitment to the program

iii. Leadership qualities

1) Ability to hold the team together : S/he should be able to coordinate
the activities of the all staff members of a unit and lead the team to
ensure smooth functioning of the group,
2) S/he should be able to function as a team member while also being the
team leader
3) Should have a pro – active approach towards the Communication
DEALL program and the promotion of the overall well being of children
with developmental disabilities
iv. Decision making ability

1) Should be able to take well informed and prompt decisions relating to

the over – all functioning of the group
v. Conducting meetings / Demonstration therapy
1) S/he should be able to organize and preside over meetings with
parents and team members
2) S/he should be able to tactfully handle issues in a group as well as on
one- on – one meetings (with respect to parents as well as team
vi. Counseling skills
1) Should be able to resolve issues that the parents are facing (regarding
child issues )
vii. Writing skills
1) S/he should have good writing skills.
viii. Networking skills
1) S/he should be able to form and maintain a network with allied

1.6. Selection & Admission of children:

1. The affiliate should have a referral network as a source for finding

children suitable for the program.
2. Prior to deciding on a child’s admission into the program, the following
points should be taken into consideration-
i. The Communication DEALL program was primarily developed for
children with neurogenic developmental disorders such as ASD/PDD,
SLI and DVD. While others with similar developmental delays such as
children with Cerebral Palsy will also benefit from the program, it is
recommended that the majority of the children be selected from the
diagnostic categories listed above. One or two children with global

developmental delays but without gross physical disabilities or

mental retardation may be admitted in a group, if need be.

ii. Significant gaps (6 months or more) should be present in the

developmental skills when compared to age matched peers

iii. Preference of admission to be given to younger children

iv. Associated issues to be looked into- children with hearing

impairment, mental retardation would not benefit from admission
into the DEALL program.

v. Distance and traveling time should be kept to the minimum (if

other centers are present in the city)

1.7 Monitoring & reporting

(i) Monitoring: The Com-DEALL Ttrust will periodically monitor the

functioning of the affiliate centre.


(iii) Representative of the Com-DEALL trust will visit the centre twhrice in
the first year (mid and end of term), and its discretion subsequently.


(v) Reporting: The affiliate centre should send monthly reports to Com-
DEALL (on the functioning of the program and progress of individual
children) during the training period.

1.8 Networking

The affiliate centre should build networks with school that are sensitive to
children with special needs, within the city.

As and when the child moves in to a mainstream school, the affiliate

centre should monitor the child in school (his progress and difficulties);
through the developmental educator familiar with the child.



A. Display Board


Content enclosed

B. Therapy materials

Listed below are the basic therapy materials required for setting up of a
DEALL unit.

(i) Materials common to all three sections are-

1. 4 Baskets (1.5 ft x 1 ft x 1 ft)
2. Files for each child enrolled (for documentation purposes)
3. Notebooks for each child enrolled (100 / 200 page ruled small
5. Stationery (stapler, punching machine etc.)
(ii) Therapy materials specific to the OT section area
1. Trampoline
2. Swing (baby)
3. Bolster swing
4. Circular swing
5. Rocking bed
6. Scooter board
7. Cycle & tricycle
8. Therapy balls / gym ball
9. Fine motor materials – ADL materials
10. Mattresses
11. Mirror
12. Mats (to fit the size of the room)


(v) Therapy materials specific for the SLT section –

1. Materials to build on PLB (Pre requisite
Learning Behaviours):

2. Eye mask
3. Bubbles
4. Kaleidoscope
5. Egg tray
6. Coloured balls / eggs
7. Large ball
8. Plastic Links
9. Stacking ring
10. Stacking cups
11. Mushroom pegs
12. Russian dolls
13. Magnetic fish game
14. Torch


(viii) Materials to build on Language skills:

1. Puzzles
2. Books (simple to difficult)
3. Potato man
4. Play dough
5. Flash cards
6. Doll & Puppets
Toy models & miniature objects e.g. vehicles / common objects / animals
8. Kitchen set
9. Basic musical instruments
(drum – guitar – bell)

(x) Materials to build on academic related skills–


1. Materials (to cover concepts of shapes colors body parts numbers

letters): such as, books, puzzles, beads, blocks,
2. Chalk box
3. White board marker
4. Stationery, papers
5. Crayons,
6. Pencils
7. Tape recorder & cassettes
8. Paints & paintbrushes

Materials for the common play area-

1. Swing
2. Slide
3. Sand play area
4. Sand play toys
5. See saw

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